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Alison Nguyen

3 Hour
Feeding America
Good Morning fellow West Ottawa student. Its the last class before lunch for some of us,
and the rest have another hour to go. I bet you're all hungry. Im sure you can all wait an hour till
lunch. There are some people and kids who have to wait longer than an hour till they can eat.
Thats what Im here to talk to you about today. Solving the problem of hunger in U.S but more
specifically hunger in Michigan.
Can you imagine sitting at the dinner table with no food on your plate.There are 48.8
million Americans, including around 16.2 million children, that live in house that don't have food
or don't have the means to get food. Hunger is a big problem around the world and in the U.S.
We can stop hunger, and make sure every adult and child has food. In order to be able to
accomplish this though we have to take one step at a time. First start with our own community
West Michigan.The need for food has been growing due to the increase of unemployment rate
in Michigan. Feeding America not only provide food to people in states all across america but
also to west michigan as well. If something isn't done to stop hunger in america more people will
be added to the problem. Children that don't get enough to eat will perform bad at school and
more likely to int interact with others. People and children who don't get enough food are more
likely to get sick more often. According to Feeding America 40% of the food produced in the
United States goes to waste. By giving food to the food bank instead of throwing it away, you
can really make a big difference. Thats a lot of food that could go to helping stop hunger.
Hunger in our community not only hurts the individuals involved but also has a negative effect
on our community. A child that goes hungry is less likely to graduate high school or go to
college. This will not only affect her economic future but also have an impact on ours.
According to the Center for American Progress and Brandeis University, hunger costs our
nation at least $167.5 billion due to the combination of lost economic productivity per year, more
expensive public education because of the rising costs of poor education outcomes, avoidable
health care costs, and the cost of charity to keep families fed. The need for food is only going to
increase if nothing is done.
In order to solve hunger we have to start somewheres. Feeding America is a great place
to start. Feeding Americas goal is to give food to food banks around the nation and encourage
others to fight to end hunger. It its also the nations top hunger relief charity. Every dollar you
donate can give 4 meals to a family who needs them. Of course their are more ways to help
besides donating. You can volunteer to help package food for families. You can also help
spread the word about hunger in U.S. Knowing is half the battle, the more people know about
hunger and its effects in the communities, the more people with help. You could also give
donate food to food banks. Feeding America achieves 98% fundraising effectively. We can help
end world hunger, every little thing helps.
There are some who would say that hunger is not that big of a problem. Some
would say that their are other problems in the world that could use the money.They might say
that they don't see the effects of hunger on people or the community. This is not true. Food
insecurity is a real problem in the U.S. 1 in every 5 children do not have enough to eat. Food
insecurity happens in both large and small cities. How can we help others around the world
when we can't even help the people who live in our county first. 3 in 5 kindergarten to 8th grade
teachers say students reguly come into school hungary. Hungary students affect their learning
greatly. Hunger is no joke, it is a real problem in U.S.
Providing food for people and children would help Americans. Children having food
would help them learn better and finish high school and college. These children will become
better future leaders. Stopping hunger can also help the U.S economy. As stated earlier hunger
cost America around $167.5 billion dollars. Stopping hunger would get rid of this cost and help
better the economy. Ending hunger in America would help increase Americas health. Lack of
nutrition lower immunity leading to more people becoming sick and ill. Ending hunger would
help people get all the nutrition they need and help them be healthier.
There are many people in america who need food and we can help them. Every 1 in 5
child don't have enough to eat. We can stop this. Feeding America does not only help America
but also help those in West Michigan. Some of the ways we can make a difference is by
donating money, volunteering and spread the word of hunger and its effects.Hunger doesn't
only affect the person involved it affects the community around them. Together we can stop
hunger in America.

"Charity Directory." Charity Navigator. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Dec. 2013.
"Feeding America." Feeding America. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Dec. 2013.
"Give a Meal to a Child in Need This Holiday." Feeding America West Michigan. N.p., n.d.
Web. 18 Dec. 2013. <>.
"Help End Childhood Hunger." N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Dec. 2013.
"Hunger and Poverty Facts." Bread. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Dec. 2013.

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