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Remark: in the text male names are marked with sky-blue color and female

names with lilac color

Part I Administrative offences ............................................................................................................ 5
Protecting minors from harmful influence ........................................................................................... 5
1. Tobacco realization on minor .................................................................................................... 5
2. Purchasing alcohol by a minor .................................................................................................. 5
3. Gambling..................................................................................................................................... 5
Traffic security rules .............................................................................................................................. 5
4. Obtaining driving license by a minor ....................................................................................... 5
5. Lend car to a person without driving license ........................................................................... 6
6. Drunk driving ............................................................................................................................. 6
7. Misuse of seat belt ...................................................................................................................... 6
8. Over speed .................................................................................................................................. 6
9. Rally with death result (administrative offence or criminal offence?) ................................... 6
Protecting public order .......................................................................................................................... 6
10. Abusing in public places (petty hooliganism) ....................................................................... 6
11. Stroll the dog .......................................................................................................................... 6
12. Noise ........................................................................................................................................ 6
13. Disfiguring view of Local self-government unit ................................................................... 7
Infringing rule of using public transport .............................................................................................. 7
14. Transporting without a ticket ................................................................................................ 7
15. Disturbing the work of underground service ....................................................................... 7
16. Damage of things .................................................................................................................... 7
Infringing rules of environmental protection ....................................................................................... 7
17. Sea pollution ........................................................................................................................... 7
18. Chiakokonoba ...................................................................................................................... 7
19. Infringing fishing rules .......................................................................................................... 8
20. Breaking fire security requirement in forests ....................................................................... 8
II part Civil law ................................................................................................................................... 8
21. Infringing copyrights ............................................................................................................. 8
22. Pirate copy of production ...................................................................................................... 8
23. Marriage .................................................................................................................................. 8

24. Divorce of parents .................................................................................................................. 8
25. Parents and childrens relationship after divorce ................................................................ 9
26. Fighting dogs .......................................................................................................................... 9
27. Proposal ................................................................................................................................... 9
28. Proposal II ............................................................................................................................... 9
29. House works ........................................................................................................................... 9
30. Family violence ...................................................................................................................... 9
31. Right to work .......................................................................................................................... 9
32. Examining period ................................................................................................................. 10
33. Labour contract .................................................................................................................... 10
34. Desire to receive education and choose a profession freely ............................................... 10
35. Right to leave independently ............................................................................................... 10
36. Forbidding to meet friend .................................................................................................... 10
37. Distinguishing internship and labour contract ................................................................... 10
38. Abolishing labour contract with minor .............................................................................. 10
39. Interview............................................................................................................................... 11
40. Disco ...................................................................................................................................... 11
41. Heritage ................................................................................................................................. 11
42. Guardian ............................................................................................................................... 11
43. Legal capability ..................................................................................................................... 11
44. Fraud signed contracts ......................................................................................................... 11
45. Contracts made in the street ................................................................................................ 11
46. Bank account ........................................................................................................................ 11
47. Online purchasing ................................................................................................................ 11
48. Identification card ................................................................................................................ 12
49. Ear piercing ........................................................................................................................... 12
50. Remuneration of Damage .................................................................................................... 12
51. Fine ........................................................................................................................................ 12
52. Abortion ................................................................................................................................ 12
53. Tattoo .................................................................................................................................... 12
54. Pocket money ....................................................................................................................... 12
55. Exchanging things ................................................................................................................ 12
56. Valuable conversations ........................................................................................................ 13

57. Freedom of religion .............................................................................................................. 13
58. Domestic animal ................................................................................................................... 13
59. Broken glass .......................................................................................................................... 13
60. Transporting by the taxi ....................................................................................................... 13
61. Sofa ........................................................................................................................................ 13
Part III. Criminal Law .......................................................................................................................... 14
62. Brigandage ............................................................................................................................ 14
63. Robbery ................................................................................................................................. 14
64. Sexual contact with a person having a HIV infection disease ........................................... 14
65. Especially dangerous inflectional disease transfer .............................................................. 14
66. Inducing someone to commit a crime ................................................................................. 15
67. Support someone to commit a crime ................................................................................... 15
68. Assaulting .............................................................................................................................. 15
69. Finding Guilty ...................................................................................................................... 15
70. Using credit card of the other person .................................................................................. 15
71. Evil joke ................................................................................................................................ 15
72. Privacy of correspondence ................................................................................................... 15
73. Falsifying a document .......................................................................................................... 16
74. Right to detain an offender .................................................................................................. 16
75. Non- assistance and withhold .............................................................................................. 16
76. Leave someone in a hard situation ...................................................................................... 16
77. Killing a pat ........................................................................................................................... 16
78. Criminal responsibility of a minor ...................................................................................... 16
79. Sexual conduct towards a minor .......................................................................................... 16
80. Sexual contact with a person under 16 year ....................................................................... 17
81. Damaging a thing ................................................................................................................. 17
82. Abusing monuments ............................................................................................................ 17
83. Damaging the monuments ................................................................................................... 17
84. Non-abidance to the police order ........................................................................................ 17
85. Damaging a bus ..................................................................................................................... 17
86. Middle man is beat more...................................................................................................... 17
87. Necessary repulsing .............................................................................................................. 17
88. Non-informing about particularly hard offence ................................................................. 18

89. Damaging a body .................................................................................................................. 18
90. Driving a car ......................................................................................................................... 18
91. Purchasing a stolen thing ..................................................................................................... 18
92. Having dangerous animals ................................................................................................... 18
93. Order of detainment ............................................................................................................. 18
94. Breaking a Facebook password ............................................................................................ 18
95. Stealing the data ................................................................................................................... 19
96. Painting buildings ................................................................................................................ 19
97. Hacker ................................................................................................................................... 19
98. Infringing ones freedom ...................................................................................................... 19
99. Drugs ..................................................................................................................................... 19
100. Subotex .................................................................................................................................. 19
101. Heroin ................................................................................................................................... 19
102. Breathing a gloom ................................................................................................................ 19
103. Hashish .................................................................................................................................. 20
104. Amphetamine tablets ........................................................................................................... 20
105. Nicotine ................................................................................................................................. 20
106. Caffeine ................................................................................................................................. 20
107. False alarm ............................................................................................................................ 20
108. Giving a false testimony ....................................................................................................... 20
109. Conviction ............................................................................................................................ 20
110. Carrying cold arms ............................................................................................................... 20
Part IV. Minor and school discipline .................................................................................................. 21
111. Complaint against teacher ................................................................................................... 21
112. Teacher reads a diary............................................................................................................ 21
113. Demonstration ...................................................................................................................... 21
114. To punish a pupil .................................................................................................................. 21
115. To miss the school ................................................................................................................ 21
116. Smoking cigarettes at school ................................................................................................ 21
117. Lesson of religion.................................................................................................................. 21
118. Method for punishing a pupil .............................................................................................. 22
119. Leave the lessons .................................................................................................................. 22
120. Cheating papers .................................................................................................................... 22

121. Cheating a test from another person ................................................................................... 22
122. Damaging the school equipment ......................................................................................... 22
123. Burn the class-journal .......................................................................................................... 22
124. Insert 10 points in journal .................................................................................................... 22
125. Noise at the lesson/ derange the lesson ............................................................................... 22
126. To receive a present by a teacher ........................................................................................ 23
127. Giving additional lessons to the own pupils (for an additional remuneration) ................ 23
128. A school and truth ............................................................................................................. 23
129. Discrimination of the pupil .................................................................................................. 23
130. Mobile phone at the lesson .................................................................................................. 24

Part I Administrative offences
Protecting minors from harmful influence
1. Tobacco realization on minor
Father sent 15- year-old Luka to supermarket to buy cigarettes. Seller refused to sell cigarettes to
Luka and explained, that it is forbidden to sell cigarette to a minor. Was seller right or not?

2. Purchasing alcohol by a minor
16-year-old Nika wanted to buy beer in supermarket, although seller did not let him to do it with
an argument, that he had no right to sell alcohol on minor. Nika considers free personal
development is restricted for him due to such an action. Is it right or not?
3. Gambling
17-year-old Giorgis favorite football team is Real Madrid. Once his friend suggested him to make
a pooling in Totalizator on Real Madrid, as he was sure mentioned team would win. Though, one
of the heads of the totalizator did not allow them to behave in such a way. Giorgi wonders
whether manager had the right to do it?
Traffic security rules
4. Obtaining driving license by a minor
17-year-old Sophio addressed LEPL Service Agency of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia
with the purpose of getting driving license. Agency refused her to participate in theoretical and
practical exam until she has no consent of her parents. Was the position of the agency right?

5. Lend car to a person without driving license
17-year-old Goga received driving license through special rule. Gogas friend Levan also wants to
get driving license. He asked Goga to lend him a car to learn to drive and pass practical exam
successfully. During driving with Gogas car Levan was stopped by the police, who fined both
Levan and Goga GEL 200-200. Goga is interested whether policeman has right to fine both of
6. Drunk driving
16-year-old Shota has no driving license. Despite that he went by his fathers car to his friends
party. On the party he has drunk some alcohol. On his way home police stopped him and asked to
present driving license. Alcohol test also proved that Shota was drunk. Police fined Shota GEL 200
and deprived the car. Shota is interested whether police has this right or not?
7. Misuse of seat belt
Goga and his friends went to Rustavi to attend one of the festivals. Despite Gogas request, Temuri
sitting next to him did not use a seat-belt. For the mentioned reason police stopped Goga and
fined. Goga does not consider himself to be an offender and requires to fine Temuri instead of
him. Is his requirement lawful or not?
8. Over speed
Goga went to Rustavi with his car to see his friend. He exceeded allowed 90 km/h on Tbilisi-
Rustavi autobahn by 10 km/h. Speed exceed was fixed by radar and camera attached on one of the
posts. After several days he received 100 GEL fine cheque at home. Goga wonders whether 10
km/h speed exceed is considered as an offence or not?
9. Rally with death result (administrative offence or criminal offence?)
17-year-old Kakha and his friends agreed to arrange auto rally at weekend. During the rally Kakha
crashed another car, that caused damaging other cars and some of the passengers were dead.
According to conclusion of the police, the reason why driver could not catch the steering-wheel
was high speed. What kind of punishment is waiting to Kakha?
Protecting public order
10. Abusing in public places (petty hooliganism)
Kote was returning from school to home by bus. Driver drove bus in a bad manner and was
breaking uncomfortably. During one strong brake Kote crushed with one of the ladies standing
close to him. Angry Kote started to insult the driver. Was Kote right or not?
11. Stroll the dog
16-year-old Tsotne has German sheep-dog. Tsotne strolls with the dog often in park. One day
Tsotne could not find belt and had to stroll the dog without it. Park administration fined Tsotne
for that. Tsotne considers fine to be unlawful, because his dog did not harm anyone. Is Tsotne
right or not?
12. Noise
16-year-old Giorgi lives in one of the buildings together with his parents. One day Giorgi and his
friends switched the music on a loud voice. Neighbors were disturbed by loud music. Despite

warning many times, Giorgi did not make the music lower, because thought the neighbor was just
exaggerating. Annoyed neighbor called the police. When the police arrived together with the loud
music they heard the voice of quarrel. Nobody opened the door to the police. What can police do
in such case?
13. Disfiguring view of Local self-government unit
16-year-old Tamuna can draw and make different kinds of inscriptions. Once for demonstrating
his skills she decided to draw on the part of one building wall in Tbilisi and make appropriate
inscriptions. Police fined him with 50 GEL for that. Tamuna considers that police action is
infringing her intellectual creativity.
Infringing rule of using public transport
14. Transporting without a ticket
During transporting by bus Tako discovered, that she has no money for a ticket. She has no pupils
card with her either. For this reason controller fined Tako GEL 5. Tako considers the fine to be
unlawful and requires its abolishment after she will present pupils card. Tako is interested how
this issue is regulated?
15. Disturbing the work of underground service
Koba and Nodar went after school at home by metro. On station Didube Nodari prevented the
door close with his foot and door was not closed. Train driver called him to make release doors in
microphone. Nodari did not listen to the driver. For this reason metro administration staff fined
Nodari. According to which law is punished mentioned action?
16. Damage of things
17-year-old Tornike was coming back home late at night after visiting his friend. After he has
entered the bus in several minutes he had damaged the bus seat with small knife. This was seen by
a driver and he had sent appropriate notification in an administration. On the next station police
made protocol for offence on Tornikes action. What kind of punishment is foreseen for such an
Infringing rules of environmental protection
17. Sea pollution
Giga and his friends went to the sea on a holiday. One day they took watermelon and lemonades
in plastic bottles. After bathing they ate watermelon. Goga throw waste and plastic bottles to the
sea. This fact was seen by a boulevard administration inspector which fined all of the friends for
infringing environmental rules. Was inspector right or not?
18. Chiakokonoba
In one of the villages of Georgia 16-year-old Bakur and Dimitri gathered shabby tires of the car.
They wanted to arrange big Chiakokonoba in village. For this reason they put 20 different size
tires and at the time of Mariamoba holiday (St. Mariams day) on 28
of August, at 12 oclock at

night made huge fire. All the village inhabitants soon were gathered near the fire. At that time
environmental supervisory department inspectors appeared in the village. They fined both of the
minors GEL 400-400. Bakur and Dimitri do not agree with the fine. They think that inspectors
have no authority to forbid this ancient tradition. How is this case regulated?
19. Infringing fishing rules
16-year-old Andria and Gizo agreed on going for fishing on Paliastomi lake middle of July. They
took allowed spinning for amateur fishing and earthworm lures got from the earth. They were
lucky. Until midday they could catch sufficient amount of bullheads for them and were going to
arrive back home. Although unexpectedly appeared inspector for environmental supervision. He
made protocol of administrative offence for young people and deprived the fish. He explained that
boys were fishing in the forbidden period of time. Boys require the abolishment of the protocol
made by inspector. Do they have basis for that?
20. Breaking fire security requirement in forests
16-year-old Tamazi, Dato and his friends went to a forest to arrange a picnic. On his way home,
Dato throw lighted cigarettes. Fire made from the thrown lighted cigarettes destroyed big part of
the forest. What kind of punishment threats to Dato?

II part Civil law

21. Infringing copyrights
Nino decided to create her personal webpage. She found nice photos in internet on which were
admitted, that copyrights are reserved. Despite that she put photos on her webpage.
() Case
22. Pirate copy of production
Tika bought new album by Nino Katamadze. Several class-mates asked her to make copies of the
album on CD disk. Afterwards other class-mates also asked her to do so. Tika decided to sell copies
and to get 2 GEL per copy.

23. Marriage
17-year-old Tata is strongly fell in love. Her beloved Ilo is 18 years old. One day they decided to
marry. Can they get married in our country?

24. Divorce of parents
Ninos parents decided to divorce. Girl feels sad for that and cries the whole day. She does not
want that to happen.


25. Parents and childrens relationship after divorce
14-year-old Teo suddenly was informed by her parents, that they were going to divorce. She is
afraid, that she will not be able to see any of the parents often. Her mother tells that she will live
with her alone and it is not necessary to have contact with her father. Teo wants to determine
how often she will be able to see her father.
a. Has Teo in such situation right to see her father?
b. Who can demand implementation of this right?

26. Fighting dogs
Nika wants to have Pit-bull breed dog. Not everyone has Pit-bull Though, his parents are
strictly against of that. Fighting dog?!. You will not have fighting dog they told him.

27. Proposal
16-year-old Lika received very attractive proposal from a fashion agency. Agency proposes her to
become a photo model. Lika considers, that this is very good chance and she must not dismiss it. It
is OK that she will have to participate in an underwear advert. She signed the contract. Though
later, when her parents were informed about it, they got angry and announced to Lika, that they
do not allow her to do it.
28. Proposal II
6-year-old Nikoloz is in his first class/year. He has blue eyes and fair hair. One day very serious
clothing producer company representatives came at school and they selected 2 girls and 2 boys for
their advert, among them is Nikoloz. Company representatives gave labour contract to Nikoloz
and visit card and asked him to inform his parents to call them in the evening of the same day.

29. House works
16-year-old Nino is bored with house works. She does not like her mother telling her take the
rubbish, clean the room, wash dishes and etc. though, despite the protest, mother tells her,
that she is obliged to do house work.

30. Family violence
14-year-old Lana feels bad at home. Her parents does not care for her and sometimes even do not
have anything to eat. Parents often come drunk and require from her not to go to school and do
the house work.

31. Right to work
14-year-old Tako wants to earn some money. Her neighbor has two little children. Neighbor
would not resist on paying money to Tako for babysitting.

32. Examining period
16-year-old Guga began to work in a shop. In the labour contract it was written for him, that he is
hired for 1 month examining period of time. What does this mean?

33. Labour contract
17-year-old Nona in her district in shop window saw an announcement: we are looking for client
serving personnel. She would like to earn some money and talked to the shop manager, who told,
that she could start job from the next day. Manager announced to Nona, that only oral agreement
was enough and it was not necessary to sign a contract. Girl is hesitating, she does not know to
start the work or not.
34. Desire to receive education and choose a profession freely
17-year-old Tako wants to become a doctor. She likes this profession very much and dreams about
it. Though, parents tell her, that to study medicine needs longer time, than to study other
professions. They consider that instead of studying so many years, it is better for her to work with
them in the shop.
a. Can parents force Tako to change her selected profession?
b. Can parents force Tako to refuse getting the education?

35. Right to leave independently
17 year old Bacho wants to hire a flat and live separately, though parents are against his decision.

36. Forbidding to meet friend
Misho is forbidden to meet his class-mate Tsotne by his parents, because Tsotne has bad marks at
school and is not fond of learning.

37. Distinguishing internship and labour contract
It is already three months that 17-year-old Levan is doing (1) internship (2) works at city hall. He
is satisfied with his work, but his boss does not like him. His supervisor often forces him to stay
after working hours and work until his started work is not over.

38. Abolishing labour contract with minor
16-year-old Tiko works in one of the famous companies as secretary. At the beginning of the
partnership she signed half-time 1 year labour contract with the administration, accordingly, after
school from 3 to 8 oclock from Monday to Saturday Tiko works in the company. Tikos mother
considers that a girl, who always had good marks, does not study well, because has no opportunity
to do the homework when she returns tired after work and gets bad marks at school. For this
reason, mother addressed to the company on abolishing labour contract.

39. Interview
16-year-old Diana was invited on an interview in one of the companies. On the interview
manager asked her if she was pregnant or was she planning to get married. Diana is interested if
she has obligation to answer these questions.
40. Disco
16-year-old Gogla wants to go on Disco dance with his friends. Though, security service
representative did not allow him to enter, because he is the minor.

41. Heritage
Giga received ten thousand GEL as the heritage from his grandfather. Money is saved on a deposit
in a Bank. Giga is not 18 years old yet and has no right to get the money from the bank. One day
Gigas parent took money from the bank and bought a new car. Do they have the right to do it?

42. Guardian
Who is guardian?

43. Legal capability
14-year-old Saba wants to buy a laptop, though, his parents are against it.

44. Fraud signed contracts
After school Tengo went home. On his way home, he met his neighbor, who informed him, that
he had original Iphone on a very low price. Tengo made a look on the phone and decided that
Iphone was really original. Price was also very attractive, because it was only 200 GEL. Though,
when he came home, parents informed him thatIphone was not original and it was Chinese. It
costs only 50 GEL at shop. What can Tengo do?

45. Contracts made in the street
One day it was ring on Natas door. Girl opened the door and saw young woman currier, who
suggested buying latest addition magazine Tbiliselebi from her. Nata liked this proposal very
much and bought the magazine. Though, later she discovered that her parents already have
bought the same magazine. Nata wants to return the magazine back.
46. Bank account
16-year-old Giorgi is successful footballer and has the salary. He wants to open a bank account
where his salary will be transferred.
47. Online purchasing
On one of the online shops Giorgi ordered digital photo camera. Two day later when currier
brought photo camera at home, Giorgi opened a box and saw, that cant be switched on. He
addressed to the online shop and asked to change the camera. The answer was that when they

have sent the camera it was in order and it seems Giorgi had spoilt it. So they refused Giorgi to
change the camera.
48. Identification card
For crossing road incorrectly the police stopped Ana and asked her for her Identification Card
(ID). Ana is 16 years old and has no ID yet. Police fined her anyway.

49. Ear piercing
Nutsa is 16 years old and wants to pierce her ear. Her parents are categorically against it.

50. Remuneration of Damage
Parents bought Kote a new mobile phone. His class-mate asked him to show how the camera was
taking photos. Suddenly he dropped the phone and screen was spoilt.
51. Fine
For crossing road inaccurately police fined Rezo GEL 5. On the backside of the fine check
(document) is written, that in case non-payment of fine it will become two times expensive and
in case of non-payment again, it will become 150 GEL. After first non-payment Rezo received
correspondence at home, on which he did not paid attention and threw away. After some period
of time he received 150 GEL fine check. Rezo did not pay attention on it again. After some period
of time he received correspondence from the court, that court proceedings are started against him.
52. Abortion
Lika has unplanned sexual contact with his boyfriend, as a result of which she became pregnant.
First two months she did not guess that she was pregnant. Though, after that stomach became
noticeable. She is confused and does not know what to do. If parents know about it, they will
probably kill her. Her boyfriend tells her to do abortion, but she does not know what to do.
53. Tattoo
It is a long time that 16-year-old Gudga wants to make a Tattoo on his back. Though, of course, his
parents are against it.
54. Pocket money
Parents give periodically money to Tika. She could collect 40 GEL and decided to buy MP3 player
with this money. Parents are against it and think that it is better if she buys books than MP3
55. Exchanging things
Parents made Luka present for his birthday, they gave him Ipad. After some months Luka got
bored with his Ipad and exchanged it with his friend in Samsung mobile phone. When his parents
got informed about it, they got angry and required to return Ipad from him.

56. Valuable conversations
Natias friend class-mate lives near her. She often visits Natia. One day friend asked Natia to allow
her phone call from her home. Natia allowed her friend to make a call, who talked too long on the
phone. At the end of the month came account and it was discovered, that class-mate had made call
on a mobile phone and 20 GEL had to be paid.

57. Freedom of religion
One day ring was on the door of a 10
class pupil Tatia. When Tatia opened the door, there were
standing two girls, who announced, that they wanted to talk about real God with Tatia. On the
question, of which religious belief they have, answer was, that they present Iehova sect. Tatia does
not want to talk with them. What should she do?

58. Domestic animal
9-year-old Luka loves his Bulldog breed animal very much. He walks with the dog every morning
and evening with special veil. One morning Luka discovers that the veil is broken. He decides that
it would not be a problem, if once he takes his friend without special security equipment. He will
do it. Unfortunately, something happens with the dog, it will run from the owner and bit walking
Demetre. What will be the result of Lukas action?

59. Broken glass
13-year-old Giorgi every evening plays football with his friend. During the play Giorgi strongly
threw the ball, which was thrown above the field fence and broke shop window of the shop in the
corner of the street. Who is responsible for the caused damage?

60. Transporting by the taxi
Levan is going to become a basketball player and exercises intensively. Once tired of playing he
decides to go home by the taxi. He knows that as a rule from sport hall to his house it takes 4 GEL.
Thats why he does not make agreement with the driver and sits in the car. When they arrived to
house, taxi driver requires 7 GEL from Levan. Boy considers that this is inadequate amount of
money and is not going to pay.
61. Sofa
16-year-old Mariam married to 24-year-old Erekle 2 months ago. A couple loves each other very
much and is planning to arrange a house. Because Erekle works at Bank and has very busy
working day, Mariam took responsibility on buying things for the house. One day Mariam liked
leather sofa in one of the furniture shops, which cost 3000 GEL. Mariam wants this sofa very
much to see in the dining room of his family and decides to buy it. Shop administration
discovered, that Mariam is a minor and does not allow her to sign the contract without her
parents or representatives consent. Herewith to strengthen their position, they have admitted,

that sofa is expensive and as a rule contract made with a minor is problematic one. Mariam returns
home crying and disappointed.

Part III. Criminal Law

62. Brigandage
Giorgi was walking along the street when three young boys came to him. One of them asked him
to land him his phone as he wanted to make a phone call. After Giorgi gave a mobile to one of
them, boy ran away with the mobile phone. Others threatened Giorgi with a knife.

63. Robbery
Guga went out hungry from a class. In front of the school in a fruit market he mentioned that
bananas were sold, one per 0.90 GEL. As Guga had no money, though he was very hungry, he
caught bananas so that seller saw it and ran away. The seller could not reach and catch him,
though he called the police, who detained Guga.

64. Sexual contact with a person having a HIV infection disease
Lasha was informed by his friend, that its punishable to have unprotected sexual contact, when
having a HIV infection. Is that true or not?

65. Especially dangerous inflectional disease transfer
Mishiko, having no sexual experience, was taken by his senior friends to a prostitute (street-
walker). Mishiko had sexual contact with the woman, as a result of that he was diseased with

syphilis and gonorrhea. Later was discovered, that the woman knew about her diseases. Will she
be punished according to criminal rules?

66. Inducing someone to commit a crime
Tiko went together with her friend to a shopping center. In one of the shops her friend liked Levis
Jeans very much, though it cost very expensive. Tako told to her friend: why should we throw so
much money, lets go to the wardrobe, leave there your old clothes and put on new one, no one
will see it. The friend liked this idea and they left the shop with stolen jeans.
67. Support someone to commit a crime
Friends of Giorgi decided to rob an exchange office. They want to break office doors. They asked
Giorgi to bring them equipment for breaking doors. Giorgi implemented their wish.

68. Assaulting
15-year-old Goga crossed the street on a red light, what caused impediment of the traffic. One of
the drivers made a signal to him. Goga showed him a middle finger and assaulted. Driver went out
of the car, caught Goga and called the police.

69. Finding Guilty
Minor Makho and his friend Nika decided to have a fun: nothing is better than to throw snow
balls to the cars in winter. Nika hided a stone in a snow-ball secretly and gave to Makho to throw
it. Snow-ball got to the wind-screen of the car and it was broken. Nika was caught immediately;
Makho was able to run away. Scared Makho did not tell anything at home. After several days
district inspector came at his home and called Makho on an interview. On an interview Makho
was found guilty by the Prosecutor. What kind of rights has Makho?

70. Using credit card of the other person
Nino ordered Ipod in the internet on the site Amazon. After the site required entering the tax
data, Nino filled her mothers data, that mother left on the table by accident. Did Nino commit
any crime or not?

71. Evil joke
9th-class-pulpil Beka, Bakar and Buba decided to have a fun. They made video clip on May 2,
where was shown how terrorists would attack a military parade and explode a bomb. They
uploaded mentioned video on YouTube. The video was like a real one and for this reason military
parade was deranged. After several months investigation organs detained Beka, Bakar and Buba.

72. Privacy of correspondence
16-year-old Luka has a girlfriend, who sends him loving massages via mobile phone. Once Luka
saw how his class-mate and friend Tsotne read his massages. Does Tsotne have right to do it?


73. Falsifying a document
One day 16-year-old Giga did not want to go to school. At that day his class was going on an
excursion at the museum and he thought, that no one would mention his absence. Though, class
teacher heard about his absence from the lessons and the excursion and asked for his parents
written explanation. Giga has written explanation by himself instead of his father and signed for
his father the document with a similar signature. The teacher called later to his parents and asked
for the reason of his absence.

74. Right to detain an offender
Levan suddenly saw, how a minor was beating a tourist. He helped the tourist, detained the
offender and called the police.
75. Non- assistance and withhold
Gvantsa saw how three boys were beating her school-mate Vazha at school yard. Bloody Vazha
fell on the ground and attackers ran away. Gvantsa hesitates on helping Vazha, though she was
afraid to be involved in this case. For this reason she did not pay attention to Vazha da ran away.

76. Leave someone in a hard situation
16-year-old Nika was asked by his neighbor to care for her children for half an hour, who were
bathing in a swimming-pool. Swimming-pool was deep and children did not know to swim well.
Nika agreed on it and was looking to children. Though, soon his neighbor Zviad called him. Nika
left children and went fishing with Zviad. One of the children went in swimming-pool deeply.
Sudden person rescued the child from strangling. Will Nika have a responsibility about anything?
Concretely on what will he have the responsibility?

77. Killing a pat
Nutsa has a lovely cat, which is called Phiso. One of the neighbor boys of Nutsa cant stand with
cats and among them Nutsas Phiso. Once Phiso polluted an yard of the neighbor. Angry boy
beat Phiso with a stick and killed.

78. Criminal responsibility of a minor
13-year-Old Guja loves football very much, though his neighbor disturbs him from playing
football in the yard, while he cant stand a noise. One day the neighbor threated Guja to cut his
ball, in case he does not stop playing football. Guja got angry and scratched a neighbors car with a
nail. The neighbor called the police.
79. Sexual conduct towards a minor
14-year-old Tiko went together with his friends to the open air concert, which was planned on
the territory of the Tbilisi sea. Concert was attended by lots of people and the territory was full.
Behind Tiko and her friend were standing drunk boys, who began to touch the girls on intimal
parts of the body.


80. Sexual contact with a person under 16 year
15-year-old Nino and 19-year-old Tengo love each other for a long time. Tengo thinks to marry
Nino. While both of them love each other very much, they wish to have sexual contact.

81. Damaging a thing
Giorgi and his friend wrote on their class-mates coat Spy with the paint, while they thought,
that he told their teacher about the lessons they have missed.

82. Abusing monuments
Gia and his friend decided to have a fun. They found a blue color paints in a basement, by mean of
which they made an inscription on the neighbor buildings. Afterward they painted monument of
Akaki Tsereteli as well.

83. Damaging the monuments
Class supervisor brought her class on an excursion at Jvari Church. Class mates Kosta and Zuriko
scratched on the wall of the church Kosta + Elene = sweethearts.

84. Non-abidance to the police order
Tazo and Gia was making inscriptions on the school walls, when the police inspector saw them.
He asked boys to come with him at the police office. They did not abide and ran away.

85. Damaging a bus
After lessons Tika and Gvantsa went by bus at home. In a bus Gvantsa made inscriptions: Tika +
Gio = Sweethearts. Tika became angry on Gvantsas behavior and scratched written words by a
razor from a bus sit.
86. Middle man is beat more
Luka saw in the how a strange boy beat his class-mate. He tried to make them calm down, but
during his try one of the boys dropped a fist in his eyes and the eye got blue. Eye curing continued
for a month and was expensive. Besides he had to miss the class and lessons.

87. Necessary repulsing
Nika was attacked by the three boys. They made Nika fall down and beat strictly. Nika could take
thrown stick, which he threw to attackers. The stick fell into the eye of one of the attackers. As a
result of blow, the eye of the boy was damaged and his eye-sight became weaker. Parents of
damaged boy brought an action against Nika to the police.


88. Non-informing about particularly hard offence
Natia suddenly heard that two young boys were planning to attack a shopping center. She was
thinking for a long time to inform the police or not. Later she changed her mind, because she did
not want to have a problem.

89. Damaging a body
One of the class-mates makes Koba nervous all the time. Once he decided to make some trick to
him. After the lessons he was waiting secretly to his friend and to the exit of the school, sneaked
up from the back and made him to fall down. As a result class-mate broke the nose.

90. Driving a car
A neighbor of Giorgi has a new model of Mercedes. Giorgi dreams about driving this car. One day
he saw how his neighbor left a key in the car. He got in the car, made several circles in a district
and the neighbor saw him at that moment.

91. Purchasing a stolen thing
Tako was proposed expensive mobile phone to buy on a low price. Tako was surprised, why the
mobile was so cheap. The person told that he stole a mobile phone a month ago. Tako though:
lets buy it, no one will know anything.

92. Having dangerous animals
A friend suggested Salome to buy poisonous scorpion, sitting in a glass. While Salome is interested
with similar insects, she bought the scorpion and brought it at home. Once she forgot to put cover
on a glass and saw that the scorpion has left. Despite a long search she could not find the scorpion.
Several days later she found out, that poisonous scorpion bitted her neighbor, who was taken to
the hospital. The neighbor had life dangerous damage, but he was rescued after two months

93. Order of detainment
16-year-old Nika, who was going to school, was detained by the police and they informed that he
was found guilty in hooliganism and they should bring him to the police office. What kind of
rights has Nika?

94. Breaking a Facebook password
Kakha and his friend broke a Facebook password of their class-mate and read all his massages. As
it was discovered, he has Facebook conversation with his parallel class-mate Ana. We knew it. He
really loves Ana though the boys.


95. Stealing the data
Kakha and his friend broke the password of their class-mates email address and read all his e-
mails. They discovered private photos of the class-mate, which she has taken in bikini. hahaha,
thats great, lets put these photos in the internet thought the boys and they have really
uploaded the photos on their class Facebook page.

96. Painting buildings
Tea and Lasha decided to have a fun and to paint on the city buildings. For this reason they bought
shading paints and draw building walls at night. At that time one of the building inhabitants saw
them and called the police. Soon the police detained them.

97. Hacker
Giga found on one of the web-sites the instruction how the school computer system could be
broken. Thats a cool idea, he thought. Another day he entered the school computer and changed
his bad marks. Though, the class supervisor saw these changes.

98. Infringing ones freedom
School lessons have finished and pupils went home. Giorgi and Gela decided to have a fun, they
stole class-room key from the school guardian and they made a class mate with a lie to enter the
room and closed him inside. They left him in the room and went home. After several hours crying
could the pupil reach the noise to the guardian, who has released the pupil from the room.

99. Drugs
What is a drug? Is drug abusing a crime?

100. Subotex
Gogla was proposed by neighbor boys to try the Subotex. They told him, that it will make a good
mood for him and is not harmful. Gogla had information that Subotex is a drug and did not try it.

101. Heroin
One day neighbor boys proposed Kote to try the Heroin. Giorgi knew that Heroin is the drug and
refused to try it.

102. Breathing a gloom
Several friends of Tazo are gathering in the back yard of the school and breathing the gloom. Tazo
knows, that it is bad for his health, though he is interested if its punishable or not.


103. Hashish
Shalva went on a night party together with his friend. After dancing, boys proposed him to try
hashish. Shalva knew from his parents, that smoking hashish is not allowed. Though, friends told
him, that it was not dangerous and it will just make him on a good mood.
104. Amphetamine tablets
Guga was on disco together with his friends. Suddenly a person came to him and proposed to buy
amphetamine tablets. Stranger told Guga, that it will ensure good mood for him and they are safe
for health. Guga pretended himself from buying tablets. Was Guga right or not?

105. Nicotine
Teonas parents are active smokers. Once she saw on the cigarette box that smokers die earlier.
Teona got scared and came to the parents with a question, why the Nicotine is harmful?

106. Caffeine
15-year-old Mari loves to drink coffee very much. Though a friend of her told, that coffee is a
drug. Mari made herself to think on this issue, is coffee drinking forbidden or not?

107. False alarm
What is better than walking outside in a nice weather, lets miss the lessons one day though
Natia and her friend. Though, while they did not want their absence to be marked in journal,
decided to destroy the learning process. They called the school administration from the street
telephone and informed about the bomb at school. School process was really destroyed, while the
police have come to examine the school building.

108. Giving a false testimony
Tamta was called by the police as a witness. She saw at school how her two class-mates were
quarreling. During the quarrel one of the pupils took a knife and hit to another and suddenly
wounded him. Tamta does not want to say anything on her class-mate and told the police, that she
saw nothing and she was not there at that time.

109. Conviction
14-year-old Levan was caught on stealing chocolate in a shop. The friend told him, that he would
be convicted the whole life and would not be able to continue study at the university.

110. Carrying cold arms
17-year-old Gogita is fond of knifes. He wants to collect knifes of different brands and buys them
with his pocket money. One day Goga standing in school yard had the knife of Opinel brand in his
arm and showed it to his class-mates. Suddenly the police saw him and detained.


Part IV. Minor and school discipline
111. Complaint against teacher
One of the teachers frequently insults Tamuna, because she does not learn well. She uses
following phrases for the insulting: who could be grown up from such a family! You will be
the same as your parents are and etc. despite the fact, that Tamuna asked the teacher several
times to stop using such phrases towards her, teacher continues insulting her. How can Tamuna
protect herself? What kind of responsibility can be used against the teacher?

112. Teacher reads a diary
-class-pupil Tiko accidently left a diary at a class-room. A teacher found the diary and read
it due to curiosity. Tiko had described her feelings to her beloved and friends in the diary. The
teacher told everything to another teacher. Had the teacher right to behave so?

113. Demonstration
Peaceful demonstration is going on Rustaveli Avenue. Etuna and her class-mates wanted to go
on the demonstration during the lessons. Teacher told them, that they had no right to behave so.
Despite that, pupils decided to go on the demonstration. The teacher announced, that if they go
they should blame themselves what will happen to them. Does the teacher have right to
threaten her pupils in such a way?

114. To punish a pupil
Nika and his class-mate Giorgi quarreled during the break between the lessons. They made
great whirlwind in a hall. Director threatened them, that he would exclude them from the
school. Does Director have right to punish the pupils in similar way?

115. To miss the school
Its third month already that Giorgi misses the lessons. He goes to school in the morning,
though he is lazy to attend the lessons. What will be the result of it?

116. Smoking cigarettes at school
16-year-old Omar smokes the cigarettes, what is strictly prohibited by his parents. For this
reason Omar does not want anyone to see him and smokes the cigarettes during the breaks in the
toilets. Does Omar have right to do it? What kind of responsibility will he have?

117. Lesson of religion
Parents do not want Guga to attend the lesson of religion. Though, teacher thinks, that he is
obliged to do it. Is teacher right or not?


118. Method for punishing a pupil
School resource officer caught Lasha at school toilet, where he smoked a cigarette. Smoking
cigarette is forbidden, so resource officer forced Lasha to make push up exercise for 50 times.
Lasha is not physically strong and knows that he will not be able to implement it. Is Lasha
obliged to implement resource officers order?
119. Leave the lessons
Dato and his several class-mates encouraged the whole class to leave the lessons. Who will
not go with us is a coward. Dato opened the window on the first floor, pupils jumped from the
window and left the lessons. How can their action be assessed? What kind of responsibility will
they have?

120. Cheating papers
Lasha could not get ready for the test in Georgian language. He decided to make cheating
papers and could cheat the control test. Though, the teacher noticed him and deprived a
cheating paper and gave 0 points to him. Is the teacher right or not?

121. Cheating a test from another person
Giga does not learn well, but he is able cheat from others. On the control test of Georgian
literature he wrote from Tikos topic. A teacher noticed during the examining tests, that Tikos
and Gigas work was the same and she gave 0 point to both of them. Was teacher right or not?

122. Damaging the school equipment
Jaba is fallen in love with his class-mate Ana. He scratched with knife on the desk Jaba + Ana
= sweethearts. Evaluate the behavior of the school-boy.

123. Burn the class-journal
Temur had bad marks in all of the subjects and for that reason he decided to steal the journal
and burn it. One day teacher left journal at class. Temur announced that he would bring the
journal to the teacher. Though instead of bringing journal to him, he brought it in the toilet and
burned it. Evaluate Temurs action.

124. Insert 10 points in journal
One day the teacher accidently left a journal in the class. Ana, who had bad mark in Georgian
language, used this moment and inserted several 10 points in her Georgian language column.
Evaluate Anas action.
125. Noise at the lesson/ derange the lesson
Pupils had not prepared lesson in physics. For this reason they decided to derange the lesson.
When one of the pupils was called to the desk, Nika had thrown to him a chalk as it was planned

beforehand. The teacher got angry because of a mentioned fact. Pupils defended Nika, they
began quarreling on a loud voice and throwing chalks to each other. It was impossible to conduct
the lesson. The teacher left the class and went to call the director. Evaluate behaviors of the
teacher and the pupils.

126. To receive a present by a teacher
Parents of one of the class pupils decided to congratulate womens international day 8
March to the teacher, Mrs. Pelagia. For this reason they collected the money and bought golden
necklace for the teacher. Has the teacher right to receive such kind of present?

127. Giving additional lessons to the own pupils (for an additional remuneration)
Irakli and Nino always get bad marks in Biology. They were worrying about it. For improving
marks they decided to have additional private lessons in mentioned subject. As they loved
biology teacher very much and though that no one would teach them biology better than their
teacher and they asked her to give them additional lessons for additional remuneration. The
teacher refused them to give additional lessons. Evaluate her behavior.

128. A school and truth
Geography teacher of one of the school announced on the lesson, that she believed the earth
was not the only planet where life existed. She was sure, that life existed also on Mars and
someday foreign planet inhabitants living on Mars would conquer the earth. For approving the
mentioned she showed to frightened pupils an article published in one of the newspapers Secret
Ark. She gave the copies of the article to each pupil and ordered to learn the article for the next
lesson. Little Nika protested the mentioned and told, that everything was fantasy and it has
nothing common with the science. On this remark teacher answered, that she knows better
what can be the science and what is not. Evaluate teachers behavior.

129. Discrimination of the pupil
Arsens parents begin to work in Tbilisi, thats why he had to move together with the parents
to Tbilisi and accordingly from a village school he moved to a city school. Arsen learned history
of Georgia better then all in a new class. The teacher gave him always best marks. Once when he
finished to talk about the lesson, Arsen heard how the teacher talked to himself: I will not write
high mark to the boy from province. Crying Arsen told everything to his parents, who
addressed the school director for the immediate reaction. Evaluate teachers behavior. What kind
of responsibility can she have?


130. Mobile phone at the lesson
Nodar received a present from his parents: new Samsung Galaxy S4. He was not patient and
brought the phone at school. He liked his new mobile phone so much, that could not refrain
from playing on the lesson. A teacher saw it and warned Nodar and threatened simultaneously in
case of seeing his phone again, she would take it from him. Nodar saved the phone, though in 5
minutes he began playing again. Angry teacher took the phone away from Nodar and saved in
her bag and told, that she would return the phone to Nodars parents only. Evaluate teachers

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