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Tribulations of a Politician's Wife

(Published in the Alexandria Daily Town Talk about experiences as wife of an elected Police Juror)
I am the wife of a local politician,
(I have reasons for this admission).
Read on and you will know the reason why,
I wasn't elected to my present position,
Neither did I volunteer (under no condition),
But I was drafted, and I've accepted. Why cry
Now my housework has not diminished,
I still have a time tryin! to !et finished.
With all the chores that housework demands,
"ven thou!h my hus#and won the election,
(It was what he wanted, it was his selection),
It doesn't pay enou!h to hire a helpin! hand.
Now the point that I'm tryin! to make,
Is that I have more responsi#ility to take.
In answerin! the telephone many times a day,
It often wakes me up in the early morn,
$nd at ni!ht when I'm so weary and worn,
But I always answer in a most friendly way.
I take down num#ers #y the score,
$nd listen to complaints and take messa!es !alore,
$s I hook the telephone snu!ly under my chin,
%he cord is so stretched, it's a si!ht to #e seen,
$s I pull toward the stove to keep from #urnin! the #eans,
But, of course, you callers can't see what a fi& I'm in.
'y washin! machine #u((es, my load is all done,
%he telephone sin!s as I start to run.
'y dryer turns off )ust as I answer the phone,
'y perma*press clothes are a si!ht to #ehold,
Been too lon! in the dryer, crum#led into folds,
I'll have to press them. (+ou should hear me !roan).
I don't want you to think you're not free to call,
It's my hus#and's )o# and he en)oys it all.
But the reason for this little poem is this,
-ince I'm always kind and courteous to all,
No matter what time of day or ni!ht you call,
I'm askin! the same of you, in fact, I insist.
I do not appreciate hearin! you swear,
I'm a .hristian and it's o#no&ious to my ear.
If you don't like my hus#and's decisions, tell it to him,
/e asked for his position, I did not,
/e en)oys his calls, it's fallen my lot,
-o please !uard your ton!ue when I answer for him.
$lso, I don't like to #e chewed out,
$#out thin!s that I know nothin! a#out.
0lease air your !ripes to my hus#and alone,
I'll take your num#er and have him call,
But to #awl me out, that's not nice at all,
-o #ite your ton!ue when you don't find him at home.
Now #efore I end this little ryhme,
I want to take the time.
%o say 1thank you2 to all who have #een so nice,
'ost of you callers are very kind
$nd these I don't at all mind,
But to the others I say, 1Will you please think twice2

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