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Behavior, are we all predisposed to a certain kind of behavior?

From birth are you already

guaranteed to have an aggressive behavior that leads to a life of crime, or are you the passive aggressive
that makes his way to the top of the corporate ladder. Some that the a predisposition for a certain kind of
behavior is due to a genetic flaw, where a negative style of environmental influences may block the
predisposition (ability) that we have to do some things. A philosopher named Daniel Dennett has
theorized that we as humans are at a genetic predisposition to have a theory of mind, because the theory
of selection [evolution] allows for the human ability to adopt the intentional stance. Genetic risk may
predispose individuals to compromised anger regulation, potentially through modulation of brain
responses to emotionally evocative stimuli. Emphatically expressed, the emotional word No can prohibit
behavior through conditioning. In a recent functional magnetic resonance imaging study, the authors
showed that healthy males attribute negative valence to No while showing a lateral orbitofrontal response
that correlated with their self-reported anger control. ("Neural Mechanisms Of Anger Regulation As A
Function Of Genetic Risk For Violence.", 2009). Behavior seems to be more of a learned trait that you
pick up from birth to adulthood, from the time your brain is a sponge until the brain is fully formed. A
learned behavior is a behavior that was observed by an individual that they find it to be beneficial to them
in some way. There's a motivating factor behind it. Also, it can be conditioned. the learned behavior is a
conditioned response to a stimuli through either voluntary or involuntary intent.

A learned behavior is some type of action or reflex that you learn. For example tying your shoes
is a learned behavior, but crying is not. A learned behavior is one that you decide to learn, unlike 'innate'
behavior. This is not a natural behavior, instead it is learned by that being. You can learn these behaviors
by watching others do them, such as riding a bike or learning to write. Every experience that we have or
involve ourselves in ultimately determines what we will do as a response to a situation; anger, alcohol,
drugs, violence are all a response to due to your learned behavior, there is no gene for a serial killer, or a
rapist. How you are brought up, is how you will act/react.

Neural mechanisms of anger regulation as a function of genetic risk for violence.. (2009). Retrieved from

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