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Nova Praetoria RPG Digital Plus Version

Player Digital Wifi Tablets
GM Digital Wifi Tablet
Digital Playing Board
Microchipped Playing Pieces
Digital Wifi Playing Tablets.
This can be a standalone device or an App usable on Mainstream Tablets.
The Purpose of this device is to substitute all rule books and the players on character sheet
!including card use concepts". The interface is designed to allo ma#imum interactivity and ease of
use by the player and GM. $ts purpose is to make the game easier% smoother and more intune ith a
&ci'(i game.
Software for Players:
)ontains the players character sheet and allos him to vie the other players visible details as ell
as any game details that the GM has alloed. $n addition to this it allos the player to access all
ingame rules information.
The players tablet also allos him to customise his character information% interact ith other
players and the game% provide him ith a digital vie of the board and e#tra information such as
ranges and enemies he kno about% and% interact ith all threats programmed by the GM or placed
on the board both automatically and manually !as in choosing to attack a creature".
Software for the GM:
The GM*s tablet has much more detail and interactivity than the players do. $t contains the ability to
override the players tablet information manually and lock that information for the game. $t contains
a full map building engine that can +oom in and out to any level and provides the GM ith all
information needed to make any decision in the game.
The GM*s Tablet is linked to the players and the board and his does not have any secret information
in it% even information that the players have chosen to hide from the other players. There is also a
function that allos for to GM*s and then the GM*s may block information from their players to
the other GM.
The GM can also save modified versions of the rules that ill override the rules interacted ith in
the game% including players% it also changes the visible rules shon to the players and GM to reflect
The Digital Playing Board:
The actual board could be a matt or interconnected tiles that register the position of players ontop of
them. This information is then relayed to the GM and Player*s Tablet% hose programs act
The board does not need to receive information only transmit the information. The players turns are
moderated by the GM*s tablet and they declare on the tablet hen they are moving so that the
information being transmitted does not confuse the program.% The Program ill also recognise
hen a player or ,P) piece is not on the s-uare it is supposed to and may halt the game to correct
the issue.
Micro chipped Playing Pieces:
The playing pieces in the game have a microchip of some sort that interacts ith the playing board
and allos it to tract the piece and relay that information to the GM and players.
The Character Sheet:
The a player normally has a double sided playing sheet that has stats and lists hich re-uire him to
remember that they are there and to remember hat the rules concerning them are. The Digital
)haracter sheet allos the player to upload the rules of skills% feats% abilities% items% levels% etc etc
that he gains throughout the game. The GM recieves arnings of all uploads so that the player
cannot cheat% the other players only receive arnings about hat effects them.
.pgrades to the character sheet can be activated /ust like attacking or ill activate automatically if
needed !or set to" in addition to the player having easier access to them. $tems and folloers of the
player can also have their location set in the inventory menu. &pells etc are set to a spell book that
can be customised according to the players needs
All sections of the character sheet can be set up as a &hortcut Button on the main page of the
character sheet. 0ach page of the character sheet can be siped to from the main page% ith a hand
gesture causing automatic back tracking to the main screen.

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