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Pocahontas (1995)

In 1607 England, a ship carrying British settlers sails for North

!erica on "ehalf of the #irginia $o!pany in search of gold
and other !aterial riches% !ong those on "oard are $aptain
&ohn '!ith ((el )i"son) and )o*ernor +atcliffe (,a*id -gen
'tiers)% stor! er.pts, and '!ith sa*es the life of an
ine/perienced settler na!ed 0ho!as 1hen he falls
o*er"oard, "efriending hi! in the process%
In the 2Ne1 3orld2, Pocahontas, $hief Po1hatan4s da.ghter,
learns to her dis!ay that her father thin5s she sho.ld !arry
6oco.!, one of his finest 1arriors% B.t he is handso!e
and a fine 1arrior, Pocahontas does not lo*e hi!, feeling he is
far too serio.s% 0his is e!phasi7ed "y a scene sho1ing se*eral
children trying to play 1ith hi!, 1hile he stal1artly ignores
the!% 'he as5s the ad*ice fro! the tal5ing tree spirit na!ed
)rand!other 3illo1% )rand!other 3illo1 tells Pocahontas
to listen to her heart and she !ay .nderstand%
0he British settlers land in 1hat 1ill "eco!e #irginia and dig
for gold .nder +atcliffe4s orders% 8ess concerned 1ith gold,
&ohn '!ith e/plores the territory, finding the ne1 1orld to "e
a place f.ll of ad* ll the ti!e he is follo1ed "y the Pocahontas, and co!es to enco.nter her% 0he t1o
spend ti!e together, 1ith Pocahontas teaching &ohn to loo5 at
the 1orld in a different 1ay, and to not thin5 of people 1ho are
different as 4sa*ages4% Bac5 at the settle!ent, Po1hatan has
sent so!e sco.ts to learn !ore a"o.t the ne1 arri*als, ".t they
are spotted% )o*ernor +atcliffe ass.!es that it is an a!".sh,
and one of the 1arriors is shot% 0he 1arriors retreat, and
Po1hatan declares that the 1hite !en are dangero.s and that
no one sho.ld go near the!%
fe1 days later, &ohn and Pocahontas !eet again, d.ring
1hich &ohn learns that there is no gold in the land% 0hey agree
to !eet at )rand!other 3illo14s glade again that night%
3hen Pocahontas ret.rns to her *illage, she finds that
1arriors fro! neigh"oring tri"es ha*e arri*ed to help
Po1hatan fight the settlers% Bac5 at the English fort, &ohn tells
+atcliffe there is no gold in the land, 1hich +atcliffe does not
"elie*e% 0hin5ing that the nati*es ha*e hidden the gold for
the!sel*es, he declares that they 1ill eli!inate the! all%
0hat night, Pocahontas4 "est friend Na5o!a catches her
snea5ing off and infor!s 6oco.! that she has gone%
(ean1hile, &ohn snea5s o.t of the fort, and +atcliffe orders
0ho!as to follo1 hi!% Pocahontas and &ohn !eet in the glade,
1here "oth Pocahontas and )rand!other 3illo1 con*ince
&ohn to try tal5ing to $hief Po1hatan to resol*e the conflict%
Both 6oco.! and 0ho!as 1atch fro! the shado1s as &ohn
and Pocahontas 5iss% 6oco.!, o*er1hel!ed "y 9ealo.sly,
attac5s and tries to 5ill &ohn, ".t e*en as he is s.ccessf.lly
"eing p.shed off, 0ho!as inter*enes and 5ills 6oco.!%
:earing *oices approaching, &ohn tells 0ho!as to r.n% gro.p
of nati*es ta5e &ohn prisoner, thin5ing he is the !.rderer, and
Po1hatan anno.nces that he 1ill "e e/ec.ted at da1n "efore
the 1ar 1ith the settlers "egin%
0ho!as ret.rns to the fort and anno.nces &ohn4s
+atcliffe sees this as an opport.nity to attac5 and resc.e &ohn
at the sa!e ti!e, and they arri*e as &ohn is a"o.t to "e
e/ec.ted% Before Po1hatan can stri5e, Pocahontas thro1s
herself o*er &ohn, telling hi! that she lo*es &ohn and that
Po1hatan !.st see 1here the path of hatred has "ro.ght the!,
as5ing hi! to choose his o1n path% Po1hatan lo1ers his cl."
and orders &ohn freed% +atcliffe orders the settlers to fire
any1ay, ".t they too +atcliffe fires at $hief Po1hatan
hi!self, ".t &ohn p.shes the chief aside and is shot instead%
0he settlers t.rn on +atcliffe, capt.ring hi! and sending hi!
"ac5 to England to a1ait p.nish!ent for high treason%
&ohn s.r*i*es the g.nshot, ".t he !.st ret.rn to England for
!edical treat!ent if he is to s.r*i*e% Pocahontas and her
people arri*e to see the! off, and &ohn and Pocahontas "id
their good"yes%

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