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Since the last few years, the environment of the business world
has completely changed. The modern business placed on a very
complex and intricate environment, the constraints and opportunities
provided by the nature of the economy and the economic system,
political and legal framework, social system, geographical and
demographic factors etc. have profound impact on the business. Many
developments have taken place during the last one and half decade,
with the opening of Indian economy through globalization and rapid
industrialization. evelopments have taken place in almost all the
sector, viz. the Technology, !inance, "ommunication, #ealth,
$ngineering, etc.
%eeping all the drastic changes in mind, our recognized Institute,
MBA HRD Department A.P.S. University Rea, have outlined a
summer training programme to gather various information from
different industries. It facilitates the students to understand and grasp
&uickly. It increases the skills, knowledge, team spirit and above all
the potentiality of the students to keep pace with the rapid growth of
The purview of my study is to learn much knowledge from
practical studies and not merely from theoretical studies.
Meanin! "#
'bsenteeism means absence of workers from the regular work
without prior permission notice or sanction.
'bsenteeism is said to be there when an employee fails to come
to work when he is scheduled to work.
In other words, it signifies the absence of an employee from work
when he is scheduled to be at work( it is unauthorized, unexplained,
avoidable, and willful absence from work calculating the rate of
absenteeism, two facts are taken into consideration the number of
persons scheduled to work and the number actually present. ' worker
who reports for any part of a shift is to be considered present. 'n
employee is to be considered scheduled to work when the employer has
no reason to expect, well in advance , that the employee will not be
available for work at the specialized time. 'ny $mployee may Stay
away from work if he is taken leave to which he is entitled, or on the
ground of sickness or some accident. Thus absence may be authorized
or unauthorized, willful or caused by circumstance beyond one)s
De$initi%n "#
A&&.T% 'e(ster)s Di&ti%nary"#
*'bsenteeism is the practice or habit of being )absentee) and an
)absentee) is one who habitually stays away*.
A&&.T% *a(%+r B+rea+, Sim-a"#
*'bsenteeism is the total man shift lost because of absences as a
percentage of the total number of man shift scheduled to work*.
'bsenteeism is an important problem in many enterprises. $xcessive
absenteeism involves a considerable loss to the enterprise because work
scheduled are upset and delayed, and management has to give overtime
wages to meet the delivery dates. The rates of overtime wages are double
than the normal rates of wages .Therefore, study of causes of absenteeism is
essential to deal with the problem.
+orker may remain absent from the regular work due to hard nature
of ,obs, monotony in the work - the personal region. This leads to
absenteeism. It is a normal - natural tendency among the factory workers.
*'bsenteeism is means absence of workers from the regular work without
prior permission, notice of sanction. It is unauthorized leave - its difference
from regular leaves or holidays. In brief, absenteeism means absence which
is avoidable - willful. .nauthorized absence from regular duty is
absenteeism. #owever, absence on account strikes, lock outs etc. oes not
constitute absenteeism.
The rate of absenteeism is expressed as the percent of man days lost
through absence to the total no. of man days scheduled in a give period.
/umber of Man days lost through absence
'bsenteeism 0 122
/umber of man days scheduled to work
The number of man days scheduled to work is calculated by
multiplying the average number of workers by the number of working days
during the give period.
'bsenteeism is an universal problem in industry. It becomes a
problem when it exceeds 123 as it disturbs the production schedules -
creates many problems. 4ersonal researchers have found that generally small
percentage of employees 51637 account for a large percentage of
'bsenteeism 58237. Such employees are likely to have low interest in their
tasks. 'nd to be physically below par research studies have further revealed
that 9:
1. The days before - after a holiday are liable to higher rate of
;. +omen are absent more after than man.
<. =ad weather employees who live at distance places.
>. $mployees under the age of ;6 years - above the age of 66 years are
absent more often than those in the age group of ;?:66 years.
6. @perative employees are absent more fre&uently than the supervisors
- managers.
Types %$ A(senteeism "#
./ A+t0%ri1e2 A(senteeism "#
4re information and approval re&uired for being absent physically from
work place viz. leave 5casual leave, sick leave, special leave7 etc.
3/ Una+t0%ri1e2 A(senteeism "
In information and no approval re&uired for being absent physically from
work place, popularly known as )absent).
4/ Bri2!in! A(senteeism "
This type of absenteeism bridges up between unauthorized and authorized
absenteeism initially, no information and no approval but after availing it gets
approved by authority on production of decants like $SI, medical certificates or by
,ustifying the reasons whatsoever. This type of absenteeism produce a lot of
confusion in data because initially it "" $S under unauthorized category and
afterwards it comes under authorized absenteeism. It is fact that tills type of
absenteeism is exercised in : abundance.
'ccording to another classification, there are two types of absenteeism,
each of which re&uires a different type of approach.
./ 5nn%&ent A(senteeism
Innocent absenteeism refers to employees who are absent for reasons
beyond their control( like sicknes and in,ury, Innocent absenteeism is not culpable
which means that it is blameless. In a labour relation context tills means that is can
not be remedied or treated by disciplinary measures.
3/ C+-pa(-e A(senteeism
"ulpable absenteeism refers to employees who are absent without
authorization for reasons which are within their control. !or instance, an employee
who is on sick leave even though heAshe is not sick , and it can be work when they
really are sick by way of compensating, or if they feel they can)t be sick *again* so
soon after the last absence. .nhealthy patterns emerge amongst parents9 they
routinely work when they should be recuperating, and share their diseases in the
Much simpler, more honest and more productive are work environments
where employees feel free to tell their line managers and colleagues that their child
is ill, and then work from home. 5'nd it helps to be properly set up for this, with
remote access, etc7.
*' similar process could apply to people who are well enough to work
intermittently at home, but for whom a day in the office could be very debilitating.
This is especially helpfull for prople with chronic or impenitent conditions. '
work regime which re&uires rune:to:five seven days a week can be intrinsically
disabling for some people with chorus conditions or long term illnesses, or who are
recuperating from serious illness or in,ury. !lexible hours and home based working
can allow people in this position to maximize their contribution. and to increase
their wage:earning potential. In the end, the solutions should be about focusing on
what people can do, rather than on their non:attendance on the workplace.
It has been observed that the phenomenon of absenteeism does not
exist only in Indian industry( it is a universal fact. The difference is only in
terms of magnitude. The rate of absenteeism varies from 8 3 to nearly <23.
In some occupation, it has arisen to the abnormal level of >23 in some
seasons. The extent of absenteeism may differ from industry to industry
place to place and occupation to occupation it may also differ according to
the make up of workforce. 'bsenteeism may be extensive in a particular
department of an industry or a concern.
There have been many systematic studies of an absenteeism for
example : it has been observed that absenteeism among the younger
workman is extensive on Monday after the weekend, particularly among
unmarried men who after a late night on Sunday perhaps with their
girlfriend, hence find it difficult to get up and come on time and concentrate
on work and it is lowest on pay day.
in the .S' it has been observed that curiously enough the extent of
absenteeism is greater among youngster than the older employee greater
among women than man young man are generally found to be absent for a
verity of reasons, including restless ness and a sense of irresponsibility. In
some cases absenteeism of particular workers is due to reason connected
with the ,ob( a worker, for example may be absent because he does not like
his ,ob for some reason, or because he has unsatisfactory relations with his
superior or other employee. 'bsenteeism may also be due to sickness real.
There has been phenomena rise in absenteeism in some industries in
the cotton textile industry in madras in short of up from B.C3 in 1C61 to
1?.23 in 1CB2. Increased from 1;.83 to ;;.23 in =ombay and 1;3 to
;>.B3 in %anpur. ' similar trend was noticed in the woolen industry where
in the same period the percentage of absenteeism from 12.?3 to 1B.B in
These figures are of unauthorized absenteeism if to these are added the
liberal provisions awards and settlements for privilege leave , casual leave
sick leave maternity leave, it would be found that the number of non:
working days in the year in the industries in India is very large .
@n the basis of micro studies undertaken in different parts of the
country, certain observation may be made :
5a7. The rate of absenteeism is the lowest on pay day( it increase
considerably on the days fallowing the payment of wages and bonus.
The level of absenteeism is comparatively high immediately after
pay day, when workers either feel like having a good time or in some
after other cases return home to their village to make purchases for the
family and to meet them *The incident of absenteeism both before and
after a holiday has also been found to be higher than that on normal
5b7 'bsenteeism generally high among workers below 16 years of age and
those above >2. *The younger employees are not regular and punctual.*
5c7 The rate of absenteeism varies from department to department within a
unit. 'nd in the building and boling ,obs in which only a few workers
are employed and the physical conditions are better than other
5d7 The percentage of absenteeism is generally higher shifts than in the day
shifts. This is so because workers in the night shift experience greater
discomfort and uneasiness in the course of their work than they do
during day time.
5e7 The percentage of absenteeism is much higher in coal - mica mining
industries than in organized industries. This high percentage of
absenteeism is due to the engagement of laborers in the fields,
marriages and festivals, which together are esteemed to account for
about 86 percentage of the case of withdrawals drunkenness relaxation
or sickness.
5f7 'bsenteeism in India is seasonal in character. It is the highest during
march:'pril, May when land has to be prepared for monsoon sowing and
also in the harvest season 5September:@ctober7 when the rate goes as high as
>2 percentages.
In order to identify the causes - extent of 'bsenteeism, proper record
should be kept in every department for various causes of A(senteeism by
such divisions as age, sets days of week - classes of ,obs. It should be noted
that it is all most impossible to give a list of exact reason - their percentage.
The royal commission on labour observed that *high 'bsenteeism
among Indian labour is due to its rural orientation - its fre&uent urge fro
rural exodus*.
'ccording to 'charya *Modern industrial establishments, except,
perhaps, in very small ones, the indiviaual personality is more or place
irretrievably submerged in the ,ournal mass through sheer incident of being
thrown together with other individual for a certain purpose during the good
bit. of each day)s life. The individual $lbow room and is #ammered in to set
pattern, while the human spirit clamorous from open spaces - unfiltered air
so that it may kick its legs about for a change*
The incidence of industrial fatigue, trying climate, universal male
nutrition and the applying bad working condition. 'ggravate the feeling for
chance among industrial workers and sometime impact them to visit their
home fre&uently for rest and relaxation.
The evaluator of the personnel program should be classified the data
relating to 'bsenteeism and try to analysis the various cause 'bsenteeism
generally following are accountable for 'bsenteeism at work9:
1. /ature of work.
;. 4oor working conditions.
<. 'bsence of regular leave arrangement.
>. 4oor control.
6. 'bsence of transport facilities.
?. Dack of interest.
8. 'ttraction to village life.
B. 'ccidents.
C. 'lcoholism Eambling #abits.
12. Miscellaneous causes.
6./ Nat+re %$ '%r7"#
+hen work is through - monotonous in nature, the worker give tired
physically - mentally so he fre&uently remains absent without information
to the employer.
63/ P%%r '%r7in! C%n2iti%n"#
4oor working condition affect the worker)s health adversely. he is tired
of work environment - thus may remain away from work without any notice
to the employer.
64/ A(sen&e %$ Re!+-ar *eave Arran!ement "#
$very worker)s re&uires at least 16:;2 days leave in year for his
personal work. The employer should provide for such live to all worker.
#owever, in many factories, workers are not given leave as and when
re&uired naturally, workers remain absent without any intimation to the
employer. Thus, absence of regular leave arrangement leads labours
68/ P%%r C%ntr%-"#
4oor production - material control can result in 'bsenteeism, unless
the flow of work between departments is balanced - continuous, workers
may stay away from there ,obs because they loss their interest in the work
and also lose feeling of the importance being dependable.
69/ A(sen&e %$ Transp%rt Fa&i-ities"#
Many factories are located away from the city, limits. /aturally,
worker has to travel long distance. In case of any disturbance in the transport
system, workers are unable to reach their place of work at the proper time -
they have to remain absent. Thus transport difficulties leave to labour
6:/ *a&7 %$ 5nterest"#
Dack of interest - lack of feeling of responsibility - worth while ness
are also fundamental causes of 'bsenteeism. 'ttitude of mine cause by
environment - sociological factor may condition some to develop a feeling
of irresponsibility about going to work.
6;/ Attra&ti%n t% <i--a!e -i$e "#
Ma,ority of Indian workers come from village to town for
employment. 4hysically, they are in town but mentally they are in villages.
Their relative - family members are in the villages - maturely they feel like
visiting their villages often. This leads to 'bsenteeism. In addition, workers
have go to their native places due to illness of family member, court
member, socio religious festival, agricultural operations, etc. Such causes
leave to high labour 'bsenteeism.
6=/ A&&i2ent "#
Industrial accidents - occupational diseases bring about 'bsenteeism
depending upon the nature of the process and machinery used. 'ccident
make the worker)s in capable of work for some days. They also create mental
6>/ A-&%0%-ism ? Gam(-in! Ha(its"#
' number of worker)s in factory are used to drinking, gambling -
other habits. Such as workers are unable to attend duties regularly due to
such habits. This leads to 'bsenteeism particularly among the male workers.
6.@/ Mis&e--ane%+s Ca+ses "#
' miscellaneous group of causes include such factors as bas weather
another ,ob, personal business, friends this regard of rules, religious - social
festival etc.
Dabour absenteeism is harmful to both the employers and workers as
517 Incidence of industrial accidents increases
5;7 +orks who are habitually absent way be revoved from services
casual at a great hardship to their families.
5<7 /ormal work flow in the factory is disturbed
5>7 @verall production in the factories goes down
567 ifficulty is faced in execute the orders in time
5?7 "asual workers may have to be employed to meet production
schedules. Such workers are not trained properly.
587 @ver time allowance bill increases considerably because of
higher absenteeism
5B7 +hen a number of workers absent themselves, there is extra
pressure of work on their colleagues who are present.
5C7 +orkers lose wages for the unauthorized absence from work.
5127 #abitual absentees may be removed from service causing them
great hardship.
'n employee has to introduce suitable measures for reducing labour
absenteeism to the lowest level through it is not possible to remove it
completely. Such measures should be related to the important causes
responsible for high rate of absenteeism. The possible measures which an
employer can adopt are as fallows9:
.. Pr%per Se-e&ti%n"#
Fight types of people should be employed for various ,obs. +hile
assigning work to the employees, their aptitudes and interests should be duty
considered. This will make them feel interest in their ,obs.
3. Pr%per Orientati%n"#
The new employees should be inducted in such a way that their
critical attitude is reduced as &uickly as possible to avoid absenteeism from
this source.
4. Better '%r7in! C%n2iti%n"#
+orkers some times, remain absent due to hard nature of ,obs and bad
working conditions. 'n employer can provide proper working condition so
that worker may not have industrial fatigue similarly, it is possible to make a
hard ,ob little lighter by introducing suitable measures.
F%r EAamp-e" # Mechanical device should be used to reduce manual labour
of workers. It is possible to reduce labour absenteeism to a considerable
extent by providing working conditions.
8. Pr%visi%n %$ Transp%rt ? H%+sin! Fa&i-ities"#
"ash prizes may be given to those who are regular through the year
workers who are regular may be given bonus for their regularity in
attendance should be taken into consideration while giving promotions. Such
positives measures en courage workers to be disciplined by layoffs,
discharges and denial of promotion - other privileges.
9. 5n&entive B%n+s t% Re!+-ar Emp-%yees"#
"ash prizes may be given to those who are regular through out the
year. +orker who is regular may be given special bonus for their regularity.
Fegularity in attendance should promotions. Such positive measures
encourage workers to be regular in their attendance.
:. Dis&ip-inary A&ti%n "#
4unitive action should be taken against those who have the habit of
taking leave without proper sanction. =efore taking any disciplinary action
against the chronic offenders, their name should be ade&uately published in
the organization. If the need arises, the chronic offenders may be disciplined
by layoff, discharges and denial of promotion and other privileges.
;. Preventi%n %$ A&&i2ents"#
Industrial accident or even fear of industrial accidents may increase
absenteeism. The management should taken ade&uate safely measures to
minimize industrial accidents in the workshop.
=. E$$e&tive S+pervisi%n"#
'bsenteeism can be reduced to a great extent by effective supervision.
Supervisors - foreman should be given ade&uate training to deal with
various problems of workers. 'bsenteeism will be at a low level if the
supervisors are able to win the confidence of workers.
>. Emp-%yee C%+nse-in! "#
'bsenteeism is essentially related to individual behaviour and can be
better tackled through guidance and counseling. +orkers should be given
proper education - orientation as regards absenteeism and their ill effects on
them. They should be encouraged to be regular through proper information,
education, and guidance. #abitual absentee should be called by the personnel
counselors to impress upon the seriousness of their absence and the need to
be regular.
'bsenteeism is a universal problem in) industry and is riot peculiar to
Indian industries =ut the rate of absenteeism has been relatively higher in
India. Fesearch studies conducted by Bhri Fam "entre for Industrial
Felations, $mployers) !ederation of India and the /ational productivity
"ouncil reveal the following peculiarities of absenteeism in India.
5a7 The rate of absenteeism has been more than 12 per cent.
5b7 ' small percentage of employees 516 per cent7 account for a large
percentage 58237 of the total absenteeism. These chronic absentees
have negative perceptions and attitudes e.g. the company is neither
fair not ,ust, supervisors are production entered, workgroup is
unhelpful, and grievance handling, suggestion schemes and ,oint
committees are mere formalities,
5c7 There has been a seasonal bias in the causes making for absenteeism
for example, absenteeism due to sickness was highest in Guly
September and lowest in 'pril Gune.
5d7 'bsenteeism has been greater in night shifts than in day shifts.
5e7 'bsenteeism is generally higher in the department where super visors
are work:oriented and careless for employee welfare.
5f7 The rate of absenteeism is likely to be higher in days before and after
a holiday.
5g7 +omen tend to be absent more often than men.
5h7 $mployees below the of ;6 years and above the age of 66 years are
absent more often than those in the age group of ;? to 66 years.
5i7 +orkers tend to be absent more fre&uently than supervisors and
5,7 'bsenteeism is generally higher in large organizations than in small
5k7 'bsenteeism is lowest on the pay day and is highest immediately after
the pay day.
5l7 There is tremendous scope for reducing absenteeism through union
leadership within an organization.
Gaypee Eroup is five decade old conglomerate based in /oida, India,
involved in various industries that include $ngineering, construction ,
"ement, 4ower, #ospitality, Feal $state, $xpressways, #ighways,
$ducation and Social "ommitment. Shri. Gaiprakash Eaur, !ounder
"hairman of Gaiprakash 'ssociates Dimited after ac&uiring a iploma in
"ivil $ngineering in 1C62 from the .niversity of Foorkee, had a stint with
Eovt. of ..4. and branched off on his own, to start as a civil contractor in
1C6B, group is the <rd largest cement producer in the country. The groups
cement facilities are located in the Satna "luster 5M.47, which has one of the
highest cement production growth rates in India.
1C8C : Gaiprakash 'ssociates 4vt Dtd formed and sets foot in Ira&.
1CB1 : "ommenced #otel =usiness with first hotel in elhi :
1CB; : #otel Hasant "ontinental was set up
1CB? : "ommissioning of 1st unit of 1 MT4' Gaypee Fewa 4lant
5GF47 in istrict Fewa, M4 !ormation of Gaiprakash Industries Dtd
1CB8 : GID listed on =ombay Stock $xchange
1CC1 : "ommissioning of ;nd unit of 1.6 MT4' Gaypee Fewa 4lant
1CC; : Gaiprakash #ydro 4ower Dtd established to operate <22 M+
=aspa II #$ 4ro,ect, Gaiprakash 4ower Hentures Dtd established to
operate >22 M+ Hishnuprayag #$ pro,ect
1CC< : GID signs M@. to develop - operate 1222 M+ %archam
+angtoo #$ 4ro,ect
1CC6 : Gaypee =ela "ement incorporated to establish <rd "ement 4lant
at =ela, #otel Gaypee Fesidency Manor set up
1CC? : "ommissioning of the <rd cement plant ;.6 MT4' Gaypee =ela
4lant in istrict Fewa, M4
1CCC : #otel Gaypee 4alace, 'gra set up
;222 : Gaypee Ereens Dtd I >6B acre golf centric real estate company
comes into being
;221 : Gaypee Institute of Information Technology 5deemed
.niversity since /ov 1 ;22>7 set up at /@I'
;22; : Gaypee %archam #ydro "orporation Dtd established to operate
1222 M+ %archam +angtoo #$ 4ro,ect, Gaypee .niversity of
Information Technology 5State university7, +aknaghat set up
;22< : Gaypee Institute of $ngineering Technology 5"onstituent
"entre of G.IT, +aknaghat7 set up at Faghogarh, Euna. Dater this
institute was declared first private state university of Madhya 4radesh
as Gaypee .niversity of $ngineering - Technology. 'lso 1st "aptive
Thermal 4ower 4lant of ;6 M+ commissioned at GF4. !ormation of
Gaiprakash 'ssociates Dtd 5G'D7 by merging GID with Gaypee "ement
;22> : "ommissioning of ;nd "aptive 4ower 4lant of ;6 M+ at
Gaypee =ela 4lant
;226 : Shares of G#4D listed on =S$A/S$. !irst hydropower company
to be listed in the country
;22? : Setting up of Madhya 4radesh Gaypee Minerals "orporation
Dtd 5M4GM"D7 in GH with M4 State J;228 : Signing of a ,oint
venture agreement with Steel 'uthority of India Dtd for setting up a
;.2 MT4' slag based cement plant at =hilai.
;22B : Gaypee Eanga Infrastructure "orporation Dtd incorporated for
implementation of 12>8 km long B lane access controlled expressway
between Ereater /oida and =allia in .4,"hunar and alla cement
plants 5.44"D7 in .4 commissioned
;22C : 'malgamation of four Eroup "ompanies, namely, Gaypee
"ement Dimited, Eu,arat 'n,an "ement Dimited, Gaypee #otels
Dimited and Gaiprakash $nterprises Dimited with flagship company
G'D. 'c&uired Sangam 4ower Eeneration "ompany Dtd. Signing of
M@. for setting up a ;.2 million tonnes per annum capacity cement
plant in ,oint venture with 'ssam Mineral evelopment "orporation
Dimited 5'M"7. Eroup is setting up a Gaypee #itech "asting "entre.
'malgamation of Gaiprakash 4ower Hentures Dtd. with Gaiprakash
#ydro:4ower Dtd.( the name of the "ompany i.e. Gaiprakash #ydro:
4ower Dtd. changed to Gaiprakash 4ower Hentures Dtd.
;211 : "ommissioning of 1.86 MnT4' Gaypee #imachal "ement
Erinding and =lending 4lant, =agheri 5#.4.7., ;.; MnT4' =hilai
Gaypee "ement Dtd., Satna 5Madhya 4radesh7., 1.; million tonnes
Gaypee Foorkee "ement Erinding .nit 5GF"E.7 at Foorkee,
The Gaypee Eroup is a well diversified infrastructural industrial conglomerate
in India. @ver the decades it has maintained its salience with leadership in its
chosen line of businesses : $ngineering and "onstruction, "ement, 4rivate
#ydropower, #ospitality, Feal $state evelopment, $xpressways and #ighways.
The group has been discharging its responsibilities to the satisfaction of all its
shareholders and fellow Indians, summed by its guiding philosophy of *Erowth
with a #uman !ace*
Transforming challenges into opportunities has been the hallmark of the
Gaypee Eroup, ever since its inception four decades ago. The group is a diversified
infrastructure conglomerate and has a formidable presence in $ngineering -
"onstruction along with interests in the power, cement and hospitality. The
infrastructure conglomerate has also expanded into real estate - expressways.
The $ngineering and "onstruction wing of the group is an acknowledged
leader in the construction of multi:purpose river valley and hydropower pro,ects. It
has had the uni&ue distinction of executing simultaneously 1< hydropower pro,ects
spread over ? states and the neighboring country =hutan for generating 12,;C2
M+ of power.
The group has been assigned CR1 grade by I"F' Dtd indicating very
Strong Contract Exect!on Ca"ac!t# with best prospects of timely completion of
pro,ects without cost overruns etc. for pro,ects with average value of Fs.;622
crores.K It is the only group in India, which pre:&ualifies on its own for the bidding
of various pro,ects that are awarded in the country.
' leader in engineering - construction of hydropower pro,ects in India, the
"ompany has the largest market share in the Indian hydropower, $-" and $4"
sector having participated in 6>3 of hydropower pro,ects developed in 12th 6:
Lear 4lan in different capacities.
The company also has the distinction of executing three out of five
hydropower pro,ects contracted on an $4" basis in the country till March ;228.
Two of these, <22 M+ "hamera : II and 6;2 M+ @mkareshwar, have been
completed ahead of schedule.
The C22 M+ =aglihar 5Stage:I and II7 hydroelectric pro,ect in Gammu -
%ashmir, in the challenging environment of the State with ;; million cubic meters
of concrete, has been the largest $4" pro,ect executed in the country in
hydropower sector, so far.
The key non:$4" pro,ects completedAunder executions across India are :
1450 MW Sardar Sarovar Project, the largest water resource
project in India
1000 MW Tehri Da, !sia"s highest roc#$ill da
1000 MW Indira Sagar Power %ouse, second largest sur$ace
power house in the countr&
1500 MW 'athpa (ha#ri Power %ouse, the largest underground
sur$ace power house in the countr&
The in house esign and "onsultancy "ompany, Gaypee Hentures 4vt. Dtd.
5GH4D7, gives G'D a competitive edge over its rivals. The design and engineering
arm has been awarded M"T1K grade by I"F' with "I" 5The "onstruction
Industry evelopment "ouncil7. This is the highest rating assigned to consultants
in the field of engineering.
Special blend of 4ortland 4ozzolana "ement under the brand name NGaypee
"ementO 544"7. Its "ement ivision currently operates modern, computerized
process control cement plants with an aggregate capacity of 1<.6 MT4'. The
company is in the midst of capacity Gaypee group is the <rd largest cement
producer in the country. The group produces expansion of its cement business in
/orthern, Southern, "entral, $astern and +estern parts of the country and is slated
to be a ;< MT4' cement producer by the year ;211 and <2 MT4' by ;21; with
"aptive Thermal 4ower 4lants totaling <86M+.
Gaypee Eroup, an integrated power player in the country after having
established a strong presence in the #ydro:4ower Sector has initiated its entry into
Thermal 4ower Eeneration, 4ower Transmission and also forayed into +ind
The group with its operational pro,ects of <22 M+ =aspa:II 5#imachal
4radesh7 and >22 M+ Hishnuprayag 5.ttarakhand7 is IndiaOs largest 4rivate sector
#ydro:power producer.
=esides this, 1222 M+ %archam +angtoo pro,ect 5#imachal 4radesh7 is
under advanced stage of implementation. In addition to these, with ;C22 M+
pro,ects 5;>22 M+ Dower Siang - 622 M+ #irong 7 coming up in 'runachal
4radesh and 8;2 M+ 5;82 M+ .mngot and >62 M+ %ynshi Stage III7 in
Meghalaya , the Eroup will have total hydro:power generation capacity of over
6222 M+.
The Eroup is in the process of implementing ; x ??2 M+ pit head based
/igrie Thermal 4ower 4lant in istrict Singrauli of M.4. and 6x ;62 M+ Thermal
4ower plant at =ina M.4. G'D has been awarded D@Is for 1CB2 M+ 5< x ??2
M+7 %archana Thermal 4ower 4ro,ect and <<22 M+ 56 x ??2 M+7 =ara
Thermal 4ower pro,ect in .4. =esides this, is also setting up through MAs Suzlon,
62 M+ of +ind 4ower plant in district hule, Maharashtra.
The Eroup is setting up Transmission System associated with 1222 M+
%archam +angtoo #ydro $lectric 4ro,ect. The Transmission 4ro,ect will consist
of a ;<2 km long transmission line between +angtoo in #imachal 4radesh and
'bdullapur in #aryana. The pro,ect is located on river =aspa a tributary of Fiver
Sutle,. The transmission line is to be completed by ;211 coinciding with the
commissioning of the %archam +angtoo 4ro,ect and is likely to cost Fs.12,222
The Eroup owns and operates > !ive Star #otels, two in /ew elhi and one
each in 'gra and Mussoorie with a total capacity of ?>< rooms. 'nother state:of:
the:art resort and S4' is being set up in collaboration with SIP S$/S$S at
Ereater /oida.
The Eroup is a pioneer in the development of IndiaOs first golf centric Feal
$state. Gaypee Ereens : a world class fully integrated complex consists of an 1B
hole Ereg /orman Eolf "ourse. Stretching over >62 acres, it also includes
residences, commercial spaces, corporate park, entertainment and nature in
The Eroup is constructing 1?6 km long ? lane Lamuna $xpressway pro,ect
from /oida to 'gra and ribbon development on ?;62 acres at five or more
locations along the expressway for commercial, industrial, institutional, residential
and amusement purposes, will also be undertaken as an integral part of the pro,ect.
In addition to this, 12>8 km long B lanes Eanga $xpressway from Ereater /oida to
=allia 5$astern .ttar 4radesh7 will also be developed by the Eroup which will be
the largest private sector infrastructure pro,ect in India.
+e are living in an era of information driven enterprise. !ocus is consistently
placed on automation techni&ues that increase the productivity and profitability of
the enterprise with reduced costs across various functional heads. IT is an enabler
in this context. The EroupOs Infotech arm GID Information Technology Dimited
5GIDIT7 specializes in providing services in the area of9
IT In$rastructure Manageent
So$tware Developent ) *onsultanc&
Multiedia Services
*ontent Manageent, Securit& ) Deliver&
Multiedia +ased ,ducational *ontent Developent
!gricultural *ontent Developent
-earning Solution
GIDIT manages the entire IT Infrastructure of the various Eroup companies that
include over 12 construction sites in some of the remotest terrains of the country
including ;22 cement locations in the interiors of India and < .niversity "ampuses
that house over 8222 computers and various servers.
The company has set up and operates the largest private network of HS'TOs in
/orthern India that connect the EroupOs various pro,ect sites, cement locations and
#ydropower stations. This facilitates seamless connectivity for video conferencing
of remote locations and data connectivity for the $F4 solutions of the $-",
"ement and #ydropower divisions and $ducational institutions.
GIDIT is one of the leading education content providers for schools in India. '
pioneering initiative was taken in the year ;222 when GIDIT conceptualized and
developed the first of its kind digital classroom teaching aid that serves to assists in
teaching, difficult to visualize topics and concepts in Science, Mathematics and
Social Sciences. Today more than 12222 teachers in 622 schools across 16; cities
are trusting our educational content for adding value to their classroom teaching
process and inturn providing benefit to over 162222 students. @ther innovative
solution from GIDIT includes "ampus "onnect 5integrated resource planning
solution for academic institutions7, @nline testing tools and =izconnect.
The group has always believed in growth with a human face and to fulfill its
obligations it has set up Gaiprakash Sewa Sansthan 5GSS7, a Nnot:for: profit trustO
which primarily serves the ob,ectives of socio I economic development, reducing
the pain and distress in society and providing education at all levels of the learning
curve with sixteen schools, three Technical Training Institutes, two colleges and
three universities.
!or over < decades now Gaypee Eroup has supported the socio:economic
development of the local environment in which they operate and ensure that the
economically and educationally challenged strata of the work surroundings are
also benefited from the groupOs growth by providing education, medical and other
facilities for local development.
'part from this sustaining the ecological balance is of paramount importance.
@ur ecological management approach has led to efficient and optimum utilization
of available resources, minimization of waste. @ur group has also taken green
initiatives, afforestation drives, resources conservation, water conservation, air
&uality control - noise pollution control and created a Mgreen oasisOO amidst the
limestone belt at our cement complex in Fewa.
=ecause we know, the environment is the prime essence of healthy life and
healthy living as what we do today will be reaped by the next generation.
Dast but not the least, MIt is our dream of a brighter India that gives us the
courage to brave the odds and emerge successful. ItOs no small dream. =ut then,
itOs not too big eitherK.
Cement Divisi%n
"ement ivision of Gaiprakash 'ssociates Dimited with its 4lants at Gaypee
Fewa 4lant 5GF47, Gaypee =ela 4lant 5G=47, and G''E@ - G"=. has been
awarded the Integrated Management System comprising of IS@:C2219;222,
IS@:1>2219;22> - @#S'S:1B22191CCC by the world renowned =ureau
Heritas "ertification. IS@:C2219;222 covers Quality Management System. IS@:
1>2219;22> covers all $nvironmental Issues including conservation of /atural
Fesources and Feduction of $missions and +astes. @#S'S:1B22191CCC covers
@perational Safety and reduces Fisk to 4eople, 4lant - Machinery.
Plant Sa$et&
Mines Sa$et&
,nerg& *onservation
Gaypee group is the <rd largest cement producer in the country. The groups cement
facilities are located in the Satna "luster 5..47, which has one of the highest
cement production growth rates in India.
The group produces special blend of 4ortland 4ozzolana "ement under the
brand name NGaypee "ementO 544"7. Its "ement ivision currently operates
modern, computerized process control cement plants with an aggregate capacity of
;.> MT4'. The company is in the midst of capacity expansion of its cement
business in /orthern, Southern, "entral, $astern and +estern parts of the country
and is slated to be a ;< MT4' cement producer by the year ;211 and <2 MT4' by
;21; with "aptive Thermal 4ower 4lants totaling <86M+.
%eeping pace with the advancements in the IT industry, all the 1>2 cement
dumps are networked using TMATM' HS'Ts along with a dedicated hub to
provide ;>A8 connectivity between the plants and all the 1;2 points of cement
distribution in order to ensure Mtrack I the I truckK initiative and provide seamless
integration. This initiative is the first of its kind in the cement industry in India.
In the near future, the group plans to expand its cement capacities via
ac&uisition and Ereenfield additions to maximize economies of scale and build on
vision to focus on large size plants from inception.
The Eroup is committed towards the safety and health of employees and the
public. @ur motto is ) +ork !or Safe, #ealthy, "lean - Ereen $nvironment ).
Hist%ry %$ Cement
Manufacture of cement has a history, which traces back to millennia. The
Fomans who were prolific builders used burnt calcareous 5calcium bearing7
rocks along with pozzolanic materials in an era =efore "hrist. The structures
built by them, like the 4antheon, are still there for us to see proving the goodness
of cementitious materials as input material for construction. 4ost industrialization
and as infrastructure development started globally, demands for cement have been
growing steadily both &uantitatively - &ualitatively.
India is the second largest cement producer in the world after "hina and
cement consumption has been growing at a "'EF of over B3 p.a. in the last five
Man+$a&t+rin! Pr%&ess %$ Cement"
The cement manufacturing process starts from the mining of limestone, which
is the main raw material for making cement. Dimestone is excavated from open
cast mines after drilling and blasting and loaded on to dumpers which transport the
material and unload into hoppers of the limestone crushers.
Cr+s0in! Sta&7in! ? Re&-aimin! %$ *imest%ne"
The DS "rushers crush the limestone to minus B2 mm size and discharge the
material onto a belt conveyor which takes it to the stacker via the =ulk material
analyzer. The material is stacked in longitudinal stockpiles. Dimestone is extracted
transversely from the stockpiles by the reclaimers and conveyed to the Faw Mill
hoppers for grinding of raw meal.
Cr+s0in! Sta&7in! ? Re&-aimin! %$ C%a-
The process of making cement clinker re&uires heat. "oal is used as the fuel
for providing heat. Faw "oal received from the collieries is stored in a coal yard.
Faw "oal is dropped on a belt conveyor from a hopper and is taken to and crushed
in a crusher. "rushed coal discharged from the "oal
"rusher is stored in a longitudinal stockpile from where it is reclaimed by a
reclaimer and taken to the coal mill hoppers for grinding of fine coal.
Ra Mea- Dryin!CGrin2in! ? H%m%!enisati%n
Feclaimed limestone along with some laterite stored in their respective
hoppers is fed to the Faw Mill for fine grinding. The hot gasses coming from the
clinkerisation section are used in the raw mill for drying and transport of the
ground raw meal to the $lectrostatic 4recipitator A =ag #ouse, where it is collected
and then stored and homogenised in the concrete silo. Faw Meal extracted from
the silo 5now called %iln feed7 is fed to the top of the 4reheater for 4yroprocessing.
"ement "linker is made by pyroprocessing of %iln feed in the preheater and
the rotary kiln. !ine coal is fired as fuel to provide the necessary heat in the kiln
and the 4recalciner located at the bottom of the 6A? stage preheater. #ot clinker
discharged from the %iln drops on the grate cooler and gets cooled. The cooler
discharges the clinker onto the pan A bucket conveyor and it is transported to the
clinker stockpiles A silos. The clinker is taken from the stockpile A silo to the ball
mill hoppers for cement grinding.
Cement Grin2in! ? St%ra!e
"linker and Eypsum 5for @4"7 and also 4ozzolana 5for 44"7 are extracted from
their respective hoppers and fed to the "ement Mills. These =all Mills grind the
feed to a fine powder and the Mill discharge is fed to an elevator, which takes the
material to a separator, which separates fine product and the coarse. The latter is
sent to the mill inlet for regrinding and the fine product is stored in concrete silos.
"ement extracted from silos is conveyed to the automatic electronic packers where
it is packed in 62 %gs. 4olythene bags and dispatched in trucks.
E-e&tri&a- P%er
!or total power re&uirement of C2 M+ 5Gaypee Fewa 4lant and Gaypee =ela
4lant7, we have
"44 1 : ;6.2 M+
"44 ; : ;6.2 M+
"44 < : <8.2 M+
!our E sets provide an emergency backup.
Te&0ni&a- Servi&es
@wning a strong, durable and beautiful home is one of the innate desires of
every human being. 't Gaypee, the pioneers in the construction of mega
#ydroelectric pro,ects and other infrastructure pro,ects, we fully understand that
good cement and construction material alone will not ensure strong and lasting
structures. "orrect construction practices and &uality control at the time of
construction play an e&ually important role. @ur understanding of the construction
practices and related problems has prompted us to extend customized technical
services specially tailored for the Individual #ome =uilders and large pro,ects. +e
firmly believe that &uality construction leads to satisfied customers.
The Gaypee "ement Technical Support Service offerings are9
Te&0ni&a- Servi&e En!ineers
The 'rea Marketing @ffices have a fully functional technical services
department aptly supported by &ualified "ivil $ngineers who visit and
interact with the customers to assess their needs and accordingly advise them about
the best construction practices so that the dream of a strong and durable home is
realized. Some of the customer:centric initiatives taken up by the Technical
Service $ngineers are9
*ustoi.ed solutions to the pro+les o$ the individual hoe
Training the asons and contractors so that the& are aware
a+out good construction practices
Train the channel partners /Dealers and 0etailers1 a+out the
product and its correct usage
Interact routinel& with the pro$essionals /architects and
engineers1 and share in$oration regarding latest developents
in the product and industr&2
The services of the Technical Service $ngineers can be availed by all users of
Gaypee "ement. !or more details, please contact nearest Gaypee "ement 'rea
Marketing @ffice or Gaypee "ement 'uthorized ealers.
Nirman Mitra Servi&es F M%(i-e C%n&rete Testin! <ans
Dooking at the importance of &uality control tests at the time of construction,
Gaypee "ement has introduced mobile testing vans under the brand name of
/irman Mitr. The vans are fully e&uipped to carry out strength and workability
tests of concrete. The grading and &uality of the aggregates used in concrete can
also be tested. The services of /irman Mitr are meant primarily for assisting the
customer in making good concrete for any application viz. footing, beams,
columns, lintels, slabs etc.
The services of /irman Mitr can be availed by any prospective Individual #ome
=uilder. The services of /irman Mitr are free of cost, sub,ect to the availability of
the van and on a first come first serve basis. "urrently, /irman Mitr Hans are
operating in the following locations9
17 elhi 67 %anpur C7 !aridabad
;7 ehradun ?7 4atna 127 %arnal
<7 'llahabad 87 Ewalior 117 4anchkula
>7 Ducknow B7 Indore 1;7 Sonepat
T0e pr%!ress %$ 5n2ian Cement 5n2+stry $a--s int% 9 p0ases"
PHASE 6.>8;#.>=@/"
uring the period government exercised strict control over the entire
industry though various policies and legislation. The cement industry experienced
the price and distribution control during this period.
PHASE 6.>=@#.>=>/"
In this phase there was partial decontrol.
PHASE 6.>=>#.>>3/"
It can be considered as the beginning of progress in cement industry when
they could function free form price and distribution controls, but still remained
regime of controlled economic decision making.
PHASE 6.>>3#.>>9/"
The industry was freed from all price distribution and licensed controls.
#owever, still it has to face the pang of transitional periods of structural reforms
PHASE 6.>>9#GG/"
The decisive period commenced from 1CC6 onwards when free market condition
enabled the industry to work within the reformed economic system.
Gaiprakash 'ssociates Dimited is a premier organization in India,
which commenced its activities in 1C8;, when a group of engineers got
together in a partnership firm known as Gaiprakash 'ssociates under the
visionary leadership %$ S0ri Baipra7as0 Ga+r.
Seven years of rapid growth led to its convention into a private limited
company in 1C8C. !urther growth continues as a part of diversification, a
new company was launched in 1CB< to set up a modern cement plant with
one million tonne capacity in 'ugust 1CB? the construction company and the
cement were merged into Baypee Rea Cement *imite2 6BR*/.
Today Gaypee Eroup is a well:diversified infrastructure industrial group with
a turnover of over 1B222 crores
Any &%rp%rate entity nee2s t% (e 2ynami& an2 vi(rant, resp%nsive
t% t0e &0an!in! e&%n%mi& s&enari% an2 $-eAi(-e en%+!0 t% a(s%r(
envir%nmenta- an2 p0ysi&a- $-+&t+ati%ns. 5t m+st 0arness t0e in0erent
stren!t0s %$ avai-a(-e res%+r&es an2 m+st p%ssess t0e &apa&ity t% -earn
$r%m s+&&ess. M%re t0an anyt0in! e-se, it s0%+-2 ens+re !r%t0 it0 a
0+man $a&e.
"IHID "@/STF."TI@/
#LF@ 4@+$F "@/STF."TI@/
#@T$D '/ T@.FISM
I/!@FM'TI@/ T$"#/@D@EL
$."'TI@/ - +$D!'F$
G'I4F'%'S# 4@+$F H$/T.F$S DT.
Private Hy2r%
Cement Divisi%n
T0erma- Stati%n Transmissi%n
S%&ia- '%r7
Gaiprakash 'ssociates Dimited is the flagship company of the group and
acknowledged leader in construction of river valley hydropower pro,ects on
turnkey basis and has been in the business for more than three decades.
The company has had the uni&ue distinction of executing simultaneously 1<
hydropower pro,ect spread over six states and the neighboring country of
=#.T'/ for the generation of 12;C2 M+ of power. It has the experience and
expertise to successfully complete such pro,ects in challenging terrain under severe
and adverse condition.
Most of the hydropower pro,ects of the company are located in #imalayas, which
throw up ma,or geographical surprises including ruptured, s&ueezing rock
condition and water bodies fre&uently making the task that much more challenging
and tuff. The company has executed around 1;8 km of tunneling work mostly in
#imalayan range.
"oncrete gravity am "hamera 5Stage:17 in #imachal 4radesh.
1>62 M+ Sardar Sarovar pro,ect in Eu,arat.
Heerbhadra =ridge on river Eanga at Fishikesh in .ttaranchal.
Euide =aandh and 'pproach road for =ridge on river =rahmaputra in 'ssam.
Dakya $astern am in %arnataka.
"ivil work of rolling mills of Hizag Steel 4lant in 'ndhra 4radesh.
Turnkey "onstruction of < "ement 4lants of the "ement ivision at Fewa in
Madhya 4radesh.
!our !ive Star #otels in elhi, 'gra and Mussoorie.
Sewerage and drainage scheme, =aghdad and =asrah in Ira&.
1222 M+ Indira Sagar 4owerhouse.
=aglihar #ydroelectric pro,ect.
1?2km ? Dane express highway between EF$'T$F /@I' and 'EF'.
6;2 M+ @mkareshwar #ydroelectric pro,ect in M4 on river /armada.
1222 M+ %aracham:+angtoo hydroelectric pro,ect in #imachal 4radesh.
Gaypee =ela 4lant of ;.6 million tonne capacity was commissioned in 1CC?.
' blending unit, first of its kind in the country, having a capacity of ? lacs tonnes
per annum was set up in Sadva %hurd, istt. 'llahabad, 5..4.7 in ecember ;221.
' grinding unit with a capacity of one million tonne has already been set up at
Tanda, istt. !aizabad, 5..4.7.
Through optimization measures, the total cement production of the G'D would be
enhanced to ;2 million MT per annum by !L ;211.
In each of the plants, the e&uipment, instrumentation and control systems were
state:of:the:art when set up. The successive units incorporated improved measures
for facilitating easy operation, timely and proper maintenance, higher energy
conservation and better pollution control. 'll the < plants have received the IS@
C22; certification from the world renowned accrediting agency =HQI.
Mining operations at Gaypee "ement receive utmost attention. !or optimal
utilization of the limestone reserves and input of right &uality limestone to the
plants, Gaypee "ement has "omputer 'ided eposit $valuation 5"'$7, Quarry
Scheduling and @ptimization 5QS@7 packages as well as a computerized on:line
bulk analyzer. The plants have 1223 power backup through a bank of diesel
generating sets. ' ;8 M+ capacity coal based captive thermal plant started
functioning from 'ugust ;22<, which has helped the "ement "omplex to reduce
substantially its expenditure on power. +ork on the second ;8 M+ coal based
captive thermal plant has also begun and generation of power from this plant is
expected to begin from 'ugust, ;22>.
Gaypee "ement "omplex is consistently producing world class cement of @4"
grades <<, ><, 6<, IFST:>2, the all popular special blends of pozzolana cement
such as )=uniyad) and )=uland) , and Superplus 44" I all surpassing applicable =IS
standards and would shortly be introducing a Dow 'lkali cement also.

$a#"ee Be%a P%ant& Re'a (M)P*
+hile Gaypee "ement is a ma,or player in its natural marketing zones of .ttar
4radesh, Madhya 4radesh and =ihar. Gaypee "ement also markets cement in parts
of /orth India, +est =engal and /orth $ast. "onsistently Gaypee "ement has been
the highest exporter of clinker and cement to /epal. "ement distribution and sales
accounting are totally computerized. "omputers and HS'Ts have been installed at
1>2 dumps, C Fegional marketing offices 5FM@s7, all the plants and the corporate
office to ensure seamless connectivity for voice and data on ;>A8 basis. ' wide
network of more than ?222 stockists is catered to by these dumps.
Through diligent and continuous efforts, large water reservoirs spread over <<
hectares, with capacity in excess of ;2 million cubic meters, have been created in
the mining area where mining has been completed, which has helped significantly
to improve the depleting water table in surrounding areas. ense green belts have
been developed in the plants, town:ships and the mines. In all about > lacs saplings
have been planted and are being nurtured. This has indeed converted the Gaypee
"ement "omplex into a green city. $ver conscious of its social responsibilities and
obligations, Gaypee "ement has been regularly organising medical camps. In
addition, 'nimal "are camps and training programmes on 'nimal #usbandry have
also been organized regularly. 's part of the Gaypee "orporate Strategy, lot of
emphasis is being laid in the field of education by way of organising =al:wadis
and 'dult $ducation classes in the villages surrounding the plants.
4resent capacity 8 million tones I the single largest cement complex at
Fewa 5M.4.7 one location in India.
/ew plant of < million tones capacity have been installed set up in
#imachal 4radesh 5including grinding unit of 1.6 million tones capacity at
4anipat, #aryana7 by March ;228. 4urchase of ;.?m MT brown field
plants of erstwhile .4 State "ement corporation and take over of 'nchal
"ement, Eu,arat - Sidhi, M.4. will take the total capacity surpassing ;2
million tones mark.
'll the three plants have received the IS@ C22; certification from the
world I renowned accrediting agency =HQI.
' wide range of +orld class cement of @4" grades <<, ><, 6< IFST >2
and the all special blends of 4ozzolana cement such as =uniyad - =uland
all surpassing applicable =IS standards. Shortly introducing Dow 'lkali
' large network of 1>2 dumps catering to more than ?222 stockist spread
across ..4., .ttaranchal, M.4., =ihar, Gharkhand, +est =engal, /orth
$ast elhi and /epal, Fa,asthan, Eu,arat, Maharastra, '.4..
Dargest selling in .ttar 4radesh - .ttaranchal with a combined market
share of approx ;B3 and <63 market share in Madhya 4radesh.
"onsistently the largest exporter of cement - clinker from India to /epal
during the last 8 years.
More than 862 %ms of /ational #ighways being reconstructed with more
than B lac tones of Gaypee "ement Dikely to be consumed in the same.
Gaypee "ement being used in the construction of large dams and hydro
electric power pro,ects like the Tehri am in .ttaranchal, ul hasti and
=aglihar pro,ects in Gammu - %ashmir, Indira Sagar dam in M.4., Teesta
I H pro,ect in Sikkim, =aspa:II, /athpa Ghakri and "hamera III pro,ects
in #.4. and tala pro,ect in =hutan.
Dist of prestigious clients include /T4", /#4", E'ID, I@", /!D, Indian
Failways, D-T, Eammon, #"", Som att =uilders, IF"@/, .4S=",
#indalco to name a few.
"reation of large multi locational Technical cells to support - educate our
consumers on usage of cement in various types of construction.
Fecently awarded the M/ational Safety 'wardK by the /ational Safety
"ouncil of India for developing and implementing very effective
management systems and procedures and attaining very high performance
levels in occupational safety and health.
uring the !inancial Lear ;22>:;226, total sales of G'D were 6.BB
million MT. The total turn over of the "ement ivision of the "ompany
during ;22>:26 was in excess of Fs. 1;22 "rores.
O+r <isi%n
To be dynamic - vibrant, responsive to the changing economic
scenario - flexible enough to absorb environmental - fiscal fluctuation
harness the inherent strength of available human recourse - material
have the capacity to learn from success - more than learn any thing
else ensure growth with human face.
O+r Missi%n
To ensure growth for improving the &uality of live with a human
face - contribute to the growing economy, maximizing benefits to our
customers - the nation at large by serving the core sector of the
+)1 Re,earc- Met-o.
Fesearch methodology is a systematic and scientific method to
know the truth and reality behind phenomena. Fesearch methodology is
a way to systematically solve the problem. +hen we talk about research
methodology we not only talk about the research methods but we also
consider the logic behind methods we use in the context of our research
study and explain why we use a particular method or techni&ue and
why we are not using others, so that research results are capable of
being evaluated either by the researcher himself or the others.
The aim of research is a process recording and analyzing the
critical and relevant facts about my problem in any branch of human
'ccording to #udson, *'ll progress is born of in&uiry. oubt is
often better than over confidence, for it leads to in&uiry and in&uiry
leads to inventions.*
Resear&0 Desi!n "#
' *Fesearch esign is the arrangement of conditions for
collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine
relevance to the purpose with economy in procedure. In this study
escriptive type of research design has been used.
4.3 @=G$"TIH$ @! T#$ ST.L
1. To get knowledge of absenteeism trend in the employee of the
;. To study through analysis the general behaviour and pattern of
employees towards absenteeism.
<. To study the reasons which cause absenteeism in the organization.
>. To study the impact of absenteeism in the organization.
6. To study the reasons attributable to organization working to
provide suggestion for removal of the problem.
The &uality of data can be expressed in the term of its
representative feature of the reality which can be ensured by the usage of
fitting data collected method.
1. The collection of data is primary.
;. !or the purpose of collecting data Questionnaire methods
<. Mixed type of &uestions
4rimary data are those data which are collected from the field
under the control and supervision of an investigator. The best method of
collecting data is primary data collection method because it provides more
scope for getting re&uired information.
Source of primary data:
1. Questionnaire
To know about the present condition or status regarding particular
item or group of item description research is conducted. The descriptive
research is descriptive of the state of affair as it exists at present. Such a
result is re&uired in analytical form. The survey was conducted using
&uestionnaire method. =y using this method we found the present situation,
the finding and its analysis is described in the further parts.
Sample size refers to the number of the person to be selected from
the universe for conducting a survey. I have selected the sample size of 122.
The survey has been carried out in Gaypee =ela "ement 4lant Satna
4ercentage analysis was used.
4.8 *5M5TAT5ONS
1: It was an expensive task and money was not in ade&uate amount.
;: Some of the respondent do not disclose real information.
<: Time was not ade&uate to complete the entire study.
>: Some of the respondents are not easily approachable in the time
of survey.
6: There is big possibility of business of interviewer as well as
H.. H% is y%+ -i7e y%+r %r7 p-a&e I
S.N%. Opti%n N%. %$
Per&enta!e %$
1. Strongly 'gree ;B ;B3
;. 'gree 62 623
<. /eutral 12 123
>. isagree 8 83
6. Strongly isagree 6 63
T%ta- .@@ .@@J
5nterpretati%n "#
'bove the data shows that the ma,ority of workers like work
place while some workers were canOt say this matter and minimum
worker disagree. So I can say that work place is better.
H.3 D% y%+ $ee- -i7e trappe2 0ere I
S.N. Opti%n N%. %$
Per&enta!e %$
1. Les 12 123
;. /o C2 C23
T%ta- .@@ .@@J
5nterpretati%n "#
!rom the data survey I found that the ma,ority of workers says
that they don)t feel like trapped while minimum worker feel like trapped
here. So overall workers feel don)t like trapped of the organization.
H.4 D% y%+ t0in7 y%+r p%tentia- is (ein! +ti-i1e2 %ptimi1in! I
S.N%. Opti%n N%. %$
Per&enta!e %$
1. Strongly 'gree 12 123
;. 'gree ?< ?<3
<. /eutral 1; 1;3
>. isagree 12 123
6. Strongly isagree 9 9J
T%ta- .@@ .@@J
5nterpretati%n "#
Ma,ority of workers says that their potential is being utilized
optimally, while mostly are strongly agreed. =ut rests of minimum
workers are Strongly disagreeing with this favour. So I can say that
overall agree with their potential is being utilized optimizing.
H.8 D% y%+ -i7e y%+r %r7 I
S.N%. Opti%n N%. %$
Per&enta!e %$
1. Strongly 'gree 16 163
;. 'gree ?; ?;3
<. /eutral 12 123
>. isagree B B3
6. Strongly isagree 6 63
T%ta- .@@ .@@J
5nterpretati%n "#
'bove the data shows that the ma,ority of workers says that
they agree their work and most of worker say that they like their work
"anOt Say, but rest of minimum worker are not agree with their work.
H. 9 D% y%+ t0in7 y%+ &an !ive (etter res+-ts %n s%me %t0er K%( I
S.N%. Opti%n N%. %$
Per&enta!e %$
1. Strongly 'gree 1< 1<3
;. 'gree 12 123
<. /eutral ?< ?<3
>. isagree C C3
6. Strongly isagree 9 9J
T%ta- .@@ .@@J
5nterpretati%n "#
Ma,ority of workers are disagree that they can give better
results on some other ,ob while someone workers agreed that they can
give better result on some other ,ob and minimum are strongly disagree
in it.
Q.? #ow do you rate physical facilities at work R
S.N%. Opti%n N%. %$ Resp%n2ent Per&enta!e %$
1. Hery Eood ;2 ;23
;. Eood 8; 8;3
<. =ad < <3
>. "anOt Say 6 63
Total 122 1223
5nterpretati%n "#
Ma,ority of $mployees are rate its good while someone say rate
its very good and minimum employees say rate its bad. So there
is need to updated facility to employees.
H.; 5s t0e p-a&e sa$e $%r %r7in!I
S.N%. Opti%n N%. %$
Per&enta!e %$
1. Hery Safe << <<3
;. Safe 6> 6>3
<. #azardous 1< 1<3
T%ta- .@@ .@@J
5nterpretati%n "#
Ma,ority of employees are rate its safe, while someone say
rate its very safe and minimum say rate is hazardous. So there is need to
implementing some new safety programmes and need to give more
updated facility to employee.
Very Safe Safe Hazardous
H. = H% is y%+r re-ati%ns0ip it0 y%+r peerLsI
S.N%. Opti%n N%. %$
Per&enta!e %$
1. Hery Eood ;2 ;23
;. "ongenial B2 B23
<. /on:"ongenial 2 23
T%ta- .@@ .@@J
5nterpretati%n "#
'bove the data find it is ma,ority of workers says that they
have congenial relation with their peer while rest of worker says it very
good. So that means overall worker is agree with relation with their
Very Good Congenial Non-Congenial
H.> H% is y%+r re-ati%ns0ip it0 y%+r s+peri%rsI
S.N%. Opti%n N%. %$
Per&enta!e %$
1. Hery Eood ;8 ;83
;. "ongenial 8< 8<3
<. /on:"ongenial 2 23
T%ta- .@@ .@@J
5nterpretati%n "#
Ma,ority of +orkers says that they have congenial
relationship with the superiors while minimum worker says it very
Very Good Congenial Non-Congenial
Q..@ D% y%+ $a&e 2i$$i&+-ty in !ettin! -eave san&ti%ne2 I
S.N. Opti%n N%. %$
Per&enta!e %$
1. Les 8 83
;. /o C< C<3
T%ta- .@@ .@@J
5nterpretati%n "#
Ma,ority of workers says that they don)s face difficulty in
getting leave sanctioned, while minimum worker)s says that they face
difficulty in getting leave sanctioned.
Q.11 oes the 4hysical facilities provided has pertinence to
employeeOs presence or absence R
S.N%. Opti%n N%. %$ Resp%n2ent Per&enta!e %$
1. Strongly 'gree
12 123
;. 'gree
1B 1B3
<. /eutral
6B 6B3
>. isagree
B B3
6. Strongly isagree
? ?3
T%ta- .@@ .@@J
5nterpretati%n "#
Surprising ma,ority of employees are Strongly disagree with that
statement between that there is any relevance physical facilities
provided and absenteeism.
H..3 H% 2% y%+ rate p0ysi&a- $a&i-ities at %r7 I
S.N%. Opti%n N%. %$ Resp%n2ent Per&enta!e %$
1. Hery Eood <; <;3
;. Eood ?2 ?23
<. =ad 6 63
>. "anOt Say < <3
T%ta- .@@ .@@J
5nterpretati%n "#
Ma,ority of management say rate its good while mostly employee
say rate its very good and minimum say rate its bad. So there is need to
give more updated facility to employees.
H. .4 D% y%+ t0in7 t0at sa-ary str+&t+re 0as per$%rm an imp%rtant
r%-e in a(senteeism I
S.N%. Opti%n N%. %$ Resp%n2ent Per&enta!e %$
1. Strongly 'gree
16 163
;. 'gree
18 183
<. /eutral
?2 ?23
>. isagree
6 63
6. Strongly isagree
< <3
T%ta- .@@ .@@J
5nterpretati%n "#
'bove the data shows that the minimum of management
respondent find salary structure has perform on important role in
absenteeism and someone agreed on it. =ut maximum of management
respondent Strongly disagree in it. The reason being that the last wage
revision which to place in ;222 5w.e.f. 1CC87 was designed for 12 years
instead of 6 years tenure and wage revision settled was almost double
the rate which was comparable with the best in industry.
H..8 Can rem%2e-in! t0e in&entive s&0eme in&rease pr%2+&tive
0%+sin! inp+t (y emp-%yees I
S.N%. Opti%n N%. %$ Resp%n2ent Per&enta!e %$
1. Strongly 'gree
<2 <23
;. 'gree
<6 <63
<. /eutral
;2 ;23
>. isagree
12 123
6. Strongly isagree
6 63
T%ta- .@@ .@@J
Ma,ority of management are agreed with the statement while
someone are strongly in favour and rest of employees are strongly
against it. The incentive scheme is not having a proper influential
impact on performance of the employees. There is need for proper work
study and to redefine the incentive schemes accordingly where in
productive have that in by the employees can be improved.
H..9 D% y%+ t0in7 t0at sa-ary &%mmens+rate it0 e$$%rts p+t in (y
in2ivi2+a-s emp-%yeesI
S.N%. Opti%n N%. %$ Resp%n2ent Per&enta!e %$
1. Strongly 'gree
16 163
;. 'gree
6; 6;3
<. /eutral
;2 ;23
>. isagree
B B3
6. Strongly isagree
9 9J
T%ta- .@@ .@@J
'bove the data shows that the ma,ority of employees are agree
while someone employees strongly agree and rest of employees are
strongly disagree in it.
The survey which was carried out by me during my pro,ect report
period in the company regarding the satisfaction level of employees
reveals that $mployees are
Satis$y it0 t0e9:
Ma,ority of employees are disagreeing with that statement between
that there is any relevance physical facilities provided and
Ma,ority of management are agreed with his salary structure in
comparison to other industries.
The incentive scheme is not having a proper influential impact on
performance of the employees
Ma,ority of workers says that they have congenial relation with their
Ma,ority of +orkers says that they have congenial relationship with
the superiors.
Ma,ority of workers says that they don)t face difficulty in getting leave
Ma,ority of workers are disagree that they can give better results on
some other ,ob
Ma,ority of workers says that they like very much the work place.
$very activity has a purpose are an ob,ective behind it. The
efforts were directed towards the achievement this purpose. This pro,ect
in going experience and ac&uiring certain knowledge about the
company - also about their workers.
uring the research it was found that most of the employees are
satisfied with their ,obs, conditions in Gaypee Time @ffice Fewa. The
working condition and working environment in the work place are at
satisfactory level.
't last I would like to conclude that employee absenteeism are
very less in Gaiprakash 'ssociates Fewa - persons which are absent
treated with humanist pattern - Gaypee Time @ffice Fewa helps to
reduce the family problems which helps in reduction of absenteeism -
counseling is very helpful to reduce absenteeism in organization.

1. There is need to analyzed that what is the main cause of
absenteeism - how it can be removed
;. There is need to take sticks action against those employee who
are regular absent.
<. Most employees are belong to village - backward area so
organized the meeting to aware the profit - loss organization
which employee are understand the organization)s his profit -
>. +hen employee is an absent without information then give
6. 4rovide leave which employee are not absent in the duty.
?. 4rovide better working condition which employee are work in
properly in the organization.
8. +hich employee are regular present in the duty so provide
rewards, promotion - other benefits, so absent employee are
attract him.
Fao ,H.S.4. #uman Fesearch Management, $xcel =ooks $d. II
Gain, M.S. Saiya #uman Fesearch Management, Tata Mc Eraw #ill
Mamoriya, ".=., 4ersonal Management #imalaya 4ublication
Ehosh, 4.%., Ehorpade, M.=. Industrial 4sychology #imalaya

3. 'EB S5TE
5=7 www.,
Q.1 #ow is you like your work place R
5a7 Strongly 'gree 5b7'gree 5c7 /eutral 5d7 isagree 5e7
Strongly isagree
Q.; o you feel like trapped here R
5a7 Les 5b7 /o
Q.< o you think your potential is being utilized optimizing R
5a7 Strongly 'gree 5b7'gree 5c7 /eutral 5d7 isagree 5e7
Strongly isagree
Q.> o you like your work R
5a7 Strongly 'gree 5b7'gree 5c7 /eutral 5d7 isagree 5e7
Strongly isagree
Q. 6 o you think you can give better results on some other ,ob R
5a7 Strongly 'gree 5b7'gree 5c7 /eutral 5d7 isagree 5e7
Strongly isagree
Q. ? #ow do you rate physical facilities at work R
5a7 Hery Eood 5b7 Eood 5c7 =ad 5d7 "anOt Say
Q.8 Is the place safe for workingR
5a7 Hery Safe 5b7 Safe 5c7 #azardous
Q. B #ow is your relationship with your peerOsR
5a7 Hery Safe 5b7 "ongenial 5c7 /on:"ongenial
Q.C #ow is your relationship with your superiorsR
5a7 Hery Eood 5b7 "ongenial 5c7 /on:"ongenial
Q.12 o you face difficulty in getting leave sanctioned R
5a7 Les 5b7 /o
Q.11 oes the 4hysical facilities provided has pertinence to employeeOs
presence or absence R
5a7 Strongly 'gree 5b7'gree 5c7 /eutral 5d7 isagree 5e7
Strongly isagree
Q.1; #ow do you rate physical facilities at work R
5a7 Hery Eood 5b7 Eood 5c7 =ad 5d7 "anOt Say
Q. 1< o you think that salary structure has perform an important role in
absenteeism R
5a7 Strongly 'gree 5b7'gree 5c7 /eutral 5d7 isagree 5e7
Strongly isagree
Q.1> "an remodeling the incentive scheme increase productive housing
input by employees R
5a7 Strongly 'gree 5b7'gree 5c7 /eutral 5d7 isagree 5e7
Strongly isagree
Q.16 o you think that salary commensurate with efforts put in by
individuals employeesR
5a7 Strongly 'gree 5b7'gree 5c7 /eutral 5d7 isagree
5e7 Strongly isagree
Submitted for the fulfillment of the degree of
MBA from A.P.S. University Rewa
.nder Euidance of
Mr.Jitendra Verma
Mana!er #555
Baypee Be-a P-ant
Submitted =y 9
Pooja Tharwani
MBA 55 Sem.
A.P.S. University Rea 6M.P./
Submitted To9
Mr. A.K. Nandi
Genera- Mana!er TTG
Bay pra7as0 Ass%&iates *t2. Rea
This pro,ect report on MABSENTEE5SM AT BAYPEE BE*A
P*ANTN is submitted by me for the partial fulfillment of the course of
55 Sem. %f MBA at =', A.P.S. University Rea 6M.P./.
This is an original work done by me except the guidance
received which has been properly acknowledge in the report.
This is not a copy of any other report and or any part of
it has not been submitted for the award of any degree or diploma.
Pooja Tharwani
M.=.'. II Sem
=', '.4.S. .niversity Fewa 5M.4.7
This report deals with the study of MABSENTEE5SM AT
BAYPEE BE*A P*ANTN the report is a humble presentation of the
information gathered and experience gained during the summer
training. The report has been properly divided into different chapters
were each chapter deals with a separate. These chapters are further sub:
The first chapter of the report gives information about the topic
and the concern.
The second chapter deals with the company profile and overview
of the Gaypee =ela 4lant Time @ffice Fewa.
The third "hapter of the report gives information about the
research methodology and ob,ective of the study.
The fourth chapter of the report is the factual presentation of the
data presentation and interpretation.
The last chapter deals with the probable solutions to the problems
seen by the analysis of findings inform suggestions are presented report
is containing proper 'ppendix to support the presentation of the study.
God give me this opportunity to thank all the people whih
helped me to omplete my Summer !raining Report in a very
prosperous manner.
" would like to e#press my gratitude towards Mr)$!ten.ra 1er2a
Manager$""" %P&A' (aypee Bela Plant) (ai Prakash Assoiates *td.
guidane) supervision and keen interest in study) progress and
ompletion of this pro+et.
" am also indebted to my Prof$in$harge Dr) At% Pan.e#
whose fatherly guidane has been a soure of inspiration to me.
" would like to e#press my sinere and profound sense of
gratitude to Mr) $!ten.ra 1er2a for their invaluable guidane
onstrutive ritiism and onstant enouragement during the period of
preparing the pro+et work.
" am also thankful to my all friends and seniors whose help has
given this shape to the report.
*astly no words an ade,uately e#press my debt of gratitude to
my parents for generating in me a perennial interest in this field of
study and overall to Almighty Go. for the suessful ompletion of this
Pooja Tharwani
M.=.'. II Sem
=', '.4.S. .niversity Fewa 5M.4.7
C0apters T5T*E PAGE
<.1 Fesearch Methodology
<.; @b,ective @f The Study
<.< Source of Information
<.> Dimitation

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