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May 2014

Dear mission partner,

We have arrived in Guatemala! We are here studying Spanish for
three months in preparation for the work in Lima, Peru. This
newsletter comes to you after our rst full week of
Spanish language instruction.
At our school, Christian Spanish Academy in Antigua
Guatemala, we each work with a private instructor ve
hours per day, ve days per week "except Zechariah who is
still too young#. These are long, tiring days, but they are
My teacher, Elena, is a Guatemalan Lutheran who is active
in her local congregation and with mission trips. Her
daughter also works for an LCMS Rostered Service Organization.
Elena is a great teacher and a great new friend.
Amandas class is going well. Though Zechariah spends his time at
a table with his Mom, he is perfectly content to play quietly on his
Antigua: Our new home!
Gale Family Newsletter
Were on our way to Lima, Peru! This letter will keep you
updated as we start on the road to service overseas.
May 2014
iPad while class is in session. Katy also has language class, but hers
is geared toward her age, meaning a lot of crafts and play to learn
some basics of Spanish.
While here in Antigua, we are living with a host family in
their wonderful home. The set$up of the house is quite
di%erent than were used to in the States. Theres no
hallways, but the rooms have their own doors facing
inside toward an outdoor patio and courtyard. The
family is very welcoming and hospitable, and they have
made the transition that much easier.
The city of Antigua is old and very beautiful. Its colonial
courtyard houses and shops line cobblestone streets
under the shadow of an enormous volcano. My very
limited Spanish makes it kind of hard to get around, but
my prociency is getting better every day.
We also have a church home here at the Lutheran Center in
Antigua, and we worship there on Sunday.
I look forward to giving you a window into our lives during this
exciting time!
How to Get News
I am regularly on Facebook posting pictures and information on
how we are doing in Guatemala. Also, I will be sending my regular
newsletters. If you have a question, feel free to email me at the
address listed below. A blog is also in the works for the near future.
How to Contact and Support
Pastor Gale
Giving Page:
You may support my work with a tax$deductible gift on my Giving
Page listed above, or with a check payable to The Lutheran Church
&Missouri Synod, including Gale: Peru on the memo line, and
sent to: Mission Central, 40718 Highway E 16, Mapleton, IA 51034.
Antigua and her sleepy volcano
A look from my seat at the
school courtyard, with the
volcano visible over the roof

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