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Truth be told, having Riku against him this way while whispering sweet compliments was

truly doing a number on Sora. With his cheeks blossoming in splotchy pink, highlighted
by the flickering light of the television screen, the small hero raised his hands to his face
in an effort to hide. Cute, cute, cute chanted like a mantra in his head. Riku thought he
was cutenot handsome or attractive or hot or sey, but cute. The attention, however,
was eactly what Sora wanted and therefore he said nothing further to press the issue.
!Still, he thought, can"t # be better than $ust cute%&
' new topic had arisen then, one pertaining to a certain letter. Three days prior, (airi had
scurried up to them as they"d rested on the paopu tree. Clutched in her hand was a bottle
and within the glass depths, parchment, the king"s seal boldly staring at them.
And now the door to your next journey is ready to be opened.
Sora was being summoned once more. )eople were hurting and they needed him, and
according to *ickey, the hero owed them his aid. The thought of leaving again truly did
ecite Sora but, in the back of his mind, he felt the faintest aniety because after all,
they"d been gone for so long already+ was this wise% ,e sighed out, reclining his back
further into Riku"s chest as he focused his unseeing ga-e towards the television. #t wasn"t
a matter of wisdom anymore, but duty.
.I dont/ he started, swallowing. .I dont really know butI dont think I can stay
here./ Riku would come, Sora knew, despite the letter not specifying. 0ow they were a
team, right% Riku would accompany him because they wouldn"t be separated again. 0o,
not if Sora could help it. .What dyou think?/
Riku remembered the contents of the (ing"s letter perfectly+ it told how there were people
in need of the brunet"s help and rescue. The older of the two was aware of how anious
Sora was, still uncertain as to what he should do. They hadn"t talked about it much, only
briefly discussing it when (airi had found the bottled message. 1ut time was wasting and
they it seemed like they really didn"t have much time left.
#t was because of this thought that caused Riku to mention (ing *ickey"s message in the
first place.
'2uatic eyes glanced up at the television when Sora spoke, alabaster arms tightening
around the younger boy"s waist. Riku still had his nose and lips buried within that massive
mane, still inhaling that scent of cinnamon and pressing soft kisses against Sora"s head.
.What I think%/ Riku parroted softly as he blankly stared at the television opposite of him.
What didhe think% ,e could only give an opinion but this was definitely Sora"s decision. ,e
knew how much Sora longed for adventure after having stayed on the islands for an entire
year. So maybe3
4ifting a hand up to grab the brunet"s head, Riku pressed another kiss to Sora"s head. .#
think,/ he started, a bit more louder this time, .that you should do what you think is right./
Sora"s eyes felt heavy as those kisses were placed on his head. ,is chin tipped down,
sapphire ga-e shifting to stare into his lap while his thoughts drew an image. #n truth, he
knew that it shouldn"t have been a difficult decision+ if he was needed, he should leave.
5et there was the slightest fear that if he did, he might never come back. 's much as his
wanderlust craved adventure, he didn"t entirely wish to escape the island, either. 0o, not
permanently. ' simple week away, he"d thought, would have been enough.
6aced with this decision, he reali-ed how badly he"d missed 7estiny #slands.
Riku left a feeling of warmth in the wake of his affection. The hero inhaled, lungs filling
fully, and savored his love pressed to him this way. Would they get the opportunity to sit
like this if they left% ,ow much time, truly, would they spend together% #f they"d thought
Sora"s grounding had been rough, what about this $ourney%
4arge sun8kissed hands found porcelain, entangling fingers around his waist. Sora"s
epression 2uivered with dysphoria, hidden from sight and highlighted by the flickering
screen. .I know whats right,/ he started. .I know thatthey need me./ 9mber
eyebrows descended as he swallowed the thick doubt. .I should go becauseits
selfish not to./
,e wanted to be selfish. With his fingers laced above Riku"s, he knew how important this
was. Thisthem. Riku would come along but would it be the same% 0o, unlikely. 'nd
that% That terrified him.
Eyelids blinked slowly before aquatic orbs shifted
downward. Riku could sense the confliction within his
fianc, the tone of his voice still laced with slight
uncertainty despite how considerably definite his
answer was. In all honesty, the older of the two was just
as unsure, and most likely for the same reason. ow
much time did they have left together before they had to
leave the islands, their home! They"being that Riku
would surely follow #ora wherever he went. $hey were
a team, after all. %nd Riku wasn&t planning on leaving
#ora again"not again, never again.
'ith a small hum, he pulled back a little to lean back
against the couch, head tipped back so to stare up at the
ceiling. ()eah,* he murmured, slowly blinking again.
($hat&s true.* e and #ora both knew it would be best
to go and help the people in need. $hey couldn&t sit
around and ignore something as important as that. +ot
to mention that Riku was highly aware of how much
#ora longed for another adventure. ,erhaps this new
journey wouldn&t be one that the brunet was hoping for.
-ut Riku would definitely be there to fight alongside
$he older boy hummed softly before leaning over
again, only this time did press his face in the crook of
#ora&s neck. (%nd I&ll go with you,* he said quietly,
nosing into that sun.kissed skin. ('e&ll be together.*
%nd as he spoke, he unhooked his fingers and slid them
in between #ora&s palms, turning his hands around to
intertwine his fingers with the brunet&s. (I won&t let you
fight alone.*
% slow smile drew across #ora&s lips. $hose comforting words
melted over his heart, warmed him deeply from his core to his
fingertips, and with their palms together as they were, he could
allow his an/iety to ease. (Because were a team, right?* 0igits
curled against each other while Riku nu11led into golden skin.
(Together forever.*
$hey&d go together just as they&d promised. Riku would stay by his
side and perhaps, for once, they could be travel companions. $he
thought made him beam as he clutched those strong hands in his
own, mind racing with possibilities. 'ho would be their new
enemy! %nd those people, the ones mentioned in the letter2 who
were they! $he king had implied that #ora owed them much for
helping shape who he was.
3uriosity drew him towards the flame.
(I should go,* he said finally before amending, (I mean, we
should.* $hat smile he bore grew into an effervescent e/pression,
cheek dropped to press into periwinkle hair. (We might get to go
to new worlds and meet new people, too. The ones that are
hurting* is eyes closed briefly as he inhaled a strong breath.
'ith determination set, he squee1ed Riku&s hands and nodded.
(They need our help. We wont let them down.*
% hero&s work was never done. ard though it may have seemed,
#ora never stayed low for long. e could swallow his fear and
psyche himself up and that was what would propel him through.
$hat and Riku at his side because together"
(Were unstoppable. Riku heard the smile in Sora"s voice, felt the warmth of his skin
against his lips. ,is words had a positive effect on the brunet, that former atmosphere of
aniety easily slipping away. Seeing Sora in a brighter mood always pleased the older boy.
Sora was Riku"s light, the one who helped him find his way out of the darkness. Whenever
the brunet was down, that light would dim: 'nd one of Riku"s greatest fears was to see his
shining light disappear into the nothingness. #t was because of this that he"d do what he can
to make sure that light remained shining.
With a smile of his own, Riku let out a 2uiet laugh and tipped his head up to rest his chin on
the boy"s shoulder. .That"s right,/ he said in agreement. .0othing can stop us. We"re the
greatest team imaginable./ ,e returned the s2uee-e to his hands and chuckled 2uietly.
Their upcoming adventure was definitely something to look forward to. #t wasn"t going to be
easy, $ust like the ones before. 1ut the both of them knew that in the end, it"d all be worth it.
4eaving the islands would surely give them a homesick feelingbeing back for an entire
year was definitely enough to soothe the wanting of being home, but it also stirred up that
need of adventure. !This was most prominent within the brunet.& 'nd when this was all over,
they"d be so happy and thrilled to be going back home again. 1ecause despite the longing
for action and adventure, 7estiny #slands would always be close to their hearts.
4eaning forward a little more and turning his head a bit, Riku pressed his lips softly against
Sora"s cheek, .# love you, Sora,/ he said simply, that small smile still lightly curled at the end
of his lips. .#"ll never your side./ Never again
Riku agreed that they were a great team. $his left #ora grinning brightly, eyes shifting to get a blurry
glimpse of Riku&s profile. $here was an affectionate glimmer in those sapphire irises, pleased to have Riku
as his permanent companion. 4,ermanent"together forever.5 It was then that the older boy crept closer to
lovingly brush his lips against the brunet&s cheek.
#ora chuckled, blushing faintly as that warmth washed through him once more. (I love you, too,* was his
soft answer. (Id never let you get away, anyway.* #ora tipped his head a bit attempting to get a better
view of his fianc. (!ause youre stuc" with me, #i$ Id search for you, y"now, all across the
universe %ust to find you again.* is ga1e was soft, smile curled against his lips giving away the nature of
his thoughts. (But Ill ta"e your word for it* e leaned a bit to pivot, craning his neck to peck Riku&s
cheek. (&nd Ill always be beside you, too.*
% quiet hum of a laugh rose in the older boy&s throat, aquamarine ultimately meeting
sapphire. (6uess I am, huh!* he said as the small smile on his lips grew just a bit. (I&d
look for you, too. -ut I&ll never need to because I won&t let you go.* %nd he wouldn&t.
7orever ne/t to #ora would Riku stand, hands held tight together, unbreakable till the
ends of time.
8eeping an arm wrapped around the brunet&s waist, Riku lifted a hand up to brush his
fingers along #ora&s cheek. is eyes fell to those plush lips that he&s kissed so many
times before shifting up to stare into those abla1e sapphires. $hat smile sent a pleasing
warmth throughout Riku&s body, starting from his chest and filling every inch within him.
(6od, you&re so cute,* was what he murmured then before cupping the boy&s cheek and
pulling him down into a kiss. e had yet to have an actual kiss today"they&d been
watching $9, after all, so why even bother with the thought of hugging and kissing!"
and seeing #ora the way he was only made Riku want to kiss him more.
*I wont let you go, either,* #ora answered with a quirked smile, bright blues shifting from Riku&s eyes to
his lips, then back up again. In this moment, electric currents connected the two. Riku&s hand had shifted
then to stroke #ora&s face, leaving warmth along the brunet&s flesh. $hey were then mere inches apart as
they caught that heat and with his fingers curling into Riku&s shirt, he leaned forward just enough to feel
hot breath brush his parted lips. % compliment was dropped"cute, once again"before that distance was
$he angle was awkward2 #ora was twisted and leaning to fully reach Riku&s lips, but there was enough
eagerness behind the act to make it seem as though he hadn&t a qualm. e worked instead to right himself
by shifting until he was stooped on his knees, upright with both arms snaked around his fianc&s neck. $he
television cast reds and purples over them as they kissed in the heavy shadows, and #ora hummed his
satisfaction. $his sealed their words, made them stronger, that they were a team and would remain so.
(iseki returned the kiss full8heartedly, much to ;ains delight. The younger boy hummed
softly into the kiss as he swept his thumb across (isas moon8light cheek. Slender fingers
traced down the blondes arms to his chest and slowly back aloft, his hold around the
blondes wrist tightened $ust a bit as he drew him closer. ;ain silently adored how icy his
boyfriend"s body and lips were. #t always felt wonderful against his own body, his own
warm flesh.
)ale lips parted to softly inhale (isekis breath, his tongue slipping out and lightly skimming
along the outline of the blondes mouth. #t wasn"t so much a re2uest of being let in but
rather a small tease, a chance to get a taste of those soft lips before ;ain delved his
tongue into that icy mouth. Sensing the other pull way from the kiss, he 2uickly tightened
his grasp on the blonde keeping him from moving. 6rom the moment they kissed, the
younger had already been given permission. #t was with that unspoken affirmation that
;ain push past the blondes lips slowly and gently, and into that delicious mouth that he"d
been waiting to tastethe kiss only lasting a few minutes with the younger boy having to
pull away for air. )anting heavily the brunet placed a palm above his heart, indigo glancing
at the blonde as he got up and faced him properly.
% new picture! 9ains ga1e followed 8iseki as he drew his cell phone nearer, 9ains smile waning.
(!heese,* he murmured with an awkward chuckle. ('ets ta"e one together* is eyes swung up to lock
with scarlet as the younger tentatively reached a hand out to search for 8isas fingers. $heir palms met then,
digits interwoven, as he shifed slightly on the blondes lap to close the short distance, 9ain tipped his weight
forward to lean against the welcoming frosty of his optimistic prince.
(:h.huh; I made you rice balls. * he answered as he closed his eyes, free paw curled beside his cheek atop
8iskis chest. ((ou hungry?)Well, wait. I want to "iss you a little longer.* It was the truth, honestly it
was. is chest ached. ow he&d missed 8iseki, although they&d never been fully separated. 'ith a deep
inhale that e/panded his lungs and swallowed the intimate scent of spice, #ora nu11led. 'armth spread,
comfort in the gesture, and he knew he was safe. $he darkness wouldn&t place him in slumber. ere, he
was guarded.
(I didnt get to than" you, either.*
<< #orry we have a little thunderstorm over here. %nd its pretty late, but I can still stay up; I drank coffee =0
%nd I love your spams, theyre the best;
,clothed chests lightly brushing against one another
$heir mouths connected, lips working together while their heads tilted and bodies heated.
#ora released a quiet whine on an e/hale before he swallowed a lungful of Riku&s breath.
$he taste left a fire in his stomach, eyes wired shut, fingers curled to tug at the long
argent tendrils at the base of Riku&s neck. e&d wanted this, needed it even, after
everything. $he an/iety of their ne/t journey and the reaffirmation of their
companionship2 #ora reali1ed that this was necessary for them both.
$heir chests were pressed together. 'ith a blush blossoming across his cheeks, the brunet
pushed farther against Riku, willingly parting his lips to deepen the kiss and accept
Riku&s tongue. % soft sound escaped his throat before he rolled his tongue up to meet his
fianc&s and swipe against him, shivering at the electric contact. God. $hat familiar taste
filled his senses and left #ora demanding more. >ips parted farther, his head tipped and
yes, that was what he wanted. ?ore passion then alighted between them, affection rather
than lust, and #ora moved to slide one hand down against Riku&s breast.
#n this moment, it was only $ust the two of them, surrounding each other within the comfort
of their arms. The talk of their $ourney was, for the moment or for awhile, put on hold+
thoughts of anyone else but them two were pushed aside. What only mattered to Riku was
Sora, likewise !Riku knew& what mattered to Sora was Riku. With their mouths moving
against one another and arms holding each other close, this moment was perfect and
wonderful+ this moment was what these boys needed.
'nother soft hum rose in Riku"s throat as Sora pressed more onto the silveret. Their kiss
was deepened, tongues rubbing against each other. 'nother feeling of warmth, one a bit
more tingling, spread throughout the older boy"s body, alighting his senses and eciting
him a bit more. Riku sighed softly in contentment as he felt his fianc< slide his hand along
his chest. ,e mimicked the action and slid the arm he had wrapped around Sora"s waist
towards his front, hand slowly running from the back to his hip. )ulling the smaller boy
even closer, Riku grinned slightly against those lips and he continued to lick into Sora"s
$ongues rolled against each other while hands began to wander. #ora&s palm roved across
Riku&s clothed chest, tracing the powerful muscles through the cotton as if it was the very
first time. 3uriously, softly, he made a map, working down along the breastplate as his
other hand gripped into those silken argent tresses.
#ora was reeled farther in while Riku&s fingers brushed his hip. $he brunet could only
hum his satisfaction with the action. $hat slow pace, that affectionate dance, had his heart
fluttering and thoughts scattered. 'ith his cheeks tinted pink and a small squirm, he
withdrew his tongue back in favor of meshing their mouths together.
#omewhere behind him, another car chase blared from the television.
Riku 2uietly released another low hum with every touch his fianc< made. ' sun8kissed
hand running along his chest with the other entangling itself within the older boy"s hair
every brush and pull left a lingering electrical tingle. )ale fingertips kneaded into the
clothed skin of Sora"s hip, ultimately curling underneath the edge of the brunet"s shirt and
slipping his hand underneath, cool fingers brushing against warm skin. 'nother low noise
rumbled in Riku"s throat, lips molding together as he slipped his fingers along Sora"s skin.
Tipping his head to the side $ust a bit, Riku drew his other hand down from the smaller
boy"s cheek. 6ingers lightly traced along Sora"s $aw, down his neck, and across his
collarbone, only to run back up the brunet"s throat and curl pale fingers under his chin.
Riku drew Sora in $ust a little bit more as he continued to kiss those plush lips, reveling in
this moment of pure perfection.
'ith Riku&s hand beneath #ora&s shirt, tracing along the side and memori1ing that soft
flesh, #ora squirmed. is body rotated in a minute swivel while his fingers curled into
Riku&s shirt. $he sounds that escaped his lover had #ora likewise humming gratification
along. eat then lit and reduced #ora to desperation, and pushing harder, his enthusiasm
spiked. >ips suctioned and digits tugged into silvery hair2 aggression burning with
$he hand against #ora&s cheek had slid lower to support his jaw. It acted as a guide to
bring the boy closer, which he didn&t at all hesitate to do. #lanted against each other as
they were, #ora found that spark between them growing farther. #lowly, he dragged his
fingers down Riku&s wide chest and to that narrow waist, squee1ing the skin curiously
while he simultaneously popped his mouth off to breathe.
(I love you,* he whispered. $he affection in his tone ended where heavy lust began. (I
love you, #i"u.*
The atmosphere around the two was growing hotter with each second, actions becoming
slightly more needy as hands roamed and mouths moved. Riku drew his fingers along Soras side
in irregular patterns, brushing towards his back with that same random design. Up and along
the boys spine did the silveret go before trailing back down and across his midsection. Sighing
quietly, Riku could only focus on the wonderful sensations alighting his sensesthe warmth
from Soras skin, those soft lips sucking on Rikus before popping off, the rushing electricity
shooting through the older boys body everywhere that Sora touched.
! quiet confession of love fell from the brunets lips and Riku tipped forward "ust a little to
brush his mouth right by the corner of his fianc#s. $% love you too, Sora,& he murmured back
against the boys flesh. 'e let his hand fall from the boys chin and back down along his
collarbone, gently pressing each fingertip into that sun(kissed skin in a rhythmic pattern. )oing
the same thing to his back, Riku pulled Sora even closer into him as he moved his mouth up to
kiss along his "awline. $*od, % love you so much,& was what he added before lightly nipping at
the younger boys "aw.
ands roamed along #ora&s skin, forcing his shirt to ride up and follow Riku&s wrist.
$hose deft fingers brushed along #ora&s spine to map the bones and muscle while the
brunet squirmed beneath. #ora arched back before digits slipped forward, tracing his
midsection. ?uscles clenched and twitched refle/ively while #ora e/erted further against
Riku. God, he thought. Yes.
$he affectionate words whispered against his skin left #ora lovesick. %n electric pulse
shot through him then, from the heat of Riku&s breath downward, and all #ora could do
was hold on when his fianc dragged those thick lips against his jawline. e&d raised one
hand to thread into silken hair and brush against Riku&s scalp while his other moved to
slide his palm along the older boy&s back. (*o much,* he echoed ne/t, voiced pitched
lowly as he tipped his head in silent offering. (I really do.*
Sora reacted "ust the way that Riku suspected he wouldmuscles twitching as pale fingers drew
along sun(kissed skin, heading tilting to give more room for the elder to work with, voice
falling into that deep voice that Riku loved so much. )immed aquatic orbs glanced up "ust
slightly to get a look at the brunets face before Riku sunk "ust a bit lower to run his lips over
the soft flesh of his neck. +issing and licking there, Riku hummed his response against that
delicious, warm skin. %t was with that low hum that he opened his mouth a bit more to nip
where hed licked, closing his lips over the small area of skin to suckle on it.
'e kept that small patch of skin in his mouth for a moment or two, gently gra,ing his teeth
against the spot and sucking on it with added pressure. %t was only until he tasted a bit of
copper that Riku pulled away, running his tongue over the reddening mark before blowing on it
gently to further stimulate it. $-oure mine,& was what he murmured softly then. !nd he
planted a small quick kiss at the symbol of his possession before peppering several other small
kisses further down along Soras neck.
Riku worked his tongue and lips over #ora&s neck, leaving the brunet&s nerves coiled.
7ingers grappled into silvery hair and wrinkled his shirt while dark brows furrowed.
#ora&s face pinched while his cheeks reddened, on edge. $hat hot mouth then closed
around #ora&s neck and suctioned there2 a short whine escaped the hero&s throat. %ll
sound rushed from his ears while his inner fire grew, leaving him truly malleable in
Riku&s arms. #ora could only feel the way his skin burned beneath the forming bruise
while argent tresses tickled his cheeks. is mind went entirely blank2 long, quiet moans
arose on pure instinct. e couldn&t function on a higher level.
It wasn&t until Riku withdrew with a pop that #ora found the willpower to open his eyes.
Riku was hovering above the bruise while shadows continued to flicker with the
abandoned television. % soft gust of cool air was dealt ne/t to shock his skin2 #ora
shivered. $hat statement of possession"youre mine"had #ora&s toes curling within
his socks as he nodded his agreement numbly. ((eah,* was his breathy answer, and with
the loss of control, the brunet ran his fingertips roughly against Riku&s clothed stomach
and to his side, beneath his shirt and against the waistline of his jeans. ((ours.*
! small grin curled at the ends of Rikus mouth, a quiet hum of a chuckle escaping his throat.
'is own stomach sucked in refle.ively at his fianc#s mimicking touch/ he slid his fingers in a
feather(like manner along Soras midsection again with the hope of drawing out another
reaction. Thick, pale lips kept pressing gentle kisses along the brunets throat, making faint
suction(like sounds as Riku did so. !nd as his hand slid higher and higher along his lovers chest,
it came to a point where the older boy decided that Soras shirt had to go.
Retracting from the delicious warmth that was Soras flesh, Riku worked quickly in moving his
hands down to grip onto the edges of the brunets shirt/ up and over and off came the article
of clothing, having been quickly discarded "ust a few seconds after. !labaster arms slipped
around Soras waist as Riku kissed those lips again. 'e reeled Sora in again with a not entirely
hidden smile pressed against his mouth, shifting his position "ust a little to slide his legs in
between the brunets. 0uch better, he figured, as he had his fianc# propped on his knees,
ultimately making him the one to hover over the elder.
$he temperature continued to climb around them, #ora observed distantly. Riku&s hot
breath coasted over his skin, saliva trailing along the column of his throat and god"#ora
swallowed a quiet moan as he fle/ed his body beneath Riku&s caress. %s he caught his
bottom lip between his teeth, he raised his hands to assist in his shirt&s removal only to be
immediately pulled back in for another kiss.
(#i"u,* #ora breathed out, voice muffled against his lover&s mouth. It was a prayer, it
was encouragement, and it was whispering desires that wouldn&t be contained2 this was
quickly escalating and #ora showed absolutely no signs of regret. +o, instead he
encouraged it by pushing forward, sliding down along Riku&s legs until he sat directly in
the older teen&s lap. $hat warmth sparked electricity from his core to his fingertips as he
flattened his tongue against Riku&s lips to trace the slit. is arms had moved to snake
above those broad shoulders while his bare chest pressed against Riku, wedging him
there between #ora and the couch. (I love you.*
'umming softly, letting out a small sigh through his nose, Riku dragged his fingers up along his fianc#s
sides. !round to the front then randomly along his body did they go until the silveret stopped at Soras
hips. Rikus name was breathily spoken against his lips, a sound that made the older boy shiver with
delight. !nd when the brunet came to sit completely in Rikus lap, a small, quick rush of electricity shot
through his body. 1odies pressed flush against one another and Sora swept his tongue along the eighteen(
year(olds lipsthere went another bullet of electricity.
)ipping his fingertips into the younger boys hips, Riku pulled away only slightly from the kiss to murmur
back, $% love you, too, Sora.& 'is lips were back against his lovers within seconds, tongue flicking out to
meet Soras before sliding into that deliciously warm mouth. 2ingertips fiddled with the seams of the
smaller boys pants but Riku made no attempt to proceed furthernot yet, he figured, just a bit more
%labaster hands e/plored #ora&s flesh, roving along his outline. $he brunet shivered and
released a quiet hum, lightly tugging on a lock of argent hair that shone a faint purple in
the low light. #ora found his hand slipping for the 1ipper of Riku&s vest, slowly tugging
to peel back the teeth. #mooth skin became visible, although #ora was unable to observe
the uncoordinated action2 his mind was numb, shoulders trembling with the fire prickling
his skin while his tongue slid along the soft intrusion.
Riku tasted familiar, warm, a sensation that had #ora e/haling sharply. e could breathe
his lover in, feel that air fill his lungs, and as his flesh burned with desire, he forced open
Riku&s shirt only to press a palm to his breast. $here"Riku&s heartbeat. %lthough faint
beneath its cage, #ora felt the light beat2 a soft thud, thud, thud beneath the heel of his
It always served as a reminder that this was real.
% feathery whimper passed his lips while #ora attempted to push that opened fabric off of
Riku entirely. ad he been thinking, he would have wondered if they should move.
$here, in the living room, seated on the floor before the foot of the couch as the television
thrummed behind them, they were going to make love. %t any given moment, Riku&s
parents could walk through the door.
Sora truly didnt mind the risk at all.
3ithout wasting anymore time, Sora began to rid the silveret of his vest. 2ingers pulled at the tab to
gradually reveal Rikus toned chest. !nother soft hum rumbled in the back of the older teens throat
when a warm hand pressed against his chest. Rikus flesh tingled where Sora touched, a brief spark
igniting the faint heat. 'is blood boiled under his skin, coursed through his veins, spreading that
wonderfully familiar warmth throughout his entire being. !nd oh, how his heart beat against his chest
one - two - three, one - two - threein such a light rhythm, Riku wondered if Sora was able to even feel
it against his palm.
Tongues rubbed against one another, tasting each other as if they "ust couldnt get enough. The elder
parted his lips a bit more for a moment before clamping his lips gently over the brunets tongue. 'e
suckled on the organ lightly and shivered a bit at the light noise that escaped Soras mouth.
4ushing his back slightly off against the couch, Riku eased his hold on the younger boys hips and instead
moved his hands over to the ,ipper of his vest. )own to the bottom was the tab pulled and off came the
piece of clothing as Riku let it slip down his arms and onto the floor. 3ith both of their torsos completely
uncovered, the silveret curled an arm around Soras waist again to pull him closer once more, warm sun(
kissed skin melding into alabaster.
!t this point, a thought occurred to Riku only for a brief second before he quickly discarded it. Sure, they
were taking a huge risk by furthering their se.ual activities within the openness of the living room, a
place where Rikus parents could walk into any moment now. 1ut honestly, at this point, the older teen
couldnt really care less. !nd really, he could tell that Sora didnt care at all, either.
Riku always was a bad influence, anyway.
$ruth be told, this hadn&t been the goal. #ora hadn&t gone into the first kiss with even a
trace of lust. $he natural intensity had risen without either of them reali1ing and, as it so
happened, #ora had no interest in putting a halt to this. +o, even seated in Riku&s lap in
the middle of the living room where anyone could see them wouldn&t stop #ora.
eat2 it flashed through the flesh and alighted the senses. $he brunet hummed a pleasant
sound against the contact, bare chests sliding together, and slowly #ora rose to his knees.
% single hand glided across Riku&s cheek, settling there to cradle his face as their mouths
worked against one another. @ne thought perpetually rolled through #ora&s mind, a
skipping record beneath the ha1e of desire"I love you.
,illowy warmth left his heart full while electric pulses made him crave.
+eck craned down at a sharp angle, he used his hand to ease Riku&s head back, elevated
above the older boy as he was2 #ora placed himself in full control. %s it was, he couldn&t
help but chuckle his e/citement when he broke their kiss. 9ivid sapphires peered down
into those e/otic eyes he adored so much as he smiled, desire tinting his cheeks pink.
(!an I have you?* $he mere thought had a rush of saliva collecting at the back of his
throat with anticipation. (+ust mine forever.*
#ora kept his heavy ga1e focused on Riku, staring into pools of aquamarine with
glimmering affection beneath a deepening lust. e was given permission to have Riku as
his own only if, in return, #ora would grant the same. (,f course,* he answered with a
breathy, playful giggle before he dropped their foreheads together. (Im yours and
youre mine.* 7lashing Riku a quick grin, he pressed their lips together with a shift of
giddy energy. #ora still held the older boy at a severe angle which proved to make it
much easier to slide his tongue past those tan lips. % hum of satisfaction soon followed as
#ora pushed forward to force Riku&s back into the couch.
(-ine,* he murmured against the bu11ing kiss. (&ll mine.* %nother smile twisted across
the brunet&s face and with a chuckle, he lowered his hands and sunk his shoulders to
search the e/panse of Riku&s broad chest. @ver the muscles2 brushing pert nipples2
following the soft, smooth flesh of that toned stomach and past the waistband of Riku&s
jeans. #ora brushed along his lover&s erection as he e/haled his satisfaction through his
nose. It was nice to know that he was wanted as much as he wanted.
$heir kiss broke with a pop as #ora rose. (Wanna stay in here?* is voice was deep,
guttural and ha1y as he tried to shake some sense into himself. Condoms. At least one. It
did, however, prove difficult to remain focused as he stared down at Riku, who was
sitting up which made his head nearly level with"
Crap. #o much for concentrating.
There was a slight sense, a wave of possessiveness that filled the air around the two. %t radiated from
Sora, with his claims of Riku being hiswhich he wasand the way his body and mouth moved against the
silverets. Rikus head was still tipped back a certain way, allowing his fianc# to slip his tongue into the
elders mouth. Sun(kissed hands roamed along alabaster skin, running along every inch of Rikus chest
before sinking down to brush against his erection. This, of course, earned a soft moan from the silveret
and sent a pleasant rush of electricity.
Sora ended their kiss by rising to his feet, presenting a rather delightful view to which Riku shamelessly
ga,ed at. The posed question registered in his head despite his slight lack of focus. $3e can,& he
murmured, $0y rooms getting kinda boring, anyway.& Then, with a small grin, the older teen sat up a bit
more and tipped forward, pressing his mouth against his lovers crotch.
%n partial truth, Riku simply lacked any motivation to move elsewhere, or rather, somewhere safer. 'ed
changed over the years but that daring side of him always remained.
So yes, they were definitely staying where they were.
#ora felt more than saw Riku&s desirous ga1e honed in on his erection. $he brunet licked
his lips as the anticipation swelled, drying his mouth out until he tasted dust"was Riku
speaking! h. #apphire eyes drifted to his lover&s lips, watching as they presumably
formed words although none penetrated #ora&s skull. +o, his pulse was hammering in his
eardrums while that heat raced across his shoulders, down his arms and to his quivering
Riku straightened. $he older teen tipped closer until his breath brushed against #ora&s
clothed erection and . (#i"u* #ora&s cadence lilted, strained while his hips twitched
minutely towards the heat of the waiting mouth. $he brunet&s fists clenched, lips falling
open while he fought a quiet, encouraging moan. $he world tilted with the electricity and
he knew he&d never stay on his wobbling knees.
-ut damn if he didn&t want Riku to keep going.
The grin on Rikus face shifted into a slight smirk as he chuckled quietly at his lovers response. 5ips
parted as the elder pressed his mouth more against the smaller boys groin, purposely e.haling his warm
breath against Soras clothed erection. ! hum rumbled in the back of the silverets throatalso purposely
before he pulled away slightly to run his tongue along the area. $3hat is it you want6& he murmured,
aquatic orbs flicking up to ga,e into sapphires. Riku still wore that smirk of his, eyes glossy with pure lust
and desire. 'e was starting to grow "ust a little impatient, that overwhelming feeling of wanting Sora
driving him in that direction. !nd it was clear that his fianc# was "ust as desperate as he was. 1ut Riku
figured he could wait "ust a few more moments. !fter all, he still had to hear what Sora had to say.
:nable to keep from folding in on himself, #ora entangled his fingers into Riku&s mess of
silvery hair for balance. is lungs filled while he swallowed o/ygen desperately, licking
his chapped lips while his blown pupils peered down at that beautiful mouth against his
crotch. #ora&s body jolted, longing, and as his ga1e fell shut, he moaned out in guttural
e needed this.
(I wanteda condom,* he struggled airily. (But it can wait.* %nd forcing his eyes to
reopen, he stared down through his heady desire and lightly urged Riku closer2 a request
more than a demand. (Will you)?*
2ingers found their way into Rikus hair, a feeling that caused the said silveret to release another low
noise, a hum this time rather than a moan. 'e continued to mouth at his lovers erection, shivering a bit
from the moan that slipped past Soras lips. %t was only when the younger teen made his request did Riku
pull away slightly to glance back up, that trademark smirk of his back on his face. $3ell, since you
asked,& he replied rather huskily, teasingly.
Reaching up, Riku unbuttoned his fianc#s "eans and hooked his fingers under both Soras bo.ers and
pants, slipping them down partway. 3ithin seconds, he had freed the brunets aching erection and the
mere sight before him already had his mouth starting to water. Riku slipped his tongue out between his
lips and licked at the head without any hesitation. 'e teased the slit, tasting a bit of precum on the tip of
his tongue, and licked down along the shaft before coming back up to take the whole organ into his
$he feeling of lips coasting along the outline of his erection against the constriction of his
jeans left #ora quivering. 3olor tinted high along his cheeks while his fingers fle/ed and
ha1y sapphire eyes fell shut. $his wasn&t the first time he&d had Riku this way and it
would hardly be the last, but that electric pulse that shot through his groin felt just as
intense as it had in the beginning. ,inprick jolts worked through him, feeding in a line
along his shaft, and all that #ora could do was let out a harsh puff of air.
(#i"u* he whispered, voice a wisp along the heavy air. $he television painted them in
shades of blue2 Riku&s hair appeared lilac in this light, #ora noted as his fingers threaded
into uneven locks. is heart hammered, shoulders protruding when he arched his back on
his wobbly legs, that crown pendant rising on its chain until it rested against his clavicle.
!his is it.
e felt the pop of his button and heard the sound of his 1ipper. 'ith a thick swallow, his
erection was freed, solid and twitching toward the heat of Riku&s mouth. #ora
unconsciously curled his fingers as that lust pulsed down and out, pleading for action.
"uck. %nd then Riku&s tongue slipped along the head, soft and malleable and hot and wet
and"*Oh.* #ora released a small noise while he rocked forward, his lips open, head
back and ga1e wired shut. Riku had teasingly traveled down the length before he&d
worked his way back up, which left #ora hissing breaths. #oon that delicious heat
engulfed him fully, swallowed the girth marvelously until every muscle in #ora&s body
tightened. % hum passed through his clenched jaw when he tilted forward to deliriously
tug on Riku&s hair. e could no longer stand straight.
Sora reacted perfectly, Riku thought. The fingers he had laced within those silver strands tightened as the
elder swallowed him, all the way down before sliding back up. !n alabaster hand came up to rest against
the brunets thigh while the other crept up to curl fingers around the base of Soras dick. 7uiet, wet
noises sounded in the room despite the cries of the television. Riku swirled his tongue around the head
once more before taking his lovers dick right back into his mouth, the hand he had wrapped around the
base working Sora to a higher degree of pleasure.
#ora quivered as Riku&s mouth worked, slip.sliding back up to the tip to swirl his
sprightly tongue around the head. -roken noises stole #ora&s breath"little clicks of his
throat and aching moans that begged dont stop beneath the vice of desire"while his
fingers trembled. $he prickling heat pimpled his skin and ignited his senses, and with his
eyelids wound shut, unable to part even if he&d tried, #ora clutched Riku&s hair in a vice
grip to steel his rattling bones.
-ut oh# please# please$
(.lease,* he babbled under his hoarse panting, (#i"u* is voice was minuscule,
nearly inaudible, but #ora needed more2 more friction, more suction, more pressure, more
heat. $he twitch of his eyebrows hinted at his need while he swallowed the thick saliva
coating his mouth. eat rushed in a line from shoulder to shoulder, then traced his spine
to curl into his core. is erection twitched, his muscles stiffened, and #ora hungered.
The air around the two was definitely growing hotter, more so than it had been before. ! long string of
electricity pierced through the silverets chest, trickling down his spine and straight to his core, from the
noises that Sora made. *od, itd been sometime since he last heard those sounds fall past the younger
boys lips and damn, did it turn Riku on. 1ut then Sora begged, tightening the grip he had on Rikus hair.
That was all the older boy need to go further.
3ith a small noise that could have been a muffled laugh, Riku hollowed his cheeks and sucked. 'ard.
4ressure was added to the suckle as the silveret took more in again, moving the hand he had around
Soras cock down to brush against the boys balls, fondling them. 2ingertips kneaded into the smaller
boys thigh. !nd another noise rumbled deep within the back of Rikus throat, half(purposely as he hoped
the vibrations would stir up another response from his fianc#.
Riku inhaled #ora&s erection in his mouth, swallowing against the pulsing heat to create a
vacuum. $he suction had #ora quivering, needing, wanting, and damn# damn. $he brunet
groaned aloud, lips swollen and cheeks flushed while he steadied his wobbling legs by
clutching into his lover&s hair. is breathing had quickened into labored pants from the
electricity coursing through his flesh2 from the suckling and the brush of weapon
strengthened fingertips brushing his balls"
(#i"u$* #ora&s mouth fell open as he shouted broken cries. $he intensity left his toes
curling, whispers of wants and desires barely leaving his lips. It was, however, the
guttural vibration of his lover&s delicious, muffled moan that had #ora jerking forward
with a sharp gasp. $he crown pendant rattled with the movement and shit# he was getting
close. (*/stop, Im not gonnalast,* he choked out but did he truly want this to stop!
is tongue slipped out to rove along his lips, a long whimper pulling from his throat.
%ll he wanted was Riku.
(0m, that sounds familiar. Oh! I had one of those in &grabah$ Its meat and veggies on a stic"$* #ora
flashed a self.satisfied grin.
<< sdjkfhsdjhckjdnsjhf
I don&t even know what to say. I just..I&m really floored right now. $hank you so much. $hat&s probably
the most ama1ing compliment regarding 9ain that I&ve ever received, and I wish that there were words to
describe how positively taken aback and honored I am.
$hank you so, so much.
ooc1 -ut why wouldn&t I like you! I&m nice to those who are nice to me and I respect other people, so long
as that&s returned. I&m pretty agreeable, I think; %nd, well, there&s only one way to find out, rightA!
$hank you for the compliments, though. onestly, that&s sweet and it means a lot to me;
:"(A question for 1/2 of my favorite RP pair:) What is something Sora does that maes
you smi!e" genuine!y#"
.,m3well, he does a lot of things that make me smile. 1ut if # had to pick one in particular
for right now3 # guess it"s whenever he says he loves me./
.0o matter what"s going on, if we"re $ust messing around or even if #"m not in the greatest
moods, he"ll come up to me and $ust3say it. 'nd simply hearing him say it always brings a
smile to my face./

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