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During these times the impact that technology is having on the

world is extremely important and has become an incredible tool for the
human being in every single area. Its amazing performance in every single
environment has changed people lifes around the world, and talking
about education, its use is more relevant every distinct day.
Technology was taken into consideration when teaching English
years ago, the effect that had in learners was amazing and since then,
educators and professionals have bring it more into the teaching, this to
approach that level of learning that perhaps, was very difficult before. The
uses of different materials, such as videos or tape recorders were brought
to the classrooms to create an atmosphere where students could feel
good while they were learning the language. The Computer Assisted
Language Learning (CALL) appeared in the early 1980s, and it was based
on increasing the motivation of the student by doing more creative and
sophisticated activities that will recreate what the learners were doing
right or wrong. As of today, the internet and some others tool have been
incorporate it to the teaching- learning process in response of what was
obtained before when adding the technology in the education field.
More than ever technology is playing an extremely important role in
people lives. Children are growing in a completely different world, full of
technology that nowadays is running the world in all areas. The use of
technology will not only update them into the new century, but also will
provide learners the opportunity to grow in whatever career they want to
do, and in technology, knowing English is a must. Technology is all around
us, having the access to it will be having the access to a huge amount of
wonderful doors in the world that will not only show the students more
about technology, as well as knowing about other countries, languages,
cultures, bringing new fun, interesting and significant ways to learn English
with technology.
Many teachers around the globe might not feel comfortable using
technology since they may feel incapable or afraid because they never
used it before. The lack of confidence is one of the most known reasons
and has affected the learning process a lot. However, the new generations
are growing with this phenomenon, as it is called in the book digital
natives. Therefore, what could teachers do?
Teachers have to know that using technology does not mean to
eliminate papers, boards, posters or any other material that has been
used in the past. It means a great complement to those materials to
increase the students motivation the input process as well as helping
them to have a better performance in the future as professionals. Having
technology in the class does not mean either that teachers have to be
pros. The use of one computer, videos, internet, one simple recording,
and word processor may change completely the role of a single class in a
way that you will never imagine. Most of the teachers know the basis of
technology, and it is highly important to remember that knowing a bit is
good enough, and that all professors are capable to start using this great
tool in their classes, even if they do not know. Students will always feel
good to show their skills by helping the teacher to deal with some
technologic problem in class. Besides, it is also important to point out that
technology might not work in some occasions, and having the traditional
tools as a backup is something to always take into account. As a result, of
incorporating technology in the English learning process will not only be
useful for the students, but also for educators while having fun and
discovering amazing new things. Its completely understandable that
many educators feel kind of worried at the beginning when using
technology. Therefore it is always recommended to start by using simple
but effective tools that will guide the professor towards the process and
will incentive the students when learning. Using a word processor is one
of the most recommended tools, not only because it will facilitate the
teacher by doing exercises and illustrating them but also the students to
practice their grammar skills and performing tasks or even work
presentations. A word processor might be one of the easiest ways to
teach, as it is Microsoft Word.
All teachers should be aware of how to use Microsoft Word, not only for
their classes but also for exams, quizzes, class exercises, feedbacks, letters
etc. At the same time it is useful because images can be inserted. In this
way, exercises could be illustrated for the students to visualize what they
are learning and to compare it. There are many books and tutorials of how
people can apply these types of effects in Word that will help teachers to
get started. The good thing about word processors is that they have
included track changes or Markin, and that will help teacher to correct
grammar mistakes when the work is finished. Word processors have great
tools and effects that will make your job easier and funnier. Teachers can
incorporate not only images, but many other things to modify what they
are working on by using tools such as inserting graphics, changing the
letter size and form, editing images etc. Most of teenagers on these days
are aware of those functions in word, but also the teacher have to be very
careful when teaching it and be sure that the class manage the word
processor quite good before introducing it to the lesson. Some people
believe that these types of tools will only increase the laziness in students
but that definitely depends on the type of leaners they are. If students are
motivated and engaged, then there will be no need to use the word
processor to cheat but to have a significant help.
As a conclusion, I personally believe that technology must be a part
of a class, not the best or the most important, but incredible necessary to
involve students in a whole full environment of learning and introducing
them to the new world. Using technology, even though may cause some
issues, if it is used in a wisdom way, it could play a terrific role in the
classroom and in the learning process.

1. Think of how technology can be used in class even when students may have
limited access to it either in school or at home

I believe that technology could be introduce in many aspects to a class, as it was
mentioned on the book, only one video tape or one computer can make the change in
a lesson. Perhaps just using my own tools brought from home, cellular or a camera, or
a tape recorder to incorporate it and to motivate the students, it might not be easy but
it is definitely possible. Many students do not have the opportunity to use technology
for a variety of reasons, especially economical. However, by introducing technology
from school, learners can be motivated to continue using it. If technology is working,
even a process where more educators could support the idea, might help to
incorporate even more the use of if in class. Also is important to clear out, that
technology for me is just a plus, an extra to help students, but we also have traditional
effective ways.
2. What are your doubts about the use of technology in the classroom? Is
there any way you can solve the problem?

I have many doubts as many others because as it was explained on the book, I have a
lack of confidence of how technology might be applied in a class. I was born in a rural
place; therefore technology was never such as important thing to have in class. I
personally disagree with some technology phenomenon word media that we have
nowadays, by thinking in this way I believe that technology in some aways affectes
extremely the way people think and develop today, in many fields, not talking about
education only. I completely agree that it is quite important and in many occasions
necessary though.
To solve this I might just have to open my mind and to start involving myself in the
world of technology not only because I will need it in the future for my classes, but also
because Im pretty sure I will learn a lot. Besides, I already have some basis. Just some
extra push and commitment will help as well as other to overcome this fear about
using technology in class.

3. Think of the importance of word processing in our teaching and how you
can incorporate it to your current or future teaching scenarios.

Using word processors is quite important, and for a teacher, it must be one of the
most used and useful tools that are managed. I believe though that this type of extra
will help for basic circumstances, such as doing exams, tests, exercises such us filling
in the blanks, questionaries , surveys, matching tasks etc. as well as it could be used
for work presentations, eportfolio etc. Microsoft Word is incredible necessary.

4. Which areas of word processing you need to expand? How can you
improve them?

I definitively need to improve a lot in many areas of word processing, even in word,
since I just use it for school purposes. I need to improve myself in some other areas,
such as doing graphics or editing the format, as well in Microsoft office.
It needs time and practice to accomplish being a pro, or at least knowing about
these tools that someday will be fundamental in my job.

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