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Austire Watclorf Schoal, trnc"

{5t2} 2S8-5942 - 8?$2 $outh View Road, Austin, Texas 75737
ilstshf ished .\epternher 198$

January B, L992
Dear Students and Parents of 4th - 8th grades'
fhis year r s winter Hlective trrogram wil} begin on January 16th
an* continue thrcuqh March 12th . It tsi 11 be nine ThursdaYs
frorn 1:45 to 3:1"5 p*IIt.
This Thursday hre are gathering in the assembty meet
some of the Elective ieaders 5nd hear a brief-description of
their classes. You need to return your choices form on
Friday. Please select from the following:
1- ) Sign tangruage and African Dance wittt Jimlr firrner. Jinmy
will lead you to freedom of expression through dramatic sign
language, body rnovement and African dance. This workshop will
enhance communication skiIls, concentration and physical
coordination. Children are encouraged to lrear loose,
comfortable ctothes and a smile! tuition is $40, made out to
.limny Turner, plus a $5 building-use fee. For more
information, call Theresa at 442-3448.
2't Pottery and Clay Sculpture with Peter lohnann. Part of
each session will be spent making a large coil pot. The other
part you will be able to work on sculpting itens, such as
dragons, a sea creature, candle holders, etc. Sculpting will
be directed toward realism, but not detail. Special projects
wiIl be considered.
3) Batik with Shiila Carson. This is an introduction to the
art of batik. You will learn various techniques of applying
hot, wax and dye to fabric to create the designs of your
choice. Please bring two new 1008 cotton white t-shirts to
batik for yourself during the class, Note: an adult
assistant is needed for this class; please call Molly at
288-I7L2 if you can help.
4) tlhat's l{es in Education sith Elisabeth Drake-I.lap1es. The
Global All-iance for Transforning Education (c.A.T.E.) is an
organi-zation dedicated to up-grading education around the
woild--and it wants a lot of input from YoU, the children,
During the first 4 weeksr you will brainstorm about ideas for
improving the education system in America, visit other schools
in our area, and have the New Zealand GATE coordinator spend
with us. There will be a mandatory one-day
an afternoontrEducation
symposium, 2000: A Holistic Perspectivefr on
Monday, January 2O, (9ZS fee for the group, divided evenly)
that you will attend. OnIy those who wish to make a
difference need apply. The last 5 weeks you will spend on You'11 learn about the latest findings in
research on just How our brains work. How can hre create an
atmosphere and environment to let our brains do their jobs the

Our bigbest endeauor must be to deuek4s free buntart beings u'ba are able of tbentselt,es t.() impdrt purpose and direction to tbeir liues.
*Ruclolf Stciner. Founder of thc Worl<l Wide waldorf Sch<xrl Movcmcnt
best? She'll shoto yclu! Ever wonder what studying is going to
be like in another school? Sbe'II teach you how to take notes
on class lectures using pictures as well as words. You will
make images of the information and see that you have a
wonderful computer between your ears. You'Il learn how it
works best and what you can do to help it.
5) Adventure Ed and Life Fitness with Coach l.lichael: 5th -
8th graders on1y. During the first half, you wi}l learn to
work together in teams to achieve a common goa}. You will
face fun challenges, like crossing a log bridge or even
building a bridge. You will also help each other overcome an
obstacle course. In this adventure, everyone wins, feels
good, and each person learns to believe in him/herself by
believing and trusting in others. In the second half, each
student will learn to work out and train without the expense
of a health spa and its equipnent. You will learn very
beneficial exircises that-wiif last a life time. You wiff
also learn how to measure heart rates and physical
improvements. Itts a fun, as well as a good-for-you, class.
Both sessions will stress non-competitiveness and fun.
6) Woodcarving: 6th - 8th graders only. You will learn the
basic wood crrtting techniques, as well as rules for safety.
You will beg:ln by carving a small moose to use as a bofo tie.
7) Kindergarten Helpers: 6th - 8th graders onty.
8) Leave campus: 6th - 8th grraders only. You may go honre
with written permission from your parents. You must be picked
up by L:45 every Thursday of the session if you choose this
Please go over these choices together and make your decision
at horne. You need to bring your fom back to your class
teacher on Friday, January-16th. If you have Questions,
ptr-ease contact me at 288-L7L2
Thank you very much.
Molly Mankey
Electives Coordinator
Student's Name: Grade

Not aII students can get into their first choice elective
class, So please select three alternatives. Indicate vour
first, secbnd and third choices by placing a 3-,2, or 3 beside
the electives you want. Note: African dance and leaving
campus require a parent signature.

Pottery and Clay Sculpture with Peter Lohmann

Batik with Shiila Carson
ffirat's tfew in Education with Elisabeth Drake-Maples
Adventure Ed and Life Fitness with Coach Michael
Kindergarten Helper
Sign Language and African Dance with Jirnrny Turner
f agree to pay Jinny $40 by check at the
first class for this elective.
Parent Signature required
Leave canpus
My child, , has my
permission to leave school every Thursday from
January L6th through March L2th at 1-:45 pn.

Parent Signature reguired

Please return this form to your class teacher

by Friday, January 1oth.

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