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Bill Gates, the richest person of the world (net worth 46,5 billion UD dollars - Forbes 2005),

was born on 28th October, 1955. His zodiac sign is Scorpio, and he is passionate, very
hardworking and benevolent. The world has been talking about his secrets of success for so
many years. Lets here talk about what Bill Gates himself told about the secret of success.
The biggest business channel of Indian media NDTV Proft arranged a talk show with Bill
Gates and the most successful business executive of Asia Narayana Murthy. When a
businessman from the audience asked Bill Gates the secret of success the great tycoon
presented a fve-point master formula of success: 1. Passion, 2. Intelligence, 3. Integrity, 4. A
Good Team, and 5. Leadership. Now from whom can you learn better than the Bill Gates?
No mind-boggling success story has been written till now without a great passion. Passion
generates focus so necessary to get success in any feld. Bill Gates himself has immense
passion for computer and software. When he was admitted in Lakeside School he got
hooked to the computer there and surpassed the knowledge of his teacher within a week.
Amazing passion indeed! Soon he wrote his frst programme, at the age of thirteen.
According to great scientist Albert Einstein genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine
percent perspiration. But without passion it is very difcult to work hard. When you recognise
your real hidden talent and work to develop that you become passionate, and you are self-
motivated to work hard and perspire. When you have passion the work becomes a fun for
you and you want to enjoy it more and more.
Bill Gates told that success also depends on your intelligence. Diferent people have
diferent level of intelligence. Intelligence becomes a problem area for many people because
they think like physical strength all the people cant be equal in it. True. But like physical
strength any person can try to develop his intelligence. Now the question is how a person
can develop his or her intelligence. You can develop it by taking the following steps: a) Read
books and watch general knowledge based programme on television; b) Lap up information
from internet; c) Arrange debates on the topics related to your feld of interest with friends or
other persons of similar interest; d) Practice memorising. Start from simple things like
memorising phones numbers, addresses or quotations related to your feld; e) Keep yourself
physically ft mentally relaxed.
Integrity is always useful whether it is business or family life. Deceiving causes friction in
human relations and hampers your progress. Try to be sincere in everything in your eforts,
relations, and business policies. Honesty is the best policy is really wise saying. It is his
quality of integrity that Bill Gates always got long term associates in business. He also got a
life long friend and associate in his wife Melinda. Research has also proved that integrity is
also good for health as it prolongs ones life span.
Creating a team of talented people is necessary to rise fast in business. The motto of modern
business world is combine and succeed. Teams are of two types: partnership team and
assistants team. Even the big companies are joining hands in modern world to become
stronger to face competition. For a single person it has become very difcult to survive or
succeed in big business jungle. In case your temperament doesnt allow you to go for
partnership then you may go alone but still you must create a team of talented people to
progress fast. Even Bill Gates understood the value of a good team when he was just a high
school student. He joined hands with Paul Allen to fnd a company (Traf-o-Data) to sell trafc
counting systems to state governments and help his schools payroll system computerise. In
Harvard University he met his later business partner Steve Ballmer. He also teamed up with
Monte Davidof and Paul Allen to write the original Altair Basic interpreter for the Altair 8800,
the frst successful personal computer.
Your team will work better if you are able to provide good leadership to them. For a
businessman his workforce is like his family. He shares its joys and sorrows and motivates
them time to time to better and achieve the targets. By proper rewards and punishment
methods he keeps his workforce disciplined and united and lead them to big success. He
always shares his gains with his employees or assistants by giving promotions, special
increments or other rewards.
Now cheer up because you have learnt the secret of big success from Bill Gates himself.
What are you looking for now? Find out your passion and start working.
Trained thousands of persons to get great jobs, improve personality and achieve goals in
Best-selling Books written by Anandrahi : 1. Think Your Way to Wealth and Power , 2. Fire of
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