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Anaerobic Resistance Training

Anaerobic resistance training is effective for athletes in power or speed sports, such as Olympic
weightlifting, sprinting, or football. Improve power and speed in the gym using light to moderate loads,
with few repetitions. "Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning" recommends three to five sets
of three to five repetitions per exercise, followed by two to five minutes of rest between sets to improve
speed and power through resistance training. Focus on large-muscle, multi-joint exercises such as power
cleans, as these movements transfer more to athletic events. Anaerobic resistance training is most
beneficial in the competitive season because it is highly specific to competition. However, you may
include one anaerobic resistance training session per week during the off-season and preseason.


Plyometrics is a form of anaerobic training that draws on the muscle's natural stretch-shortening cycle
to produce substantially increased muscular power. This training method is effective for athletes in
"jumping" sports, such as track and field, basketball and volleyball. Example exercises include leaps,
bounds, box jumps and standing long jumps. Moderately trained athletes should aim for 100 to 120
total repetitions per workout, with about 10 repetitions per set. As with any anaerobic training program,
aim for intervals of 10 seconds to one minute, followed by periods of two to five minutes of rest.
Athletes in jumping sports should include two plyometric training sessions per week.

Speed Training

Speed is simply the ability to cover a certain distance in as little time as possible. Speed is pivotal in
almost every sport. Regardless of your sport, speed training consists of high-intensity bouts of exercise
followed by periods of maximal rest. For example, a sprint kayaker may perform 10 intervals of 10
seconds as hard as she can go, followed by periods of three minutes of complete rest. You can also train
for speed-endurance, or the ability to apply speed over greater lengths of time, by working for the same
duration but minimizing rest. Speed training is best applied during the competitive season.

Using Plyometrics With Other Training
Jump training and upper-body plyometrics are relevant to many sports. Gymnastics, diving, volleyball,
and jumping events in track and field are all arenas where success depends on the athletes ability to
explode from the standing surface and generate vertical velocity, linear velocity, or both in order to
achieve the desired result.
But plyometrics is not a panacea in athletic conditioning. It does not exist in a vacuum, nor should it be
thought of as a singular form of training. Instead, plyometrics is the icing on the caketo be used by
athletes who have prepared their tendons and muscles (through resistance training) for the tremendous
impact forces imposed in high-intensity plyometrics.
Anaerobic conditioning, in the form of sprint or interval training, is essential to developing the stride
patterns required in proper plyometric bounding. The explosive reactions of sprinting or of movement
drills that require changes of direction can be performed as part of interval training (repeated efforts
with measured recovery periods).
Done together, resistance training and anaerobic training help prepare the athletes body for
plyometrics. In turn, plyometric training enhances the athletes ability to perform in resistance exercise
and anaerobic activitya true partnership in athletic training.
Resistance Training
Resistance training is the ideal counterpart to plyometric training because it helps prepare the muscles
for the rapid impact loading of plyometric exercises. In resistance training, the athlete works to develop
the eccentric phase of muscle contraction by first lowering the body or weight and then overcoming the
weight using a concentric contraction. Plyometric training can be successfully integrated with resistance
training by immediately imposing a speed-strength task on muscles that have been subjected to pure
strength movements such as those in weightlifting.
Open-chain resistance training (using machines that isolate a single joint) is useful for developing
strength in specific muscle groups. However, athletes who use plyometrics also need to perform closed-
chain exercises that involve multijoint activities, such as free weight exercises using barbells, dumbbells,
and medicine balls. These exercises, which are generally performed with the feet fixed to the ground as
in squatting, are more functional for athletes, allowing them to assume positions specific to their sports
when they exercise. Closed-chain exercises have proven themselves to have much higher carryover
value than isolated-joint exercises in developing athletic ability.
The more intense the plyometric exercises become, the more crucial the need for strength. Some of the
early European literature spoke of the need for athletes to be able to squat 2.5 times their body weight
before undergoing a training program. There is no doubt that those authors had a high-intensity
program in mindwith a goal that might be unreasonable for the average high school or age group
athlete. However, a strength requirement is part and parcel of plyometric training at all levels.
The parameters used to determine if an athlete is strong enough to begin a plyometric program may
center more on testing of functional strength (including power) than on the traditional one-repetition
maximum (1RM) squat that measures pure strength. One such test has been used by a number of
practitioners in plyometric training programs. As a test of power more than strength, it may have more
direct applicability. For the test, weight equal to 60 percent of the athletes body weight is placed on a
squat bar, and the athlete is asked to perform five repetitions in five seconds, tested against a
stopwatch. If the athlete cannot do so, the emphasis of the athletes training should be on a resistance
training program, and the intensity of the plyometric training program should remain low to moderate.
Poor strength in the lower extremities results in loss of stability when landing, and high-impact forces
are excessively absorbed by the soft tissues of the body. Early fatigue also becomes a problem for
athletes without adequate leg strength. Together, these factors will result in the deterioration of
performance during exercise and an increased chance for injury (as in any overuse situation).
Anaerobic, Sprint, and Interval Training
Plyometrics trains two anaerobic energy systemsthe creatine phosphate system and the lactic acid
system. The creatine phosphate system depends on energy stores that already exist in the muscles.
Plyometric exercises that last a mere 4 to 15 seconds deplete the energy stores. In a program designed
to train the creatine phosphate system, a considerable amount of rest or recovery should be allotted
between exercises; the emphasis is on quality of work, not quantity. The lactic acid threshold is reached
when the muscles energy stores have been exhausted by the creatine phosphate system. Exercise that
proceeds past the point of using the energy stores will tax the lactic acid threshold. Exercise bouts at
near-maximal effort that last around 30 to 90 seconds are appropriate for training that system.
In general, jumps in place, standing jumps, and depth jumps are short-duration activities used to train
the creatine phosphate system. Multiple jumps, box drills, and particularly bounding can qualify as
exercises for training the lactic acid threshold.
Training the creatine phosphate system is beneficial for athletes involved in sports that require quick
bursts of power with long recovery periods between performances, such as the long jump or triple
jump. Training the lactic acid threshold is helpful for athletes in sports such as football or volleyball,
where activity is fairly prolonged and rest periods are more infrequent.
Sprint and interval training are running programs that require the athlete to perform high-quality efforts
in training for a certain amount of time (usually around 30 to 90 seconds) with prescribed recovery
periods. This type of training is closely related to plyometric training of the lactic acid threshold, but
sprints are used instead of multiple jumps, box drills, or bounding exercises.
Circuit Training
One of the many benefits of plyometric training is that it can be organized into circuits with other types
of training. By moving from station to station, the athlete can do a variety of exercises that stress the
vertical or linear components (or both) of various movement patterns. For coaches, circuit training also
serves the purpose of group management very well. Entire teams can be involved in a circuit of
plyometric exercises, thus ensuring some uniformity of exercise application and intensity levels.
By using circuits, athletes can perform activities of even greater duration than with anaerobic, sprint, or
interval training. This may move the level of cardiovascular stress toward the point where improvement
in aerobic conditioning occurs, resulting in increased stamina. The cumulative effect of circuit training is
considerable, so the recovery period should be at least two days.
Even after the trend bubble has burst after Armstrongs comeback pictures surfaced and everyone
wanted in on the new super fit regime Plyometrics still have a place in cycling. In fact they have had a
place in athletics since the early 80s. When Russian scientist Yuri Verkhoshansky created the original
form of Plyometrics. But before we get too bogged down in its history, lets understand what problem
its trying to solve.
Its all about the snap or at least your anaerobic ability the 2 minute and under efforts. A quick response
to an attack with violent change of speed. As endurance athletes this is not needed for all types of
riding, but we all know racing is such an unpredictable beast being able to crank it up quickly, rather
than wind it up slowly is a valuable tool to have in your back pocket.
Where talking short term power output required in attacking, sprinting, starting races, short climbs, and
cornering or bridging gaps.
So why not just stick to strength training? Despite the underwhelming support for strength training,
some research has shown that strength training improves leg strength by 30%, and short term cycling
performance by 11% (sprinting for 30 seconds or less) well-trained endurance athletes (Hickson et al.,
But, and its a big but traditional strength training doesnt share many, if any similar movements with
cycling. So its missing the specificity element that is so important in any type of training plan. Thats
where plyometrics steps in.
Plyometric exercises use explosive movements to develop muscular power. The ability to convert
strength to speed in a very short time allows for athletic movements beyond what raw strength will
allow. If the muscle is lengthened while loaded just prior to the contraction, it will produce greater force
through the storage of elastic energy. This effect requires that the transition time between eccentric
contraction and concentric contraction be very short.
The effectiveness of explosive strength training is massively understudied, there is one recent study that
debates the effectiveness of explosive strength training for endurance cycling. Its called Optimizing
strength training for running and cycling endurance performance: A review. Which reports on the effect
of combining endurance training with heavy or explosive strength training on endurance performance in
endurance-trained runner cyclists.
Interestingly it found that Running economy is improved by performing combined endurance training
with either heavy or explosive strength training. However, heavy strength training is recommended for
improving cycling economy.
While combining endurance training with either explosive or heavy strength training can improve
running performance, there is most compelling evidence of an additive effect on cycling performance
when heavy strength training is used.
So no sign here that plyometrics will help cyclists improve.
Another study gives us part of an answer, but the workouts are combined with 30 sec sprint training so
its hard to get a definitive take on plyo exercises. The study called Combining explosive and high-
resistance training improves performance in competitive cyclists.
It combed 2 types of training on performance in the competitive phase of a season.
18 road cyclists replaced part of their usual training with twelve 30-minute sessions consisting of 3 sets
of explosive single-leg jumps (20 for each leg) alternating with 3 sets of high-resistance cycling sprints (5
x 30 seconds at 60-70 min(-1) with 30-second recoveries between repetitions).
Performance measures, obtained over 2-3 days on a cycle ergometer before and after the intervention,
were mean power in a 1- and 4-km time trial, peak power in an incremental test, and lactate-profile
power and oxygen cost determined from 2 fixed submaximal workloads.
Results? The control group showed little mean change in performance. Power output sampled in the
training sprints of the experimental group indicated a plateau in the training effect after 8-12 sessions.
Relative to the control group, the mean changes (+/-90% confidence limits) in the experimental group
were: 1-km power, 8.7% (+/-2.5%); 4-km power, 8.1% (+/-4.1%); peak power, 6.8% (+/-3.6); lactate-
profile power, 3.7% (+/-4.8%); and oxygen cost, -3.0% (+/-2.6%).
The addition of explosive training and high-resistance interval training to the programs of already well-
trained cyclists produces major gains in sprint and endurance performance, partly through
improvements in exercise efficiency and anaerobic threshold.
Encouraging! The study showed signs of enhancements in endurance and sprint performance, although
they concluded that further research is needed to investigate the relative contribution that this type of
training has on the overall performance of cyclists.
Other reported benefits are not always linked to direct performance benefits though, as the study called
discovered way back in 2007.
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of plyometric exercise training on the aerobic
and anaerobic capacities of well-trained cyclists.
The conclusion was the following, and I quote -
Although the plyometric training program did not significantly improve the performance of the cyclists,
indications were that the experimental group improved
their anaerobic power and upper body strength. One previous study in the literature suggested that the
effects of a plyometric training program may only become evident
a few weeks after completion of the program. It is therefore possible that the cyclists in this study would
have experienced the benefits of plyometric training only later, i.e.
closer to the competition season when the aim of their training program is to improve power and
BTW this particular study is excellent as a reference, not only for detailed explanations on each part of
the physiology of cycling, but it also includes the programming used for the entire test period. If fact he
has done a much better job at summarising the requirements of cycling, and plyometrics as a whole.
So, are you convinced of plyometrics merits after these lackluster studies? While it hasnt been explicitly
stated in these or any other plyometric studies done on well-trained cyclists Im still a believer.
Heres why: I like using a linear model in the gym working towards higher and higher intensity is not
only good for the body, but also the mind. its a refreshing break year after year of training, and can help
you get through sometimes hard and arduous blocks of gym training. Also, much like getting in the gym
for a general strength workout there is a great benefit to the support systems of the body, the joints,
ligaments, tendons and muscles benefit from plyo workouts, and get stronger and more flexible over
As for the performance gains on the bike I can only anecdotally speak from experience. And I have
never sprinted better while working my way through plyo weeks. It hard to describe other than by
saying, when you have it you just have. A good sprint that is, and plyo has played a big part in that.
Convinced to give it a shot now that weve discussed the potential merits - how about the warnings!
Heres my biggest warning Take it slow.
Yep take it slowKind of like the potential punishment that Crossfit dishes out you have to build from
the base to the top of the plyometric pyramid. A solid base of 4-8 weeks of strength training should be
done before attempting any plyometrics.
In the book Jumping into plyometrics (2nd ed. ed.). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. pp. 14., Donald Chu
recommends that you should be able to perform 50 reps of a squat at 60% of your bodyweight before
doing plyometrics. I think that a little too much, but you get the idea. it can fuck you up, so watch
Also, Like any skill, Learn the moves carefully. Understand your limitations in each movement. and CLIP
take it slowyou can get jammed knees, torn ACLs, and muscle tears very easily with this stuff.
Any time your landing it should ideally be soft, but the shock of the landing should be absorbed through
several joints of the body. So, with jumps, the leg muscles that control the ankle, knee, and hips all act
as shock absorbers for the body to smooth out and soften the landing.
I cant believe we got this far without even talking about the types of exercises. Here are some exercises.
The 3 three main types of motions used in plyometrics exercises are:
Jumps. These involve leaping, landing and quickly rebounding to repeat the movement. There are
various types of jumps, as illustrated below. Some can be done by leaping on and off a box or platform,
which adds the challenge of gravity.
Hops. A hop is similar to a jump except that it involves moving forward or laterally. A hop can involve
one or both feet and be done over objects or up steps.
Bounding. Bounding is an exaggerated running type of stride, where the amount of time spent off the
ground is maximized. Bounding drills include skipping, ascending stairs or exaggerated running strides.
Cycling specific lower body Plyometric exercises include:
Single leg box jumps
Lateral side jumps
Single leg hops
Single leg squat jumps
Split squat jumps
Single leg vertical jumps
Single leg tuck jumps
Dont be afraid of being the weird one in the gym youre already the weird one amongst your
colleagues, and non-cycling friends. Go for it!

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