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TEJ2O1: Digital Logic

Nathan Aular
April 30

Go to the following website:

1. Scroll to the bottom, and click on LOGIC PORTS to examine circuits
illustrating the gates that we have learned about. Turn the switches on and off,
and observe what happens.

a) Under what condition(s) does the light turn on for the AND gate?
The light for the AND gate turns on when both switches are on
b) Under what condition(s) does the light turn on for the OR gate?
The light for the OR gate turns on when one of both switches are on
c) Under what condition(s) does the light turn on for the NOT gate?
The light turns on for the NOT gate when the switch is off
d) Under what condition(s) does the light turn on for the NAND gate?
The light for the NAND gate turns on when both switches are off or when only one
switch is off
e) Under what condition(s) does the light turn on for the NOR gate?
The light for the NOR gate turns on when both switches are off
f) Under what condition(s) does the light turn on for the XOR gate?
The light for the XOR gate turns on when only one switch is on

2. Clear the stage by clicking on

Create the circuits listed below, and answer the following questions. Take a
screenshot of the circuit and paste it into the answer space to the right.

a) One input flowing straight to a red light bulb.

What happens when the switch is turned ON?
The light turns on
What happens when the switch is turned OFF?
The light turns off

b) Two inputs flowing to an OR gate (but one flows through a NOT gate first), and the
output goes into a light bulb.

You will notice that there are many conditions under
which the light bulb will be ON. What is the only
scenario in which the light bulb will be OFF?
The light bulb will be off when the switch that is connected to
The not gate is turned on

TEJ2O1: Digital Logic
Nathan Aular
April 30

c) Two inputs flowing to an XOR gate, and the fan as the output.

What happens when one switch is ON?
The fan turns on
What happens when both switches are ON?
The fan is off
What happens when both switches are OFF?
The fan is off

d) Two inputs flowing to an AND gate and then that output flows through a NOT gate,
and into a light bulb.

Under what conditions does the light bulb turn OFF?
When both switches are on
Describe what is happening under this condition.
(i.e. follow the flow through the circuit)
The current flows through the AND gate but is
Reversed when it reaches the NOT gate

e) Two inputs flowing to a NAND gate and then that output flows through a NOT gate,
and into a light bulb.

Under what conditions does the light bulb turn ON?
When both switches are on
Describe what is happening under this condition.
(i.e. follow the flow through the circuit)
The current stops when it reaches the NOT gate but is
Reversed and turns on the light bulb

f) Two inputs flowing to a NOR gate and then that output flows (along with a third
input) to an AND gate.
Under what conditions does the light bulb turn ON?
When only the switch that is connected to the AND gate
Is on
Describe what is happening under this condition.
(i.e. follow the flow through the circuit)
When both switches are off it activates the current from
The NOR gate and turns on the light bulb

TEJ2O1: Digital Logic
Nathan Aular
April 30

3. Use these basic logic gates to create a couple of your own complex circuits.
Then figure out the truth table for them. Challenge another member of the class
to figure out the truth table as well. See if your truth tables match what actually
happens in the circuit. Limit yourself to only 2 inputs.

Input A Input B Output
0 0 0
1 0 1
0 1 1
1 1 0

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