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Louis D Medina

Proposal to Create a Manual for Handling Illegal Minors crossing into the US

The office of the Department of State and Department of Homeland Security does not have a
manual on the handling and processing of minors illegally crossing into the United States. The
Department of State in conjunction with Homeland Security, currently have no manuals that will
dictate the faith of the illegal minors, for such a large entity of the United States Government,
that needs to have the proper procedure in order to handle the minors and be able to address the
current issue at hand.
I will complete this manual by July 2, 2014. All that is needed will be a study of the immigration
laws regarding minors with the host countries as well as a timetable of processing and safe return
of the minors to their countries, which will dictate how much of the cost will have to be absorbed
by both the countries involved.
Current Problem at the Department of State and Homeland Security
The office of the Department of State and Homeland Security just encountered this problem due
to the influx of children, coming in from South America, there are several different countries
involved, mostly is all the ones with closest proximity to Mexico, due to the relative easiness of
crossing the border into Mexico and making their way up to the border via train, in order to reach
their intended destination, and try to achieve their goal of bettering themselves in life.
Lack of stopping flow from the Mexican Authorities
No set plan of action from the US government of how to handle the minors
The asylum requests triplicated over the months due to the minors being in US sovereign
New border patrol agents, will attempt to handle some of the problems that arise from the
incoming minors, some of the agents have started to even learn how to change diapers and
produce formula for the younger kids that are attempting to make their way into the United
States. As well as the issue of where they will be housed due to the overcrowding of the other
holding facilities currently being inhabited by the adult illegal immigrants that are currently
being processed for repatriation to their respective countries, will have to be put on hold in order
to allow the repatriation of the minors first and allow them to be home and with their parents as
compared that the adults can hold for much longer than a minor can.
The Department of State and Homeland Security has proposed to repatriate the minors first and
hold the repatriation of the adults until further notice. Seeing that the departments have agreed
that its imperative that the minors be sent home, and the adults be delayed the success of this
mission will depend on the expedited manner in which it can be approved and sanctioned.

Louis D Medina

Proposal to Create a Manual for Handling Illegal Minors crossing into the US

Training Manual Guide
This manual will provide the opportunity as to how long the border patrol agents and
immigration services will need to follow in order to have the minors back at their respective
places of origin.
Timetable of processing
Housing accommodations for the duration of processing
Transfer to local airport for travel
Arrival to host countries and contact with local authorities
Chain of custody rendered
Return of aircraft
My manual will serve for the safe handling and the right amount of time spent for the
government to return the foreign nationals to their place of origin.
Timetable of processing
This timetable should serve as the approximate time that the agencies should be able to process
the minors in order to return them to their countries and be able to identify the right country that,
that person belongs to in order to have them repatriated or fly to a host country and have
representatives from their countries meet them at said country in order to bring them home.
Housing Accommodations for the duration of processing
Given that the minors cannot be housed with the adults, so new places have to be developed or
found in order to house the minors for approximately three to five days that the processing
should be done.
Transfer to local airport for travel
Have the transportation already set for the minors to be transported to the airport and the plane
being on standby for the arrival of the minors and have the escorts of the plane with them, and
accompany them on their journey back home.
Arrival to host countries and liaison with local authorities
After arriving to the host country, liaison with the country and have the children accounted for
by countries and transfer the manifest to them.
Chain of Custody rendered
The chain of custody of the kids been transferred from US authorities to local authorities and
acknowledgement of the local authorities of said chain and acceptance.
Return of Aircraft
Upon the relinquishing of chain of custody, US agents return to the aircraft after all due
preparations for the return flight home, and depart the country with the US aircraft and agents.
Louis D Medina

Proposal to Create a Manual for Handling Illegal Minors crossing into the US

The solution given by this manual is that the US government gets the minors to their appropriate
host country, while accomplishing the goal of not distributing the unnecessary funds to support
and maintain such said children at the expense of the tax payers.
My qualification for writing this manual
I am a current Criminal Justice Major for the University of North Texas, I noticed the problem
on the news dues to the influx of kids that the US government is having to deal with, and as a
future law enforcement agent can propose this manual as to be set in order to cut back costs for
the care of the minors.
Item Cost Total
Accommodation 1 bed per child = Gov Facility Free
Meals 3 per day x 10 dollars 30 dollars per child x 5 days 150
Transportation 150 plus aircraft Government funded

I have high hopes for this manual to become a standard of the departments in order to help the
expedited process of the minors and have their return to the home countries safe and sound from

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