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LO3 Understanding the regulation of the media sector

Film Classification and Censorship

Who are the BBFC and what do they do?
The BBFC stand for the British Board of Film Classification. They are in charge
of putting ratings on films. They do this to:
Protect the public, and especially children, from content which might raise
harm risks.
Empower the public, especially parents, to make informed viewing choices.
Recognise and respect adult freedom of choice within the law.
Respond to and reflect changing social attitudes towards media content
through proactive public consultation and research.
Provide a cost-effective, efficient classification service within our statutory
Work in partnership with the industry to develop innovative service models
to provide content advice which support emerging media delivery systems.
Provide an effective service to enforcement agencies

What are the 6 UK classification certificates?
There are 6 classification certificates these are:
U- The U symbol stands for Universal. A U film should be suitable for audiences
aged four years and over.
PG- PG stands for Parental Guidance. This means a film is suitable for general
viewing, but some scenes may be unsuitable for young children. A PG film
should not unsettle a child aged around eight or older.
12/12A- Films classified 12A and video works classified 12 contain material that
is not generally suitable for children aged under 12. No one younger than 12
may see a 12A film in a cinema unless accompanied by an adult.

LO3 Understanding the regulation of the media sector

15- No-one under 15 is allowed to see a 15 film at the cinema or buy/rent a 15
rated video. 15 rated works are not suitable for children under 15 years of age
18- Films rated 18 are for adults. No-one under 18 is allowed to see an 18 film
at the cinema or buy / rent an 18 rated video. No 18 rated works are suitable
for children.
R18- R18 category is a special and legally-restricted classification primarily for
explicit works of consenting sex or strong fetish material involving adults. Films
may only be shown to adults in specially licensed cinemas, and video works
may be supplied to adults only in licensed sex shops. R18 videos may not be
supplied by mail order.
Why does the BBFC classify films?
They do this so that there is a boundary on what age group is allowed to watch
what. As you wouldnt let a four year old watch an 18 with nudity and strong
language. The classifications are there as a barrier and to protect those of a
young age of what they should and shouldnt be watching.
What is censorship?
Film censorship can be generally defined as the control of information or
thoughts. Censorship is used by government or relevant organizations to put a
stop to the distribution of material that is not fit for public viewing. In wartime,
information about troop actions, impending battle plans etc. would be
Give an example of censorship. (Include film title, complaint/reason for censoring and
In 201 the film The Human Centipede was banned. The reason for this was
that originally it was banned because of high explicit sexual violence and it was
very graphical and disturbing to some viewers. The BBFC made 32 cuts in the
film. The horror sequel tells of a deranged man who conducts bizarre human

LO3 Understanding the regulation of the media sector

How do you make a complaint about a film?
There are many ways to complain about a film but to make a formal complaint
you go to the website:
You could also go to the BBFC if you are shocked at the rating given to a film,
which clearly is not suitable for the age it is classified for.

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