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'Hey Ichigo, what's up?' Rukia greeted him, entering on Ichigo's room, closing the door behind her.

Ichigo glanced up at her, he was sitting on his chair, next to the desk, trying to end up his
homework. He wondered where she had been the whole afternoon, she hadn't showed up, not even
comunicated him she was going to be out.
'aybe you are wondering where I've been, aren't you?' she guessed, speaking in that annoying
manner that he hated so much.
'!ot even a little' he replied, turning back to his homework.
'"#what? How rude of you$ I'm your guest, you should pay me more attention' she retorted,
crossing her arms and turning around, apparently offended.
'%ou aren't a guest, fool, you auto invited yourself to my place, invading my personal space$' he
shouted, spreading his arms around his &space'.
Rukia glared back at him, raising an eyebrow.
'(sk, en)oy your &personal space'' she said, leaving the room.
He expected she'd slam the door, but she didn't.
'*ee+, stupid midget... ,he managed to make me feel guilty' he thought after a couple of minutes,
giving up on focusing in his homework.
He left the room and went downstairs. His family was on a mysterious trip this weekend, so he
knew she would be there, nosing around, surprised at every unknown thing she'd find. He smiled.
,he was so new in his world and he had to admit that it was funny and en)oyable to watch her,
ama+ed at such a common things. ,he didn't even know how to insert a straw in a )uice box.
'Hey, Rukia, mmm...' he said when he found her in the kitchen. ,he had half of her body inside the
fridge, and she was thoughtfully examining a pack of yogurts. '-re you hungry?' he asked, knowing
that she probably hadn't eaten, since their brief lunch at school.
Rukia closed the fridge and stared at him, wickedly.
'-re you worried about me, .urosaki#kun?' she asked, speaking with that annoying affected voice
she used to use while they were in school.
'I couldn't care less$ -nd stop being so dramatical, you should stop reading manga, you know?' he
replied, stuffing his hands into his pockets.
Rukia's stomach protested so loudly that made her to blush, shamed.
'/mmm... that wasn't...' she tried to explain, awkwardly.
',o you were hungry after all' he said, slightly smiling. 'I'll make the dinner'. He sighed, frowning as
',orry to cause you trouble, Ichigo' she apologised sincerely, still blushing.
'%ou don't have to feel sorry, Rukia. !one of us asked for this, so... It's not your fault and you don't
cause me trouble, idiot' he said, while a grin crossed his lips.
'Ichigo...' she said, smiling at him.
,he decided to have a shower while he was cooking. "hen she finished and went back to the
kitchen, he was still busy, so she left him on his own and went to the living room, where the family
used to have their meals and watch that strange machine called '(0'.
,he ducked in front of that '(0', staring at it intensely. ,he knew that it could display images of
living people, but they weren't actually inside of that appliance, so she was avid to learn how it
worked. It was switched off. It had to be a comand to switch it on.
'mm... will you switch on for me, emm... r (0?' she asked it, kneeling in front of the appliance.
!othing happened. Rukia knocked the screen, as if knocking on a door to enter. 'I order you to turn
on' she demanded, looking at the empty screen. 1nce again, nothing happened.
(his world was so complicated, she sighed, still glancing confused at the tv.
'Hm, Ichigo, how does the tv work? I'm asking it to turning on but I can't manage to make it obey
me' she asked, again knocking the screen with her knuckles.
Ichigo had dropped something noisily to the floor. His head appeared from the kitchen, his
expression was both dumbfounded and incredulous.
'%ou did... did ask it to... you literally asked it to switch on?' he managed to say.
Rukia gave him a look of concern.
'Is everything alright, Ichigo?' she replied, na2vely.
Ichigo's eyes twitched at her unbelievable ignorance. ,he was kneeling there, in front of the tv,
staring at him calmly, unaware of his thoughts. He had no idea how to act right now.
'Ichigo?' ,he was waiting for a response.
'3#press the button, Rukia, in the lower left corner' he could finally say.
'1h, here?' she asked, pressing it. '"ow, it wasn't that hard I guess' she said, smiling widely.
Ichigo shaked his head in disbelief, but smiling in spite. ,he was an ama+ing one, he had to admit
Rukia kept absorbed watching the tv spots. ,he was ama+ed with them, but she was unsure if it
would be healthy to watch tv, her eyes felt tired by the flashing images, there were so many colors
and shines. ,he felt a bit numb.
'/n)oying yourself?' asked Ichigo, carrying a tray with fried noodles and a glass of water, leaving it
on the table.
'mm, I think so... "hat's this?' Her index finger was pointing to the dvd player and the case full of
dvd's next to it.
'It plays movies. %ou insert the dvd here, see?' Ichigo opened the dvd's tray and put a dvd on it.
Rukia's eyes widened with astonishment, and she was nodding to his explanations. '%ou use this
remote to control it, see? (his triangle means to play the dvd, this s4uare means to stop it. (his two
triangles pointing to the right will go forward, this two pointing to the left is for rewind. Is useful if
you want to replay any scene, you understand?'
,he nodded, speechless. It was too much information for her, but she seemed ama+ed again with
such a trivial thing. Ichigo went for his meal, and both ate in silence.
Ichigo was staring at Rukia, surely she was still thinking on the things she had )ust discovered,
because she looked so absentminded.
'I'll wash up the plates' said Ichigo when they finished the dinner. 'If you want I'll let you to watch a
movie after I finish' he said, heading to the kitchen, followed by Rukia, who was helping him to
carry the dishes.
Her amethyst eyes sparkled with excitement.
'Really?' she asked, frantically as a little girl.
Ichigo couldn't help but to smile again at her childish attitude.
'Really' he promised.
Rukia went back to the living room cheerfully, and kneeled in front of the tv again. ,he took the
remote control and pressed the single triangle, which meant 'play', if she wasn't mistaken. (he
screen went darker and some lettering appeared on it. ,he prepared herself to watch the movie,
In the kitchen, Ichigo was washing the dishes, thinking on what kind of movie should allow her to
watch. He didn't know about her likes, so... It'll be more appropiated to watch a comedy. !o
dramas, no scary movies, no violent films... - comedy was the wisest choice. ,he won't complain
for sure, she had )ust learnt how to switch on a tv, so...
He was drinking a glass of water when she entered on the kitchen, hesitating.
'mm... Ichigo, emm... It's weird to ask you this, but... why is everybody naked on this movie? Is it
Ichigo spitted the water all over the kitchen, blushing like a strawberry, staring at Rukia with a
dumbfounded expression.
'-re you ok?' she asked, clueless about what caused his exaggerated reaction.
'"hat kind of filthy stuff are you watching, Rukia?' he shouted, pointing at her and gesturing
'e? It was you who put that rounded shiny thing on that dvd player or however is called$' she said
'*ee+, this pervert old man' he hissed, refering to his father. ,urely it was his movie. He would kill
him for keep that kind of stuff at everybody's sight. '1k, stay here, I will switch off the dvd...'.
'!o, is ok, I'll watch it anyway. I'm intrigued about what is going to happen, I've never seen a thing
like this before$' she replied, in an innocent voice that left him stunned.
'%ou... you... you don't know what you're saying, Rukia, this is... to watch this is wrong$' he tried to
explain, clumsily.
'"hy?' she wanted to know. Ichigo was praying for this to be some kind of cruel )oke, but she truly
seemed so unaware of the embarrassment she was causing him.
'5ecause... because you are... you are...' he babbled. "hy it had to be so complicated? He didn't
know what to say, and she was still staring at him, awaiting for his answer.
'"hy is your face so red, Ichigo? 6o you have fever?' she asked, to his total dismay. He was about
to collapse, his embarrassment was beyond belief, his face was burning, his eyes twitching... 6amn
'1k, we are now going to my room' he said, pushing Rukia out of the kitchen and guiding her to the
'"hy do you want me in your room?' (hat 4uestion nearly swept Ichigo to his feet. (hat filthy mind
of him was betraying him again. ,he continued7 'I don't want to sleep, we don't have to go to school
'I'll let you to draw your crappy bunnies and stuff, and you can read your manga, or whatever you
want' he said, pulling her upstairs, still feeling his face burning. 6amn this Rukia, how did she
managed to catch him offguard all the time? ,he was new in this world and everything was strange
for her, but this was to much for him. -sking to watch a porn film with that na2vety of hers... *ee+,
he was blushing again.
'5ut I want to watch a movie, please Ichigo, I promise I won't bother you with any 4uestions' she
was saying, while being almost dragged into Ichigo's room.
'%es, we will watch a film, but tomorrow, ok? ,urely we'll have to go out after some hollows soon.
!ow be a good girl and don't move from here. I'll be back'
Ichigo didn't hear anything else, he ran downstairs and switched off both dvd and tv, avoiding to
look at the porn scenes displayed on the screen. He will kill his father for this... (hat pervert old
"hen he went back to his room, Rukia greeted him with a blow to his forehead, her hand covered
by that familiar red glove. He saw his body lying lifeless on the floor. Rukia was pointing at her
'Hollow' she simply said.
/verything but letting her to watch a porn movie, he thought, )umping out from his window,
carrying Rukia on his back. He slightly smiled. Hunting hollows didn't seem that bad now.
(he end.

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