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Thank you for considering investing in Clean Energy Solutions Unlimited. After 3 years of research and
innovation, CESU has developed a fail-safe Blowout Recovery System (BRS)destined to become an essential
component to offshore petroleum drilling operation. It doesn't prevent blowouts. Only good geo-seismic research
can do that. However, if deployed over a drill site before drilling begins, it will contain the pressure and venting
materials if a blowout occurs, enabling the gas and materials to be transported to the surface under control. If a
blowout doesn't occur, it can be reused on another site.
A worldwide market exists for low-cost, fail-safe Blowout Recovery Systems. The CESU system is
unique, in that it can be quickly airlifted and deployed over a blowout already in process. The open bottomed,
pass-through capabilities enable them to be lowered over a blowing well (or natural venting site), and anchored in
place and ballasted. The system is designed to prevent the venting gas from expanding and dissolving in the
surrounding water, forming methane hydrates and freezing. The compression chamber, when lowered over the
head of the well (or venting fissure) is subject to the same pressure of sea water as the drill pipe. This internal and
external balance of pressures enables the components to light enough to be deployed by helicopters.
The systems are designed to utilize the same geo-physical, and thermal-dynamic properties as the well
drillers to minimize technical complexity. The sea bottom weight-induced pressure typically is less, but still
roughly corresponds to the under-sea blow-out pressures, unless the encountered gas pressure originates from
much further below the ocean bottom. To compensate for possible pressure differences and irregularities, the
pressure containment chamber of the BRS provides an additional 10,000-psi of side-wall pressure containment.
Multiple ballast rings can be stacked and filled with seawater or concrete, to offset the blowout up-thrust pressure.
In this manner, the blowout pressures are contained, and the blowout material is prevented from freezing and can
be transported to the surface for containment there. The lightweight, non-corrosive, ballast containment rings also
utilize internal and external sea pressure balance to prevent the ballast rings from crushed by the weight of the sea.
The design is modular to enable it to be pre-fabricated, pre-assembled and pre-deployed, enabling them to
be scaled to the depths and pressures of a particular undersea drilling field. Their relatively low cost enables them
to be stockpiled, and pre-deployed over promising drill sites with risk of blowouts. Drilling could proceed
through the unit pressure chambers. If a gas pocket is encountered, the drill-set can be withdrawn, enabling the
top and bottom guillotine valves on the pressure chamber to be closed so collection risers can be attached to
channel the blowout to collection vessels on the surface. The combination of modular and custom design permits
assembly-line production, and permits the producer-specified flanges; bolt spacing for valves, risers and fittings
used by specific different producers to be accommodated.
The BRS position can be maintained in currents by sea anchors attached to the bottom plate. Once the
blowout pressure is determined, the appropriate number of ballast rings, containing up to 70 tons of ballast can be
added to seal the unit to the bottom terrain. If a blowout does not occur, the anchors, the individual ballast layers,
and the BRS can be retrieved and re-deployed.
Hanson Pressure Pipe, one of largest US pressure pipe engineering companies, has agreed to produce the
system at a 1:12 scale for proof of performance tests. The Director of the Southwest Research Institute in San
Antonio, Texas stated that the SWRI could accurately test the scale model for its pressure resistance and
harvesting performance in its ocean simulation lab. The cost estimate is likely to be $150,000 or more, depending
on the test requirements. Hanson will have the prototype ready for testing in about 6 months, and the test will
likely take an about 2 months. If the prototype performs as expected, Hanson will produce the basic components
of the both the Basic Recovery System and the sea bottom natural gas Harvesting Systems.
CESU got involved in solving oil and natural gas blowout problems when BP called for ideas to stop the
Macondo blowout in the Gulf of Mexico in April 2011. LSU's Department of Petroleum Engineering studied why
the well Blowout Preventer (BOP) failed, and they gratuitously sent us a copy of the report. The BOP failure was
due to a combination of factors--a weak battery that wasn't replaced; electric-powered hydraulic pumps that
couldn't cut through the drill pipe at the location where the flow-blocking blade was to cut. BP's efforts to capture
the blowing oil and gas with collection were foiled by freezing methane hydrates that plugged the substitute
risers. BP prevailed by drilling a relief well and designing a compound wrench capable of removing and
replacing multiple flange bolts simultaneously, to cap the wella tribute to their on-the-job engineering staff.

Most of the mainline and responsible oil and gas producers are searching for better blowout recovery
systems. About a dozen versions of "blowout containment devices," currently exist or are being developed by
different oil companies. British Petroleum has developed a massive oil-containment recovery system not unlike
ours, except that weighs 500 tons and must be disassembled into movable components and re-assembled on site to
be deployed. Most of containment designs are "in-house" designed temporary solutions. Several companies have
pooled $50 million to develop a universal blowout containment device. Our BRS is intended for this market.
The massive amounts of natural gas that are venting from hotspots all over the earth, as well as from
blowouts, are a growing concern for the environmental pollution they cause. The cost of cleaning up after oil-
laden blowouts makes our BRS an attractive investment. At any point in time, naturally venting methane and
blowouts are occurring, and with growing environmental concerns, most major oil and natural gas producers will
likely acquire multiple units if their cost is reasonable. Legislatures may soon require them. Our BRS is designed
to be low-priced, quick to deploy, modular and standardized, pre-deployable, and stockpiled at drill sites. If they
sell for $1 million, (a nominal amount at this time) each sale will yield 15% ($150,000) to Clean Energy
Solutions. By year two, we anticipate at least 5 BRS sales, earning $750,000 and $400,000 from consultation.
Performance and pressure tests to 20,000 psi at ocean depths of 3330 fathoms (about 3 miles) are needed.
Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio, Scripps Institute of Oceanography in San Diego can perform these
tests. I met with the SWRI lab director a month ago and found that SWRI has bathymetric test facilities and
needs $150,000 or more depending the test script and on the bathymetric depth needs. They test bathyscaphes that
are used in deep undersea explorations. Scripps uses mathematical simulation to evaluate performance, but takes
longer to get on their agenda. Testing the natural gas collection at onshore landfills will be done in situ at a local
landfill. Tests for collecting NG from Arctic thermo-karsts and Ocean seamounts and shorelines are anticipated
with the University of Alaska. We are seeking to work with Shell of Canada, for assistance with the tests there.
We are currently seeking an investment of $175,000 to test the performance of both a Blowout Recovery
System and an offshore, ocean bottom natural gas harvesting system. Both are developed from the BRS concept,
and the patent includes both types of applications. In return, we anticipate repaying the loan in the 2 years. A
12.5% rate of return on the investment is unusually high, at a time when 6% ROR is considered high. Investors in
this performance test will also have the first opportunity to invest in ownership of Clean Energy Solutions.
Since natural gas costs less than gasoline and diesel fuel and does not pollute the atmosphere, and due to
the nation's growing need for energy, we anticipate long term income as well. The ROI would be $750,000 if just
5 units were sold. Twenty sales were made in the next 5 years, and are not unrealistic, it would provide a return of
$3 million. There are over 100 offshore oil producers large enough to purchase at least two BRS(one to pre-
deploy on a planned drill site, and one to keep on hand in case a different drilled well happens to blow. That
would yield 200 sales, and $30 million dollars!
Because no responsible offshore oil producer can afford to be without one or two BRSs, it is reasonable to
assume a sales rate of 1,5 systems per producers, investors should average 15% on investments that will benefit
the oceans and air quality of the western hemisphere, Jacksonville' economy and tax base, the investor's ROI, the
system producer's profit statement, as well as and CESU 3+ years of research and development.
There are other derivations of the patented system as well. Nearly half of the natural gas in the western
hemisphere is located north of the Arctic Circle. With 28,200 miles of shoreline, and an annual summer loss of
almost half of its ice-cover, massive amounts of biomass are uncovered. This uncovered area, and some 7000
methane-rich thermo-karst lakes and wetlands in the surrounding tundra area, release tons of natural gas (about
65% methane and 20% carbon dioxide) into the atmosphere, each summer. This amount of potent greenhouse gas
in the atmosphere is warming it at a rate of nearly one degree F per year...some scientists fear a runaway process.
When our offshore BRS and NG harvesting systems are operating smoothly, we propose to develop floating, and
sub-sea collectors over the Arctic and other Canadian and American onshore and offshore NG hot spots.
With the help of the North Florida Universities, we are also developing Clean Energy Solutions
consulting services to be located in Jacksonville. Our patented inventions will contribute to this startup natural
gas industry in Jacksonville that we are proposing to you for funding assistance. If our proof of performance
produces no major problems, owning stock in Clean Energy Solutions won't be a bad investment either.
More productive and less environmentally risky ways of harvesting natural gas than drilling and
"fracking" are possible. The harvesting principals of our system can also be applied to offshore and onshore
surface harvesting, to keep the potent methane in natural gas from entering our atmosphere. A lot rides on the
investment of $175,000!


As the blowout pressure enters the compression chamber, it replaces the internal pressure supplied by the deep
seawater, keeping the pressures in balance. Any imbalance is absorbed by the 10,000 psi compression chamber,
Up-thrust pressure is countered by tons of water, or concrete, ballast in each of several stackable ballast-rings that
surround the pressure-containment chamber. The ballast weight also insures that the gasket under the bottom
plate seals the unit to the seafloor.
BP has tried to get around the patent by enclosing the pressure chamber in a gigantic 5 story stainless
steel exo-skeleton that ways thousands of tons to offset the upward thrusting pressure of the blowout. The
problem with that is it can't be airlifted to the blowout site, it has to be broken down into seven components before
even the giant Russian Tupolov "flying Crane" can lift it. Then it has to be reassembled under water at the
blowout site, a process that takes months. You can read about it in a former Times Union Article.

Since I already had my design patented, and BP's policy is to build their own solution to problems if they
can, BP launched into building their own BRS. BP', result is somewhat similar to mine, but it is too heavy to
airlift to a blowout, and has to be delivered to a blowout site in pieces and welded together at sea. BP was careful
to avoid our patent and has invested 2 million into their design thus far. Once completed, it may obtain the same
result as My system, but is at a greater projected cost, is more cumbersome to build and deploy, and more time
consuming to deploy so far. For example, there is (or was) a blowout in process in the Mexican Zone of the Gulf,
but according to the news article, BP's system is still in Houston. I believe that my design is so much better, I
believe that BP will eventually be a customer.

The cleanup after the Macondo well blowout was measured in the billions. Preventing that type of
catastrophe is equally valuable. We propose an investment of $175,000 for pressure and performance testing that
is needed prior to putting our system on the market. The risk is that basic physical principals will not perform as
expected. My company, Clean Energy Solutions Unlimited (CESU) is willing to share 20% of the value of the
lease to produce a fail-safe Blowout Recovery System (BRS). In exchange, we offer 20% of the leasing frees of
for a period of 5 years, which will yield $50,000 for each unit sold. The gain is 10% ROI, if but one unit is sold
per year, over the 5-year period. However, the gain is 300% of over 5 years if just 2 units are sold per year.
Preventing a Macondo type of catastrophe will save the 100 petroleum producers billions if this Blowout
Recovery System proves its performance at SWIR. CESU, the petroleum producers, the investors, Jacksonville,
our oceans and our atmosphere will all benefit from this investment of $200,000. You'll never get a better ROI!

Their value is really equally to the cost of a cleanup. We propose an investment of $200,000 that is key to putting
our system on the market, and will pay for itself in 3 years and net about $50,000 per year after thatfor a period
of 10 years. Our company, Clean Energy Solutions Unlimited (CESU) is willing to share 20% of the value of the
lease to produce a fail-safe Blowout Recovery System (BRS). "Blowout preventers similar to the one that failed in
the Macondo well disaster will be replaced by lower-cost fail-safe recovery systems. Investors of the system will
receive $50,000 for each BRS sold.
That lease is being prepared right now with a company that may"Blowout preventers similar to the one that failed
in the Macondo well disaster will be replaced by lower-cost fail-safe recovery systems. Investors of the system
will receive $50,000 for each BRS sold.
I have brought a scale model to illustrate how my model works. (BP's BRS uses a stainless steel exo-
skeleton structure to provide ballast and hold the pressure vessel in place over the blowing well head).

These relatively inexpensive units can be deployed over "suspect drill sites," and be quickly activated by
the on-site drilling manager if a blowout occurs. Once activated, the recovery system will confine the blowout
materials to a compression chamber, which will re-pressurize them, and restore their heat. This will prevent the
methane hydrate crystals (ice) that plugs the passages (risers) that lead to surface collection ships.
There are nearly 100 oil production companies drilling for oil near the edges of the continental shelves
that surround every continent but Antarctica. Every producer can be expected to acquire at least one BRS unit as
a hedge against a unexpected blowout. That could be a $500,000 initial return (if each of these companies
company bought just one unit) on a $200,000 investment. It is cheap insurance, given the value of cost of the oil
that would escape if not recovered, and the cost of cleaning up after a blowout.

We are seeking to build the BRS in Hanson's plant in Palatka, in NE Florida. We are also planning on
having at least one type of natural gas harvester, derived from the BRS, built in Jacksonville. The Palatka plant
would employ about 20 skilled people and the plant in North Jacksonville will employ about 10 people.

British Petroleum is has invested $2 million so far in producing a BRS that is an attempt at getting around
my patents. It utilizes a stainless steel exoskeleton with an internal pressure chamber. It must be moved in
sections (7) and only the Russian Flying Crane can lift a section. Our system is deployed by most heavy lift
helicopters, and the heavy ballast waiting at the drill site is in a mixing barge is in the form of liquid concrete
which can be pumped into the unit as soon as it is deployed. Of course, concrete is readily available everywhere
around the world.
The proposed blowout recovery system is designed to bring an offshore blowout under control within a
week or so, regardless of the damage to the wellhead and up-line. It involves deploying the system base
(compression chamber) over a well-head believed to be possibly at risk of a blowout, and anchoring it to the
bottom. Once pre-deployed, drilling can proceed through the center valve in the top of the compression chamber.
If a blowout occurs, the needed bowl rings and liquid concrete can be added to counter the blowout pressure, and
seal the unit to the bottom. If the system is deployed after a blowout occurs, the recovery unit and the necessary
rings deployed are deployed over the blowout and anchored, and the appropriate amount of concrete added before
the valves are remotely closed to re-pressurize and monitor the temperature of the venting materials.
The benefit of quick recoveries from subsea blowouts is incalculable. The blowout recovery systems are
designed for, and can be adjusted to a variety of offshore conditions. Depending on their size, they can be
deployed by helicopters, crane-barges, or floated to drill sites and lowered with the aid of ROV operators. The
recovery system aggregated cost is estimated to be considerably less than currently available BOPs. Depth, sub-
sea currents and sea-bottom conditions to determine facility size, and ballast and anchorage needs would be
collected during the drill-site surveys.

I met with the SWRI lab director a month ago and was assured that they could perform the tests.. I met
with the SWRI lab director a month ago and was assured that they could perform the tests. and other venting hot
spots, and collecting the valuable energy source in onshore storage tanks to slow the Arctic warming. With a 10-
year life expectancy, they can be relocated if some of the venting gas hotspot sites dissipate. The cost of the
producing and deploying collectors is about $5000 per hot spot, depending on the area covered...a cost low
enough to perhaps forestall a runaway Arctic ice-melt!

I have also developed a natural gas harvesting system that captures NG as it is naturally venting into the
oceans and atmosphere. Profuse venting is taking place around the in various hot spots around the globe, and
particularly in the western hemisphere and in the Arctic region. It is venting on both along all of Florida's
shorelines and in the Caribbean Sean and Gulf of Mexico. The US Geologic Survey estimates that nearly 40 % of
the earths natural gas stores are located in the Arctic region and in the central and Northeastern regions of the US,
and another 15% is in the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexicoover half of the world's NG resources.

Proving that the contained pressure in the compression chamber will heat the gas and material hot enough to
prevent methane hydrate crystals from forming and plugging the riser is no. 1 proof needed. The second proof
needed is that the compression chamber will not collapse under 20,000 psi. About 16,000 psi is what is
experienced in the 2mile deep ocean off the coast of Brazil, + a mile of earth under the ocean where the oil is
located. The blowout recovery system BRS as designed to withstand the up to 20,000 upthroust and surrounding
psi. we need to know how much ballast (concrete weight) is needed to prevent the system from lifting off the
bottom. SWRI can perform these tests . I need to write detailed descriptions of these tests and what answers we
are looking for and submit these to SWIR and they will respond with the amount of money needed.
Testing for the NG harvester is much easier. I have a local company that will build the test harvester, it will cost
about 10 thousand for prototype. We will then need to place this over a known offshore or onshore bayou or
arctic thermo-karsts and measure how much gas we can collect over one summer. That cost will be$30,000 to
deploy it in the Arctic and have the Univ. of Alaska or one of the U.S. universities to monitor and report on the
test. We want to see if we can collect enough gas on one summer, and therefor how many summers of
deployments will be needed to pay for the harvester and the deployments.
These "game changers" were designed to recover from blowouts, and to harvest venting natural gas. They are
patented, and await performance testing in subsea pressures and Arctic temperatures. The Southwestern Research
Institute can simulate these conditions and test the system's performance. A display model is being prepared to
aid in visualizing its functions. If the Game Changer Committee sees merit in assisting with testing the system's
performance, we can enter into an agreement that benefits the environment, Shell, and Solutions Unlimited.

Arden L. Brey CEO, Energy Solutions Unlimited, 904 349 5900,

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