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Happiness is Yours

2 S. Riedel 5 January 2014

Happiness is Yours
You have happiness now, even if you do
not feel it.
Happiness is not (a material) something
you can buy. It is a feeling that you
Commercials, family and friends often
(teach) tell us that we have to buy
things, be somewhere etc, to be happy.
It just happens that the product they sell
will give you happiness or mae you
happiness worthy.
!lease be informed, if you did not now
already, that what they sell may not be
what you need to feel happy.
"aterial things are almost never the
3 S. Riedel 5 January 2014
Happiness is Yours
solution for Happiness. #hose things
(may) might bring comfort.
Happiness is yours already. So let us
claim it!
$e all have our own reason to ignoring
our happiness. %nd maybe we cannot
change some
facts that are opposite of our happiness
ideal. &ut we do own happiness now.
(') (et me prove it to you.
!lease remember the top ) times that
you felt happy. *emember how you felt.
+ow without the reason you had this
feeling, only ( feel the feeling.) +ow
eep that feeling.
#ae , minute and dwell in the feeling.
4 S. Riedel 5 January 2014
Happiness is Yours
If you have not (achieved) succeeded to
(feel) e-perience the feeling today it
(maybe) might be because.
,. You are more comfortable in how you
are feeling now.
/. You are too angry 0 sad 0
disappointed to change anything.
). You are letting other people influence
your feelings.
1. You do not want to change. (#his is
a scary one.)
&ut if you want to22.
3o bac to the feeling and try to eep it
as long as you want 0 can.
%s of today do this daily as many times
5 S. Riedel 5 January 2014
Happiness is Yours
as possible, anywhere you are.
!ut a smile on your face (it may feel
unnatural today or give you the giggles.
4o it anyway, it maes you loo nice).
$e will go a step further. create your
own ideal world, your own commercial
in your head and ( feel)e-perience the
feeling you have in this personal life you
#his personal space you create in your
head. can also be used as your personal
vision board. (/ in , )
6 S. Riedel 5 January 2014
Happiness is Yours
1. % medical reason. (tal to your
Important note5 %lso use your talent,
things you already have as part of your
happy world.
%s of today. remind yourself of
everything you have. small, big,
insignificant to others, your talent22.
6eel how beautiful it all is and be happy7
7 S. Riedel 5 January 2014
Happiness is Yours
#han you for reading our free e'boo.
*ead also our series5
' Holistic 8ourney and
' %lternative cancer treatments
Holistic journey is a series of e'boos
e-ploring the different disciplines
regarding balancing life with non
medical actions.
Holistic journey discusses5 6eng 9hui,
numerology, visuali:ation, Chinese
astrology, imprinting, crystals and a lot
;%lternative cancer treatments< is also
offered as e'boo. It is a compilation of
treatments we have looed up as family
8 S. Riedel 5 January 2014
Happiness is Yours
when my mother got cancer. 6rom a )
month prospectus we were able to
stretch her life to over ) years with not
to many bad days.
I am for sure not a doctor. &ut I wished
the information I have today where
readily available or that I new where to
find it when my mom got sic.
9o in order to give others more then I
' %lternative cancer treatments.
$e have hope77
I wish you health, love and miracles
9 S. Riedel 5 January 2014

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