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Emilio Ambasz
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Emilio Ambasz
2orn in Argentina in &+),3 he graduated at 4rinceton 5niversit# 67ompleted the undergraduate
program in one #ear3 and ollowing #ear3 he earned a 8aster9s $egree in Architecture: and at the
age o 2( was alread# 7urator o $esign at the 0ew ;ork 8useum o 8odern Art3 where in &+(&
he organized the historic exhibition on Italian design <Ital#: =he 0ew $omestic >andscape<. =his
exhibition showed his abilit# as a livel# cultural promoter and revealed his pround understanding
o industrial products.
Among these was <Vertebra<3 the amous series o seat or the oice3 or which he was presented
with man# international
Ambasz is responsible in the design ield or the inventions o a completel# autonomus orm o
planning: new product are designed in global manner including the design o the engineering and
machiner# necessar# or production.
Ambasz has used this ormula planning man# other products or urnishing and lighting.
?aving put a personal poetics o lightness into practice in a series o interiors3 he graduall# came
to be an advocator o a closer bond between nature and artiice.
=his was paticular# true in a series o pro!ects o buildings which are partiall# or completel#
buried and upon which and around which the natural environment lourishes: examples o these
are the 8#cal 7ultural 7enter in -hin"-anda in @apan3 a residence and private art galler# in
8ontana3 5-A3 and the 4reectural International ?all in Aukuoka in @apan.
In recognition o his singular creative talent3 numerous exhibitions3 have been dedicated to him at
important institutions3 rom the 0ew ;ork 8useum o 8odern Art 6<Emilio Ambasz:
Architecture<3&+.+: to the 8ilan =riennal 6personal architecture and design show3 &++/:.
&++% 6AIA: Buaternario Award
&+.( 6AIA: Crand 4rize International Interior $esign Award
&+.* 6AIA: I$EA Award 6I$-A3 Industrial $esign:
&+(* 4A Award
Emilio Ambasz : =he 4oetics o the 4ragmatic
=he International $esign ;earbook 2
Architecture o >uis 2arragan
Emilio Ambasz Inventions : =he Dealit# o the Ideal
Emilio Ambasz -teven ?oll Architecture
Emilio Ambasz3 Inventions : =he Dealit# o the Ideal
-tudium: 5niversit# o 4rinceton 6&+** 8.A.A. Er Architektur:.
&+**"*+ 4rinceton3 -chool o Architecture.
&+*( zusammen mit 4eter Eisenman CrEndung des Institute or Architecture and 5rban -tudies3
0ew ;ork.
&+(%"(* Gustos Er $esign am 8useum o 8odern Art3 0ew ;ork.
-eit 8itte der (%er @ahre tFtig in 4artnerschat mit dem $esigner Ciancarlo 4iretti3 2ologna.
&+.& 7hie $esigner 7onsultant der 7ummins Engine 7o.3 Indiana.
&+.2 7oordinator o Archit. -ection am 8useum o 8odern Art3 0ew ;ork.
Industrial $esigners -ociet# o AmericaH
&+.& 4resident9s Advisor# 4anel on $esign and ArchitectureH
&+.&"./ 4rFs. Archit. >eague3 0ew ;ork.
&+*+/(% Craham Aound. Aellowship Er Gonzept <5niversit# o $esign<H
&+(, Award des Amer. Inst. o Craphic Arts Er GatalogeinbandgestaltungH
&+(/ 4rix @ean de la AontaineH
&+(* 4rogressive Architecture Award Er Crand Dapids 4ro!ectH
&+.% 4rogressive Architecture Award Er 7ordoba house.
AEr Vertebra: &+(( Inst. o 2usiness Cold 4rizeH &+(( $esign Deview AwardH &+(+ 4reis des
-alone 8obile et Apporechiature d95icio3 ItalienH &+.& Industrial $esigners -oc. 7ompasso
d9Iro3 Italien.
AEr >ogotec: &+.% 0at. Industrial $esign AwardH &+.& Industrial $esign 8ag.9s $esigners 7hoice
Award. AEr $orsal: &+.2 0at. Industrial $esign AwardH &+.2 $eutsche Auswahl 9.23 -tuttgart.
Alternativ zu den dominierenden 2auweisen rEckt A. energietechnologische Jberlegungen ins
Kentrum seiner architektonischen Arbeit. -eine Gonzeption von Architektur als <landscapes o
ecological shelter< kann als posttechnologisch bezeichnet werden. Als $esigner entwickelten A.
und 4iretti zwei international beachtete neue =#pen von 2Ero"Inneneinrichtungen 6Vertebra3 &+(*
und $orsal3 &+.%: sowie verkehrstechnische 2eleuchtungss#steme 6>ogotec3 &+.% und Iseris3
Allgemeines GEnstlerlexikon 6AG>:
-higeru 2an
E. Ambasz3 -. 2an
4rinceton Architectural 4ressH 4rinceton 65-A:H 2%%%
>a piazza dello ?ouston 7enter3 ?ouston: immagine metaorica della
cittL M ?ouston 7enter 4laza.3 ?ouston: metaphoric image o the cit#
in: >otus International3 &+.,3,+
E. Ambasz
-. */ " *+
>uis 2arragNn: the =ama#o 8useum celebrates one o architecture9s
unsung heroes
in: ?ouse O Carden3 2/&+.*
E. Ambasz
-. &. " &+32.
=adao Ando: unbuilt pro!ects P&+(/"&++&" special eatureQ
in: -pace design3 */&++23,,,
=. Ando3 E. Ambasz3 G. 8atsuba3 ;. =ominaga3 A. Gitagawara3 =. Ito
-. / " &)*
8elodie di cartone: -higheru 2an9s cardboard architecture
in: >9Arca3 &++23*/
E. Ambasz
-. (* " .,
$emocratic monument: 0eue -taatsgalerie3 -tuttgart
in: =he Architectural Deview3 &+.)3&%/)
A. ?. 7ol'uhoun3 D. 2anham3 E. Ambasz3 @. I. 2ohigas Cuardiola3 R. @.
D. 7urtis
-. &+ " )(
4laza 8a#or3 -alamanca
in: Architectural $esign3 &"2/&+.)
E. Ambasz
-. )) " )/
2e#ond metaphor3 beore orm
in: $esign 'uarterl#3 &+.23&&."&&+
E. Ambasz
-. ) " &&
?ouston 7enter 4laza
in: Architectural $esign3 &"2/&+.)
E. Ambasz
-. )* " )(
-an Antonio 2otanical 7onservator#3 =exas
in: Architectural $esign3 ,")/&+..
E. Ambasz
-. )* " )(
Aabula rasa: una casa sotto terra 7ordoba M 5nderground home in
in: >9Arca3 &+.(3&%
E. Ambasz
-. &2 " &/
7arlo -carpa
in: 4rogressive Architecture3 //&+.&
C. 4ietropoli3 C. Danalli3 D. 8iller3 0. 8iller3 E. Ambasz
-. &&( S &,(
-iviglia si ilette nel mondo M -eville relects the world
in: >9Arca3 &+.(3.
E. Ambasz
-. )% S )(
-alamanca: la 4laza 8a#or: un giardino nella cittL3 una cittL nel giardino
M -alamanca: the 4laza 8a#or: a garden in the cit#3 a cit# in the garden
in: >otus International3 &+.,3,+
E. Ambasz
-. *2 " *)
Arammenti per un <credo< M Aragments or a <credo<
in: >9Archittetura3 cronache e storia3 &&/&++&3),,
E. Ambasz
-. ..+ " +%/
Emilio Ambasz
in: I0 $iseTo3 &++&3&2.
E. Ambasz
-. &%2 " &(&
Aabula rasa
in: Via3 &+.)3(
E. Ambasz
-. .* " .(
A selection rom Rorking Aables: a 7ollection o $esign =ales or
-keptic 7hildren
in: Ippositions3 &+()3)
E. Ambasz
-. */ S ()
Aor sale: Advanced design3 tested and read# to run
in: $esign3 &+((3,)*
E. Ambasz
-. /% S /,
7asa Arancisco Cilardi3 8exico 7it#H architects: >uis 2arragNn and DaUl
in: 4rogressive Architecture3 +/&+.%
E. Ambasz
-. &,. S &)&
7arrelli elevatori a Rall -treet " planning the lexible oice interior
in: >9Arca3 &+.(3,
E. Ambasz
-. .) S .(
8ilano3 &+2%"&+)%
in: -k#line3 &+.2
E. Ambasz3 D. A. Etlin
-. &. S 2,
>e ollie di Emilio: l9uomo V un9isola M Emilio9s oll#: man is an island
in: >9Arca3 &+.(3&%
E. Ambasz
-. 22 S 2,

Fukuoka, Japan, was in need of a new government
office building and the only available site was a large
two-block park that also happened to be the last
remaining green space in the city center. Ambasz was
awarded the commission for successfully achieving
reconciliation between these two opposing aims:
maintaining the green space of the eisting park while
providing the city of Fukuoka with a multi-use,
symbolically decisive building. !nder the building"s
fourteen one-story terraces lie more than one million
s#uare feet of space, containing an ehibition hall,
museum, $%%%-seat proscenium theater, conference
facilities, &%%,%%% s#uare feet of government and
private offices, as well as large underground parking
and retail spaces.
location: Fukuoka, Japan
client: 'ai-ichi (eimei
cost: *+,%.%-
area: .,%%%,%%% s# ft

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