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Central Region in facts and figures

Position : Eastern Europe; Romania; Central region is crossed by the parallel 46 N and
longitude 2 E; !rea: "4#$%% s& 'm ( $4)"$ * of Romania+),he counties -ithin Center
Region are !lba#Co.asna# /raso.# 0arghita#1ures and 2ibiu) 3rbani4ation degree in the
Central Region decreased from 6$ * in $55% to 6)66* in 2%$"# still it remains slightly
abo.e the national a.erage of * )
!dministrati.e units: 6 counties# 7 cities and municipalities# "7 communes)
,errain: mountains# plateaus# depressions; 1inimum altitude: 2$% m# ma8imum altitude:
2" m; Climate: temperate continental
Number of inhabitants: 2$"4%2 inhabitants ($ 9anuary 2%$"+;
!ge group
No) of
people Percentage
%: 4 years $25%5 )$"6266
: 5 years $"$74 )24$7
$%:$4 years $274%5 )%65$6
$:$5 years $26642 )$$6242
2%:24 years $6544$ 6)74$
2:25 years $5556 7)54$266
"%:"4 years 2%6674 6)2"%6"6
":"5 years 2%45" 6)$765$
4%:44 years $567"" 7)5%65""
4:45 years $62%4 6)44756
%:4 years $$676 6)%42726
:5 years $6%6"$ 7)$667$"
6%:64 years $6$4 6)227$77
6:65 years $%76" 4)26244"
7%:74 years 5265 ")75%44
7:75 years 76$76 ")$$%446
6%:64 years 2$6" 2)%76$5
6 years and "2%"2 $)274446
Ethnic groups: Romanian 6)4*# 0ungarian 25)5*# Roma 4*# ;erman %)6* <ther
ethnic groups %)$*)
1ain cities: /raso.# 2ibiu# ,argu 1ures# !lba =ulia# 2t) ;eorge# 1iercurea Ciuc
Natural resources: natural gas# coal# non:ferrous ores# building stone (basalt# andesite#
marble# tra.ertine+# mineral
Economy: ;>P ? macroregion : 6$465)7 lei( an increase -ith almost 64 * since 2%%$#the
;>P starded to increase since 2%%$ -ith "%* since 2%%%# reaching the highest .alue to
64 * in 2%$$ +; 2tructure: ser.ices 45)7*# industry "2)"*# construction $%)2*#
agriculture 7)6*
@and use: arable 22)6*# $6)6* pasture# $4* meado-s# .ineyards and orchards %)7*#
"6)* forest# -ater and other surfaces 7)4*)
,ransport: Road net-or' length (2%%5+: $%7$4 'm length of the rail-ay net-or': $""7
'm# 2 airports
,ourist accommodation capacity: "5#%%% beds (2%%5+; $%) million Aob:days; Number of
tourists accommodated: $)$ million (2%%5+# $)" million (2%%6+)
,he main forms of tourism: mountain# spa tourism# cultural tourism# agro:tourism)
,ourist attractions: cities# castles# museums# natural protected areas# resorts# s'i resorts)
< listed in 3NE2C<: 2ighisoara# se.en settlements -ith fortified churches
>acian fortress in chapel)
Natural setting:
,he Central Region is part of the old historic pro.inces ,ransyl.ania# the region is
located in the center of Romania# in the greater cur.ature of the Carpathian 1ountains#
on the upper and middle courses of 1ures and <lt) Central Region co.ers "4 $%% s& 'm #
almost the same surface as Nordrhein:Bestphalen and /aden:BCrttemberg regions in
;ermany# 1a4o-iesc'ie region in Polland or Pays de @oire region in Drance)
!rea 1unicipality Cities Communes

Center Region "4%5572 2% "7 "7
!lba 624$7 4 7 67
/raso. "6"%5 4 6 46
Co.asna "7%56% 2 " 4%
0arghita 66"65% 4 6
1ures 67$"66 4 7 5$
2ibiu 4"246 2 5 "
@ac'ing proper plains# Central Region topography stretches along a significant part of the
Romanian Carpathians# the ,ransyl.anian Plateau hilly and the depression bet-een the
hilly and mountainous) Central region includes the northern half of the Dagaras
1ountains : the highest mountains of Romania that due to its height and massi.eness -as
nic'named# ,ransyl.anian !lps E) =n the mountain region there are many areas of uni&ue
beauty -ith spectacular landscapes# sheltering rare species of flora and fauna# -hich ha.e
been declared by la- protected areas) !mong the most important protected areas include
the National Par' Piatra Craiului # National Par':Cheile /ica4ului:0asmas# National Par'
CFlimani and Natural Par' !puseni)
,he climate is temperate continental in the Central Region# it may .ary according to
ele.ation) =nside most of the depressions in the eastern part of the region there are
fre&uent thermal in.ersions# cold air can reside here for long periods) the
temperature fallen in Romania (:"6) C+ -as recorded in /od to-n in the Central
Region) !nnual rainfall totals bet-een % l ? m in the lo-lands of -estern region and
from $2%% to $4%% l ? m on the highest pea's of the Carpathians)
,he hydrographic net-or' is e8tensi.e# consisting of upper and middle courses of the
mures and <lt and their tributaries) Natural la'es are di.erse# the most famous being the
glacial la'es in the Dagaras 1ountains# 2t !na Golcanic @a'e# @a'e Red : natural dam
la'e# /ear @a'e ) ,he most important are those of anthropogenic la'es dam and <lt ri.ers
2ebes and 2ibiu <cna salt la'es)

Physical ;eographical map of Central Region
Natural Resources
Naturalness Resources Centre Region are di.erse and include significant natural gas in the ,ransyl.anian Plateau# salt# ferrous ore comple8 (including gold+ in the
!puseni 1ountains and /alan# special roc's (basalt# andesite# marble# tra.ertine+# small
deposits of coal lo-er (the /araolt+ and numerous mineral springs) <utside of subsoil
resources# the Central Region has a remar'able potential hydropo-er and a potentially
.aluable forest (forests and -ooded areas occupy more than one third of the region+) >ue
to uni&ue items# many areas in the Central Region -ere declared by la- protected areas)
!mong the most important protected areas are National Par'# /ica4 ;orges : 0FHmaH
National Par' CFlimani and !puseni Natural Par')
,he population center
,he population of the Centre Region# in early 2%$"# -as 2$"4%2# -hich represents $2* of all
Romania s inhabitants#
inhabitants# its density being 7"#7 instead) !ge structure of the population of the region is
similar to that at the national le.el: %:$4 years ($)4*+ from $ to 64 years old (7%)*+#
6 years and ($4)$*+) Compared to the national a.erage# the Central Region has a
high le.el of urbani4ation: 5)4*) 1ost cities ha.e less than 2% %%% residents# one city :
/raso. : has population of 2%%#%%% inhabitants# and t-o : 2ibiu and ,argu 1ures :
ha.e bet-een $%%#%%% and 2%%#%%% inhabitants)
!ge group
No) of
people Percentage
%: 4 years $25%5 )$"6266
: 5 years $"$74 )24$7
$%:$4 years $274%5 )%65$6
$:$5 years $26642 )$$6242
2%:24 years $6544$ 6)74$
2:25 years $5556 7)54$266
"%:"4 years 2%6674 6)2"%6"6
":"5 years 2%45" 6)$765$
4%:44 years $567"" 7)5%65""
4:45 years $62%4 6)44756
%:4 years $$676 6)%42726
:5 years $6%6"$ 7)$667$"
6%:64 years $6$4 6)227$77
6:65 years $%76" 4)26244"
7%:74 years 5265 ")75%44
7:75 years 76$76 ")$$%446
6%:64 years 2$6" 2)%76$5
6 years and "2%"2 $)274446
in 2%$4
>ensity(no of
population in
$55% (*+
E.olution of
from 2%$4 to
2$"%44 %)7"6565$%$ $476666 :$$#"6 $72526%
"6674 %)6764"4 2$6$4 :$$)7$ 2"6566
6%%67 $)$$56$26 4"645" :$$)7 "$"%5
22%7% %)5%4 $%5$$5 :$%)62 $2652
"22656 %)466"657" $4%$7" :$$)26 $7"55
75"7 %)676"%"4 25$6% :$%)6" "$62"2
426$45 %)764446$4 262%67 :$$)5" "4%4%
Age group








0- 4 ani
$25%5 $6"45 "$245 $$54% $7%52 255$ 22$4
5- 9 ani
$"$74 $74 254"% $2656 $6%66 "$"6 2264"
10-14 ani
$274%5 $757 2656$ $22" $7265 "%746 2222$
15-19 ani
$26642 $5"7 2765 $$4"6 $725% "%6% 2$556
20-24 ani
$6544$ 2446 4$6$$ $4$"7 2%554 "6$7" 25666
25-29 ani
$5556 26%$4 %"46 $7446 2257 42675 "6$4
30-34 ani
2%6674 2764$ "$5% $64$$ 26%6 446%" "6$2$
35-39 ani
2%45" 25%77 45"65 $6%57 2655" 47$46 "46%5
40-44 ani
$567"" 252"5 445%4 $6"6$ 2725 466%6 ""672
45-49 ani
$62%4 2%6 "66%6 $"72 2%"% "7%%$ 27"$2
50-54 ani
$$676 24%5% "6""% $267 $6265 "2564 256
55-59 ani
$6%6"$ 26646 46%"5 $$" 2$"2 "66%4 "%66%
0-4 ani
$6$4 2"$66 4%%7% $"4% $566 "46$2 267"
5-9 ani
$%76" $7$$% 2"""6 52 $4"7 255$ $74%4
!0-!4 ani
5265 $456 2%"% 6724 $266 2"524 $46"5
!5-!9 ani
76$76 $254 $7" 6466 5624 $5$44 $22"
"0-"4 ani
2$6" 6"$7 $$425 4$7 6667 $"6$$ 7564
"5 ani si peste
"2%"2 $6% 7%5" 274% 42%7 6%"2 476%
,he population from this specific region can be characteri4ed by itI great ethnic#
linguistic and religious di.ersity ) Romanians ma'e up 6)"* of the regionJs total
population# 25)5* 0ungarians# Roma 4*# ;erman %)6*) 0ungarians are located mainly
in the eastern part of the region (the counties of 0arghita and Co.asna form the maAority
of the population+# the Roma ha.e a higher share in the central region and the ;ermans
are present in greater numbers in se.eral localities in the southern region)
Drom the religious structure point of .ie- the population of the region recorded the same
di.ersity) <rthodo8 form 6")5* of the population# follo-ed by Roman Catholics
($)2*+# Protestants ($2)"*+# 3nitarian (2)2*+# ;ree' Catholics ($)6*+# Pentecostal
($)2*+# e.angelical ($)%*+)
=t can be stated that multiculturalism is one of the most important features of the Central
Region and it can be considered one of its strengths) Drom a not so far a-ay past filled
-ith conflicts# most of -hich they reached no-adays in an e8emplary manner# conflits
that had ari4en because of interethnic coe8istence and cooperation) =nterestingly# each of
the three ethnic groups# historical E(Romanians# 0ungarians# ;ermans+ 'ne- ho- to
safeguard their cultural identity) <ne of the most poignant influence in the central area is
the ;erman ## strong character E # an influence easy to identify especially in the main
areas once inhabited by 2a8ons ),hat unmista'able style of these places -as preser.ed
e.en after a drastic reduction in the number of ethnic ;ermans by massi.e immigration
of the last three decades) ,he cultural life of Romanians and 0ungarians ali'e is full of
effer.escence and is supported by numerous cultural bilingual institutions and
publications # also there can be found these t-o languages altogether in print and
electronic media and educational institutions at all le.els)
Regarding public participation in theeconomic sector# statistical data re.eals relati.ely
lo- o.erall rates of acti.ity and employment# especially in rural areas recorded) =f -e
consider only the population aged bet-een $ and 64 years# the rate of acti.ity in the
Central Region -as 62)2* and the employment rate of 6)"*# both falling in the last $:
2% years ) ,hese figures sho- currently airs untapped human potential# -hich could
change in the coming years by attracting acti.e in the field of population groups -ith lo-
rates of acti.ity)
Rata de ocupare pe grupe de varsta, medii, macroregiuni si regiuni
>uring the period $55%:2%%% Central Region -ent through a difficult period of economic
decline mar'ed by a hea.y start transfer of o-nership and restructuring of inefficient
economic acti.ities# the loss of traditional mar'ets in Eastern Europe# the deteriorating
main macroeconomic e&uilibria and galloping inflation) Economic restructuring has been
accompanied by a significant restriction or closure of e8isting production capacities#
mining# chemical and nonferrous metallurgy most affected economic sectors)
Drom 2%%%:2%%$# the economic climate has impro.ed# the economy resumed gro-th and
in 2%%6:2%%6 brought higher economic gro-th) !n important role in economic
de.elopment ha.e had foreign in.estments# Central Region managed to dra- in a single
year# in 2%%7# foreign direct in.estment -orth 562 million euros) !t the end of 2%%6# the
balance of foreign direct in.estment reached 4)$46 billion euros (6)* of total D>= in
Romania+# the Central Region ran'ing the second position after the /ucharest:=lfo. in the
total foreign in.estment) =ndustrial acti.ities -ere directed to-ards the most important
in.estments are -ood processing industry# food industry# construction materials#
Engine of regional economic de.elopment# small and medium enterprises sector
registered a sustained gro-th in the last $:2% years# reaching to about 7%* of personnel
and of local businesses in industry# construction and ser.ices ( e8cept ban'ing
and insurance+)

,raditional acti.ity in the Central Region# agriculture is the main occupation until today a
source of income for rural residents) Docused on meeting domestic demand# agriculture
benefits from important natural potential and di.ersified) agriculture is still the
beginning of a long and difficult process of moderni4ation and restructuring process
leading to efficiency and better e8ploitation of the important agricultural potential of the
region) !lthough the share of employment in agriculture remains high (2"*+# the
contribution of this sector to the gross .alue added in 2%%6 -as only 7)6*)
!lmost one fourth of the entire region is occupied by arable land# pastures and hayfields
occupy ""* and .ineyards and less than $*) !rable lands are located predominantly in
the lo-er areas of the Centre Region: Plain hilly ,ransyl.ania Plateau 2ecaHelor#
meado-s and ,Krna.elor 1ures# 2ibiu and Dagaras depression# depressions /raso.# Ciuc
and ;iurgeu)
Cereals occupy 6%* of the culti.ated area of the region# but annual yields are strongly
influenced by climatic .ariations) >epressions cooler climate fa.ors the de.elopment of
the cultures of sugar beet and potatoes# in 2%%6# in the Central Region to yield ""* of the
national production of sugar beet and 27* of the potatoes# li.estoc' has a strong tradition
our region accounting for $5* of the herd of sheep and cattle $4* of Romania)
!lthough not occupy large areas# .ine crops# especially those designed to produce -ines
of our region gi.e a specific note) @ocated in the -estern part of the region# especially in

,Krna.elor hills in -hite =ulia : !iud in the 2ebes : !P<@> secular traditions
,ransyl.ania .ineyards and produce -ines of the highest &uality) Giticulture has a long
history in ,ransyl.ania) =t is 'no-n that t-o millennia ago still >acians gre- grapes and
produced -ines that -ere selling the neighboring peoples) =n the 1iddle !ges .iticulture
in the region -itnessed a ne- de.elopment) 0a.e impro.ed culti.ation techni&ues -ere
introduced noble .ine) Gine crops in the .alleys ,Krna.elor e8panded so much that the
region bet-een 1ures and ,Krna.e anti&ue maps appear as the Beinland (Bine
No-adays .ine culti.ation is done on modern basis# using especially noble .arieties)
,hey ha.e adapted -ell to the climate of the region .arieties such as -hite DeteascF#
DeteascF Royal Riesling# ,raminer pin'# Neuburger# 2au.ignon# 1uscat <ttonel#
,radition .ine culti.ation Aoined in recent decades scientific research) Dor half a
century -or'ing at /laA Research and >e.elopment 2tation for Giticulture and
Binema'ing) Results researchers -or' here# resulting in the impro.ement and adaptation
to local climate and soil conditions of traditional and imported .arieties and creating
.aluable ne- .arieties ha.e recei.ed international recognition on numerous occasions)

Dorests : green gold of Central Region
Dorests are one of the most important assets of the Central Region) Dorest .egetation
co.ers "6)* of the region# is the main economic resource of the inhabitants of mountain
.illages and ensuring a good ecological balance) >eciduous forests predominate (* of
the area+# follo-ed by the resin) Bith a .olume of ")5 million cubic meters of -ood
har.ested in 2%%6# the Central Region is the second pool Romanian forest har.esting and
the first region in the production of timber) Recent years ha.e passed increasingly
comple8 e8ploitation of -ood use for energy purposes including -aste from logging)
=n recent years# in order to preser.e biodi.ersity and forest ecosystems in the Central
Region# se.eral areas co.ered by .irgin forests -ere declared protected areas by la- or
decisions of local authorities)
=t is important to note that the Central Region pro.ides an e8cellent preparation for
uni.ersity education for professionals in the field of forestry and timber industry in the
t-o faculties of the 3ni.ersity of /raHo.) Dorestry and related acti.ities (hunting and
salmoniculture+ also benefit from the results of research conducted at research stations#
design and production forestierF/raHo.)
=ndustry Centre Region European tradition and mar'et re&uirements
=f 2% years ago the industry is the bac'bone of the regional economy# economic
restructuring in recent years has led to a progressi.e decrease in importance in fa.or of
the sector) Currently the industryJs contribution to gross .alue added at regional
le.el dropped to "2*)
<f great importance in the past# mining has a centuries:old tradition in the Central
Region) E8ploiting gold and salt here since anti&uity) ;old mining has a history of 2%%%
years# the .estiges of Roman mining at Rosia 1ontana# the more important .estiges of its
'ind in Europe# is a testimony to this) ,ransport rafters ri.ers# mines salt from
,ransyl.ania reached to the center of Europe) Currently# -ith uses in industry# salt is
used for therapeutic purposes# some of the former salt is con.erted into -ellness and
leisure spaces)
E8ploitation of natural gas began in the early years of the last century# along -ith the salt#
led to the de.elopment of chemical industry in centers such as ,argu 1ures ,KrnF.eni
Dagaras <cna 1ures 1edias) Currently# a third of RomaniaJs fertili4er production
occurs in the Central Region)
2pecific industry is more pronounced in /raso. and 2ibiu counties -ith significant
industrial tradition) /raso. together -ith its surrounding localities net-or' formed in the
7%s and 6%s of the last century one
Duture communities affected by industrial restructuring mono depends largely correct
identification and de.elopment of ne- economic sectors) Dormer mining to-ns are at a
turning point) 2ome -ill ha.e to shift to other economic sectors# -hile others continued
mining can be pro.ided massi.e in.estment in ne- technologies)
Currently pillars Central Region are food industry# ,e8tile# -ood# construction materials
and auto parts and subassemblies industry) @argely by processing local ra- materials#
food industry ta'es ad.antage of pro8imity to mar'ets and manages to achie.e certain
e8ports to European mar'ets) ,e8tile and te8tile clothing and foot-ear mainly produce
under lohn goods for the foreign mar'et) ,he presence of -ell:&ualified -or'force and
cheap attracted a number of in.estors reputable automoti.e# Central Region in recent
years become a maAor supplier of parts and car parts for famous brands -orld-ide)
Bood-or'ing industries e8ploit the significant potential of the regionJs forest) ,he
Central Region pro.ides about 4%* of the national production of timber and one fifth of
the furniture)
,he Central Region is one of the strongest technical uni.ersities in Romania#
,ransil.ania 3ni.ersity of /raso.# educational institution that has a real scientific and
research potential) Currently searching for solutions to reinstatement research:industry
relationship that -as almost discontinued in recent years and the transfer of research
results into the economy)
Energy:potential and de.elopment
3nderlying the de.elopment of local energy industry stayed rich deposits of methane
from ,ransyl.ania and to a lesser e8tent coal deposits /araolt area) 1ethane gas
e8tracted from 2FrmaHu domes# Really plain# 1edias# CopHa 1inor /a4na# nades# etc)
>eleni)# !nd lignite in the north:-est of the county Co.asna (/araolt+) Central Region
pro.ides 4%* of gas production in Romania) 1edias early last century became the
main center for coordinating the acti.ities of e8traction and distribution of natural gas in
Central Region has great potential energy harnessed by t-o po-er plants -ith a total
installed capacity of 5%% 1B# operating on natural gas and coal and hydro placed lo-er
on the 2ebes .alley# on the middle of the <lt and small tributaries its capacity
totaling nearly 6%% 1B) Electricity production region represents 7* of national
production# a &uarter of -hich is produced in plants) =t is -orth recalling that in the
Central Region# the 2adu is the oldest hydropo-er plant in Romania# built in $656)
E8cept hydro potential# the potential of rene-able energy resources is .ery little
e8ploited) @ately the local and regional and pri.ate sector ha.e made important
steps to-ards alternati.e energy potentials) /iomass (-ood and agricultural -aste+ and
micro:hydro are rene-able energy resources -ith the greatest potential for reco.ery in
the Central Region)
,ertiary economic sector
,he sector ma'es an important contribution to regional gross domestic product#
-ith a significant de.elopment in recent years) !reas that ha.e e8perienced the greatest
increases transport (especially road transport and the air+# telecommunications# ban'ing
sector and insurance) ,ourism# although some progress registered in certain segments
such as agritourism# fails to e8ploit the tourism potential of the region still important)
,ransport net-or's
Central region is crossed by a net-or' of roads -ith a total length of $%7$4 'm -hich
pro.ides access to all parts of the region and allo- a good connection -ith the other
regions of Romania) ,he most important roads in southern and -estern region are >N$
and >N7 high-ays they also ran' European road (E 66# E6$+# and enable interaction -ith
neighboring regions and Bestern Europe) European route E 6% (>N $" and >N $+
crosses the region diagonally 2E : NB and lin'ing /raso. and CluA and ,argu 1ures on
the countries of Central and Bestern Europe) East region is crossed by the >N $$ and
>N$2 (E 74 E 76 respecti.ely+# the first lin'ing the Central Region of 1oldo.a)
=n the ne8t period e8pected ne- in.estments in road infrastructure) =t -ill build t-o
high-ays that pass through the Central Region) !utostrada ,ransil.ania# -hose
construction began in 2%%"# -ill pro.ide the lin' bet-een /raso. and <radea and -ill
cross the region from southeast to north-est) ,he other high-ay -hich passes through
the south-estern region# Pitesti motor-ay NFdlac section that is part of Pan:European
Corridor =G transport) =t -ill also achie.e an e8press-ay that -ill lin' the t-o high-ays)

@and transport net-or' is completed by the rail-ays totaling $""7 'm# of -hich 665 'm
are electrified)
Central Region is ser.ed by t-o airports located in ,argu 1ures and 2ibiu# -ith traffic
gro-ing rapidly in recent years) ,he third airport in the region to be built in /raso. in the
coming years)
,urismul Lun atu al de4.oltFrii economice a Regiunii Centru
,urismul este unul din cele mai dinamice sectoare economice ale regiunii# care MnsF nu a
atins ni.elul de de4.oltare cerut de importantul poten ial turistic al regiunii) Nn anul 2%%6#
Regiunea Centru a reu it sa atragF aproape $#" milioane de turi ti ca4a i Mn structurile de
primire turisticF# fiind a doua regiune a Frii ca destina ie turisticF) Principalele forme de
turism practicate in Regiunea Centru sunt turismul montan# turismul balnear# turismul
cultural si agroturismul) >ensitatea mare de atrac ii turistice i di.ersitatea acestora
permit combinarea mai multor genuri de turism) 2tructura de primire turisticF a Regiunii
Centru# s:a de4.oltat continuu Mn ultimii# oferind Mn pre4ent peste "5 %%% locuri de ca4are
Mn hoteluri# moteluri# hanuri# .ile# cabane# pensiuni i campinguri locali4ate# Mn principal#
Mn 4onele de interes turistic)
Carpathian natural fortress of ,ransyl.ania
1ountain tourism benefits from e8ceptional natural conditions# Central Region
comprising large parts of all three branches of the Romanian Carpathians) <utstanding
natural landscapes of great di.ersity : from the !puseni 1ountains 'arst phenomena
(including 2cFriHoara the largest glacier in Romania+ to the highest massifs in Romania#
Dagaras 1ountains# la'es# natural and anthropogenic landscape the flora and
fauna : are in the Central Region# the first region of the country in terms of tourism
potential mountain) Central region includes se.eral protected areas including national
par's remember ;orge ;orge : 0FHmaH# Piatra Craiului and CFliman and oil and /ucegi
Natural !puseni 1ountains) ,he main areas of interest are 1assif mountain tourism
(national par'# 'arst interesting# rare flora and fauna+ and Dagaras 1ountains (the highest
mountains of Romania# numerous glacial la'es# ,ransfagarasan : the most spectacular
road route from Romania+)
=n the eastern region of particular interest are @a'e 2aint !na (the only .olcanic la'e in
Romania+# @a'e Red : natural dam la'e ;orge ;orge : an area declared a national par'+#
CiucaH 1assif and the -estern region of interest is the high !puseni 1ountains situated
on the upper course of the !ries (natural par' special 'arst ra.ines# gorges+)
1ountain resort Poiana /raso.# Predeal# Cold Cree'# ,imiHu 3pper /alea 2pring 1ures#
0arghita /ai PFltiniH !rieHeni ha.e the necessary e&uipment for -inter sports# some of
-hich -ere recently upgraded) ,he s'i season lasts about four months# from early
>ecember to late 1arch) !re en.isaged by recent public:pri.ate partnerships# e8pansion
of the s'i area and arranging ne- Central Region s'i resorts (eg floodplains Prigoanei
Oureanu 1ountains+) ,he summer tourists are offered the opportunity to bro-se through
spectacular mountain trails and sports such as climbing# mountaineering and
mountain bi'ing)
2pa tourism (health+ has a long tradition in the Central Region) Dor hundreds of years the
/ors4P' mineral -ater -as bottled in Aars sealed and transported by carts in neighboring
countries# the early nineteenth century -ere built the first industrial -ater bottling and
-ere put into operation the first bathing establishment) ,he number of resorts has
increased in subse&uent decades and today -e can spea' of a real net-or' that studded
spa eastern region)
,he most famous spas in the Central Region: Predeal# Co.asna# /Ql.Qnyos# 1alnaH 2pa#
GKlcele# ,uHnad# Citrus# Red @a'e# 0omorRdfCrdS# 0arghita /ai 2o.ata mine# <cna
2ibiu /a4na ha.e natural curati.e resources) Dour of these stations ha.e been declared of
national interest (Co.asna ,usnad 2o.ata# Predeal+) ,he e8isting treatment facilities in
this state can treat rheumatic diseases# respiratory diseases# cardio.ascular diseases#
hepatobiliary dysfunction# bolidigesti.e)
Recently they ha.e made significant in.estments to moderni4e and <cna ,he resort
2ibiu) /y di.ersifying the range of ser.ices offered in resorts by transforming Co.asna
resort in a resort comple8 anti:aging treatment and a 2o.ata resort# spa city Emodel cities
Gichy or Tarlo.y Gary# it -ill attract ne- segments tourists# including from abroad)
Cities and churches in ,ransyl.ania : confessions of a millenary history
>e.elopment of cultural tourism in the region is enhanced by the e8istence of a large
number of localities that still retains the features) ,estimonies in stone of a
tumultuous historical past# cities# castles and churches form a dense net-or' of
leading tourist attractions) !mong the most important places and tourist attractions
include: 2ighisoara : included in 3NE2C< city# 2ibiu# European Capital of Culture in
2%%7# /raso. (/lac' Church : the largest ;othic church in Romania# Dirst Romanian
2chool 1useum+ !lba =ulia (former capital of ,ransyl.ania important religious center#
the largest Gauban fortification in 2outh : East Catholic cathedral : one of the most
.aluable architectural monuments in ,ransyl.ania# the .estiges of the Roman camp
!pulum+# Dagaras ( fortress +# Rasno. (city outs'irts+# 1edias (E.angelical
Church# the to-ers of the city+# the .illages -ith fortified churches in southern
,ransyl.ania# castles# Renaissance and /aro&ue (/ran# Cris @a4arus Castle
/alti /rKnco.eneHti# ;orneHti !.rig+)
2e.en of settlements -ith fortified churches (/iertan : former residence of the E.angelic
>iocese of ,ransyl.ania# Gine Galley# PreAmer Giscri 2aschi4 >KrAu# CKlnic+ and the
>acian fortress chapel# 2ebes Galley -ere included in the Borld 0eritage 3NE2C<)
0istory museums# art museums# ethnographic museums spread throughout the region#
libraries# documentation of 2ibiu# ,argu 1ures# /raso.# !lba =ulia harbor heritage
obAects particularly interesting) <f great scientific interest and tourism is @ibrary
documentary /atthyaneum of !lba =ulia# -hich maintains an impressi.e collection of
boo's# manuscripts and incunabula# some of them $%%% years old+) ,he most
.aluable part of the collection is the first part of the Dour ;ospels from @orsch# also
'no-n as the Code8 !ureus# calligraphic masterpiece of early art# published in
the early nineteenth century to the command of Emperor Charlemagne) =t is the oldest codices -estern Romania) ,he collection also includes %#%%% boo's#
$5#%%% old documents# manuscripts and about 6%% incunabula $2"%)
!nother tourist attraction is first order /ru'enthal 1useum) /ru'enthal Pinacoteca
1useum holds an impressi.e collection of paintings# including se.eral masterpieces of
Bestern painting (2" -or's by masters such as ,itian# Pieter /rueghel the Elder# Pieter
/rueghel the Uounger# 9an .an Eyc'# 9acob 9ordaens 0ans 1emling+)
!nother attraction is the 1useum of ,raditional Dol' Ci.ili4ation# !2,R! Ein 2ibiu# one
of the largest museums of its 'ind in Romania) Bith the .alue of the heritage that houses
and original and inno.ati.e -ay of presenting their stated !2,R! 1useum in recent
years as one of the successful brands in Romania)
,he .isitorsJ interest for cultural tourism# particularly those from abroad# has gro-n
noticeably in recent years# especially after the declaration of 2ibiu as European Capital of
Culture) =n a single year# 2%%7# the number of tourists accommodated in the region
increased by $* the pre.ious year)
<ne) =ntroduction) ,he economic importance of tourism
,ourism is one of the economic sectors that ha.e e8perienced the most rapid e8pansion in
recent decades) ,he ad.ent of mass tourism in more countries since the 2%th century# the
generali4ation of paid annual holidays# made unprecedented progress in transport allo-ed
e8tremely rapid de.elopment of this ne- field of economy) ,he tourism industry has
de.eloped rapidly in countries such as ;reece# =taly# 2pain# Drance# !ustria# =srael#
Egypt# ,unisia# ,hailand# the 3)2) and some small island states become .ital to the
economies of these countries) ,he economic benefits of the tourism industry are
manifold) ,he tourism industry generates a significant number of Aobs and in.estments in
this area ha.e a relati.ely short paybac' period) @ocal economy as a -hole benefits as a
result of tourism de.elopment) ,ourists creates additional demand for consumer goods
and ser.ices# thereby stimulating tertiary sector (ser.ices# trade# craft industries# etc)+)
1ean-hile# tourist destinations tend to municipal infrastructure and ser.ices more
de.eloped) ,ransport and real estate are t-o maAor branches that ha.e earned through
tourism de.elopment) 2hould be considered also indirect benefits obtained by increasing
the .isibility and interest in those regions that recorded a large influ8 of tourists)
=f you currently share of tourism in ;>P is lo- at both national and regional le.el (about
2:"*+# medium term this can easily double# e.en -ithout e8pansion of tourist reception)
=n Romania# the net use inde8 of accommodation capacity has dropped from nearly 6%*
in $55% to about 2* in 2%$%# -hich means that# on a.erage# remain unfilled
accommodation nine months per year)
,he moti.ations of tourists are .ery di.erse: some tourists see'ing rest and rela8ation#
some ad.enture# some tourists prefer nature# -hile other tourists -ant to ne-
places or are interested in historical or cultural of cultural e.ents) Restoring
health are also among fre&uent tra.el moti.ations) ,here is a fairly -ell:defined
segmentation of the tourism mar'et by tourists characteristics such as age# family status#
education le.el# income le.el) =f young people prefer acti.e tourism (mountain tourism#
sport and ad.enture+ and opt for shorter durations of stay# families -ith children are
headed mainly to rural and spa tourism) ,he elderly are particularly interested in the spa
and a some-hat lo-er degree of cultural tourism)

Nature# nature acti.ities# -inter sports# acti.e tourism# ecotourism

Rural# traditional art# festi.als and cultural e.ents# culinary traditions#


2pas# -ellness restoring health# leisure tourism

Cultural heritage# architectural heritage# museums# cultural e.ents# 'no-ledge
Dig) $
1ost tourists -ho .isit the Central Region are Romanian# though not negligible
proportion of foreigners (2%*+) ,he geographical area of origin of foreign tourists
includes most European countries and some non:European countries (3)2)# Canada#
=srael+) 1ost foreign tourists from countries geographically close# pro.iding traditional
tourists (0ungary and !ustria in particular# Poland# C4ech Republic# 2lo.a'ia+# but there
is a significant number of tourists coming from more distant countries (countries of
-estern Europe =srael# 32!+) Potential increase in the number of foreign tourists is high#
particularly cultural tourism segment) Deaturing a potentially significant health and
-ellness tourism is another area of interest to the foreign mar'et# -hich is currently
operated only in a small degree)
Bithout attempting a clear separation bet-een forms of tourism in the Central Region#
-e consider useful to their differentiated analysis) 2ince most research and studies to date
has resulted in the conclusion that the forms of tourism -ith the highest gro-th potential
are: mountain tourism# health tourism# cultural tourism and rural tourism)
1ountain tourism in Central Region benefit from e8ceptional natural conditions# almost
half of the region is occupied by mountainous areas) @andscape di.ersity# protected areas#
-ith numerous endemic species of flora and fauna# spectacular road trails# s'i resorts are
in the Central Region first region of the country in terms of tourism potential mountain)
=n this regard# -e note that the Central Region includes large parts of the surface 6 of the
26 national par's and RomaniaJs natural and contains numerous nature and other
protected areas)
Cultural tourism has significant resources# -ith lots of .aluable that span the
territory of the region and some 'no-n architectural landmar's (all fortified churches#
/ran Castle# 2ighisoara# 2ibiu# /raso.# !lba =ulia# etc)+ and traditional festi.als
prestigious (Pilgrimage Pentecost 2umuleu Ciuc Dair ;irls of 1ount hen+) Relati.ely
small distance of cultural attractions fa.ors their integration in different thematic tours)
Entered after $55% in a period of declining health tourism begins to be reconsidered and
re.alued in recent years# it can become again the ne8t time one of the preferred forms of
tra.el# including foreign mar'et) =n this regard# remember that Romania

hold one third of the European mineral -ater springs# many of -hich are located in the
Central Region) Emphasi4ing demographic aging -ill cause the number of tourists opting
for this form of tourism to gro- significantly) !t the same time# di.ersification spa
tourism# leisure and de.elopment component of the -ellness and spa are able to bring
ne- categories of tourists (young athletes# tourists loo'ing# fun E+)
Rural tourism attracting mainly families -ith children see'ing rela8ation in a peaceful
en.ironment and healthy) /esides tourists from Romania# this form of tourism are
attracted foreign tourists interested in Romanian culture# -hich is a direct means of
'no-ledge of authentic traditional ci.ili4ation) Rural tourism has seen a spectacular
dynamics in the last 2% years the number of tourism and agrotourism in the Central
Region e8ceeds 6%%# -hile the accommodation pro.ided to almost $" %%%)
/usiness tourism has de.eloped mainly in big cities and in some resorts that offer a high
comfort accommodation and ha.e the necessary technical facilities)
!long -ith tourist moti.ations itself there are se.eral elements that support and
contribute to the choice of tourist moti.ation tourist destinations) Be refer here to the
promotion and tourist information# tourist accommodation and infrastructure ser.ices#
infrastructure and access to tourist areas presenting cultural e.ents and tourist interest)
a+ information and promotion of tourism) !d.ertising materials (guides# boo'lets#
brochures# ,G spots# -ebsites dedicated+# arrangement of tourist information centers and
points# proper signaling sightseeing contribute significantly to attracting and maintaining
the interest for a tourist destination) ,ourist promotion can be done also by participating
in domestic and international tourism fairs local authorities in tourist areas and pri.ate
actors in.ol.ed in this field)

b+ the transport infrastructure and access to targets and tourist areas) ,ra.el conditions
(e.aluated in terms of con.enience# time and cost+ ha.e a significant importance on the
tourism destination choice) ,he de.elopment of transport routes (road and rail+ and air
input port are sine &ua non for the de.elopment of tourism in a country) Romania and
thus Central Region suffers from insufficient de.elopment of transport infrastructure and
inade&uate maintenance of road and rail-ay net-or'# particularly secondary roads# -hich
is a maAor obstacle in the de.elopment of tourism)
c+ tourist accommodation infrastructure (hotels# motels# lodges# hostels# camping# etc)+#
accommodation and food ser.ices offered# &uality of staff -or'ing in tourism
un&uestionable importance in the tourism destination choice) !lso# the location of
housing units in relation to their a.ailability affects the attractions and tourist potential
d+ @ast but not least in importance are the cultural and fol'lore e.ents (music festi.als#
theater# film# fol' festi.als# fol' festi.als# etc))+ that are able to attract a number of
tourists) ,hese e.ents may be added .arious leisure programs designed for traders -ho
offers or other entities in.ol.ed in tourism)
Debruary) ,ourism potential of Central Region
Bith a .ery generous nature and cultural heritage of great .alue# Central Region has a
high tourism potential and di.ersified)
1ountain tourism benefits from e8ceptional natural conditions# Central Region
comprising large parts of all three branches of the Romanian Carpathians) <utstanding
natural landscapes of great di.ersity : from the !puseni 1ountains 'arst phenomena at
the highest massifs in Romania# Dagaras 1ountains# la'es# natural and anthropogenic
landscape flora and fauna : are in the Central Region# the first region the
country in terms of tourism potential mountain) 1ountain resort Poiana /raso.# Predeal#
PFltiniH !rieHeni Red @a'e 2pring 1ures and others# ha.e the necessary e&uipment for
-inter sports# some of -hich -ere recently upgraded) =n recent years the foundations
-ere laid for ne- mountain resorts: /alea 3pper 2aturdays (Dagaras 1ountains+ and
floodplains Prigoanei (2ebes 1ountains+# the reali4ation of -hich is hoped to attract
these areas tourist circuit)
2pa tourism has a long tradition in the Central Region) 2o.ata spas# Co.asna# ,usnad#
/Ql.Qnyos# 1alnaH:2pa# Citrus# Red @a'e# 2ibiu <cna /a4na ha.e natural curati.e
resources# reco.ered only in part)
>e.elopment of cultural tourism in the region is enhanced by the e8istence of a large
number of localities that still retains the features: houses -ith thic' -alls and
tile roofs# to-ers and gates of the fortress -alls) cities (2ighisoara# !lba =ulia#
2ibiu# /raso.# Dagaras# 2ebes+# cities peasant (Rasno.# brea'# 2limnic# Deldioara etc)+
2a8on fortified churches (/iertan PreAmer Giscri CKlnic# 0arman etc)+# castles #
Renaissance and /aro&ue (/ran @a4arus Cris Castle /alti /rKnco.eneHti !.rig# ;orneHti+
form a dense net-or' of leading tourist attractions) 1useums of history# art# ethnography#
documentary libraries from 2ibiu# ,argu 1ures# /raso.# !lba =ulia harbor heritage
collections and obAects particularly interesting) historical and architectural
monuments# some of great .alue can be found throughout the region)
!uthentic popular culture# preser.ed in original form# can be found in many .illages of
the Central Region) Gillage of the central part of the country# the social and historical
conditions in -hich it de.eloped# is an area that often interfered -ith the Romanian
spirituality 0ungarian and ;erman communities# creating a symbiosis full of originality)
,hese assumptions -ere the basis for a ne- form of tourism : rural tourism and
agritourism : -hich has gro-n dramatically in recent years) !reas -ith the most
de.eloped agritourism in the Central Region are: /ran : /ran : bac'ground# 2ibiu
/orders# Torond Rimetea !ries upper .alley area 2Fcele : Nntorsura lip)

,o illustrate the tourism potential of the Central Region# -e present belo- a brief
description of the main tourist attractions)
2)$) Natural attractions# mountain resorts
2)$)$) National par's and natural par's
/ica4 ;orges:0FHmaH includes ;orge ;orge# famous gorges are cut in the
limestone massif of the same name 0FHmaH# -ith a length of 6 'm (bet-een the resort of
Red @a'e and /ica4 Chei+) Drom the road crossing this -ild region# lin'ing ,ransyl.ania
and 1oldo.a can enAoy .ie-s of rare beauty) ,hus# from place to place# steep -alls#
called EstonesE# E!ltar 2toneE (-hose pea' is the target of mountaineers try+ -hich
legend says that the free >acians# -as the place -here religious ceremonies -ere held;
E2tone heatE# E@onely 2toneE) ,he central portion# called suggesti.ely# nec' 0ell
Eimpressi.e canyon through its appearance) ,erritory Tey declared a natural monument
and forms a comple8 geological# flora and fauna)
Red @a'e# uni&ue genesis mode) @a'e dates from $6"7# a year particularly rich in rainfall#
-hen part of the north:-estern slope of the mountain collapsed and bloc'ed ;hilcos
.alley united four streams) ,hus -as born the natural dam la'e) Dorest trees -ere flooded
and trees -ere petrified# offering a strange feature of the entire landscape) ,he name
comes from Red @a'e tertiary red sandstone#

transported from Red Cree'# -hich painted red to the la'e surroundings) ,he strangeness
of the landscape is enhanced by the multitude bare trun's of old trees# that out of the
-ater passing through the image reflected in the mirror 2uhard @ittle @a'e) ,he la'e is
located in the protected area of the National Par' /ica4:0FHmaH# -hich includes a -ide
.ariety of interesting elements of geological# palaeontological# flora and landscape)
CFliman National Par') <ccupying 24#%%% acres in the .olcanic massif CFlimani par'
houses se.eral important scientific and tourist interest (geological# flora# fauna#
landscape+# offering the same opportunity to engage in outdoor acti.ities (hi'ing#
mountain bi'ing# hi'ing e&uestrian# cross country s'iing# s'iing# bird -atching# .ie-
animals# etc)+)
1ures 3pper ;orge Nature Par') Bith an area of 5%%% hectares natural par' houses
se.eral rare species of plants and animals) ;orge has a length of "" 'm# bet-een the
localities ,opliVa and >eda# sand-iched bet-een .olcanic mountains and ;urghiu
Caliman) ,he gorge is characteri4ed by the presence of narro- sectors# -ith steep slopes#
this facilitating rafting)
Garied uni&ue beauty of nature# /ucegi Natural Par' is located bet-een altitudes $%%% :
2% m in /ucegi) Reser.e co.ers an area of scientific absolute protection that meet
.alleys and ra.ines spectacular glacial .alleys# gorges bet-een roc's# bridges and other
relief interflu.ial creates a breathta'ing .ie- of the mountain lo.ers) /ucegi Natural Par'
can be seen $"% plant species# remar'able species of trees# especially conifers and
other floral species declared natural monuments such as the edel-eiss# >ianthus# orchid#
lilac# -hite i.y etc) ,he most important species encountered is EWambraE# a glacial .alley
no- 9epilor or 1ount ;utanu) /ucegi can meet interesting landforms corrosion resulting
from -ater# sno- and -ind li'e the mysterious roc's called /abe Jor the 2phin8) E,hese
roc's ha.e become# due to erosion# human forms) /ucegi National Par' shelters a rich
fauna# including populations of large mammals ( lyn8+ and a number of
endangered animal species such as chamois# bald eagle and grouse)
Bell 'no-n in Romania and abroad# National Par' (lying on nearly $ %%% hectares+# it is
noted primarily through spectacular landscape (the longest limestone ridge of Romania+#
-ith special geological elements and rare species richness flora and fauna) Par' hosts
uni&ue species of flora and fauna (>ianthus Piatra Craiului is uni&ue in the -orld+ and
rare species of carni.ore in Europe) National Par' hosts "%* of plant species
endemic in Romania) ! total of $6$ species are included in the ERed @ist of superior
plants in RomaniaE as endemic# rare or .ulnerable) !s noted fauna is the presence of "
species and 5$ endemic species described as ne- to science) National Par' is also a
protected area -hose main
5 are the conser.ation of biodi.ersity# encouraging traditional -ay of life of
local communities and to stimulate eco:tourism)
@ocated in the central:-estern mountain group of the !puseni !puseni Natural Par'
co.ers an area of 7 %%% hectares# about "%* of -hich is located on the territory of
the Central Region) !puseni Natural Par' is characteri4ed by 'arst landscapes of rare
beauty) Tarst phenomena encountered here are remar'able scale and .ariety) 1any
gorges# potholes# springs# sin'holes and s-allets located in the par' of
is up to the national or global (2cFriHoara# Coiba 1are Ca.e 2hrine Ca.e Galea Rea Ca.e
/ear Ca.e Wgurasti# Ca.e =onele ;ate ;orge <rdKncuHei# Dortress of Ponor ca.e
comple8# etc)+ are of e8ceptional scientific .alue and landscaping) ,he microclimate of
the area enabled the de.elopment of a high number of endemic species of plants and
.egetation types north) E.ery year# thousands of tourists from home and abroad .isit
!puseni Natural Par')
3ni&ue in 2outheast Europe 2cFriHoara ;lacier is the largest ice ca.e in Romania and
among the fe- in the -orld located at this altitude ($$6 m+) 1ean-hile# it is also one of
the most important in the -orld -ith glaciers static part is allo-ed to .isit) @ocated
in the /ihor 1ountains# car.ed in limestone in the upper 9urassic# 2cFriHoara ;lacier is
the largest ice ca.e in Romania) ;lacier has a thic'ness of $6 m and a .olume of about
%%% m"# being unmelted again)
2)$)2) Nature
@a'e 2aint !na is one of the "4% e8isting la'es and the only .olcanic la'e in Romania
in Eastern Europe formed in a .olcanic crater) @ocated in the massi.e crater Ciomatu# the
la'e has an area of 22 ha and a ma8imum depth of 7 m# -hich# is decreasing (in
$67% -as $2 m depth+) ,he area around the la'e forms a comple8 geological and fauna)
=n the Cold 1E2,EC!N=2 -e see a scientific reser.e -ith a uni&ue flora and fauna in
Europe by rare plant and animal species disco.ered by scientists) ,he originality of this
forest contributes numerous la'es formed in this area# .alued by anglers of all ages) Dlora
Reser.e -ith an area of appro8) "4 ha is located in /lac' floodplain# represented
by a comple8 eutrophic s-amps populated by a number of rare species# glacial relicts
such as d-arf birch# brac'en# -ild angelica) =t is the largest reser.e in Co.asna County#
-ith a comple8 geological# flora and fauna)
1eado- ;ro.e daffodils from Gad is a floristic located in Dagaras >epression) =n this
meado-# daffodils season -e see a huge 4%% hectare natural carpet of daffodils that
bloom in late 1ay) this is one of RomaniaJs splendors -hich attracts many tourists# lo.ers
of natural beauty)

/eech 'ing (/aia de !ries+ is uni&ue and different trees species) !lthough it is a
deciduous tree belonging that sheds its fall# this large old beech not fall !utumn beech are preparing for -inter by changing color# and spring bac'
to their green color) @egend has it that here !.ram =ancu# the leader of Romanian
re.olutionaries in ,ransyl.ania in $646 and the Emperor of !ustria# Dran4 9oseph -ould
ha.e met had planned to conclude a deal) >etunatele (>etunata empty >etunata
Dlocoasa+) ;eological (.ertical columns of basalt+ located in the <re 1ountains in
0udaJs PaparF) <ne of the biggest and most difficult in Romania# located in
,rascFu) 0ome to the largest colony of bats in Europe
,rascFului 1ountains ;orge: ;orge !iudului# Ramet ;orges ;orges Nntregalde ;orge
=e4erul =ghiel) ,he spread in Tarst in Romania is located in the south ,rascFu 1ountains;
is entered in the list of protected areas
Rapa Rosie is a geological reser.e -ith an area of $% hectares located near the city of
2ebes) =ts -alls ha.e heights bet-een 6% and $%% m -ater has shaped -alls in spectacular
shapes: columns# to-ers# pyramids : all reddish# similar to those found in the ;rand
Canyon Colorado on the North !merican continent)
1ud Golcanoes 0asagiX : geological located at a distance of 2% 'm from the city of
2ibiu# represented# .olcanoes Ein miniature) ;ases and -ater depth -hich surface mass
dissol.ed clay and mud ma'ing it# boil Eon the output)
2teppe Reser.e Peony (Really commune located 1eado- NG+ is the only place in the
Carpathian mountains -here this plant gro-s) >uring flo-ering (1ay+# the beautiful
meado- attracts many nature lo.ers)
2)$)") Binter resorts) 2'i areas
Poiana /raso.) <ne of the most important -inter resorts in Romania) <ffers $2 s'i slopes
of .arying degrees of difficulty) ,he resort is recommended for the treatment of ner.ous
system disorders# endocrine diseases and respiratory diseases)
Predeal) <ne of the most important -inter resorts in Romania) <ffers 6 s'i slopes of
.arying degrees of difficulty) ,he resort is recommended for the treatment of ner.ous
system disorders# endocrine diseases and respiratory diseases) Nearby attractions are
some of the first order ('eys RKHnoa.ei# ice ca.e# -aterfall ,amina+)
Resort) 1ountain resort situated "% 'm from 2ibiu# at an altitude of $4%% m sno- layer
that is maintained for an a.erage of $2% days per year ma'es one of the most sought
PFltiniH -inter resorts in Romania)

/ale) @ocated on ,ransfagarasan route on glacial la'e of the same name# /ale mountain
tourist resort -ith the longest s'i season in Romania) E.ery -inter here is built =ce 0otel#
the only ice hotel in Eastern Europe) ,he resort is near /alea -aterfall)
!rieHeni) 1ountain resort offering -inter sports facilities located in /ihor 1ountains
=4.oru 1ures) Binter resort ,imiHu top youth) 2'i resort -eather and cold stream) 2'i
resort -eather and ,opliVa) 2'i 2lopes
1adaras) /ucin slope) 2Fcele slope) Ciumani slope) 2'i 2lopes
1eado-s Prigoanei (Oureanu 1ountains+) 2'i 2lopes
2)2) Resorts and 2pas
,he Central Region is the highest density of spas in Romania) ,herapeutic properties of
mineral -aters# la'es rich in mineral salts# former saline la'es# mofettes# mud# peat#
strong air o4onificat (rich in resinous aerosols and negati.e ions+# is the largest natural
healing factors) 2pecial properties and therapeutic .alue of the springs ha.e been noted
since the 1iddle !ges and the early nineteenth century ha.e made the first scientific
studies and obser.ations on them and began construction of the first establishments for
treatment) ,he most important spas in the region are 2o.ata# Co.asna# ,usnad# Predeal#
/Ql.Qnyos# 1alnaH# GKlcele# mine# Citrus# 0omorRdfCrdS# 0arghita /ai# 1ures =4.oru#
Red @a'e# 2ibiu <cna /a4na) Uou treat many diseases such as cardio.ascular disease#
musculos'eletal# digesti.e# respiratory and renal endocrine diseases# dermatological
diseases# gynecological diseases# nutrition)
2o.ata : is one of the most important resorts in Romania) @ocated at a distance of 6% 'm
from the city of ,argu 1ures# in the depression:2o.ata mine# on the foothills ;urghiu
2o.ata is a resort that has gained reputation due to its curati.e -ater of eight la'es in the
area) @a'es of sodium chloride# and -ater and sludge of -hich ha.e therapeutic
properties to a .ariety of diseases# especially for gynecological disorders# post:traumatic
and degenerati.e diseases) 2o.ata la'es are reno-ned both for therapeutic effect and for
heliothermic) =n addition to the comple8 infrastructure of treatment ,he resort has many
recreational opportunities# including cold -eather# here are arranged t-o s'i slopes)

Co.asna) <ne of the most important resorts in Romania) Recommended for treatment of
cardio.ascular diseases# dermatological diseases# digesti.e diseases# endocrine diseases#
musculos'eletal# etc))
,u2nad) Resort of national importance recommended to treat digesti.e# endocrine#
cardio.ascular# urinary# ner.ous system# musculos'eletal# etc)) ,he resort has s'i slopes
<cna 2ibiu) Resort and leisure) Numerous salt la'es formed by former salt mine ceiling
collapse (/ottomless @a'e# @a'e <cna -ilderness / @a'e# @a'e !.ram =ancu+)
1ine) Resort for treating respiratory diseases) =nside the mine there are a museum# a
church# a -inery) <ne of the largest salt mines in Europe and in Romania# the salt mine
dating bac' to the Roman Empire) ,he air is highly ioni4ed saline and highly effecti.e in
treating respiratory diseases) 0ere are e&uipped treatment rooms underground) >uring the
summer season# the number of people .isiting the mine and patients -ho are treated here
up to the figure of 2%% : "%%%?4i) =n -inter -or'ing t-o s'i slopes)
/orsec) <ne of the oldest and most famous spas in Central and Eastern Europe# located in
the .alley of the same name)
0arghita /ai) Resort) 0omorRdfCrdS slope) Resort) /Ql.Qnyos slope) 1alnaH resort of
local importance) GKlcele resort of local importance) Resort of local importance
/a4na) Resort recommended for ailments such as rheumatism# arthritis# spondylosis#
status post trauma# gynecological# oto : laryngologists# endocrine disorders caused by
Bednesday 2ibiu) /alenoclimatericF seasonal resort of local interest# indicated for
rheumatic diseases# neurological# gynecological# endocrine# cardio.ascular
2)") Cultural and historical heritage
2)")$) Cities -ith a comple8 cultural heritage
/raso. origins are lost in history) ,he first document dates from $2" under the @atin
name of Corona# a moment that mar's the beginning of the to-n# city
of /raso. -as one of the safest cities in ,ransyl.ania# the architectural defense consisting
of stone -alls# "2 to-ers defense# eight bastions and four fortified gates) Currently# the
perimeter of the city center are almost all European architectural styles# from ;othic to
/aro&ue and Renaissance to !rt Nou.eau# forming a beautiful intert-ining -ith modern
architecture) Not be neglected surroundings -here there are also many attractions and
historical e.idence:

natural monuments# natural# historical and archaeological monuments (castles# castles#
churches# museums+ and can practice .arious sports (-inter# climbing# paragliding# hang
gliding# hunting and fishing+)
,he largest religious building in the ;othic style in the 2outh East# the /lac' Church in
/raso. ,ransyl.anian ;othic) ,he church -as badly damaged in the great fire of $665#
subse&uently due to the blac'ened -alls# the name of the /lac' Church) ,he
building has three bells# one of -hich -eighs 6"%% 'g# is the largest in Romania) ,he
/lac' Church has one of the largest organs in Europe# -ith about 4%%% pipes# installed in
$6"5) 2tatue in front of the church is the great humanist 9ohannes 0onterus sas) /lac'
church houses important religious obAects# paintings# tapestries# furniture dating from the
fifteenth century and a .aluable collection of <riental rugs purchased /raso. merchants
that traded throughout Europe and the <rient)
2ibiu -as chosen by the European Commission as European Capital of Culture in 2%%7#
is so far the only city in Romania to recei.e this title) 1entioned for the first time in $$5$
under the name Cibinium city de.eloped rapidly -ith the 2a8on colonists settled there
and managed to become in a relati.ely short time the most important city in
,ransyl.ania) ,oday# 2ibiu is a dynamic city that manages to combine old charm
preser.ed churches and mar'ets -ith the fast pace of the 2$st century) 2ibiu
operating in se.eral theaters# a philharmonic orchestra and se.eral museums# including
the National 1useum /ru'enthal be mentioned and !2,R! National 1useum Comple8)
,he city hosts e.ery year a number of e.ents -ith an international dimension
(=nternational ,heatre 9a44 !R,mania documentary#
film !stra E+# managed to impose more li'e a real cultural capital)
3ni&ue in ,ransyl.ania /ru'enthal 1useum# housed in the Palace /ru'enthal includes
impressi.e art collections) National !rt ;allery includes -or's of Romanian art history
reference illustrating YG:YY# -ith "#%%% pieces that are part of the national
heritage# signed by artists li'e Nicolae ;rigorescu# 2tefan @uchian =on !ndreescu#
;heorghe Patrascu# Nicholas ,onit4a) European !rt ;allery contains numerous -or's#
including some masterpieces of Bestern painting (2" -or's by masters li'e ,i4iano#
Pieter /rueghel the Elder# Pieter /rueghel the Uounger# 9an .an Eyc'# 9acob 9ordaens#
0ans 1emling# etc))+ Cabinet of 2tamps includes engra.ings YG:YG=== century# modern
and contemporary graphics# totaling $2#%%% pieces) >ecorati.e !rts Collection
contains 6%% pieces of furniture# decorati.e arts in the Dar East#
religious .estments -or'ed in =taly and oriental rugs collection is the largest in
Romania) /ru'enthal @ibrary houses 26%#%%% .olumes of -hich "6$ are incunabula)
,argu 1ures) <ne of the most important and dynamic cities in the Central Region -ith a
rich historical past and a .aluable architectural and cultural heritage) ,he most

<ld sights# remember fortress built in the si8teenth and se.enteenth centuries#
the church of the city# dating from the fourteenth century and the Roman Catholic Church
from the early eighteenth century) Palace of Culture and !dministrati.e Palace are t-o of
the outstanding -or's of !rt Nou.eau in our country and the <rthodo8 Cathedral and the
National ,heatre are among representati.e buildings erected in the last century) ,argu
1ures has numerous cultural institutions of interest (museums of history# art# natural
science# theaters# auditoriums# etc)+) ! special mention must be documented library
,ele'i : /olyai 3ni.ersity# an institution that houses one of the richest collections of old
boo's in our country) E.ery year the city hosts one of the most important music festi.als
in the country : Peninsula !nother attraction is the ,argu 1ures -ee'end
recreational area# a comple8 of se.eral beaches)
Gauban fortress of !lba =ulia is the largest fortress built in the style of 2outh:East
Europe# stretching an area of $%% hectares) /uilt bet-een $7$4 and $7"6
the fortifications of the city# the city is star:shaped# being pro.ided -ith se.en
bastions and si8 gates -ith rich baro&ue ornamentation) =nside the city hosts the maAority
of historical and architectural monuments of the city (Roman fort# Roman Catholic
Cathedral# the <rthodo8 Cathedral# the main palace# !por Palace# National 1useum#
3nion 0all# @ibrary /atthyaneum+) Currently# Gauban citadel of !lba =ulia is subAect to a
comple8 process of restoration and enhancement of its tourism potential)
Roman Catholic Cathedral of !lba =ulia is the most .aluable monument of
architecture in ,ransyl.ania) /uilt in the Y=== century on the site of an older church#
cathedral Roman : Catholic !lba =ulia is the most .aluable monument of early
,ransyl.anian architecture# -hich blends elements of the ;othic no.el) ,he
building -as designed as a basilica -ith three transept -ith three apses
semicircular to-er the bo8 and t-o to-ers on the -est side) 2ubse&uently# in the
second .essel -ere added to the transept) =n $$2 on the north side of the cathedral -as
built chapel E@a4oE the most important early Renaissance building in ,ransyl.ania)
=nside it is a late ;othic ribbed .ault -ith 'eystone decorated -ith coats of arms of the
Principality of ,ransyl.ania personalities) =nside the cathedral are sarcophagi ruler of
,ransyl.ania# 9ohn 0unyadi# and se.eral members of his family)
Tno-n -orld-ide for its collections of great .alue in !lba =ulia /atthyaneum @ibrary
-as founded in $752 by the Catholic /ishop =gnac /atthyQny) =nside the library find
many rare European le.el# some manuscripts are uni&ue -orld-ide) =ts collections
include manuscripts# incunabula and rare prints# the most .aluable Code8 !ureus (=Y
century+# famous manuscript# 'no-n as the @orsch ;ospels from) !lba =ulia is the first
half of the manuscript (the ;ospels of 1ar' and 1atthe-+# the second half being the
Gatican) =n the @ibrary -e find >a.idJs Psalter (Y== century+# Code8 /urgundus
(YG+# 2acred /ible (Y===+ from >rastic Palia ($62+ of 2erban Cantacu4ino /ible ($666+#
Ne- ,estament /Flgrad ($646+) =n $752 there -as established the first astronomical
obser.atory in Romania)
2ighisoara is one of the fe- inhabited cities in 2outheast Europe and the only one of its
'ind in Romania) Dounded by 2a8on settlers in ,ransyl.ania place 6%% years ago#
the city -as built in the early thirteenth century and -as later rebuilt and e8tended) =ts
thic' -alls -ere guarded by $4 to-ers bearing the names of the guilds that ha.e high and
fi.e bastions) <f these# 5 to-ers and " bastions can still be seen today) 2ymbol of the
city# Cloc' ,o-er# is the most monumental of to-ers -ith a height of 64 m ,he current
to-er dates from $677) !t its top -as placed a cloc' mechanism from linden -ood
figurines symboli4ing days -ee') E.erything in this city is a tourist attraction that dra-s
many tourists : the house he -as born in $4"$ Glad the =mpaler# the Romanian Country
prince) 2ighisoara Citadel is considered a shining e8ample of preser.ation of cultural
heritage of the ,ransyl.anian 2a8ons in an area of cultural interference bet-een Central
and !rea <rthodo8 Christian) ,he underlying reason for its inclusion in the 3NE2C< in
2t) ;eorge) 1unicipality 24P'ely National 1useum hosts important cultural institution#
comprising nine sections) ,he museum building is one of the creations of the architect
representati.e Taroly Tos) <ther institutions of the city are the t-o theaters:## ,amasi
!ron Eand ,heatre# !ndrei 1uresanE)
1iercurea Ciuc) 1i'o Castle (seat of 24P'ely 1useum of Ciuc+# dating from the
se.enteenth century# Roman Catholic Church /aro&ue# built in the eighteenth century#
administrati.e and educational buildings constructed in the late $5th and early 2%th
century) Close to to-n# common CsZ'somlyR# is a Dranciscan church and a chapel in the
fifteenth century (Chapel of 9esus the 1essiah+# of particular importance for faithful
Roman Catholics in ,ransyl.ania) ,raditional Pentecost Pilgrimage is the most important
e.ent of its 'ind in Romania)
2)")2 !ncient Remains
Gestiges of the Roman camp !pulum (!lba =ulia+) Roman @egion Y=== ;emina
head&uarters and residence of the ;o.ernor of the Roman pro.ince of >acia !pulensis#
!pulum city -as the most important city of the pro.ince# being raised to the ran' of city
and later to the colony) Galuable archaeological obAects unearthed during archaeological
e8ca.ations carried out time forming part of the collections of the 1useum of !lba
=ulia# and some of the remains of the Roman city ha.e been preser.ed and reconstructed
in situ)
@ocation -ith a length of about 2%%% years# Rosia 1ontana is the oldest documented
mining settlement in the country) <n one of the 2 -a8 tablets disco.ered here -as
mar'ed 9anuary 6th C) !> $"$# -ith the name !lburnus 1aior# the @atin name of the
.illage) ,races of gold mining in the Roman period ha.e been

e8cellently preser.ed until today) Net-or' of galleries dug into the mountain than 7 'm
(the largest throughout the Roman Empire+# -ith specific mining tools and plants found
here (-heel hydraulic drainage -heels found in situ+ are one of Rosia 1ontana of the
most important of its 'ind in the -orld) Gestiges of e8ceptional .alue from Rosia
1ontana ha.e attracted the attention of many scientists around the -orld# there are
se.eral proposals for inclusion in the 3NE2C< Borld 0eritage archaeological site) !
part of the Roman galleries and archaeological and mining installations in different
historical periods can be seen at the 1ining 1useum in the .illage)
Chapel) >acian fortress on the list of 3NE2C< Borld 0eritage site# along -ith other fi.e
>acian fortresses <rFHtiei
,iliHca) >acian ruins
Co.asna) >acian fortress .estiges Galley Dairy
2)")") Churches fortified cities
Dortified churches included in 3NE2C<) Dortified Churches are part of ;erman heritage
of ,ransyl.ania) @ocated 6% years ago the so:called =mperial @ands (Dundus Regius# the
@atin 1iddle !ges+# 2a8on population had a significant contribution to economic and
social de.elopment of ,ransyl.ania) Coloni4ation in ,ransyl.ania 2a8ons brought
important benefits in cultural and created a solid bridge connecting the Bestern Europe)
<nce inhabited by 2a8ons still bears a strong imprint# ;erman E) 3rban structure# regular
street net-or'# specific architectural style (houses -ith high -alls+ are 'ept intact for
hundreds of years) Churches in these .illages usually built in the highest settlements ha.e
historically performed by a dual role: the sacred and defense) !nother uni&ue feature is
their great density) ,here are around $% churches spread a relati.ely small
geographical area)
<f the appro8imately $% fortified churches in ,ransyl.ania# especially 3NE2C< Borld
0eritage 2ite and se.en churches# all located in the Central Region (/iertan# Gine Galley#
PreAmer Giscri 2aschi4 CKlnic >KrAu+# considered by e8perts to be the most beautiful and
iconic) Dortified Churches is a brilliant testimony to the rich history of places and good
coe8istence of ;ermans Romanian population the eight centuries)
<ne of the oldest and most interesting architectural monuments in Romania# the city
CKlnic (Telling+ is included on the 3NE2C< Borld 0eritage list) ,he fortress -as built
in the thirteenth century ($265+ by Count Chyl of Telling intended as a noble residence)
CKlnic Citadel dungeon is shaped li'e a rectangular solid plan used as a d-elling and is
surrounded by massi.e -alls shaped enclosure) =t features a to-er defense south and
north of the gate to-er) ,he outer perimeter there is a moat surrounding the fortress)
Currently CKlnicului fortress became a meeting place for art lo.ers# hosting se.eral

scientific and artistic national and international participation) =n the spaces of the city are
conducted e8hibitions# symposiums# cultural conferences and concerts are held during the
summer classical music# art camps and summer courses)
=n /raso. County Giscri 'ept -ell preser.ed# one of the most beautiful cities 2a8on
peasant# comprising its -alls one of the fe- churches of Romanes&ue hall Y=== century in
,ransyl.ania preser.ed until today) Peculiarities monument came to the attention of
specialists# this ta'ing place in the 7%s of last century systematic archaeological research)
Contained in 3NE2C< Borld 0eritage# has spar'ed interest Giscri Prince Charles of
Bales# heir to the /ritish cro-n)
Dortified churches in !lma# 1oHna >ealu /eautiful# 1erghindeal# =acobeni (located to
the north of 2ibiu+ is among the most important fortified churches built bet-een the Y===
and YG centuries# being included in the list of national heritage architecture
0arman) /arsa Dortified Church# built bet-een the Y=== and YG centuries# combining
Romanes&ue and ;othic styles
CisnFdioara Church# Ethe most important monument of 2a8on ecclesiastical architectureE
is the oldest churches in Romania (and one of the most important monuments in the
Romanes&ue style# -ith Cistercian monastery Carta+# 'ept in e8cellent condition# dating
from year $22") church is a basilica:type building -ith three built entirely of
stone# located on top of the roc'y hill on a narro- plateau to-ards the east : -est# -hich
has imposed rectangular church# shape de.eloped in -idth than in length# such as -as
normal) =n the second half of the Y=== century -as added a Romanes&ue portal framed by
arches) /ecause of its good acoustics# the church hosts concerts and theater
performances) Carta 1onastery) 2ituated on the left ban' of the <lt =n Ballachia# the
former Cistercian monastery in the boo' is one of the most .aluable religious buildings
belonging to Romanes&ue and early ;othic styles in our country) Dounded around $2%#
the monastery played an important role in the ne8t three centuries the economic and
cultural history of ,ransyl.ania) Currently# the former abbey comple8 ample store only
part of the e8terior -alls# -all -estern front# one of the to-ers and the choir and apse of
the church# the latter being used as a building of -orship by the local e.angelical
Dagaras Dortress) <ne of the best preser.ed fortresses in RomaniaJs Dagaras fortress#
-hose construction began in the late fourteenth century) Dortress# e&uipped -ith se.eral
to-ers and a moat filled -ith -ater surrounded# played an important role in the military
defense system of ,ransyl.ania) >uring the reign princes ;abor /ethlen and ;eorge =
RQ'Rc4i e8tensi.e -or's -ere carried e8panding city -hile as a princely
residence) Currently# the city hosts se.eral cultural institutions# among -hich the
1useum of Dagaras)
/oiVa (2ibiu county+) Castle ,urnu Rosu noted documentary fifteenth century)
Dortress Puddle (!lba+) 2ituated amidst the famous .ineyards ,Krna.e# 0aller /ethlen
castle -as built in the late si8teenth:century Drench Renaissance style) =n the ne8t century
-as restored by adding the monumental gate-ay)
2anmiclaus (!lba+) /ethlen Castle# built in the se.enteenth century# in the style of late
RacoH (/raso. county+) Deudal castle# built in the se.enteenth century ,ransyl.anian
Renaissance style) ;eological formations comprising a series of spectacular eruption#
'no-n as basalt columns from RacoH)
Wabala (Co.asna county+) Castle dating from the YG= century# located in a forest on the
foothills of Grancea) ,oday the castle is open for rent)
!.rig (2ibiu county+) /ru'enthal Palace# built in the eighteenth century as a summer
residence of /aron 2amuel .on /ru'enthal# 'eep one of the fe- baro&ue gardens in the
;orneHti (1ures+) ,ele'i Castle# one of the most representati.e -or's of baro&ue art in
;urghiu (1ures+) Castle dating from the eighteenth century)
/udila (/raso. county+) Castles in the eighteenth century (/eldy castles# 1i'es# Nemes+
2Kncrai (!lba+) Temeny castle built in eclectic style around $6%%)
Really field (1ures County+) 3gron family castle# built around $5%% model
castles in Drance
!rcus (Co.asna county+) Neo:/aro&ue style castle built in the late nineteenth century)
,oday the castle houses an important cultural center)
Talno'y family castles in 1icloHoara CriHului Galley (Co.asna county+# the first of
-hich -or's as a hotel)
2)")) monasteries
,op 2aturdays) 2e.enteenth:century <rthodo8 monastery# founded by Prince Constantin
/ranco.eanu representati.e architectural monument / ,he monastery is a
museum holding .aluable collections of icons on glass# old religious boo's and religious
obAects) =n recent years# the top 2aturday became a resort increasingly popular -ith
Ramet 1onastery) @ocated in a pictures&ue natural setting# ;eoagiului Galley (Con.ent+#
near the ;orges RKmeVului# Ramet 1onastery is one of the oldest orthodo8 monasteries
in ,ransyl.ania) ,he construction of the old church dating from the fourteenth century#
its last restoration being carried out in the late 6%Js) Church# impressi.e in its simplicity#
retains some of the original mural)

2)")6) <ther important cultural cities maAor tourist
2ebes) ;othic church dating from the Y==:Y=G# -ith the highest altar in ,ransyl.ania
fortification fourteenth century# 9ohn Raica 1useum# located in a YG century building
(Casa WQpolya+) Nearby is Rapa Rosie : natural monument) !iud) Castle built in the
fourteenth and fifteenth centuries# ;othic church dating from the fifteenth century#
1useum of 0istory# 1useum of Natural 2ciences)
/laA) =mportant religious and historical center) ;ree' Catholic Cathedral# built bet-een
$74$ and $745 in /aro&ue style# -ith the largest iconostasis in the country# /agdi Castle#
dating from the si8teenth century# no- head&uarters of the 1etropolitan ;ree' Catholic
documentary library# botanical garden# Plain @iberty : ;reat place National !ssembly of
Romanians in ,ransyl.ania in $646)
24P'elyud.arhely) Chapel (Y=== century+# church (YG==:YG===+# administrati.e and
educational buildings (end sec) Century+# museums
TP4di.QsQrhely) 0istoric Centre (building from the YG===:Y=Y+# 1useum guilds) Reghin)
;othic church dating from the fourteenth century)
>umbrF.eni) !rmenian Catholic Church# an important monument of baro&ue
architecture# dating from the eighteenth century; !pafi castle built in the si8teenth
century in Renaissance style
2)4) the countryside
/ran : /ran : bac'ground) @ocated bet-een /ucegi and Piatra Craiului 1ountains# in the
northern part RucFr:/ran# /ran area : 1oeciu is the area -ith the most de.eloped rural
tourism in Romania) Enchanting natural scenery# pictures&ue .illages located up to
altitudes of $%%% meters# pastoral and culinary traditions -ell preser.ed -ere the main
premises of the emergence and de.elopment of tourism in this rural area)
2ibiu /orders) @ocated in the south:-est of the county# at the foot Cindrelului .ast area
comprises $6 municipalities ethno:fol'loric 1arginimea -ith a rich cultural heritage)
Pastoral traditions ( of floc's+# fol' traditions# architectural style and the fashion
-ere -ell 'ept on the premises and tourism de.elopment in this rural area) 2ibiel is a
famous museum of peasant icons on glass# -hich annually attracts about $#%%% .isitors
and ,ilisca can see traces of >acian fortresses)
,he higher !ries (!lbac : ;arda : !rieHeni : !.ram =ancu : otter+) @ocated in the heart of
the !puseni 1ountains# the cradle Country 2tone) ,he traditional occupations of the
inhabitants are -ood processing and li.estoc') ,he area is in a natural setting# part of the
!puseni National Par' territory o.erlap -ith that of the area tourism) >uring -inter
guests can enAoy s'iing in !rieHeni) ,he area has a significant number of rural locations
built in recent years) =t is -orth noting that# for years# to be held e.ery autumn !lbac
National Rural ,ourism Dair# an e.ent that brings together of agro

and rural tourism in the country) @ittle !ries Galley in !.ram =ancu .illage birthplace of
the is fighting for the rights of Romanians in ,ransyl.ania# !.ram =ancu) ,he area
is 'no-n for its traditional -ooden architecture obAects and popular feast called# Dair
faces on 1ount hen E) Nearby is paleontological reser.e 2nails 0ill) Not far from this
area# @upsa can .isit an interesting ethnographic museum and an ancient <rthodo8
monastery) Rimetea) Rural -ell preser.ed traditional architecture# the result of thorough
rehabilitation program (in $555 recei.ed the highest a-ard from the !ssociation of
Europa Nostra+# interesting fol' (Darsang+) Nearby: ColVeHti ruins ;orge !iudului
Corundum) ,raditional crafts center (one of the most important pottery centers in the
country# -ood-or'ing products tinder+) 3ni&ue in the -orld# custom processing =!2C is
an occupation only feature corundum) ,inder fungus on beech or birch Peel and split into
slices) <f tinder are caps# purses# -all ornaments# boo'mar's etc))
!rea 2Fcele : Nntorsura /u4au : @ocated in a natural setting# at the foot of PostF.aru#
Piatra 1are and CiucaH area 2Fcele : Nntorsura rim is a ne- agritourism area currently
under de.elopment) Rural communities in this region ha.e the occupational ancient
li.estoc'# especially sheep# and traditional -ood processing) Dor mountain lo.ers# the
area offers many opportunities to practice mountain tourism and s'iing in -inter)
")2,R3C,3Re tourist reception
,he material contained in the Central Region tourism in 2%$%# $$66 establishments#
including $72 hotels# $6 hostels# 26 motels# 47 chalets# 77 .illas# "2% boarding and 467
rural locations# the rest being other tourist facilities) >ensity housing units# $%% s&uare
'ilometers# is the Central Region of ") compared to $)57 nationally) =n the region# this
indicator ranges bet-een %)74 and 6)76 unitFVi?$%%'mp in !lba County unitFVi?$%%'mp in
Central Region has "6* of RomaniaJs agro hostels# boarding houses and "$)6* of ")$*
of the chalets) =n /raso. are t-o of the four holiday .illages that ha.e Romanian tourism)
=t must be noted that based tourism in the region is partly outdated# lac' of
moderni4ation affecting the &uality of ser.ices offered to tourists) Net-or'
accommodation facilities are une.enly distributed# the highest concentration recorded in
/raso. (474 units# representing "5)5* of the regionJs tourist facilities+# the opposite
ho.ering !lba -ith only 67 units ()6* of the total+)

,ourist reception -ith functions of touristsJ accommodation in Romania and Central
Region "$) %7) 2%$%
: 3nit :

,otal 0otels 1otels ;uest 0ouses =nns
Camping agro guesthouses ;uesthouses
0oliday .illages /ungalo-s Camps
1aisonette units
!ccommodation on ships

Romania Reg) center
275 $$66 $246 $72
$$4 $6 $$ 26 4 :766 77 $"4 47
$%%6 "2% $"4 467 $ 7:"2 "
4 2 267 6 52 $7 45 4
7 :

!lba /raso.
67 474 <ctober 6
1ay 2nd 9anuary 6:" "6 6:$5 6$
"6 $77 : 2 ::: 2:6
" $ :

9anuary $6 2 :
!pril $ 22 26 :
::: 2 :

0arghita 1ures 2ibiu
26$ $2" $67 22 2 "4
4 " $ 7 7 ::: $4 $ 5 " 5 6$ 47 25
$6 $7 7" 2 " :2 $ :
:::: $ $ $ " " to $ 9uly

2ource: National =nstitute of 2tatistics
2hare counties in the tourist reception in the Centre Region
$4)$* Bhite
/raso. "5)5*
$%)4* Co.asna
1ures 2")7* 6)4* 2ibiu
Dig) 6
!ccommodation capacity e8isting on 9uly "$# 2%$%# -as 42 %25 seats ($")* of the
accommodation capacity at national le.el+# -hich the region the second position in
the country# do-n * compared to $55%) Capacity functional accommodation of $$)4$66
million places:day is 2* lo-er compared to $55%# the largest decrease occurring in
0arghita County (:66)4*+) 2"
Capacity utili4ation inde8 in operation is only 2")"* (2)2* in the country+# Central
Region ran'ed fifth in this regard) Co.asna County# -ith an inde8 of utili4ation of 4")*
ran's first in the region# -hile !lba# -ith an inde8 of $6*# ran's last)
!pril) ,ourist flo-
,he total number of tourists accommodated in 2%$% ($)$$66 million# representing $6)*
of all tourists staying in Romania+# the Central Region ran's first nationally) Compared to
$55%# the Central Region -ere housed 2)%%$7 million tourists# their number decreased by
44)$*# decrease in the -hole country is %)5*) Counties# the largest decrease recorded in
!lba County (:74*+ and lo-est in 1ures and /raso. (:26* and :"4)"*+) ,he share of
foreign tourists in 2%$% -as 2%)2* in the region (22)"* nationally+# -ith outliers to meet
in 2ibiu (26)5*+ and Co.asna ($$)4*+)
=n 2%$% the number of o.ernight stays in the region -as 2)6567 million# accounting for
$6)5* of all o.ernight stays at national le.el) =t is noted decrease of 7)* compared to
$55%# higher in 0arghita decrease (:6%)$*+ and less pronounced in Co.asna and 1ures (:
47)* and :47)5*+) ,he share of foreign tourists -as $7)6* at the regional le.el ($7)"*
at national le.el+# the highest .alue recorded in 2ibiu (26)6*+ and lo-est in Co.asna
Rata de funcionare n turism, exprimat ca raport procentual ntre
capacitatea de cazare i numrul total al populaiei, a fost n 2010
de 1,67 locuri/100 locuitori, fa de 1,4 la ni!elul ntre"ii ri#
$isparitile intrare"ionale sunt mai mult dec%t e!idente& 0,7 n
'udeul (l)a *i 2,+0 n 'udeul ,ra*o! sunt !alorile extreme ale
acestui indicator#

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