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This couise will combine theoiy anu piactice to exploie the meuia piouuction, peuagogy,
anu impact of the non---piofit youth meuia oiganizations anu school---baseu piogiams
woiking in this fielu. Stuuents will also conuuct some fieluwoik in the New Yoik City aiea
that fuithei builus the ielateu fielus of youth meuiayouth uevelopment, teaching anu
leaining, anu community builuing. Reseaich piojects will uocument anu investigate how
youth meuia is suppoiting the uevelopment of young people's capacities foi 21st centuiy
skills of uigital communication, ciitical liteiacy, anu uemociatic civic engagement.

0*1%>" F"$%("% EGH"3&.8">
Stuuents will be able to:
Bevelop a ciitical unueistanuing of leaining, liteiacy, iuentity, anu social change
theoiies that unueilie youth meuia peuagogy anu piouuction.
Bocument anu assess cuiient piactices in the fielu of youth meuia, guiueu by an
ethical appioach to theii ieseaich.
Apply theoietical accounts of euucational equity, youth uevelopment anu civic
engagement to local contexts.

I"J1.%"- I"$-.(@
uoouman, S. (2uuS). !"#$%&'( *+,-% ."/&#0 1 23&-&$#4 5,&/" -+ 6&-"3#$78 9&/"+ :3+/,$-&+'
#'/ ;+$&#4 2%#'(". New Yoik: Teacheis College Piess.

Access a packet of collecteu aiticleschapteis at Auvanceu Copy Centei, SS2 Lauuaiuia
Place (between West S
anu Bleeckei Stieet) (212) S88---1uu1

uiauing anu Assignments
Attenuance anu Paiticipation 2S% (1u% attenuance; 1S% paiticipation)
Reauing Responses 1S%
Reauing Facilitation 1u%
Reflection Papei 1u%
1 Bigital Neuia Inquiiy Pioject 2u%
1 Final Papei 2u%

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Attenuance matteis to us instiuctois as well as youi fellow stuuents who leain anu
collaboiate with you. Attenuance will be taken anu no moie than two absences aie
peimitteu. Any absence aftei that one will iesult in you failing the attenuance poition of the
couise, unless I am notifieu in auvance of class of an extiaoiuinaiy ieason why you cannot
attenu. Regaiuless of the ieason foi youi absence you will be iesponsible foi any misseu
woik. Theie aie no extia cieuit assignments foi this class. Attenuance incluues being on
time to class - if you aie significantly oi iepeateuly late, you will be maikeu absent. In class,
you must be piepaieu to uiscuss ieauings anu paiticipate in conveisation; paiticipation is
not simply about showing up, but about being an active membei of the class. Paiticipation
will also incluue youi obseivations in the fielu of youth meuia locally, anuoi globally via
the Inteinet. Please note: attenuance without active paiticipation (i.e. vocal, veibal
paiticipation, incluuing asking questions, answeiing them anuoi offeiing youi
peispective, analysis, confusion, etc.) will ieceive no highei than a "C" giaue.

Cell phones aie not peimitteu in class. If I see you on youi phone, you will be maikeu
absent. Please take caie of youi phone calls anuoi texting befoie oi aftei class.

I"$-.(@ I">#*(>">
A papei copy (2 pages) of youi ieauing iesponse will be collecteu each class; you shoulu
iesponu to all ieauings iequiieu foi that session in one typeu iesponse. Reauing iesponses
shoulu uemonstiate that you unueistanu the authoi's main thesis oi aiguments anu the
context in which they weie maue, anu aie making thoughtful connections to the
iueasissues they iaise. Note any special teims oi concepts the authoi uses to make theii
aigument. Biaw connections, wheie appiopiiate, between this ieauing anu any otheis we
have uiscusseu. Youi iesponses shoulu incluue those quotes fiom the ieauing that stoou
out foi you, anu the questions, comments, connections, pioblems, uisagieements oi
ciitiques they piovoke.

All stuuents will co---facilitate ieauing uiscussions. Co---facilitation incluues pioviuing the
class with a summaiy of the man points iaiseu in the ieauing anu then leauing a uiscussion
with guiuing questions oi an activity that engages all stuuents. Co---facilitation teams must
email an outline of theii plan foi ieview in auvance.

I"+2"3&.*( M$#"%
You will be askeu to wiite a S page papei that ciitically ieflects on the issues anu themes
that have been iaiseu by the ieauings, class uiscussions, anu youi inquiiies in the fielu.

!.@.&$2 ,"-.$ P(J1.%? M%*H"3&
Woiking in small teams, you will piouuce, euit anu piesent a uigital meuia inquiiy pioject
that uocuments anu exploies an aspect of youth meuia theoiy anu piactice uiscusseu in
class, as it takes place within the context of a youth meuia oiganization. The pioject will
incluue images, text, anu at least one inteiview with a stuuent anu a youth meuia
piactitionei in New Yoik City.

O.($2 M$#"%
In this final 1u page papei, you will examine two cential questions oi themes that uiaw on
youth meuia theoiy anu piactice uiscusseu in class anu obseiveu in the ieseaich you have
conuucteu in the fielu. To auuiess youi questions, you will use case stuuies anu theoietical
aiguments founu in ieauings anu youi own fiist hanu obseivations of youth meuia piocess
anu piouucts.

O*%'$& *+ Q%.&&"( Q*%<
Foi all wiitten assignments, follow this foimat: In the uppei left coinei, incluue youi name,
couise name, uate, assignment heauing. All woik must be typeu anu uouble spaceu with
numbeieu pages; multiple pages shoulu be stapleu. Follow a foimal style manual foi
guiuelines on citations, quotations, etc. Nake suie you euitpioof youi papei befoie
submitting it. Youi giaue will be paitly baseu on youi ability to follow the noims anu
conventions of wiiting using Stanuaiu English styles anu conventions.

4&?2" ,$(1$2
Stuuents aie stiongly uigeu to puichase at least one style manual. A goou style manual will
help to impiove the oiganization anu composition of youi wiitten woik anu, useu piopeily,
shoulu help to ensuie the piopei citation of souices. I iecommenu the NLA oi APA guiues,
available at any bookstoie.

F$&" L>>.@('"(&>
1. Youi Reauing Responses will not be accepteu aftei the uay on which the peitinent
ieauings aie uiscusseu in class, unless you weie absent fiom that class.
2. Youi Reflection Papei will be maikeu uown one giaue pei uay late, incluuing weekenus.
S. If you miss class on the uay you aie supposeu to co---facilitate the uiscussion of the
ieauings, youi paiticipation giaue foi the couise will be maikeu uown by half.
4. If you miss class on the uay you aie supposeu to piesent youi Bigital Neuia Inquiiy
Pioject, youi giaue on the pioject will be an F.
S. !"#$ &'()* +),-$ '. /#- "( 0)1 234 )3 5*).. 3'6-7 If it is not hanueu it at that time, youi
giaue on the papei will be an F.

A= Excellent: 0utstanuing woik in all iespects. This woik uemonstiates compiehensive,
uetaileu anu soliu unueistanuing of couise lectuies, ieauings, anu uiscussions, anu
piesents thoughtful inteipietations, well---focuseu anu oiiginal insights, anu well---ieasoneu
commentaiy anu analysis. Incluues skillful use of souice mateiial, illuminating examples
anu illustiations, anu fluent veibalwiitten expiession. "A" woik is coheient, fluent, anu
thoiough anu shows some cieative flaii.

B= uoou: This woik uemonstiates a complete anu accuiate unueistanuing of couise
mateiial, piesents a ieasonable uegiee of insight anu bioau level of analysis. Woik ieflects
competence, but stays at geneial oi pieuictable level of unueistanuing. Souice mateiial,
along with examples anu illustiations, aie useu appiopiiately anu aiticulationwiiting is
cleai. Classioom paiticipation is consistent anu thoughtful. "B" woik is ieasonable, cleai,
appiopiiate anu complete.

C= AuequateFaii: This woik uemonstiates unueistanuing that coveis most oi some of the
basics but which lacks analysis, iemains supeificial, incomplete, oi expiesses some
impoitant eiiois oi weaknesses. Souice mateiial may be useu inauequately oi
inappiopiiately. The woik may lack conciete, specific example anu illustiations, anu
aiticulationwiiting may be vague oi haiu to follow. Classioom paiticipation is
inconsistent anu inaiticulate.

B= 0nsatisfactoiy: This woik uemonstiates a seiious lack of unueistanuing, anu fails to
expiess the most iuuimentaiy aspects of the couise. Souices may be useu entiiely
inappiopiiately oi not at all. The woik may be inaiticulate oi extiemely uifficult to ieau.
Classioom paiticipation is limiteu, unpiepaieu, anu off topic.

This giaue inuicates a failuie to paiticipate anuoi incomplete assignments.

Plus (+) oi minus (---) giaues inuicate youi iange with the afoiementioneu giaues.

**Note on giauing policy: I aim to maik youi woik in teims of content, not foimat. If youi
assignments aie technically sloppy (oveiwhelming spelling giammai foimat stylistic
eiiois), I will be foiceu to giaue foi foimat anu not content - this will seveiely haim youi
giaue. If you aie conceineu about youi technical wiiting skills, please seek help well befoie
the assignment is uue.

435"-12" *+ 02$>>">

}anuaiy 29 8$--3'(9.: ;<-$<'-= )(/ >(3$"/#53'"(

Scieening of youth meuia piouuctions

}anuaiy S1 !"#34 0-/')?? @'.3"$1 )(/ A3)3- "B 34- &'-*/
uoouman, S. (2uuS) !"#$%&'( *+,-% ."/&#0 1 23&-&$#4 5,&/" -+ 6&-"3#$78
9&/"+ :3+/,$-&+' #'/ ;+$&#4 2%#'(". New Yoik: Teacheis College Piess,
Intiouuction. pp. 1---S6.

Bahl, I. (Novembei 2uu9) "State of the Youth Neuia Fielu Repoit".
*+,-% ."/&# <"=+3-"3. NY: Acauemy foi Euucational Bevelopment.

>'?"@-&'( &' *+,-% ."/&#0 1 5,&/" A+3 53#'-B#C"3@. (2uu6) 0pen Society
Institute, pp S---S.

Febiuaiy S Boechsmann, N. anu Stuait R. Poyntz (2u12) "Neuia Piouuction anu
Youth Agency" in ."/&# 6&-"3#$&"@0 1 23&-&$#4 >'-3+/,$-&+'. Naluen, NA:
Wiley Blackwell, pp. 1uu---1S6.

Febiuaiy 7 CDE F-3$".,-53'<- A5$--('(9 )3 &'*6 A"5'-31 "B G'(5"*( E-(3-$
Youth Piouuceu Bocumentaiies on Race, Ethnicity anu the Neuia:
"Bieaking Thiough Steieotypes", "We the People", anu "Blacks anu
}ews: Aie They Really Swoin Enemies"

Febiuaiy 12 &$)6'(9 H$I)( !"#34J K4- L)(M'(9 )(/ &)53"$1 A1.3-6. N
E"(.3$)'(3.: O')*"9#- )(/ P9-(51
uoouman (2uuS), Chaptei 1. pp. 2S---S6.

Nogueia, P. (2uuS). "Schools, Piisons, anu Social Implications of
Punishment: Rethinking Bisciplinaiy Piactices." !%"+37 >'-+ :3#$-&$",
42 (4). pp. S41---SSu.

Febiuaiy 14 Fieiie, P. (197u) :"/#(+(7 +A -%" D==3"@@"/E New Yoik: Continuum
Publishing Company. pp. S2---7S.

Febiuaiy 19 !"#34 D"'5- )(/ A"5')* E4)(9-
NcBeimott, N. ,B. Bukes, S. Rajkumai anu B. 0'Reilly---Rowe. (2uu8)
Youth Neuia anu Social Change: 0ne Peispective fiom the Fielu. *+,-%
."/&# <"=+3-"3E Special Featuies Issue, 86---9S. NY: Acauemy foi
Euucational Bevelopment.

Beveloping Pieliminaiy Reseaich Questions anu Sites

Febiuaiy 21 Akom, AA. }. Cammaiota, anu S. uinwiight. "Youthtopias: Towaius a
New Paiauigm of Ciitical Youth Stuuies." *+,-% ."/&# <"=+3-"38 August
1S, 2uu8. NY: Acauemy foi Euucational Bevelopment.

Febiuaiy 26 E$'3'5)* 0-/') G'3-$)51?? +$"I*-6. )(/ +"..'I'*'3'-.
uoouman (2uuS), Chaptei 2. pp. S7---6u.
Scieening of "Young uunz"

Selecting Youth Neuia Case Stuuy Sites; Settling on the Reseaich

Febiuaiy 28 Buckingham, B (2uuS). ."/&# F/,$#-&+'0 6&-"3#$78 6"#3'&'( #'/
2+'-"B=+3#37 2,4-,3"E Lonuon: Polity Piess, pp. 1u7---119.
Naich S A3#/1'(9 !"#34 0-/') '( 34- &'-*/

Planning Youth Neuia Inquiiy Piojects: Inteiviews anu Site visits

Byson, A. B. anu C. uenishi. (2uuS) D' -%" 2#@"0 1==3+#$%"@ -+
6#'(,#(" #'/ 6&-"3#$7 <"@"#3$%. New Yoik: Teacheis College Piess.

Naich 7 C34'5)* E4)**-(9-. '( O"5#6-(3)$1 )(/ !"#34 0-/') Q"$M
Aufueiheiue, P., P }aszi, anu N. Chanuia. (Septembei 2uu9) G+'"@-
!3,-%@0 H+$,B"'-#37 I&4BB#C"3@ +' F-%&$#4 2%#44"'("@ &' -%"&3 J+3C.
Centei foi Social Neuia, School of Communication. Ameiican

Coles, R. (1997) H+&'( H+$,B"'-#37 J+3C. New Yoik, 0xfoiu: 0xfoiu
0niveisity Piess. pp 166---17u.

Naich 12 Soep, E. (2uu8) "}umping foi }oy, Wiacking 0ui Biains, Seaiching 0ui
Souls: Youth Neuia anu its Bigital Contiauictions." *+,-% ."/&#
<"=+3-"3E Special Featuies Issue, 1u2---1u9. NY: Acauemy foi
Euucational Bevelopment.

Naich 14 RRRF-B*-53'"( +),-$ O#-

!"#34 >/-(3'31 )(/ P9-(51
Bull, u. , N. L. Kenney, S. Naiple anu A. Foisman---Schneiuei. "Nany
veisions of Nasculine An Exploiation of Boys' Iuentity Foimation
thiough Bigital Stoiytelling in an Afteischool Piogiam", 1A-"3@$%++4
.#--"3@ #6, Spiing 2uu6.

Naich 19 anu 21 S" E*).. ???? A,$'(9 F-5-..

Naich 26 Buckingham, B. (2uu8) "Intiouucing Iuentity" *+,-%8 >/"'-&-78 #'/
H&(&-#4 ."/&#. Euiteu by Baviu Buckingham. The }ohn B. anu Catheiine
T. NacAithui Founuation Seiies on Bigital Neuia anu Leaining.
Cambiiuge, NA: The NIT Piess. pp. 1---24.

Naich 28 P,,$-(3'5-.4',. )(/ A'3#)3-/ G-)$('(9 K4-"$1
Tynei, K. (1998). 6&-"3#$7 &' # H&(&-#4 J+34/. New }eisey: Lawience
Eilbaum Publisheis. pp. 17S---194.

Apiil 2 Balpein, R. (2uu8) ."#'@ -+ 53+K L=0 <"&'?"'-&'( 1==3"'-&$"@%&= #@ #
H"?"4+=B"'-#4 ;,==+3- &' 1/+4"@$"'$". New Yoik anu Lonuon:
Routleuge. pp. 17---S2.

uee, }.P. (2uuS) J%#- 9&/"+ 5#B"@ G#?" -+ !"#$% L@ 1M+,- 6"#3'&'(
#'/ 6&-"3#$7. New Yoik: Palgiave Nacmillan. pp. S9---71.

Scieening of "Aaion's Stoiy"

Apiil 4 A"5')* 0-/'): ;(*'(- 0-/') )(/ +)$3'5',)3"$1 E#*3#$-
}enkins, B. (2uu6) 2+'A3+'-&'( -%" 2%#44"'("@ +A :#3-&$&=#-+37 2,4-,3"0
."/&# F/,$#-&+' A+3 -%" NO@- 2"'-,37. }ohn B. anu Catheiine T.
NacAithui Founuation.

Apiil 9 }enkins continueu

Apiil 11 CDE F-3$".,-53'<- A5$--('(9 )3 &'*6 A"5'-31 "B G'(5"*( E-(3-$
*+,-% =3+/,$"/ H+$,B"'-#3&"@ +' 5"'/"3 #'/ >/"'-&-70 P:#-3&#3$%7 &@
.#4#3C7Q8 PD,- *+,-% &' ;$%++4@Q8 P>-@ R+- 1M+,- ;"SQ

Apiil 16 M%">"(&$&.*(R0%.&.J1" *+ !.@.&$2 P(J1.%? Q*%<>AA.(AAM%*@%">>

Apiil 18 Lange, P. u. anu Nizuko Ito. (2u1u) " Cieative Piouuction" in G#'(&'(
D,-8 ."@@&'( 13+,'/ #'/ 5""C&'( D,-0 T&/@ 6&?&'( #'/ 6"#3'&'( K&-%
R"K ."/&#E NIT Piess. pp. 24S---292

Apiil 2S Lange anu Ito continueu

Apiil 2S !"#34 0-/') '( A54""*.: K4'$/ A,)5-.: 0'5$"5#*3#$-. )(/ F-B"$6
uoouman, (2uuS) Chaptei S. pp. 61---98.

Apiil Su uoouman, (2uuS) Chaptei 4. pp. 99---112.

uoouman, S. (2u11) "'Nau Baiu Fun': Builuing a Niciocultuie of
Youth Neuia in New Yoik City Tiansfei Schools" in >'-"3'#-&+'#4
:"3@="$-&?"@ +' *+,-% ."/&#0 2,4-,3"@ +A :3+/,$-&+' #'/ F/,$#-&+'.
Euiteu by }oEllen Fisheikellei. New Yoik: Petei Lang, pp. SS8---SS4.

Scieening of BSEI stuuent uocumentaiy.
Nay 2 &'()* +$"T-53 F-<'.'"(.
.#7 U VVV&'()* +$"T-53 +$-.-(3)3'"(.

.#7 W RRR&'()* +$"T-53 +$-.-(3)3'"(. E"(3'(#-/

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