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Name Mark

Kiah Atkins C+/C Great ideas, reference to others. Need to work reflecting on
feedback, linking influences side by side of own work.
Producing more of own work towards idea. Started late, but
need more.
C/C Extensive analysis of various colours in flowers, play of
contrast, brightness. Light, arrangements, texture, size,
patterns, colour and emotion. Also, links to own idea
development. Need to reflect on feedback. Need to link to
other artists.
Naomi Cooper B+/none. Some great starting ideas. Good analysis of own idea
generation and art making. Good link of other artists with
own ideas, linking with what you want to try. Good analysis
of colour and emotions, the mood of images. Good details of
camera settings. Good ideas: screen shots, article, artists,
postcards, drawings, story boards. Need to reflect on
B/B Identity Theme. Good artistic influences, Good identification
of sources and techniques. Good variety of source
newspaper, artists, tutorials. Good reflection on finished
work more in development? Good sketching book, but no
written good but needs this written somewhere.

Need better reflection on feedback. There is space for more
reflection on ideas and other artists work. Integrate
drawings and sketched into main journal, linking ideas.
Holly Jacobson B-/C Good following through of initial proposal in journal. Good
analysis of contact sheets like/dislike, camera settins,
decisions, techniques. Good reflection of what has/hasnt
worked Good reflection on techniques used could link
more to other artists.

Need analysis of feedback. Could link other artists more.
What exactly do you like about them? How will you go about
integrating this.
Natasha Jones /none
Will Joseph C/C Good analysis of camera settings to create desired image.

A bit light on. Need to link more to other artists why you
like their work and how it influences you. Need to reflect on
feedback from others, show modification to work. Need to
link concepts and techniues from others to your own work.
Temira Keat /C
Matthew Kim C/C Good documentation of others works. Need to link these
ideas with the development of own. Need to show how the
techniques used have been experiemented with e.g.
contact sheets and screen grabs. Need to reflect on feedback
from others.

Issac /
Issac Sayers /C Good analysis of sleeping disorders and the features which
may make it in to your art. Good demonstration of computer
process through screen shots. This is important for your
work to show time spent and decisions made.

Need better linking with other artists and how their ideas
influence yours. Need to discuss how their methods and
techniques inform your work. Need to make clearer link
between your content and why it is included its
symbolism. Symbolism is important in your work, discuss
Oscar Sumner C-/C Good start how your idea came about, the various places
you find gestures. However, you need more links to artists,
techniques, methods.

You have done some awesome sketches and idea in your
book, need to put these in as part of your ideas formation.
Need to reflect on others feedback.
Bo van Kastel B+/A Clearly and extensively linked artists ideas, concepts,
techniques. Good summary and objectives which are then
unfolded throughout journal. It is easy to the transference of
others ideas in to your own work. Well inked ideas (e.g.
birds) and then their transference in to your art
symbolism. ALso use of maple leaves, for their texture. Good
reflection at end of term. Breain storming mind map is good
need more of this. Good sketches of ideas, display ideas.
Good ideas of technique. Great progress ,with interview
ideas etc. Wrestling with the idea of what is art and why do
I need to explain art this is great!

Good links to Bio, but would also benefit from adding own
analysis (like you have with Balint Zsako). You would benefit
from interpreting others critique of your work.

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