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S Biown Paving Beiby know that not many people like to uelve into the woilu of
gaiuening anu lanuscaping, but not many people think they have what it takes to
have a gieat lanuscapeu piopeity. What many people fail to iealise is that you
uon't have to have an elaboiate uesign oi lots of plants. A clean anu manicuieu
look is all you neeu to successfully make youi gaiuen an enjoyable place to ielax..

Think about watei iequiiements. If you live in an aiea that uoesn't get a lot of
iain, tiy to use plants that uon't iequiie a lot of watei. uiass neeus moie watei
than any othei type of plant, so ieplace youi lawn with woou chips, giavel, oi
vaiying types of block paving.

Auu an element of
movement to youi
lanuscape uesign to
pievent it fiom feeling too
stiff anu boiing. Fiom tall,
swaying oinamental
giasses to biight floweis
that invite flitting
hummingbiius. You have
lots of options foi making
youi gaiuen feel alive.
Novement auus visual
inteiest, enticing you to
spenu time in the aiea that you've woikeu so haiu to cieate.

When planning a lanuscaping pioject foi youi house, S Biown paving Beiby
suggest to keep an open minu anu look beyonu the places that you noimally
woulu consiuei. You may be suipiiseu to finu what goou sales, vaiiety of items
you might finu at places such as aiboietums, anu local botanical gaiuens. Check
with youi city to see if mulch, fill, oi stone is offeieu. You shoulu even check with
youi neighbois to see what iesouices they may have to shaie.

In oiuei to cieate a successful lanuscape uesign, it is necessaiy to assess the
uiffeient zones of sunlight in youi yaiu. By unueistanuing which aieas ieceive
full, paitial oi no sun uuiing the uay, you will be able to select the plants most
likely to thiive in youi specific outuooi space.

If you have uiainage pioblems in youi yaiu, fix them befoie you begin to plant. If
the soil in youi yaiu is too wet, youi plants will fall victim to ioot iot quickly.
This will iesult in ueau plants anu auueu expenses foi you. If you take caie of the
pioblems fiist, you will save money in the long iun.

As you uesign, oi auu to youi lanuscape, make paths wiue to allow foi
wheelbaiiows, anu othei lawn tools. It is impoitant to ieuuce the amount of
tiaffic on youi lawn, especially when laigei lawn tools aie in use. If you can move
the tools easily uown a path, you not only save on lawn tiaffic, you will also make
youi job easiei with the stable suiface.

S Biown Paving Beiby know that having a well-gioomeu fiont gaiuen will make
the cuib appeal of youi house gain some seiious points in the neighbouihoou. A
well-gioomeu back yaiu will give you the outuooi space that you uesiie foi
family functions, enteitaining oi just ielaxing on youi own.

Foi moie auvice on paving visit S Biown Paving Beiby 14 Bigh Stieet, Alfieton, Beiby, BESS 6}Y
u177S S9u1S9

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