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Sacrifice versus Duty

By: Navy Seal Team Six Ghost Bravo 6

Author's Note
I'm a soldier. My duty is to fight for my country no matter where I am. It
doesn't mean the same as sacrifice. To sacrifice yourself to protect another team is
a decision someone makes. Your duty is something you have to do. I learned a lot
of lessons in my life and I know that I have to do what's right. If I don't I don't get

As a kid, I wasn't popular which I didn't mind. I did slack off at school on
homework and I learned a lesson the hard way. I started to do things that I was
suppose to and never slacked off again. Every bad thing you do, there's a price for
it. I loved to play games and I would play mine craft whenever I want. One today I
saw people dying on TV because no one wanted to stand up for them. There was
only one group of people who did. The Navy Seals. I started loving them and saw
what they did and why. I read several stories about soldiers giving up their lives to
protect people who couldn't protect themselves.

Relating it to Minecraft where monsters try to kill villagers. The thing is, most
people who play just like to rob them and leave. I decided to be different and
defend them. I made an army compound and explained to my friends the game and
compare it to what Navy Seals do.

I hope you enjoy this story. This story is a fictional story about a soldier who
stands up for these villagers and fights to the death with seven other services to
finish the job. I made this from a games perspective to real life action.

- Ghost Bravo 6

Duty and sacrifice is are different. They mean different things. I'm Ghost Bravo 6 of
Ghost Platoon, I'm the team's CO. We defend villagers no matter the cost. No matter how large
the shadow it casts on us no matter how much blood it makes us spill, we'll still fight. Same with
Navy Seal Standards, you will always get up until you can't or you can't pull the trigger one more
time. I work for the US Navy Seals and the 242th Advanced Aviation Corps.

An hour earlier we took off from the tarmac at the ground when it was still dark.
We flew for already 3 hours to search for the down 178th Aviation Corps' 13 missing helicopters
and 3 harrier fighter jets. I felt my eyes droop and my hands slipping from the round controls. I
regained conscious and continued.

"What the hell are well looking for", asked my rearguard Alex.
" The missing 13 Helis and 3 Harriers", I replied over the COMMS.
"Great, I could of stayed back and watch my little pony", Alex said sarcastically.
I couldn't help laughing but my laugh was cut off by a faint voice. My heart was
beating faster now. It felt like it could pump its way out of my body. I tried enchanting the radio.
It said there were 13 survivors of the down 30. They were surrounded and needed immediate

We drove down and we came out of the clouds like angels except our planes
weren't gold. We dived down and fired hell (figuratively) on the surrounding enemy. They
retreated like little mice running away from a cat. We touched down and I jumped out of my
cockpit. I ran to the medical station established by the remaining soldiers. I was astonished at the
damaged. They strayed 15,000 blocks southwest of the Aviation Corps headquarters.
"This is Hades Corp to HQ do you copy", I said into my radio.
"This is Commander Ryan of the USMC what's up", he asked
"Contact 242th Aviation Command and tell them we found the missing aircrafts",
I replied
" Copy that Hades, anything else", asked the Commander.

"Yeah. get me the 178th Aviation to get me 15 Little Birds and 5 Seahawks", I
"What for"? he replied.
"13 survivors and 10 with heavy inflicted injuries", I replied, "Ask them to bring a
medical team too".
"Roger that this is USMC over and out", replied the commander.
I looked around and it was still pretty dark since the fires from the vehicles
seem to dance in the dark as it crackles and burns. I was called over by one of the injured pilots. I
didn't know what so I walked over. I could see thin red streams of blood coming from his head.
" Master Chief ", the pilot said as if his mouth was full of sand.
" What's Up", I replied.
" You have to know our attackers weren't the normal numbers of mobs", he said
slowly, " They shot our choppers with guns and stingers".
"AKs", I asked.
" Yeah Taliban sir", he replied.
I stood up and gazed into the darkness. The notorious Taliban back? I continued
my gaze and saw nothing in the darkness. I feel like they're watching us......... what if?

Location: MPC Military Base
Date: 5/20/14 20:45
Navy Seal Team Six

Chapter 1: Regret
We arrived back to base 5 hours after the rescue. The Base was filled with
medical personnel moving the injured troops to the hospital. The feeling around was sad, mad
the day feel murky. 3 MH-6 Little Birds escorted by 5 apache helicopters lands to bring back the
body of the lost Marines and pilots.

Soldiers stepped out and moved the bodies into a coffin draped in the stars and
stripes so people will remember their sacrifices. Everyone saluted and we waited until the
humvees arrived to take the bodies to the Arlington Military Academy. After they left I went to
the base to unload and walk around. I got in to a horse and rode into the village to see what
happened during the whole night. One of the house's doors was blown open and 3 villagers lost
their lives.

A few minutes later I saw the Battle Relief Team arrive with supplies to fix the
doors. After that I rode back to base and got some rest. At 12 in the afternoon I got up ate and
called Hades Corp. If the enemy attacked they from the rear they have to of came from the
North. I left Advanced Pilot Petty Officer Second Class Daniel Riggers in charge. I need to be on
the ground.

I headed to the Navy Seal's Command and got my gear and called for ghost
company. We loaded up and got 10 pilots from the 178th Aviation Corps to drop us off. We flew
at night and you could barely see anything. I felt like the sun would never come back. I put on
my Night Vision Helmet and in a instant I could see in the dark.

If we landed they could probably see us if we land on the ground so we have to
parachute in. I was the first one out and I opened my arms and I was gliding through the air. We
were separated at the drop and we met up in a shielded meadow. I checked my gear and made
sure I had all my guns suppressed. After that we headed towards the north. We walked for a few
minutes and heard voices. We all got behind cover and waited. I climbed a tree and pulled out
my sniper.
" Ghost Platoon, targets sighted, around 30 to 40", I replied.
" We're outnumbered then', Riggs said.
" Keep quiet take them out quietly", I said and jumped out of the tree.
I pulled out my assault rifle and started to search. I forgot that monsters would spawn too.
I had to shoot them which would deplete my ammo twice as fast. We finally completely
surrounded their camp but they haven't noticed us. I heard an explosion to the right and I saw the
Taliban pick up their guns and fire. Bullets whizzed by and you can feel the heat from one beings
shot at high velocity.

I started to aim, shoot, aim, shoot and do that continuously. We started because we had
there were reinforcements coming in for the Taliban. We retreated to a full open clearing. I knew
the choppers were watching and had extra men. I buzzed an Killer Egg calling for immediate fire
support. As the enemy came into view we opened fired and thousands of bullets whizzed by.

While the killer egg was reloading it was hit which forced it to head towards the base.
Without any support we were dead. After 5 minutes of heavy combat Navy Seal Danny C. was
hit hard on the shoulder dislocating his entire arm and came out of the socket.

We need MEDEVAC now but the chopper headed back to base to refuel and repair the
damaged Killer Egg. Most of my teammates depleted all their ammo except for the 4 extra pistol
magazines. Only 15 other people still had about 10 more clips for our primary.

" ROBERTO, GET US THE FUCKING QRF", I yelled into my squad mic.
NEED TO BE HIGHER", he replied.

" YES, SIR", replied Manny, our medic.
" Ghost Company Retreat", I ordered.
We planned to head to a mountain peak where we can hit them easily with snipers
since the forest wasn't the greatest environment for them. We started pushing back and after 20
long ass minutes, we got to the peak. I saw Roberto fish out the antenna and the Communication
" Chief, QRF is coming in ETA 5 minutes", Roberto yelled.
" Tell them we need the support right now or all of us will die", I yelled.
" They said 3 minutes is the best they can do", Roberto said.
" Screw the QRF", I said, " buzz Hades Corps and tell them we need airstrike and
points 35 wither 5".
" Copy that sir," he replied, "They're coming we need 1 minute".
Better than nothing. I picked up my sniper and started firing at the closest and most
dangerous targets. We've already taken heavy casualties from the mortars and rockets. In a
minute, 5 fighter jets come in and fire 19 seven mm(millimeter) rockets each causing the enemy
to retreat. The QRF finally arrived and I threw a smoke grenade for where the chopper should

We loaded the huge numbers of injured onto the choppers and flew back to base.
This was a battle I regret fighting in. This was bullcrap. We touched down at 5 in the morning. I
refilled by Magazine and raced to the village since the village invasion alarms was sounded. I ran
to the lookout station and saw a huge army of Taliban. Villagers ran inside while the remaining
platoons got ready to meet the enemy.
" Security Team, Lock on with GTLD fire on my command", I said into my
team radio.
" Yes Sir, targets locked", the Commander replied.
" Aviation Corps fly above us aim all 9mm or 7mm rockets at the enemy", I

" Locked and ready", replied the team leader.
" Ghost Snipers, take your pick and fire in 3.....2.....1.....0", I said.

Rockets and guns went off and the silence was broken by the sounds of combat. The
GTLD coordinated sent the Avenger Aircraft rained down explosive ammo destroying most of
the army. We all charged in firing guns and protecting the villagers from any harm.

30 minutes in to the battle they started to retreat. Hades Corps swooped in behind
the team causing them to sat where they are. I got in a Humvee with 2 other people. we drove
out to where they were. They raised the white flag and dropped their guns. We found the
commander and brought him to the military brink.

His team tried picking up their guns and tried attacking but they freaked out when
our cavalry arrived: our Tanks. They aimed at them and they said they would return back to their
base and just say the commander was killed and never fight again.

Should I listen or not? Sounds tempting since I didn't want to kill them. I still
didn't want to let them go because I might regret my orders. Regret doesn't apply to everyone the
way it would in the army. You have to know that one wrong move could change the outcome of
the next battle or might get yourselves killed/ backstabbed.

I didn't know what to do. I was so confused. I didn't want t do anything wrong.
What should I should? *sigh* My remaining forces is lying upon my shoulders............

Chapter 2: Firestorm
" How do I know you can keep our word"?, I asked curiously.
" Why wouldn't I", asked a Taliban. " You trust me don't you?", he asked.
I couldn't help laughing but tried to keep a straight face. Who does he think he
is. I literally tried attacking a village and the Military Protecting it. If I let them go they're
probably coming back and start raining hell on them.
" You attempted a full forward attack on the village", I said calmly. " What makes
you think I can trust you?".
" You didn't kill us", he said but he was smirking.
I knew where he had a point. I didn't want to kill anyone right now. I'm not a
bloodthirsty bastards like those who killed two thirds of Special Forces Platoon Alpha. I though
over it for a bit.
" You're free, leave your weapons here", I ordered.
" We need them to protect.......", said the same guy before I cut him off.
" Leave them behind", I said in a louder voice.
They walked towards a small forest well wasn't considered one. I still saw that flash
of light. I smirked as the group started to leave. They seemed happy that I let them leave. I
picked up my G360 and flicked of the safety. Couldn't help letting them go. I quickly fired one
round into the leader's head and saw a mist of blood from where the bullet entered his head. He
slowly fell to the ground first n his knees then fell completely on the ground.

I ordered the Cavalry general to fire into the forest and all helicopters to fire into
the forest as well. They all took their pick and ready on my command. I ran to the humvee and it
started driving towards the forest. I sent the command to fire and the forest erupted with
explosion and more. We got them good. We sent in a team to check for survivors. All our forces
were called back to base. We returned replenished ammo and went to find a new task.

I was called to JSOC for a task. One week ago a wall was established to protect the
village near a forest. The problem was the forest is filled with monsters and they would flood the
village in sheer numbers outnumbering the Delta Iron Force. We would require more iron to
create another team so instead we made a wall which kept more than a hundred monsters out and
lowered kill numbers by a land slide. The problem was that now they wanted to add obsidian
blocks in the middle so that it would resist major explosions like creepers, frag grenades, and
RPGs. We needed to protect the builders since they need it done immediately.

I chose 12 people. Two on each side of the wall which makes 8, The other 4 would
scout to tell us if there were incoming threats. I grabbed 7 other Navy Seals that I could trust to
get the job done. We loaded onto a Little Bird and headed to the wall. We landed and climbed on
the wall. We spread out so we could protect the construction workers. I pulled out my G16A3
custom and started to spot any threats.

It started to get dark so the workers put on their mining hats used when its dark. Mobs
started to spawn but we only shot those that were within 15 blocks and were about to attack. We
needed to save ammo since we had limited ammunition. We aimed out and saw some light in the
forest. I saw a worker come from the outside and climbed to help.

What I was thinking at that point was what the hell he was doing. He got up and
started placing the obsidian in the wall. I followed him and then he placed a red block down. I
walked over and grabbed him by the neck.
" What the hell is this", I asked him.
" Obsidian my friend", he said.
" What the hell going on", Danny said running over.
" He planted 1 block of TNT in to the wall", I said.
Next thing you know you see more than 100 skeletons fire arrows on fire into the air
and one hit the TNT. Danny and I ran and dragged the " worker " with us and the wall exploded
destroying the third layer. they kept on firing them. I jumped of the wall and the area where
another Seal Team was protecting blew too. We were being attack from the inside.

I jumped off the wall and ran towards the enemy and trying to slow their advance.
Every time one goes down another takes its place. All we could do was acquire a target and
shoot it. I was almost out of ammo. I climbed back up the wall and moved all the workers back
into the wall. I had to find the leak. Wasn't hard at all, basically we just found him being calm
and found a radio. We brought him on top of the wall And aimed a gun at his head.

It was just like magic. Every single arrow seized and there they walked slowly
forward and kneeled down with their hands in the air. Well lunatic builder here tried knocking
Danny out but I shot him and he fell over the wall.

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