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TWIMC T!"# $%&"'(e )%e##e# $ *un+$,en&$( '!$((en-e &!$& &!e .CSC $n+ SCC ,u#& $++%e## "n /%+e% &/
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FREE AND DEMOCRATIC SOCIETY 9DCL: [this is exactly what this case law precedent protects]
1. The values and principles essential to a free and democratic society ... embody, to name a few, respect for the
human dignity of the human person, commitment to social justice and equality, accommodation of a wide variety
of beliefs, respect for cultural and group identity, and faith in social and political institutions which enhance the
participation of individuals and groups in society ... The underlying values and principles of a free and democratic
society are the genesis of the rights guaranteed by the !harter and the ultimate standard against which a limit on
a right or freedom must be shown, despite its effects, to be reasonable and demonstrably justified [" v #a$es]
[caveat] [a] %#&, how this really important definition applies to 'r. #a$es is a total mystery to me. (ut because it
cites " v #a$es as the precedent means that my defence to claim a right under this, original case law application
because [at face value] applies to me, as a !)#, especially when my creative application of positive law, under
*!+,-."/ protocol guarantees an of our agents or members this right. [b] 0%1 all i2ve got to say is T30T4 bac$
room in chambers tort law rulings too$ it all away, 1emocracy itself, with lexicography [the perversion of words, it2s
actually classified as an addiction] and it2s directly forbidden by the (0" under the phrase, 2&e shall not pervert
the law with words2 [c] 56T the creation of laws that have never been passed and never could be passed are
passed off as law, and enforced as order, and the effect of all of this actually dis2tort2s the reality of our entire
society itself. [d] &hat must be made clear is T30T4 everything that defines a free and democratic society has
been hauled away, in tiny little paragraphs that only the T"78T668 [writers of the law 9 and masters of tort law
application] can see and follow. [e] This fundamental anchor and )reedom :ustice and 1emocracy itself have
been ta$en away, by design; *t2s a rigged dec$ from top to bottom. [e] #nce authority loo$s at all my public court
filings will result where, this case law 8!! precedent called " v (oyer can be genesis that ta$es down 2tort law2
itself, once and for all.
0fter being arrested, * produced my 8tatement of (irth and showed them my < ===>>, [in blac$ in$] and all the
time i was doing this, this no-name officer $ept repeatedly yelling at me don2t show me that? 0%1 i said too late.?
* was then loc$ed in a paddy waggon, and they clearly were tal$ing among themselves as to what to do next and
tal$ing to a duty sargent [or higher officials] and these arresting officers were getting instructions from superiors.
0fter about 1= minutes the door of the waggon opens, and i as$ 1. 'artin directly 0re you aware that i2m on a
@no stop 9 no detention 9 no arrestA listB? and he said 568. * then as$ed do you $now why i2m on that listB? and
he said he did not $now, so i told him; it2s because *2m one of those 2freemen2 and he smir$ed, and then i said that
my status was more than that because, last election season i went to #ttawa and then to Toronto and because of
a ruling done in #ntario 8upreme !ourt on 0ugust .
.=11, i placed the #ffice of the 0C of (! in disrepute, which
resulted in a situation where the 0ttorney Ceneral of (! resigned the day i landed bac$ in Dancouver, about a
wee$ later. * made it clear that he had no right to $eep me in this cell, and he actually agreed with me, then
slammed the door. They again tal$ed among themselves and with supervisors and about 1= minutes later 1
'artin opens the door and ma$es me an offer4 'r (oyer, we are not arresting you, we are ta$ing you home, and
seiEing all your stuff, and bringing them to D1F storage, where we will hold it, pending charges.2 i as$ed for a bill,
as in an itemiEed list of what was being seiEed, and he said he refused to give me one, i then pointed out [as to
*!+,-."/ protocol] that if i did not get the product bac$ that DF1 would be buying it all, and he said 2we2ll see2
0%1 in law, that2s a binding contract, that we agree to settle this in civil court, [i2m sure they have a recording of it]
(6!0786 of 2pending charges2 the old 2we have no comment2 from everyone applies 9 under tort rulings
The 1601G*%6 for returning these perishable goods was squandered, and in so doing DF1 created this huge
liability of violating 8ec HH/ !! [institutionaliEed slavery] 9 by refusing to deliver on a 8ec HH+!! demand notice,
which creates this trap where the 'ayor, the !hief !onstable, and the #fficer responsible for 6lections Dancouver
are guilty of a 8ec HH> !! violation of !riminal (reach of )iduciary trust, and rac$eteering charges.
#" they can do the sensible thing and give me a chec$ for about IH===. by )riday, :une .=
, .=1J, and
we2ll move on with the rest of this election season. &hat happens next 9 Kue sera
.AC<GROUNDER 9*"(e+ /n June 1>
, 2014:
1. * filed this doc with hard copy of several bac$ up articles with The !ity of Dancouver lawyer that handles me,
and he accept a copy for the !hief of Folice2s lawyers. * then filed with the !hief :ustice of (! #ffice , then i went
up the street to )ederal !anada (uilding and filed hard copies with the 3ead of !" !harities, 'arc 'ayrand the
!6# of 6lections !anada, and the 'r. 'acLay the 0C of !anada, and then i filed with 'adam Cuichon the
Covernor Ceneral in Dictoria, and the !ity 6lections 1irector. *n the event that none of the above intercede by
tomorrow, means on &ednesday, i file criminal charges of 8ec HH> !!, which is there to bac$ a 8ec HH+ !!
1emand, with 8ec ! of the "!'F, which is in 8urrey, to press criminal charges of !riminal (reach of Trust, &hich
is there to preclude the encroachment of slavery on we the people, for converting my 8tatement of (irth into a
tangible fungible negotiable *nstrument [a$a 9 as if i had a (irth !ertificate, by . !hief !onstables, and the 'ayor,
for operating a criminal enterprise, because somehow the DF1 Folice motto of 20bove the call of duty2 is in fact a
claim that they are above the law of the land, and above their fiduciary trust to just do their duty. [#"] they pay
the bill that * handed in with this HH+ !! demand to pay or face a 1=-years in jail for this indictable offence

.. (y filing these docs with these 2vested authorities2 will initiate something that 'asons just hate %0'6G54
They are all being called on 2the testimony of . or H witnesses2 [mentioned in 3eb 1=] They are also being
challenged as to "om 1H on being challenged by a messenger to do good and doing good will be richly rewarded,
and * really am saying that the reason we pay taxes is to be protected by the law.
H. *t must be noted that i made an honest calculation mista$e on line-, %0'6G54 1. tic$ets M I>. N I+.. and
this means my float did not balance (7T then * really was spending money li$e water, before the event, of a
separate float for expenses for the day [another page not necessary at this time], and i really had no idea how
much cash i had in my personal possession. *n law, having to much cash, in my case, cannot be construed as
graft, or misappropriation of funds, or rifling of funds that are earmar$ed for political activities Oexpenses, and in
my case 9 this clerical error is in my favour not in there ability to say 2he is cheating on these *!+,-."/ forms.
*t2s not my fault when DF1 jeopardiEe my float, by mixing it with my personal money.
J. (y filing this correction by email before the day is up, with these above mentioned 2vested interests, is in law all
i have to do to do to fix a clerical human error. Foliticians are constantly ra$ed over the coals for negative
balances; This *!+,-."/ form simply was compromised from doing an accurate form by mixing my money into
the float, and that2s just the way it is.
,. &hat happens tomorrowB * don2t $now but by definition, i have to wait for them to reply before ma$ing them
liable for nonfeasance. *n law the !ity lawyers either returns the goods and pays for the balance or it2s an
indictable crime under 8ec HH> !!, 8ec HH+ !!, 8ec HH/ !! and 8ec HJ= !! )"071 9 This not in !ivilian
#versight !ommission2s jurisdiction to rule on, because i2m not begging for :ustice.
>. * actually than$ed my arresting DF1 #fficers, in total there were , that i saw that participated in protecting a
criminal rac$et called DF1. 8ec ! of the "!'F, are actually duty bound to serve a )ree and 1emocratic society
and on this H
6lement of 8ec 1 of the !harter, will require a large articles to explain how important it is in may
case, and fran$ly i do this to help others get their )reedom bac$, it2s a totally selfless act of Gove for my neighbour
that drives me to do good, in order to avoid the bloodbath that will inevitably occur without such an intervention.
+. This case of attac$ing tort law is an 6ssential 6lement to being a )ree and 1emocratic 8ociety again. *t2s
demonstrably justified that we must address the horror of being suc$ed into a pity that simply can never get better
without a ma$e-over. 0%1 on this point, i rest my case till another day. There2s still , months or chaos being
triggered in Dancouver and (! and Kue sera, the future is simply not ours to see. Kue sera.
/. 'y goal is to return to 2normative order2 and tort law caused the destruction of a basic common sense society
for everyone. *2m convinced that destroying tort2s strangle hold on our ethics and values will change the world as
we $now it . *ts application actually warps our reality to be the heap of ruins we live in, [*saiah H], it has the
potential of triggering *saiah J=, and fran$ly it really loo$s bad for 'asons, lawyers and politicians, as to *saiah ,P.
(ut then *siah ,H is also possible, and the manufactured prophecies of "evelations are insisting that this effort by
the voice in the west simply does not happen (7T then, the impossible just might happen. 8o be it -
marc boyer - .OTTOM LINE Un+e% &!e O%+e% /* &!e G$%&e%, he who calls what i'm doing evil, is evil

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