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Harvest Moon Boy & Girl PSP General Guide

by Freyashawk

email: castleenchanted aol

Created 6 March 2008
Last updated on 19 March 2008
Note on 6 March 2008: This is a work in progress and updates will be made


Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the game or my
guide. I try to answer all serious requests for help but I will not open any
email with an attachment. AOL sometimes considers a 'signature' or a simple
icon as an attachment. Please send your emails as plain text or I shall not
be able to respond. Thank you.

Table of Contents

This is a preliminary Table of Contents which I hope to organise better when
time permits.

Affection and Friendship
Raising and Maintaining Affection and/or Friendship
The Effect of the Death of an Animal
Attending Festivals
Special Characters
Harvest Goddess
Saving your Game
Controlling the Weather
Mineral Town Shops and Homes
Saibara's Smithy
Improving your Tools
Buying Accessories
Other Tools
The Makers
Aja's Winery
Ellen's House
Thomas' House
The Supermarket
Cooking Corner
Wrapping Corner
Other Items
Medium Rucksack
Large Rucksack
Fish Food
Blue Feather
Seed Corner
The Inn
The Telephone
Won's Seed Corner
The Hospital/Clinic
The Church
Harvest Sprite Hut
The History of the Harvest Sprites
Rose Square
The Beach
The Pier and a Fishing Rod
Kai's Seaside Lodge
Yodel's Farm
Care of Livestock
Gotz the Woodcutter
Building Upgrades
Quick Guide to Building Upgrades
Cost of each Upgrade with Lumber
Cost of each Upgrade if Gotz supplies Lumber
Chicken Li'l's Poultry Farm
Care of Poultry
Map of Mineral Town
TV Shopping Channel
Cooking and Recipes
Easy Recipes
People who like these Items
Complete Basic Cookbook
No Utensil Recipes
Knife Recipes
Frying Pan Recipes
Pot Recipes
Mixer Recipes
Whisk Recipes
Rolling Pin Recipes
Oven Recipes
Item Values
Spring Crop Values
Spring Wild Items Values
Summer Crop Values
Summer Wild Items Values
Autumn Crop Values
Autumn Wild Items Values
Hothouse Item Values
Ranch Item Values
Processed Ranch Item Values
Values of Items from the Mines
Values of other Items
Spring Mine
Lake Mine
Mining Tips
Energy and Sleep
Profitable Events
Animal Care and Festivals
Chicken Strategies
Power Berries
List of all Power Berries
Mystic Berry
King Fish
Shipping List
Other Items that can be shipped
Heart Events and Marriage
Special Events
1st Year Special Events:
A Horse from Barley
A Fishing Rod from Greg
Thomas' Crop Request
May and the Church
May and her Past
First Meeting with Kai
First Corn Harvest
First Flower and Honey
Anna and the Power Berry
Apple Pie Event
Ann's Birthday Party
Harris and Aja
The Anniversary of a Death
Duke's Drunken Episode
Chicken-Sitting for Rick
Cliff and the Grape Harvest
Cliff's Drama at Rose Square
The White Flower of Happiness
2nd Year Special Events
Miscellaneous Tips
The Flashing Hand
When to Cook
Raising the Values of Items


Harvest Moon Boy & Girl essentially is the old 'Back to Nature' Harvest Moon
game for Playstation, revitalised and recrafted for the PSP. There are
those who therefore would not consider the game to merit a new guide, but I
obviously disagree. 'Back to Nature' was one of the best Harvest Moon games
produced and even now can compete successfully with the newer Harvest Moon DS
and Magical Melody. It may be more difficult than newer Harvest Moon games
many ways, but it nonetheless is enjoyable.

It is an extraordinarily detailed game, given its relative antiquity.
of 'Friends of Mineral Town' and 'More Friends of Mineral Town' will find
much of the dialogue and many of the events are the same. There are fewer
exploitations in Harvest Moon Boy and Girl, however, and it is possible only
to save the game when one goes to bed at night. This is one of the more
annoying restrictions in the game, actually. It is balanced by the fact that
the PSP allows many different save files. One can save the same game in
multiple slots at different points, allowing one ultimately to marry five
different girls in a game with a single foundation. In other words, in the
boy version of the game, bring all five girls to red heart level and fulfil
all other requirements for marriage, then save your game in five different
slots before you propose to ANY girl. You then can branch off in each slot
create an entirely different game with different spouses. In the girl
of the game, the game will end if you marry, but you can save your game
you propose and then marry each of the bachelors to experience five different
endings before you return to a continuing game as a single woman.

The basic premise of the game is one that is at the heart of all traditional
Harvest Moon games. You must restore a failing farm to success while making
friends with all your neighbours and every one in the area. You can but need
not marry. As a boy, you will have a choice of five eligible girls. As a
girl, you can choose between five eligible bachelors.

This guide attempts to cover both the Boy and the Girl versions of the game.
Wherever both versions are the same, no special reference to the gender of
player's character will be mentioned. Where the two versions differ, I will
try to give specific relevant details for each version.

For example, when your character tosses an offering of a crop grown on your
farm into the Goddess Spring, the Harvest Goddess will appear and thank you.
When you toss the fifth crop offering into the Spring, she will reward you in
both versions, but here the reward differs depending on the gender of your
character. As a Boy, the first reward will be a Red Power Berry. As a girl,
the first reward will be a piece of Lumber for which Gotz will pay 3000G.
other two rewards are obtained when you toss a total of 10 crop offerings and
20 crop offerings into the Spring. The rewards essentially are the same in
both games, but given in a different order.

The second reward in both games is the 'Sweetheart' reward. After a total of
10 crop offerings have been given, the Harvest Goddess will ask you if you
have a Sweetheart. If you say that you do, the eligible girl/bachelor with
the highest heart level will be waiting for you at the foot of the steps.

In the boy version, a rather hilarious event then will occur if you enter the
Hot Spring. A monkey will share the bath with you and the girl will confront
you only when you come out of the Spa. Her heart level will increase,
however, with your attempt to bathe with her.

In the girl version, the bachelor with the highest heart level will be
but there will be no talk about sharing a bath! He may present you with a
flower instead.

There are both 'Heart Events' and 'Rival Heart Event's in Harvest Moon Boy &
Girl, hereinafter referred to as HMBG. Experiencing any Heart Event with an
eligible girl or bachelor and giving the correct response will raise his/her
affection level substantially. Please refer to my Courtship and Marriage
Guide for information relating to romance and marriage, as well as all likes
and dislikes, schedules of eligible girls/bachelors and all heart and rival
heart events. You will find it at:

Harvest Moon Boy & Girl PSP Courtship and Marriage Guide

Giving gifts that an individual likes will raise affection and/or friendship
levels as well. A wrapped gift, presented on an individual's birthday will
boost affection and/or friendship enormously. Even if given unwrapped, it
will raise the levels of affection and/or friendship far more than a gift on
any other day.

As in FoMT and MFoMT, speaking to an individual, even if you cannot give a
gift, raises affection and/or friendship a little. It is far better to take
the time to speak to every one during the course of a day, even if you have
gift items in your rucksack, than to ignore them. Speaking to an eligible
girl or bachelor will raise his/her Affection level overnight. Thus, for
example, even if you have no items that Ann would like in the first half of
the first Spring, simply by speaking to her each day will raise her heart

You will see the icon of an eligible girl or bachelor's heart level in the
lower right corner of the text screen when you speak to that individual. As
the affection level increases, the colour of the heart icon will change.
Courting more than one girl or bachelor will not affect the heart levels of
the others. In other words, feel free to court ALL eligible girls or
bachelors in your game.

Affection and Friendship

Raising and Maintaining Affection and/or Friendship Levels

As in most Harvest Moon games, you need to interact with eligible girls or
bachelors as well as all other villagers in order to raise affection and
friendship levels. In HM DS, simply speaking to some one will NOT raise
his/her AP and/or FP, but in Harvest Moon Boy & Girl, as in FoMT/MFoMT, it
will. The increase will be greater, however, if you give the person an item
that he she especially loves. There are a number of different categories for
items: Most Favourite Items, Liked Items, Items to which the person is
Indifferent, Disliked Items and Most Detested Items. Speaking to some one is
better than giving an item that the individual actively dislikes but giving
item that he/she particularly loves is the best option.

In order to maintain heart levels and friendship levels, you must not neglect
any one. If you do not have a gift, simply speak to the person. Otherwise,
you may find that his/her affection and/or friendship actually will decrease

The death of any animal in your care will cause a huge decrease in heart
and friendship. Try to take care of your animals.

Attending Festivals will raise Affection and Friendship levels a little with
every one to whom you speak. Even with respect to the Fireworks Festival,
choosing the option NOT to invite an eligible girl or bachelor to watch the
fireworks with you does not LOWER affection levels but you do need to speak
every one before you choose the fortunate girl or bachelor with whom you wish
to stand at the end of the pier to watch the display. You will receive an
extra boost in affection by asking an individual to watch the show with you
but you receive an increase in affection or friendship simply by speaking to
each person.

Attend every Festival and make an effort to visit every one as often as
possible. Do not make the mistake of thinking that you only should
the Heart Events of the girl or bachelor you ultimately intend to marry. It
is best to experience as many events as possible.

In the Boy version of the game, for example, Ann's Blue Heart Event will give
you an opportunity to sell 3 eggs directly to the Inn for a period of seven
days, provided you never miss a day. She will pay 450G for eggs that,
in ordinary fashion, only will net 150G. Popuri's Blue Heart Event will give
you an egg that, when it hatches, adds a Chicken to your Farm. A Chicken can
be sold for 500G or kept for egg production. Karen's Blue Heart Event can
unlock the sale of Moondrop Flower seeds at Won's Seed Corner.

These are only some examples of the benefits of experiencing events in
Moon, whatever your ultimate ambition in terms of marriage may be.

Special Characters


The Kappa lives in the Lake in the Mountains. Players familiar either with
the original Japanese Kappa Legend or with the Kappa in Friends of Mineral
Town/More Friends of Mineral Town will know that he responds solely to
cucumbers as gifts. The reason for this is the original Japanese folklore
belief that if you carve your name into a Cucumber and throw it into a river
or lake, the Kappa will not vex you or your animals. In this game, throwing
three Cucumbers into the Lake will bring you the gift of a Mystic Berry. In
order to do this properly, it must be done AFTER 12.00 p.m. noon and you
them at a very specific location on the shore.

With respect to the Harvest Goddess and her awards for offerings, Boy and
versions differ in the sequence of rewards. With respect to the Kappa, both
versions are identical.

Go to the top of the Lake. You will see two trees growing side by side and a
stump growing southwest of them. Between the trees and the stump, there is a
little area of the shore that juts out into the water. Stand there and face
the water, then throw the Cucumber into the water.

The Kappa will appear and give you his usual response:
Kappa: ..............
Do not be discouraged by this.
Repeat the performance.
He will reappear. This time, he will speak to you.
Kappa: You're so persistent. Stop following me.
Throw one more Cucumber into the water.
The Kappa now will give you a very rare gift.
Kappa: ... I'll give you this. Just don't follow me anymore.
He will give you a Mystic Berry which you will eat promptly.

N.B. In FoMT/MFoMT, the Kappa would give you the only Blue Power Berry in
game, and in HMB&G, he will give you a Blue Mystic Berry with much the same
effect Red Power Berries increase Stamina, but the Kappa's Berry increases
your resistance to Fatigue. The Kappa will define its effect as making
you 'tougher'.

The Harvest Goddess:

In order to meet the Harvest Goddess, you need to stand behind the waterfall,
near the entrance to the Mine and throw a crop that you have harvested into
the water. There will be a flash of white and the Harvest Goddess will

In the Boy version:

Harvest Goddess: Well, if it isn't Frey. How do I know your name? That's
just the way I am. Thank you for your offering.

Throw another crop into the water and she will appear again to say;
Harvest Goddess: Well, if it isn't Frey again. Thank you for your offering.

Repeat this performance until you have thrown five crops into the Goddess
Spring. After the fifth offering, the Harvest Goddess will reward you by

Harvest Goddess: Well, if it isn't Frey again. I'm glad to see you come so
often. Here, have this. Eat it.

She will give you a Red Power Berry which you will consume on the spot. A
Power Berry will increase your total Stamina by 10%.

You can obtain only a single Red Power Berry from the Harvest Goddess, but
continuing to toss crop offerings in the Goddess Spring will bring other
rewards, as in most Harvest Moon games.

Please note that the Power Berry is the first reward only in the Boy version
of the game. In the Girl version, you will receive a piece of Lumber after
making 5 offerings. Gotz will appear and ask you to give him the lumber,
promising to pay you. In fact, it is an ordinary piece of lumber, but he has
not been feeling well and cannot cut wood... he will pay you very handsomely
in fact, giving you 3000G.

There are three different rewards, obtained after a total of 5, then 10, then
20 crop offerings. Any offering other than a crop produced on your own farm
will not be recognised.

The rewards are:

1. a Red Power Berry
2. a chance to share the Spa with the girl/bachelor who has the highest
3. a piece of Lumber for which Gotz will pay 1000G in the Boy version and
3000G in the Girl version.

In the Boy version, the Power Berry is the first reward, requiring only a
total of 5 crop offerings. In the Girl version, the lumber and consequent
3000G payment by Gotz is the first reward. The Power Berry is the THIRD
reward, requiring a total of 20 crop offerings.

Saving Your Game:

As previously stated, the PSP tends to be far more generous with save slots
for game files than the GBA or DS. Players accustomed to the typical
limitation of two files for Harvest Moon games will be delighted by the
ability to save the same game at different points in almost a dozen files.
the other hand, an annoying aspect of this game is the fact that it can be
saved only at the point of going to bed at night.

When you stand in front of the 'diary' on the bedside table, you will have a
number of options:

To sleep without saving in your diary
To sleep AFTER saving in your diary
To Read your Diary

Controlling the Weather

Read Diary: This is the option to use if you wish to reload your game from
ANY saved file. If you are a player who likes to control the weather, this
the option to use in the morning if you discover from the weather forecast on
the television that a great storm is brewing the next day. It is very
important to keep one file saved on the previous day for this reason. It is
useful, actually to keep one save file at a point that is two days prior to
the present as well as one that is saved on the previous day. This allows
to correct any number of errors: those that you perform immediately as well
actions performed in the past that you did not realise WERE errors until
later. Some players may be appalled by this god-like control of events, but
personally like to attempt the best results in my game and like every one, I
make mistakes or forget details such as birthdays, despite my best efforts to
consult my own Calendar Guide.

Mineral Town Shops:

Success in Harvest Moon partly depends on judicious use of time. If you do
not have an adult horse, your only mode of transport will be walking. Even
when your horse becomes an adult, you will not be able to ride him outside
your farm area. Walking consumes time and the amount of time in a day is
limited. Zack will pick up your shipment at 5.00 p.m. It therefore is
important to harvest crops and gather all wild items before 5.00 p.m. if you
wish to benefit as quickly as possible from their sale. You can place items
in the Shipping Bin after 5.00 p.m. and on Festival days but they will not be
shipped until 5.00 p.m. on the next ordinary business day.

It is important to know the business hours of every shop in the Village and
the hours and locations where all individuals can be met. When you have
achieved a good relationship with every member of a family, the doors to
and most businesses that are homes as well will open earlier in the morning
and stay unlocked to you later at night. The only exception to this is the
Supermarket. Even if you have the highest affection/friendship levels with
Jeff, Sasha and Karen, the Supermarket will remain locked throughout Tuesday
and Sunday. You will be able to enter the private living area during other
days, however, when you have a high level with all members of the family.

Here are the locations and business hours of the shops in Mineral Town as
as lists and prices of items offered:

Saibara's Smithy:

Location: It is the first building if you take the path that leads north
your farm.
Hours: 9.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.
Shut: Thursday

Improve Tool
Buy Accessory
Buy Tool

Improving or Upgrading your Tools:

Improve Tool: This option is used if you wish to upgrade a tool. As Saibara
will instruct, you need to equip the Tool and hold the ore you wish him to
for the upgrade in your hands. Interestingly enough, when you do this, you
will see a list of options:

Ask to level-up a tool
Give metal ore as gift
Nothing in particular

The cost of tool upgrades is as follows and each will take three days to

From basic to copper: 1000G and a piece of copper
From copper to silver: 2000G and a piece of silver
From silver to gold: 3000G and a piece of gold
From gold to mystrile: 5000G and a piece of mystrile

In other Harvest Moon games, very often a tool upgrade that 'skips' levels
takes longer than an upgrade from one level to the next. In this game, ALL
upgrades of tools take three days to complete. It therefore may be
advantageous to increase the level of the tool as much as possible in a
upgrade as you will lose the use of the tool for three days irrespective of
the level of the upgrade. In other words, provided you have the necessary
level of experience, it may be better to ask Saibara to increase the level of
your Basic tool to Mystrile than to upgrade it only to Copper.

In this game, although you cannot order a new upgrade or task from Saibara on
Thursday when the Smithy is shut, you can fetch your upgraded tool from the
Smithy if it has been completed.

Please note that Saibara will lock the Smithy directly after the order of any
upgrade or task. If, therefore, you need to purchase other items from him,
you had best do so BEFORE you set him a new task!

Buying Accessories:

Buy Accessory: Use this option if you wish to order jewelry from Saibara.
do this, you need to have a piece of Orichalcum. Transforming the Orichalcum
into jewelry will cost 1000G. Once you have upgraded all your tools to
maximum level and purchased all Makers, this will be an option to use
frequently with Saibara in order to increase your profits.

Orichalcum can be found only in the Lake Mine during the Winter season when
the Lake freezes and you can cross it to the little island in the centre. It
can be found on ANY floor of the Lake Mine. You should have upgraded your
house at least once by the start of your first Winter. If you fill both
Basket and Rucksack with ores from the Winter mine on a daily basis, then
at least 3 Orichalcum in your Shelf each day, you will have enough Orichalcum
to give to Saibara throughout the year for Jewelry-making. If a piece of
Jewelry takes three days to make, you will be able to order approximately 10
pieces of jewelry per season. The three seasons for which you will need to
store Orichalcum in the shelf are Spring, Summer and Autumn, requiring a
maximum of 30 Orichalcum. This amount is saved very easily during your first

I always make certain to stow at least three pieces of Orichalcum in my
rucksack during each trip to the Lake Mine in Winter. Remember that ores
placed in the Basket cannot be removed, and you therefore need to place
Orichalcum in your rucksack if you intend to keep it.

The Jewelry that Saibara makes from a piece of Orichalcum is random. It can
be a pair of earrings, a necklace or a bracelet. Each piece takes three days
to complete and ships for 2000G.

Buy Tool

Saibara sells some tools that are important to your ranching success and
cannot be purchased elsewhere.

Buy Tool: Use this option to purchase the following:

Brush: 800G
Milker: 2000G
Clippers: 1800G

N.B. The Brush should be purchased immediately in order to be able to raise
your Horse's heart levels sufficiently to enable you to keep him when Barley
comes for his assessment in early Spring of your second year. Speaking to
your Horse will not raise his Heart Level; only the Brush will do so until he
is an adult and you can ride him. 800G would allow you to purchase at least
bags of seed in your first Spring, but the money MUST be used to buy the
if you want to keep the Horse. Remember that an adult horse can be ridden in
the Horse Race and this gives you an opportunity to win Medals that can be
exchanged for a Power Berry or jewelry that can be shipped for 2000G each.

Incidentally, as stated elsewhere in this guide, if you fail to raise the
Horse's heart level and Barley takes the horse with him in the 2nd Spring,
can regain him by planting 40 plots of grass. Although grass can be cut for
fodder, 40 plots represents a very significant expenditure of earnings as
seeds cost 500G each. It is MUCH cheaper to buy the Brush in your first


The Makers will be available for purchase only when you have expanded your
Henhouse and/or Barn. Each Maker costs 20000G and requires a piece of
Adamantite to make. The project takes five days. In this game as in FoMT
MFoMT, once a task is ordered, the Smithy will be shut until it is completed.

It is the Mayonnaise Maker that will be available first and you MUST order it
in order to be able to buy any other Maker. Once you have the Mayonnaise
Maker, the option to order the Cheese Maker will appear. When the Cheese
Maker is completed, the Yarn Ball Maker will be available.

You therefore cannot choose which Maker you wish to purchase. You must
purchase all Makers in sequence. The same rule holds true for building
upgrades in this game. It is far more rigid than other Harvest Moon games in
this respect.

Whenever an item that you order from Saibara is completed, you must go to the
Smithy to fetch it. In the case of a Maker, you must go to the Smithy to
organise delivery of the item by Grey. If you do not visit Saibara, you will
obtain no announcement that the task is completed. It is your responsibility
to visit the Smithy to discover if your order has been completed.

Mayonnaise Maker: 20000G (requires Henhouse expansion)
Cheese Maker: 20000G (requires Barn expansion and order of Mayonnaise Maker)
Yarn Ball Maker: 20000G (requires Barn expansion and order of Cheese Maker)

Aja's Winery:

Location: Take the path that leads north from your farm. Directly north of
Saibara's Smithy, you will find the Winery. The two buildings in fact are
connected. The vineyard is north of the actual Winery. This is where Cliff
will work ultimately if you help him find a job.

It is where you will have the opportunity to work part-time for a week in
Autumn when the grapes are ready for harvest. Each grape cluster that you
pick is worth 50G so, with 16 bunches of grapes on the wines, you have the
chance to make 800G per day during the Harvest week.

Incidentally, although Manna will tell you to come at 10.00 a.m. each day to
harvest the grapes, you can arrive as late as 4.50 p.m. to do so, thereby
losing no time at all with respect to your own working day. (Just make
certain that you complete your shipments before you go to the Winery.)
From 1.00 p.m. to 4.40 p.m., the Winery will be locked as Aja will go to
Square as usual each day. You therefore either need to arrive in the morning
or between 4.40 p.m. and 4.50 p.m. in order to be able to perform the harvest
tasks for Duke and Manna.

Business Hours:

Business Hours: 9.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m. (noon)
Shut: Saturday

Items Offered:

You can purchase only two items at the Winery from Manna, Duke's wife. They

Grape Juice: 200G
Wine: 300G


Location: Take the path north from your farm and you will pass the Smithy and
Aja's Winery. The path will end at an intersection. If you go left, you
arrive at the Library and Basil's house. The door on the left is the door to
Basil's house, where Basil, Anna and Mary live. On the right is the entrance
to the Library. As Mary is the local librarian, you will find her at the
Library during all business hours. On Monday, when the Library is shut, Mary
will spend the morning with her family in the Mountain area provided the
weather is fine. In the afternoon, she will visit the Supermarket with her
mother, Anna. On rainy Monday mornings, you will find the entire family at

Library Hours:

10.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.
Shut: Monday

The Library is at the end of the path going north. You now must follow the
path to the right or east in order to continue.

You will pass two houses before you reach the next business. These are
Ellen's house and Thomas house respectively.

Ellen's House

Ellen always will be found in her house as she cannot walk. Stu, her
either will be found in the house or on the path outside the house. After
have experienced May's first event, both May and Stu will be found outside
Church on every afternoon except Monday and Wednesday. Elli visits her
grandmother on Wednesday morning when the Clinic is shut.

Thomas' House

Thomas lives with his son Harris and a roving photographer named Kano. When
you visit, you usually will find Thomas and Kano at home during the day, but
Harris will be out on patrol. Harris visits Yodel's Farm and Gotz' house in
the woods before going to the Inn in the afternoon for a 'break' in his


To the right of Thomas' house is the Supermarket. The Supermarket has living
quarters to the left of it, but these are accessible only from a door inside
the Supermarket. Jeff, his wife Sasha and their daughter Karen live there.

Supermarket Hours:

9.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.
Shut: Tuesday and Sunday

The Supermarket has three different sections: the Cooking Corner, where
ingredients can be purchased, the Seed Corner, where seasonal seeds can be
found and another area where miscellaneous items, including both Rucksacks, a
Basket and ultimately a Blue Feather are offered when you have made a certain
amount of progress in the game. The Gift Wrapping Corner is situated here as
well. Gift-wrapping only enhances the Affection/Friendship value of a gift
an individual's birthday. At other times, it appears to have no effect.

Cooking Corner:

Game Description:

Everything you need for cooking is in the Cooking Corner, so if you ever need
something, take a look there.

Bread: You can use Bread for cooking or you can eat it straight. It cost
100G Want to buy some?

Rice Ball: You can use Rice Ball for cooking or you can eat them straight.
They costs 100G a piece.

Curry Powder: Curry Powder is essential if you ever want to make curry. It
costs 50G.

Flour: Flour is used for baking sweets. It costs 50G.

Oil: Oil is one of the basics, used for deep frying and stir frying. It
costs 50G

More succinctly, the Items offered are:

Bread: 100G
Rice Ball: 100G
Curry Powder: 50G
Flour: 50G
Oil: 50G

Wrapping Corner:

That is the Wrapping Corner. If you want something wrapped, just leave it

Other Items:

That's a rucksack. It can hold twice the amount of your own rucksack. It
costs 3000G.

That Bin can hold a lot of stuff for shipments. It costs 5000G

That's Fish Food over there. Just add food to the Fish Pond once daily. How
many do you want to buy? 20G for a portion

More succinctly:

Medium Rucksack: 3000G
Large Rucksack: 5000G
Bin (or Basket): 5000G
Fish Food: 20G

Gift Wrap: 100G

The Medium Rucksack contains 4 tool slots and 4 item slots, doubling the
storage space of the original Rucksack. The Large Rucksack contains twice
storage space of the Medium Rucksack.

The Bin or Basket can store a total of 30 items. Once an item is placed in
the Basket or Bin, however, you will not be able to access it again. You
dump the contents of the Bin/Basket in any Shipping Container. Do not place
items that you wish to give as gifts or otherwise use in the Bin/Basket!

Gift wrap enhances the Affection/Friendship value of an gift item ONLY on the
recipient's birthday. A gift-wrapped item has no more value than the same
item unwrapped on any other day of the year.

When you have purchased the Medium Rucksack for 3000G, the Large Rucksack
be offered usually between 21 and 23 Spring.

Large Rucksack: 5000G
N.B. The Large Rucksack has 8 tool and 8 item slots, as Karen will tell you
in so many words if you speak to her at the Supermarket at Black Heart Level

Fish Food: 20G

Fish Food is a very useful item in this game. Any fish thrown into your Fish
Pond will become a Large Fish and spawn (randomly) provided that you throw a
portion of Fish Food into the Pond on a daily basis. In Winter, the Pond is
frozen and the fish hibernate, but feed them daily in every other season and
you will find it to be profitable indeed.

When any eligible girl reaches Orange Heart Level in the boy version of the
game, the Supermarket will offer the Blue Feather, an item that MUST
any proposal of marriage:

Blue Feather: 1000G

(N.B. Won will offer the Blue Feather as well at an extremely inflated
price. Buy it from the Supermarket!)

If you are playing as a girl, it is the bachelor who will have the Blue
Feather and who will propose to you in a special Proposal Event after the
Heart Event.

Seed Corner:

Game Description:

Those are fruit and vegetable seeds. The seeds we have now are for Spring
planting but if you have a hothouse you can grow them anytime. Each bag has
nine seeds. You can eat or sell the fruits and vegetables you harvest. Do
you want to buy any seeds?

Available in Spring Season:

Grass Seeds: 500G
Turnip Seeds: 120G
Potato Seeds: 150G
Cucumber: 200G

When you have shipped 101 of all of the above Spring crops, you will unlock:

Strawberry: 150G

Please note that you must ship 101 of each crop rather than a combination of

Available in Summer Season:

Grass Seeds: 500G
Onion Seeds: 150G
Tomato Seeds: 200G
Corn Seeds: 300G

When you have shipped 101 of all crops listed above, you will unlock:

Pumpkin Seeds: 500G

Please note that you must ship 101 of a single crop, not a combination of
than one crop.

Available in Autumn Season:

Grass Seeds: 500G
Carrot Seeds: 300G
Eggplant Seed: 120G
Sweet Potato Seeds: 300G

When you have shipped 101 of all the crops listed above, you will unlock:

Spinach Seeds: 200G

Please note that you must ship 101 of each single crop rather than a
combination of the above.

Path to the Inn

From the Supermarket, you have a choice to continue east or to go south along
a new path. If you go south, you will find the Inn.

The Inn:

The Inn is owned by Doug and offers both food and lodging. His daughter Ann
works there. From 11.00 a.m., you will find her first upstairs cleaning the
guest rooms and then downstairs serving lunch. She returns upstairs to clean
the rooms again before returning during the evening hours to serve in the
dining area. Doug will be found at the counter serving food. The menu will
change between afternoon and evening.

The Telephone in Mineral Town

Please take note of the telephone to the right of Doug. This is the
you will use to order items from the Shopping Network. The Shopping Network
will not be aired on television until you have expanded your house. It then
will air on Saturdays. In this game, you MUST order the item by telephone on
Saturday. Even when a Festival intervenes, as in the case of the first year,
when one Saturday will fall on the day of the Music Festival, the game will
not allow you to make your order on Sunday. The only day on which you can
the telephone is Saturday.

From the Inn, you can go south then east to enter Rose Square, or you can
retrace your steps north along the path to return to the Supermarket. The
only access to the path where the Inn is located are these. You cannot go
directly from your farm to the Inn.

Inn Hours:

8.00 a.m. to 9.00 p.m. daily
Please note that Ann will not be found at the Inn on sunny days before 11.00
a.m. as she visits the Goddess Spring each morning.

N.B. When you experience Ann's 3rd or Blue Heart Event and she requests that
you sell her 3 eggs daily at the Inn, you must bring the eggs in your
to the Inn between 11.00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m. You will be able to do this for
an entire week if you do not 'break the chain' by failing to deliver on any

There are two exceptions, apart from ordinary Festival days, to the regular
business hours of the Inn. One is Ann's Birthday. The other is the day of
the Anniversary of the Death of Ann's mother and Doug's wife.

Ann's Birthday is 17 Summer. Look for an Invitation in your postbox. The
Birthday Party will occur between 11.00 a.m. and 6.00 p.m. If you take your
Invitation to the Inn at any point during this period, you will be able to
attend the Party. The Party ends at 6.00 p.m. so make certain that all your
shipping has been completed BEFORE you go to the Inn. Take a Spa-boiled Egg
to the Supermarket to have it gift-wrapped for Ann before you go to the
Party. After 6.00 p.m., the Inn will be open for business as usual and no
mention will be made of the Party.

The Anniversary of the death of Ann's mother and Doug's wife is 5 Fall. On
this day, you will find Doug at the Peak. Speak to him about his deceased
wife in the morning. If you visit the Inn after 11.00 a.m. on this day, Ann
will be there alone and will speak to you about her mother.

Lunch Menu:

Set Meal: 500G (+50 Stamina, -10 Fatigue)
Salad: 300G (+10 Stamina, -20 Fatigue)
Apple Pie: 300G (+30 Stamina, -1 Fatigue)
Cheesecake: 250G (+20 Stamina, -1 Fatigue)
Cookie: 200G (+10 Stamina, -1 Fatigue)
Water: 0G (+1 Stamina, -0 Fatigue)

Evening Menu:

Grape Liquour: 500G (+0 Stamina, -20 Fatigue)
Pineapple Juice: 300G (+0 Stamina, -15 Fatigue)
Milk: 200G (+0 Stamina, -10 Fatigue)
Water: 0G (+1 Stamina, -0 Fatigue)

There is another option at the Inn if you wish to shop. Won, the wandering
peddler, can be found at the Inn in the corner near the stairway only from
1.00 p.m. to 4.00 p.m.

Won's Seed Corner

Hours: 1.00 p.m. to 4.00 p.m. daily

Items offered:

Cabbage Seeds: 500G
Toy Flower Seeds: 500G
Pineapple Seeds; 1000G
Pink Cat Flower Seeds: 200G
Green Pepper Seeds: 150G
Magic Red Seeds: 600G

Orange Cup Seeds: 1000G

Unlocked by Karen's Blue Heart Event:

Moondrop Seeds: 300G

Although Won's Seeds are sold in every season, they are season-specific as
the crop seeds at the Supermarket. It is only when you have the Hothouse
you will be able to grow crops in ALL seasons, including Winter.
Incidentally, Orange Cup Fruit only can be grown in the Hothouse.

There are other 'special' items that Won will offer in a different fashion.
They will not appear in the Menu when you visit his 'Corner' at the Inn but
will come to your farm at 6.00 a.m. to ask if you wish to buy them. Each
will be offered once. The item that is truly worth buying from him in this
fashion is the Pink Dog Ball which he will sell to you for 100G. If you want
to buy the Vase for aesthetic or sentimental reasons, you can do so... In the
future, in Harvest Moon for the DS, Van will attempt to sell this Vase to
Romana for a truly exorbitant sum, declaring it to be a rare and wondrous

N.B. Although Pinkcat Flowers have no shipping value in this game, it is
important to have at least 91 blooming Pinkcat Flowers in your field in your
first Summer if possible in order to obtain a Red Power Berry from Anna,
Basil's wife. Each Power Berry increases your Stamina by 10%.

Furthermore, Pinkcat Flowers are the favourite flower of many individuals and
indeed, a 'Most Favourite Item' for some. It is a good idea to store as many
Pinkcat Flowers as you can in your Cabinet for use throughout the year.

The Clinic or Hospital

If, instead of taking the path south from the Supermarket, you continue east
to the next screen, you will reach the Clinic or Hospital. It is here that
you will find both the Doctor and Elli most of the time.

Clinic/Hospital Hours:

Open: 9.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. daily
Shut: Wednesdays

At the Clinic during business hours, you will have two choices when you speak
to the Doctor:

Buy Medicine

An Exam costs 10G and is useful mainly because it increases the affection of
the Doctor a little in the girl version of the game and increases friendship
with the Doctor in the boy version of the game. Elli's affection level may
increase a little when you order an Exam as well.

The Medicine sold at the Clinic is as follows:

Bodigizer: 500G (+50 Stamina -0 Fatigue)
Turbojolt: 1000G (+0 Stamina -20 Fatigue)

When you have shipped more than 50 Blue Grass, you will receive a letter from
the Cllinic announcing a stronger version of Stamina Medicine for sale. When
you have shipped more than 50 Green Grass, you will receive a similar letter,
announcing the sale of a stronger type of Fatigue medication. These are:

Bodigizer XL: 1000G (+100 Stamina - 0 Fatigue)
Turbojolt XL : 2000G (+0 Stamina -50 Fatigue)

All these Medications are very expensive in your first year and once you have
a Kitchen, you will be able to cook dishes that will restore energy levels
sufficiently. Even before you have expanded your house to include a Kitchen,
you always can use the Hot Spring to restore energy levels completely.

To the right of the Clinic/Hospital is the Church.

The Church:

The Pastor of the church is Carter. When you speak to him at the Altar, he
often will give you useful information and advice. After 1.00 p.m. on
specific days and all rainy days, Carter hears Confession. Confession is
particularly useful if you have been guilty of littering. If the Goddess
forgives you for littering, you will not be punished by loss of affection or

Cliff will be found most often at the Church until the middle of Autumn in
first year. If you help him obtain the job at the Winery, you will enable
to remain in Mineral Town as well as improving the quality of life for Duke
and Manna. Even if, in the boy version of the game, you wish to marry Ann
yourself, it is a good idea to help Cliff. Likewise, in the girl version of
the game, even if you have no interest in marrying Cliff, it is advisable to
help him remain in Mineral Town.

The Harvest Sprites

The home of the Harvest Sprites is northeast of the Church. You will find a
narrow path to the right of the Church. If you follow the path, you will
arrive at a small circular hut. This is the home of the seven Harvest
Sprites. In fact, you will find seven volumes at the local Library
containing the tale of how the Harvest Sprites came to live in Mineral Town.

The Harvest Sprites can be hired to help with farm work. Each Sprite must be
hired separately and you have a number of different options. Any Harvest
Sprite can be hired to harvest crops, water crops or take care of your
animals. At the time when you solicit the help of any Harvest Sprite, you
must decide if you wish to hire him for a single day, three days or an entire

In this game, once hired, Sprites will continue to work through Festival
days, although you will not be able to hire them on any Festival day.

For each day that a Sprite works, his heart level will decrease a little.
Make certain to give every Sprite a gift at least once each week in order to
maintain good friendship levels with all the brothers. All Sprites LOVE
flour, but they like all flowers. In other Harvest Moon games where flowers
can be shipped and therefore have monetary value, it is best always to give
the Sprites Flour, but in this game, flowers can be given instead. Their
heart level will not increase as much with the gift of a flower as it would
Flour were given, but be faithful in giving and you will have no trouble with
your Sprite work force.

Sprites begin as inexperienced labourers and there are no mini-games in
Harvest Moon Boy & Girl to help them increase their skill. The only way for
them to increase their speed and expertise is 'on the job'. As you continue
to hire them for any given task, they will work faster and make fewer errors.

Incidentally, if you hire a Sprite to water your fields but have left dead
crops standing, the Sprite is as likely to water the dead crops as he is to
water growing crops. It is important, therefore, to use your sickle to cut
down ALL dead crops at the end of any season! Otherwise, you may find that
all your dead crops have been watered while all your new seeds have been

Note that the Sprites will not work during the Spring Season as they are very
busy having an endless Tea Party during Spring. When Spring ends, you can
hire them again.

If you wish to attend the Tea Party, speak to a Sprite first, then give each
Sprite in the Hut a gift. When each Sprite has received an item, the Party
will begin.

Sprite Labour Anomaly: Sometimes when you go to the Sprite Hut in ANY
you will have no option to offer work to any of them. It is possible that,
if you speak to any Sprite working on your farm BEFORE you go to the Sprite
Hut on any given day to try to hire other Sprites, you will not be given the
option. In one file I did not have the option to hire Sprites after speaking
to Bold at my farm. In the same file replayed from 6.00 a.m. I did not speak
to Bold and then did have the option to hire Sprites when I visited the Hut.
The only difference I could find was the fact that I had spoken to a working

Harvest Sprite Tea Party

As in FoMT and MFoMT, the Harvest Sprites have a Tea Party in Spring. The
party lasts all month in this game and you will not be able to hire any
Sprites to work for you until Summer arrives. You will hear dialogue about
the tea party whenever you visit the Sprite Hut during Spring, but you will
not have the option to attend the tea party unless you enter the Hut between
3.00 p.m. and 4.00 p.m. You must have gifts for all 7 Sprites and you must
speak to one of the Sprites BEFORE you give out any gifts. Give a gift after
you speak to the Sprite and you will be told to give gifts to 'the others'.
When you have given the last gift to the seventh Sprite, you will be invited
to the Tea Party. You will find yourself at the Table with the Harvest
Sprites. Afterwards, you will be given some Relaxation Tea Leaves as a gift
in return for the gifts you brought to the party. The party will end at 4.00
p.m. and you will find yourself outside the Sprite Hut at that time with the
Relaxation Tea Leaves in your hands.

Relaxation Tea Leaves are required to make Relaxation Tea but in the first
Spring, if you have not expanded your house, you will not have a Kitchen in
which to make the tea. You either can carry it in your rucksack until you
have expanded your house to obtain a Shelf or you can ship it for 1000G.

Only one Tea Party can be attended by you each year, incidentally. Although
the Sprites hold a party each day in Spring from 3.00 p.m. to 4.00 p.m., once
you have accepted the Invitation and joined them, you will not receive
until the following Spring.

'The 7 Brothers That Live in the Forest:

When you visit the Library, you will find a seven volume set of books that
deal with the history of the Harvest Sprites. When you access the bookcase,
you will receive a message:

These books were not written by Basil... It looks like they were written a
long time ago. They're titled 'The 7 Brothers in the Forest' volumes 1
through 7...

'The 7 Brothers That Live in the Forest - 1'

A long time ago, there were 7 little brothers who lived all apart from each
other. The brothers were not very friendly with the villagers becasue they
were small and the villagers seemed big and scary. Each brother had a
different favourite colour and liked a different favourite thing, so they
figured they would always live apart.

'The 7 Brothers in the Forest -2'

One day Chef, whose favourite colour is red and who likes to cook, realised
had a problem.
'I love to cook, but there's nobody to eat my delicious food...'

Hoggy, whose favourite colour is yellow and who loves to sleep, also had a
'I love to sleep so much I don't want to geet up and cook, but then I just
hungrier and hungrier.'

'The 7 Brothers in the Forest -3'

You can hear the sound. Hoo Hooooo, at night. Something sparks in the
'Ahhhh!' Shiver-shiver-shiver... Timid likes the colour green because it's
easy for him to hide in the forest. But even then he's scared. You can hear
the sound, Hoo Hooo, at night. Something sparks in the darkness.
'Hai, Yaaaa!
Bold loves purple because he can hide in the shadows and use his battle
cry 'Hai, Yaaa!' to defeat large enemies.

'The 7 Brothers in the Forest -4'
Stylish Aqua loves the colour light blue.
'Sigh... I'm ruinning out of provisions fast. I like being stylish, but when
I work I don't have the time...
'Ughhh... That's as much as I can do... Ahh!'
Staid is very serious and a hard worker. He likes the colour blue and
everything he wears is blue, so he is easy to spot.

'Staid, said Aqua, 'let's live together. It's got to be better than living
'Aqua', said Satiad, 'what brings you here, and with a story like that?'
'Well you see,' said Aqua, 'whisper...whisper... whisper...

'The 7 Brothers in the Forest - 5'

'Ha ha ha, so that's it,' said Staid. 'Sure, let's live together. But what's
the point of everything being clean if you're still hungry?'
'Even when your stomach is fully, your heart remains hungry if things are not
clean,' replied Aqua.
'OK, so you do the chores like the cleaning and the laundry.'
'So, all I have to do is eat?' asked Hoggy.
'Yes, all you have to do is eat. I enjoy watching you eat my food and being
told it is delicious,' replied Chef.
'I don't understand, but that's fine by me.'
'Ha ha ha, what a mess you are,' laughed Bold.
'Oh, it's you Bold,' squeaked Timid.
'Who did you think I was?'
'I don't know, but I'm scared of everything in the forest.'
'Well then, you should stay with me. I 'm not afraid of anything.'
'OK, if that's what we do...'
'If we're going to live together...'
'We'll need a bigger house...'
'Let's leave the forest for a bit...'

'The 7 Brothers in the Forest -6'
So Chef and Hoggy, Staid & Aqua and Timid and Bold all decided to leave the
forest for a while. The first one to find the house was Staid.
'Hey, I found a house that's just right for us.'
'Yes, it's a lot smaller than a human house, but it's just the right size for
'But there's a light on inside.'
'Let's go in.'
'Hey, wait... Aqua'
... Crash!

'The 7 Brothers in the Forest -7'
'Hello brother, long time no see.'
There in the house was the youngest brother, Nappy.
'Oh, it's you Nappy. You surprised me. How did you get this house?'
'The people of the village built it for me.'
'I always thought there'd be a time when we would all live together, so I had
them make 7 beds.'
'What made you think that?'
'Because look, all of you are here.'
When Staid and Aqua turned around, they saw the rest of their brothers
toward the house.

Rose Square

If you continue south along the path from the Church (and Harvest Sprite
you will reach Rose Square. This is the location of most Festivals
the year. The exceptions are the Opening Day Festival at the Beach and the
Cow and Sheep Festival which are held at Yodel's Farm. Other than these, all
community festivals are held at Rose Square. On the western side of the
Square, you will find a billboard on which Mayor Thomas posts information
about upcoming festivals. In the centre of the northern side of the Square
the village rubbish bin. You can dispose of all rubbish items here without
fear of incurring the penalties attached to littering. When you are fishing
at the Beach, you will find this to be the closest place at which to dispose
of the many empty tins, old boots and fishbones that you drag from the water.

Rose Square has four entrances/exits. To the north, the path leads back to
the Church. To the west, it leads to the Inn. To the east is a staircase
that leads to the beach and to the south is an exit that leads to Yodel's

The Beach

The beach is the location of the Opening Day Festival on the 1st day of
Summer. This is the day of the Swim Contest. If you are interested in
fishing, you will find that you catch the largest fish at the Beach or from
the pier. Zack's house is at the northern end of the Beach. To the right of
his house is the pier. In this game, you will not be able to use the boat
the pier to travel anywhere.

The Pier and the Fishing Rod

Go to the end of the Pier before 8.00 a.m. or after 6.00 p.m. on Friday,
Saturday or Sunday to meet Greg, an expert Fisherman. He will give you a
basic Fishing Rod, provided that you have no tool equipped in your hands.

When you have 50 Fish in your Fish Pond, Greg will visit your farm to offer
you a Fishing Pole, the highest level of fishing tool in this game.

To the left of Zack's house is Kai's Beach Shack. He serves food here in the
Summer. The restaurant is shut throughout the other three seasons.

Kai's Seaside Lodge

Business Hourse:
8.40 a.m. to 11.30 a.m.
1.00 p.m. to 4.00 p.m.
Only open in Summer


Snowcone: 300G (+0 Stamina -10 Fatigue)
Roasted Corn: 250G (+10 Stamina -1 Fatigue)
Pasta: 300G (+20 Stamina -1 Fatigue)
Pizza: 200G (+15 Stamina -1 Fatigue)
Water: 0G (+1 Stamina -0 Fatigue)

If your character has high fatigue, the Snowcone is the best item to purchase
here. Otherwise, the most powerful item in terms of energy restoration is

From the beach, take the stairs in the west to return to Rose Square. From
there, take the path south to arrive at Yodel's Farm.

Yodel's Farm

Yodel's Farm is the home of Barley and his granddaughter May as well as the
location of the local livestock business. It is from Barley that you will
purchase Cows, Sheep, Fodder and the Miracle Potion that can impregnate your
livestock and allow you to increase your stock. Barley sells Cows at the
second stage of growth and adult Sheep. You can sell any fully-grown Cows
Sheep to Barley if you no longer wish to keep them. The price he pays for an
ordinary Cow or Sheep is half the price for which he sells them. Only a Cow
or Sheep who has won a Crown at a Festival has a higher value and it is
foolish to sell them when the product they produce, once processed in the
appropriate Maker, is far more valuable than ordinary ranch product.

Hours of Business:

9.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m.
Shut: Mondays

As Yodel's Farm is both a business and a home, you will be able to enter
to speak to Barley outside ordinary business hours. You will be able to
access the business menu only from 9.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m., however.

Yodel's Farm Menu:

Fodder: 20G
Cow Miracle Potion, aka C.M. Potion: 3000G
Sheep Miracle Potion, aka S.M. Potion: 3000G

Buy Cow: 6000G
Buy Sheep: 4000G

Sell Cow
Sell Sheep

Bell: 500G
Animal Medicine: 1000G

A Cow purchased from Barley is at its second of three stages of growth. She
will not give Milk until she reaches her full adult stage a fortnight later.
A Sheep, on the other hand, can be sheared on the day of purchase. Sheep can
be sheared only once each week, however, while adult Cows can be milked

Care of Livestock

Each animal requires a full portion of fodder daily. If you keep your
outside, you will need to have a fully ripened square of grass for each.
Grass can be cut with a sickle for fodder. It really is easier to keep all
animals inside the barn. Animals do not like bad weather and if you leave
animal outside in the rain or snow, you will lose heart levels with the
animal. Animals who are unhappy can become sick. An unhappy animal will not
give product. A sick animal MUST be treated with Animal Medicine or it may
die. If an animal dies, you will lose, not only the animal itself, but the
affection and friendship of every one in the village. You can prevent this
keeping the animals in their barns and by feeding them daily.

The Bell is used to call animals back to the barn. It will not bring the
animal INTO the barn but only to you. You then must push the animal through
the doors. An animal with low heart level will not respond to the Bell at

To the left of Yodel's Farm is a narrow path that leads south to the Forest
area where you will find Gotz' log cabin.

Expansions from Gotz:

Gotz the Woodcutter is in charge of all building expansions. You may be
interested primarily in expanding your house in order to be able to have a
kitchen and other 'mod cons', but Gotz will not offer this option until you
have expanded your Henhouse. Once your Henhouse expansion is completed, the
first House Expansion will become available. You then will not be given the
option to expand your house a second time until you have expanded your Barn.

Gotz Business Hours:

11.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.
Shut: on Weekends (Saturday and Sunday)

Find Gotz during working hours if you wish to order a building expansion from
him. Sometimes you will be able to order an expansion when he is outside
house but only during ordinary business hours. The expansions that are
offered will change depending upon your situation and previous upgrades you
have made to your farm, but Gotz ALWAYS sells lumber:

Lumber: 50G

N.B. It is a good idea to have your Axe upgraded at least to Copper as soon
as possible in the game, as the Basic Axe will NOT cut stumps. One stump
equals 6 pieces of Lumber. With a Copper Axe, you can chop a stump in 6
strokes. Make certain that you do not move when you are chopping wood. Each
stroke must be made from the same position in order to count. If possible,
complete the job! If you hit the stump five times, then leave and return,
will be required to use 6 more strokes.

Another note: In FoMT and MFoMT, cutting every stump in any area would lower
Gotz' friendship level a little. You will find 5 stumps outside his house
two at the Goddess Spring. I always try to leave one stump standing outside
his house even in HM BG, although I have not confirmed the effect on Gotz'
friendship levels in this game.

When you find him on the mountain, however, he will warn you: Before you go
cutting trees let me tell you this. Don't act thoughtlessly. We humans are
blessed by the mountains.

He could be referring to the Magical Tree in the centre of the Meadow that is
the subject of the tale of 'The Woodcutter and the King' and from which you
can obtain a Power Berry. I think not, however.

Costs of Building Upgrades:

Henhouse Expansion:

500G plus 420 pieces of lumber

First House Expansion:

4700G plus 370 pieces of Lumber

Barn Expansion:

6800G plus 500 pieces of Lumber

Second House Expansion:

10000G plus 750 pieces of Lumber


30000G plus 580 pieces of Lumber

Quick Guide to Building Upgrades

I am including a list of all upgrades and the cost of each in the order in
which they appear. Two prices are given here, the price if you supply the
lumber and the price you pay if Gotz supplies the Lumber. Each piece of
Lumber costs 50G.

Henhouse Expansion: 5000G + 420 pieces of lumber
Total Cost if you purchase the Lumber from Gotz: 21500G
1st House Expansion: 4700G + 370 pieces of Lumber
Total Cost if you purchase the Lumber from Gotz: 23200G
Barn Expansion: 6800G + 500 pieces of Lumber
Total Cost if you purchase the Lumber from Gotz: 31800G
2nd House Expansion: 10000G + 750 pieces of Lumber
Total Cost if you purchase the Lumber from Gotz: 47500G
Hothouse: 30000G + 580 pieces of Lumber
Total Cost if you purchase the Lumber from Gotz: 59000G

Cost of upgrade from basic Axe to Copper Axe at Smithy: 1000G + 1 piece of
Copper Ore

With the upgrade of an Axe from basic level to Copper, you will be able to
all stumps on the map. Each stump will take six strokes of a Copper Axe and
will yield 6 pieces of lumber. There are 5 stumps in the Forest next to
house, 2 stumps near the Spa and 2 more in the Lake area. If you chop all
these daily, they will yield 54 pieces of Lumber. If you do this, however,
you will lose friendship with Gotz. It is best to leave one stump standing
each day, but doing this, you still will gain 48 pieces of Lumber each day.

If you chop 8 stumps each day, it will take 8 to 9 days to collect the amount
of Lumber needed to order the Henhouse upgrade. In this game, building
upgrades are offered in a rigid order that cannot be changed. You must order
the Henhouse before the 1st house expansion will be offered. You then must
order the Barn Expansion before the 2nd house expansion will be offered.
The reason I am including this information in the Calendar Guide is because
building expansion must be a primary goal in the game if you wish to marry or
even own a kitchen. The kitchen is included in the 1st house expansion but
all Kitchen Utensils must be purchased from the Shopping Channel which will
begin to air only after you have the first house expansion.

In any event, it is a good idea to upgrade your Axe to copper at least as
early in the first Spring as possible, so that you can chop Stumps. By
chopping all Stumps daily, you should be able to order the Henhouse Upgrade
well before the end of the first Spring and possibly even order the 1st House
Upgrade before the beginning of the first Summer season.

N.B. At the start of the game, you will find a random number of branches and
stumps on your own farm. I have not factored these into my calculations but
chopping all of them should yield at least a total of 40 lumber.

As you can see, it is far better to invest 1000G in the upgrade of your Axe
early as possible than to be forced to resort to Gotz for the supply of
for your Building needs.

Chicken Li'l's Poultry Farm

If, instead of taking the narrow path south, you continue west from Yodel's
Farm along the main path, you will reach Chicken Li'l's Poultry Farm. This,
like Yodel's Farm is both home and business. Popuri, her brother Rick and
their mother Lillia live and work at the Poultry Farm.

Hours of Business:

11.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.
Shut: Sundays

Poultry Farm Menu:

Chicken Feed: 10G

Buy Chicken: 1500G

Sell Chicken:

Animal Medicine: 1000G

Care of Poultry

Each Chicken requires one portion of Chicken Feed daily unless you keep the
Chickens outside. The danger of keeping chickens outside is from attacks by
the stray wild dog who actually will devour them in the night. You can build
a pen for your chickens using Wood Lumber or Stones. Although Stones
are better than Lumber for use in Pens in FoMT and MFoMT, in this game, there
are rumours to the effect that the Wild Dog can reach through the cracks
between stones. If your dog is fully trained, he can protect your animals to
some extent from the Wild Dog. Winning the Dog Race is a sign that your dog
is well-trained.

As with Cows and Sheep, an ordinary Chicken if sold to Lillia will bring far
less than the price you would pay for another Chicken. Lillia pays only 500G
for an ordinary Chicken.

Animal Medicine

Animal Medicine is sold both at the Poultry Farm and at Yodel's Farm. The
same medication is used both for Livestock and Chickens. In this game, you
only can purchase a single bottle of Animal Medicine. Once purchased, you
will not find another at either shop until the Animal Medicine in your
possession has been used.

Map of Mineral Town

Continue west (going left) from the Poultry Farm to reach your Farm. You
discover that Mineral Town is built in the form of a large square.
Smithy, Aja Winery, Basil's House and the Library are on the west or left
of the square. Ellen's House, Thomas' house, the Supermarket, the
Clinic/Hospital, the Church and the Sprite Hut are on the northern side of
square. Rose Square occupies the right side and Yodel's Farm, the Poultry
Farm and your own farm are on the southern side of the square that forms the
outer edge of the City Centre. The path to the Inn bisects the square from
north to south in the centre. As previously stated, you cannot reach the Inn
directly from your farm.

You can access a Map of Mineral Town with your current location at any time
pressing the Select Button. This can be quite useful especially when you are
unfamiliar with the game. The explanation given for each location on the map
unfortunately does not include the hours of business but you can find that
information here in this guide.

TV Shopping:

As in many Harvest Moon games, there are a number of vital items that only
be ordered by telephone and which are offered solely on a television Shopping

The TV Shopping Channel will not air until you have expanded your house. In
this game, a Refrigerator, Cabinet/Shelf and Kitchen automatically are
included with your first house expansion. As soon as your first house
expansion is completed, the TV Shopping Channel will begin to air on
Saturday. It is the Channel on the television that is accessed by means of
the Left Direction button or control. Watch the programme and then walk to
the Inn to use the telephone there for 10G.

Here is the order in which the items are offered as well as their prices.
Only one item will be ordered each week and only on Saturday. If you do not
watch the programme on Saturday, you will not be able to use the telephone to
order anything. As previously indicated, if you do not use the telephone on
Saturday, you will not be able to use it on any other day, even if a Festival
intervenes. Furthermore, you must watch the programme from beginning to end.
If you cut it short, the option to use the telephone will not be given.

Knife: 3000G
Frying Pan: 2500G
Pot: 2000G
Mixer: 2500G
Whisk: 1000G
Rolling Pin: 1500G
Oven: 5000G
Seasonings Set: 5000G
Power Berry: 5000G

As you can see, the last item that is offered is a Red Power Berry. It is a
good idea to purchase all items, however as completing your Cookbook is one
the subsidiary goals in this game and cooked items usually restore more
than raw crops. Furthermore, cooked items make great gifts... provided
that you know which individuals love them!

If you fail to purchase an item when it is offered, it will go to the end of
the list and be the last item offered by the Shopping Network. In other
words, if the Frying Pan is the item offered on Saturday but you are unable
order it because Saturday is the day of the Music Festival and the Inn is
locked, the item ordered the next week will be the next item on the list, the
Pot. The Frying Pan then will be the item offered AFTER the Power Berry.

Local Horse Races

In the Boy version of the game, there is only one date on which there are
Horse Races and that is 18 Spring each year. In the Girl version of the
there are Horse Races both in Spring and in Autumn on 18 Spring and 25 Fall
respectively. The races are held in each case in Rose Square from 10.00 a.m.
to 6.00 p.m. You can arrive as late at 5.50 p.m. in order to witness and bet
on all three Races.

The Horse Races offer an opportunity both to bet on three different races and
to participate in the third race provided you have an adult horse. In your
first year, you will not have an adult horse and therefore your only option
will be to bet on the races.

There are three races in the Spring Horse Race. In order to bet, you must
exchange your gold for Medals. At the end of each race, you have an
opportunity to exchange your Medals for Prizes. The best prizes are the ones
with the highest prices, as one might imagine. In fact, the REAL Prize is a
Power Berry costing 1001 Medals.

Here is a list of the Prizes:

Mystrile Ore: 3 Medals
Truffle: 12 Medals
Bodigizer XL: 15 Medals
Turbojolt XL: 21 Medals
Earrings: 33 Medals
Necklace: 35 Medals
Bracelet: 42 Medals
Power Berry: 1001 Medals

500 Lumber: 97 Medals

Each Medal costs 50G so it is not really a good idea to trade gold directly
for Medals in order to purchase prizes with them. It is far better to bet
judiciously and then use your winnings in order to purchase specific prizes.

The prizes that are worth purchasing are:

Earrings: 33 Medals
Power Berry: 1001 Medals

You probably will not be able to purchase the Power Berry until the Horse
in the second Spring. At that point, you should have made all Building
Upgrades, including the Hothouse and will have no further need of Lumber
from the occasional piece that you throw into your furnace in Winter to
restore energy or the creation of a new pen for chickens or livestock.
you have NOT made all buildling upgrades, the purchase of Lumber with Medals
will be unnecessary.

Once you have the Power Berry, your future purchases with Medals should be
Earrings. All Jewelry items ship for the same value of 2000G. You therefore
are best advised to trade 33 Medals for Earrings rather than 35 or 42 for
other Jewelry items. You then can ship the Jewelry. Always go to the Races
with an empty Rucksack in order to bring back the maximum number of items in
the form of Earrings.

Mystrile ships only for 40G and can be found easily in the Spring Mine on the
lower floors. It is foolish to trade medals for Mystrile. A Truffle may be
worth an investment of 12 medals in your first Spring as it ships for 500G.
On the other hand, 12 Medals is the equivalent of 600G so you will not make
real profit by shipping a Truffle purchased with Medals. 33 Medals, on the
other hand, is the equivalent of 1650G. Even if you convert gold into Medals
in your first Spring in order to buy Earrings to ship, it will give you a
small profit of 350G per item. That is not a bad profit in the first season
of gameplay. If you can win the medals by betting successfully, so much the

Cooking and Recipes:

Recipes in this game can be obtained through a number of different methods.
You can use 'trial and error' to experiment. Every successful dish will be
recorded in your Cookbook. Once a recipe is recorded, you can refer to it
when chosen in the menu, it will be made automatically.
Failed dishes are called 'Food Fiasco'. You can eat them or give them as
gifts, but it generally is unpopular with individuals!

Other methods of obtaining recipes are by watching 'The Delicious Hour', the
cooking programme that airs on the television each Tuesday, or by speaking to
various individuals. When you have reached a certain level of friendship
Ellen and give her another gift, she will impart to you the secret of making
good sandwich. (Sandwiches feature in a number of events and conversations
this game. Elli's Blue Heart Event involves three occasions upon which you
are required to test her Sandwiches!) Recipes given by individuals are
included in my Cookbook Recipe Guide.

There is a book in the Library that gives a few Recipes as well. All recipes
are included both in this guide and in the Cookbook Recipe Guide.

Like the 'Basic', 'Better' and 'Best' Recipes in my Cooking Guides for
FoMT/MFoMT and Harvest Moon DS, you can make a recipe using only the Basic
ingredients, utensils and seasonings or you can make the 'Best' Recipe by
adding Optional ingredients, utensils and seasonings. The 'Best' recipe will
have a higher value in terms of restoring energy. In this game, Cooked
cannot be shipped and therefore have no monetary value whatsoever.

As soon as your house has been expanded for the first time, TV Shopping will
begin to air on Saturdays on the Channel accessed with the Left direction
button. As in FoMT and MFoMT, once you have watched the TV Shopping
on television, you will be able to use the telephone at the Inn by paying
10G. If you do not watch television, you will not be able to buy an item.
you cannot make it to the Inn on Saturday, you CANNOT use the telephone to
make the order on Sunday in this game, annoyingly enough. In your first
the Music Festival will occur on Saturday, 3 Fall. The Shopping Channel will
air on television but the Inn will be locked. When you go to the Inn the
day, the phone service will be unavailable! Quite unfair really.

Furthermore, if for any reason, you fail to order the item offered on
Saturday, it will not be offered again on the following Saturday. The TV
Shopping Network will offer the NEXT item on the list. Any item that you
failed to order will be the last item to be offered.

Items ordered by telephone take 3 days to arrive. If you order the item on
Saturday, Zack will deliver the item on Tuesday morning at 6.00 a.m.

The first item that will be available on the TV Shopping programme is the
Knife. The Knife costs 3000G.

The first recipes that you will be able to make, therefore, are those that
require either no utensils at all or those that require use only of the

Players of Harvest Moon DS and Harvest Moon Cute DS will not be familiar with
the 'Seasoning Set' beloved of players of Friends of Mineral Town and More
Friends of Mineral Town. In this game as well, the TV Shopping Network
a 'Seasoning Set' that includes Salt, Sugar, Miso Paste, Soy Sauce and
Vinegar. Many Basic Recipes actually REQUIRE the addition of one or more of
these Seasonings. I have tried to distinguish between required Seasonings
Optional Seasonings in any Recipe. Where any Seasoning is required, failure
to add it to the dish will result in a Food Fiasco. Where any Seasoning is
optional, the addition of it merely will add to the energy value of the dish
but you can make the Basic Dish successfully without it.

Easy Recipes:

Here are the first recipes that you can make in this game. Raisin Bread,
Mushroom Rice and Bamboo Rice require no utensils at all. Salad, Sandwich
Sashimi require nothing more than a knife. Oddly enough, I compiled this
BEFORE I read Lillia's book about Cooking in the Library that you will be
to order from Mary in the Girl version of the game. Some of the recipes
included in this section are given in Lillia's Book as well. Great cooks
think alike perhaps?

Raisin Bread:
Ingredients: Bread, Wild Grapes
Utensils: None
Seasonings: None

Bread can be purchased from the Supermarket for 100G. Wild Grapes are
available in the wilds in Autumn. You can find two daily near the western
shore of the Lake.

Bamboo Rice:
Ingredients: Bamboo Shoot, Rice Ball
Utensils: None
Seasonings: None
Optional Seasonings: Salt, Soy Sauce

I have included Bamboo Rice as technically it would be one of the first
Recipes you could make, provided only that you saved a Bamboo Shoot from the
Spring season. If you did not save any Bamboo Shoots and you did not expand
your house before the end of Spring, you will not be able to make this Recipe
in your first year. The Rice Ball can be purchased from the Supermarket for

Mushroom Rice:
Ingredients: Mushroom, Rice Ball
Utensils: None
Seasonings: None
Optional Seasonings: Salt, Soy Sauce

You should have no trouble making Mushroom Rice once you reach your first
Autumn, as four Mushrooms can be found daily in the Wilds during the Autumn
season. Rice Balls can be purchased from the Supermarket for 100G.

Truffle Rice uses almost the same recipe as Mushroom Rice and Bamboo Rice,
with the difference only of a Truffle instead of Mushroom or Bamboo Shoot.
a Truffle is more valuable than a Mushroom or Bamboo Shoot, it is better to
ship it usually than to make it into a Cooked Dish.

Ingredients: Cucumber, Cabbage, Carrot and/or Tomato
Utensils: Knife
Seasonings: None
Optional Seasonings: Vinegar, Salt

Once you have purchased a Knife from the TV Shopping Channel, you will be
to make a Basic Salad. You can make a successful Salad using only one crop.
Cucumber and Cabbage are Spring crops. Store them in your Refrigerator to
year-round until you have a Hothouse to grow them in any season. Tomato is a
Summer crop and Carrots are an Autumn crop. Again, try to store all crops in
your Refrigerator until you can order the Hothouse from Gotz.

Ingredients: Bread, Cucumber or Tomato
Utensils: Knife
Seasonings: None

A Sandwich can be made once you have purchased the Knife from the TV Shopping
Channel. Buy Bread at the Supermarket for 100G. Cucumber is a Spring Crop.
Store it in your Refrigerator for use year-round. Tomato is a Summer Crop.
Again, it can be stored in your Refrigerator year-round until you have a
Hothouse and can grow crops in every season.

Ingredients: Medium Fish or Large Fish
Utensils: Knife
Seasonings: None

Sashimi is a wonderful Recipe, requiring only a Knife and a Medium or Large
Fish. Unfortunately, fishing is more a matter of catching rubbish than fish
in this game until you have the best Fishing Rod, a gift from Greg once you
have caught 50 Fish. Until then, you will be forced to be extremely
determined if you wish to catch fish in sufficient quantities to allow you to
make Sashimi regularly. Remember that a small fish placed in the Fish Pond
will grow larger, provided always that you feed it Fish Food daily.

Individuals who Love Easy Dishes:

This section may be useful to players who cannot wait to cook and who wish to
be able to give their Cooked Dishes to people who appreciate them. I have
made lists of the eligible girls, bachelors and villagers who like the Cooked
Dishes that can be made when you first begin to cook. I added Bamboo Shoots,
Apples and Spa Eggs simply because they are plentiful and popular although
they are not items that are prepared in your kitchen.

Eligible Girls/Bachelors who Love Salad: Ann
Eligible Girls/Bachelors who Like Salad: Elli, Karen, Cliff, Doctor, Kai
Villagers who Love Salad: Gotz
Villagers who like Salad: Jeff, Basil, Duke

Eligible Bachelors/Girls who Love Mushroom Rice: Ann, Mary, Cliff
Eligible Girls/ Bachelors who like Mushroom Rice: Popuri, Doctor
Villagers who love Mushroom Rice: Basil, Ellen, Louis, Zack
Villagers who like Mushroom Rice:: Jeff, Saibara, Doug, Barley, Duke

Eligible Girls/ Bachelors who Love Bamboo Rice: Ann, Mary, Cliff
Eligible Girls/Bachelors who Like Bamboo Rice: Popuri, Bamboo Rice
Villagers who love Bamboo Rice: Saibara, Basil, Duke, Ellen, Zack
Villagers who like Bamboo Rice: Jeff, Sasha, Doug, Barley, Kano

Eligible Girls/Bachelors who Love Raisin Bread: Mary
Eligible Girls/Bachelors who Like Raisin Bread: Ann, Cliff, Rick
Villagers who Love Raisin Bread: Manna, Gotz
Villagers who like Raisin Bread: Sasha, Basil, Ellen, Harris, Louis, Zack

Eligible Girls/Bachelors who love Sashimi: Karen
Eligible Girls/Bachelors who like Sashimi: Elli, Cliff, Kai
Villagers who Love Sashimi: Thomas, Duke
Villagers who like Sashimi: Doug, Barley, Manna, Greg

Eligible Girls/Bachelors who love Sandwich: Popuri, Cliff
Eligible Girls/Bachelors who like Sandwich: Elli
Villagers who Love Sandwich:Harris, Stu
Villagers who Like Sandwich: Jeff, Basil, Duke

Eligible Girls/ Bachelors who love Spa Egg: Ann, Popuri, Cliff, Doctor, Rick
Eligible Girls /Bachelors who like Spa Egg: Karen
Villagers who Love Spa Egg: Basil, Barley, Duke, Harris
Villagers who Like Spa Egg: Jeff, Carter, Thomas, Louis

Eligible Girls/Bachelors who love Bamboo Shoot: Mary, Doctor
Eligible Girls/Bachelors who Like Bamboo Shoot:
Villagers who Love Bamboo Shoot: Jeff, Saibara, Doug, Thomas, Ellen, Kano
Villagers who Like Bamboo Shoot: Manna, Harris, Zack, Basil, Barley

Eligible Girls/Bachelors who love Apples:
Eligible Girls/Bachelors who Like Apples: Ann, Cliff
Villagers who like Apples: Kai, Jeff, Sasha, Saibara, Doug, Carter, Anna,
Lillia, Manna, Harris, Greg, Stu, May, Duke, Ellen, Gotz, Zack

Eligible Girls/Bachelors who Love Honey: Popuri, Rick
Eligible Girls/Bachelors who like Honey: Doctor, Kai
Villagers who Love Honey: Doug, May, Manna, Ellen, Kano, Louis, Stu
Villagers who like Honey: Jeff, Sasha, Carter, Basil, Anna, Barley, Thomas,
Lillia, Gotz, Harris

Eligible Girls/Bachelors who love Bread: Kai
Eligible Girls/Bachelors who Like Bread: Ann, Popuri, Grey, Cliff
Villagers who Love Bread: Carter, Duke, Louis
Villagers who Like Bread; Basil, Ellen

Eligible Girls/Bachelors who Love Flour: Kai
Eligible Girls/Bachelors who like Flour: Doctor
Villagers who love Flour: Doug, Carter, Ellen
Villagers who like Flour: Sasha, Anna, Gotz

Eligible Girls/Bachelors who love Mushrooms: Mary
Eligible Girls/Bachelors who like Mushrooms:
Villagers who Love Mushrooms: Doug, Basil, Kano
Villagers who like Mushrooms: Saibara

Villagers who like Ores: Anna, Kano

Please note that Seasonings in this game are one of the last items for the
Kitchen that are offered by the Shopping Network. In the following section,
have provided a complete list of all recipes that can be made in this
game. 'No Utensil' Recipes are listed in a single section. Those that
require any Seasonings, however, will not be able to be made successfully
until you have purchased the Seasoning Set from the TV Shopping Channel. As
the Knife is one of the Utensils ordered from the Shopping Network, Knife
Recipes are listed as a separate category.

Please take note of the difference between the listing of Seasonings and
Optional Seasonings. If a seasoning is listed as Optional, you do not need
to complete the Recipe successfully. If it is listed simply as Seasonings,
you MUST use it in order to make the Cooked Dish. I had to decide whether or
not to list all Recipes that REQUIRE Seasonings in a separate category, but
the end, I have listed them only according to the Utensils required. Where
any Cooked Dish requires more than one Utensil, I have listed it under the
Utensil that is offered last by the TV Shopping Channel.

Complete Basic Cookbook:

Here is a Complete Cookbook containing all Basic Recipes as well as including
a few Optional Ingredients, Utensils and Seasonings. I have tried to list
them in the order in which the necessary Utensils can be obtained from the TV
Shopping Channel.

No Utensil Recipes:

Raisin Bread:
Ingredients: Bread, Wild Grapes
Utensils: None
Seasonings: None

Wild Grapes can be found in the wilds in the Autumn season only.

Dinner Roll
Ingredients: Bread, Butter
Utensils: None
Seasonings: None

N.B. Although this Recipe requires no Utensils to prepare, it includes
which cannot be made until you have a Mixer.

Jam Bun
Ingredients: Bread, Jam (any type)
Utensils: None
Seasonings: None

N.B. Although this Recipe requires no Utensils, it includes Jam which will
require both a Pot and the Seasoning Set before it can be made successfully.

Bamboo Rice:
Ingredients: Bamboo Shoot, Rice Ball
Utensils: None
Seasonings: None
Optional Seasonings: Salt, Soy Sauce

Bamboo shoots can be found in the wilds in Spring but unless you save a few
your rucksack or Shelf, you will not be able to prepare this recipe in your
first year as you probably will not have a Kitchen in your first Spring.

Mushroom Rice:
Ingredients: Rice Ball, Mushroom
Utensils: None
Seasonings: None
Optional Seasonings: Salt, Soy Sauce

Mushrooms are found in the wilds in Autumn.

Truffle Rice:
Ingredients: Rice Ball, Truffle
Utensils: None
Seasonings: None
Optional Seasonings: Salt, Soy Sauce

Truffles are found in the wilds in Autumn.

Ingredients: Cucumber
Utensils: None
Seasonings: Salt

Cucumber is a Spring crop but unless you save a Cucumber in your rucksack or
have a Kitchen before the end of the first Spring, you will not be able to
prepare this Recipe until Spring of the 2nd year.

Knife Recipes:

Ingredients: Cucumber, Cabbage, Carrot, Tomato
Utensils: Knife
Seasonings: None
Optional Seasonings: Vinegar, Salt

This may be one of the first Recipes you actually make as you should have a
Kitchen in your first Summer and be able to use a Summer crop, the Tomato, in
preparing the dish.

Ingredients: Bread, Cucumber or Tomato
Utensils: Knife
Seasonings: None

This is another Recipe that you should be able to make in your first Summer,
using a Tomato, even if you did not save a Cucumber from Spring.

Ingredients: Medium Fish or Large Fish
Utensils: Knife
Seasonings: None

You should be able to make this dish as soon as you have the Knife.

Pickled Turnips
Ingredients: Turnip
Utensils: Knife
Seasonings: Vinegar
Optional Seasonings: Salt, Soy Sauce

Ingredients: Sashimi, Rice Ball
Utensils: None
Seasonings: Vinegar

Chirashi Sushi
Ingredients: Sashimi, Scrambled Eggs, Rice Ball
Utensils: Knife
Seasonings: Vinegar
Optional Seasonings: Soy Sauce

Frying Pan Recipes:

Ingredients: Corn
Utensils: Frying Pan
Seasonings: None

Happy Eggplant
Ingredients: Eggplant
Utensils: Frying Pan
Seasonings: Sugar
Optional Seasonings: Miso Paste, Soy Sauce

Ingredients: Potato, Oil, Ketchup
Utensils: Frying Pan, Knife
Seasonings: None
Optional Seasonings: Salt

Veggie Pancake:
Ingredients: Cabbage, Egg, Flour, Oil
Utensils: Frying Pan, Knife
Seasonings: None

Scrambled Egg
Ingredients: Egg, Oil
Optional Ingredients: Mayonnaise
Utensils: Frying Pan
Optional Utensils: Whisk
Seasonings: None
Optional Seasonings: Salt

Ingredients: Egg, Oil, Milk (any size)
Utensils: Frying Pan
Seasonings; None
Optional Seasonings: Salt

Rice Omelet:
Ingredients: Egg, Rice Ball, Oil, Milk
Utensils: Frying Pan
Seasonings: None
Optional Seasoinings: Salt

Fried Rice:
Ingredients: Egg, Rice Ball, Oil
Utensils: Frying Pan
Optional Utensils: Knife
Seasonings: Sugar, Salt, Soy Sauce

Grilled Fish
Ingredients: Medium Fish or Large Fish
Utensils: Frying Pan
Seasonings: None
Optional Seasonings: Salt, Soy Sauce

Stir Fry
Ingredients: Cabbage, Oil
Utensils: Frying Pan, Knife
Seasonings: Soy Sauce

Ingredients: Egg, Flour, Oil
Utensils: Frying Pan
Seasonings: None

Fried Noodles:
Ingredients: Noodles, Oil
Utensils: Frying Pan
Optional Utensils: Knife
Seasonings: None

Pot Recipes:

Miso Soup:
Ingredients: Small Fish or any fish or any vegetable
Utensils: Pot
Seasonings: Miso Paste

Cheese Fondue
Ingredients: Cheese, Bread
Optional Ingredients: Wine
Utensils: Pot, Knife
Seasonings: None
Optional Seasonings: Salt

Ingredients: Flour, Milk (any size), 1 Crop
Utensils: Pot
Optional Utensils: Knife
Seasonings: Salt

Strawberry Jam
Ingredients: Stawberry
Optional Ingredients: Honey, Wine
Utensils: Pot
Seasonings: Sugar

Apple Jam:
Ingredients: Apple
Optional Ingredients: Honey, Wine
Utensils: Pot
Seasonings: Sugar

Grape Jam:
Ingredients: Wild Grape
Optional Ingredients: Honey, Wine
Utensils: Pot
Seasonings: Sugar

Hot Milk
Ingredients: Milk (any size)
Utensils: Pot
Seasonings: None
Optional Seasonings: Sugar

Boiled Egg
Ingredients: Egg
Utensils: Pot
Seasonings: None
Optional Seasonings: Salt

Ingredients: Rice Ball, Curry Powder
Utensils: Pot
Optional Utensil: Knife
Seasonings: Miso Paste

Relaxation Tea
Ingredients: Relaxation Tea Leaves
Utensils: Pot
Optional Utensil: Knife
Seasonings: None
Optional Seasonings: Sugar

Tempura Noodles:
Ingredients: Noodles, Tempura
Utensils: Pot
Optional Utensils: Knife
Seasonings: None

Mixer Recipes:

Ingredients: Milk (any size will do)
Utensils: Mixer
Seasonings: None

Ingredients: Tomato, Onion
Utensils: Mixer
Seasonings: Salt, Sugar, Vinegar

Tomato Juice
Ingredients: Tomato
Utensils: Mixer
Seasonings: None
Optional Seasonings: Salt

Strawberry Milk
Ingredients: Milk (any size), Strawberry
Utensils: Mixer
Seasonings: None
Optional Seasonings: Salt, Sugar

Fruit Juice
Ingredients: Apple, Pineapple, Strawberry and/or Wild Grape
Utensils: Mixer
Optional Utensils: Knife
Seasonings: None
Optional Seasonings: Sugar

Fruit Latte
Ingredients: Milk, Apple, Pineapple, Strawberry and/or Wild Grapes
Utensils: Mixer
Optional Utensils: Knife
Seasonings: None
Optional Seasonings: Sugar

Fruit Latte II
Ingredients: Milk, Fruit Juice
Utensils: Mixer
Seasonings: None
Optional Seasonings: Sugar

Vegetable Juice
Ingredients: Cucumber, Carrot and/or Cabbage
Utensils: Mixer
Optional Utensils: Knife
Seasonings: None
Optional Seasonings: Salt

Vegetable Latte
Ingredients: Milk, Carrot, Cucumber or Cabbage
Utensils: Mixer
Optional Utensils: Knife
Seasonings: None
Optional Seasonings: Salt

Vegetable Latte II
Ingredients: Milk, Vegetable Juice
Utensils: Mixer
Seasonings: None
Optional Seasonings: Salt

Mixed Juice
Ingredients: Apple, Pineapple, Strawberry and/or Wild Grapes; Cucumber,
Cabbage and/or Carrot
Utensils: Mixer
Optional Utensils: Knife
Seasonings: None
Optional Seasonings: Salt, Sugar

Mixed Juice II
Ingredients: Fruit Juice, Vegetable Juice
Utensils: Mixer
Seasonings: None
Optional Seasonings: Salt, Sugar

Mixed Latte
Ingredients: Milk; Apple, Pineapple, Strawberry and/or Wild Grape; Cucumber,
Cabbage and/or Carrot
Utensils: Mixer
Optional Utensils: Knife
Seasonings: None
Optional Seasonings: Salt, Sugar

Whisk Recipes:

Mayonnaise S
Ingredients: Normal Egg, Oil
Utensils: Whisk
Seasonings: Vinegar

Mayonnaise M
Ingredients: Good Egg, Oil
Utensils: Whisk
Seasonings: Vinegar

Mayonnaise L
Ingredients: Excellent Egg, Oil
Utensils: Whisk
Seasonings: Vinegar

Mayonnaise G
Ingredients: Golden Egg, Oil
Utensils: Whisk
Seasonings: Vinegar

Ice Cream
Ingredients: Egg, Milk
Optional Ingredients: Honey, any Fruit
Utensils: Pot, Whisk
Optional Utensils: Knife
Seasonings: Sugar

Rolling Pin Recipes:

Ingredients; Flour
Utensils: Knife, Pot, Rolling Pin
Seasonings: None

Curry Noodles:
Ingredients: Curry Powder, Flour
Utensils: Pot, Knife, Rolling Pin
Seasonings: None

Oven Recipes:

Sweet Potato
Ingredients: Sweet Potato, Egg, Butter
Utensils: Pot, Oven
Seasonings: Salt, Sugar

Ingredients: Cheese, Flour, Ketchup
Utensils: Oven, Rolling Pin
Optional Utensils: Knife
Seasonings: Salt

Ingredients: Egg, Butter, Flour
Optional Ingredients: Honey
Utensils: Oven, Rolling Pin
Seasonings: Sugar

Chocolate Cookie
Ingredients: Egg, Butter, Flour, chocolate
Optional Ingredients: Honey
Utensils: Oven, Rolling Pin
Seasonings: Sugar

Ingredients: Egg, Butter, Flour
Utensils: Oven, Whisk
Optional Utensils: Knife
Seasonings: Sugar

Anna's Best Cake Recipe

Ingredients; Flour, Egg, Butter
Utensils: Oven, Whisk, Knife
Optional Ingredients: Apple, Honey, Pineapple, Wild Grape, Orange Cup, Jam
Seasonings: Sugar

Ingredients: Cheese, Egg, Milk
Optional Ingredients: Honey, Strawberry
Utensils: Oven, Pot, Whisk
Seasonings: Sugar

Pumpkin Pudding:
Ingredients: Egg, Pumpkin, Milk
Utensils: Oven, Pot
Seasonings: Salt

Apple Pie
Ingredients: Egg, Butter, Apple, Flour
Utensils: Knife, Oven, Pot, Rolling Pin
Seasonings: Sugar

Item Values:

Here are the shipping and energy values of all items:

Spring Crop Values

Turnip: 60G
Energy Values: +3 Stamina -1 Fatigue

Potato: 80G
Energy Values: +3 Stamina -1 Fatigue

Cucumber: 60G
Energy Values: +4 Stamina -1 Fatigue

Strawberry: 30G
Energy Values: +5 Stamina -2 Fatigue

Cabbage: 250G
Energy Values: +3 Stamina -1 Fatigue

Values of Wild Items in Spring:

Bamboo Shoot: 50G
Energy Values: +10 Stamina -1 Fatigue

Blue Grass: 100G
Energy Values: +9 Stamina -1 Fatigue

Summer Crop Values:

Onion: 80G
Energy Values: +3 Stamina -1 Fatigue

Corn: 100G
Energy Values: +3 Stamina -1 Fatigue

Tomato: 60G
Energy Values: +4 Stamina -1 Fatigue

Pumpkin: 250G
Energy Values: +3 Stamina -1 Fatigue

Pineapple: 500G
Energy Values: +5 Stamina -2 Fatigue

Value of Wild Items in Summer:

Red Grass: 100G
Energy Values: -10 Stamina -5 Fatigue

Autumn Crop Values:

Eggplant: 80G
Energy Values: +3 Stamina -1 Fatigue

Carrot: 120G
Energy Values: +4 Stamina -1 Fatigue

Sweet Potato: 120G
Energy Values: +3 Stamina -1 Fatigue

Spinach: 80G
Energy Values: +3 Stamina -1 Fatigue

Values of Wild Items in Autumn:

Apple: 50G
Energy Values: +2 Stamina -1 Fatigue

Green Grass: 100G
Energy Values: +0 Stamina -2 Fatigue

Mushroom: 70G
Energy Values: +10 Stamina -1 Fatigue

Poisonous Mushroom: 100G
Energy Values: -10 Stamina -5 Fatigue

Truffle: 500G
Energy Values: +20 Stamina -1 Fatigue

Wild Grape: 50G
Energy Values: +10 Stamina -2 Fatigue

Value of Hothouse Items:

Orange Cup Fruit: 60G
Energy Values: +3 Stamina -5 Fatigue

Ranch Product Values:

Egg: 50G
Energy Values: +4 Stamina -0 Fatigue

Golden Egg: 50G
Energy Values: +5 Stamina -2 Fatigue

Milk S: 100G
Energy Value: +2 Stamina -2 Fatigue

Milk M: 150G
Energy Value: +3 Stamina - 2 Fatigue

Milk L: 200G
Energy Value: +4 Stamina -2 Fatigue

Milk G: 300G
Energy Value: +5 Stamina -3 Fatigue

Wool S: 100G

Wool M: 400G

Wool L: 500G

Wool G: 600G

Processed Ranch Item Values:

Spa-Boiled Egg: 80G
Energy Values: +4 Stamina -1 Fatigue

Mayonnaise S: 100G
Energy Values: +1 Stamina -1 Fatigue

Mayonnaise M: 150G
Energy Values: +2 Stamina -1 Fatigue

Mayonnaise L: 200G
Energy Values: +3 Stamina -1 Fatigue

Mayonnaise XL: 300G
Energy Value: +4 Stamina -1 Fatigue

Cheese S: 300G
Energy Value: +5 Stamina -1 Fatigue

Cheese M: 400G
Energy Value: +6 Stamina -1 Fatigue

Cheese L: 500G
Energy Value: +7 Stamina -1 Fatigue

Cheese XL: 600G
Energy Value: +8 Stamina -2 Fatigue

Yarn Ball S: 300G

Yarn Ball M: 700G

Yarn Ball L: 800G

Yarn Ball XL: 1000G

Values of Items from the Mines:

Items from the Mines:

Junk Ore: 1G

Copper: 15G

Silver: 20G

Gold: 25G

Mystrile: 40G

Orichalcum: 50G

Adamantite: 50G

N.B. Thomas will tell you quite early in the game that he regulates the
prices of ores quite strictly and keeps them low deliberately in order to
discourage individuals from concentrating on mining instead of farming. The
only way that mining in the Spring Mine is profitable is if you take the
Bin/Basket and fill both it and your rucksack. The Bin holds 30 items and
largest Rucksack holds 8. If you are willing to carry an item in your hands,
you can take a maximum total of 39 items from the Spring Mine in one trip.
Junk ore or any ore can be thrown on the ground INSIDE the Mine without
penalty. It is not considered 'littering'.

Other Items:

Jewelry made by Saibara from Orichalcum: 2000G

Magic Red Flower: 200G

Honey: 50G
+2 Stamina -2 Fatigue

Items from Fishing:

Small Fish: 50G
Energy Values: +2 Stamina -1 Fatigue

Medium Fish: 120G
Energy Values: +3 Stamina -1 Fatigue

Large Fish: 200G
Energy Values: +5 Stamina -1 Fatigue

Relaxation Tea Leaves: 1000G
Energy Values: +2 Stamina -3 Fatigue

Items that cannot be shipped

Flowers cannot be shipped, nor can Medicines, nor can any Cooked items. The
Fries Recipe and Tomato Ketchup Recipe cannot be shipped either.


There are two Mines in Mineral Town, which probably is the reason for the
village's name. The Spring Mine is situated behind the Waterfall at the
Goddess Spring and is open throughout the year. In this mine, you will find
all the Ores that are needed to upgrade your tools. Items that can be found
in the Spring Mine are:

Junk Ore
Copper Ore
Silver Ore
Gold Ore
Mystrile Ore

1 Red Power Berry

Junk Ore, Copper and Silver can be found on any floor by digging with a Hoe.
Gold is to be found on Floor 3 or lower and Mystrile can be found only on
Floor 5 or lower. The Mines are very small in comparison with the Mines in
Mineral Town in FoMT and MFoMT. The Mines in FoMT/MFoMT have 255 floors.
The Mines in this game have only 9. Nonetheless, many of the general
principles of mining and even the items are the same.

The biggest difference probably is the fact that all items are obtained by
digging in this game. You will not use your Hammer in the mines at all. ALL
Ores are found by digging with the Hoe. The only other tool that you will
in one of the Mines is a Fishing Pole.

The second mine in Mineral Town is the Lake or Winter Mine, situated on a
small island in the centre of the Lake in the Mountains. It cannot be
in Spring, Summer or Autumn. It is only in Winter, when the surface of the
Lake freezes, that you will be able to walk across the ice to the entrance.
The Lake Mine contains the following items:


1 Red Power Berry
1 Recipe for Tomato Ketchup

1 King Fish, the Catfish

All four types of Ore can be found on every floor apart from the lowest
where you will find an entrance to an underground Lake. In this Lake, you
catch one of the King Fish, the Catfish. You will find no ore on the lowest
floor of the Lake.

Adamantite is a vital ore if you wish to order the Makers from Saibara. The
Makers may be expensive to order but are extremely profitable ultimately.
There are three Makers in this game and each requires one piece of Adamantite
and 20000G.

Orichalcum is the ore used to make jewelry. Saibara will make jewelry for
if you give him a piece of Orichalcum and 1000G. Labour takes three days but
the jewelry can be shipped for 2000G.

Once you have three pieces of Adamantite, you will not need to keep any more
of this particular ore and can ship it from that point forward. Orichalcum,
on the other hand, should be stored so that you can order jewelry from
throughout the other three seasons of the year. As labour takes 3 days for
any piece of jewelry, Saibara can make a maximum of 10 pieces of jewelry each
season. Store 30 pieces of Orichalcum to keep Saibara employed throughout
year until the next Winter season arrives.

Spring Mine

As the Spring Mine will be the first that you can access, it may be useful to
know what sort of profits can be made from a single trip to that mine. At
start of the game, every source of income needs to be exploited.

Here are the maximum profits from any trip to the Spring Mine for every
possible ore that can be found there:

39 pieces of Copper: 585G
39 pieces of Silver: 780G
39 pieces of Gold: 975G
39 pieces of Mystrile: 1560G

As you can see, it may be worth the effort to toss Junk Ore, Copper and
on the ground and simply fill your Bin/Basket solely with Gold and/or
Mystrile. Time does not pass in the Mines. You will expend energy, of
course, but you should be able to fill a Bin and Rucksack with Mystrile and
restore your Energy afterwards in the Spa. There is a significant difference
in earnings between a Basket filled with Copper and one filled with Mystrile.

Obviously, if you toss ALL ores into your Basket and Rucksack, your total
profit will be somewhere between 585G and 1560G. The lower you go in the
Mine, the better the likelihood of finding Gold and Mystrile, although
Silver and the pernicious Junk Ore will be found on ALL floors. You cannot
find Gold above Floor 3 and you will not find Mystrile above Floor 5 of the
Spring Mine. Orichalcum and Adamantite are found only in the Lake or Winter

Mining Tips

When you enter any floor of the Mine, you will see no access to a lower
floor. In order to uncover a stairway to the next floor, you must use your
Hoe. Although the Mines are fairly small compared to those in FoMT/MFoMT and
Harvest Moon DS/Cute DS, any player who is adept at mining runs a risk of
being taken automatically down the stairs if he/she tends to move forward a
step as soon as a square is uncovered. When you are mining with a
it is very annoying to be sent down the stairs without the Basket and this is
a danger for any one who moves too quickly in the Mines. I myself have been
sent down the stairs automatically twice without having a chance to grab my
Basket simply because I have formed a habit of uncovering a square and moving
forward to the next square almost simultaneously. My advice, therefore, is
move slowly. Time does not pass in the Mines. There is no rush.

Provided you have been diligent in obtaining Power Berries, you should be
to fill a Basket and Large Rucksack with Ore without passing out. If you are
planning multiple trips to the Mine in a single day, however, it is a good
idea to spend at least half an hour in the Spa between trips and to take an
item of food on the second trip. Mining in the Lake Mine is far more
profitable generally than mining in the Spring Mine, unless you discard every
ore but Mystrile in the Spring Mine.

There are three Red Power Berries to be found in or near the Mines. The
is on a random floor of the Spring Mine and the second is on a random floor
the Lake Mine. I have found both on the 6th floor of each mine, however,
than once, so there may be more probability of finding them on one of the
lower floors. The third Red Power Berry can be found by pressing X to the
left of the entrance of the Lake Mine. Walk to the left of the entrance and
face the mound that houses the entrance to the Mine, then press the X button.
Your first opportunity to do this is 1 Winter in your first year. Take
advantage of it as each Power Berry will boost your total Stamina by 10%.

Energy and Sleep

It actually is not necessary to sleep all night in order to keep your energy
levels at maximum. You need to be conscious of the fact that the game will
save only when you go to bed, but you can go to bed as late as 5.50 a.m. and
still awaken at 6.00 a.m. with full Stamina and no Fatigue. The way to do
this is by using the Hot Spring for at least half an hour before you go home
to bed. Do NOT use any tool after midnight unless you intend to spend half
hour in the Hot Spa afterwards. Doing so will restore all Stamina and erase
all Fatigue.

Whether you go to bed at 6.00 p.m. or at 5.50 a.m., the results always will
the same. The game actually will be saved at 6.00 a.m. at the time of
awakening. At this point the weather forecast will be set. You therefore
need to keep one saved file at least one day prior to your current save file,
in case of hurricanes, typhoons or snowstorms.

Time passes whenever you are outdoors but does not pass inside buildings. As
in other Harvest Moon games, you can increase the experience level of any
by using it inside a building or inside a Mine. The Spring Mine behind the
waterfall at the Goddess Spring is well-suited to this as it is close to the
Hot Spa.

As previously stated, any tool upgrade takes 3 days, whether the upgrade is a
single level or a full four levels, from Basic to Mystrile. You therefore
wish to upgrade directly to Mystrile level in some cases, provided you have
sufficient funds for this.

Profitable Events:

As in other Harvest Moon games, Harvest Moon Boy & Girl includes many events.
Some are romantic, but others are not. I always believe in experiencing as
many events as possible in any Harvest Moon game. Experiencing the 'Heart
Events' of any eligible girl or bachelor does NOT compel you to marry that
individual. You therefore can experience all Heart Events without being
obliged to propose to any girl.

Some of the Heart Events have rewards attached to them. In particular, it is
a good idea to raise Ann's heart level to Blue in order to experience her 3rd
or Blue Heart Event. In this event, she will come to your farm to ask if you
can deliver 3 eggs daily to the Inn. The other requirement for this event,
apart from her heart level, is that you must have at least three adult egg-
laying chickens in your Henhouse.

Take 3 eggs to the Inn between 11.00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m. daily. She will pay
you 450G for eggs that otherwise would ship for 150G. Moreover, provided you
do not miss any non-festival day, you can continue to make this delivery for
an entire week. At the end of this period, she will appear again at your
to thank you. From that point onward, the event no longer will occur.

Popuri's 3rd Heart Event includes the gift of an egg. Hatch the egg to
increase her affection for you. If you name the chick after her, it will
raise her affection even higher. Even if you do not intend to marry her,
however, the chick will grow into a chicken who will lay eggs for you or who
can be sold for 500G.

Chickens are an important aspect of Harvest Moon and there is another event
this game that involves chickens. A requirement for this event is that you
have an expanded henhouse and that you have 5 empty spots in your henhouse.
The event appears to occur near the middle of the first Autumn so even if you
have had 10 chickens in your henhouse, if you sell 5 of them by the 13th of
Autumn, you should be able to trigger the event.

In this event, Rick will ask if you can keep five of his chickens in your
henhouse temporarily. As he will offer to provide food for them, acceptance
costs you nothing and you will be able to sell all the eggs they produce. As
previously stated, the requirement is that you currently have no more than 5
chickens in your expanded henhouse. I previously had 10 chickens but sold 5
to see if I could trigger the event and was successful in doing so.

Some of these events are included both in the Boy and Girl versions of the

Animal Care and Festivals

You can own five different types of animals in this game. Each requires
different care and affection is acquired in different ways with each.

The first animal you will own is a dog. The dog is primarily a pet, but has
his farm uses in terms of protecting your livestock and poultry from the
stray 'wild dog'. When you first obtain your dog, he will be a puppy. As a
puppy, he is fairly useless but you need to raise his heart level on a daily
basis in order to make him useful as an adult. You can do this by picking
up once daily and whistling for him once daily. Repetition of either of
acts will not increase heart level further but you should not forget to do
either daily.

When the dog becomes an adult in the first Autumn, Won will come to your
farmhouse to offer you a Dog Ball for 100G. Buy this and then toss it to
dog once daily to increase his abilities. Your daily tasks with respect to
your dog therefore are:
1. Pick him up and set him down again. He will respond with a heart icon to
2. Whistle to him by pressing the L control at the top of your PSP. He
should come to you, albeit by a sometimes circuitous route;
3. When he becomes an adult, throw the Dog Ball to him once daily and
retrieve it from him.

The second animal you can have is a . When you experience an event at
Farm, Barley will ask you if you would be willing to keep a colt for him
temporarily. Agree in order to give yourself the future chance of owning

The horse cannot be ridden as a colt and indeed is totally useless at this
point in time. Do not neglect him, however, or Barley will not allow you to
keep him. Barley will return in 120 days to assess the progress of this
animal, so you have a full year to raise his heart level to 7 if possible.
There are two ways to 'win' the ownership of the horse: raise his affection
to 7 or more hearts OR grow 40 plots of grass in your field. Doing either
will cause Barley to give you the horse outright in your second year when he
comes to assess progress. If you have not achieved EITHER goal, Barley will
take the horse from you.

If the horse is taken from you, you can win him back by growing 40 plots of
grass in your field but if you are diligent in gaining his affection in the
first year, you should not be obliged to do this. Grass can be cut for
fodder, but grass seeds are costly and you may prefer to spend your money on
other upgrades early in the game.

Speaking to your horse daily evidently does NOT raise his heart level
the speech will change on the day the horse becomes an adult. The only way
raise your horse's heart level as a colt is by brushing him daily. To do
this, you must invest in a Brush from Saibara's Smithy for 800G. Do this as
early as possible in the game in order to be able to keep the horse. It is
worth the investment both in money and energy. An adult horse can be ridden,
but only on your own farm land, and you can ship items by throwing them into
his saddlebags. You may feel that 800G is a lot of money to spend on a brush
in your first Spring when you are struggling to survive, but it needs to be

The other way to raise your horse's affection is by whistling to him. There
will be no increase in affection, however, until he begins to respond to your
whistle, so do not think that you can forego the Brush in favour of whistling
to the animal! You need to do both.

The best use of the Horse is to enter him in the Horse Race and to bet
on him when he is an adult. The greatest prize offered is a Power Berry and
you will wish to obtain it as soon as possible. Your first opportunity to do
this is the second year, when your horse becomes an adult.

Train your horse for the race by riding to him and whistling to him.

The third animal you will obtain probably is a Chicken. Chickens are the
least expensive ranch option. Once you have purchased a single chicken from
Popuri, you can enlarge your population by incubating eggs. An incubated egg
takes three days to hatch. Once hatched, a chick takes three days to grow
into a Chicken. An adult Chicken will not lay eggs immediately, however.
Your hen usually will begin to lay eggs a day after she becomes an adult.

The quality of egg depends on the heart level of the Chicken. The first egg
laid will be a Normal Egg; at 4 hearts, that will change to a Good Egg and
7 hearts, it will become an Excellent Egg. An Excellent Egg is the highest
quality of egg that can be laid by a Chicken even with Maximum heart level
unless that Chicken has won the Sumo Chicken Contest. A Chicken does not
Maximum heart level in order to win the Contest, but it makes it more likely
that you will be able to win. Winning the Sumo Contest is a combination of
luck, skill and your chicken's responses to your encouragement. A chicken
with a higher heart level is more likely to respond to your encouragement
one with low affection. Even with the highest heart level, however, the
Chicken can decide simply to walk out of the ring, making victory and defeat
somewhat a question of luck! Always save your game, and especially make
certain to save your game when you go to bed the night before any Festival as
you then can reload and replay the day if you fail to win.

Golden Eggs are worth the effort, not for the Egg per se, but when made into
Mayonnaise G. A Golden Egg ships for 50G but Mayonnaise G ships for 300G.

Here are the financial facts about chickens in general:

An adult Chicken purchased from Popuri costs 1500G. An egg when shipped is
worth 50G. Popuri will not buy eggs or chicks, but she will buy adult
chickens from you if you wish to sell them. An ordinary adult chicken can be
sold for 500G. A chicken who has won the Chicken Sumo Contest, in other
words, a Chicken with a Crown, can be sold for 2000G. It is best to keep
Chickens with Crowns, though, as they lay Golden Eggs. Although a Golden Egg
ships only for 50G, no more than an ordinary Egg, it can be used to make
Mayonnaise G, which ships for 300G.
My own strategy with respect to Golden Eggs in the first year is to store
in my Refrigerator rather than shipping them. The amount of income generated
by shipping a Golden Egg is trivial. If you store them all until you are
to make Mayonnaise, you will make an enormous profit.
A Mayonnaise Maker cannot be ordered until the first Winter season from
Saibara, even if you have an expanded Henhouse, as you will not be able to
obtain Adamantite until you gain access to the Lake Mine. The Lake Mine is
accessible only when the Lake is frozen in Winter.

Nonetheless, if you have expanded your house once and have been diligent
watching the TV Shopping Programme and ordering the items regularly, you
should have the ability to make Mayonnaise in your kitchen in the first
Autumn. There is a smaller profit from Mayonnaise made in the kitchen with a
Whisk, as it requires the purchase of Oil from the Supermarket for 50G. Even
so, as Mayonnaise G ships for 300G, your profit will be 250G instead of the
50G made by shipping the Golden Egg itself.

Caring for your chickens requires that you feed them daily if they are inside
the Chicken Coop. If you keep them outside, they will find their own food in
the form of worms and so on. There is inherent danger in leaving chickens
outside at night in Harvest Moon, especially in your first year when your dog
remains a puppy and cannot offer protection from the wild dog. A pen made
from Lumber is partial protection from attack, but I recommend that players
place all their poultry and livestock inside the Chicken Coop and Barn at
night in the first year.

Furthermore, NO animal is happy to be outdoors in bad weather in this game.
You need to make certain that every animal, including dog and horse, is
a building at night when rain, snow or a severe storm is predicted. You will
lose affection with any animal left outside in bad weather.

There are two means by which the heart level of any chicken is raised.
certain that the Chicken is fed will increase affection a little. The other
means is to pick up the Chicken once daily in order to raise her affection.

Chicken Strategies:

You can generate income regularly by incubating eggs and then selling the
Chickens when they reach adult stage. It is best to do this once you have
expanded your Henhouse, however, in order to have a stable population
consisting of 5 chickens with affection at maximum level. Although ALL eggs
ship for 50G, irrespective of their quality, the shipping value of Mayonnaise
made from any egg will reflect the quality of the Egg. Small Mayonnaise is
made from an Egg of the lowest 'Normal' quality. Medium Mayonnaise is made
from an Egg of 'Good' quality and Large Mayonnaise is made from an Egg
of 'Excellent' quality. You therefore are well-advised to keep some chickens
rather than selling every adult that is produced from an incubated egg.

There is a point in your first Autumn where you may wish to reduce your
Henhouse population to 5. I try to make certain that I have only a total of
Chickens in my Henhouse (and NO eggs in the incubators!) by 13 Autumn. An
event involving Rick requires that you have an expanded Henhouse but only 5
Chickens. If this situation exists, the event will occur on or near 14
Autumn. Rick then will ask if you are willing to keep 5 Chickens for him in
your Henhouse on a temporary basis. He will offer to provide feed for them
and tell you that, in return, you can sell the eggs that the chickens

The only disadvantage to this is that the Poultry Farm will not be open for
business during the period in question. Make certain, therefore, that you
have plenty of Chicken Feed or Corn in your Refrigerator (with which to
produce Chicken Feed) before 14 Autumn in your first year.


The next type of animal you can have on your farm is a Cow or a Sheep. The
choice is yours. Both share the same Barn and there is room for a total of
animals in your original barn. An expanded Barn holds 20 Cows and/or Sheep.


Cows are more expensive to purchase than Sheep but once they are fully grown,
they will give Milk on a daily basis. A Sheep will give Wool as soon as you
purchase it but can be sheared only once each week. It takes half a season
for a Cow purchased at Yodel's Farm to grow to full adult size.

When you use Miracle Potion on a Cow, a calf will be born 20 days later.
have three stages of growth. The first stage is a calf. A young cow is the
second stage and a fully-grown adult cow is the third. Only the fully grown
adult will yield Milk. Any cow purchased from Yodel's Farm is at the second
stage. It takes half a season for a cow at the second stage to grow to full

When a Cow or Sheep becomes pregnant after the use of Miracle Potion, you no
longer will be able to collect Ranch product from the animal until the baby
born. Any financial advantage from the use of Miracle Potion as opposed to
the purchase of a live animal therefore is lost by the number of days when
will be unable to collect product from the pregnant animal. The sole
advantage to the use of Miracle Potion on any animal is that any animal born
on your farm may be born with at least two Hearts.


As you may guess, a Cow brings far more profit than a Sheep ultimately, but
you really need to own at least one Sheep in order to be able to enter the
Sheep Festival and to obtain Yarn.

As with respect to any other animal who produces Ranch product, Golden Yarn
fetches a large shipping price. In order to have a chance of winning the
Sheep Festival, you actually need to have a Sheep who is eligible to enter.
Any shorn sheep is not eligible, so you must be careful NOT to shear a Sheep
after 15 Fall if you intend to enter it in the Contest. Furthermore, do not
hire any Sprite to care for the animals during that week, as Sprites
automatically will collect ranch products as well as feeding the animals.

Power Berries

There are 10 Red Power Berries and 1 Mystic Berry in this game.

Each Red Power Berry will increase your total Stamina by 10%. The Mystic
Berry increases your resistance to Fatigue, making it easier in particular
you to work longer in the rain or snow and to work later at night.

How to Obtain all Power Berries

The Red Power Berries are obtained as follows:

1. Take your Axe to the meadow on the screen to the right of the Lake in the
Mountain area. Swing your Axe at the tree in the centre of the meadow and it
will beg you not to chop it down, offering you a Power Berry as a reward.

2. Give a total of 5 crops as offerings to the Harvest Goddess by standing
beneath the Waterfall and tossing them into the Spring. She will give you a
Power Berry in return. (This applies to the Boy version of the game. In the
Girl version, you will receive the piece of lumber and 3000G from Gotz

3. Dig in the Spring Mine until you find a Power Berry; it usually is on one
of the lower floors of the mine but its location is random.

4. Win the Swim Contest on Opening Day at the Beach on 1 Summer to obtain a
Power Berry.

5. Plant at least 11 bags of flowers and DO NOT HARVEST them. Anna will
to the farm and ask if she can have some flowers. Allow her to take as many
as she wishes and she will give you a Power Berry in return. Any flowers
remain after she leaves can be harvested, but you must have at least 91
flowers blooming in order to trigger the event. Your first real opportunity
to do this will be in your first Summer probably. Purchase 11 bags of
seeds from Won and plant them as early in Summer as possible.

6. Walk to the left of the entrance of the Lake Mine and press X as you face
the mound that houses the entrance to the Mine. You will obtain a Power

7. Dig in the Lake/Winter Mine with your hoe to obtain a Power Berry.
Although its location is random, it usually is found on one the lower floors.

8. Fish from the Pier in Winter for a Power Berry. If you can obtain the
Fishing Pole from Greg by having 50 Fish in your Pond, you will have a better
chance of catching it. Furthermore, you should fish only before 10.00 a.m.
after 6.00 p.m. in this game.

9. Collect medals at the Horse Race and buy a Power Berry for 1001 Medals.

10. Buy a Power Berry from the TV Shopping Network for 5000G. Note that the
Power Berry will not be offered until you have bought all other items!

N.B. The most difficult Power Berry to obtain is the one given as a Prize on
Opening Day. Your total Stamina will affect your chances of winning this
contest. If you cannot win it in your first Summer, do not be too
discouraged. Collect all the other Power Berries and try again in your
year when your Stamina is significantly higher.

How to Obtain the Mystic Berry

1. There is but one Mystic Berry and it is given by the Kappa. Take 3
Cucumbers to the Lake on any sunny day after noon. Stand on the little piece
of land that juts out into the water on the western bank of the Lake and
the Cucumbers one by one into the Lake. You will experience a little scene
each time. When you have thrown the 3rd Cucumber into the Lake, the Kappa
will give you a Mystic Berry to persuade you to leave him henceforth in


As in many other Harvest Moon games, there are special fish that can be
when specific requirements are met. Many of these requirements are similar
those in FoMT/MFoMT and Harvest Moon DS/Cute DS.

There is one fundamental difference between this game and the others I have
mentioned in terms of fishing. In Harvest Moon Boy & Girl, there are only
levels of Fishing Rod: the basic Fishing Rod that Greg gives you at the
of the game and the superior Fishing Pole that he will bring to your farm
you have 50 fish in your pond.

If you are interested in fishing, it is a good idea to obtain the Fishing
as early in the game as possible. Fishing is not easy in this game,
especially with the original Fishing Rod. You will catch as much rubbish as
fish for the most part. As in 'A Wonderful Life' and the original boy
of Harvest Moon DS, fishing is not advised during ordinary farming hours.
should fish either before 9.00 a.m. or after 6.00 p.m.

In terms of ordinary fish, the game divides these simply into three sizes:
Small, Medium and Large. Type or species is not specified at all. Only the
King Fish or Legendary Fish are designated by species. As in FoMT/MFoMT and
HM DS/Cute DS, you cannot keep a King Fish but only obtain a photograph of
when you have caught it.

King Fish or Legendary Fish

As you will have the most free time for fishing during the Winter, I will
the King Fish that can be caught only during the Winter season first.

Angler: Fish from the seashore or the pier late at night after 10.00 p.m. or
early in the morning before 8.00 a.m. only during the Winter season to catch
the Angler.

Catfish: This fish lives in the Underground Lake in the Lake/Winter Mine.

Squid: This is another season-specific fish that can be caught only during
the Summer season. In order to catch the Squid, you must toss a small fish
into the water as bait. Remember that throwing ANY item into the water is
considered to be littering, so do this only if you are determined to keep
fishing until you catch the Squid. The effects of the bait last only a
day. If you fail to catch the Squid before 5.50 a.m., you will be obliged to
toss another small fish into the water in order to try again.

Char: This fish becomes available only when you have added all Fish Recipes
to your Cookbook. You then can catch it in the Goddess Spring near the

Sea Bream: This fish only becomes available when you have shipped a total of
200 fish. Note that the fish must be shipped in order to qualify. Fish
residing in your Pond will not add to the total until you ship them. The Sea
Bream can be found in every season except Summer and, as its name suggests,
only when fishing at the Ocean.

Carp: This fish is the last of the King Fish and becomes available only when
you have caught the other five King Fish. You then will be able to catch it
while fishing at the Lake.

Shipping List

Players familiar with other Harvest Moon games may find this game a little
confusing where the Farm Menu is concerned.

There are a number of different pages in the Farm Menu, accessed first by
pressing Start, then the right and left buttons on the Direction Pad.

The first page shows statistics with respect to your Farm. First at the top
is the percentage at which your Farm currently stands in terms of ultimate
success rating. Beneath that is an icon representing your character with the
number of Power Berries you have obtained. The number of building upgrades
a percentage basis is below that. A blue book beneath the building icon
represents the Recipes in your Cookbook. Below this are icons for your dog
and horse with the total number of hearts that each currently has. On the
right side of this page is your total current earnings, the number of Animals
that you own, the amount of fodder, chicken feed, Fish Food and Lumber
currently in your possession, as well as the total number of fish caught,
animals born on your farm and photographs of the King Fish you have caught.

Use the Right direction button to go to the next page. Here you will see the
equivalent of the Items List or Shipping List. In this game, however, it
displays ONLY crops and ranch products. Nothing else is shown, although
are other items that can be shipped for profit.

The Shipping Menu is as follows:
Sweet Potatoes
Green Peppers

Items that can be shipped for profit but which do not appear on any menu

Junk Ore
Bamboo Shoot
Blue Grass
Red Grass
Green Grass
Relaxation Tea Leaves
Spa-Boiled Egg

You cannot ship ordinary flowers nor can you ship any cooked items apart from
the Spa-Boiled Egg, which is not cooked in your kitchen. You cannot ship
rubbish, weeds, branches or stones.

The next pages of the Farm Menu are devoted to your Animals. There is a page
for your Chickens, displaying their heart levels, birthdays and ages, a
similar page for your Cows and one for your Sheep.

The page after that is devoted to the Harvest Sprites. Here you will see the
heart level of each Harvest Sprite as well as current status in terms of

The next page displays your total Earnings and Expenses for each season of

The final page is devoted to your Tools and displays the actual level as well
as the experience level of each. Maximum level is Mystrile. When a tool can
be upgraded to another level, an icon showing the appropriate ore will appear
beneath it. WHen all four icons are displayed, the tool has reached maximum
experience level. You can upgrade a tool from basic level to mystrile level
provided you have reached the necessary level of experience to do so. All
tool upgrades take three days. It is only the price that differs from
to upgrade.

Special Events

Events in all Harvest Moon games have specific requirements. Apart from
anything else, you must be in the right place at the right time. Usually,
there are requirements with respect to the weather as well and sometimes to
Season. Many events can be experienced only during the Winter season but
there are many that can be experienced in every season apart from Winter.

There are romantic events in Harvest Moon and non-romantic events. Romantic
events fall into three different categories: Heart Events, Rival Heart
and Festival Events. I will deal with all of these separately but a brief
description may be in order here. Heart Events are specific events that you
can experience with each eligible girl or bachelor that serve to advance your
own courtship of the girl/bachelor. Rival Heart Events are the 4 events that
occur between the eligible girl/bachelor and your rival and serve to advance
the courtship of the rival. If you experience the 4th Rival Heart Event for
any couple, they will marry a week later. There is no way to avoid that
from reloading your game at any earlier point and avoiding the 4th Rival
Event. Another way to avoid the 4th and Final Rival Heart event is by having
the girl or bachelor at deepest red heart level. The girl or bachelor is in
no danger of marrying your rival if she is too deeply in love with you! That
is only logical and logic rules Harvest Moon courtships to some extent.

The only reason to avoid the 4th and final Rival Heart Event would be if you
wish to marry the girl or bachelor yourself, however. The marriages of other
couples is a desirable end after all. Please note that experiencing three
of the four Rival Heart Events will not affect your chances of marrying the
girl or bachelor involved. It is only the 4th and final Rival Heart Event
that would initiate the marriage of the rival to the bachelor or girl.
Romantic Festivals are opportunities to advance your own courtship of a
girl/bachelor by experiencing a Festival with him/her. The Romantic
in this game are the Spring Goddess Festival, the Spring Thanksgiving
Festival, the Fireworks Festival, the Moon-View Festival on 13 Fall, the
Winter Thanksgiving Festival and the Starry Night Festival on 24 Winter. In
the case of the Moon-View Festival, you do not have a choice but will find
bachelor/girl with the highest heart level on the Peak. In the case of the
other romantic festivals, you will have a choice as to which girl/bachelor
wish to invite to spend the Festival with you. The two Thanksgiving
are gift-giving and gift-receiving opportunities rather than Festival events.
On the Spring Thanksgiving Festival, boys give girls chocolate or Cookies.
the Winter Thanksgiving Festival, girls give boys chocolate or Chocolate

In Harvest Moon games that involve rivals, you always are given a time
advantage over that rival. This game is no exception. The 3rd Rival Heart
Event, which is in two separate parts, often at two different locations,
cannot be experienced before the beginning of the 2nd year. Experiencing
parts of this event does not guarantee that your rival will succeed. There
one final Rival Heart Event that must be experienced before the couple can

Heart Events:

In the Boy version of Harvest Moon Boy & Girl, there are only three Heart
Events for each of the eligible girls. The final Heart Event in each case is
the Blue Heart Event, and this involves a visit from the girl to your farm.
You therefore cannot 'miss' this event. As previously stated, it is possible
to experience the Heart Events for each and every eligible girl without
affection the heart levels of the others. There is no jealousy penalty in
this game. After experiencing the Third Heart event, all that is required in
the boy version is to bring the girl's heart level to deepest red, then show
her the Blue Feather. The Blue Feather can be purchased at the Supermarket
for 1000G when any eligible girl reaches orange heart level. A girl will
not accept the Blue Feather until she is at full red heart level.

With the exception of Karen's Third Heart Event, which cannot be experienced
before Spring of the 2nd year, ALL three Heart Events for each eligible girl
can be experienced in the first year and all other requirements for marriage
met, making it possible for you to propose successfully to any girl apart
Karen before the first year comes to an end.

Incidentally, some of the Blue Heart Events for the eligible girls in the Boy
version have been included in the Girl version as well.

Marriage Proposal and Wedding

To propose in the Boy version of the game, equip the Blue Feather as a tool,
then 'use' it. If your Blue Feather is accepted, it will disappear from your
inventory. The wedding will occur automatically a week later at the Church.
If a Festival occurs that day, the wedding will occur a day after the

In the girl version, it is the Bachelor who will propose to you. This event
will occur at your farm and it is he who will use the Blue Feather when he is
at full Red heart level. If you do not want your game to end with your
marriage, make certain to save a file prior to this event. You then can
return to this point in the game after the game ends with your marriage.
Marriage, as in the boy version occurs automatically one week after the

Triggering Events:

Harvest Moon Boy & Girl is a little different from many other Harvest Moon
games in terms of the way in which events are triggered. In most other
events will trigger automatically when you enter a screen or building at the
right time provided all other requirements are met. In this game, very often
you actually must go up to an individual and speak to him/her before the
will trigger. Sometimes the clock will not be displayed on the screen during
an event, but at other times, it will be displayed and the music in the
background will not change. Every Event in this game has its own rules.
There are events that trigger automatically when you enter the screen or
building but which offer the opportunity to experience MORE if you speak to a
specific individual afterwards...

The rule to follow is always to speak to every one on the screen. This
advances friendship even if you do not trigger any event...

Earliest possible opportunity for Events:

The following section deals only with non-romantic special events. I have
given specific dates when they have been experienced in my own games but
events depend upon Friendship level, they may occur on a different date in
another game. I usually try to experience any Event in Harvest Moon at the
earliest possible opportunity for the sake of the guides. This sometimes
involves the act of giving multiple items to an individual in the course of
one day, either to raise or lower heart levels. This is not necessarily the
best strategy for an ordinary player to follow, as it can be rather expensive
and time-consuming. Although this particular game does require that certain
goals be attained before the beginning of the fourth year, you will have
time to achieve these goals without being too obsessive about it!

1st Year Special Events

All events that can be experienced in the first year of the game are listed
this section. Events that cannot be experienced before the second year are
listed under '2nd Year Special Events'. These events were taken from the Boy
version of the game, although many can be experienced in both versions.
events can be experienced in both versions, I will try to add a note to that

A Horse from Barley

The first time that you enter the area of Yodel's Farm, you should experience
an event wherein Barley and May are concerned as to the welfare and happiness
of a young colt. The colt will be offered to you as a temporary measure.
Accept the trust and name the horse. You then have 120 days or four seasons
to raise the heart level of the horse to 8 in order to keep the horse
permanently. If you fail to raise the horse's heart level to 8 or higher,
Barley will take the horse from you. You can give yourself a second chance
growing 40 plots of grass on your field.

Raising the heart level of the horse requires the use of a Brush. Brush the
Horse DAILY in order to raise his heart level to 8 by the deadline. Speaking
to the horse does not raise his affection, but if you whistle to him and he
responds, that will raise his affection a little. The most effective tool,
however, is the Brush. You must invest in it as soon as possible in order to
meet the goal.

This Event is included both in the Boy and Girl versions of the game.

A Fishing Rod from Greg:

In most Harvest Moon games, the only tool that is not given to you at the
start of the game is a Fishing Rod and yet fishing is an integral part of
life. It usually is a gift and in order to obtain it, you must visit the
right person at the right location at the right time.

Harvest Moon Boy & Girl is no different in this respect. To obtain your
Fishing Rod, go to the Pier at the Beach on Friday, Saturday or Sunday either
before 8.00 a.m. or after 8.00 p.m. You will find an expert fisherman named
Greg there. Provided you do not have a tool equipped, he will give you a
basic Fishing Rod.

This is not the end of the tale, however. In this game, you have a Fish Pond
and you can throw any fish that you have caught (with the exception of the
King Fish) into this Pond. Small and Medium fish will grow into Large Fish
time if you toss Fish Food into the Pond daily. When you have at least two
large Fish in the Pond, the population will increase randomly as your fish
spawn. When the total number of fish in the Pond is 50, you will find Greg
the next morning at 6.00 a.m. next to the Pond. Speak to him and he will
you the best Fishing tool in the game, the Fishing Pole. From that point,
will have TWO fishing tools, so make certain not to confuse them as there
really is no need to use the basic Fishing Rod again once you have the

These events occur both in the Boy and Girl versions.

Thomas' Crop Request

On 15 Spring, Thomas may come to the farm at 6.00 a.m. to ask for the
of three Turnips to his house for use in the upcoming Cooking Festival. The
three turnips must be delivered to him at his house before 21 Spring.

There is no practical reward for this, apart from raising Thomas' friendship
level. So far, I experienced this event only in the Boy version.

May and the Church

On 17 Spring in the first year, you may find May at your farm with a request
that you play with her. Barley then will arrive to explain that you are far
too busy to spend the day playing. You then will have a choice either to
May to Ellen's house or to the Church. If you choose to take her to Ellen's
house, Ellen will suggest that you take her instead to the Church. If you
choose to take her to the Church, you simply eliminate the 'middle man'
Ellen. Ultimately, Carter will accept the task of caring both for Stu and
during the afternoon. The event will end at the Church and no time will have
passed. From this point forward, Stu and May will be found together outside
the Church on every afternoon apart from Monday and Wednesday.

May and her Past

On 3 Summer of the first year, Barley may come to your farm to announce that
May is missing and to solicit your help in finding her. You will not find
during the day but if you speak to Gotz, he will express a hope that she has
not gone into the mountains. In fact, you will find her on the pier after
6.00 p.m. Listen to her story, then take her home. The event simply
your friendship with Barley and May. It is rather poignant actually.

This event occurs both in the Boy and Girl versions of the game.

First Meeting with Kai

If you leave your farm on 30 Spring in the first year to walk towards the
village, you will experience an event outside the Smithy. Popuri and May
be with Kai. He will introduce himself to you and tell you about the Seaside
Lodge at the Beach.

This event occurs both in the Boy and Girl versions.

First Corn Harvest

When your first ear of corn is ripe, Kai will appear at your farm at 6.00
to ask if he can buy corn from you. You will be given a choice of three
prices. Allow him to buy it for either 50G or 100G. This will advance your
friendship with him. If you ask for 200G, you will show yourself to be
and he will refuse the offer.

First Flower and Honey

Plant Pinkcat flowers in your first Summer to experience this event. On the
day when they are ready to be harvested, a bee will fly from a flower to your
apple tree at 6.00 a.m., making Honey. You will be able to harvest the Honey

Do not ship this Honey. Instead, take it to Louis at Gotz' house to
experience a little event. He will examine your tree and announce that the
Honey is rare and valuable. Henceforth, any Honey that you ship will be
60G instead of 50G.

This event increases the value of your Honey and raises Louis' level of
friendship. It occurs both in the Boy and Girl versions.

Anna and the Power Berry

This event is included in the section of the guide that deals with Power
Berries but it should be included here as well.

Plant 11 bags of flowers at any season apart from Winter. Your first real
opportunity to do this will be in your first Summer when you can plant 11
of Pinkcat flowers. (This will allow you to obtain Honey as well as a Power
Berry.) When the flowers bloom, do NOT harvest them. Anna will appear at
your farm if you exit your farmhouse any time after noon and before 6.00 p.m.
She will ask if she can pick some flowers. Allow her to take as many as she
likes. In return, she will give you a Power Berry and her friendship level
will increase.

Apple Pie Event

On Sunday, 13 Summer, Thomas may visit at 6.00 a.m. to announce that he must
leave the village briefly and to ask if you would be willing to fetch some
Apple Pie for Ellen from the Inn.
Go to the Inn and speak to Doug. He will give you a piece of Apple Pie.
it to Ellen at her house. She will offer you a tip. If you refuse the tip,
she will insist that you take it AND Elli will give you a piece of Apple Pie.
Accepting the delivery task and refusing the tip will advance the friendship
levels of Thomas, Ellen and Elli.

At 6.00 a.m. on the following morning, Thomas will visit your farm to thank
you for delivering the Apple Pie to Ellen. He then will give you a piece of
Cake as a gift.

Ann's Birthday Party

If your relationship with Ann is high enough, you may find an Invitation to
her Birthday Party in your postbox beofre 17 Spring.

On 17 Spring, take an item to the Supermarket to be gift-wrapped (preferably
Spa-Boiled Egg), then visit the Inn with your Invitation and gift-wrapped
between 11.00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m. to experience the Birthday Party Event. The
party will end outside the Inn at 6.00 p.m. It will advance your
with Ann and Doug.

This event occurs both in the Boy and Girl versions.

Harris and Aja

4 Summer is Harris' Birthday. If you give him a flower on this day, it will
raise his friendship to the point where you can experience this event.

On any evening, exit your farmhouse after 6.00 p.m. and before 7.30 p.m. to
find Harris at the door. He will confess his love for Aja and ask for your
advice about writing a letter to her.
The next day, visit Manna in the morning at the Aja Winery and she will talk
about Aja and Harris.
On the following day, Harris will be at your farm at 6.00 a.m. to tell you he
has received a letter from Aja. When you speak to him again, he will thank
you for helping him through his crisis of the heart.

This series of events will advance the friendship level of Harris and
Manna as well.

The Anniversary of a Death

On the first or second day of Autumn, you will find a notice in your postbox
to the effect that the Inn will be shut at 5.00 p.m. on 5 Fall. No reason
will be given.

On 5 Fall, go to the Peak to experience a little event with Doug. It is the
Anniversary of the death of his wife and Ann always offers to manage the
affairs of the Inn on this day to allow him to visit the Peak. If you speak
to Ann at the Inn before 5.00 p.m. she will talk about her mother's death.

Experiencing this event will increase Doug's friendship a little.

Duke's Drunken Episode

This event can occur only at night. I experienced it on Saturday, 10 Fall in
my first year at 8.30 p.m. upon entering the Inn. It may require a small
level of friendship with Duke but nothing significant. It is possible that
will occur only on Saturday, the day when the Winery is shut.
Choosing to revive Duke with the glass of water that stands on the table in
the Inn will advance your friendship with Duke and Manna by enabling you to
carry the drunken man home.

Chicken-Sitting for Rick

On or near 14 Fall in your first year, provided that you have expanded your
henhouse but have no more than 5 chickens on this day (including incubated
eggs), Rick may visit your farm at 6.00 a.m. to ask if you would be willing
take care of 5 chickens for him for a few days. He will provide all necessary
chicken feed and you can sell the eggs they produce.

If the original event occurs on 14 Fall, he will return at 6.00 a.m. on 18
Fall to collect the chickens.
The Poultry Farm will be shut during the period when you have the chickens on
the farm. The reason for this is to give Lillia a little holiday from her

Accepting the chickens will increase Rick's friendship and it may increase
friendship level of Lillia and Popuri a little as well.

This event occurs both in the Boy and the Girl version of the game.

Cliff and the Grape Harvest

At 6.00 a.m. on 14 Fall in your first year, Duke will visit your farm to ask
for help with the grape harvest the next day. He will ask you first if you
are willing to help and second, to try to find some one else to help as well.

If you have spoken to Cliff recently, you will be aware of the fact that his
funds are exhausted and that he will be forced therefore to leave Mineral
in the near future. Go to the Church on 14 Fall and speak to Carter there.
He will advise you to tell Cliff that part-time work is available at the Aja

Speak to Cliff and he will accept the job. On 15 Fall, go to the Aja Winery
at any time between 10.00 a.m and 4.50 p.m. to initiate the Grape Harvest.
Incidentally, Manna will leave the Winery as usual between 1.00 p.m. and 4.40
p.m. If, therefore, you wish to use your time as efficiently as possible
elsewhere, enter the Winery at 4.40 p.m. or 4.50 p.m. directly after Manna

There are a total of 16 bunches of grapes on the vines in the vineyard to the
right of the Winery building. Cliff will walk to the upper right corner of
the vineyard where one bunch of grapes is situated. If you wish to pick all
16 bunches of grapes, you must reach that point before he does, take the
grapes and then move to the next position.

When you have collected 9 bunches of grapes, take them to Duke who will
them one by one, then give you your total. Return to the vines to pick the
remaining 7 bunches of grapes. If you succeed in collecting all 16 bunches
grapes, the event will end automatically. If you do not succeed in
all 16, you must terminate the event by telling Duke that you wish to go

The Grape Harvest lasts from 15 Fall through 20 Fall. At the end of the
on 20 Fall, Duke will announce that the Harvest is complete and Manna will
give you some Grape Juice to drink.
Each day that you participate in the harvest, you will earn 50G for each
of grapes that you deliver to Duke.

Now Duke will ask Cliff if he wishes to work at the Aja Winery on a regular
basis and Cliff will accept gratefully.

The importance of this event, however, is not in the amount of money that you
will earn through grape-picking but the offer of the job to Cliff. If you do
not tell Cliff about the part-time job at the vineyard, he will be forced to
leave Mineral Town at the beginning of Winter.

Do not fear Cliff as a rival for Ann's affections, by the way. In every
Harvest Moon game, you are given an advantage over your rival. In fact, the
rival heart events cannot be experienced if the girl's heart level is too
to trigger them. Your best means of courting Ann is by raising her affection
and NOT by forcing Cliff to leave Mineral Town.

Allowing Cliff to accept the job at the Winery improves the life of the
community as it will bring happiness to Duke, Manna and Cliff. They will
become a 'family' in the continuing absence of Aja. Whether or not you are
interested in Ann yourself, it is best to give Cliff a chance to continue to
live in Mineral Town.

Cliff's Drama at Rose Square

This event will occur only in the first year and only on a snowy day in
Winter. Enter the Square from any direction between 10.00 a.m. and 3.00 p.m.
to experience this event. You will see Cliff alone in the centre of the
Square. He will fall to the ground. Go to him and you will initiate a
of events, the first of which is a photograph that you automatically will
take. The event will take you first to the Inn, where you will find Ann,
and Carter. The event ends at the Clinic with the Doctor, Carter and Ann in
attendance. You will find yourself outside the Clinic door an hour after the
start of the event, photograph still in hand. Go back into the Clinic where
you will find Cliff in bed. Show him the photograph. He will take it and
will learn about the tragedy that brought him to Mineral Town and which was
the heart of his frequent visits to Church before he obtained the job at the

The White Flower of Happiness

When you speak to Ellen in the Winter season, she may mention a legend about
White Flower of Happiness. It is possible that you may need to have a good
relationship with her to enable this conversation to occur. After you have
heard this legend, you must wait for a snowy day, then go to the Peak after
6.00 p.m. You will experience a brief event, wherein you will see the
beautiful White Flower of Happiness growing in the snow on the Peak of the
mountain. You will be sent to bed directly after this, so make certain that
all your chores have been completed before you visit the Peak!

After you have seen the White Flower of Happiness, visit Ellen again. She
will express her regret that she is unable to walk to the Peak herself but
will be glad that the sight of the White Flower of Happiness and therefore a
happy future has been granted to you.

2nd Year Events

New Year's Dance Instruction

After noon, Karen will apear at your farm to offer to teach you to dance.
dance music from the Festival will play and you will perform with her on your
field, should you agree to allow her to instruct you.

The actual Festival begins at 6.00 p.m. Go to Rose Square for the
to ask any eligible girl to accompany you in the dance. All girls were at
Green heart or higher, so I do not know if there is any heart level
requirement. You will go directly to bed afterwards without any
to save your game. In fact, if you attend the New Year's Eve vigil on the
Peak, your last opportunity to save your game until 2 Spring will be on 29

Barley's Dog Breeding

At 6.00 a.m. on 2 Spring, Barley will arrive at your farm to ask if you would
be willing to have your dog introduced to Hana, the dog at Yodel's Farm. If
you agree, your dog then will be obliged to stay at Yodel's farm during the
breeding period. He therefore will not be able to protect your farm during
this time, and you will be obliged to visit him there if you wish to continue
to train him! After the breeding is successfully completed, your dog will be
returned to you.

The Thief at the Inn

When you enter the Inn during the day after the New Year in your second year,
you will find a group of villagers standing in a circle on the ground floor.
Ann, Doug, Harris, Barley and May are discussing a thief who has been
food from the Inn.

Go into the kitchen to surprise Nora, who then races out of the room into the
main room of the Inn. You then will find her in the centre of the circle of
villagers and Harris will pronounce her the thief!

Barley's Horse Assessment

Precisely one year after the event wherein Barley gave the colt into your
keeping, he will arrive at your farm at 6.00 a.m. ostensibly to take the
back to his farm. If you have the Horse at least at 7 hearts, the horse
display reluctance to follow him. Barley then will change his mind as he
begins to walk away with the horse and offer you the chance to keep the horse

Jeff's Painting

The first opportunity to experience this event is on Wednesday, 3 Spring in
your second year. Enter the Supermarket in order to find Jeff and Sasha
discussing a painting of his that has been selected as a winning entry in a
contest. They both agree that they should celebrate his success in some

Re-enter the Supermarket immediately to experience Part II of this event.
by one, all the villagers who owe money to the Supermarket will enter to
to pay their bills. Jeff apparently announced a big sale at the Supermarket
and the villagers, not knowing that this was his way of celebrating his
success in painting, believe that it is a 'Going out of Business Sale' caused
by their habit of demanding credit... Unfortunately, you will have no
opportunity to benefit from the 'Big Sale' as you will not have any option of
buying items during the event. When you return again to the Supermarket, it
will be 'Business as usual' including the usual prices!

Miscellaneous Tips

The Flashing Hand

Some players have been confused by a flashing hand that appears with the
words 'Here'. This icon appears in places where there is a door in the wall.
The hand will lead you to the door. That is all it is, nothing more.

When to Cook

If you do not make any attempt to control the Weather in this game by
reloading to replay the previous day whenever a severe storm is threatened,
you probably won't ever reload your game, but for those of us who hate waste
of any kind and therefore DO reload, this tip may be useful.
Do all your cooking as soon as you awaken in the morning after saving your
game when you go to bed. That way, if you make any errors that cause a 'Food
Fiasco', you can reload your game easily as you will not have done any chores
or any other tasks that would be lost in reloading.

This applies even more to any situation where you wish to test a new Recipe
try to improve an old one. Reloading after failure is a simple matter if it
is 6.00 a.m. and you have not even left your house yet.

Raising the Values of Items

The Spa-Boiled Egg

The Spa-Boiled Egg is a rather humble item but one that carries significant
value in terms of friendship and profit. The gift of a Spa-Boiled Egg can
the heart of more than one girl and is extremely popular with many villagers.
My Courtship and Marriage Guide gives the likes and dislikes of all the
eligible girls and bachelors and my Characters Guide does the same for all
villagers. Nonetheless, here is a simple list of all individuals who either
love or like a Spa-Boiled Egg:

Eligible Girls/ Bachelors who love Spa Egg: Ann, Popuri, Cliff, Doctor, Rick
Eligible Girls /Bachelors who like Spa Egg: Karen
Villagers who Love Spa Egg: Basil, Barley, Duke, Harris
Villagers who Like Spa Egg: Jeff, Carter, Thomas, Louis

Do be careful, however, when giving this item to some one not on this list.
There are two bachelors who actively dislike a Spa-Boiled Egg. These are
and Kai. Where Elli and Mary are concerned, they neither like nor dislike a
Spa-Boiled Egg, so giving one to either of them is no more than the waste of
good egg! Where Ann is concerned, the Spa-Boiled Egg not only is a 'Most
Favourite Item' but is one of the FIRST items that you can obtain in this
that she actually likes or loves as she is not a girl who responds positively
to the gift of a flower, unlike the other girls. Where the bachelors are
concerned, you can see that three out of 5 consider the Spa-Boiled Egg a
Favourite Item', making it easy to win their hearts once you own a Chicken.
Grey is easily pleased with any Ore and Kai can be won either with flowers or
Flour, making it easy to win the heart of any bachelor in the game.

The Spa-Boiled Egg is an easy and inexpensive way to win hearts. It is a way
to make a good profit on your eggs when shipped as well. The Spa has the
ability to transform any egg into a Spa-Boiled Egg and a Spa Egg ships for
80G. Any Egg, even a Golden Egg, ships only for 50G, so the act of tossing
Egg into the Spa increases the value of that Egg by 30G. I personally save
Golden Eggs for Mayonnaise but if you are desperate for cash, you can
transform them into Spa Eggs instead. I would rather wait for the
to transform them into Mayonnaise XL which ships for 300G.


Mayonnaise deserves a special mention as it is a way to transform an item
is worth only 50G when shipped into an item that can ship potentially for
300G. A Golden Egg is worth no more than any other sort of egg until it is
made into Mayonnaise. Even before you have a Mayonnaise Maker, provided you
have purchased all the Kitchen Utensils from the Shopping Network, including
the Seasoning Set, you can make Mayonnaise in your kitchen and ship it.

The recipe for Mayonnaise is as follows:

Egg (any type)

Utensils: Whisk
Seasonings: Vinegar

The variety or size of Mayonnaise that is produced depends on the sort of egg
used. A Normal Egg will produce Small Mayonnaise that ships for 100G. A
Egg will produce Medium Mayonnaise that ships for 150G. An Excellent Egg
produce Large Mayonnaise that ships for 200G. A Golden Egg will produce
Large Mayonnaise that ships for 300G.

To be honest, you will find that little profit is made by making Mayonnaise
your kitchen with anything less than an Excellent or Golden Egg as the price
of the Oil that is required as an ingredient in each case is 50G. You
therefore make only 50G profit when you make Small Mayonnaise, only 100G
profit for Medium Mayonnaise but you make 150G profit for Large Mayonnaise
250G profit if you make Extra Large Mayonnaise using a Golden Egg.

I always store ALL Golden Eggs in my Refrigerator from the start of the game
after shipping only one to complete my Shipping List. I then make Mayonnaise
from them as soon as I have the Whisk and Seasoning Set from the Shopping
Network. Once I have the Mayonnaise Maker, I no longer make Mayonnaise in my
kitchen but use all varieties of Egg to make Mayonnaise through the Maker, as
Oil no longer is required when you use the Mayonnaise Maker.

Incidentally, I do the same with respect to Milk and Wool. Cheese and Yarn
have far higher values than the Milk and Wool used to produce them. After
shipping one of each, I save all Milk in my Refrigerator and all Wool in my
Shelf to be used only when I am able to acquire the Cheese Maker and the Yarn

Small Fish

The Small Fish may merit a section of its own. In most cases, the size of an
item does not limit its use in any recipe that includes it. To make Butter,
you can use any size of Milk, although you are wasting the potential shipping
value of the Milk if you use a larger size than Small. The one exception to
this, however, is where Fish are concerned. Any Recipe that includes Fish
be made successfully with either a Medium or a Large Fish, but a Small fish
ordinarily will cause a Food Fiasco to occur. There is only one Recipe where
a Small Fish can be used and indeed creates the 'Best' Recipe in terms of
energy values. This is the Recipe for Miso Soup. The Recipe is:

Miso Soup

Ingredients: Small Fish or any fish, any vegetable
Utensils: Pot
Seasonings: Miso Paste

If you make Miso Soup with a vegetable, its energy value will be 'worse' than
Miso Soup made with a Small Fish. This, therefore, is a good use of your
Small Fish.

There are two other ways to use the Small Fish. You can ship it, not so much
for its shipping value but in order to reach a shipping total of 200 Fish to
enable you to catch one of the King Fish.
As the shipping value is low, however, you may wish to toss it into your Fish
Pond where it will grow ultimately into a Large Fish.

Although the Fish Pond is frozen in Winter, any Fish that you catch can be
stored in your Refrigerator until Spring. You then can toss them into the
Pond if you wish to increase their size. As previously stated, however, a
small fish can be used to great effect in Miso Soup.


This event is included in the Special Events section of this guide but it may
be worth mentioning here as well. Give the first Honey you collect to Louis
in order to raise the value of ALL Honey that you collect from 50G to 60G.
It is from the apple tree east of your Fish Pond that Honey can be collected
but the bees will not create a hive there until one flower at least has
blossomed in your fields. The day that occurs, a bee will fly to the apple
tree and create a hive filled with honey.

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