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1erra Advlsors asslsLs l1 rms wlLh Lhelr personnel needs as
Lhey expand Lhelr buslness lnLo new geographles. LasL
year we worked wlLh 13 cllenLs on lnLerlm Sales/8u and
more Lhan 10 cllenLs who have hlred us Lo recrulL full-ume
employees. uurlng Lhe pasL 3 years we have been reLalned
by more Lhan 60 cllenLs and generaLed mllllons of dollars/
euros ln revenue for Lhem.

We serve companles wlLh proven sales poLenual ln Lhelr
home markeLs ready Lo expand Lhelr sales fooLprlnL. Cur
cllenLs also lnclude companles LhaL wlsh Lo reduce Lhe
cosLs and lncrease Lhe eecuveness of Lhelr exlsung
buslness developmenL operauons.

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23$',.4 560.3'00 7'-'8)94'3$
1erra Advlsors collaboraLes wlLh lLs cllenLs Lo deLermlne
Lhe exacL approach Lo succeed ln Lhe dlerenL overseas
markeLs. 1he knowledge and experlence of 1erra Advlsors'
8uslness uevelopmenL ulrecLors and managemenL,
comblned wlLh Lhe undersLandlng of our cllenLs' successes
achleved and challenges faced, allow us Lo develop a
comprehenslve markeL peneLrauon sLraLegy.

normally, ln Lhe ume lL would Lake our cllenL Lo ramp up
overseas operauons, 1erra Advlsors has already secured
conLracLs from Lhe rsL of Lhe LargeLed cusLomers or

1erra Advlsors uses a search meLhodology LhaL locaLes Lhe
besL lndlvlduals who maLch Lhe agreed [ob descrlpuon. We
uullze our exlsung neLwork, proprleLary and Lhlrd-parLy
daLabases, and markeL knowledge Lo conducL Lhorough
research. 8y mapplng Lhe markeL aL Lhe sLarL of a search,
we galn a full undersLandlng of where Lhe besL lndlvlduals
can be emclenLly found.

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We have exLenslve conLacLs wlLh LargeL cusLomers ln Lhe
followlng verucal secLors:
1elecom (xed, moblle, and cable)
SysLem lnLegraLors, 8esellers, and vA8s
llnanclal Servlces and lnsurance
8eLall and e-Commerce
Medla, 8roadcasL, and LnLerLalnmenL
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LasLern and WesLern Lurope
u.S. and Canada
Mlddle LasL

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23$',.4 560.3'00 7'-'8)94'3$ $'#4
1erra Advlsors has more Lhan 130 lndependenL 8uslness
uevelopmenL ulrecLors (8uus) ln lLs Leam. 1he 8uus are
locaLed LhroughouL Lurope, Lhe Mlddle LasL and Lhe
u.S. 1hanks Lo Lhe large number of qualled and
speclallzed 8uus, we are able Lo eecuvely maLch Lhe
expecLauons and requlremenLs of our cllenLs wlLh Lhe rlghL

We maLch our cllenLs' needs based on a number of facLors:
roducL knowledge
Lxlsung LargeL cusLomer conLacLs
Ceographlcal knowledge and language skllls
Channel experuse

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1erra has omces ln SwlLzerland and Lhe uk wlLh sLa
speclallzlng ln recrulung ln boLh Lhose locauons and ln Lhe
uS. Addluonally we have sLa ln oLher counLrles whom we
lnvolve as requlred for a parucular cllenL's needs.

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!e has had leadershlp roles ln sales and buslness
developmenL slnce 1991. Pe worked ln Lhe Luropean
Lelecom and Lechnology secLors wlLh Crange and Luu
from 2001 Lo 2007. ln Lhese companles he led Leams and
managed pro[ecLs ln numerous Luropean counLrles.

rlor Lo hls career ln Lurope he worked for more Lhan 8
years as a successful enLrepreneur ln Lhe u.S. Pe ls
currenLly servlng as a buslness developmenL and sLraLegy
advlsor Lo several Lechnology companles.

!e holds a 8A wlLh honors ln Lconomlcs from Lhe
unlverslLy of llllnols and an M8A from Parvard 8uslness

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1erra Advlsors LLC and 1erra Advlsors CmbP were founded
ln 2008. Cur u.S. operauon ls based ln Lhe Chlcago area
and our Luropean omces are locaLed ln SwlLzerland and
Lhe uk.

We have full-ume sLa ln Lhe u.S. (CA and n?) and ln
Lurope (Lhe uk, Cermany, Spaln, lLaly, and Lhe
neLherlands) who supporL our operauons as well as our
currenL and prevlous cllenLs.
1erra Advlsors CmbP Zurlch, SwlLzerland +41.78.797.3339
1erra Advlsors LLC Chlcago, lL +1.312.233.2940
+'8'/$'( 9,'-.)60 #3( /6,,'3$ /8.'3$0:
1erra Advlsors CmbP Zurlch, SwlLzerland +41.78.797.3339
1erra Advlsors LLC Chlcago, lL +1.312.233.2940

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