The Counsellor

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Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Archive Warning:
X-Men: First Class (2011)
Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier
Charles Xavier, Erik Lehnsherr, Moira MacTaggert
Additional Tags:
Alternate Universe - Student/Teacher, Underage - Freeform,
Alternate Universe - High School, Alternate Universe - Still Have
Powers, School Uniforms, First Time, First Kiss, Hand Jobs, Anal
Sex, Charles You Slut, Dark Erik, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot
Published: 2014-02-11 Words: 6190
The Counsellor
by kageillusionz
Erik is asked to help a boy named Charles Xavier when he appeared at school with
bruising on his face that couldn't be a result of school bullying. As the school counsellor,
it's Erik's job to find out what happened and provide comfort for the poor boy.
Happy Birthday, Shibs! I hope you like it!
Ironically named The Counsellor by treasuredleisure and hopefully it's a bit better than its
name sake. Thanks as always to my betas: ourgirlfriday and treasuredleisure for making
it even better. All lingering mistakes are my own.
Please be warned for Mentions of Off-Screen Child Abuse, Erik's Dubious Morals
and Underage.
It all began when Moira MacTaggert approached him in his office, just after first period with her lips
pulled down into a frown. She informed Erik about her student, a boy by the name of Charles Xavier,
and a bruise on his face that was cause for concern.
"I'm certain that it's from home and not a product of bullying," Moira said quietly. "His mother
remarried last year and, from my observations, his home situation hasn't exactly improved. If you could
remarried last year and, from my observations, his home situation hasn't exactly improved. If you could
talk to him please, Mr. Lehnsherr. He's a bright student, studious, but wary and guarded. He's not like
the other boys, and I fear that had I asked him to stay behind or to see the principal, it may complicate
matters at home more than they already are."
"I've never been one for subtlety," Erik replied, taking a sip from his coffee mug. His reputation as the
school counsellor was less sympathetic ear and more stony silence with a side dish of intimidation. And
that was the way that Erik preferred it. "But I'll see what I can do. Would you know where I can find
the boy at lunch?"
Moira tapped her lip with a finger for a moment and then answered, "I'd try the library. He's got blue
eyes and brown hair. Thanks Erik." She offered him a smile and then left, closing the door behind her.
Just as Moira said, Erik found Charles Xavier in the library seated at one of the desks by the window.
He was surrounded by a sea of textbooks, although no reading was being done as he gazed out to
where the sky was periwinkle blue and the sound of children running around permeated through the
window, muffled as it was by distance.
"Charles Xavier?" He turned around, and there upon his cheek was a motley blossom of yellow and
purple, shining despite the abhorrent lighting in the library. Really, it was evident to anyone with eyes.
"That looks quite painful."
Charles peered at him through his glasses, never quite making eye contact. Erik wondered if Charles
was just painfully shy or if it was an inherent problem that lay deeper. "It probably looks worse than it
feels," Charles mumbled, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly. He returned to stare blankly at the
open book in front of him.
Observing the boy for a long minute, Erik watched as Charles' fingers caressed the pen that lay upon
the pad of paper by his side, but never once made a note upon the pristine page. It was as if the boy
was waiting for him to leave, to be ignored. "Do you know who I am, Charles?"
"You're the school counsellor. Mr Lehnsherr?"
"That's correct. I'm sure you've noticed many of your cohort require my services." The joke doesn't
receive a smile. Maybe Erik's losing his touch with his funny bone.
Silence stretched on as Erik took in the rest of the library. There were hardly any other students there,
there was only the elderly librarian having some tea and biscuits in her office.
"Would you like to sit, Mr Lehnsherr?" Charles asked when it became evident that Erik wasn't going to
be leaving anytime soon.
"I was wondering perhaps that you would like to come to my office instead and we can have a talk"
Charles made a face at that. "I, no offence, but I don't really... The other kids have stories about you.
Not really nice stories either." Erik was proud about his reputation within the student body. Good.
Someone had to incite the fear within those troublemakers.
"Your teacher Miss MacTaggert wanted me to speak with you," Erik broke in smoothly. Charles
relaxed a little at the mention of her name. Charles must enjoy biology, or at least the sciences. "Unless
you're busy studying for something else. I understand if you'd rather wait."
Charles pushed his glasses further up his nose. "I wasn't, not really," he admitted at last.
"Excellent. Then shall we go? I'm sure Mrs. Whiting wouldn't mind doing some work for once by
shelving your books away."
Charles wasn't any more comfortable in Erik's office than he was in the library. His tattered schoolbag
was discarded into a corner and he took to pacing back and forth in front of the desk that Erik sat
The boy stared curiously at the various knick-knacks that dotted on Erik's bookshelf, mostly
snowglobes from the various places that Erik had visited during his backpacking trip in Europe after he
had finished his degree. Charles gently plucked one off the shelf and gave it a shake, watching as the
little snow particles settled at the bottom once more.
"You're welcome to say or ask anything here, Charles."
Charles put the snowglobe back and picked up another one, smaller this time. "How did you come to
end up working here? I can't imagine that this would be the first job preference for many."
Erik shrugged. At least Charles was curious enough to ask and Erik was more than happy to share his
story if it meant Charles would. "It was a favour to the principal when I decided to take a break from
criminal law. And it's been quite some time since I'd last stepped into a courtroom when it wasn't
dealing with one of the kids here."
"Oh?" Charles finally sat down opposite Erik, the small snowglobe still tucked into his palm.
Erik spread his hands, palms faced upwards and smiled. "And it appealed to my philanthropic side. Or
do those stories you've mentioned earlier counteract that? Surprised?"
He was quiet for a moment, turning the snow globe around in his hand. Then Charles met Erik's eyes
above the rims of his glasses for the barest of seconds. "Not really."
"I'm sure we'll find something about my lack lustre personality for you to be surprised over," Erik
replied smoothly as he sat forward, with a smile. That got a scoff from Charles. "Would you mind
telling me then how you got that bruise?"
Charles shook the snow globe and set it on the desk. "My step-father and step-brother don't see eye to
eye. It's not the worst that they've done to me. Usually I'm better at hiding."
Ah, that would explain quite a lot then and Erik was starting to get a clearer picture now of Charles'
home situation. It was worrying but Charles himself didn't seem too concerned by it. "And what of
your mother?"
"She's usually..." Charles licked his lips distractingly, "intoxicated after dinner ever since my father."
"An alcohol problem and coping issues then? Not something you tend to talk about at home often."
Charles laughed uncomfortably. "I suppose. Anyway. You have a very interesting last name,
Lehnsherr, and that accent. I don't suppose you're from around here?"
It was a standard deflection and they both knew it, but Erik was happy to play along. He was sure this
wasn't going to be the only talk he would be having with Charles after all. "No. I'm German Jewish but
my family moved around a lot when my sister and I were young. And what of yourself?"
"My father was American, but my mother's British. She insisted on having my formative years here."
They talked until lunchtime was over about Charles' interests, about the story behind the scar over
Erik's upper lip. Erik watched as Charles scampered off, joining the post-lunch crush in the hallways.
Charles was, as Moira had said, a bright boy who was already taking AP classes and had already taken
summer courses at Oxford where he hoped to attend as soon as he graduated. It was hard to believe that
Charles was only sixteen.
And then there had been the interesting revelation that Charles was a mutant, a part about Charles that
hadn't been quite as forthcoming as knowing that he was interested in genetics. It had taken Erik
shaping some paperclips into animals to persuade Charles that being a mutant was an amazing gift, and
most certainly not something that should be feared.
Yet, it was also another thing that set Charles apart from his cohort of older kids that only saw a
scrawny, clever boy, all of them picking upon the different and the extraordinary. Erik scratched at his
growing stubble, wondering what it was about Charles that made the boy so charming. It wasn't that
Charles was unwilling to connect to others, and Erik could see as plain as anyone that Charles was a
boy starved for affection.
Moira found Erik as soon as the school period was over and Erik was more than happy to recount the
appropriate parts of their conversation to her. Understandably she was worried about Charles' home
situation, but Erik convinced her that he didn't pick up anything from Charles that would require their
intervention yet. The only thing that could heal wounds was time.
She offered to treat Erik to dinner, as repayment for looking out for Charles, but Erik declined. After
all, he was merely doing his job.
Erik was surprised, but pleasantly so, when Charles knocked on his door the day after during lunch.
His brunet hair was ruffled and his cheeks were red, as if Charles had ran the entire way.
"Is now a good time, Mr. Lehnsherr?"
"Charles, come on in." Erik recapped the pen he was using and put away the papers on his desk. "My
office is always open for students."
The door closed behind Charles with a quiet snap. Erik tried not to think that it may have been born
from practise.
"Miss MacTaggert was talking to me briefly after Biology that if I ever needed to talk to anyone, I
should go to you or her." Charles dragged his tongue over his lips, wetting them nervously.
Erik's eyebrows raised. "And you'd prefer my company?"
Charles fiddled with the last button on his cardigan as he stared down at his fingers. "I... I don't know. I
guess? This was probably a stupid idea. I'm sorry for bothering you...."
Erik shook his head. "Not at all, I was just going to grab my lunch from my bag. Please sit." Charles
looked dubious at first but hesitantly sat down, watching curiously as Erik took out the latkes he'd made
last night. It was perhaps rude to speak with his mouth full, but Erik found that conversation would lull
into silences if he wasn't there to gently nudge it forward. Charles, himself, didn't appear too bothered
by the less than stellar manners Erik was displaying.
"Would your friends not find it strange that you're not eating with them today, Charles?" Erik found he
liked the sound and shape of Charles' name in his mouth. It was so quintessentially British and yet it
rolled off the tongue nicely.
"I don't," Charles paused and then changed his answer. "No. I'd rather not. The only thing they talk
about is sports or... girls." Charles let out a self-deprecating laugh before gesturing to his body. "This is
not the physique of someone who enjoys or partakes in physical activity often."
The corner of Erik's mouth twitched. "I'm sure you just haven't met the right sport yet. Tell me,
Charles, what do you like doing in your spare time?"
"I read a lot. I used to build model planes and played chess before before my father died." Charles
shrugged his shoulders afterwards, apparently unable to think of anything else. Erik filed the
information away for later re-examination.
It wasn't surprising when Charles' visits became a habit. Erik brought his chess set from home and they
would play during lunchtime. Charles never seemed to bring any food with him from home; Erik
absentmindedly began making enough food to share. Charles had been skeptical at first, but Erik could
be most persuasive when he wanted to be. After all, he had once been a very successful lawyer before.
Over the course of the term, Charles became less guarded. His smiles were more forthcoming, as he
complimented on Erik's extensive cooking repertoire. All of the recipes used, Erik informed him one
day over a game, were passed down to him from his mother. Usually it would be a hassle to cook large
portions for Erik lived alone, but having a still growing sixteen year old to feed was well worth the
effort. Charles' smiles were radiant and, Erik noted smugly one day after Charles had run off for class,
all for him.
* * *
Moira was the first and perhaps only person to realize just how much time Charles spent with Erik in
his office. She was suspicious of any ulterior motives, and Erik himself couldn't blame her entirely. Not
when his own thoughts had become clouded and the line between friend and trusting school counsellor
was becoming blurrier by the day.
"Charles Xavier is merely lonely and in need of a friend in a place that is destined to see him as an
outsider," Erik explained coolly. Lying was second nature to him, had made him successful once upon
a time, and Moira didn't look entirely convinced. He must be losing his touch.
"Be careful, Mr Lehnsherr. They do not look kindly on school counsellors that become too attached to
their student charges," Moira mused in a tone that could have been as pleasant as observing the
weather. "I would hate to lose such a valued member of our staff."
"Please, Miss MacTaggert," Erik said with his best winning smile. "We are but student and counsellor
and merely spend our lunchtimes playing chess. Charles is frightfully good. I promise you that our
relationship is confined within the boundaries of this school. He is no more attached to I, than I to him.
You have nothing to worry about."
There was, of course, already a bond that had grown between them. Erik, no longer, saw a guarded
boy every lunchtime. Conversations no longer needed Erik to direct them and anyone with eyes could
tell that Charles was a rather beautiful boy.
Wrong thoughts often plagued Erik during the night, the only evidence often swirling down the drain
or cleaned up with tissues. It was becoming a far more frequent and pressing problem during the day,
one that Erik was hoping would solve itself in pleasurable ways.
Erik waited till the following Tuesday afternoon when the sun was shining through the high windows
of his office and Charles was lulled into a relaxed state after finishing a portion of couscous with tomato
and onion and was mulling over his next chess move.
"Do you remember the first conversation we had here in my office?"
Charles raised his eyes from the board, the intense look of concentration broken by the frown brewing.
"No. I can't say that I can recall."
"You mentioned that you don't have a shared common interest of sports and girls with the rest of the
boys," Erik prompted. Charles looked distinctly uncomfortable at the mention of the topic, and Erik
barely could suppress the smirk.
"Did you mean that you have a different drive compared to them? Or perhaps it is an interest in men?"
Charles scowled, his cheeks flaring up as he studiously glared at the board. "It's not knowledge I go
around advertising. Why hand over more ammunition when they already have so much going for
them?" His hands were shaking, from anger perhaps, and Erik reached across the board to still it.
Charles made no move to pull away, and that Erik considered a win. "They once made fun of this other
guy for being... the way I am. As if being attracted to the same sex immediately makes them attractive."
Erik watched Charles thoughtfully, contemplating his next move on the board and with Charles.
"There's nothing shameful about finding the same sex attractive," he said slowly. "It's normal to have
these urges that you feel inside of you, Charles."
Charles then apparently found the carpet by his feet very interesting. "Oh? And do you have these
urges too?"
"I do," Erik said truthfully, unable to resist brushing his thumb over the knuckles of Charles' hand. "If
you like, I could show you with your telepathy."
That small action prompted Charles to look up and peer at him through his glasses. Erik calmly met the
look, feeling a distinct crawling sensation as the little hairs at his nape stood on end. It wasn't
unpleasant, and Charles barely dipped his toe into the water of Erik's mind before turning bright red
and hastily gathered his things. He mumbled an excuse about forgetting an assignment and quickly left.
Erik let out a low breath and then began to back everything away, careful to preserve the game as it
was until Charles came back to finish it. And there was no doubt in Erik's mind that Charles would be
The following lunchtime, Charles didn't appear at Erik's door with a bright grin on his face.
Nor did he show up the day after that. Erik reminded himself to be patient, but nevertheless, scowled
his way through the rest of his scheduled appointments. Even the pettiness of making the latest school
bully cry in his office could do nothing to quench the urge to go look for Charles Xavier.
Patience had never been his strong suit.
By the time Friday came, Erik had wondered if perhaps he had come on a little bit too strong by
sharing with Charles what he had intended to do to him. His door swung open tentatively to admit a
dishevelled looking Charles, eyebags that would have made Charles look like a convincing cousin of
the panda.
Erik admitted him in wordlessly, subtly locking the door with his power when Charles was seated in
his chair and Erik had taken to admiring his snowglobe collection.
"Mr. Lehnsherr," Charles said at long last. "I think we were becoming far too inappropriate the last
time I was here, and it has come to my attention that I've been perhaps spending too much time in
here." The 'with you' was heavily implied.
"You are the school counsellor and I am your student. We aren't... we aren't friends."
"I suppose Miss MacTaggert has spoken to you?"
Charles guiltily scratched his nose, even as he pretended to adjust his glasses.
Erik could make this work if he just controlled his temper. Look at Prague and Barcelona, Erik, and
calm yourself. "What I showed you the other day is nothing different from what you've told me you
overhear when your telepathy slips. Nothing inappropriate has happened between us, Charles."
"But the people in what you showed me were" Charles quietened when Erik set a hand on his
"I told you once that the urges that you felt were entirely normal."
Charles tilted his head up to look at Erik, his impossibly blue eyes thrown wide and his indecently red
lips shaped like a circle. "WWhat are you trying to say, Mr Lehnsherr?"
"You're a very clever boy, Charles. I believe you know exactly what I'm on about. Nothing between us
is inappropriate... yet."
"Are you implying"
Erik gently cupped Charles' face, his thumb resting gently over Charles' plush lips.
"They could be if you wanted them to be."
Charles shook his head, pushing the hand on his face away much to Erik's displeasure. "You're mad.
This is You could go to prison for this!" He was getting closer, just a little push more and then the
last defense would be gone. Erik could almost taste victory.
It was a distinct possibility that Erik had regarded for a second before discarding. Charles wouldn't tell
anyone about this, Erik was certain. "I could, but you would be worth it."
His words stunned Charles, and then suddenly something shattered in Charles' gaze. The years of
trying to appear smaller than he was, to convince others that he was not a target, was nothing of worth
all crumbled and instead, Erik was here offering the acceptance that Charles wanted on a silver platter.
"Mr. Lehnsherr..." Charles whispered, almost choking on his breath. "Please."
It was a beautiful symphony to Erik's ears and gently, ever so gently, Erik bent down and kissed
Everything about Charles tensed all at once, fingers clinging desperately to Erik's shirtsleeve in a white-
knuckled grip. Never been kissed, Erik surmised smugly. There was something to be done about that
for the rest of the year, coaxing teasing kisses from Charles' beautiful lips until he had Charles whining
and gasping for breath.
Charles was pulled onto his feet and then trapped between the desk and Erik, gasping delightfully
when Erik slipped a thigh in between his outstretched legs to press up against his half-hard erection.
Ah, to be so young again.
Greedy for more of Charles' noises, Erik teased the crisp school shirt out of Charles' trousers and slid
his warm hands up over the baby soft skin of his belly, revelling for a long moment at how Charles was
so slender and fit so easily against him. He rubbed his thigh up against Charles, smiling wickedly at the
soft squeak that escaped.
Erik pictured a day when he would take Charles on his desk, sending bits of stationery to the floor as
his hands sought desperately for something to hold as Erik drove into him desperately, splitting him
open on his cock and filling him up to the brim as he begged for Erik to move faster and directed him
deeper. Perhaps it would be one day soon.
"Come with me, Charles," Erik whispered into Charles' ear, tugging him behind the desk. "I want you
to sit down on my lap, Charles." The tall-backed leather chair squeaked, groaning under Erik's weight.
Charles made a spluttering noise, disbelieving of Erik's request. The tips of his ears turned a very
attractive shade of red, a colour that was quickly becoming one of Erik's favourite. Erik waited
patiently, tutting when Charles perched daintily on Erik's knees until he gained enough courage to slide
far enough that Erik's clothed erection was parked right underneath Charles' clothed bottom.
Curling a possessive arm around Charles' waist, Erik swore in German underneath his breath when
Charles wriggled in his lap, undulating his hips in ways that Erik was sure Charles shouldn't know of.
His hands traced a slow path over Charles' front, loitering to pinch at two nipples through the shirt,
mapping out the contours of Charles' stomach, and then parted Charles' legs that had Charles squeaking
in embarrassment. It was surely a sight Erik wanted to see from the front at another time, but for now,
he fumbled with his powers to pull down the fly and finger the buttons open.
"That's it," Erik murmured into the back of his neck, mouthing wetly at the baby hairs there and
ignoring the incredible urge to bite down. "Let me take care of you, Charles."
He snaked a hand in, groaning softly as Charles desperately moved, desperately pressed up into Erik's
palm greedy for more. Taking pity on the boy, Erik wrenched all the fabric down to rest around
Charles' thighs, exposing Charles' beautifully slender cock, nestled in ginger.
"Perfection," Erik murmured, wrapping a hand around it and slowly pumped, basking in the way
Charles warred with collapsing bonelessly against Erik's chest like a limp noodle, and then snapping
straight a moment later, fingers in a death grip at the arms of Erik's chair as the muscles in Charles' neck
It was thrilling to be in control of someone else's pleasure, especially someone so sensitive and unused
as Charles.
"Please..." Charles begged, panting and bucking up into the circle of Erik's hand. Sweat was gathering
on the side of his face and Erik longed to drag his tongue up along Charles' jugular vein and over his
jawline to feel the saltiness bloom upon his palate. Charles seized up again when Erik rolled his hips
up, seeking some relief for his own straining problem.
Had Charles ever been touched before, Erik wondered as he peered over Charles' shoulder curiously to
see the head of his cock peek out of his fist rhythmically. Erik doubted if Charles had been, it was
unlikely to be by anyone experienced. Nothing at all like what Erik is thinking of doing to Charles.
And then Charles was tensing up in his arms again, a hitch in his breathing that dragged a ragged groan
out of Erik's throat. Charles was close, every little bit of his body all wound up and ready for the
inevitable release.
"Don't hold back," Erik whispered, biting down gently into the junction of Charles' neck and shoulder.
He quickened his hand movements, and cursed the lack of foresight at not having a mirror installed
before Charles sought him out. There was always next time.
Charles hurtled off the precipice with a staggered cry, his entire body trembling from the magnitude of
his orgasm, and Erik stroked him through it all, immensely proud of himself.
The carpet bore the brunt of Charles' orgasm; Erik'd give it a perfunctory clean later. There were
streams coating the back of his fingers and Erik curiously brought them up to his lips, cleaning Charles
off his knuckles with efficient stripes as Charles recovered slowly in his lap. He enjoyed the taste of
Charles on his tongue immensely, a salty-bitter combination that smelt heady.
Erik wanted more.
"Are you going to fuck me now?"
"Such a mouth on you," Erik tutted, secretly pleased. "No, you aren't ready for that I shan't"
"I have a dildo," Charles blurted out, a hand flying up to clap over his mouth.
After so many years dealing with kids, both at school and in the courtrooms, Erik thought he wouldn't
couldn't be fazed by anything. He was wrong. "Oh? And why have you got one, pray tell?"
Charles mumbled something into his hand, shaking his head afterwards.
"You're going to have to repeat that a little louder, Charles. Preferably without the hand over your
"I I bought one that I thought would be your size. I've been using it for months now. Thinking about
"Did you now?" Erik grinned lasciviously. His schedule of introducing Charles to the wonderful world
of sex between men suddenly sped up. "And when was the last time you used it?"
"Last night," Charles whispered guiltily. "Twice."
"Oh, Charles." Erik let out a breathless sigh, eyes falling shut as he imagined Charles fingering himself
open with lubrication and then slowly inserting a dark coloured toy inside of himself. His cock gave a
mighty jerk of approval and Erik could only thank his luck for finding Charles when he did. "You are
perfect. I'm only slightly disappointed that I won't be the first thing inside of you."
"You still would be technically..." Charles mumbled, biting down on his lower lip. "Please...? I would
very much like it if you did."
"How could I say no to that?" Erik groaned. "First drawer, I want you take out two packets of lube and
a condom." Being a school counsellor definitely had its perks. For one, he had a locked office. And
two, no one would ever know that Erik would be using the school supplied stash of contraceptives for
his own benevolent ends. Sometimes, Erik really enjoyed doing his job. "And take off everything
whilst you're at it."
Charles casually slid out of Erik's lap, the little minx, and rifled through Erik's drawers, setting aside
three little square packets onto Erik's pristine table. He turned around to face Erik, leaning on the table
with his hands behind him, his slim fingers curling around the edge hard.
"I I should think that you'd want to do that for yourself, Mr. Lehnsherr."
There was something about Charles' sudden bravado that turned Erik on. Even more so than the
addictive concoction of illegality and engaging in sexual activities with a minor, a boy still wearing his
school uniform with his trousers and briefs tied around his knees, and his cardigan and shirt rumpled
but still pristine. And to top that off, Charles was still wearing his glasses. Delicious.
Erik hummed thoughtfully as he slid the chair forward, fingers outstretched to trace delicate parallel
tracks down one pale, milky thigh. He could almost pinpoint the exact moment Charles' heartbeat
picked up, could hear the soft hitch in his breath as Erik hooked his fingers in amongst the folds and
dragged down.
He couldn't resist peppering a path of kisses over Charles' knee and then up again, nosing apart
Charles' shirttails to lick at the tip of Charles' cock. His deft fingers worked at freeing the cardigan and
the shirt buttons, slowly revealing inch by glorious inch of smooth and soft skin of Charles' belly, his
adorable navel and two perfect little nipples already standing at attention.
"I want you to prep yourself." Erik straightened up and handed over one of the lubricant packets,
picking up the condom and the other. Lunchtime would only last for so long, and there would be many
more lunchtimes for Erik to savour every inch, every freckle upon Charles' skin.
Erik sat back down, sighing with relief as he freed himself, slipping on the condom with military
efficiency. Charles wordlessly perched on the edge of the desk, his cock curving deliciously upwards
and slightly to the left, had already torn the packet open and had two fingers inside of him already. The
impatience of youth, Erik reflected with a grin as he watched greedily the way Charles' brows were
drawn together and he was stifling his moans by biting down on his lower lip.
It was exquisite to see Charles with his head thrown back, strands of hair pasted to his forehead. There
was something to be said about watching a beautiful young boy, so eager and obedient to please. Like
a blank canvas waiting for Erik to paint all the colours of sin upon him.
"I think that's enough." Erik drizzled the second packet over the condom, spreading it liberally over the
latex. "I expect you'd know what to do with it."
Charles took a reflexive swallow as he stared unabashedly at Erik's cock. It twitched proudly
underneath Charles' admiring gaze.
"It's bigger than that one I have at home," Charles muttered as he climbed into Erik's lap, his knobbly
knees slotting in nicely between the armrests and Erik's thighs, and one of his hands finding purchase
on Erik's shoulder.
Smirking widely, Erik rested his hands on Charles' hips and watched as Charles reached behind him to
take a hold of Erik before steadily impaling himself downward.
It was heady, warm and so very tight and a sensation that was more than welcome in his office. He was
greedy, devouring the sight of Charles' eyes that was so bright, the twin flushes on his cheeks and the
strain in his bobbing cock. Charles was still turned on and raring to go, and there was no doubt that he
was getting used to Erik's girth.
It was very flattering to make a young lover out of Charles, and Erik felt younger all of a sudden.
They began to move after a long minute, Charles rocking back and forth at first before becoming more
courageous. It was intoxicating the way Charles moved his hips, all soft lines and pliant nubile body
bouncing over Erik.
"I can't wait to have your mouth on my cock one of these days," Erik whispered, licking at Charles'
bottom lip and grinning at his answering whimper. "Have you thought about that? I can't imagine you'd
have sucked much cock with your indecent lips. Or maybe you have?"
"JJust one other," Charles admitted through his staggered breaths. "Not as big as yours. 'm not very
good..." The boy knew how to please, soothing over Erik's flash of annoyance and possessiveness with
honeyed words.
Erik continued, pretending to be unflappable by this news, "I should be glad to have you on your
knees. Teach you how to get good at it. I imagine it'll be sloppy at first, no technique to it at all.
Charming really. You'd make up for it with enthusiasm, trying to swallow every bit of me down..."
Charles was shaking like a leaf during autumn, his cock smearing precum all over Erik's shirt, messy,
dirty, perfect. Looks like he'd have to wear his suit jacket for the rest of the day.
"I'd watch as your lips turn redder, impossible as that is, and then mark your face. Mine." Erik growled
low in his throat and kissed Charles, swallowing up all the little noises. In turn, Charles tongued
curiously, reverently, at the scar over Erik's lip, the same one Erik had received as a young man in a bar
"Yours... Nnngh!"
They shifted a little after, Charles nearly draped over the back of Erik's chair and Erik sliding further
down, planting his feet firmly on the ground to take over the job of thrusting. The slap of Erik's balls
against Charles' bottom was obscene, and he craved for more.
Erik was torn between telling Charles to be quiet, to hide what was happening behind his locked office
door, and making Charles sing at the top of his voice. In the end, practicality won out and Erik slid his
thumb into Charles' mouth for the boy to suck. He'd like to keep his job here at least a little longer, if
only to spice up the coming lunch periods.
Relentless in his thrusts and teasing, Charles came first, unsurprising. His entire body became rigid
above him and Erik watched avidly the way Charles' face contorted with pleasure, everything still for a
long moment after, then soothed away into bliss even as Erik fucked him through his high. All of it fed
into the heat that was coiling in his belly, the way his balls were clenching and tight. Soon.
Erik came shortly afterwards with a low groan, buried deep as he was within Charles and his free hand
anchored to keep the boy close by his hip.
They sagged against one another bonelessly until their breathing evened out and heart rates approached
normal. A surprised yelp came from Charles when Erik's softened cock slipped out of him.
"That was... Wow."
Erik chuckled as he tied off the condom and tossed it carelessly into the wastebasket. "You're a very
good boy, Charles." He leaned in close and rewarded Charles with a messy, deep kiss that would leave
Charles' lips puffy and swollen and no doubt drive his classmates wild with questions and jealousy.
Erik glanced at the wall clock and sighed, reaching forward to readjust Charles' glasses. "Lunch is
nearly over."
Charles nodded slowly, seemingly still recovering from the frankly amazing sex they'd just had. Like a
dazed kitten who had been drinking milk. Next time, Erik was going to do without the condom
altogether and give Charles all the milk he wants.
"What classes do you have this afternoon, Charles?"
"Huh? Um. English Lit and German." Charles cringed as he peeled his knees off the leather and nearly
wobbled as he regained the use of his legs like an ungainly colt. It was endearing, really.
Erik nodded, watching as Charles hurriedly redressed and buttoned his shirt incorrectly. He batted
Charles' hands away and quickly did the task for Charles before tucking himself away, scratching at the
dried cum on his shirt. A lost cause and something for the elderly dry cleaner to gossip about. He
quickly pulled his jacket on and buttoned it up, making a note to keep an extra change of shirt in his
office from here on out. No one would be any wiser.
"Um." Charles flushed as he stood in the middle of Erik's office, school bag perched precariously over
one shoulder. He looked nothing less but thoroughly shagged. "I..."
Erik slid the lock open and approached Charles, leaning down to cup Charles' face and plant once last
lingering kiss to his lips. The sort that Charles had been craving without knowing. It would be Erik's
pleasure to teach Charles how to kiss.
"I'll see you tomorrow during lunch, Charles."
"Can it be sooner?" Charles asked, eyes shining hopefully and Erik felt all of his resolve crumble into
fine dust. How was anyone meant to say no?
"I'm sure we can work something out if you come in earlier. Now run along to class, Charles." Erik
held the door open for Charles and watched as Charles took three steps out into the empty hallway
before turning around with a bright smile on his face.
"I'll see you tomorrow morning, Mr. Lehnsherr!"
Erik smiled and gave a small wave before turning back into his office that smelt very obviously of sex
and sweat. The smile slid off his face as he glanced over at his phone. Perhaps he ought to put in a few
calls to see if Charles would be placed in his care until he was old enough to take care of himself.
After all, he was a counsellor and was required to report cases like this. But more importantly, Erik
would hate to see anyone elses marks but his own upon Charles.
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