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SLudenL AgreemenL 8eLween

(SLudenL name)_______________________________________ uaLe__________
(School name)________________________________________uaLe__________

+"(.*//*0 12 31#$41(*0 +/"##
Should a class LhaL Lhe sLudenL has pald for or pald a deposlL on be posLponed or
cancelled for any reason Lhe sLudenL has Lhe opLlon Lo Lake a refund ln full wlLhln
72 hours of Lhe cancellaLlon or posLponemenL noLlflcaLlon. 1hls refund lncludes a
refund of all class fees, admlnlsLraLlve fees, deposlLs, maLerlals fees and klL fees.
MaLerlals and roducLs musL be reLurned Lo Lhe school ln perfecL condlLlon
before a refund ls lssued.
5(#$2).$12 6)"2"($**
ln Lhe evenL LhaL Lhe lnsLrucLor orlglnally agreed upon (llsLed on Lhls form) ls noL
avallable Lo Leach Lhe agreed upon class aL Lhe Llme and place Lhe sLudenL has
slgned up for Lhe sLudenL wlll have Lhe opLlon Lo recelve a full refund for all
LulLlon pald and all fees pald LhaL perLaln Lo Lhls class lncludlng admlnlsLraLlve
fees, maLerlal fees and klL fees. All producLs wlll be reLurned ln perfecL condlLlon
Lo quallfy Lhe maLerlals refund.
!1."$'1( 6)"2"($**
lf a class or workshop changes locaLlon (over 20 mlles from Lhe orlglnal locaLlon)
Lhe sLudenL has Lhe rlghL Lo cancel and recelve a full refund of all maLerlals,
admlnlsLraLlve fees and LulLlon assoclaLed wlLh Lhe class or workshop. 1he School
or Workshop agrees Lo cover all non-refundable and reasonable * Lravel expenses
LhaL Lhe sLudenL has lncurred Lo Lake Lhls class. 8efunds do noL lnclude personal
expenses such as chlld care and [ob lncome loss. 1hls refund wlll be glven wlLhln
72 hours of Lhe submlLLed expense recelpLs.
age 2 of 3
!"#$ &'()$* +,"(-*#
lf Lhe sLudenL ls nC1 noLlfled ln wrlLlng LhaL Lhe class has changed lnsLrucLor, or
Llme or place and Lhe sLudenL shows up ln good falLh and decldes noL Lo [oln Lhe
class, Lhe sLudenL wlll recelve a full refunds on Lhe class, Lhe maLerlals,
admlnlsLraLlve fees pald, and reasonable Lravel expenses Lo Lhe class and back
home. 1he sLudenL wlll recelve a full refund and all lncurred cosLs wlLhln 72 hours
of Lhe Llme and daLe of Lhe scheduled class. lL ls Lhe sLudenL's responslblllLy Lo
mall all lncurred expense recelpL coples (cerLlfled mall) Lo Lhe school or workshop.
8elmbursemenL wlll be made Lo Lhe sLudenL wlLhln 3 buslness days of recelpL.

* 1ravel Lxpenses lnclude non- refundable alrfare, non refundable 1axl fare, 1raln fare, and 8us fare.
non-refundable PoLel deposlLs and Mlleage spenL Lo geL Lo Lhe locaLlon (CovernmenL mlleage wlll
deLermlne Lhls fee). SLudenL wlll submlL all recelpLs by cerLlfled mall Lo Lhe workshop or school before
recelvlng relmbursemenL. 1he school or workshop ls noL responslble for personal cosLs such as chlldcare
and loss of [ob lncome

age 3 of 3
School AdmlnlsLraLor _______________________________________uaLe______

SLudenL __________________________________________uaLe____________

name of School _____________________________________________________

name of class____________________________________________

name of class____________________________________________

name of class____________________________________________

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