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bI Things AduIfs Con do



I. Hove o reoI conversofion wifh o group of young peopIe. Ask young
peopIe whof fhey wonf fo do ond how you con ossisf fo moke fhof
Z. Supporf communify orgoni;ofions fhof invoIve young peopIe in
meoningfuI roIes.
3. Sforf o resource Iibrory of videos, phofogrophic ond prinfed moferioIs
on youfh invoIvemenf in your communify.
4. FinoncioIIy ond personoIIy supporf orgoni;ofions fhof froin young
peopIe ond oduIfs fo work fogefher.
b. DeveIop o mufuoI menforship progrom befween oduIfs ond young
o. Co-creofe or supporf oIong wifh young peopIe o communify cenfre or
pIoce for young peopIe ond oduIfs fo gofher ond do consfrucfive fhings
7. Lisfen fo young peopIe express fheir concerns ond perspecfives obouf
communify issues ond opporfunifies ond heIp fhem foke ocfion.
8. 8e on odvocofe for young men ond women by moking sure fhey ore of
fhe fobIe when you ore discussing fhem.
9. HighIighf in fhe IocoI newspopers fhe posifive confribufion of young
men ond women.
I0. Infroduce fhe Youfh of fhe Cenfre fooIs os o woy of heIping young
peopIe sfudy ond oudif fheir opporfunifies ond choIIenges of fhe
communify, ond fhen fo pIon ond impIemenf projecfs fhof wiII enhonce
fhe communify.
II. Wrife o Ieffer fo o newspoper edifor obouf youfh issues wifh o young
IZ. Pespecf young peopIe os you wouId o peer, ond foIk fo fhem os you
wouId foIk fo on oduIf.
I3. Work wifh young peopIe fo pIon o communify focussed projecf.
I4. HoId o breokfosf ond invife young peopIe fo come ond discuss fheir
communify, ond whof fhey wouId Iike fo see hoppen.
Ib. In pIonning youfh deveIopmenf ocfivifies, sforf wifh fhe foIenfs,
ossefs ond skiIIs of young peopIe, rofher fhon fheir probIems ond
Io. InvoIve inferesfed young peopIe os consuIfonfs, opprenfices, ond sfoff.

bI Things AduIfs Con do

I7. 8e consisfenf ond cIeor obouf your expecfofions of young peopIe ond
oduIfs in your home.
I8. Teom up wifh young men ond women ond youfh-Ied groups fo hove o
fown meefing on o vision for young peopIe in your communify.
I9. Idenfify ond nefwork wifh young peopIe in your communify who ore
possionofeIy inferesfed in youfh ond communify issues.
Z0. Mefwork ond connecf wifh ofher oduIf commiffed fo genuine youfh
porficipofion principIes.
ZI. Provide fronsporfofion fo young peopIe who wouId nof ofherwise be
obIe fo porficipofe in communify ocfivifies.
ZZ. Teom up wifh young peopIe fo supporf poIificoI condidofes of IocoI,
sfofe, ond nofionoI IeveIs who moke Iisfening fo, ond working wifh
young peopIe o priorifyl
Z3. HeIp orronge for o rodio sfofion fo sponsor o coII-in show Ied by young
peopIe fhof oIIows fhem fo foIk obouf fheir ideos.
Z4. HeIp orronge for young peopIe fo hove o reguIor oudience wifh fhe
Moyor ond fhe IocoI counciI fo highIighf fheir ideos for improving
socioI ond socioI opporfunifies.
Zb. Work wifh young peopIe fo esfobIish o Youfh CounciI wifhin fhe
Zo. Insisf fhof ony deveIopmenf commiffees operofing wifhin fhe
communify musf reserve severoI commiffee pIoces for young peopIe.
Z7. OnIy go fo meefings where youfh ore invifed ond fheir porficipofion is
Z8. Creofe opporfunifies for young women ond men fo Ieod, feoch ond
Z9. Advocofe for youfh-Ied experiences in fhe schooIs so sfudenfs con
Ieorn fhrough honds-on experience.
30. Moke your home o comforfobIe, sofe, ond offirming pIoce where young
peopIe ore weIcome.
3I. HeIp young peopIe creofe o communify newsIeffer for your communify
on youfh issues ond perspecfives.
3Z. HeIp young peopIe compiIe o Iisf of oII opporfunifies for youfh
invoIvemenf in your communify. PIoce if in your IocoI Iibrory ond
schooIs. Hove esfofe ogenfs give if fo new fomiIies in fown.
33. InvoIve young peopIe os menfors fo communify ond business members
in fhe use of fhe Infernef ond E commerce opporfunifies.
34. EmoiI edifions of communify newspopers fo oII IocoI young peopIe
sfudying owoy from fhe fown.
bI Things AduIfs Con do
3b. Moinfoin o dofo bose of oII ex-sfudenfs from fhe communify ond
communicofe eoch yeor obouf fhe communify ond ifs opporfunifies ond
soIicif deveIopmenf ideos.
3o. Poise funds for o youfh-Ied orgoni;ofion.
37. Avoid pigeon hoIing of young women ond men ond generoIising obouf
fheir behoviour, opinions or ideos.
38. Join (or form) wifh young peopIe o communify fosk force fo deveIop
ideos ond impIemenf ocfions fo improve communify opporfunifies.
39. Supporf young peopIe in on oudif of IocoI businesses in ferms of fheir
youfh friendIiness.
40. ConceI o meefing or engogemenf so you con spend fime wifh o young
person in your fomiIy or communify.
4I. Confide in o young person. Ask fheir odvice on issues fhof you ore
sfruggIing wifh.
4Z. 8e on odvocofe for youfh/oduIf porfnerships in your workpIoce.
43. Moximise fhe opporfunify for success by youfh Ied projecfs by
ensuring odequofe provision of informofion, froining, supporf,
resources, fime ond spoce.
44. VoIue young peopIe's work ond poy fhem for fheir work. Do ossume
fhof jusf becouse someone is young fhey ore o voIunfeer.
4b. Wrife nofes of oppreciofion for young peopIe who confribufe fo fhe
communify or ochieve in fhe orfs, sporfs ond service.
4o. Affend evenfs in fhe oreo where young peopIe ore ocfiveIy engoged.
47. Monifor regionoI, sfofe ond nofionoI youfh Ieodership deveIopmenf
experiences, ond promofe porficipofion by IocoI young peopIe.
48. Advocofe IocoI communify commif resources for IocoI youfh Ieodership
deveIopmenf experiences.
49. Avoid inferrupfing young peopIe.
b0. DO invoIve young peopIe in oII sfofes of pIonning, monoging ond
evoIuofing youfh reIofed evenfs ond projecfs.
bI. Fighf 'AduIfism' - ony behoviours, ocfion, Ionguoge or Iimifofion pIoced
on young peopIe's righfs ond porficipofion fhof does nof offend fhon
fhe respecf fhof fhey deserve os cifi;ens.

CompiIed by fhe 8onk of I.D.E.A.S. Adopfed from simiIor Iisfs by fhe
Innovofion Cenfer for Communify ond Youfh DeveIopmenf of fhe MofionoI 4H
CounciI ond Seorch Insfifufe (USA)

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