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All about Doggcrapp and DC

A guide to DC training.
Welcome. This is an UNOFFICIAL beginner's guide to the advanced bodybuilding routine
no!n as "C training# created by "oggcra$$# taught by "oggcra$$ and In%&uman. I' you !ant
to tal to "C and I&# go to htt$())!!! "C o''ers a $ersonal training
$rogram 'or only the most dedicated bodybuilders !ho !ish to become the !orld's greatest.
This is 'or advanced li'ters ONL*+ I' you do not yet have at least t!o years o' li'ting under your
belt# you can still a$$ly $rinci$les o' "C training here and there. ,ead this i' you are a beginning
li'ter -note( this is good reading 'or both beginning and advanced li'ters..
&ere are the cha$ters o' "C Training(
Cha$ter /( "ogg 0ound Training
Cha$ter 1( Cycles For 0ennies Continues
Cha$ter 2( List o' a$$roved e3ercises 'or "C
Cha$ter 4( 53treme 6tretching
Cha$ter 7( ,andom Thoughts by "ogg
A$$endi3 A( Uno''icial e3ercise re$ ranges and summary o' "C training
A$$endi3 8( Fav "ante 9uotes 'rom :im 0aul
A$$endi3 C( ;uotes 'rom In%&uman by Future
Dogg Pound Training
by Dogg
No! to get into s$eci'ics regarding training. 6tay !ith me here. *ou are only doing one e3ercise
$er muscle grou$ $er day. *ou are doing your 'irst 'avorite e3ercise 'or chest on day one# you're
doing your second 'avorite e3ercise 'or chest the ne3t time chest training rolls around and then
your third 'avorite e3ercise 'or chest the time a'ter that !hen chest training rolls around. Then
you re$eat the entire se9uence again. *ou're doing the same e3ercises you !ould be doing
any!ay in a <%/4 days time and training chest 2 times in that same $eriod !ith minimal sets so
you can recover. *ou cannot do a 2%7 e3ercise# /=%1= set chest !orout and recover to train
chest again 2%4 days later. It's absolutely im$ossible++ 8ut you can come in and do 1%7 !armu$
sets u$ to your heaviest set and then do ON5 !oring set -either straight set or rest $aused. all
out on that e3ercise then recover and gro! and be ready again 2%4 days later. This ind o'
training !ill have you gro!ing as 'ast as humanly $ossible. Again the sim$le e9uation is >the
most times $er year you can train a body $art incredibly heavy# !ith ma?or strength gains# and
recover !ill e9ual out to the 'astest accumulation o' muscle mass $ossible>.
Why don't most $ros do this ind o' training@ Why don't you@+@+ 8ecause every 'orm o' training
has been taught to someone# $assed do!n 'rom the magaAines 'or decades !ith no thought out
rhyme or reasons. 5very 'orm o' modern day training stems 'rom !hat the guys in the B='s and
Arnold !as doing. Finally *ates and some others got $eo$le thining about !hat truly is !oring
!hen it comes to training. I' you thin about it%it's ridiculous some o' these recommended
routines in the magaAines. Cost training comes 'rom $eo$les egos. 0eo$le are so driven and
des$erate to get big that they believe they CU6T do this and CU6T do that every !orout.
Thirty sets here# !ith multi$le e3ercises to hit every angle there. *ou no! !hat that does@ It
dramatically cuts into your recovery ability -never mind amino acid $ools and glycogen stores.
so you cannot train that body $art again in a cou$le days time. That de'eats the $ur$ose o' ra$id
accumulation o' muscle mass. I'll state this as a matter o' 'act because I believe it's true. I
believe i' you# the $erson reading this# trained the !ay I am recommending# you !ill be 1=%4=lbs
o' muscle larger in 2 years than i' you e$t training the !ay you are $resently training. I' that
o''ends you or seems ballsy to state%6O 85 IT+++ I've done enough studying and real li'e
e3$erimentation on as$iring bodybuilders to state that.
To start%Three ey e3ercises are $iced 'or each body $art. U6IND ONL* ON5 OF T&O65
5E5,CI656 05, WO,FOUT you rotate these in order and tae that e3ercise to it's ultimate
strength limit -!here at that certain $oint you change the e3ercise to a ne! one and get brutally
strong on that ne! movement too.. That can ha$$en in 4 !ees or that can ha$$en 1 years
later but it !ill ha$$en some time -*ou cannot continually gain strength to !here you are
eventually bench $ressing G=7 'or re$s obviously. 6ometime later !hen you come bac to that
original e3ercise you !ill start slightly lo!er than your $revious high and then soar $ast it !ithout
6ome $rinci$les I believe in(
A. I believe rest $ausing is the most $roductive !ay o' training ever. I've never seen a !ay to
'aster strength gains than !hat comes 'rom rest $ausing. I'll use an incline smith bench !ith a
hy$othetical !eight to sho! you my recommended !ay o' rest $ausing.
Warmu$s !ould be /273/1# /H73/=# 17=3 B# 2/734 -none o' these are ta3ing%%they are ?ust
getting me !armed u$ 'or my all out rest $ause set.
CAIN ,56T 0AU65 65T%2<73H re$s -total 'ailure. rac the !eight# then /7 dee$ breathes and
2<73 1 to 4 re$s -total 'ailure. rac the !eight# then /7 dee$ breathes and 2<73 / to 1 re$s. I
$ersonally do a static right a'ter that but I'll e3$lain that later. ,emember every time you go to
'ailure you al!ays 'inish on the negative $ortion and have your training $artner hel$ you or rac
the !eight yoursel'. To e3$lain 'urther on my 'irst rest $ause above I struggled !ith every iota o'
my strength to get that Hth re$ u$. At that $oint instead o' racing the !eight u$ to$ I brought the
!eight do!n to my chest again slo!ly -B seconds. and had my training $artner 9uicly hel$ me
li't the !eight bac u$ to the to$ to rac it. That >al!ays 'inishing on the negative re$> !ill accrue
more cellular damage over time and allo! 'or even greater gains.
8. 5very e3ercise is done !ith a controlled but e3$losive $ositive and a true B%H second
negative $hase. The science is there ?ust read it. Almost every study states an e3$losive
$ositive motion is the $riming $hase and the negative $ortion o' an e3ercise should be done
controlled and slo!ly. I have the mindset that I ho$e you guys develo$. I try so hard to get the
!eight u$ only 'or the sole reason I can lo!er it slo!ly to cause eccentric $hase cellular
C. 53treme 6tretching( it must be done# it's im$erative. It stretches 'ascia and hel$s recovery
immensely. It !ill dramatically change your $hysi9ue in a short amount o' time i' done right# trust
me on that. I hit on it in the 'irst article o' this series.
OF you guys have to use some deductive reasoning here. I' I do a 2<7 or so L8 smith incline
$ress rest $aused 'or /=%/7 re$s !ith statics on Conday morning -!hich is the time o' day I li't.
by that same Conday night# /1 hours later I am viscously sore. 8y Tuesday morning I am still
$retty sore but to a lesser degree. 8y Tuesday night I have very little soreness. 8y Wednesday
morning I have absolutely no soreness and Wednesday night the same# so I could $robably
train chest again on Thursday no $roblem but I currently !ait till Friday and train chest again. I'
your training chest on Conday and on Thursday your still $retty sore# a cou$le things are
ha$$ening%%either you're training !ith more volume than I recommend# or you're not e3treme
stretching -as recommended in my 'irst article 'or A5.# or more liely your recovery ability is not
your greatest asset. I' the last one is true you are going to have to tae note o' that and broaden
the !orout days bet!een body$arts hit. Cost o' you reading this -G=I. !ill be able to go the
Conday# Wednesday# Friday and Conday again route hitting body$arts t!ice in H days. A
chosen 'e! might be able to go Conday# Tuesday# Thursday# Friday es$ecially i' they really
!or their e3treme stretching and get the $ro$er rest. That's very rare though that someone can
recover that 9uicly even 'rom one !oring set $er body$art. Cy recommendations are to start
out Conday# Wednesday# Friday# Conday 'irst and gauge ho! that goes. I am currently seeing
that most $eo$le go best !ith that $rotocol. I no! some o' you !ant to train a body$art as
many times as $ossible in a !ees time# hell I !ould love to be able to train a body$art 4 times
a !ee and gro! but it can't be done. 6o this is something I can't hel$ you need to
chec yoursel' and 'ind out !here you are recovering and then !or !ith that. I can do a 1=
$late leg $ress 'or re$s and be sore 'or the ne3t day and a hal' and 'eel 'resh and ready to go on
my ne3t leg day. &igh dose glutamine has been a godsend to my recovery ability as has
e3treme stretching. Cy training !eights continue to rocet u$!ard on everything. What I cannot
do is 2 leg e3ercises 'or multi$le sets in a !orout session and recover 2%4 days later to do legs
again. I thin you're begging 'or in?ury i' you are still very# very sore the ne3t time a body $art
comes u$.
53am$le "ay one
First e3ercise smith incline $resses -I'll use the !eights I use 'or e3am$le.
/27 'or !armu$ 'or /1
/H7 'or H !armu$
17= 'or B !armu$
2/7 'or 4 !armu$
Then all out !ith 2<7 'or H re$s to total absolute 'ailure -then /1%/7 dee$ breaths. 2<7 'or 1%4
re$s to total absolute 'ailure -then /1%/7 dee$ breaths. 2<7 'or /%2 re$s to absolute total 'ailure
-then a 1=%2= second static hold. "ON5+%that's it 2<7lbs 'or HJ4J2K 2<7 'or /7 re$s rest
$aused..... ne3t !ee I go 'or 2H7 -again rest $aused.%%%%%directly a'ter that rest $ause set I go to
e3treme stretching 'lyes as described earlier and then that's it 'or chest and on to shoulders#
trice$s and bac. The ne3t time I come in to do chest I !ould do hammer 'lat $resses in the
same rest $aused manner -and then e3treme stretching again.%%%the time a'ter that I come in to
do chest I !ould do my third 'avorite e3ercise rest $aused)stretched and then the cycle re$eats.
In sim$le terms I am using techni9ues !ith e3treme high intensity-rest $ause. !hich I 'eel mae
a $ersons strength go u$ as 9uicly as $ossible J lo! volume so I can -recover. as 9uicly as
$ossible !ith as many gro!th $hases -damage)remodel)recover. I can do in a years time.
6ome e3ercises involving legs and some bac ro!ing e3ercises don't allo! themselves to rest
$ause too !ell. A sam$le cou$le o' days 'or me !ould be the 'ollo!ing -IC not including !armu$
sets%%?ust !oring sets..
Worout /
C&56T( smith incline 2<7 3 /7 re$s rest $ause -,0. and a 2= second static re$ at the end -then
6&OUL"5,6( 'ront smith $ress%22= 3 /2 ,0 and 2= second static -then stretches.
T,IC506( reverse gri$ bench $ress 2/7 'or /7%1= re$s ,0%no static -then stretches.
8ACF WI"T&( rear $ulldo!ns to bac o' head 2== 3 /H ,0 -1= second static at end.
8ACF T&ICFN566( 'loor deadli'ts straight set o' H%1= re$s -then stretches 'or bac.
The in'ormation belo! is 'rom 0eter O'&anrahan's >8ody Ty$es# 0art />. It is a brie' and
incom$lete descri$tion o' the mesomor$h's tem$erament.
Worout 1
8IC506( $reacher bench barbell curl ,0 'or /4 re$s and 2= second static
FO,5A,C6( hammer curls straight set 'or /7 re$s -then stretches 'or bice$s.
CALL56( on hac s9uat straight set 'or /1 re$s but !ith a 1= second negative $hase
&AC6T,IND6( Cybe3 hamstring $ress -$ressing !ith heels u$ to$. ,0 'or 1= re$s
;UA"6( hac s9uat straight set o' B $lates each side 'or 1= re$s -o' course a'ter !arming u$.
Then stretches 'or 9uads and hams.
The absolutely most im$ortant thing o' any o' this is I !rite do!n all !eights and re$s done 'rom
the !oring set on a note$ad. 6o every time I go into the gym I have to continually loo bac
and beat the $revious times re$s)!eight or both. I' I can't or I don't beat it# no matter i' I love
doing the e3ercise or not# I have to change to a ne! e3ercise. 8elieve me this adds a grave
seriousness# a clutch $er'ormance or im$erativeness to a !orout+ I have e3ercises I love to do
and no!ing I !ill lose them i' I don't beat the $revious stats sucs+ 8ut there is a method to this
madness because !hen you get to that sticing $oint o' strength -AN" *OU WILL# T&5,5 I6
NO WA* *OU CAN &ACF 6;UAT U0 TO 7= 0LAT56 A 6I"5. that is !hen your
muscleKstrength gains !ill sto$. At that $oint you must turn to a di''erent e3ercise and then get
brutally strong on that one. Then someday you !ill $ea out on that one too. *ou can al!ays
come bac to that loved e3ercise in the 'uture and you'll start some!hat lo!er and build u$ to a
$ea again%%and trust me that $ea !ill be 'ar more than the $revious one. 6ome e3ercises
you'll stay !ith and gain strength at 'or almost u$ to a year and some e3ercises you'll be at the
limit in 4 !ees and lose them but its all in the $lan. For e3am$le%% I love reverse gri$ bench
$resses# no!ing that I have to beat 2/7 'or /< re$s ,0 or else I have to change to maybe di$s
ne3t time $uts a serious sense o' urgency into !orouts. I either have to beat it by doing
something to the e''ect o' 21= 'or /7 ,0 or i' I stic !ith 2/7# I have to get at least /G re$s ,0 or
so. I' I'm 'eeling cra$$y or having an o'' day I might give mysel' a little lee!ay and allo! mysel'
another go at it ne3t time around but that's it. The note$ad is your intensity level# ho! badly you
!ant to ee$ doing an e3ercise !ill be ho! hard you $ush to beat the $revious. Looing at that
$iece o' $a$er no!ing !hat you have to do to beat it !ill bring out the best in you. Again# it's all
in the $lan to mae you the strongest bodybuilder $ossible !hich !ill e9ual out into the biggest
bodybuilder $ossible.
I 'ind mysel' irritated no! !hen $eo$le loo at me and say >genetics> or something to that
e''ect%%its amaAing to me that at /G I !as B 'oot and /2<lbs -yes /2<. and eating B meals a day
and $eo$le !ould chucle at me the sticboy trying to be a bodybuilder. I seriously did not miss
a meal 'or my 'irst 2 and a hal' years# I !ould set my alarm at 1am and !ae u$ and eat
scrambled eggs and $ancaes i' I missed a meal during the day. T!o years later I looed
>normal> at /GBlbs or so. T!o years ?ust to loo lie a normal $erson+ I e$t bombing a!ay#
eating and not taing no as an ans!er and no! I am u$ at 2==lbs and $eo$le say >you must
have al!ays been big> and genetics. That's tough 'or me to hear thining ho! $syched I !as to
!eigh more than /<= at one $oint. I've only trained one true mesomor$h. Cesomor$hs don't
need trainers usually. I train ectomor$hs and endomor$hs. The last 2 $eo$le I've trained have
been a $udgy Ce3ican !ho !as /<1 -no! 17Hlbs hard.%%a sinny marine# and a guy stuc at
/HHlbs 'or many years -no! 1B=.. These $eo$le all thought the same thing seeing ho! my
!orouts !ere set u$%>am I doing enough@>%%I' you can sho! someone ho! to train so hard that
they realiAe they !ere holding bac tremendously during their H%1= set !orouts# that's hal' the
battle. The other hal' is maing them realiAe ho! im$ossible it is to do H%1= sets $er body$art i'
you truly# truly train balls to the !all hard. 0ersonally# i' I do a 1= re$ hac s9uat !ith slag iron
heavy ! /= re$s I am seriously doubting I am going to mae it%%%at /4 re$s IC seeing
colors%%%at /< re$s IC asing Dod 'or hel$%%and the last 2 re$s are li'e# death# or rigor mortis%%%I
no! 'or a 'act that there is no !ay in hell I could do another 4%7 sets o' hacs lie that. I gave
everything I had right there on that set. I' I can do another 4%7 sets lie that I'm cruising at <=I
at the most. I' all you get out o' my articles is the mindset o' heavy !eights# lo! volume#
stretching# and 're9uency o' body $arts trained%I !ould be very ha$$y because then I !ould
have you on the right $ath to get you !here you !ant to be.
"ogg is $resently training $eo$le online !ith daily emails to them and an A to M a$$roach !ith
diet su$$lementation training and recovery. &e is e3$ensive but he !ants to be because he
doesn't !ant to train a lot o' $eo$le at once -Four at once is his limit.. &is 'irst client has been
li'ting 'or 2 years !ith limited success but in < !ees !ith "ogg has gone 'rom /H2lbs at <.7I
body'at to 1=7lbs at <.<I body'at. At the end o' /= !ees he should be around 1/Blbs or so
and on!ard. "ogg is also online training 1 su$erheavy!eight national com$etitors !ho came to
him to $ut on $ro siAe muscle. They !ill mae an even bigger s$lash than !hat they already
have accom$lished. &is 'lat 'ee is 4== dollars 'or everything designed -diet# training#
su$$lementation. and then constant emails to you 'or at least 1 months monitoring and
ad?usting your $rogress. &e does a strict intervie! 'irst to see i' you have the maeu$ and
mindset o' the $erson he !ants to train. &e turns a!ay $eo$le !ho he doesn't believe !ill go at
it or listen to him /== $ercent. I' 4== dollars e9uals out to the 4=%B=lbs o' muscle "ogg $uts on
$eo$le re$eatedly to you%% then you can contact him at "oggcra$$NNO60ACAi$li$.com -minus
the nos$am.
Cycles For Pennies Continues
by Dogg
It is so tough to tal about training !hen I am not in 'ront o' someone. In real li'e or at my gym
$eo$le !ill see me or someone I train and be convinced that my system !ors very !ell. And in
$erson I can e3$lain ho! it all 'its together. 8ut 'or some reason giving an o$inion on training
online o''ends a lot o' bodybuilders. It is lie a blo! to their ego as i' your $utting them do!n or
telling them they donOt no! ho! to train. And then you get every &IT# $eriodiAation# and
brain!ashed Wieder $rinci$le disci$le arguing !ith me !hy their method is the best and I am
!rong. 0eo$le get $issed i' they thin !hat they might be doing training !ise is !rong or not the
most $roductive. It's human nature.
I can continually turn /<=lb guys -!ho go along !ith me /==I. into 1B=lb $lus monsters over
and over but I cannot hel$ guys !ho are /G=%12=lbs !ho are stuc in their !ays. Those guys
can continue to tae the long road or never get there. In the $ast months since IOve $ut my
methods out there to vie!# I continue to hear di''erent arguments against my !ay o' training.
&ey itOs radically di''erent than the norm and lie I said $eo$le canOt stand to thin !hat they are
$resently doing training !ise isn't the best+ 6o 'ar IOve heard the usual gamut -overtraining#
undertraining# undervolume# CN6 saturation.. One guy !ho said >not enough stimulation $er
!orout>%sadly he has con'used volume to e9ual gains. W,OND+++ I' volume K gains go head
and do /== hard sets $er body$art and do each body$art once every 2 !ees. 0lease tell me
!hat incredible gains you get.
To me all this is an egotistical !ay to debun a radically di''erent method because you donOt
!ant to believe !hat your $resently doing is incorrect or 'slo!er gaining'. No one is overtraining
or undertraining that I train. 5very bodybuilder that I have trained has gained at least 4<lbs+ This
s$ort is 'ull o' 'ragile egos# $seudo%e3$erts# armchair bice$ curlers. I am a very advanced
bodybuilder but the only thing I am conceited about is I truly believe I could tae anybody
reading this and turn them into a 4.=lbs $er inch bodybuilder. I love taing a humble bodybuilder
!ho doubts his genetics and maing him the largest guy in his gym. That is so 'un 'or me. I love
the $eo$le !ho !his$er in the corners that >he must be loaded to the hilt> yet he is on the same
things they are. I love hearing the $etty ?ealousy and anger that comes over other bodybuilders
no! that the guy I trained is the big boy on the bloc. IOm not $ushing my methods on anyone. I
!ant you to decide 'or yoursel' !ith deductive reasoning. 8ut i' you have been li'ting 'or 4%7
years and $eo$le aren't commenting# stating or asing 9uestions about you being a bodybuilder
on a daily basis%I thin thatOs embarrassing and you might !ant to 9uestion i' !hat you are doing
training !ise has merit to it. I only train hardcore bodybuilders -and some 'itness girls. do!n
here in 6o Cal. -its not my main ?ob%%I turn do!n about G=I o' $eo$le due to my o!n $ersonal
reasons%%!hich are mostly a'ter intervie!ing them I 'eel they !ont do !hat I say /==I. I am
very# very good at turning normal $eo$le into the biggest bodybuilders in their area. IOve trained
< $eo$le bodybuilding !ise in the last 4 years -7 used su$er su$$lements 1 !ere clean.. 5very
one o' those $eo$le gained at least 4<lbs on their body!eight at roughly the same or less
/./HH to 1B=-1.7 years.
1./<1 to 174 -2 years.
2.1=H to 1B/-clean+ genetic mesomor$h / year.
4.1/H to 1<7 -cut his ?uice in hal'# doubled his $rotein# sho!ed him ho! to train correctly%1
I donOt lie to comment on others training $hiloso$hies directly because they get so o''ended i'
you donOt agree !ith them. I believe !hen you mae something too com$licated or hard $eo$le
donOt !ant to 'ollo! it. I believe the baseline training $rotocol 'or bodybuilding is >$rogression>
and !hatever training is needed to get stronger -and there'ore bigger.. &ere is my $ersonal
o$inion on volume training...itOs a !ay 'or $eo$le !ho cannot generate inhuman intensity during
a set to mae gains. I' that seems lie a >$utdo!n> so be it# I am sorry. Lolume training to me is
the long !ay to achieve trauma !hereas there are shorter more $roductive !ays o' going about
I' you !ere a !orld class s$rinter !ith a time a cou$le tenths o'' the !orld record !hat !ould
you do to brea the mar@ Would you run 7 races and re$eated s$rints at B=I intensity 'or
hours at a time@ Would that mae you any 'aster@ Or !ould you $ush the intensity limits !ith a
!ind bearing running $arachute and do e3$losive s$rints as hard as you can@ *ou tell me.
I say B=I intensity !ith volume training because I no! this( *ou cannot do 1= sets 'or a
body$art at a balls to the !all all out intensity%itOs im$ossible. I no! this about mysel'# i' I truly
s9uat !ith everything I have -!here its re$ or death.# !ith an e3tremely heavy !eight and at
/1re$s I !ant to 9uit.....but someho!# some!ay I mae mysel' do /2# then the /4th# the /7th%%
my 'ace is no! beet red and IOm breathing lie a locomotive yet I '!ill' mysel' to do another re$#
another# another%%%!ith t!o more re$s to go till 1=# I 'eel 'aint but I am going to 'ucing do it
because >I am not driving my car home thining ho! I $ussed out and didnOt mae
it>..../G.....and 1= goes u$ agoniAing slo! and I am thining to mysel' >oh $lease# $lease go
u$>%%%%done+ Ten minutes later I couldnOt even attem$t to try to du$licate that. Not even close. I
bet I !ould mae it to maybe /4 re$s to$s. I' you could du$licate that same set you are a robot.
Ninety $ercent o' $eo$le in gyms around the !orld are doing some 'orm o' volume training but
besides the rare genetically elite and heavy steroid users# !hy does everyone stay the same
siAe year a'ter year@ -With volume training you see a lot o' overtraining# ?oint in?uries and $eo$le
!ho are burning u$ all their energy stores. I' you can't train at above normal intensity levels I
'eel volume training is bene'icial to cause trauma -hey it !ors 'or genetic 'reas lie Fle3
Wheeler and 0aul "illett%%t!o hal'%ass B=I trainers i' that.. Too bad !ith their incredible
genetics that they donOt have the hardcore mindset o' a *ates or Coleman !ho by$ass them by
'orce o' !ill$o!er and e''ort. 0ersonally I lie the shortest route at the shortest time $ossible to
get some$lace. "o I thin my !ay o' training is the best@ For mysel' and the $eo$le I train%yes. I
have no !ay to gauge others intensity levels online. 6omeone training at G=I intensity 'or B
sets is going to get more out o' it than :oe 8lo! !ho is doing 1= sets $er body$art at 'orty
$ercent. In the sim$lest terms# no matter !hat !ay you train%i' you are !ay stronger than last
year# B months ago# 2 months ago# last month# last !ee you are getting continually bigger no
doubt about it. A lot o' modern day training has been evolved $retty much 'rom !hat Arnold and
bodybuilders o' the B='s did%%%and Arnold ?ust !inged it%%there !as no thought $rovoing science
there. I !ant $eo$le to thin their training out.
/.I' you train a body$art every day you !ill overtrain and not get larger
1.I' you train a body$art once a month you !ill not overtrain but you !ill only be gro!ing /1
times a year besides the atro$hy bet!een !orouts -$retty much a snails $ace.
2.I' you train !ith 2= sets a body$art it !ill tae you a great deal o' time to recover 'rom that
besides using u$ a great deal o' energy and $rotein resources doing it -and maybe even muscle
catabolism !ill tae $lace.
4.I' you train one set 'or a very easy H re$s $er body$art you could train that body$art more
o'ten but you didnOt ta3 yoursel' to get larger.
6o !hat is the ans!er@ IOll tell you the ans!er+ The ans!er is doing the least amount o' heavy
intense training that maes you dramatically stronger -bigger. so you can recover and train that
body$art the most times in a year -'re9uency.. I' you can train)recover)D,OW#
train)recover)D,OW# train)recover)D,OW as many times as $ossible in a years time%%you !ill
be essentially gaining t!ice as 'ast as the bodybuilders around you.
O bac to my training conce$tsPIOve stated ho! my !hole goal is to continually get stronger
on ey e3ercises !hich e9uals getting continually bigger. I !ill state this# the method I am about
to describe to you is !hat I have 'ound that maes $eo$le gro! at the absolutely 'astest rate
$ossible and !hy I am being inundated do!n in this area to train $eo$le. ItOs going to go against
the grain but I'm maing $eo$le gro! about 1 times as 'ast the normal rate so bear !ith me.
A ty$ical !orout 'or the masses is -lets use chest 'or an e3am$le. doing a body$art once every
< days and sometimes even once every G days or more. This conce$t came to the 'ront due to
recovery reasoning and I agree !ith most ty$ical !orouts your going to need a great deal o'
recovery. &ereOs the $roblem# lets say you train chest once a !ee 'or a year and you
hy$othetically gain /)B4 o' an inch in $ectoral thicness 'rom each !orout. At the end o' the
year you should be at 71)B4 -or /2)/B .. Almost an inch o' thicness -$retty good..
To build muscle !e are trying to li't at a high enough intensity and load to gro! muscle but !ith
enough recovery so the muscle remodels and gro!s. The $roblem is everyone is loading u$ on
the volume end o' training and its taing a!ay 'rom the recovery $art o' it. Incredible strength
DAIN6 !ill e9ual incredible siAe DAIN6. And you sure as hell donOt need to do 2%7 e3ercises
and /=%1= sets $er body$art to do that+ In actuality you really donOt need to do much to gro!. As
long as your training !eights continue to rocet u$!ard you !ill al!ays be gaining muscle. I'
you go in and do s9uats using your ultimate e''ort !ith 4=7lbs 'or 1= re$s are you going to say
youOre not going to gro! 'rom that@ I' you !ent all out on that e''ort# I'm sorry but thro!ing
hacs# leg $ress# leg e3tensions and lunges into that same !orout is going to do nothing but
royally lengthen your recovery $rocess !hen you !ere already going to gro! in the 'irst $lace.
*ou can train in a !ay so you can train a body$art 2 times every nine to 'ourteen days and you
!ill recover and gro! 'aster than ever be'ore. I' you train chest 2 times in G%/4 days you are
no! doing chest roughly G/%/2B times a year+ 6o instead o' 4=%71 gro!th $hases !ith regular
once a !ee training you are no! getting G/%/2B gro!th $hases a year. I $ersonally !ould
rather gro! G/%/2B times a year than 4=%71 times a year. At a hy$othetical /)B4th o' an inch $er
!orout you are no! at /2B)B4 -or roughly 1./ inches o' thicness.. 6o no! youOre gro!ing at
roughly t!o times as 'ast as normal $eo$le !ho are doing modern day !orouts are. Cost
$eo$le train chest !ith 2 to 4 e3ercises and !ait the <%G days to recover and that is one gro!th
$hase. I use the same three e3ercises in that same G%/4 days but do chest 2 times during that
-instead o' once. and get 2 gro!th $hases. &o!@ 6u$er heavy !eights 'or lo! lo! volume so
you can recover and train that body$art again as 9uicly as $ossible.
5veryone no!s a muscle either contracts or doesnOt# you cannot isolate a certain $art o' it -you
can get into $ositions that $resent better mechanical advantages though that $uts a 'ocus on
certain dee$ muscle 'ibers.%%'or e3am$le incline $resses vs 'lat $resses. One huge mistae
beginning bodybuilders mae is they have a >must> $rinci$le instilled in them. They 'eel they
>must> do this e3ercise and that e3ercise or they !onOt gro!.
This is ho! I set bodybuilders !orouts u$. I have them $ic either their 2 'avorite e3ercises 'or
each body$art or better yet the e3ercises they 'eel !ill bring u$ their !eanesses the most. For
me my chest e3ercises are high incline smith machine $ress# hammer seated 'lat $ress and
slight incline smith $ress !ith hands very# very !ide%%%%this is because I loo at my $hysi9ue and
I 'eel my $roblem area is u$$er and outer $ecs%%%that is my 'ocus. What you do is tae these
three e3ercises and rotate them# using only one $er chest !orout. I !ould do high incline smith
on my 'irst chest day# then 2%4 days later I !ould do hammer seated 'lat $ress on my second
chest day. Three to 'our days a'ter that !ide gri$ slight incline smith $ress !ould be done and
then the !hole cycle is re$eated again in 2%4 days.
Whenever I train someone ne! I have them do the 'ollo!ing %%4 times training in H days%%%!ith
straight sets. 6ometimes !ith rest $ause sets but !e have to gauge the recovery ability 'irst.
"ay one !ould be Conday and !ould be(
bac !idth
bac thicness
"ay t!o !ould be Wednesday and !ould be
"ay three !ould be Friday and !ould be the same as day one but !ith di''erent e3ercises
bac !idth
bac thicness
-satJsun o''.
"ay 'our !ould be the 'ollo!ing Conday and !ould be the same as day t!o but !ith di''erent
and so on Wenesday# Friday# Conday# Wenesday etc.
*ouOre hitting every body$art t!ice in H days. The volume on everything is sim$ly as many
!armu$ sets as you need to do% to be ready 'or your ON5 !or set. That can be t!o !armu$
sets 'or a small muscle grou$ or 'ive !armu$ sets 'or a large muscle grou$ on heavy e3ercise
lie rac deadli'ts. The ON5 !or set is either a straight set or a rest $ause set -de$ending on
your recovery abilities again.. For $eo$le on the lo!est scale o' recovery its ?ust that one
straight set%%%ne3t u$ is a straight set !ith statics 'or $eo$le !ith slightly better than that
recovery%%%%ne3t u$ is rest $ausing -on many o' the o' movements. !ith statics 'or $eo$le !ith
middle o' the road recovery on u$.
As you $rogress as a bodybuilder you need to tae even more rest time and recovery time.
,5A" T&AT ADAIN 0L5A65 A6 *OU 0,OD,566 A6 A 8O"*8UIL"5, IN 6IM5 AN"
6T,5NDT& *OU N55" TO TAF5 5L5N CO,5 ,56T AN" ,5COL5,* TIC5. 5EAC0L5(
Cy recovery ability is $robably slightly better no! than !hen I started li'ting /2 years ago but
only slightly...but bac then I !as benching /27lbs and s9uatting /77lbs in my 'irst months o'
li'ting. No! I am 'ar and a!ay the strongest $erson in my gym using $oundages three to si3
times greater than !hen I 'irst started li'ting. With my recovery ability being !hat it is both then
and no!# do you thin I need more time to recover 'rom a /77lb s9uat 'or H re$s or a 7==L8
s9uat 'or H re$s@ Obviously the ans!er is NOW+ *et remember this%the more times you can
train a body$art in a years time and recover !ill mean the 'astest gro!th $ossible+ IOve done the
training a body$art every /= days system in the $ast and !hile recovering 'rom that%%the gains
!ere so slo! over time I got 'rustrated and realiAed the 're9uency o' gro!th $hases-'or me.!as
to lo!. I !ant to gain u$!ards o' /=4 times a year instead o' 71%%the 'astest rate that I can
accumulate muscle -*5T ADAIN WIT&IN ON56 ,5COL5,* A8ILIT*%I CANT 6A* T&AT
I have been slo!ly changing my $hiloso$hies o' training over the $ast /2 years to !here I am
no!. IOve been gaining so 'ast the last cou$le o' years itOs been $retty amaAing. IOve got my
training do!n to e3tremely lo! volume -a rest $ause set or ON5 straight set. !ith e3treme
stretching# and !ith recovery issues al!ays in the bac o' my mind. I realiAe the number one
$roblem in this s$ort that !ill mae or brea a bodybuilder is overtraining. 6im$ly as this%%you
overtrain your done as a bodybuilder gains!ise. Fa$ut. Mi$. A !aste o' valuable time. 8ut I also
thin there is a $roblem !ith under're9uency -only i' you can train hardcore enough !ith
e3tremely lo! volume to recover.. I sirt right along the line o' overtraining%%I am right there...IOve
done everything in my $o!er -6tretching# glutamine# >su$er su$$lements># slee$.to ee$ me on
this side o' the line and its !ored 'or me. I believe everyone has di''erent recovery abilities%%the
?ob o' a bodybuilder is to 'ind out !hat their individual recovery ability is and do the least amount
o' hardcore training to gro! so they can train that body$art as 're9uently as $ossible. For
anyone !ho !ants to 'ollo! my lead that !ould mean starting out !ith straight sets training 4
times in H days and strictly gauging yoursel' recovery !ise !ith every ste$ u$ you tae -statics#
rest $auses.%%I !ould rather you !ait until my ne3t article comes out to go over the details o' this
ind o' training be'ore you attem$t it%%as its im$ortant to me that everyone !ho !ants to do this
does it correctly.
"ogg is $resently training $eo$le online !ith daily emails to them and an A to M a$$roach !ith
diet su$$lementation training and recovery. &e is e3$ensive but he !ants to be because he
doesn't !ant to train a lot o' $eo$le at once -Four at once is his limit.. &is 'irst client has been
li'ting 'or 2 years !ith limited success but in < !ees !ith "ogg has gone 'rom /H2lbs at <.7I
body'at to 1=7lbs at <.<I body'at. At the end o' /= !ees he should be around 1/Blbs or so
and on!ard. "ogg is also online training 1 su$erheavy!eight national com$etitors !ho came to
him to $ut on $ro siAe muscle. They !ill mae an even bigger s$lash than !hat they already
have accom$lished. &is 'lat 'ee is 4== dollars 'or everything designed -diet# training#
su$$lementation. and then constant emails to you 'or at least 1 months monitoring and
ad?usting your $rogress. &e does a strict intervie! 'irst to see i' you have the maeu$ and
mindset o' the $erson he !ants to train. &e turns a!ay $eo$le !ho he doesn't believe !ill go at
it or listen to him /== $ercent. I' 4== dollars e9uals out to the 4=%B=lbs o' muscle "ogg $uts on
$eo$le re$eatedly to you%% then you can contact him at "oggcra$$NNO60ACAi$li$.com -minus
the NO60AC.
List of approved exercises for DC
as compiled by Jeffro11821, losercore and egill.
incline smythe
decline smythe
hammer strength $ress -incline and decline.
other good machine $ress
incline barbell
decline barbell
incline dumbbell $ress
'lat dumbbell $ress
decline dumbbell $ress
smythe $resses to 'ront
smythe $resses to bac o' head
hammer strength $ress
other good machine $ress
barbell $ress to 'ront
barbell $ress to bac o' head
dumbbell shoulder $ress
close gri$ bench in smythe
reverse gri$ bench in smythe
sull crushers
di$s -in u$right $osition.
rac chins to 'ront
rac chins to bac o' head
reverse gri$ rac chins -close gri$.
assisted $ullu$s
hammer strength >$ulldo!n> machines
other good >$ulldo!n> machines
$ull do!ns to 'ront
$ull do!ns to bac o' head
rac deadli't
T%bar ro!s
smythe ro!s
barbell ro!s
barbell curls
alternate dumbbell curls
barbell $reacher curls
hammer strength machine curls
other good machine curls
cable curls
incline db curls
close gri$ eA%bar $reacher curls
standing medium gri$ eA%bar curls
hammer curls -alternated.
$in!heel curls -alternated.
reverse gri$ one arm cable curls
calves on a leg $ress
standing cal' raises
calves in hac s9uat
seating cal' raises
any cal' machine !ith a good range o' motion
seating leg curls
standing leg curls
lying leg curls
sti'' leg deadli't
sumo $resses
smythe s9uats
hac s9uat
leg $ress
Extreme Stretcing
by Jason Mueller
One must tem$er their ne!'ound strength and a$$etite !ith the !isdom to a$$ly
them $ro$erly# !eOre certainly not advocating that one li't !eights to the
$oint o' in?ury or that an endomor$h stu'' themselves !ith everything in
sight. 8oth "ogg and I are ma?or advocates o' stretching $rior to !oring
out and CO,5 IC0O,TANTL* 6T,5TC&IND TO T&5 0OINT OF T&,56&OL"6 AFT5,
!oring out. I -Ceuller. even more so a'ter having torn a trice$s and having 1== ccOs o' $us
removed 'rom a bice$ in Cay o' this year. At a body!eight o' over 2/= lbs# I am the very
de'inition o' Qmuscle%boundR and 'ind it very di''icult to $er'orm actions that most $eo$le tae 'or
granted -lie tying my shoes# and IOm not ?oing.. As such# I am routinely stretched every !ee
by another trainer to try and maintain some modicum o' 'le3ibility# and stretch $rior to and !hile
!oring out to avoid 'urther in?uries -or e3acerbate the ones I currently have.. I ha$$ily tae my
hat o'' to "ogg and give credit !here credit is due# the guy is an amaAing trainer and sho!ed a
young and cocy
:ason Ceuller !hat hardcore !as really all about bac in OG4. &e believes lie :on 0arillo did#
that >e3treme stretching> directly a'ter a body$art is trained is ey 'or recu$eration# recovery#
and a $rimer 'or gro!th via 'ascial stretching and maybe even hy$er$lasia -more on that in a
'uture article.. &eOs outlined a series o' stretches that he 'inds e3tremely e''ective at both
avoiding in?uries and adding siAe during cycles. These
includes the !eights he uses# !hich readers !ill obviously have to ad?ust -more than liely
do!n. according to their o!n strength levels. 5very e3treme stretch is done right a'ter that body
$art has been trained.
Flat bench G=lb dumbbells chest high%%lungs 'ull o' air%%'irst /= seconds
dro$ do!n into dee$est stretch and then ne3t 7= seconds really $ush the
stretch -this really# really hurts. but do it 'aith'ully and come bac and
$ost on the A5 message board in 4 !ees and tell me i' your chest isn't much
'uller and rounder
6eated on a 'lat bench%my bac u$ against the barbell%%%<7lb dumbbell in my
hand behind my head -lie in an overhead dumbbell e3tension.%%sin dumbbell
do!n into $osition 'or the 'irst /= seconds and then an agoniAing 7= seconds
slightly leaning bac and $ushing the dumbbell do!n !ith the bac o' my head
This one is tough to describe%%$ut barbell in s9uat rac shoulder
height%%'ace a!ay 'rom it and reach bac and grab it $alms u$ -hands on
bottom o' bar.%%%!al yoursel' out!ard until you are on your heels and the
stretch gets $ain'ul%%then roll your shoulders do!n!ard and hold 'or B=
:ust lie the above $osition but hold barbell $alms do!n no! -hands on to$ o'
bar.%%sin do!n in a s9uatting $osition 'irst and i' you can hac it into a
neeling $osition and then i' you can hac that sin your butt do!n%%B=
seconds%%I cannot mae it B= seconds%% I get to about 47PitOs too $ain'ul%%i'
you can mae it B= seconds you are either inhuman or you need to raise the
bar u$ another rung
&onestly 'or about 2 years my training $artner and I !ould hang a /==lb
dumbbell 'rom our !aist and hung on the !idest chinu$ bar -!ith !rist stra$s.
to see !ho could get closest to 2 minutes%%I never made it%%I thin 1 minutes
1< seconds !as my record%%but my bac !idth is by 'ar my best body $art%%I
$ull on a doornob or stationary e9ui$ment !ith a rounded bac no! and itOs
!ay too hard too e3$lain here%%?ust try it and get your 'eel 'or it
5ither leg u$ on a high barbell holding my toe and trying to 'orce my leg
straight !ith my 'ree hand 'or an e3cruciating $ain'ul B= seconds
Facing a barbell in a $o!er rac about hi$ high %%gri$ it and simultaneously
sin do!n and thro! your nees under the barbell and do a sissy s9uat
underneath it !hile going u$ on your toes. Then straighten your arms and lean
as 'ar bac as you can%%%B= seconds and i' this one doesn't mae you hate my
guts and bring tears to your eyes nothing !ill%%%do this one 'aith'ully and
tell me in 4 !ees i' your 9uads donOt loo a lot di''erent than they used to Calves
Cy !ea body $art that I couldnOt get u$ too $ar until 1 years ago !hen I
'inally thought it out and 'igured out ho! to mae them gro! -!ith only one
set t!ice a !ee too.. I donOt need to stretch calves a'ter because !hen I do
calves I e3$lode on the $ositive and tae 7 seconds to get bac to 'ull
stretch and then /7 seconds at the very bottom >one one thousand# t!o one
thousand# three one thousand etc> %%/7 seconds stretching at the bottom
thining and trying to 'le3 my toes to!ard my shin%%it is absolutely
unbearable and you !ill most liely be shaing and !ant to give u$ at about <
re$s -I al!ays go 'or /1re$s !ith ma3imum !eights.%%do this on a hac s9uat
or a leg $ress%%my calves have 'inally taen o'' due to this and caught u$ to
the rest o' me than Dod.
I' you doubt the e3tra muscle gro!th $ossible !ith stretching I urge you
to research hy$er$lasia -and the bird !ing stretching $rotocols. !here time E
stretch E !eight induced incredible hy$er$lasia. Our stretching is done under
much lo!er time $eriods but 'ascial stretching and the $ossibility o' induced
hy$er$lasia cant be ignored. IOve had too many $eo$le !rite me or tell me in
$erson that the >e3treme stretching> has dramatically changed their $hysi9ue
to ever doubt its virtues.
For $ictures o' the e3treme stretches# go here( 5ET,5C5 6T,5TC& 0ICTU,56
!andom Tougts by Dogg
a.I have no $roblem !ith anyone on leg training s!itching the e3ercises they do 'rom the B%H
heavy set to the 1= re$$ers on as long as the 1= re$$er gets done. Alot o' the su$er large guys I
train -1<=%24=lbers. have serious trouble breathing!ise doing a 1= re$ 'ree s9uat. &ell I have
trouble doing it mysel'. *ou are carrying alot o' body!eight# breathing lie a locomotive and hey
lets not die on leg training day%LOL. Ill give you an e3am$le%%One o' my guys does smythe
s9uats# 'ree s9uats and leg $resses as his three leg movements. On leg $ress day he does the
heavy B%/= -I mae him do /= re$s on it. and then does the 1= re$$er on the same leg $ress.
On smythe day he does his heavy B%H and then does the 1= re$$er on a horiAontal hac
machine. On 'ree s9uat day he does his heavy B%/= and does the 1= re$$er on a Cybe3
-di''erent. leg $ress machine at a slightly di''erent angle than the other leg $ress day. I got no
$roblem !ith any o' you guys doing that es$ecially you large beasts. No! i' you start doing only
leg $resses !ith the same leg $ress machine 'or all your 1= re$$ers then Im going to call you on
it that your taing the easy !ay out.
b.Alot o' $eo$le as me ho! I come to conclusions on things.....alot o' all this you can deduct
'rom !hat you see going on around you at gyms and 'rom ?ust !atching $eo$le. Alot o' !hat I
do is >reverse engineering>%%I thin things out bac!ards to 'ind out the reasoning. *ou can sit
there and study medline all day long but until you have a $ractical brain to thin ho! it $ertains
to bodybuilding# your not going to get very 'ar in a$$lying it. For e3am$le alot o' $eo$le 'rea out
about the controlled negative on re$s in "C training and !hy the hec its done. 8esides !hat
science agrees !ith# thin o' certain instances or hobbies or ?obs !ith re$etitive movements !ith
the re$eated same load. 8oat ro!ers# sa!ing lumber?acs and gymnasts. They all do re$etitive
movements !ith the same load# a boat or canoist ro!er is trying to $o!er along a boat as 'ast
as he can# a sa!ing lumber?ac is using $o!er to sa! do!n a tree# a gymnast does re$eated
movements !ith body!eight. All are $ushing the limits trying to use as much $o!er as $ossible
'or the tas at hand. Which one o' those three has a discernable musculature@ 8oat ro!ers dont
have huge bacs# sa!ing lumber?acs dont have huge arms but gymnasts al!ays have that
musculature. They sure arent eating to get huge and most liely they arent doing incredibly
heavy !eight training but you can al!ays see the musculature on a gymnast. Why@ Well !hich
one o' those three does controlled negative movements@ The ro!ers and sa!ers are ?ust using
$ositive movements and it does virtually nothing 'or their musculature -science agrees !ith that
theory%concluding that the $ositive movment is a strength)$riming $hase and the eccentric is
!here the magic ha$$ens.%%the gymnasts on the other hand are all doing heavy eccentric and
controlled negative !or -iron cross)rings# $ommel horse etc etc etc.%%the moral o' the story is
your !hole thining in all this should get to the $oint !here your curling a !eight u$ ?ust 'or the
sim$le reason o' controlling the descent do!n!ard so you can get bigger
c.There !as a study some years bac !hich included 2 grou$s%%elite sumo !restlers !ho did no
!eight training !hatsoever# advanced bodybuilders and advanced $o!erli'ters%%about 1= in
each grou$. No! there is a lot o' variables here but they too the lean muscle mass o' each
grou$ and divided it by their height in inches. 6ur$risingly the sumo !restlers came out !ell
ahead o' the $o!erli'ters -1nd. and the bodybuilders -very close 2rd.. This is a grou$ !ho did no
!eight training at all but engorged themselves !ith 'ood trying to bring their body!eight u$ to
dramatic levels. &o! is a grou$ that is doing no !eight training having more muscle mass $er
inch o' height than $o!erli'ters and bodybuilders@ For anyone that doubts 'ood is the greatest
anabolic in your arsenal# you better get u$ to s$eed and on the same $age as !hat my trainees
have 'ound out. Dee no! !hat !ould ha$$en i' you actually ate to get dramatically larger lie a
sumo# but actually !eight trained lie a $o!erbuilder -!hich is !hat !e train lie.# and also did
enough cardio)carb cutto''s etc to ee$ body'at at bay !hile doing all this@ Are you guys coming
around to ho! I thin ho! to become the biggest bodybuilder at the 9uicest rate but
ee$ing leaness on that ?ourney@
d.6omething you guys might !ant to try 'or your 'orearm belly that has !ored better 'or me
than alot o' other things is a -belly o' the 'orearm. e3treme stretch done e3actly a'ter bice$s or
!rist curls or !hatever you are doing 'or 'orearms. Its as sim$le as this%%once youve done
bice$s and 'orearms and have already stretched your bice$s%%or directly a'ter your last re$ o'
seated !rist curls...sitting on a seat !ith your 'orearms resting on your legs and the barbell in
your $alms 'ace u$...let your hands sag do!n!ard and let the barbell roll do!n the $alm o' your
hand and hold onto it !ith your 'ingers until you 'eel that stretch and then the 'un begins -2=%G=
seconds thats !hat your trying 'or...dont let the to$side o' your hands hit your shin because that
de'eats the $ur$ about 2= seconds youll start shaing...47 seconds your head !ill be
t!itching 'rom side to side because there is so much $ain and it 'eels lie your going to lose the
barbell !ith your gri$ and i' you mae it to B= *OU A,5 T&5 CAN...but G= seconds is the
goal...-trust me you !ont mae it%%its too 'ucing $ain'ul.....youll get to the $oint youll have to
dro$ the barbell on the 'loor and tae 2= seconds ?ust to get your !its about you. 8e very care'ul
!ith this movement# I dont !ant you t!eaing your !rists here so be cautious. For those !ho do
this# tae a long loo at your 'orearms the very ne3t day in the mirror# 'le3 your 'orearm and I
thin youll be very sur$rised at ho! di''erent)s!ollen it is. Thats all that needs to be done%%%let
me no! 2 months 'rom no! ho! di''erent they loo
e.Its about time I start sho!ing you guys some ne! e3ercises 'rom the "C arsenal%%I got about
7= you guys have never seen but Ill thro! this one at you 'or no!. Caybe Ill ?ust have you guys
thro! out a body$art one o' these days in a $ost and ill give you ne! e3ercises you can do 'or
that body$art -time !illing.
0ulley ro! high $ulls%a!esome 'or lat !idth here guys%%this is going to be a $ain in my ass to
e3$lain but lets see i' i can do it%%god its so much easier sho!ing someone these in $erson. First
u$%%do you no! that $osition that is at the bottom o' a sti'' leg deadli't i' you do it very dee$
-some $eo$le dont.%%remember that $osition because that is ey here o@
O%*our on a seated cable ro! !ith a close gri$ $arallel handle%%your legs are slightly bent%%
your aiming 'or the greatest amount o' stretch $ossible at the very beginning o' the $ull o so
remember that you should be in that >$osition> above or close to it -I taled about earlier. thruout
this !hole movement. With your bac rounded and you leaning 'or!ard -huge stretch. you $ull
the handle to right about 2 inches above the neeca$s# thats it. At no $oint do you stic your
chest out and arch your bac and $ull the handle into your midsection and sit straight u$ as in a
seated $ulley ro!# !hat you do instead is 'lare your lats at the stretch at the very beginning and
ee$ your lats 'lared till you $ull right over your neeca$s and then control the return to the
stretch and re$eat. 8ecause your bent 'or!ard in a $osition that doesnt $ut your bac in a
$recarious sa'ety $osition you !ill have no !orries !ith a rounded bac. I guess a sim$le !ay i
could describe it is
a.huge stretch at beginning hal' a $ulley ro! movement but dont lean your torso bac!ard or arch your bac%%ee$ it
stabiliAed maybe only moving a 'e! inches the !hole movement$ your lats 'lared out!ards the !hole !ay thru and dont crunch your sca$ula together%%$ull
!ith your lats and $ull the handle 1%2 inches over your neeca$s and return%%%%%%/7%2= re$s rest
$aused is the deal on these and you !ill not be using the !eight you use on seated $ulley ro!s
so !i$e that 'rom your memory bans
PA"#$% "&'! D'ES
This $ost is 'or everyone in this 'orum%%its very im$ortant to read over%%L5,* IC0O,TANT.
Want to no! the average trainee that comes to me@ &e is 27%47 years old and a'ter /=%/7
years o' li'ting !eighs /<7 to 1/=lbs. &e loos at me as the guy that someho! can $ull a bunny
out o' a hat and mae him that 17=lb ri$$ed bodybuilder !aling the streets.... !here he couldnt
even get close to that level by himsel'. &e is scrambling around because he doesnt !ant to get
to 7= years old never 'eeling !hat it !as lie to !al thru a cro!d and $eo$le ga!# stare# and
$oint because he is a damn good bodybuilder. Well !hat the hell have you been doing all these
years@+@+@+ *ou should o' $ut in your 'STUing dues lie the rest o' us. These same guys thin Im
a miracle !orer that can someho! add H=lbs o' muscle mass on their 'rame !hile losing 2=lbs
o' 'at !hile ee$ing incredibly lean thruout the ?ourney to get there. Well guess !hat@ *OU
FUCF5" U0. Want to no! the 'astest !ay to !al around at 17= ri$$ed%%T&5 A86OLUT5L*
D'"ACN FA6T56T WA* TO D5T T&5,5@ TAF5 1 *5A,6 AN" 5AT &UD5 ACOUNT6 OF
6LID&T56T IN CU6CL5 CA66 DAIN. :ust eat co$ious amounts o' 'ood -u$ to 7==%B== grams
o' $rotein. and bring your body!eight u$ the charts !hich !ill allo! you leverage and strength
gains to allo! you use the incredible !eights you have to use in the gym to accom$lish this.
Then a'ter being at that level 'or density reasons 'or a!hile# you can slo!ly tae it do!n and I
mean slo!ly and most liely have the most muscle mass gain your genetics allo!ed in that time
'rame. That is the $robably the 'astest !ay in the shortest time to get there. 8ut de'initely not the
most desirable but truth is truth. Am i recommending that a$$roach%%&5LL NO# but i' !e are
taling about getting this done as 'ast as humanly $ossible then I have to be blunt. Noone !ants
to loo lie a 'at slob even i' it means the end result !ill be much closer to their ideal. And these
guys 27%47 years old !ant me to ee$ them $retty boy lean and !ave the magic !and and
mae them into Cilos 6arcev a'ter they $retty much ?ust !asted /=%/7 years o' training.
I dont lie using mysel' 'or an e3am$le but I !ill here. I started training at about 1= at /2<lbs and
$redominantly s$ent the ne3t /7 years eating tremendous amounts o' 'ood# training !ith very
heavy !eights but ee$ing active so I am at a leaness I $ersonally am satis'ied !ith. I to$$ed
out at about 2=2lbs and but currently hang around 1H2%1HH because thats !hat I lie to be at. I
$ut my dues in here. I might ?um$ in a sho! i' time allo!s but because o' my schedule currently
!e !ill have to see ho! that !ors out. Cainly Im looing 'or!ard to the day I can ind o' rela3
and not $ush the limits lie I have all these years. The B meals a day every day# and the !ar
!ith the logboo along !ith lugging around 1H7%2==lbs sometimes becomes very tedious. I go
to bed at nite thining e3actly !hat Im going to do and !hat all this hard !or !ill easily allo!
mysel' to do !hen I decide to cran the dial do!n!ard. Cardio !ill be done B times a !ee 'or
health and body'at reasons and that !ill tae $riority.
8ac to the sub?ect on hand here. 6o !hat !ill all this hard !or 'or the $ast /7 years allo! me
to do@ I'm in my mid 2='s no! so 'or the rest o' my 2='s and thru my 4=' and 7='s i can $retty
much !al around at 17=lbs hard as a roc at a very lo! body'at $ercentage. Ive set mysel' u$
so that !ill be very very easy. I actually have to do much less than everything I do no! -e3ce$t
cardio. to be there. Ill use guys in this 'orum 'or e3am$les# Inhuman and massive D are both
around 7'G># 7'/=> and are o''season 1H= to 2==. They have s$ent the time and 'ood
consum$tion and $aid their dues to get there. Cassive D I believe is mid 2='s and Inhuman is
early 4='s I believe. 8oth these guys !ill be able to cran this do!n and en?oy !aling around
!ith 'ull abs# hard as granite !ith veins every!here at 14=%1B=lbs. They have set themselves u$
and $aid their dues in their 1='s and 2='s to do that. *ou guys that are 27%47 years old !ho !ant
this but !eigh /<7%1/=lbs are $laying catchu$ and are so behind the race its sad. Cy $oint o'
this $ost is to get guys in their early 1='s to thin# to get guys !ho ?ust ble! /= years o' training
!ho are in their 2='s to thin# and to get guys !ho ?ust ble! /=%/7 years o' training !ho are in
their 4='s to thin. Am I advising buling u$@ No that !as a hy$othetical e3am$le. Im advising
you get your 'reaing head on straight i' you !ant this so bad. That means e3treme 'ood intae
$ronto# !ith the heaviest !eights in good 'orm that you can use $rogressively# e3treme
stretching and enough cardio -and body'at $rotocols. that it ee$s you at a leaness your
satis'ied !ith as you get dramatically larger. This s$ort isnt unlie a career. *ou have to set
yoursel' u$ early so you can be right !here you !ant to be late. Theres alot o' you guys 27%47
years old in this 'orum# some that I even train# that thin they !ant it but really dont have !hat it
taes to go get it. I see it in their !orouts they send me -they tae the easy com'ortable road
never $ushing the limits. and 'or those that I dont train I sometimes see it in your $osts%%%you
?ust dont have !hat it taes. I can only $rovide a guide to get there# I cant create an inner drive
'or you.
*ou have to start thining in terms o' $oint 8 'rom $oint A. "o you really thin that eating 2===
calories !ith 117 grams o' $rotein and doing the Weider >con'usion training $rinci$le> to ee$
your body o''guard !ill someho! magically mae your /<7lbs into 17=lbs o' roc granite
monstrosity@ 5very year o' training is so damn im$ortant. I' you ?ust trained 'or a !hole year and
only gained 1lbs o' muscle mass# you ?ust $retty much !asted a $roductive year o' training%%its
gone%%its lost and you arent getting that year bac. Three !ees ago I !as contacted by
someone in his early 4='s !ho had been li'ting 'or many years# !eighed about /<=lbs and
sho!ed me a $icture o' Deir 8organ 0aulsen and said thats !hat he !anted to loo lie and can
i get him there@+. Laughable. Deir 8organ 0aulsen is 7= years old and loos 'reaing
$henomenal. &e is a tiny bit -and i mean every so slightly tiny bit smaller. than he !as !hen he
com$eted in his 2='s. Instead o' !asting years and years o' li'ting getting absolutely no!here#
Deir s$ent his 1='s and 2='s eating huge amounts o' 'ood and training !ith heavy heavy !eights
so that he could !al around all thru his 2='s# 4='s and no! 7= years old ?aced to the hilt. Not
many $eo$le have a better 'ront double bice$s than Deir no matter !hat age they he
is htt$())!!!
What Im ho$ing to relay to you slacers and dreamers that are in this 'orum is that you have to
$ut your time in and $ay your dues in this s$ort. *our 1%2lbs gain a year arent going to get it
done so unless you !ant to get to 77 years old and loo bac and thin >!o! besides the
$eo$le I told and mysel'# noone even ne! I !as a bodybuilder and I never made it>
better get your ass in gear and your head on right and get this done no!. Daining 'at is easy but
i' you never li'ted ho! long !ould it tae 'or you to gain H=lbs o' 'at 'rom /<7 to 177lbs@
0robably a year and you !ould have to 'orce'eed yoursel' to get there. :ust thin ho! long it
taes to $ut on H=lbs o' muscle mass !hich is an e3tremely >hard to come by> commodity. This
s$ort is about e3tremes%%using !eights you havent used $reviously# taing in amounts o' 'ood to
build greater muscle mass%in amounts you never have done $reviously# and D5TTIND T&5
CA,"IO "ON5 to ee$ you at an acce$table o''season training body'at that ee$s you ha$$y.
Det your act together and thin this all out or 9uit your com$laining and dreaming and tae u$
Im seeing a re$etitive $henomenon !ith the $eo$le I train that I !ant to state here. Ive trained
alot o' $eo$le no! in the last 1 years on the net and also in $erson $reviously. I ee$ noticing
the same things%basically on ho! various trainees brain's !or. When $eo$le contact me 'or
training# the guys !ho have a big !or ethic and believe in a system o' training !hether its mine
or !estside or 737 or !hatever# and hammer it and hammer it hard come to me as big $eo$le
already. These are the bodybuilders you see out there in the street. 8ig guys that you no! li't#
there is no doubt that they are bodybuilders. On the other hand I have gotten alot o' guys !ho
have been li'ting 7%/= years and you !ould never no! they li'ted even once unless they made
it a $oint to tell you about it -and many do%%LOL.. And Ill tell you !hat the over!helming
continual trait those guys have. T&5* OL5,T&INF T&I6# OL5,ANAL*M5# ee$ second
guessing themselves# 'ollo! this routine this month and that routine the ne3t# and Fle3
magaAine the third month. It all de$ends on !hat they ha$$en to read that !ee. &OW T&5
sho!ed T0C some o' these emails in the !arehouse and he didnt realiAe the e3tent o' !hat I
!as telling him about. Ive had a cou$le guys in the last 1 months !ho have been li'ting 'or 7%/=
years and by their $ics it !ould be embarrassing to tell anyone that they actually li't. 8oth o'
these guys are sending me emails taling about iso%tension at the to$ o' bice$ curls# !orrying
u$ and do!n about the statics# should i 'le3 the $iny 'inger in!ard to mae more o' a
contraction on my alternate curl# should my 'orearm be $er$endicular to the earths a3is at the
bottom o' the shoulder $ress -you get the dri't.. I !ent o'' on one guy and 'elt bad about it a'ter
but he e$t saying >!ell ho! I used to do it is...> and >!ell Ive al!ays done it this !ay> Cy
ans!er !as >!ell !hy do you loo lie shit i' your old !ay !ored so !ell>@ Noone !ill ever
no! !ho these trainees are because its my business only but I !ant them to read this to get it
clear in their heads. I' you double tri$le or 9uadru$le your training !eights in good sa'e 'orm
over the ne3t year)s or so your basically -!ith diet. going to be double or tri$le your current
muscular siAe. I' your going to sit there and overanalyAe this shit lie its rocet science -!hich it
isnt I dont care !hat anyone tries to mae it out to be. and !orry about things that really arent
going to add u$ to $ounds o' muscle mass# then blame yoursel' !hen you never get there. Are
you going to be a ha$$y man at 7= years old !hen you loo bac and thin >Wo! I scre!ed u$#
I never looed lie a bodybuilder# never achieved my goals# never got dramatically bigger# and
its gone no!.....IC too old to mae u$ 'or that lost time> because thats !here alot o' you are
heading i' you dont get your heads on straight. I blame alot o' the muscle magaAines 'or this.
Alot o' articles are ghost !ritten 'or $ros or are solo articles by $eo$le !ho are /B7lbs !ho
never made a huge change in their $hysi9ue themselves. They try to $ortray li'ting !eights as
this huge science -and they s$lurge u$ their articles !ith H vo!el !ords and searching thru the
thesaurus to 'ind a !ord that maes them loo e3tremely intelligent.%%I go bac to the beggining
o' cycles 'or $ennies on this%%%The absolute strongest you can mae yoursel' in all e3ercises#
cou$led !ith 'ood intae to eat your !ay u$ to the ne! musculature !ill allo! you to hold the
most muscle mass on your body that your genetics $redetermine. *ou !ant to !orry bout
something@ Worry about that damn logboo. Worry about staying unin?ured in your 9uest. Worry
about not missing any meals. Worry about someho! some!ay maing yoursel' the strongest
bodybuilder you can become. Im not taling singles here. Im taling G%/7 re$s rest $aused. A
brute. A behemoth. A human 'orli't. I guess i had to use this $ost to vent because T0C sa! me
$issed o'' in the !arehouse today a'ter ans!ering emails such as >"ante should I try to isolate
the u$$er $ortion o' the $ec muscle and hold the $ea contraction and 'le3 hard at the to$ o'
every re$ 'or about 7 seconds@> I' you have been li'ting many years !ith no muscle mass to
sho! the last thing you need to !orry about is $ea contraction%%D5T T&5 "ACN W5ID&T U0
AN" 85AT T&5 LOD8OOF WIT& 8ID W5ID&T :UC06 -and then Ill and you !ill be ha$$y.
6omeone ased about "C mods here in a $ost last !ee and I thought i !ould add my in$ut
here. I al!ays stay in the scheme o' things but # tune tings to myself.
For e3am$le( I al!ays loo 'or !ays to mae an e3ercise harder and sa'er 'or mysel'. 8y sa'er%
such as bac thicness movements such as deadli'ts# rac deads and rac drag deads....I have
gotten very strong on these and no! I !ill only do them !ith overhand gri$s instead o' an over
under. I dont !ant to be tearing a bice$ due to the very heavy !eight i have to use on these and
going overhand 'orces me to lighten u$ some!hat and taes alot o' stress o'' that undergri$
bice$. -Ive gone as high as <B7lbs on rac deads and really 'elt it $ull there and !ill never tread
those dangerous !aters again.
Trice$ e3ercises( i !ill not do any e3tension movements at any less than /7r$ and ill ee$ the
range /7%2=r$ on those. I can get very heavy on eA bar movements and 'eel the $otential 'or a
muscle tear is great !hen you start grinding out sets lie BJ2J1K//r$
8ice$ e3ercises I al!ays ee$ in the 1=r$ range ?ust because i seem to res$ond better that !ay
and also 'or the sa'ety 'actor
;uads# I tell everyone to do a 4%H bacbreaer set !ith very heavy tonnage and then a
!ido!maer set o' 1= re$s and i do this mysel' but honestly at this heavy o' a body!eight# there
have been times !here I really thought I !as going to cease living a'ter getting o'' a 1= re$
s9uat because I !as breathing so hard and couldnt get enough o3ygen in my lungs to sustain
me. Cy gym is on the second 'loor !ith no o$en !indo!s at all# ?ust central air ducts%%%'or some
strange reason# its o breathing sometimes and other times -es$ecially in a cro!ded gym. your
gas$ing 'or air a'ter a heavy chest set nevermind the 1= re$ s9uat set. I do believe the lighter
guys in the /7= to 17=lb range in this 'orum can still get a!ay !ith doing things normally but the
very heavy guys might be biting car$et on a hot day a'ter a 1= re$ s9uat. 6o at times Ive done it
lie the 'ollo!ing%%on day one i do 'ree s9uats shit heavy and then the hac 'or my 1= re$$er
-!hich leaves me breathing lie a locomotive any!ay. and on the other day I do the ne!er leg
$ress 'or both my heavy and !ido!maer sets and on the last leg day i do smythe s9uats shit
heavy and then the !ido!maer on the older leg $ress. 6o as you see same scheme ?ust some
t!eas i do 'or mysel' i' you !ere curious.
DC +or,out scedules for various people
I $robably should o' !ritten this a !hile bac but I see alot o' $eo$le asing about it no!.
6chedules. Cost o' the $eo$le I $ersonally train I have them on the monday !enesday 'riday
monday scheme !ith body$arts s$lit lie this
8ac !idth
8Ac thicness
What is im$ortant about that is there is al!ays a day bet!een !orouts and that lends itsel' to
all im$ortant recovery)rest. Another variation o' this above that some o' the really heavy trainers
I train lie is Tues -'ull !orout. Thurs -'ull !orout. 6at -hal' !orout. 6un -other hal' !orout.
6ome o' my e3tremely advanced trainers and some o' the guys !ho need very short !orouts I
have them do the 'ollo!ing. What I do !ith those $eo$le !ors right along the same lines as the
C W F C scheme I al!ays use%%almost the same 're9uency !ith e3tremely short !orouts. And
i' anyone !ho has been doing "C training 'or a long !hile# lies this schedule better I have no
$roblem !ith them going over to it. It is Con Tues Thurs Fri -!ith !eeends o''. or something to
that e''ect according to their schedule and the body is s$lit u$ lie this(
bac !idth
bac thicness
6o you see that on Friday bice$s and bac is hit again and then the ne3t !ee !orout b !ill be
hit t!ice and during !ee 2 !orout c !ill be hit t!ice. The 're9uency o' body$arts hit is almost
lie the original C W F C $lan. On this s$lit !hich i use !ith highly advanced trainees I use it to
bomb their !ea body$arts -!hich I dont 'eel you can do !ithout $otentially overtraining on the
CWF scheme. The do!nsides to this 2 !ay s$lit are the obvious non day o'' bet!een !orouts
and you have to be very very care'ul !ith order o' e3ercises on this $lan. For e3am$le I !ould
never have you doing 'ull range deadli'ts the day a'ter a s9uat day%%you !ould be destroyed.
*ou have to loo over the !hole scheme and mae sure your bac thicness e3ercise is not
going to be e''ected by your hamstring or 9uad e3ercise. I !ould $robably si$ sti'' legged
deadli'ts 'or hamstrings totally during this routine because o' the heavy bac thicness
e3ercises. I !ould $robably rotate seated standing and lying leg curls 'or someone doing this.
*our !orouts though !ould be 2=%B= minutes to$s and thats to$s and your out o' there. The
bad $oints o' setting it u$ this !ay is that you lose that !hole day o' rest bet!een !orouts and
Ive seen over time that most $eo$le seem to gain a slight bit better !ith that 'ull day o' rest. The
other bad $oint is although the 're9uency o' body$arts trained is similiar# its a bit less over time
-body$arts trained about H/ times a year in the C W F scheme and BG times a year in the
second scheme above. .........
06( I $ut bac)bis be'ore chest)shoulder)tri in the rotation because alot o' $eo$le get really sore
in the shoulder)chest area the day a'ter chest. This can mae it very hard sometimes on bac
!idth and bac thicness e3ercises -es$ecially bac !idth. and Im trying to ee$ in?uries to a
minimum. The do!nside to this is !hen leg day 'alls directly a'ter chest day# you are going to
have to stretch out thoroughly in the delt)chest area to get your shoulders)arms on the bar 'or
Without a doubt%%the mon !ed 'ri s$lit gets $eo$le bigger 'aster than any other s$lit and the 2
!ay mon tues thurs 'ri s$lit is a ste$ belo! it on that 'ront# but I am able to get u$ !ea
body$arts a little bit better on the 2 !ay s$lit%%so remember that i' you are overan3ious to ?um$
to the 2 !ay s$lit# your actually gaining overall muscle mass slightly 'aster !ith the mon !ed 'ri
'nofficial exercise rep ranges and summary of DC training
by (name removed)
-"I6CLAIC5,( that the ans!ers here are ?ust my understanding o' "C# I'm not $retending I'm
"ogg or I& or a certi'ied trainer in "C# this is ?ust ho! I do it % and it's !oring e3tremely !ell 'or
/. *eah# you basically have si3 !orouts# three 'or u$$er body minus bice$s)'orearms and three
'or lo!er body and bice$s)'orearms. 6o you need three e3ercises 'or each muscle# and you
cycle through theseV in t!o !ees you'll have done all si3 !orouts -training 2 days a !ee. and
done all e3ercises once.
*ou don't rest a'ter /B days# basically you 'blast' -go balls out# trying to increase !eight each
time. 'or B%/1 !ees -they recommend H and see ho! you handle it# i' you can go on 'or longer
do longer. and then tae a 'cruise' 'or t!o !ees % this is t!o !ees !here you dro$ a meal -to
get your a$$etite bac. and train !ith straight sets -no r$. at about G=I o' your ma3 !eight# i'
you !ant to si$ a !orout or t!o 'eel 'ree# this is to get your mental and $hysical sanity bac. A
lotta guys do s$ecialised routines lie B%!ee blasts and /=%day cruises but they're generally
trained by "C or I&# I started !ith H !ees blast# t!o !ees cruise# then it !ent to < !ees# 1
!ees and has stayed around there since. I' you 'eel lie you gotta sto$ earlier# sto$ earlier# this
$rogram borders on overtraining i' you don't eat and rest $ro$erly so it's best to sto$ be'ore you
burn out -as is sensible..
The ey is $rogression -e3tra !eight. so every t!o !ees you're cycling through your e3ercises
again# so 'or every t!o !ees o' blast you've got a chance to beat the logboo on each e3ercise
and that's !here gro!th ha$$ens.
1. 5ach e3ercise is as many !armu$s as you 'eel you need# then one rest%$ause set !hich is
the !orset. Lie you !arm u$# then hit the e3ercise until 'ailure# /7 dee$ breaths# hit it again
until 'ailure -you should get hal' the re$s or thereabouts.# /7 more dee$ breaths then one more
set -again# hal' the re$s o' the $revious mini%set.. Then you stretch# you can stretch a'ter the
e3ercise or a'ter a 'e! related e3ercise# lie I do bice$ !orset# 'orearms !orset# then stretch
bice$s and 'orearms -maes sense to me.. *ou can do chest)trice$s)shoulder !orsets and
then stretch all three body$arts or stretch the muscle in 9uestion a'ter its e3ercise# either !ay
Incidentally not all e3ercises are rest%$aused# only chest# shoulders# trice$s# bice$s# bac!idth
and some hamstring e3ercisesV calves and 'orearms are straight%setted 'or /1 re$sV other
e3ercises have their o!n $rotocols. ;uads are one heavy set -4%B i' a s9uat# B%/= i' a leg $ress
or hac s9uat. and then a 1= re$ !ido!maer# incidentally "ante has o'ten said that you don't
have to do the !ido!maer on the same e3ercise as the heavy set# lie you can do 'ree s9uats
'or 4%B and then hac s9uats 'or your 1= re$$er. -he said that 'cause really big guys have
$roblems breathing 'or 1= re$ 'ree s9uats but it doesn't ?ust a$$ly to them.V deadli'ts and rac
deadli'ts are B%H heavy# 2%4 heavier -7=%B=lb di''erence 'or me but I doubt that's absolute.V bent
ro!s and t%bar ro!s are a straight set o' /1V sumo leg $ress is a /1%1= straight set# leg curls are
1=%2= rest%$aused# 6L"L to be honest I'm not sure# I've seen con'licting advice# one is a straight
set o' /1# the other is to do si3 re$s# and ee$ adding /=lbs to the bar until you can't get si3#
then ne3t time start around 4=lbs under the !eight that stum$ed you.
Other muscles get a re$ range in !hich your rest $ause set must come under# 'or chest and
shoulders it's //%/7r$# trice$s it's //%/7r$ -e3ce$t sullcrushers !hich is /7%2= r$.# bice$s is /7%
1= -$reacher curls //%/7r$.# bac !idth -$ulldo!ns etc. and di$s are /7%1=r$# err# !hat've I
2. The eating is individual# "Cers don't count 'ats# carbs or calories# they go by their hunger#
they get their $rotein do!n# eat carbs until they're 'ull and tae their 5FAs. Ceals are e$t
$ro)'at or $ro)carb but that's individual again# some $eo$le don't se$erate macros i' it doesn't
bother them...
"C says you don't count calories because you don't need a magic number o' calories each day#
and I agree !ith him# some days you'll need more and others you'll need less. Lie today I've
eaten lie /==g o' carbs because I've sat on my arse most o' the day# !eedays I eat more lie
4==. Det the $rotein in and eat as much as you need to get through the day and !or out at
$ea e''iciency.
4. Cardio is individual as !ell. To start !ith you do it on o''days and see !hether you need less
or more to control body'at. It's generally lo!%intensity so as not to inte'ere !ith leg recovery. I
$ersonally managed &IIT over the summer and still made $rogress !ith the 2!ay "C s$lit -as
an e3$eriment. but not i' I !as training legs t!ice a !ee.
For $re%cardio nutrition it's u$ to you mate# some $eo$le have a small !hey shae# others
8CAAs# others a com$letely em$ty stomach.. i' you go into the ,oundtable 'orum on
intensemuscle and loo u$ the cardio to$ic you'll see the e3$erts suggesting all o' those# I
guess you gotta see !hat !ors 'or you.
"C has said 8CAAs i' you !ant to gain muscle and lose body'at# other!ise !hey is ?ust 'ine.. I
go !ith that $ersonally but sometimes do it on em$ty.

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