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E JOURNAL. I "" ,,"L 0.,,.,. Highest af an ill l.eavening Power.-JAtest U .s.Gov't Repan' MurTelolt8,Ra .... lls. ) .. _____ ..
PALAGE3HY GOOnS AN-n CARPET R'lll- . {l' ,r
ftdI "I bave DO ......
Dr. run,.. Nn, Di9coT6l1'. os tho u- f
-========= '1"1, " Court .lurl:"I,,! LIa;;l,t en the
- I J ob.
' lI' .f o rn:-s .\! .. ' !otl.teDistric.cOollrt of t n!) St'eou\l
PER WEEK IJudlci a l DI;,t rict of Ne .. adA. Connty of
\'Va5bO(!: I
O!ft()6 ru:l,l/Iufll cltlrwg Com- W er wJt. wtlrl!! almOl!tMaltelouw ill C!13a I
__ 00.============== I PliO? (II. cO!'l"ornt ion), P otiU() ll\l l", "'S, It, ,Of 11:11 wl'e. Wh.i1" I was ptlst.Jl' of tllej'
FlUIH.,(. JANUlI.n 1,ISH;. C. Sbell.rElf, 1\11 Al1(iitol' WllEiloo HAiFa llapliltObnroha.tRl"'8 Junction Ahe
:couoty, State>. of WM brOuibtdownwiLhPllOUmonilllluc, I
u:!C!SfO:':, cC8dlnK La Grippe. Terl'lble 01:
'{'bla i ii !In tlrpliealioll bj the pr.U- " .. ot coullblng would lut bOUflJ witb . ",
Novelty DroLl FattemsiJ a BfaKtiful Variety of Cell
sizliq IIf 7 Yanb, 4OInI!I W!tle lalmll at
'f:ib core3 bruisc) 8otlll pralni. tio,.. , 1', Aftc.r llol ioc, t ur It <Tn t of m .. o- Au namination of tbi l'lI(;ord, dooll.- thIS "mOllnl put in anyono ehlim .nold IiLUe intMTnptioa lIod it u H, r
nt Lange k Scbtnitt'e ch*,p. dato t o (:or.o pfl i lhe r Uj)o[ldcol! t, Il'> 4\1- ulld (lvidenC9 Inlnll be leM thAD &000, and If It lUI donI) for abe oooid aomru tbeQI. A friuod
lb'l"tI Ntl o..'\tarrnb. li'lDill l ditor Dt Was!.H1e OO\1Dt r. t o dra ... nud I nqrUI"IU, but onl)' n deemed 1ID1 other than to Ilfeld WIll- reoQlDw.cmd'9d Dr, KiDi'1 Ntw Di llOOv,
YI . fln ,naCSSl!lllry to be conaltloud l!.t presont. pl,.1llrwllh the 11 ery; itw89QIlIckinlt8workandhhthly
!\'I"I. , , , I thfl TrNuurer 01 g,ml connty for tile; 'It t11:)t if elCllms III'() iIIe llecesury and bEnefici a l it is MltllfBOtcl7 in rl!lnlu." Trial bottle!
amI fine alwee III Sun- SUlIlii ef *:19, 1:), (10 and $272 30, I f:tli lYaii ttl! duty of Iha Allditor to not. ahown what tbe realOIl or purpml8 at 8. J, Hodgkl.n8on'l!I drug stofe.
A. respectively. The fnotE II)"C rl!snUo \v tI\elIl, find no wri.t will be la- I" was. It 18 !;o. fficieut to 8&,. tb",t the Regnlar I he, 00 et... fWd fl.
Wll'Id DIV a)] el zH, !lit Lange & tlt.IlY"5 fellows; Juall t) rumpul biUl tu ",Ilow thew. ijllHlOe ot - -
.... VI."I V.r ....
nn29tI '1' be Ik mr d or (louc .., ODmrr: i!Ulionsrs (geato \.. .ucr, -12 Pao . C?) It i8 tllCl mode lind manuet iu "bleb pub- 8 ;\1'8 rou catllrrhT UIIO lIqllki Viln'l.
R .T. FO:!"I1"oll of Yeml 'l"iSUM the of WlI.shOD el/uuty. as appeafs bj their ...quall,. c loor t hllt. If thul'I elbim@ nt"e 1Ir: bueioo8e ill to be h aDll !toted caonot [a 100r Mood poorr Cn VIAyi tonic.
re'lt u Utlf. record$., on FO"IUUr.. 17, .L8'J6, eulond o.a l j lilirt jllI:;IDoal for IQorl.': ar mato
be rUUI![l:nrded Dr n.-aldtd by devlcl'lS you Btoltllloh trouble' Use
Oupe lu dellea!e tints at tb B Illto n c:ontl"ll'"'t by wlliob t l.t ey Il);.'reed ,. ri!ll\s rUI'ui9hed r",r the coo.n ly. nDd&!" wblch IIl!k to do by lodlrec:Uon wb!ilt VJ.vl taWuid8.
Mouel. tll.tionory alc re. \ 0 or t be oClrtfliu wua t, 10 a nd ill fne:, au I t bo law prohlbita. ' Have yon Ii colli? Gao Viavi c uate.
"HIIPPY N8:1f -renr tc everybody" Is mlltollic lIud tue conttact, tbey nn lJJogRl, It ie tlll/nfors ordered tbRt tb!! writ HIt.-ethe childreu burned J'01:;.R:-;".u's t: r cdiull. tbat tba Ilg,e{lmcut illld tllo! lI 1:jiTe.tlatc more t bfln ItMO, .. nd I PfR.y&d t or bl! .dfJnled Rtl!l tlJa! reo Viavl.:ellt ....
(Itc ltIiijuad an d Ill' to t" I!Outl"lIct, thBr e W09 uo ell comply with .poDdent have j t:ulglll ont Co r it ",b,n(f'l'l!\" tbere I, p.ln " In-
).fro. 1-1. E. Hur.loy wu a PtlliSeIllU!r 1 tbl t h" hi'" I t E
I; 8ned by Qo:nmiu lanefJI. 1J,- mer{l anti I .. " t"t p. 1Y lCu req ll UC!f t n ID e - I A. OOUIIY,
10 1 Oobh " nd t be pittlUonOl', b,. ll.(;miSil, tloS IIJI nr flnr And overy I Judge. Hue fOO riloomatlotn!
B. J. Tb)""es will ! er l" e au elaboratfJ age::l!, (bl'J Ul.:rnd to famish klcll , CbllfltCtor 3ud Dated lRcember 31. 18U6. oillWd arlliea.
Noll' YOOf'!! l!lllch to-dr.y. ou or norora June I, lS'X>, the s&t;eral wbero t lte contract itl tUG nggtl!' -- -- - - Hl'lo YOllpllMit UHiI!:li\no.
Dig opooial sale nt boys' olotbing fit !l.rtioloo d&lcr ibtl d In annoxed f"cbeuulll, IiUtQ IImOQnt b t o ;,uC'J UI' mUTII tile ! 'I'll. .. le. II""o l OU o.terloe troubl 6i lJeo the
M 25 ret .:ent a ff. as ptlr I>ud Cou ntr The muq\\e.rud9 bull !l1l1en by Amity Via-vi Cll fl Slllos IIIld corate.
Fr1Lmee marlo to oruQrfrc.r;n the latest lIlitted, wl';cb llrO mlde R. olldl contract or 10 b.l II I,odiC, No. 8, K. of P., last CI''-nlng lit All 10 he fOtllld lit
mOuldings M & Co.... tull contra(l,," for tho Uonnty ; All contrlMh 1>1 t il l) Pflt;WOli Q allccoae 11.11 far at Mil&. E . E. Hml1',nl'J.
Jo1,n Snnderillmlit tho agent i ll ngr end to pr.}' JIJ. . L ' 0 II blrl uo!r . (Gen. ' eud,oce WHY_ conoorlleU. 'Ibere 103 , __ Stroot.
Nnll t!A f or the J. B. t3l etlO!l tlno bah . OpOD SIlW(YJl'IL; OWU U ""hlMl nl e IH' or :::;;, ,, . SIlO. H!7;l) .1& mo.ny ID wnk IU bad IIU- -
Slove! and r anges or all kI nds at San
frll ltl; i.s<;:o ct Lanao I: ScumiU's
tuI101t',: Whetuu nbllt WIHI don" .ep. p.eohIlg ll' '')l:l loiJ, II.Qd tim W&l"& RODeJ'- lU,.IU.a."111l U... ",
"Sixt y.lIve fit&, 12 roller lll o p ... rchat:i! of thellQ t1:O:lur&l nod toe a ll 7 bOlne,wllde W Kotten u" ror Tho t (lll timllny of a promineuL ph,
book 51 legltl bl::r.nL: ilN""''3rSj all OW:lUco llllilll S consUhlhlll (hu ct t.nel cm. TIII!te was II morry crowd, !iBI:tn:
., ft ,- 0" 11,. t f .- ,. b ' - , b b lfnn:O:T'" 0'7". r"d. Jo". 17."" , 00 .6 on '"' UnnAr wbi cb ... .. r.OH.'flC.Oi" ..... \\", r cr .... n" I) OUl'Cllme L . . ..
Mr . Johu lIr. Purkel' tr<ok the trai n \{titten I "Ancl tuo Difke inilcpc.t:do::Jt b9 f(lr r;tlCll'yklug daneerll wue IIU!lIarous. that I hnvu l.Ioou lUling
$3.50 a Suit, F' Price. $5.25.
"1 ""', e good! aro lh& but and prettieit fOf tb& money oll'erod tita tloe
" n OWl!.

-PO:E'L- .
pt .. . ....... . ......... .... . ..... . .. .... . $Sand up'nnla.
11 to'i9 aB9 '. :':: : :":":
?len;, at ... . . ........ , .. _ ............ 7
0 IsterBo.t ........ .. . .. , .. , ...... , . .......... ,. 6 aod upwll.rdll,
II ,crcaat and Uistor .................. . . . .. 50 nlld ree terdaj Il.fternaon far ()nrsoIl, where 8pcaUlLLr Oowpany fnr- fr om !I ll tho uu.d '1'1100: 0 W01'(j rew Apeclul rtuern or V. O. 10 my I 11"1'0 UIH'or
!loe 111ll thAr it (!elllrtd, to fo.rnigh b"l. [lot from I'Ibnt ur i OulLru is '.Pbe oo!bt bfl ll tl"r anp waH ralllld nny medIcal lJfl.'paraUcn in 46
O'lf cook...(J(]al llri are laking ordera ance or In County mI." t hough l fl houL it, for "GOd, KOrl the ObinEIlQ group ,",' 0I.1i elleel- ,ean nf practice thai is c" lc ul:t. lod to P"URN1:S:EnNG
ror tbo greut Standflrd Dic tiouary at oftlca li t. tue eame tate nf pri eD It. i9 plll iu tbat If t.her l'l ....11." 1::1 I;mt btlt '.l.' lJ. bOJ tI were 1\'1011 ul', IUld d o mll cb j{ood In all "ide II rlluge of . .
t t
- , f " t . __, dlae"sea aud loo'le n" .rt, , 1. - .' .. , In lblS.lme 01;' s,t.:>ek I .>complete and up to date. , Natural Wool
publ i"Q.(' I"!)' price.;. "' 11 ' Kbo\'c Rud (Signed :) ouo con r:u; , a n,1 t b o nl \""li ..... UIi It 10 0 .... Ollt. thll IVllahrn f. n to " ,-,",u ,u..... U d .- I
" ., ,I!. nin1.tlll n'o. It hus "r, " " " "'"'1 II ere .... t lIug per Sl!It nt '$1 nnd upwards.
Ull ' " .( uu Us ... 8;ano, proparOO 01.1100) Spooiulty lltinn rllCtnri ol:: Cum I ollr r>>tr t.IJ 1l. lIu p:! ywcu t\l was a t ile grou p thAt If6l1med r ""
by t b9 Vi:lri Companr. Jt the p"or, tr.r R. D. i d9'i"ICE to IIvmd cornpl;illg welh Lite tv to WaH tile "s'-"Ction 10 Ill>' haudp, Il.ud I 1.1111 rntber Shirts, a a ssor tment of Cr::wots, ClulJ 'ties, \Vindsors
\vout oa90S. Try It. * OD tue &.'I.t:le ... tu!!rtl wall :!I.le:l Wlth alil lu te lIn, lot Gf.llW".' dOJltl.:nl on it til t.hat ,lrlladlull (Iud Bows. All lH:avy \\'001 Socks at 25 cent!! l)er pair. A fllll line of
Bled;: & Clallf.(m "Ill pig, : tU(I, Silk)' Board Il II'ritiDI,", es folio,,!; tiug ( I) tl.l!) Jal>'l!st It .... 0111.1 At Ii O'clClclr t"i:l<'l wa:e ILwnrdod Ualfria' HATS an' d CAPS,' TRUNKS and VALISES.
' '' Sched ll le t" ft" 'P" '" In C',n-ty n.rr tmtllfll l Umt t1:e pn: tin. 11.3 n pnrt R! /<j ll ows: ..,
ehic;,:eu and ronHl 'lnell: a : tbE : v .....
J.uuch COll uter tCKIa r . 100srl( 's oillCl' : Case 1-G5 of lhA flh(lnl cl uIJdvratand LInd Bed Indy- ill !'1i , FJ. Olattli, 1'. n. D. .
. 1i1e!/, 12 roll or buok Ibel1"tBs. 54 Illillt at;re& t hAt it eboul d 00 collt; idared as Q,",e9u For lifti& by
'1'0 tbe brew . 01 MClI cbuer v!ltuk.d raU'oT8.locke on 6:1 01"",; $10230. rOil!' separate ('ontmdll. Tbc n Uli t cu:tu r.wr- Mill!J T. P. Br&riAbal'l', At;60t. RUBBER
lJl,: tr by tbe EN\II;Utg ?olUpau;;. "o.:Ul O2.....Q() d Ilcumout lIN, 12 I"oller t hl'lu j . In 1 .. "t one R G, luc r, ludlan .....OW(l.u.
, h.I"" . ,0 '1" 1 fil ""'I, ,'r II I d d I I h
, :C,, :.- '" ot tlll" eli, ......... !\t'I lion nmfl D- .... Gla.ttli,
01 (,ll \;taol,:) no otbol' l.a 10x:;,;20, B drllwerA !!(b:[i.;:20 1 'thAt It In Carflltml Ble lL elieo.
/U 1'1 d le: ior.ary. The St l'lodllrd tbo e upboar<l 20x3{ix2D, 1 Bh&lf , Ouly {I/JC \Vllttt'l.i r.<)rll rl ct W(' I> gout ..:!lnrkct Ar-J'". M
Sold aU . Illnnt io!l lock ou CllpOOt.I'rJ, loukB 'OD 60 : 10 lJny gooos ni> jI,("rk Hallnn ,
Cures tram"i I:it!:ol"S "tOew f oer' 9 luncll will i :BIn; 40. ' fit :i flxe.1 pril"-', lOud i'l[Mt chnm ctcr ... F'.
,",,, cl e! lr.;ious Uo-l!ll r, !;I ud 1111 of the ' 3- 5& 1IJel', 12 roll er g mAnt tCl "f[a ni !'l ti H.., of watll!- : n5" ma.!!. ' " Caret; bllr. " j n Ill,Of T I k
(11 11 (' j f. U,] will bo on t ap. CUpboerfl6, I 3.beU, comhinllUou Jlc in :":onnty OI ':II:!t'1' o[fico 81. 'I'll!! namee or t.boae cl'lmprl:ll ll i 01 Dood '!I ibtl>lI.!lfl.r lll!l, a
O. L etUer:; will I!. fl oe lock9 00 enpboo.rd,100k1 on 53 HIes. Ell,,!!! 1"111 !! "r price 1\8 nbo'l"e- E!c bed" j,{I!.Tlg grOt' I) W. Ll'ne, R. as lor 110 ot1!er Illed!-
' $1'1\"0 d itH1N: fi t tbn to-day. $866 00. ' u]1)d Ilod llli"eri ." No olher r.t)nLrM:l 0;' '.,l'. Kohler, T. r.i1 cl.i. C. WOl'! aod, Dine. Inb' , lhtul,
'L'b o t .. mll,l' trJde ia 4......olB til!!!!, B shelve!, 1 ngrec lll cDt h Tbe I'helllll, C, frit.r..e, TIt. WllJOll. oon"l"inclng IIIDl"l1age of gratMnl 11\1;11 ,nel
k h f
elidln, ,h,lr ",'upb"",'. 0 b II nllflut orderJ ,Hlt'e fo r 8 and 4. MIn "",,, . S,".n. d" ". ,p."."_ "",omou, Its nc'!
l1os{>l!. th'd k Art!l !l:J 0 I).'.'<l fl. Df , .... , v .. " , c m ou ., "'-U ., .....
.Jl9:\l nan onrx oroCl- locka on em 4.0 Ilnd Ih!! tchoon lrl med wit b the ooutr"'ct tUI" S' prlzl!. vertlSi1I. Man,. of C\lrQi au mar
An Assort ment of l h e Unl1tlficture.
"'III eu:. m.p Rllbbelll.ootu!;, ................ , .,U 00 POl' pGir
)f tn, :fl'p Rubber SnRg Proof, a'.. . ......... 5!iO pel' p"ir
y OU II oEeRuhb(w Boot .. ut. ................. .... ..... 2 ill per j1Mlr
lfncll lit . .......... . ... . . . .. . ... 2 00 plll" paIr
1;1 , I''tllla nubbEr tiOOtM uL . . . . .. .. . . . ... . .. .. 1 !iO '-':l lr
0Dl 6 t ' t 9o, buelr le, at. . .. . . . . .. .. . . . ... :.! 1;1 pel' pelr
1'0 en'e Felt &ate, dnuble budd&, lit .. ..... .. . . .... . .. a 00 per pair
Arctic O"en.lwel ot . ... .. . ... ... .. . .. .... ... 1 an per plilt
....n' .,\rr.;1io I'It . . ,. . . .. . ..... 1 2;:; per p(ur
Snndole at . ... ,..... ........ , .... ..... I!U per patr
OYI' at,.. .. . . . .. . . . .. .. .. . ..... . . '... .... roO per IJ{Ilr
Tbc!le goods are all firstclass malll.lfnct\ue and guarallteed.
IllCI:\!! LL ', t tbl.1Y 1.11.UUfl\1riU., fi t cat SO." ltw prlc!! and C("]!.ltf>nta o r It'b" col!tumea or .i\.fr and Mrn H havo:""on CCWl1dEMt 01
SpeciDuUons I"lBr e li lso DIed. ch"I" Wh:it ... rl' .tn ti ll and !.::.I\u ..... AgclIcy of t Ile celebra ted wi lot, lobe 1r. C. LILLEY CO.,
li lt. AI!, nol; C:moty O;H.IIlJlis- t tJe ", 0 Q anu toile ur It wns Ellzabetb. Wl!1'e ver, r lc.l>, lllld aUracted .bave (or it. -."., . .... u ... OhiO.
'J :I <' m.w lI().uelwi:" r wl\i1e by t:!:J. d ... M
r. . C ' II I h Q!oner who \r l\e 0::J.1l'l'd by pcll agrOEI 'IP"O!'. 110 "\ of 0o'1t n\r
' I IIlUcb uU:&uli ou. the rrel.test , Inborat OryOD H6(ld'6 (;nclet 1Jn;"orm \"'itll C d -
.re" lIIl1: nmpnnr , WI a ll. Y OU .. t to. I ' Illld t!'le Olil.> lalOg left w"3 1 'rue InIl !I" nn(l e, L"" 1,"'.-h,', "r Bllna .... rlllD. ilO knowu b'" t.h. "_ ,. ' 1,., ......1 S 'W' aps all lU.onoI'J"Il"S,
ouel R:l .. eS l. ", . .. oJ , ...
th!l COll llt)' COlIlmlEl(loors only ogt'eiM1 " ' bon ",tu... 'fuat Il ,. Prnfes60r Zlmm.:!r \ .. nry and mQde-Ollll.'O of KTorula, mit r heum nll.d 811 (Jolnw)lletI.IL at: Q) tI.50 Ilel" OutJu,.
kO" I Id 'h '- '" n "IP"
to ttl ,p.ud tUllr" IYns llO \"'U S 111' nup Ie Jy tI!lUtll Flllley OOIJIc, as proDl pi;el', 0 r eurnatJ.tlm,
AIKrgare,t Hymlll'a yesterdllY I "lifUment fol! ow it up tho wben tbe W3 B marlll that all or' bis reprl l.a.tioll Olle or t. he bss L Oil the (lnd weak Dcrru,curcs of liver I Free o t express and nHeratloll3. ?ne, come all and ta>: e ad\'ant-
for !, \\"hcl'e 8UO ITe rli ll not kllOW I'I"bich tile Oxtllrc9 t o tlU that J lind klcLlIay troublM, Mtarrh nge or thIS specIal Mle.
.. n as toaohOr 10 the sahaol ",ds of tilo mom Ihl! f1 1'f<l at'cliou 01: ant!. nA 11110'1\"0 by t.h.., IIllOu ld .\tl p, W!15 II. eDe- Such Cures as This Prove Meri t, I S JAOOBS
vt tllRt dlalrl cl. c.:.'l!! w;"\ !l I O "':I pul. lil!OJi!lS, t 11 A !no!equt nt l.l' b B 10 cq'hi lly eel s, 1I.0ti til a Kr. igttu r rcoived maol II Lthl nl!phew ,,11:1 n pI:JlIl)"> *nd
L .!) . ...0 190:0 1"1'111 hl1"& hull or, ... .. r; to r h: r.e ror tho plui u. The loa d to be {Dil do .. r!.<" i" O<.>ll lpJll:' e:ltt a pril! ib;;) .1l:t:eHelltt mlln. beahby bob., II n LJI .cd IL han old,
l..", lcry. c;" l li no wel', wbolCt lI pC:: '! le,\"C'& It w-itll 11"11\ (lraee \II:> givou. 'r,,!)y WO)M: manu. Rg9m"' ot o( tt" tbao JIOr@&hrob>out bcl:-:nd bill Iud
._ f " j' d' I ' Iplead rapI dly ovvr hi, hIlad, banda And
Mil tIlTl"' ra ur " e w In ner to , tot> CI!!I!i' ful our \l oG If wo IT!lntoll rat! tnl'1ln n thll lboy ... . , _ _____ _
.- body. A aaid the t : ollbl" Wa.A
dar ',to caM. ObirltJ;O,
io the blood. Tho child
tun. hllnllHT, wh':J- ! lu 1110 can! "all' "".1 s ue!! I O(!(i a-nd 2..5I.h, I lHfH\'r, Culi etlan 000n1ll(t oce complete Wo hact to
Oil ::.I tner. Job:-. I'l.''':', him I th;. t wi,,,: Y.el', t Ill;) ol'dal' [or not will "upen today. bll to heel' bhu hom
lI ori ol1 sJ y 111 "HiJ n"h' uh.ll t be h lth cnmbiuutil.lll 11)'; CommHl810:JCrs t o lb e 'rho L 'I rlIC!t' ..II.!l'.i lmr;, nn isted by Wtl were Induced'
hMrt . It lJ! h'lreo t\'lnt h & \f,1i I:. ol, loda !u which b.dl ut boxes r: , uld he : Olel'k ncll l lUlIY Ifllll, SBI"IUI bo- \'''Ill 1 .. ,,1), t !IO)' onne: moo '0 Uy Hood'. SaraaJllrll1ll, aad In 0
recover j ilDd hA ..... Icwd t u tbe 1 farn a lt t.I, ... cuud" ... Tho to r(!cuIH' l iJ('ir C'E.Hen Ir om :! tolO 1'. t ifDl)bo hlld mole Iile. fl u improved: rlP-
.1) pt: Dch l>: ore H!.tents for I;r,,: cfl;;U tI , SO(;li) or t.h... (:: oodo be. CO:-Oll\jft!10t;Or t Cl; t Oil e(/ 5;1t(1 hs Ibt"("Il\ u';l e ut !t ",tit he (;r rv6d 011 kil.J, h is skiD beGftll,e c1ell' of
the Il l'''' \,'hl:leler & Wilton ball belwin,' er o nr, erlDg Hlure than CU(l. \all I I 0 11031\ t le Ima oua Qr .. It:-' " n, II : HO'lIlIsicul 1l ,"Ogl'l\I \l will LII .. ,
- I I h FI..O.BNc:BA-';D1\El?lil'l,
I I I 1 I , ._, ... I 1
Illllohine;, wl,ir;\! luey OomwhMionAr6 \l Ori Oa Ill on,um be nrH L W'!!' t hllj' "jl'\Hl J Otlll1:' tl.w Til nTIiji(h
f)tSll fail to If, lkod tbe Ell.ld tb ouBlit it t;"i,.:)tei) "IU :\ il1:[ob.')m'tl t.(J knSI' bo OrdlMttll will fllrnlsll mnsie H d'
no tbefC. be 11 /:I'oJd thI n >! t v IIn.e tl"D 1, ,,1101. UvX8.lllJ. aU of ibcl .. om!" lluduo: tliO "rtert1 0IlU il"lJ Il "errt bing 0 0 S
one. lTl\ d !lot \\, Wtl uld clNl bcf"ro ""Y W., [ () .... 111 Joue to
llletlct.llel' wade of TInhemiar.
tieell ally of t!.;ett oc;]e. Lat er ..orne ona And eMe No. 1 dill n et ou ll [ur II(Jr cOIl- I' nllt
.l..l IJ P. II OU lIelect .,;i IDa It , Ii u '
or Bnt: kol" lJrowl u;: COl:JPIl Ul' , eUR8e.
tl!!ll OI"U "" CIllie 3, lill y I:npbrurrd, A. lthOIl /:rb t ho oLlH' f'I extclId tlll hllnrty i n: Sarsaparllla I
nod will lie a ll tHp Bt ttl c r"riOU9 {l lnccs J Ldl \"lI o, a Dd conchHlr-d Lbut , Im)ll did. . _ I vlullo" to 1111 j"OU"lO Olen Ponil ah _
ill tu .... n Lo..u!l.Y. \:"",t 1r.1 bo tban tIT,'; I. n.d Oil An of the Uxt :l1I>I) 0.... tllJ}y .. \'.011 nA n ' ll ';<.001 (leopl" lHllB ben-In fact IIIe Oue T.t1IJ DlotJd Punier.
I S, lS96, tuey ooud mJod to fill tbc ! af 8 'Il nde t ill, ""rr p!..II11. It ROIJ. <J . tv INOtl' (wi"! 11\11., .. m o bsorn).
Ur Pjs oo, Curt ller ,\: Geu(,blltls hor", '.rlll! r; oUtl'lwti woro rM ' wi!! N t1111t ImierJ Hood's Pills
brQ\lghlll:J[t ill 11. ", District Court of ... _, "
Moll (lULe scp."\rately." or ...,O. !l.1u Rllu. d,llmll and -
1Iumb,1,H (lO!lnt, tv nu,'udicu(o .. .
-- t ust tho deStgull.l" lUll us 2:, {1 ;tnd .l!:h"'I ... Ill tters. "
r1abta In Plraillse \"l\l1f:17 5H,l"lyall bncl LO ba mannf!tct ut r; d IIrtSI' bemg 4. The f1xt UfOS nil tuoy mfly be gll!l; t.l'ic iii a medldnl9 lill itcrl
tb(l oidsel tier.!<llreaefoudllut5. oJ .. lri " t' II I b I h ; ' ,',','l :-."."l" .I' ' L' 0 o ereU. IWU wel'O h tho (!il n'!. 1\, .,., ,'I'lI r 16a YMtbroo ijllCti OPJS, II por nps Ul()rl! !o":"eo. ' '-'_ IO n n n 11111,1 ..: ,
l!ui in ecr :Jliroy iJllceeeded ln Cou ul), Cler k fraUl Cl1leogo, tUIit. tbey bel 0l:" III tHI:t 1;1() dl ,lrled, t l\& lOoYer CII " Deeded, when tho:. lan"aid . ex_ i
!Ilil Lt llr:t ! ., rl!;: l, ts " t. llJ" elecl rlc II gbt camt> In !-orol"a ! UI.I :;"', were Poll ehiplJed {Irt:.wurs Iild eupt:nnrrl ll WIU, reeHnJ: when tl: n Ilvle' r ' I
fl fler ooolJ,. tb!! ! aa d rece!\"oo 11. :; our;e, ADd \V01'O 1"0- cowuI!l{. LiIlO I\ud IIJldica 1/'1 t OI' pld Mud Hlul;"\lish IlIld 0 ,,&<1 o(
t.rj,"() Ilnd lhillib
ScoC!, or
IIl(b l5 w&JOe HI full bl n t nlf,::lt. OI.lhlI d b:; tbe OIe1"l.: ullfor e "P.[oy The ml tl dle Mctiou i9 cutlr,,!}, roU',!' i. toull'l Imel (lItCI'iL!1Vtl ,.I:t telt. A
;, :rtolr::\lwluck not It. ClIll:! :l8 formerly,! 1S!!r., tllo)' were book and tb.o UpPAr ot rn edlUiu l'l UIt WQUen el;] 0r'l
bnt LI"lDpornrily. i Il:Jt If.! b.r co,",utr, :tnd ImO'" wbolly oco'J pisd br tJlN Itl'fjltcrlloui( li.!1d bilious lbit 1
A. N(h.,n \'oil! s\I<:l"Hlue hi" or I uoon in tb o <'lIl1rl:'s :11Ut lIut ",,,"\l or lreiuo; lu four caSO! Or No will mOl' "'
rarQj,bin;,t ilJ lo Wilko . .. t bc)' lind I beJ ...ere : EStr., tl lA\Oll" l!r GelltiQIl hart O' e In c:ou!lt<>r "el i t.8 IIUiJ 1r6@luithe I ... '... . I"t ,un" ' ''' 'r";),,, ,\lI lt lu .
r aDUI rur !lew ;\ow i the t iDlI!! I otiered hI eVlClOIl CIl [Dr toeper; I.loo. Tbll t. ! p flr lfl eomple.te i!:l tber.l eel'e9 CXCJ}p l II nw t be mnlllr i:.1 poiSDlI.
' 0 get. ti ..11 his slore ()D I: Uthe d"y or t he Itay Ufttl' t he I c.onoeotiog toget her; mli'l dl e sec- H\! e.}l:tlhc, cons.tipat ion, l
Vl rglni!!. at.re6t. Fr oc 61.11plo),meut W(li w1Id u Ie(t (\ I, httl "': th I ho t.iull i! iu fuur pPl rt m, tvhllil I..hll di:l:l'.hu:;nl!!, yl eM to E Il.. 'Ctr lc tlltt.Jl">1. }; r:: .\'" IT,I; t: f' (" RED \
GI C"'T"<:l
...R ..
ThO Reno Jeweler,
nil Goods 'at Popular prlc
ottice ,-, OnnBctM wl t b t Ill!! etoru. - I Cl orl., IVhich lind EClll i35 eub- u pper is iu D'Itt nnd bo!.l!u tlt S. J. " . I'
ltou nth1l1 k Armlln Sfl q cull tiy ',Yitlld rew it fo:' allcgoo and tb.o ec rnlM in tbreo piecee dl tlg ,="'''''''''''''''''''',....,,''''''''''''''' .. '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
' bl I I ," ,_",",",",' _"_"_"_'_ _ "'_" ="
ui'l)!1ned to bie home sorl ouely ill, \\Uu purpoee uo pr n cornea IIlld ill. 110 piace doss tho unlou of .----
doubUelis Il. uumbut of wEro i and it beeD. returned. or litll'tll iu thlt tbn& Ifur I'vt'r 1".[,1' \"0;\1"
III I!JU dcli<"cl'J' of 1 Tbe '" rll corde the roem (I perpandlcnJat" Ii no the Un . \\ u.tlil vw'. ....... !.Jol un
nl/ " arr. All h" .... evcr. w" ' , b, , in.. AprIl tl, 1epa: "It Is. borllby iHlC'h..ns.. lI."",d 1>1 mlUlonoof llIo,huror ll""1"O;' IIO.. ",
,. '" "II d .. t.Ht},I"Ir. 11 rlktubed . , "lp, IUId
l aotiflcd if subscribat e m il C:!lll ut tbeir l 01 ore tbat t he OIBl"k qf Dcard ll.coordi og til tce u bl!dlll<!c br.,I .. :n nt ''''' .. "hy" ,kkcbJ\ olT.... I"1r
.. tort. .. o ... from Lho Olfl.o.e !illec.ltllty iHlluli' fl ied '(!IUI!!! NO.1. 2 a ui! 3 01\110;1 [ur 6.5, .BlI <!T1IDIt .. rt.h J.lMn ot (I) ...... ,.md
. ' . . I fnnt uriIlg Oompnuy tl'tl, 1'0. 2 or 00 ilnd 5!'\ document {!JO!! r a.; rfloOti V' ol.l', &tOllce acd 6ri!tIi .. 1001.1:/.. r>f Mn, Wlllll o",'11
Stephen E(le, who II Itno:.vlu
metal liofila&for hilJoQJ;: \I." April 20, whll, tbll l:Ilea rU'!"Rlohod Soo'hlnl: foy "hlldr.n l e' t bl,,!:. Irl ..
;pntb by Ul.DS\iO[olIl.l o'..IL. Wi th Job's "It is IH!roby ordered that Lbe will nll r;lve illllllc(ll_ .
Cr;ll.IrVderll, IS around Rl!al.ll. aL.u cun 01 '. r tl.!' B d' (lrO hlLa Ilvtl equal ,,-wI,.. IlI;pr ud "l,un It I" M'Jat.:3 of K!nds.
bls !lrms OUI: C more. Il. ... 0 .LS o"r orMr tro w. the nniform or oJli .lIlllil e:J.cb. mlUlIl<o o.ho,Ilt It. It
deal or ]Jr. E do. but he All. e tb $peclni L! 00. cue No. S ofm(lUi!- 2, 3 lIud 4. Dl'lll for 01110. 1"lno I,!>a 6ull WJ",'
Iii uo ptlrt of his JlBtI!CULhatJ' 1:.0 r nr hIe OfHC3" Ma.y 18, 18Sti; t brconcd. tWJ) c(]pbaardnltb ellm bin:i' ,,!' n'.'I, . P.'f, ;
! \(l U 8 " g ood vlace for II b("] lI. I" t i e berl)by ordered t bnl. t.La C:e! k or U(l Uloeka re:l p('oUt'oly, .... bile Lbe cup Ulrn. n. ...'Q S" " I' ['lor l ' 0 D(j{j VEal,
lid" JJuurd urdu f rOID t.h(l Olli e:) bOllrit s rUfnisiJ.e;i aoo In tbrile ))tlrtti of <:blldr.n 1.1 pI'I'U&ll\ t .. t ho U'M 'HId
Jhui.;\n[l. :>...... ' e"" hh" Sp8nL'lJt y .Pt{1.lllUlIoturlllt; n o. ClI-I.!! No. i t oro C'JpbOQrdl It Ie lImpl y f!. I, tlooo 1'1_ ' rll' U.... or 'In' ()r t be ..ud ! .4.Mn IN
'rhl! l1,, &t sJ.h(l il! tlJe \.,nr!d for tilts of metallic files f lJ r lli , oittell." I physical to fill tha ol'fhr lem..IB lual 111\1' _ In the
. -,.. . , 11 '0" 2',"0 C UI,ltwlStl>te., Prlclt ....,,"t;). lhe eentl l>b"t.
bll . (l .uar .,. tl.l1.!lty CIlW No.1, 2 ur 3 from .,"ooda ti c. noM b, :<11 drul':;!" t.lle
., . t\1ltel, chU?lnm.'!, wisalcu ..ra ,Oil. oll!.ltnc mnllnf;:lotllrod for pJHOO werltl. fle &ura 11m for " " ro.
. .l:n9 f\tl(j all . ercptJone, 1:Ulo, .. l tho eO\l ot:; III ill.tll" or 11I tuo . inc!nciulr not. embra.cod. iu II Sllotbll,IO S!:rt'\I. _ .. _ . Iy
"l eIr cores pll oa or 110 TlflJ' Or HtB 30. (l;)07 <itl, .:1611 6!l A.od : tbo18 CUllS ae dt ltcriblll1.lllthuchf' dulr. . .
of all <;,
R<!nr" jl!.nl j
II II t.o uutis- 31) r Mpellti .- el r. 'l'!.!e claim for 1 Ct\6e No . cOlllti btlH' weD tIHld, bot.. VIII" III KI "".
fc,t:tio:l. or mO!ley t"efUDdcd. l"lk:.e Z5nb: t be WII PI by tI,,, re- I el'en t.bRt "lVolJtd bave 011 il'r,*ul!lr ella, \ IIlltor" cordla t) ,. lovlbn] D ,-'-A YME ..... '1 AND Tlti)OK;'{"AN.
p<l r J;'''f 11'11 .. "'1' :::'. : . "8'ndJlkilliOn I poooout pll!d b}' I bor.onnty. TbQ; \ bo ".Tlder at HI9 top than tl:Je bottom, to. roll lod tbo merit s. or I
_ other Ulree olnitnll di MHol'I'oo. h, !. Ilud lIn.vo u. cornice pieoe nearly t"i ee VIR"-!. r uavo Bold l81r.:,
Eue found ber littlB Ql"I;l iwpult;f;r.1 of COt!l!Ilissiouers with hie is meet. nf nU, if they w\t.hnnt fnrt hJ}t words. Fruigb' .::t1N<l I'l"ec!:.. or l.)ell'l'rll to Ibo
"UE !i[O!) y'8.:S' .'Ito"t'U.lll:. and ret.llfnecl t o tbo Bo!\rd the OfLSO \'fide. .aIld yet, 'I'II.1rtb, tbis Bpeakt 'We vu.lurJ
moro by tho plelliant Syrup Dr t hBt' efor, flmlllU tlle l lit b of ,Tnne thfl IIIlpli rate, indlllpimdent cont tllcls .1iIn;t;. B. E. lI()t;TL:!I.. U(';lot CorotulJy nlld Pl oml'ltly.
whtl'l In nEed of t l.le 11\:>:a\l r e effect of Il Ul)allirnOlisly ordored tb..:; rE!o the or tbfllle toar is ]i'omtt Strn<.lt.
re:nedy thRn by OilY ot her, nn il til Rudit Rnd nllowGllduloim& '.ho Bl mc B8 woot was i u het deli vat8d. -;.:::-;:::--
t bs t It tli to tbol"O . 1..n 'CI"I'oe of pcti li oner, And drnw hj" li'romtbil!l itappoor1lwitbalmo9t the TnueJlBroLhm'o bllN a lar!: !! a ud
Cbil d rt' u OlllOY It ond i t t!l Bm ..... srrant l t.bernfor . Ttl') Auditcr sUl I ctttainty of liBmoflllrfILloD tbe tine 1ll>10rt.nltvl.t of alo<;J09 for !lcllool
'1'b& tma rem6<l y. Syrup (I f Fi;:,. r1ItUlinll' 0 lo do, .bose prDcoo;iiur.{s plan for tolll\rork' dl .. lded @o that chlidl'1lD wblc!l Ar o l uviloo. to
b,. ClilIfl'lrni!l Filo; lH' '1e been braQght to biOI to do Ib{J 6bowll. b .... tbe record to call 1\.D.d Rrt beln, 80111
-- --.-
Fgrnilnre Muvir,j! a
;,Jil\;!i lil J.
A Splendid Nev:ada Mineral Water!
l1ooker, or t be firm of the lkeker Browlllg
Company. baa lell&fld
In Bulk, Per Gallon, iO C t.
Case of 50 Bottles, $6.150
lJ, rel:>ato of 50 will bo upon tetu:m of Bod bottles.
'.l'ha Nevada St.\\iODbw3 mlldo tUlllu"IYiiig (It tho wuter witb Lbo
ruulu pu l1alloo:
l!iiHce. 1.113 Sudi'l.lD (oollunon 1H1t), lUl71
C_ I1llnrn. Oh lorlde, ilralllB; Ollei nm Sulpbat.!l. {o, 2.I'u
MilguOIJiulil. SUlphate (EpEOUl Salh), 8.l:.l:j grams; .IllBgne
sltlm Ot!fbonaw, 12.000 i rBlllil .
Mioeral Wllt"r is tho ou\.1]O\.,. or our owo mounlaille aud iif
highly r (f(' owmcnded from cOUlIlositiOll by f eiidont IlbYIWKUU a" all.
oell'u IpxaUU,lI.perif.nt", pnrsrutl .-e nlld t.onie etomaoblo water.
n 1\' 111 t:e bo\t.!....,) botb plaiu nud sparkling. .
Qrder eoli J}i t4!d. r\.ddrftl!.l', Elre"'VVlng 00.
8, up COmpElDY oul oJ, Les'Vl) tlr (j llri a t (J 8t.or{j
r y. eO. l.u'Ov& been ordered at any ono tima Ilnd at R, ery low rate. r,2tr, Ckl',,1 HDI"I. EI-o=-:. 8e8_
- . 1
,No Prizes Were Awarded, aS ll Ent ertainrnent Tendered
ls Custom of the . the Nev.d. Stu-
Club dents
--- ---
rh .. .'lub \\", r;- t l l l .. , 1 1'1'1,> youn !: of the Hll1r}l\9"
I " ntl 1." He' "ng al rt.e ..... _i J<;<l t r t' hJ l: h ball te:Jl1L .. fll\i!'d
.... r JurI):,' r 'L\\ ..k, In.. I tb l, iUL'J "t"1 met lfdJl lIg<'I
$nar., ."J :.I, ' k "tll,l .. , . L" :\I Jt>el fl l .. \I f t! ... b ,'1-
, 10 11'1.. Ikt t h"n l .. aln
(',," ..... Ln tll.,. lIbr.lty Tl'hl'l " ,''I'. ,III t" k.-" , .. thl>
..on" ::Ill (f .;u"o;l-.. 1'1, ' 3 ( ..<1 the s . .... ,,, 1 sl'1e lI'lte; . 0 lI""d'l< r .. .. l ;:Ille r 1'0 '!Ileh
l , t" g . m .. h " ur " t the a \ "n. Ih(, " LTc .1rlv .. n to t il e \ ull.',...
It;. . l'l f 11'1.. '(lung' lM}''''" !lIt! :.t
J, ,I ' LL )" ul Ill" dub tll ... t n" I \lulUli nll " hill! hut !\1 n.l.ClU'
,dn. '1)0: UI Ln-J f(lt thl .. ttLl,! tho< nt
ur ,h{' rrlQ<4t 1. .<1 , _ 11>
,. t 1,( Ll1IloIun.... ,l .. i >",ung "1Il b.' rntert a Hl ed
,.1.1( .. , b"d bt','n 1l 1.1 \.d, h {,\lSh;(!ll \\ hilt! In .md
'h' I:'\\ht, <JJ"urllr1 to dIning thl' ('V"nml!:" ,,[)tion \'\111 bt g!\,n
,,"'om \ :tuPf,er \\n- : in houo-r ...1 tOn".(UOum
th Ch 1.trni:'l j( .... , ' 1"1, hand til .. it':u:\tn. hill
Ttl, ... " e'-" ;\II-,a.. u H'nn1, lor Prot n " Qti ng<;. -"III (urn lt l\ the
Ol,.pr l 'n. 5our.. t ,e. t::Lu n ,,l ll nlll , ,I ... nl d ." UlK,, 1II It<:: 110 .: b'I Urt.Jia-
r .... u \ ..... Purl 101!'11l o r e\enlnlC
Ip n" !> I.,,,k F-nmc;" P,i1 .. S 1_ I .. llItd t hl" m'fla-
Il, .. 'l\rik .. \1 ... , Ba ........TI .H,,J, Ethd D". \')'1 th. 'l th .. hI gh of N., .] .
c')n, :0.\- "_I" HI not It) both"r in Iho'
H ck I'hu()i;" 'Ln,\ Ii'll, . J ... " '1.1'" 1, oj I" 111n thfo
est .. Walk Over"
':wbeIi Wdlk Overs
Go 01 Trouble
(oBies On)'
Every SIZe. eve r y
style ind every
leather in the cek
brated International
Walk Over. now on
. '
sale at our store.
Our windows will
show you the
Spring styles. " ..
$3.50 dod $4.00.
Plano Tickets. Repairing.
131 Virgiaia Sttttt
1\'11111"1' ';\,11 1n no' -'" th,lt;, I,ll),
m.icl, u,,' ra !t,t ! WI NEVADA TEN AND WILL PLAY HERE
----4.>--- M"rmg",sm V$ Amer lt. n' .m, 1
IF you want Good Rubber
Boots, go to
, ...
D. LETER, the Clothier
Before buying elsewhere examine
and splendid stock .,. our new
FUNERAL NOTlCE n. T "(';l v1\'_ J:' Ill ... lTt'hl I'.'n- STOCKTON NINEI
" ",, .. "on ," .,,,. ".""",, .h''' , '' "
," 0''' ' In Ihj .. Oil
N,t. Nf h . .... W,lt Be Bur, e d Tornor. ' It: .... 'a} I.;J ",""1'1'1 ,1 "",, ( <!(. I ..... li t l ,u' I
r ow After noorl. ' nIP I;>" 'l ntl h is <Of-I I" - I
lp .,. ("""r ,l .. r \ , U : tu .In \ tor ' O\. I" .... , v.., NEVADANS SHOWED LACK " DOWN BY THE SEA" 1S A
t "ke ph' " tl)r: ,'rl " " 'l (' .... nQ,,'1I :1.11:1 1(0 ' 'rl:" . <>n ,,, .. ,, 11.1': ., 1,0" ht!fOlp '1 I
!rum Ille t101'" .. 11' .. Je .. d.mlnllll' '' 11, ';o;c" " 11 - OF TEAM WORK I
fl*' '\ { "e lh" 'ldJ",r\\H i'l I"
,h\".h i\IlU "ii] be n, Hlft' "J)IH , ... UI l-lah
.. ble! II,,, t":. ulch ,"Inn 1_ ""ll (tu"hll"tl to 11 0m Large Attendanoe at BasketlOn Request of Manager Piper
Th, ' 0'1[ Ill, .. I.ttl", girl \ql! nat,"ll Ht! 1'1 11"1 oh1
JMl-'" ,'(IS ,'ell ;";"',"n .11 'In..! jl"o\ Q ".;:11 h) Ball Game Despite ! Another Produotion
t)l!, til) n ,J h "I gr. " rmm\;er or ttl 00 i
... )r:, U:k R""o .,ft!' t .... ht'i .. the Weather !
BI:"IIII.. t h," fI'H,II1,J,< "hn \\111 II{"DII Ir,"-I ( 1"1 tbn It"ctuft "Ill be I
Ih .. fUDf ".1 ttlt Kn,gh(s P) til l., . ("C,hn.:: AI' '' !! Dr ::Sth h:ell p t!J.. Jato< ! I
O 'J,I }-'(11<1"' '' lh .. 'R.. \ ,,,Io. , hq !I n.l th" IJ n " .. n..! II ... " t "' llI) ",,,,ath.:t' to .... ), lK/"r. by lhe S:HI SI'J.'" \:om' l
:')b'el"o " 1II .. cl In .. hod\ LlrSi' ' ....... mbl,.} 10 thf u nlvop r_ ! " "n ... -...1:) .. n "I t l."
One-third off
splendid stock of Cloaks, Suits and
Furs to iust two-third. of their famer
Att .. th .. (',,,e-:a l -.e. \ :U I'll(' , u -
6o,e,.1 Tr.,,,. I (n 1,,1l..... lllnl 10 t hoe W'IlLi:et .in.) , II ...... tu.nnrTc",. "-- Good -, Sol L
'1),, 0'),,' - Ill /.It' br L)u!:ht )010
A .. "f'l!l :1 I\I'I'J nq ll". r Tf4l,, " l ' el .... tbl' tll!,''''J!lIt) o[ , nlShc 1 all' .tLftG evy
th" dt\ "In I intplnl<-nt '1\1ll t"kl! tra in ,,"l \(,?\,' on .\oj'lr:!) N .. d ;mtj ";e Swc kton School II Thl" .. " l ll)""<! \'lrgll1in. ('II)' ! Carpet HOUM
pJ ". hI l)'hJ '3T:! fit 7 2D .. IT: Ip'"" , night ,II\(J )'l lll1ag<'1 PJ1J('r \1.\8 so ITru,kf'<' tt -, P m ::'I1,11l 1 :-:....<1)'. (I. forme r !'''Y''I,\l) ly \11th the
Stoek Shlpmlnt, Roul1J nlr l\(lket 'l " t tt;du, .. t!I lit th" 'let "t1 1lS and or b",:h pi,, )' [lr.d th"t h.. ----
Ell"ht or (IMn ,\ IL'e - l"m t1 .. for Im!!1 I" \-enll, 230 "('I,,,- k tht \,hl., tl e UP'II'I to" vt I.II , I .............................. .
,1." " cr" lo th'! <- " .... lUl,1 "no] t h," .."'I" "' t" rull, 'comp,,") f'l H .. no .. 11\0 i
llJu:njll!t' t,\ 11<- '\{ .. "tt e nl;'!_1 Th" Truck ... rnl'r "\th il l '!'h" gals or :Se,,, dn. ,,1:1),.'<1 '''1 :1 n Ight, lI"I "r, ,,, ot 00", The "ew O",urland
r"'r :1I!lr" "Mer I.' 'll! rlJ{h! ,It ' l ll} JlI' lnt "9 f lit \h,lh ' ''H.\1 ""'Tit ( on\"t l1. H e I, ,, ( Thf "pmi<ln that tb .. neno n,
I llbu' e '011 II). lhlll l": I" e<J \)\It t h'" , .. Ith' :Un1'!n:mnf1f1' puJ,lIe "Ill Ill" (01) be ed Ed '
""0", R., .. FOI'Ic.uled. ",oJ hut Ih .. X' .. \ . ltJ",Ui I". ",p.l team " ' " k Inletn Dr the 'lutohl) the o tu Has just en open to the public-
P. . ..., . ' I" I " .. con,.;", 6Jty.ti" ............ m. "'!h hot and colif Ml"-.' bath.
t , :S" \," " " '1<,,( ,111 " u!\ ' . \ . , ' nd 1\ .. .tt v l.t ,I (JI'Iad, or o::t.,I':,- nn I by 1\'" (, I t lti lu'!' It >Ll ftO)1g who ' <; ..,.., .".
(,.Ilf' f h,rl\ "lOd B ... w ... y q.upmlnt Arr'v.... or Ih" f(lL "h <".<))1' 0 ; cloo:- thr_'llte, Ill" e.eo- appOfiltments .are all the Late:sL T(J',nists will lind ill
P, ....' la !"lII;o;! ..-t eo-I ., r rh .. <1 f r.'1n S l o. k l OIl ",11 >(']<4 I"" ... hal' ff't- lng' "THE OVERLAND" all the comforts are combined
Pf\Y Ih h nlomln,!, tor aU'Rt"1' ) tr'unl",,, 1'1",),,\1 l'Ilt h 11)) 1; 1 T:'c .. I,Ilg., .:; ,,'" :'Inl: t il l! Oneo{ the heltequipped.
"E_ .. -- ,n: .. ", mg ("'1111 a.'1Y fin,) <'111/ h, ,n .. t III I"""m '., ori< I "",<"nil ' o.n.t t'!!",,"' h(, I1Ir..,.1 ,\!<.! "'1"_1 ban in the State.
ed I" tbp br"m,..n lrnmEd'lU'} '" th., b,ll btJl"'.J.C" ' Ind tr.,-.utll'UI, C J S dl' P
A De Ii cat e Th foat Tlle t'<' nk .. .. m'ld<" h) the PC,lud- In N".aola, ... tN rl l NY 1'1", t <)f th", tI!!I'Il i A numll .. 1 ....t l'E'fI w,] and t I a ler, rop.
I.,.r <'It :So Y ,on,1 ) ., h :-;;' I I "I ..
are- Inti Il t e,l)tI " " l, tJJI"" ... I .. da"a t t" l'un, (U.itt th";O 0 .. \ Ie , ,
, :'It e\ery point III tlo,, Ilr'H hnlf i Jila). ", 1"IId., 1_ ."\. ('QIllIMnlon to I
PHOD_o\ BLY ;,ou had
IUl) troul;l1e tor severtl
II.n ... ((,or T.:c:: ':IYlng th" Ihe- game I ' \V,, ) P""n '1nd Sh"'l _i..'- __ _ ____ _
i O/"' T att .. r It "n,l U\l:lni:" Stoc1HOU f,;111 ... 1 tlmE'iI: h) ..
months. may "oil';'''' no"'.
Cool nij,l'hu and W()rDl !l t:'S
.trJ,&J u Dp lPa.s.&Dt l"&IUIOOt'f'&
01 , our ddlcate tJIroat. If .I OD
j!'row bOflrso:> w" bout. aD)' r eaSOll ,
It any little bl ck taol O
Ca.",,' 1 White Pin. C." ... 51'"''
:u on<.e .I t !OOtbes aDd
It. U:lV':-i tbRt SO!'('_
neM In lhn.llH But of all It P'rE!
n:ml q tb01' f' sev pre (It
" oll\!b l rl1':' hke.l) to prool1(,(' ,>ore-
.. 25 (:fl,
: untll It ;.'I P'" all 'hI' .n,l r""! t il .. Iln"<4 . no.! !ltl"" .\otoWI I Thi' .1ttr,ttUrm "III open tonlg:hl
:>;{, I _, J .. I h.,,, \\,11 1;1\: l'o<lI(",tt'd t (JlUOl "'\\ I1 IShl. -
Anot her L<>c"",o1,, ve, ,. r __ ... __ - - ASK 1'R&-----------
t h e \-. 0.)1 If"'Al ng Ih.: .....or .. (lr
, I\Ih."rr-nll a n.,,, 9ngm. l qr I Washoe Count7 Title Guarantee
Tun " p .h r.u J. ua.J p;l'''i><l throu,.h tI, r.,\ fi .. l.J .:o..l FOR BENERT OF
IMq It)' en I (lp\l' , .. _\ t Qun d If(lU!:>i! CAP1141 sr;K. Sl8..0e0.OO
[,, 01 ':.o'\ }"-. !\lllu r.J( IIll'IT
II II "'11\ b.- put (,n t tl, 11M at It,. OIIlCTORS
Ir,f' ... I<ldl '1n.l ''o 1l1 n". put th .. "11,1 o( tho:- part o r .hl': HIGH SCHOOL w. A, lh:.1iIHY. PrCL'Jid>M. E. L. B ingflru"
lif1to '"" "" C<'Inte"t had ..! l'rJly til<. N'. ,v Rotr, Vlce B_ C Sh...u-er
r ......'l to M , Scheellne, D. B, Boyd
twtll.- ,)[ til" " " aJvl the Cllurle-s L KnOll', S('(:r eMl'Y Mil Genera] Ma.natl'r.
" l,d n
,),1-. P\I>l} 8100U tv J In {I\O/' ,lr th., ('ahfo)rnl"
f, p thrnu;;-h thi s elt\ till I Why not h/J.\C your tJtle (rU8.l'lIntE'edltnd then m IM.kMwhd8'e of

ATHLE'rlC ASSOCIATION WILL }l'l1lI' .'!;>ty, ratbi;!r 'han lnat to your title Q'DDiJ?
b:,-"",.I ,r t: t (Lc::t.tU) Ild'l': f S , , I Phc,ruc Brown :H4 :118 \'irgW_ St... Ru., ,.,...d.
I Ollie 'i:\'",tl,:,,, , Imft d ,'\'I n fro.m evdl:o-nt nit):> Il lJd 1,; " "" " 011, GIVE A PARTY I
Lcadi"_ Dru_'I&I. , . (' lil ,511.>1\ Ihl,; l{o . 'l t CIl " (lor l
,,{ Iud )l lfo.\ oC i' i 1IJII
;; ==;; ; . I
' mnl nl:w I 'ill. .. 1.,I!.m l; u: 1. lhp !lnp 11 (> nf Ihl '! ]n Order to Reooup 1, hem-

.. . oJ ',. tin ... L UII: I I I

__ . _____ . )1" 'tIl .. . t , I,, h 1." "''1'''': , I Ihu
-"I"".;':vlI selves for !
Millinery W eek I
"'-"Ii( SIlO(' >I, 10 Moo ! Ard!1ntn Am) I In h . 1l on lbe 311t' 'of th! $!.
1lUl11O.. 1".1111.) r UPU"'5 .. ...1<, .. 1 5 . I Cnhn . ""," ro, 'h" """,m o( >he ..... d."'"
"'Y. Mdf(llJt 11l1".:k.. r btl" (... nuMi. <-'unl' l und, \\ h!(h na ... in HUller po.;or
uu t.I. Kro1\ n 1"0111 cnnd )tin'l.
I III ucorLd !)aU o:.t t ho;! .. t 1m, .. ltu> oC' tb" R.i:1Jl) '
i S e\ ... t ;o pOo:=k.. , j lip u:ld by high ' hoo: ha,,,, had t he rl Cht t o lI!e '
j ller;.t .. pi d)lu8 In ... 'nn1ng In UOh Ulolt' ath tetk Reld' lInd tr!l('k
Ihl' Tot""" t-:o tnun o n, out I hl lI too Mud4l nu
An,'f Jnt or ftrlt: *;n!,hl'lmll In I .. r .... :\,rorhr:o:nt
... " .... r th regtllar !I 1-' CII:II1" u nd 1') o<:r H.r.]. Pdc,"
J,>O!' )"r <1.

ur t ....t-
Ii .enl .
FU)l ) ....1'0]. nO',,' paUfom .. In IItrlp<!'!. and ma.l!'
:J( .. Ipl,ndl(J quality or e(Jttoli In und rj'lIt!n<Jt paH .. nra, tut eol -
;I rs u,mJ -;."rth full 1& 2-3 per Our I'rlce Cor -up.cnl nK "eek
1: l.-! eent.. '
Tho! lit thO! etrd or thi< lIf"m.., of <'OHeKIl thought Umt It \'1 M un_
lO to II In !(w (J r Of :\<) "'11(111. tlll:- t o) tn. a ln. r to I'M'", th.'::
MIn Bto.!l!!'le McCormack, tor Reno Itude nt ... t his rl,.ht and all a. CQn-
S",ada, hnil t hO' e\\:Jtl, eo lI<'orlf! and 8equo:nce ...t'<l them ot It.
For Pruning, Dudding and Grafting
As well as plantingt we
have aU the tools that arc
needed. No malter wheth-
er your garden occupies
the back yard 00 man,.
acres, we can suppfy you
with evervthlDr In this line
including - < for the
flower and vtable ,ar-
den. lawn and fkId.
OiM :\otl. f' niJ In. lIght cu\()u. mach' of lL fin"
'.'<Jft h rt!fI,J1H.r 12 1-2 ce-nu Our <'II>t<nlnl' ' price. 10 coentl J)e'l' )01r.!.
Tu .. klsh Bath Towels.
BrMdod:. II. 1,ld)' trom Stockt on. bad 'l'hei hip K bool boy" then got to-!
In htr lSC-On> bl)(lk the nlUrell 9 10 9. se-tl1er lIn.d hart I\. trllck -mad", on thft
Tbf'r{o Willi quit .. a. over tbe gr"unds or t ht! ne" lIouthl,llde B"bool
malter but a t luI tblL' h(lust.
!!Jrt, "II'lIh II. rough n.bllDtl)enl "urla,oe ..... orlh ,,'
(''<1' ,,1 '1 Vor 1-3 een u
Full H :"ches long, madf' 6t 11 11'" ...bllOl'betit cotton, prlu U 1-%
Fln.k H\lce Towele.
With a. !rmJ(e or fnlb. Co r opening 8 13 ceo(!.
f"lne, lit! IInfn. huck h.TTlIIUt.:hl'(I f.nda., full 3! Jnelns
I!o orlh 33 1-3 ('ent&. Our I)rl\ll'
Table Linen.
In or utlbleG.l hed qun.\l t v, In. a. cooJ llEli.h, fUll
,Q loe h,," \l Id .. , prl(le pf!r 60 Ct< rllti.
Unbleached Cotton Table Cloth ..
)f1l(J... o( .. gand qua1lb of cotton f<l brk, In & cl far
pRlt, .I'II , tine value a l t be Jl1ice. 30 Pt'r yard ,
..... '""'" .......
Cor, Virgiftia. """ fir su. TeL G.-521

conh'f:,tlonOf 1l1'1!c\"I1""'- tm!! 111ft I'Ontet
.... .. 10 Ille helD s ett led

To,1re member&!)( L , W. U 1 D. 01.
P_ D. and p, of A. All art:

to be n ext meetlnc
nlKbt, 'March 11, 1"4, to Ial:e a.otlon
In :ret"rt-nc.; to the p,r]opu on Dr n(Ow by-
Record",,: 9!cretary.

_ ... !'t, .. , NcttJc..
'!'be '!'roy 1.Aullciry Co. bu
10 bul4M _II: tor It, patrltCUl
l'b8 plaat III roeb.... l1- call _ ptrou.
por&l7 CItDoe at Ut Lake.u-c. W ....
0QIt 11'111 call for 8lld. tIeIl .... " work.

K"ww ......,. ,.e" ..... "'yill...,....o.t ...
.batnot of t.,. tltl.. W ..... c. .......
... ot ComPafl1. WalhN CeuId7
""II' M1
'!'he fol' the bulld ln,ll: ot 1SjtM'd of Cunotont.
lie", Iraek " \'U1 rout !lod Ih;t am. ' AJllll Wolf. l'wdrojp'."t.pber t or the
denl..l .l.fe nu.vlly In deb', .llboup Stat t'IJ IP'''er1uy.enl u,,;.k
U>E"y twi)Wd In their _ork by .. U :IO 01 ml!uuremen.a ot the "fI-
mlloy frIend, .)nd thl!! <:I t t h., Joeit,. uf the Truckfe r:'IE'1 UI.I. mom-
IIChool. I ..... and t oun(J tht m.ulmUID. vf'l oclt y
WtaCrey ;lud Pro!. BrEln- ot bl!! mll(1I per hour,
don of thft Reno I!Cbooh. have the man. One "t Ihe me.luremell.a wq lake n
l\,II:en\tlll ot ihe i n chlLrge und ,at the !trHrt b,ld .. a nd a
are In ",vo'!ry manlier poA_ l/1rll'$ <.)r01l<1 gathered tu Ihe
sibl e to It a
.Iud. nll aT'" tra1111ns faithfully 'fh l:!, meuwn:mtnt waa made 1'1
for t he IlI tft.n)sh 4t;hO(tl: llJoot III the 10,30 Illla morn.lac and 1M \'J! loelty
!Ilprlna: :l1lt1 hop]! to "I\'ln OlK'e more wi. hili In all probabilities more
tholll'b tbfY a rf no .. 1Ii'OrlLlDC' ..,nder " In"", (lien.
dUIl e.uUles --- ..---
t..e Crum eonw up &0"1'11 9alI f'fa ...

AHTRACTs-o.c )'OU' .. , .. u
f...... Celll'lt)' Abetrwct eo.n.
party. W.Moe C ....... k au)ldI" .. tf
CIIJe.O thl!l 1W'l c.rl\ !ns. K6 I, l"lldtlll8'
111. t>rotber-In-law, Lor:I Chftk, [or a
fill' ds)1 a nd will lhep' coe.tJllUof on
1(,1 hi .. hOIJLe !.n BotHe Mount aIn,
>' ' 1'. '
A:I: Smltb tf. no","" ut .. -trMt, , T . H, Wbeeler lert (or t hll Walk. r
II:W! Pn' cnat 4ikoIrnt on.1I CUb 1)V6j rlvftO -eGuatry tM. momin .. on & llros-
....... ' . Ittr pwt!n .. 11'111"

a, 0..'" ....
Too RUrf'J HouIof. It..-tN "IVltJuat II
g ran d QPet>h b ill 1M pOIIlPl'ftfld ('\.eot.
will 1ake plue ttJlI ... w. r,
Reel or Qnd K. L . W .. ttoa ba," Dttt'd
up Ittf ... In
IIIULjIi'>. ,
PruprlEw.r JlI.J'lI: Da.vilt: ,.1Il bt! on
hand this eVninll' dlepeno&lns ellllllf'ol
ano.l,. tt) hl& COft.tltUtJIc,..
R,.. : ".i".
The Steambo&t S1:>rh'lft" holel eom_
....."y b-Cln work In a te1O' _)I'
oa the ho'Itt'lr)l 10 be et'tl'll tM".
.. til be Mll blll. to completion aJ>tI '1'111
Gpeatd It " II ",,",u .. en U". ...
In Jill,..

A4 .. ittM '" .IL
w. WIIlte,
\\lIh robhml' Harry .4UJ1l 'or n:IOIM!V
and valuable 10 thf: dtJ!llt of tlot, .....
been rt!leued fl"Olll o.
I,.. In tb. amount of
hi "
**. t, 'MttL PI;t\ i";"UJI!ij_
- fl"
, .
.... '"1 I .AlbU"" ......... "' ........... ,....... ..... ..
. - --- ,. .. t,
New Vigor and Strength
In Every Drop
A Strictly Western Product
Body, Brain anci Nerves
Digestiun, Appetite and Sleep
Rich Blood and Life
..... "
,Five Out of Six Convcted
I Criminal Conspiracy to De
fraud Government
of Lodge Plead
Guilty and Will Contest
debt on ollr homo at
I have snme to
battler bOlI"Q",d $10
In good tOI"
O'Nei l In 01.. b<)ut,
\as the of fa.
through t()
'reddy MUfph,',
.!orrnwlnjJ UO t n hadng
33} Off
On Clothing, Suits,
and Overcoats
Clothes lor EveryForm and Figure
._--_ ..__..:::::::--==.=-=--="'.--",,'," --, ._-=-_ .. ==-
We can fit the tall mlUl, the rat and tho lean
Furnisbmgs-also in' endless variety, every new
shade and combination.
Shirts that are artistic blendlngs of new shad ..
and novelty effects-in C1uetts and Ides mako,
Hosiery--Some so delicate they are caJled dreams
-others loud enough to be night,mares,
Underwear in natural and colored effects, a.ll
weights, siles and prices.
Neckwear in new weaves and art shades, in end-
less variety and prices,
Don't buy anything in the way of clothing or Fur,
nishing goods until you visit the best store in Reno
for men, and compare our prices.
tlu.t what the
dt)n .. : an,] h .. atilt on
.. a ;;:r.. at mOff'.
220 Virginia Street
'." " A
THE lnrgrst Fur husiness this
Rtorc Ims dOllf', has been
that of this 8C<l-8011, Why and
how it,ls been
By glvmg the e1a!:.l:! o[ Fill'S
thnt we handlc to thc puhlir: at
the IJrices-for whieh
8ueh 1<'u1's were l'YCr or[l'l'etl ill
any ('ity.
Compare Us
With All Stores
Furs' 1-4 off J
Candiei'! mild' br ClllI" ,"xpert
ca nlly mal!cr
lind !Nllll.
of your kitchen utensils by having the nicest and most
durable-we ave just received a full line of
OUI" line o f fnnry Nlndy
-ba.!kela and noVelties
,.,ClI the most fusU[l.loUll
"nli Decorution,!!,
Reno Hardware Co.
Phone 460 24 W _ Commercial Row
Phone 285 21 W. 2nd SI.
Don't forget the range we are going 10 give away
The Journal Prints all the News Fit to Print
A LL the Eycning Capes and
Coats in the Store nrc ]'e-
dllCl'd to dose them out 'lni('kly.
ALL Childl'cn\, Conts are
duccd. The lot at $4.45 redlH'Co.
from $7,50 to $10 nrc

.ALL Sweaters in both Latlie"
and Childl'en '8 a1'r rCllul,C(t (Hlp
qualter, some onc-third,
ALL Potticoats hCf'H 1'('.
du('C'd. 'l'he two specials nt
and $5.50 arc grcat "alues.
ALL Dl'<:SSP8, Coats and
Kimonas h.1M'C been l"l'du('cd onc-
quarter, some onethird, "ome
one-half. "

down, to.spe:lk. n
lot or brokell hnes Jll Xmlls
goudf'. Pl'i('CS rcdlv'pd tl' plosc
ont ow .., lot of ill-It.'; worth .6.')1',
'i6(', 83e, all go at 5Oc.
pic('es of LI',ttllt'r I-,"Oods
-Pul'ses. ph'., abo Pic
tUl'CS, Framc;-.;, allll Fancy Novel-
o ties ('ut from $l.:?i, ;1:L,)O; some
higlwl") to unly 95c.
Silk lIo::;iel"v-,-ahl(,;<l. thnt will
apppal to yml <11'(' thns(' at $1.50,
$1.95 and $2,1iO,
Fan;" , YCf'ts rt'lillC"('d in
LC'nthC'l' Bap:fi at $1.50, $1.95,
$3.00, $3,75 and $4,1iO are great
Handk(,["(hicffl that you cannot
matl'h at 25c, SOc, 6Oc, 65c, "l5c.
.... - .. 1.
Just Before Forty Days ExpIre WalhoeAssemblyman
:Sllt Applies For Money Demoorsts Have Both
to. Fight Case Houses Won
, .. :'
,Fe1Tli1 Brillgs'
')I.hlean. Bull Fight In
strument of Torilre:
- ",
ADages That There Is COfnmll1 !;enllte Saved by' Five; COlun\)IIFEI)rell Declares 'that He
. 'nily Property Which . ' 'Wants toSeeure Long No Desire to See More
She Claims Missing Honor Pfthi! .Sport
Willus the(J Starls When
., Blocks Entl'anoe.-Until Offers to Punch Another
Officers . Indian
"""l'hy_ lJll t in 'L
Lil _I'l. l,,\\' ",'''"l.Hk> <, b l,ul
,r.-', I. till'
nn.! .',"r" (,x1 .. n<llr./O
Ie",;,.""",""r ti;,' cr)fn',,,t,,"t.
Thanksgiving Suil or Overeoat
You can invariably l"spotll -a' tailored-made man,
Th.e grealer of men will tell you thai "of
course tailor-mades fit beller and wear better. Como
into our shop and inspecl Ihe 1000 pu I'e wool
we are displaying at the pl'esentlime-from any of
whiel1 you may select your cllOice. Gain tlte smaliness
which our tailoring .
Prlees lrom S25.00 to ... "
MOSS, The Batter
. ,
To Ute
ID YOU ever stop to think that.the patronizing 01
home industries means a larger, better Reno?
. Do you, Mr. Business Man, e,er stop to Donsider
the situation in this light? It is certainly to your inter
est to give this matter serious thought. With all things
Various and Sundry Items
News .(lathel'td In Our
Sister City
'l-ppr(),,\.'.l nt"n"cr, L'c,C'ulins b,,,],,,, equal-quality and price-is there a,ny reason why you
GailElghor :,'d
" and your family should consume beer that is brewed a
.\b,,"t ,he .,rrl,'",
"po_ui ,',HI( ill tli"
Suoh An Exhibit As That
"-n acquaIntance Ihat Fro'm the John Briler
the of all , . . j
prlca ria., pal" (<.>r tho;: ,, : II", """l ",,""" J,fL H.-.lj' "i'''''- thousand miles from where YOUR business interests are
The nair wu", In!n,,lh'' ,,,,,,,,1. IIml "()On Mr, Halle"
c<!rh.ln 10 Place
r"l':1 t!li ,,,,w Il __ conteI' of a knot or - located?
v, wllo .. rlllg hhn
__ j!oljc"\; arc 1'''I)-<llng, 1>0lh ",',1.r(j Ih" ,;;h llrlHQn. We operating here in 8eno one of the,J'lost model'
'llTY hflXD D!I II; ""w \"alu- hi"] ,tl)llC' 'Iu,,-"tity, '" "m'''", brewing' plants in the west. We have a payroll that an.
Frfld Wal1enucf enol ramil)' return_
er' yfBterday rtom a_ pleallure trtp rtf
rew at California
[}f so ad farm lfind not i;,rgll, fir 1l'luo1', an\ll u(
'" . . n. good r'ricc fo" :.ttl orcllnary to ;-'a'.c, >IIOW Idlld or ", 0)";1 tilTl" . nualfy involves thousands of dollars, which finds Its way
but that'H- what they're .,n",ct them, ago.
, " clrcllm';tanc .. /II Iho:> Gl'Ullfi on the t'f 'Whk"h into the Reno business This vast sum remains
.A crol\'ol at
Ih<." "\I",,' IIOCIIlI MIv.:11 lit
chute-h, 1118111. Ttle,;e
1.lrs 'hllvo provNl' (Illite populnr In
the .pll.t durin&, Illn ""Intry In'mlh,.,
'TO'. 81 N C VAst'. .",,!,m 11 Il mll I;' right here at home., Give this matter a little serious
III tiltH vqluatlrm, ami will be w
\i.'"m,,' <It If It ;8 founel In ,any be as at. thought-that is .all we ask.
In''',II. 'w"mS' I STEWART -.
Mu, M, Darllnlli, or this db" ("on-
.lined ,'n" 'hospll!ll,
1';lIh pn(>Umollla, Shll wu 1001{UI"l 10
till" '"nt'hborlnlt cln
Vtlrill'S iN 'lui or the O. S, L.,
In ,Ihe of
GeOfJltl or
Reno Trllnlll '(ornpany. "t",,",
Alllqday rroni 1M Btl)'
110; went ,(In 1,Jth
Th G
en oes way DEPUTY WHITED!, G .. 'l'St,"",.,,, U.i Sq.". ami Ult 9.101 St. FlU;.
(t"'o' llJlI,I(", (Ire n ,1!'lIght European Plan $1,t.iO I. dt., lip
"lnad",1 IjUlily \0 I)fllng a rlwy uro fruln th, J"hn AmericlIUI Plan $3,00 a day u-p
p,-,",un, In "'t'rcls n plac(l In Va,'il< t.:rr','k, IUfJlltnd A I'lnr steel and brick structure.
Ihc ImUco .'OUtt GOOSe I,'a"" ';.'d'iton or Orn,tfll\ Former Division Superintend.
nH!.IjI,slratfl Tellve<t him of all A lligh clan al TefJ mder-
flilltl>l IHlt two lloll:m Rnd ent of Oregon Line Is ate rueL In ofth tile-
I Ih a. alre ond retllil disttict. (,n car
h:ad than $11 Wllll!\ fl' Made Deputy line8 tralUferrillg to all- part! of
Arlhlll:! 1"'"on. nPflren " "OISM ISSED (lity. OmDlbDi meet. aU tralnl :md
. ;Uco), who hn(] hi" bla: on "alu flM nf $H and --,...,-
rJrht hand'lIplll wllll(" In <:11$- but alll>ol'er ma,l, th .. !llily "",,,,,.11
citllrx(! hh, III Ule I,"""""'" IllI:I.,1 ,,,r what chanio hI! III ,,!tIc,", llrjlUI}' ii' 111; req:uest.
IlwP!!' ro.:'eflnll t , Cr.>f th" rnl:. ',",,,,,. '1 1011'11 '-',BY T.HE, CO U I:Ir Ju!iU!i P'I!"')", (<>rrr,o.rl,r ::; 0 T E t 8"
.... lId -",h;o,pllal San Mnn_I': ___ _.,-__ oUln. now
d .. ) ,('venlng; In ,trt'utmen t , - 0 Ic!l ,'1o;rll. '
,.,,,., ... ,"i, <h, ",""." m"m"",i, lll[ J 1M IS' ,,,' nUl,.- be -
,Embezzl.emenl Clutrge
G, ',F:
''''.'''''"''"0 d .. ",,\,""""'" . ON CHAIN CAN Against R. F. Cutter
...... >IIln8 tllr \\lIe,,' , Is W. ipe(t-l'lut
,,!.ol IImong ,frJl'udu ror Il U
th', cxpl:mlltln or "'"hll'h tlmr ,I ,
1I.lI! 10
East 41b Sl Phone 581
N. ,R RuiN. Corme]'I!'
by hlft Wlr,-\
relurlle'" \0' \.Lty It> again
tll,lIk!! home.
8am 11'ho hUll teen al/
fronl lhlll (or softie nwntln,
rJ:elll" t[}" .... c'lId 111e ,,'.'n
monlhs at Ihe homll of his 9hter,
Indian Is Drunk Again
Now Works For the City
For a Time
. -Willie HlGa UP IN QUALITY
H. "AI,Dtln,
""." . ' , "
find out of the ordinarfMen'.,
that we are mow;.
now, lUorethan ever' before .we
,- ,
and the prices are
the man whOle pocI1

'if , ,

>f 9hal
, Jg;jlaitgle&8_
How Mr. . an S. P.
matt, Alof the iauili on the
, 6re3i COrporatioa
,' upon 11; Time, aM wa.
. not mol"!" Ihan Ihl'l!l\ or ,four
. YellrS II!!"(J, ....M II.
Dn keman In the Ern"lol' of
th:e Holllhtm Paclft::: Company_
.... e Mr . Bunllng: '
Ha m Bun:in\;" SEnt In a.nother CUd
Mr. J. A . ,Fl lmor.,. TbE> Card wu
returned with tM "T"U Mr, -
lant h ......plc InllUt utiOlI t h" ! n.eptll batk. on t he ROad.
O,i!, IU"BlUI"1
Malter of Notional
1.0 ii,i" Dis,
l!JOney l'rolelll_ tlruk" mlln l,y Mr. 3 . .' .. . f11n;u.,, -'f!l,'l ),a 110.
tbl' <r( J.&: Wi1: I!.l m DUhOni':. WilIl.!I.m BUJ) l ing" IlU.,mvLS In Mnd . pent - tbln,. )'un In
Tile .." ,, (, " 01110 a by n llotl> .... t:a.r12 l'OI.l "/I'!ll I'lew;e t hrow 101m -anDlUl.el!f1 1.1'" "l'i llbjeot
th., o r Mr;"J.A. a UUWCl tilt! !:I lfIo lrl ." \'1;. Am1lr1C\lIl I!IU Tile
vilte <:lIf EI F l" lli ""U I, l'lac,", in MI'. v,'UUllm BunUng and tho live the audj'mrc an
SoUlh@tn Cal,l fornla that did ter tw. (!. IU\ Atgumellt the ' COPt! ot .tM .. lIl1'I1rU3. "The
Lut )('''1n ..,,'ould poOuus OIl ., even,. .Buttons sep"n:c.Leli trom COrni!l'lslllnU' ot th'ls Republic .. r t
Mr, :WiIIl<lm Buntlrig ....U$ U a Blue .t"nlrm:m ",han the UlfIlm"nt. home, . Rnd .....
very Iloor "/3..u<ema n. H6 m,ed ""{Io a , 1. ' .-' .
Women a nd he liked Wine. but M<r . "" iJUam BuoUo'll" tbi'l\ &lIttred .. lid pnwUClf)i!. 18
Pfovej h is Dowofall . lte 'c?'"ld not A. FIJmo .... o; Oflloe and '1- men,a"'e , aliI) ot _thetle e N CII-
hold riu .l ab. l ialllI : Confllct.'I Inevtmble II. l1d Jr .
'WIl Ham gol nred fre'IUIl ntll nM f(lf b llll>bry" -', _ " . . It , I .
CII-un. "Pl ease rf. IT>Ove your Obno'do!' " , on -ibit (lni . ide 'ana ,tit Ameork:&lI
morn In .. William nnll Ihe Ga- Presence." aubl Air. J. A. llubile_ on.: ',It' Ii '1mperl.
:zHle Ma n hilda l'J.ult-t Talk. WI111nm "Mr. WIIII Il Ol But.tlnjl'. You Ab-Ium In iIDPI)ri(l- a. IIJ1lvernment
.anln. thnu!"h Rell!) In hl. ,l'rlva.te solutltly .... ?rthlclI", Il_nrlcannot I ' pin.L1e ot a a:overn.
Cur. tb('l MOl' .. E1 lo'1ltll.. Ih: hM y"ur Jj'or rnn l'QIlltiOll back unde r an,. "
sevetal Wum(m and Wlol In the ' I
Car and Wtlllltnl ..-all rootJ"I" au lhll "To Sb.eul ",lib' tbe ::: ...
B ill.. But that ab .... " ot our S loe.r ,.. Will iam Elllntltlll' 10 Mr.- J. A , I
Wl l11l1.m rot poermanell tJ y n red by morl!- ''1 ' Tv.-.;o XIII!ol1 .
Mr. J. A. Jo'Jlmoret'l\-'''' or thrEe Y",-, r8 th>\t I m.')lit -stock lt Dd .1 -I under
H .. hI!li 1I0 MOl1cy tn buy w lne want f ,Ot: to build me Il. PriV8.te Car r
ror ttl ! Wo:r.lIlen. btll h Fl11 lila, prJce aLd-hn\1I mt up
ot pnme 0 11 Stock. :rh, !nvc"teq Old 'rur1t!o) '1:l'al1, wit lt ", M he
t hon MaJ\ dld. WIne and ...., many Women
in WubH Count)' lSaAlr.
fIolOr.: l it to 11:46 ' a.
, : Pi m. -omce pbooo
o_ ... C .""' ._14tnu aOG EbIi 9l.,.
1): W. RU"60H, D. D: a..
:HEL_E.N ..... RULUION. 0,.,
-D!:ptl.ta. ' otiC. , t18 Vlrginl ..
Bt.. Rt llo. N . .... CI.. phane .. rean
lIU. Res. phone br o1Y'l). oIn. .
Mon' h1l :ater he . bowed Ul-':U 1 wlsll t o la\(& "..ith me, for 110
the (ltM"ill J.h. nlll:"r lt OftIce tl nll Years M 1 InIlJ' t:' ILhlt on t hIs '"j+. O+ + + + (0. '" (0 (0
i n t:11'> Ca r ll. ),fr o J . ... . ""t Imor. wa'l d, .. , ,,, S pb"u:'
",-" pp.I' I,>n<:ln., a b.I$)' dllY. ea ld t o Tlill t Mr . Wllllun
IIlI:: CIII Ol't' j M :m in BraJll! who Enjoyed I\, l:hI JlJlEr
Jlre! i!-Il t ed t t;e Card that he I]O( or Mr . ' A ..
Contraot Let to Andrew
erson for Buildi ng
Flre House
Important Meeting of
Governors of the Reno
-iI. R. CHks , Albert D. A7r811
COOKE' ''' 'AVRE8\, - .
Atlorr ... ,.II-ulA ...... 0lii0i;1,-. .N_
Bloak, ".- Ii' &' e.
Nevadfl- General prae-
III all c()Urt ", Phone Blp-ok :
JlOI. " '
Attorn"l'S li.nd, Cellos.elora At
N.w. New QuJm1 Dld.J:., Ut
J"inli!l ..8L. "/laile ' .. red
RELIABLE ____ L-____
Pictured above is a dining chQir that has found it$ vial'
into many homes in Reno and tctritory.
Made of oak, golden finish; dWiWy designed top panet
back posted ; are doubly scCured 10 t he .seat by small '
brace arms; cane seat. A wontlcrful nlue at .our price,
$I.&.. , .
Credit if you want it I
!!!oI11 litplil Iet_ finl ... SootU lao
Four bid:! tor the ot
.annex t o tnt ftre boun ,",'era !'
.. -,--
At i!l meattn, ot 'the board of !rOver
of Reno lut

Attotlle,.-.t-L&w. om.c: ..
aDd Tonopab. Nn1l4L
to <l(}IInc ll InAt e v! u lniJ ...
lerllOJII. t;clt &: SolUman. Shully
F rRlldean li nd W. H . LJ' ol1\'.
bid ot lofr . raUe''Ion fot UH1
al\d bonO lIPPrQ\EIl' .
....'m bar-III, al ollce. The
lie r't3-lly t al' CH:nuJlancy, In
.1lhoUllh it will reqllln, " I
to c::omplete " f t ho
MIlt JoM.tUn, t ile merchant ""ho
10 J&ll yel\ er:la:, tor not
IOIlIl'UC caMed. and YOU
II e lI<:adodi elt. YOU'r1I 8:J
lool'-tha t' . au. The Ih'cr Il. ...... t
/( cO! '" 110_ Of
.... " can .. , a.ppeared befor. ,"ere laid
a.nd complained aplnat t ha ",m open t he
tie l aid I'll! rtoee}wnl at til e h&nlil'l ...m -b. :run tbe 'thlrd
.A9QI.!IUl nl over tI. couru.
uphfll! th .. chi e! alll;! lororm_ that the 'Jj et , ot entrl t!l will he
...t ,'Mr. J ohnlon tha.t unle .. he p.,,1(! ly'large. . ,'-
.. Ie Ilcenh prom"tly herealter bl'l,' '''eI!rOUaUon" Ho' .........
I'1."WC or bu"nQlla would b. c1oHI1: " I 'II!"'lnJ UW __ lIIai
r ho; "ecan" raulins- (II thO! ordl nanca h6 t'tln In Uli ll
_1U'd1n4r --'Iflla "lid ' vroJecllna- i In JIIOII. Jt J" bel le .. ed Ul&l Ibe
,",owa """'" poa!pon,d unt il the "..,.1 ponl nt 01 Un, R . W. C . .... 111 be
.. eetll... CantllT)" Wheeltnl!n - Stln
Cit ,. F.:nglneer sttwart L ttarn trIaC rode fll!1l )tar
'01111, at:Jeo1fl.mlUon" lor aco'. .
mont. Ildowa!kR. The cit,. MAl ,not r ....5ponded to tn9 0%
.tderll1 to hll'O'o nye huodr ed 'iteno 'WhEel'n'ia .. 10 r ldlil' ,for
,.r:lnted . champJollllhl1> Qf t;he' dil'r1n lf
____ .0-__ Carnl,.." ' \at" lt :J"-belleved 1M!
kho,,1 rt}"-, rfl cu -rill tJuil.e'4
4'tle' hllknrlnlJ '- a repOrt Oil o. e I'OWtll. ot J. wUtl the
..chool .t R'ultaker tor month ""amp.l.on!,. - -
April ' U . No, '00,.8 .n1'DlIld, U : -. . ,.
..,.".. " '- ,,"'
-Uttit.' 1l:Un&."t"t,; mAJi ... -etMa_

.. --:;-" nD.: '!i'
/ . "
.i:t blUl " cbior lde lim.." Iio'-.
, .titld'. ___
. oJIlorld-, aIll
(lllur C&l'lillH.
" '
AtiOrn"'f'I-at-tA.-.r: RoOrii iUlII
to BUIlt of ' N""a41. BulldinK.
.N"LdA;: :rhone B 184.
+ Nota.r'y - pub -
+ lie.' RoM .. g' and 10, hntkL
+ bloo.t,
+ Pbont- neil ua .
t, I I"" tot "".at 1+4:+t
u:--s. -DePut7 1I11M'r&l" &:r.rft7<lr
Mlneral ' and worli ..
apeelaltY. Olllee. N",ada B&:nk
Bull-r.:lln. "
... __
flYA I3R.APSH'AW, teaeher. . ., -,. -" -,

A rouislll, '
membel'll 01 the
team on thtlr
It wu btJ4 In 1IIIUl..m!ta.
1'l,'l-'Dbe1' 01 " . CoolI:e and

_kln';f ttle
.ern4' ln

" .. ,Club on tlI, aJtiernOOD
/"-. 'Tile ... win, b. ItO
__ _

: ...., . , . -- . -',
. ,
_. . C ... iu .!!IiI,MI. rMe.r SII'COod
OIlU&e oll'TOi!'a.:t. Vri'd.,. ... d-ThaI"Jd" , X_e.; s.tu ... ..,.1a4 liuuuI;.
.. ,...,., 11 C.tda
. "",-,""., - - '- ' .
.,, - L
=="""" .. __ .., Dlltdils.lDn or
&in WoP; SUmp, Bib:Bolftta,.Buck-
, boudo. , .1mpIcmarto fCrthe Guda"M P ......
'-n-',.. ..;..iit .. n' .....
. - -.-"l".
DEOEIIlBER 8, 1897,

11'11.1& NAME.'
VI:>'or Lynched and m. Dod.?
dIe,l With Jlnll"lm.
1'06 Genoo Go!.!ritr Bendl!. ant aD
mmOUllcing 'the lynohlng of
Adam Uh,r, the s1o.yor of Henry An.
derBon. A mob of twenty mon visited
tile Dourt Heulle at Genon yesterday
morning at about 2 o'olook lind called
to Sh(>riff Brroklbs that the U(luEtable
SkateB and IIIede!l.t Lange &: ::3r:hmitt. or G!l.runerville wall tllere witll 1\
man, -llpentyaaterday In
F. M, llowl!1Dd>t.iiti .
tJemllll' Ind' f!ltluer,-
Rena YIIII,terdlly; .,'
John Robh is in Yirginia on prisoner aud 1>!iuted admitbuce. Judgll'l
1" d I t ll' 'L Sberlf't IIlow I O'"'on . ..;...... a.nge .... J
Wi are. .Ollr Christin!is .Ildwiil
J:; Schmitt's. ... l"at'li::Jg throogh tUll turnlldfrom
ollies to t.i:la blHway of the jail , a' sh.o"t t,'me from ',01"- ,-.
The fiueiOt perter lind 'uU and 'alf at wlt.h S Sledge hammer. Leter le bavlng I!L run on oVEirocui,ti; ,,-
'- .. ' -".
the Wieland Brewery. If. $uCU'iff aud (fray, sweater.and whiteI' I!wtll, He mak!1
B!lmboo btnittlre is flU the who Wflro in the 8'0",',"', II spooi91ly of tnrnlshins loadil i.hd hil
for prl'lseots. *tf were overpowered Rnd tho prioes ate low.
!Jing don't try to (loax her, bnt let it from his cell into the bel' iooda cannot be'excelled Everything Newand'Attractive.
WbeD !I girl YOll tbet jail sllcflred and the S. shDkor oY6rcoah or rub.
ilt thflt, , nnd llaH naked and wbere IUId Ill.' prices are in k,,,,,i., 1
. , ,,"t""", lb, 'O-D_ aDd s ....... with the'tillWli. IO')UcWrfl:V Crockery, ghsswat<l. tlnWlue " .. .... " .
aglltewflre 1:Jwe.l' than ClV(lr at woru by flo gall Watch for Genneay & Savage's H. DMndAy luncbes Ill'll Ill. ORDERS REOEIVE PROMPr AND CAREFUL ATTENTION
ScbmitL's. lUll two shirts be wore "ere torn lid. Thsl are now -Iooateci on Siel'l'1l wlI.y:o auperjor and bis 'cold luoohea
"IOBg tooth powder ig bie Whon tho hUll stroot oppa!lts th .. Truckoo liltobles ijerved upon ordsr cannot" be IlXcelled. Jfe
Compan:;-. Oc5
w",""-- .\liveolitUeopportllnity. ITe hflvo their luranged al:l.dthelr ml!all - .
lntely Sold by Rona ri'flched hs told to prllY, but aU) in the course ot the wesk they will Bot tam,ales everynigbt. , : _ ..... ", .. _ .... ' .,: ... - -'.1 11tfI.; ._ ': ..... ' .' A'JI. ._
slruug up in the prweuae or the Bplenniei stock of EUrllkll nngti9, tiLl Washoe LUllCh COllnter the
An antifootball hill will be ..
"""""',1 nnd '1'1'10 hlld bel1n aDd sg'lIteware, phllllbiug gOQds, Ilud go. Hot tilwa.las at
ducad in the New York ' -
by armed men to ll(lOOmplluy in ract Q'I'srythlng in theil' line rilo.dy luuohefi)repllred to - PRE S
,',":."' ,_, lheillh","bE! ,A,Her t,hEl fOJr .iDS!.>ectiodD. 'l'bl!..Y, are,l.. .: ... I.C .. A: '. ,LE 1
' IIlUll (l een e up e \\'as r, ot uew KO....... an nnpac IDg Ii.Elm avery . _ .
urticie9 needed "i>:ht ot' uiu(;l His naked bod:y rlny. They will IJllve un,DY Ilsefuland
ch!)flp [It Euuicb'g. was left \Jfluging to the iree until S praUF' articles for Ohrbtmaa
1I1i3.9 Loubo Woodbury or Ewpir<.'. o'<llnck morniog, W!J911 J.'lllmbing is n spe<lifllty Il.ud tblly
fibo been ill, ia reported Ooronflr tuok It in Thl'fle flutee lilair wl)rk,!Uld their prices rno
Ila impro",itlg ra.pidl.\'. i;I[lliet holes wero found in baClIc, r&a.sollRbie.
P. H. Fillneglln, the wdlkuown one iu (;.rlll, OIl!) ill tile chin end
grOCi'lT of \'irgini.'l Cit" is very low bo WIIS shot ill two or thr(!() otber
wHh winars' platies.
- tJ; (J. Girl, OhalleDllfe U. N. otrll.
Yesterday tho NBI'I!(1!t gids received
II. challenge from the first blwllot-ball
team of Berkeley. It is Ilnderstood
tllat Dr, Stubbs la In favor of the
<lh[lllonlO'" '!' '.rb.llU. U.
If YOll w!lnt Q natLt, uaeful lind
penaiva Ohristmaa pr&Gtnt, tbe
vada :ll&rdwara Company Qall fllruiah
it. Theil' ot '"n.o, ''"'"bi,y 1
and Q MOl';'
iB worth-grliug: to !lll!.
Men'. Suiw$4 and Upward.
Boya' Suit. $1.50 and UPw.rd .
Men's,Qvetic:a.ti Upwarcl.
Universal cook flud hoeting <:itizellB of
snd ('.beeper aold at coat to ril>- Genoa denol1noe this dood of
doc6 at LaniEe & !:)(Jbwitt's. ;; nen!lS Rn outregE! anall crimo of the
I;lr_ckesb kind, r or the pri1l0uer WM in a
A or;lndow filled wltll pratty rHir WHl' to a fair tril.l fIDil1'I
pictures e.ud pr!ltty ! at thel'ort-
eou, 00. jilt
proper puuisbment for tho crime
'1'he llea'l'1 rain that prevailed
team bRS bsel.l pra(lticillg about a . F.VR. N'ISBING CO ODS 1
mouth, but t1HI U. N. girls haven't indilletionsor
plRreil bllt very littl9, ther6 are
committed, Ri,;:llt minded. people nn
1'be payroll fOT Nanmber on the lrieved tbf'Lt tUQ law WIIS
Cow')lock amouuted to $Ei!J,572 15:1, uot alloweod to tIIka ita COllrse. The
a.bout *2,000 mC-l'() thun the ouiy be compared to tile
mooth. ",ork of fl,(u(h finu. would Ii
midnight the barometer waa N W U $ S
, atural 001 nderweal'at 1 Per UI"t
'.'"mOlli"" "w'.' <Ii, on' I ' '. .
istbotlliht toa.t II. team Mn be
Panels to puint OIl. furnillhed ill Pel' (lap or 1\ blQodtbil'sty Apllche ashamed
eian grean rmd gold ira3Jes !'.rtl tbe ot biwseH.
latest. Se& thElm at thEl POrteo)tlB ---_____ _
onth'e 00. '!Itt
From all it
Gold Ore",k'bubbl" hRII burst. It l':iIl
itljnre tbe miuing iadtlstry or tbtl
8te.te III geDerel.
'I:he AsyLUm 1I1Ulldl".
.it tbo w<!eting Or the :Board of
A! ,lurn R reSJilition
\Vae otfered by asklu2 fOI'
tile of Dr. 8np
8tiul()oclenL of tlu Asylum. It failed
(rom th", COWIt was tIJr
dowll. It h tbOllght thl! game W6&tUI!I-' .
..-iII place .at Berkelay 011
.-lata nfj&r If dotoxmioa. Mr, W. E. GritIl11 of Wells, F, .. "I
tion count! far anythIng, N",.,.ada girls 00., ie At Dr. Llme'e HespitRI,
will probably come home with It'raneisllo, h!lvlng hIe - treated.
Boya,luQkout. .l:Ir. Griffiu had- OIle eye 13U(lOeB8!1lIly
-------,--- upuu eOll1eUme agoalld the
J J.,<1. good res'ult9 impelled .bim to have tbe
In t.biEl city, Monday. DoClllmQer 6, other treell!d.
1S')7, Mrs. IeabIrJl18. Mullen, aged 86 Mra. 'MoKinley, Rlthongh YOl'y low
yean liod 2 hI l
and WIHl.k yesterday, was a e 0 recog.
It is that IIli'l5 Sllsau B,
thoDy will I!. n[]{J1bal' of worn"ll
Bilifrago in N3vada. dlU'ing the
Mn. Mllllen wa;; borll in !'irthehir(l, lli:;:e the PreBident a.nd hIs wife on
.. SC(lti'H}(I, Ootober 16, 1811, Rnd UHlir II,rrivlll in tbe Eiak chtl.mbar. The' SpI,e'ial
GUll fUd Ij,sking Dr. been 0. of for n Dum. I I
Bet;:stelIl wh!" he diaolmrged boul!:- bel' Deneased ""af; the mother vl!ysicillIlB ellY IIbe llannoL
to pa!'IR
this week: Men's all wool Sweaters at 90
Boys' all wool'Sweaters at 80 cents.
cowp<lign llelt yei'.r.
',l'be lllacile9 thll Gra.nlte SalooD
caul/ot b ... aud tbe 15
ico cold. A ciloic()
wlnss by bottlE! or gallon,
k -'p'" "ood', liugar very long aDd way aWI!11lt
er Mn. G. W. Likeos of Uara.on and
'rue replied as follow8: "C H P. , I R u.ny Inoment,
. . .u i!KIll 0 "'00.
'1'0 (lIe H"1j(!1<rhll. B()(mL of funeral wili takepla()!) Io-morl'ow WatClh for Donnele It Steillmetz'!
err 0/ the In (':['lleadsy) at p. M. from the Preeby. ncw ad, and at their store In tile
to.thm churcll.-Hel1's. N!lw bnihling nnd I!BB what
IWmamwr MiB5 Oibbsonrrie3 ",toci< I GE:.,'l' am in or a. _ !l.\ut of pretty they have for tbo
of rniillnary gooch ser.ond to nOr]p. [QuuicatiOl1 from tile af EI,,,,tlnn nr utneou. hl'llldl13' trade. For
El;lgant Lips, fancy tealher, orna.mants hOllQL'!lbl() l!oJy, tbe ",,',_. The f"liol'ling o!flr.eril eleoted eutij tbere ie notbinll' nicer than a
!Lnd trimmings of all despripUons. HonB p""F'Jd by ya[l at u spocial lIJ.eet- by No.8, K. of P., to b[lllde01Ile table, chair, book cllse or
Wonders >;dll
hcR haiel fit the Stflta Qapitol, DeO'olm- .!lDt'VO for ttle enijulul!' term: N. E.
It&r 1, IB97. 0.; G. __K Eolo-""',,,, v. (.I:; - Jiilin-LEi,-wraui)e:-S'iill'lviill-blili'
many bRd of its fllnrl
I<Dr1 dO<.laled. calf 10 poor
N"w lork aO',1 lI"H to tho Cullan
Iu answer.L lVo'lld say that I Jobn Bslz, P.; Frtluk: Oampbol1. M. of a oandidate for tho mayor of
Mr. W'o"da tlHI for lV.j-S . T. K. [If n. &; S,; J. BOllton. The df'dROIl wallo arrived I>l
l.(1'osa no.:l()ct of dllty. ll. Aitken, M. or Y.; D. IIlt:Kll.Y, M. of SlI.tllrday ll.Uer a cooeulhUoD between
on Mon:hy lind Trllfl9\lrOP Bord disobedience 9.ud (;Olloterrnanf1i1l1l E.; E. Wells, at A.; O. b'. !:leoker, 1. Sulliyan'f:I polit.i.llaL lieutenants. It II
ml!rliatlly farll'arri!'>ri the amount *21, i'lSllOO by mao G.; O. G.; J. A . dua to 'tbo of the I'lll,::iliet, who iii
100 as a. to the Stats I .;hull lto plcflBed in the fotura MCldiCl(l1 naw traveling with a vande>iUecom.
urer. eubmit to ,011 !'til
. d ,. 'h r "'" by me for ,o'Jr ll.pprovoll. 'l..ei! lIre llout IJI1lb." As a Olin Warei or Wa.rd
tamp",-, OJ If>S, ree or "\1 II The follo ..... iu' WIl,8 gh'en at
ery respec u y yours, '" I '11 '11" _,_ -on
at Wlul!e'Glin yor, "'LOiBUro Htlur (llllb"meot- 0 ..,.."'gevi e, WI e. _,
H. .",d,,", , 1'b tk d' l
cbouper. Patterns all new and. awe. e 0 ay e wen
Rrt 'J Fe" the tu kill a .. taor
" - .. r.. o . annempra :loper, .. 1""Ii,''''
............... MiilsBeUeKlein i bigjl>w. lio flreJo.t
following is a list of the IIteer with a. rifle, him Rnd
A cl;Ooternpurary expresses eurpri;e rE:m][lilling ullcull!Jd for in tce Reno, u[ tb", Spy,"
blllans(J autbor uj' EBfluties Nel'flc]o, p03totI](l[l [\,Ir tile week ,ndIDI' 1 inn, twa ssddle bot'l!e
', t.hll.,t ,were
Homi" has !L N b,'" WeslcbestBr &elles and (lin ,(I e)'.
''''''''', - OVllm r C>\.', -". ..".".,' .. , .. ".". ,R 0, Sioell Tbyo;9 ba8 reduced hie Upson
seven Psrhaps be GE'SrLEliEN. . . . .... . . . to 15 eta otl.cb, he
aOIIlBborly llome. Gutnrie, J L ---.-.---------
,t, LI,,,II, R "I ",.. kept busy lIupplying tho demand.
apaoese p S Rre 0 ' >
C 1 .l. H R, E. Qo,," h",'". h"olllF\ gGnllrally IIppredll.te a good, be liberated uear llillO, wit, lLoo m .
Olson, TIon owner or .the Ubawbere buildiD, article lind BO
p!lclJ'Lthn tbr.t, I'llt.bin a. fBI'; RolP;rts, Tom kuuw who wade it.
the:;, will stock the w,}oded. Shl!.IInan, James pied by lIle as a dry (!'oods atore.

H ''''UU"'. c,' lJ \" ,ookll ara al,a-homa tll"reabouh with thll beautitul ... , J:I. "--' "
bird. N In the bnilding which up in (or fl\mily
Streif, E P moving temporarily to -
loou SaDderlaud r-eceivoo a large
lioe of neckwear from ttll.l Eut yest\lr-
duy. l'L(! fud", in ties. Cl'O'i'!ltf!
Roarrs 000 be tOlllld arid t.bey
maka flxcellent Chrlgtm-'lB for
San FrandBCO is ri!.lslng ror a
mldwinter mioiu[; hiI'. All the trade
are ioterestlld. 'r'tJD UIl-
s\;:u ttl hll','o 011 exbibition from
all of O"lifoluin, mf1.cbin-
ery and for hElncllinl it.
& Stnmpf .:of
P.!l.bst AgenD.Y !l/lrry an
or aDd Iiquore. The wioll8
Vanc!!. JO! F " W"ddJo\:.
Preparator, to I
Fletnhsr, :!'ths F M
Mn Sharp, Mra A III
Mll.ddM, Mra W L N

H. P. ITndITS, p,],[,
------.. ---
"lulI1,! 1". Ad.1l1Hed.
Th!! Smith Vallety colonleu. .'Ita
DOW in a devil 01' a fix, 'l'hay
get of the property on
: count at some tl'Quclo betwsen
loonee my Btuck of dry good!; and will On the evening Dooowoor 7tb
sdl ut a great- reduction my 1q"'"l ,,",'djng took plaul'l in the
eoCl! of a rew frIends, at the "","'""'1
entire Btock coosisting or Dry OoodB'
of Mr. and Mn. Henry Oll
of all q'olalltle!l in ab-laa, Ladifla
aDd Ubildrene O'lpes In b'uurth street, Mr. (J. E. Skinner Ilnd
i\{n. J, L. Bosworth being joined in
and Blllnkets, Flannel!', Ladie! tho holy bonda of matrimony. Both
clot.b, Lece OUftu.illB,
llud Cbildreu's ullderweeL' aDd of t.he (lOotra(iUng partiee were fOl'm
.rly Nl!iden't8 of Hena. 'fhe hride and
of arlidClJ of hnoy gooda,
Ie sweeping 'and departed Oil. tbij eveuinl{ train
he l>IIviDg on all I hewo ill (ltJ.iCD, OILI.
S. I host \f;ehoe go .wilb tbew.
Noxt door to Novadu Bunk.
711e Vl ..... i
In 110 way can we do more good tban

A clean cut throughout the entire line. Give me
a call.
The Leading Clothier.
Ladies and Gents Umbrellas
Has Just Arrived, Which we Will
for _meiliciu(li flud '},'ywors.-l"e;-il1gtoll .l'or O",,,r FUty
in a illll.t,ter of raHgret hln. WID"iow' , Suothillll' ha.
soit and all ;loads It . i Irl NOl'i'Hla should fU]Y i ,, 000 by mlll'ODB of for their cblld
th, ,j,klo , .. It". THE JEWELER'
I " ........ "" ........................ .. ;,;; .... ;;;;;;;; ..
A il'llman I!LWY!!l' of New Zealand E1 setbKck by ot any I :'heD teethinl:.
allicide ber,ause she h",d !wa the parties at I' interest 3bonld BOO tllHt difficult
art or 'I1'lIitillt: thr>:>e y\lars.
AO(lorain>: to tho O"laha Fa if lire elljLlsted.oA BOOI) as posslb!ll.
were impat.ient tbrt ie
al I'rofeB' 'l'be :::-Iaradtl. colony sbonld be ___
mace II at any U,lOn It ili.N> i"
slon miS'ht lOll!; ago have booome m: n" Il.Luut It. It elIte. OII1"rllQ)"
tiuct. T11B '-'tory culooist8 are rel:'llbto. SWl:ncb nlld Bowel .. ,,\IUS
any trollbla ovor tbo lund title W,nd. Colic, 'OftlJD' be \l'UIIlS, InH,,_
Manag'<;r J. A. Fillmore of is denIed by the awnero af the JlI"U(Jn .. <l Tono "ad to !.he
S I 1'" d I "- h ...halo liu. SooLhlul' -:Hlt ,,,rn am Cl ee area era- ill tbia
aftllr tr.ai09 on will ___ . _.____ Snupfor ""lltlr"" i. t"
,I,e ... "nri I. Jlre""r\Ptl"n of <tile "r
I,h" ""d beO! femnl .. .... ,d
lI11r"". United t;.tate,. 1-'rl"ll
n t>oUle\ Sold by lin thrl1"lIbollt
the ,"",or d Ba lure 11",1 uk for "Mr..
lll)t try to u:.ako up tiwe by East- EICtti"" ar
()rll 'l'raios "ill be dis- At 11. 't'llgnl"r tllPatiul' o! OOllTt Mount
from on Rchednle. tlma Rose, No. S:uJ-4, A. 0, P., tdd 11ond(lY
r(lgardless ('.onnedlOn9, QI'ouluij', Ul(l GtlJ inst., 'uo .following
1 have a complete. tlnd OIfi'lerB wel'e eleotod tu servo for the
well selectad of genh' (nrnlshinil term'
goods, uuderwoar, o'l'orSuirtB, BOClk!, W. _F. J. P. C. fl., G. Gul
hanrlkE!l'nbiors, etc . ling. O. It; G. '1'. Orosby, S. O. H.; J',
which I I1IHiraofee to be if . S.; J. T. T!lylor; H. S.; R. J.
belter than a::ly io the tOIl'Il, wblc:h T,; E, L. Drappu, S. " .... j 0.
",ill at ,J. W.j Y. Fredrick, S.
:Ny Hock of and J. E.j O. H. 'rbome. Pby.
aod tobaccos is nomplete ill T. Crol!loy, Trllateej W. F,
every particnlar, oomprisiDIi s!lell W. A. Fog;;: nnd A,W.
brll.l1dG as tbe Ner"'\l, (Jflrl Rod 'I HoILrHH, Auditing
the 5-cent Rnd EI TIBI- -----.-------
mont, Sallchez, Haya, De ValienB, Ill Di6trlet Court.
-:J1"thinK: IJlothJDg J
John Henderson, reJlresentinil thll
great clotbiog and 10IlrclllUlt tailorinw
of Wanamaker & ,Brown 01
PililBdelpbia, a.nei Hl\rt k OberDdorf or
ChiOl'go, will bll at the Palace Howl
for a few days willllUl immensel"arilltl'
wblch tbe pubUu iB jnvltl!d
anfl examinE>.
L&l),Es ATTENT"[O:s'.
Wanama.ker & Brol'l'D.. llavlI !ltlded
mont to tllilir blleinBSll. A
Have you pilos? OU]'
Have J'nu Use ollr (JQ.t
fll'rh Th:Imooy.
Are yon weaknnd all rDndown1 Use
Oome anei Bee me anll I will fully
expillin tbil me 01 all our reme(Jiea.
Mns. n. E, IIlTh"TER.
Fourtb !tre ..t.
ternntionl'-, notel Brl1nswiok, Genenl Tut! OOllT't hc:s 6ean xoupied for a
Artbur anei mRny otllen In tbe couple of ill tryi:;." a replevin
, and MI8ee' Tailoring
01 tailor mads Bnite,
portlld (Ooods. Call nod be . i cuo or Lbo Becker Oomp!lny
Free employment offiee in . Carrol!. Till! jury brona-ht in 10 Ter-
witb tile ,tON, tf .\, NEU!Ol'!. in favor el plalllLifI.
(lan he seen lIt tbe Palace call and examine samej
aatisfaction gaal'anlaed.' A .... rr
varwt1 of bop' alothlili. Doc1ta.
Fa 1.1 and WinteriGoods in
Foreign and Domestic. Patter n
Sol. Lev.,.
Reiiiiviciiiliiiius-'- mnm'_ 'WINS
TeD to Onll ShoDl. Slll'pt'I_ the KllOW- Double Pltl:f!l Uelped thO'! l!olu{O 'I
Ink and t......l' 011 th" .to,_1 alld!;.w<c nans Up :; tu .2-Error'!l1
I)I)f Uandicap at ifama"'" _-\l'C a Fudor III the Gftme-_I\mcrl- ,
'. BEnLD!, Ap"" ",-T", Cov- !.
Not In )l1'lnl'-)" l'Il.n ancl Nadollftl LeugllP fam .. ", ,
In""o,lua.;d In thl!
: nelo;hslag tooay t\. project tor: NEW YORK, April !lS8.-no"'ltl
\ : a law obllglng to I Ben. the two to r"vWlt." trallhl
pay life to d",- : I home Mfh In the UO,IIf/O Exc<!chIOl"
: Jl"",]clll on PCI""'''''' l<111.,d by : handicap at one mile and /l.
i Inoter can or h) perwWI : at Jamaica today. In trOllt I'f tt.e
Local 'I'l'aJll ."Itlrtl'd Out Lose" But I permanf.'Tlt.ll': Injured by flr.ld of len .. t finish Merry
h ,. : Lark, who ... a III tn 1 SllOt. Or-
Gn1 Tlll'lr ". III amI on by Scof'e : monde's Right was second and
of GO If) 'is-Many .n(l ................................ Burch tlllrd_ TIos .. Ben
beaten bef"l-& "",,v,m had
been ''''''erecl an(J just !)efotE< the turn
LOS C"I., Al'ril n.-:
Tb" loca).. def"",tcd Portland tod,'.}"
eaElly by It", "",ll-" .. to 1_ Doul,ic"
plaYfl the local!. ElTon b:>
Ihe vlsiwr., ,,10 "- factor_ Score:
R'_ H. K'
L"" .... .. , ... i) 3 ]
Portland. ".,.2 7 2
Di.ttel'ie_To:tCT aDd Califlit
"n<l Donuhu,-,. Uml-' lr<,-McD(}L111I<1,
Into .MmT)-' } .,,'It eurn"
from behind and held t',. '! 1M" to l'I111lt.'i,\_\LJ,;:'<II'f JX J.o:'i"nOX'
TIl<" flr<;,t tTllck meet betwe(,n
npno High and the
counly High. Seh .. ol, held on thE' State
Pork )-e!'!lerflay nfl''''I',l}f>l1,
was won neno by a or to
Tb(> boy" rroJII ;>ut up
ll- Jli'ame fight alld tll" "venn
fur ",ore (>onteBed lilan
the final scnre ll1cl1clltes. The .:rowe]
ln was nDt ueuptIonally
large, but lnt"r{l,;t In Ih" ..-nl';nu_"
sfl"rh t<l""IIYS at a flolnl, anel
lrloucb w",,, mU'IlteBted.
"n,l. Delhi, Hon" Phil Flneh,
R'!d Light and or Cra.f:
""ratnhed, :'-',,] n.,.(l at
7 10 going to Ihe post at to
E.'ICutche()n, WOn: Aeron'!.ut, sec<Ill[I;
LlsU""", 1.hi .. o.1, 1;14
Sec<lnd race, selling, tlv" turhmgEf--
Dull', won; F\(I!;.wa'l',
A" third. Tim",
T)",irel roce, fiye all,1 a halt fnrlongR
-Hn'lf'lV, wun; Lady Amella, MoO-
ond: Optleian, th:rcl. Tlmf', 1:,07,
Fourth race, the hamll-
FOIU'-lUlo OUtdOOl' ClulInpiontl\lp [J. mil .. and a slxte"nt'l1-;\r"r-ry
'1'lml\ .... DOWll to 2_:;,
1.0-:-;'00;-;, ehtl"',-!
Non$hip on t1'\(' Clovere",
tennl!! of! at QUe"n'.'
Clu], 10;',"'" Ihl5 Hug-I, L.
lXIh('rt', holder <If fhe
d"r,."llte<:t ,\ 1\'. Gu,". hy '" 1
nlllhing, Dol,e1"I1' rHa:nrd I
mil'. !
:.1i ... D. K. DoUgla,.,s f'11n.l-
l,mger bfoat .\HSIl Lane. til" t,ohlel' ;11:
Ill<' l .. lJY ll'.-o to lluthlng, I
Special Waist Sale I
Beginning Monday April 30th
.. D----
Continuing Balance of This Week
V\"" shall oite,' at Spe<::illl ;;u\c Ull or
son's of white law1\ waists
at $'[.25 3I)(1 $1.50. Spec:ial 10r tl1is week, .,. $1.00
c\l1 3;;::042 in ::t hrj:,'"C variety of styJes.
New Eton and Bolero Tub Suits
'IV.:: kwc just received by express 'l handsome line of
linen 'I'ub made ill the new Bolero ;\11(1 ltoo
Jacket effects. Some of snits an: elaborately
tnnlTlwd with lace and embroidery. Come and
The Ooly Cloal!. Sait and Women'.
Outfitters in Re-DO.
136 Vlrlllnia St N.lII 10 Grand Theater-Phone 17
Two Dr the Acadffilllc L,'aglll' rec-
ord.. brr:lken. 01 H,,,,,,
cllppin!: of a oft
the pro"lou,; 111 tht' low hurflle.
by traviJhnJ!:' th" tn 1_f. 'Iee_
onda. nil"y uf that
he a ph."nomemll sp1'lnll,r br run-
nlnf!; the two twer.ty in :4 !-r>
Ond. nductng Ihe old three_
Lark, HIt; 11J T.D 1, ,,"un; 01'-
Rll!:ht. III (Kr,app), S t() 1.
6eC(}T'Hi; Eugenia Bm'"h, III) (Crlm_
60 1. tt.lrd. Tim!, 1;47 I-r"
Roso Ben, FIrst i\lnHoll, C(lionial
Girl, Race Kin!!:. Bat;"
and HeTlni tilgl' "1'10 I'a.".
A1'HEXS '}""'f! 28.-b:ing Ge<:oT"f;,
and GC!C'rge filld
were in tlle (,,,, ' ......... ,......................... Olympic
The smal1.1
The KIng FJl1g;ed out .Tn""" F" Stll_ l-I"- ..... -
:IIrths of a FHILADELPHIA, April
a M Igan. Dartmouth and PennsY)YII!lia
that ",wept tbe fleI" in the ru"ning wun the tbl'e"l cMe! IndllY at
e-venl,., nnel In lhelr own nne of wDrk tw,'lflt. ([l11llll'l f'01'nlv,,-1 ot Irack
""ero umosl invi"dlJle. Runo haa to and Ctf ULi' tf
content ""'ith winning' ho:m"rell In FrHnkUn F,f"ld In
"aT,l .1..,h, 1'11111 I\/ I winntng Ihe tOllr-rnile relay
only I\J'tar a tenW" ,'nll"erB
The rlnt !iX "'nn hy rhe (}I.Hdo.-,r of
the Calir''''ni'",s, IIlld If "",.1 br 1111'"
that Ihe)- hn(\ 11", flc-hl meH l\y, 0l,,(1 thl' mdool' I"ccoru of 18;20
wl'll III halld. Thf;' and Ulir,1 mll.l1" 1>y Cvl'nell. Summary: .
f'laee!'l by Reno In One-mll" coUPi''' relay champ,(m-
anl\ th() eXlraorfllml.T!' wU!'k done in by Syra_
tb.. fluId "I'ent .. Ilurd, TJllL",
nt'''') 1rom ,he vf'ttom of tilt' 3; Z3 1-5. I
heap """\ ''''ltle h"r vletor in th.p. 'l',,n_rn)l.:> co1lelw relllv champ on_
Firth raC, selling, ldle ,mel
enty yard_Mary won. V"-rle-
lief;, sewn,,; AUI'umaat",r, third. Time,
Bh:th Ira('e, ny('
won: lJrnll....-J]n, ""cond: lI'[e,rrill,
Ih;rj. l:OZ,

- 1,y J:>Hrtmuulh; O::-"llIrnb,,-.,
':r nHlO the or tll(, "Homl: thild. Time,! "
d b k- ] I 1 Jut", A .\"l'"ke UOO
ay, r.a "'If ''''. ''''IIl .. m c. FtJlll'_mile r<:lay \() on an), .1Dhn \\-.
OM !ll"llt '." th,. \\,,,lO 1>... "k:lllle,-: ",,,1 wIll soeak to him again.
11N'.1 hill ,]- now"" Mlehll!"an: Fe-c-
) .. b"""t"H ""lflln<. III the ( 1- thl"u 'j'II'lP by L"rry L1.joie h:l.-''' <',11 on knf'f.
flrly uallb fIllll. 1.1,,' _lIH) t,,-pnty Z-i>, ltl Ihi" ... .,pil'''' 11m. MOIlflt
J'al'd aolll',,<,<>nlln&" Bl'Ua.l jllmp-'\\':I by :\1011\11 (,Cf th" hOAr.}.
fllr R,'no. nlrll m=".l(> Delonchallt ant: Cal'IIHI,' In,I!,,,,, f,,'1 1 I _
anel l;lon"" .'" Rt'no. ,V_ P. 1IIlbhm,l. Aml"'\'1;t, T<lt> alrelluy d.HlfIver.'.1
The :(()l1"wlng YOl'ng on the t"CI Ihlrd, ()'Conn<"lI. VlII:L- B,at lhl'lr nr" not
!'lu",,",wilJ,-, t,,,,,, f,!r "flYn, s to {]",ath b,,!ore r!las
1)<')lnI3 1;(lt nftl-l' Ih,,, 'HlLlY"rn,,"!" Ihrow--Woll by Parry. '.
8: Hall, S; Kelly, 7, all.] Hil- Chic;w, ...... 1:;', f"el 1 inch; second, \\,im" JjOl"P<-'" fntlJl,r thou.:ht
- I Hlleyl.-". 14& L-et 2 inche.: thJrJ., was worlh $::,000 to tiw X"",
'l'he 101l0wl1l1:' the "r Ih<:- 111 (",t fPh Yo;'" bllIlar.1 int:r""Y. Will thv father
. e : inch.,s. kindly t,1k" nnnU,,,, Itwl,y
lh-an, manager ,)! th'" team,
1111 ..1 chll\t!'"(1 with him r<);" ten
in a jovl,,1, em'dlal m"lOnl"',
the II1'Nltest in II>",
n. ,J. u,-\,\"C, I
I:-;-DOOn :;,WJlUn:"lG ][,\HK
CHICAGO. April 2S,-H, J". HanLI)'
"f th., ""nt"nl Y. lIf. C. A, lut mllllt:
lO-W"l"f;'(l It, .. A,nHi,;a" one mU' ;,,,1<,,,,',
"""'1, I" In Ihu I
C('rlrrtl AJr,ntellr Unl'Jn ""1m- ,
minI': cll:l.mJli .. Th..
n"f_'unl Inl" ho"l IJ)' C. M: D,ml",ls ot
X"",, YOrk
'nll kPl'}J UI' 11<:'1' f1mhltl()11 if ><Iw tH
",,,,,k und ,.. ... ...
f'll worry, nn,1 "II,,'
_<;,.. ..,1r1. J.::J,)W
if 1\"11111,1
Dr. R. Dillwyn Evans
Expert and Medical Director of.
Dr. Evans &. Company
Speciallsts 25 Yea I" s-
Offict": Orr Bloc!::, 12 COlli. Row, Rello. Ncvada
,\ quarter of a tl'l1!l1f)' cf my :)r.1rtin' has heen limited to
and C:Jr{)]l:t c;{ antI ),fy trocatlllent miM
and Tlly (;'.1fOC, q:lick and
me f,)r :lo:'rv:,\ls catarrb, deafness
IUJll .H'5J gci:r(;, sWllmch, and !iv,':"' troubles .
Free This Week.
P("'p1c ,"ilh .\cafnc%, em test th"
of n: ... IICW Ylhratnrv"Lt frEC'. th<.lt
"t (}nce. godo l1\:alth, Men's Diseases
will lJ", tel' I'"ward,: Nerve Jcbilit," tinl,<lT habit:", I):ic;;, rHl,tllrl'J hlood Olnd
Fur 53- YrflTS It -hal'" Alrf1nglh'",. "

UDvelD J.A1!S iAST
School Teachen
au 11. General PUIJc
From t::ulll, ItIalw IImlothn
W Missouri St. [,oUiE,
Chicflgo, SI. Paul, amI
inlfmlle<:liate points.
JIIlIe 1st, 3d alld ,8th.
litnit, October 31St.
For funher information apply to
Co p, WAR.a-, Ge-D'l Agt.
4I1 Doo\y Block, Salt Lake City
.... .. tt.allr
.... ac:Wwtt ..........
F... s.h 8alr .,.
.f7H t ...... tl
ftae c:. ... &nacMC. TM
... .,. ....... ..., ...
... rIIl ....... .
"The Ramona"
11 Plaza Dear Vlrilnla
Room! by the day. week (It
month. N"wly ru ..
tric IIghtll and baths. Central
There Is ' a Pleasure
In Driving .
We mak" " .... ot 800d
rig... Onr stablu arc tire-
proM. ll .. can" gi""n to
oouders.. We also
ll3.f1kl!, Bnd funeral

Fifty yord S .. tlrsl;, 'l'wo-mih< by
Folsom, R" ClJl'n"w. n., troll'u: Darimouth; ll'l'Conll, tllir.!,
T1me 6 Time,
Ing weok am] Crllllll>", (l;sc,l';(>s of lIrinary and sexual or.<:"UIS. Consultation iree,
HI... Io:"'h.... H'lntulJ: SpclIs.; or hy leltc r , (jfflfr opcn r.:1l1 c"eIlLlIg, ' SHORT BROS., i'J'oprlelOl'8
lI'i;;llu ""1'llJea lire p",iuliar' peolll.:., 1nclllfC8dolf, or- ." .. II Pllnu .. 1.3 Lake Street
Mile run-Hnlme q, S" Qod- Ion o.1i,l n"t
.1"r<l, R .. "'''''''',]; R" third. ,),'li,'hi"(),, "''''' I;-_C fO"I'_m]:<" l',,]ay
Timo: . an(l broke tOI, ,,'m:l[I'F
81gb s., flr!<t; Dir,l. C>U\,I,:nr r"e' . nl nt 18:253_5, h!)ld by
R" Hoonnd: n"l,mf'l'a.nt, R., thll'u. Mkhiglln, !lIml th.:. ,.""(".,] ,-,I
Hellll'ht feet incheE. B.OZ h"l,l by C\>rncll. Mleh-
Two hunt1red yard :.., Igfln __ _
tim: Fol,..,m, R, Curnow, --o-
n .. thlra. Tlmp H ....
HRmmer th1'fl\\"-TayluL 8.,
Go,lflard, R., &;mil'" R., third.
Dlnanc<e 94 teel 6
l-ar<l -
S .. 11r5t: Hall, S" Iewa.rt, H"
third. Tim" 5&
Half mne "., lil'fII_, Hon_
on, R., Dlr", H .. thud. Time
Pole no, fIe,I;
lonchant, R., V,il>'VI, ;,;, thlnl.
8 feet (:
Broad n.,
Ilin1, R., second; S" third,
1. rf'el 6
'I'wo hundn'd lind tweT!,V yare] hurd- a.tde 1,0; to ('on ... Ufr lI('"rore the In_
I{, tint: C'_lrnow, n.
secon": Ke1lj\ :,:" tllin1,
second ...
Hhot put-l),,:on'hlllLt, R.
Tayt('r, f'" Hiley, i:l.,
Distance tiS teet Z
IILi I'll_
to- Fight

0"': hU1HI"ed ....1 tll1;;h-Fclsom,! ---
R., first; Curnow, _K, 5"",,,'<1; Kelly. NEW YORK -Ycun;or
S., third. Time 11 I roo'nohIlE'. the N'ey,'- EngJ,;,,;l ]I!,"h,:.
One hnrfl-, "'.:>is-hc, hus rnalchcd tQ m,-,et
1!'":'I---l-l" ,I, R, S .. sec_. Young r:orhdl "otr,re the IndlanallOIi!
onllj _IkoI(}IlCh"nt, H., UnO'lL Tim!'". AthlHlc Cll1b On :\IIIY 7th. Till' boy!!
20 . i ,n,' Ie> box len at catch
tu!]owlng bClxed
Chnrks H. l .. G. J:). I IIr;d ma,le n KfHI()
Hottman, R",,,,,],",, FllOwirl; Ihul decided to
.AI PaP'il. J. Den tlm- mat<Jh him ,,-Itll Y""Tlg
R, H_ W. A. 8:nllh, 0

TO Llf[ OF A fAN
JERSEY CITY, N. J .. April 28.--;;
Robert Nonon, 12 o:>lrl, .or 4_
Court Hou"" pla."",,, this City,
f,ut victim of the baaebull se"""n
her"" lie WII-9 one or huml]".e.:!
watchilll' a "ame between
Ideal an] Arcade clubB at ,,'W'l>ln,,-
10m and !lIvenue whIm
ho'! w:w the ey"" by OJ.
fllul bail.
OUT 8f THEfl8[
LO>'! A:-.ICELES, Apr\] U.-The
practical der.ructl.-", or ;;;:an Fraflclsco
wiptcl out 1111' Ilghtlns
I';fl-rne In that city for months at
leaM, and ir if r,c,t Ilk(dy lhut mltllY
ill t'nU]'(> cOllntry will be
"l'ry l'h" and quar_
... ls M lhe IlO:-ht promM"r.' " .... C
e"",'r man :iJ1d
Lig fire eertainlr did Olle goo(l thing
at In P\1t1i:-Ji; out
of c;u;t the
SIHl,I'JW of Ofl ail 'W"" 011(1 1\ wlll
!!,r"tlfy l'n',,-' of clean to
S'!e the"" ont (If I:, at kElgt ternpbr_
Some ct th.p.m are WrjtlnG" 7l'Y a I-!!:Hlp, " Private Address A_ L: BhtouJi!h. Reno. Nevada. Ii
wo",II'ring whet he .. w(>ul<;t _ _ _____ . _ _ ____ _
. I II! -
by !'nee track'!. of the coun_
I . Fetters & Durrett
rry last J; mElI<" Cor- RENO'8 POPULAR FtE80RT I
1'Iga"_Dunne family ff'ftI !'or" to thm](, I Funeral Directors
Ihey don't own all tho tracks. I ,. and. t mbalmers
Mike Schrenk was l"lb1Jl"d or " ,'lu-
lory over G-e(}rge Gardner by the re!-
..rile. There llu uoub: ... it, r"r
has saId so. Complew lJt<lck ot ca$teu and
11 _III" bMn that lhe Am-I
ateur I:"i"" ,1mI' oJJntrel of
bu:dn,l\', The A .. \, D, seems I" [--me
bee" working unc'(>r a that
boxers wouid fight tl)r

At last ".1' n """,' ""I' In
l,all_ It know:') til" !frape juice
pnp, We have "" jro[",.pr",ter ready,
hut grape and pep a r" tWf>
din:",rent jlu;<l" i, :nean a t,,'n_

TI) say tbat l'>Ai:lg look ltke
",i"'-'I' le!l.J:u.!r! nnt only tru;hl011-
able ",jth the 1",",,1>1111 but
the h.elll'ht of ridicule. }I!,j it
p"ev<'",,1 team from looking
huun; later-It !t wIns.
It WI1Il grellt t<J
{he tlKht ot Halt
w!ln_ t.he e\lunty 8herl1't ir
the rltlg and mm,_,Ul"''''] nUll h'" would
nnt the Young Corbell-Dick Hy-
l:1nel ""1,, )"" ",,,,,j on night
:\LI).DTSOK, WI9_, April 28.-The
All_WeMer" r.'."""
1.>y Emmett Dallgel]' Il\"e9laenl or the
Iul<,roolleglate Basketball up .
"'[CK"fl!;', rorwar.l, , n 9
McRae, MI:')np.R(}ta, 5
:o!chomrner. Chical"o, cenler. 11
Brown, Mlflnesota, guan'!., , U
Du!h. Huard .... 11 6
Roger;>. sub. fm',
,,'ar,1 . .. ., .28
!,"uard 5
Genuin. Budweiser
Beer on Dr.ught. .
L.telt MII,ill EVlry Eveninll by
the- Fj,nNt Orcb."r. in Nevad
Fishing Season
When you
see that the

COI"pets taken up cle.1.neel ",.(1 luld the salne day.
0":)1 ....T_ovutlnr,- .n :Ke\aG3.. Mat-
tress mak!ng, :ll1d poliJ'hlllg wCIl.lh_
oa.k n. speniulty.
I:.:::::::::::.::.:.:.::.: .... ::: ... :::.:.:.::.:.:,::::::::::.::.::.:.:.:.::.:.::::::::::::::::;
.A full I1r 1>elow on'>i:, "kws Cl>Untlll'
Harry Davis. Prop.
elc" owing to ot Ihp.M
Yil'gini(\. St. and C'lmmerdal Row.
1"<lbu. Embalming for
i a P:t.riora In New
, Mmllling bulldiol", 27 Plua st.
t PhOlle Ifllta- eav.
, .......... .

t--"., I ,t 11 ..... ...
i! Spring !
a ne,; II])e or
.. Golf Shlrtll that cannot be
l'!1,rIJlIr U'III"rwell-l' and
! f
I ,I lIV _
T1H' accident 0=urre.1.1n the last
halt ot I1w nInth Inning, when a
Jllay.,r num{'<l Joh.n Th(lml'B(l1I WM at
11'\o'! bal with tW(' (I11ls. moen
wer .. on and In the ;)xclteml'nt
.. r til<" moment }'oung N",'lon Wnll
81an(llng in or<ln tD sef!Urt"l a. better
vlew. He was an,] died
",;!thout l"Pgnilling-
At PhilaJelphlll.-Ho9Inn,
rlTlSIMMONS O'8HI[N ' .. go. .... "
r - A<
1; Phlla-
F;L Louis,
Beer Hall ....
l-Ieadqsart"n tor III utD-
en! &IIJ :.linin .. Promotenl.
No SUo!:tao Club-Qal:r
SLr&lght G<rodH.
'rilE It:\CES ILmD '"ow
:->:&w TonK. Al,ril 28.-"1 may be
era,,}'. hut! aint no toe-!,"
Terry 011" IlIilY IfWt year
vll(:l\ 1M to bp. a ,'I<::tlm
of T:",. "-a&- Terry ....W'
liotlll1(f marken, kno1 U.TIlWIT\A" hard
boiled eg.s and lemon pIN at the
just ft:lr fUll. Terry la nt the
track \'v" ry Ibs now, and
playing in luok. He
pl:>Yo'!d South"rn Crou ,,-crol$ tht
'boards in ('.arter hunelkap, lind
Ilot down on Canandra at 30 to- 1,
which III fin" bm;Ir.M;S fur nnyOlle ev'!n
e'"I1""JI"d ha\'ln!;' a nut or two
.. _. __ -"'-" ____

Wasbll1l'ton, 1.-
DOUT IS CAllED Off, AO ", D,',,",
,J'RolJrke has callcd on: the Dob Fiu. ..
O'Brlf,l).- bout that he
hat! lr.ten(l(>ti to I'lll on Nay If
men c,""ld hlWU met (h"y would
proh\Lbly b,,\'e d,......wn cne of tho 1&1'._
est crowel" Ihat eYer witne.-.l a tI,.ht
II" the EDt.
__ _
Sick trom a de_
Ilf the "-ltd til
CURd by Chamberlain's StomaCh and
LIVer Tablets, 1;10111 br all drllflj,l5t.e.
At PUhburg_t'ltl&bllrg, 10; 8,:,
lalu", O. . .
At SOlton-BnillO;UI. I).
At Ncw York. 1: PhUa-
delphi&, 2.-:::::::-::0::::::::
, n
BUFFALO, Y.. April ZS,-Frank
Goteb. the wre611er, won
lnl-rnaUQnal t .. urna
m\lnt, "'--hlch h .. In ')rom'eB3 all
wlnwr in Canada, the finll13 bdn!!,
(lom.eate,a, !wre,
.,"ilo C. McMillan

Ca:llwln.1Dn and. BJlell,t f'o1l'den,
ToIiK 80&"1, fIt.o.
....................... ,
'", "

Get. )Jew Orell.lor
" ....
I OUr Dn, Iwck at ..-
t f1ttlnge II. IWW' here. DPoJ.
,Jack \7el'8 hb new on the Bpafllll I &11<1 tt.
Roo.d, n!!\ar the car pllwer house, E .. ery cOD.vel)lenfe af ..
ru'at_dJ.:!3 re3ort. Music !Lnd refreshme nt" Phone U63. LENT .. IlAJiSEN
to- _ _., I ..; ... __ ". __ "'" __ .-_ _
I ,' , ,
'or , ha_,
11 ", 1,;,;""
BrNfFn fOR TH[
I '
' ....... .
.. ---. .---
I " : : " " ,1. , "T,,, "I ll"',.. ..
.. ..... ---.
---- -_ __ . ____ _____ .,z _
EI 'Gale:s
This superb cigar was introduced to the pub-
lic sixty-live years ag-o, and \\'3:; named for the
little heir to the British crown. a haLl' ,
T he baby has become the King of England.
The cigar h.,,5 become
The King of Havana Cigars
It ha:; n:c.., rd of Etmight of un-
varying e"ccllcncc. A'o near cigar
madt: has I'ormi:l'rity, its variety in :;';zes or its ;,;_ales.
retul1Ing- Ihl.: rich fflll::r:l1lte of highest types of
Ha ic:l.f. 3 for 2,1c. to
Ask Your Dealer
When you call
see that :. the
,. ,
Guaille .... ".Iser
IIH, DB er..,jIot. ...
LIII.. t M ... ico Evlry E""",i" ..,.
tI ........ t O"C" .... III I. " __ eta.
Wlctler Co.. PNp
........... ...-..-.
Wlwd ID need or rr.h .--
.. W,
b UMIIIl ,,11 tLllid . , til
timet lind "m ... , YQ.,
MX1eI: &II 1.0011 &I *.,011
,"ilo C. ,"cMillan
.. .. ,
CGD'lInerclal Rowand
Sterra Street,. DelO

A Man
511euld Wear Tall
or!lade C .. thO .....
li lY tnt ionmr, ftt better aniJ
k'"k nnd In the lone r1ID
nit l13 uo::ll less. t han reaJy
m,,,,1.,, for.odd), kind. Cms tn a nd
look a t ' our IIteck or doltl-. We'
gllllramE" tc pleaEe)'<l1L
Kos Batter an' TolIo,
I Douslas AI.. )'.

Pko"" M.ill 13
.. ft
Better than champagne
Costs no more.

Sold only
. tight
In aronla-
t ins
ever In b u,j k.
Ii \1 ,E ,\'r ,\I, f, l'r Jl. .. l"L,\ I'1':",
A Child May
Be in
i SeriousNeed
i I of Glasses
(iudo) Exami n
att n Made in
All Cases
Has ....
A. W. LORD, Optician
With K. tier7. l1 IIro.
VirtlDia Sinet, Ino, lf n

'"" .
...... ,.,. ,'"". ";,.,., ... ," ... ".,'
The Only french Bakery
' 1'1 Ren(). N'o bell(' r br<-"l .J ! el'l Pllel n"
C',"s l , WI' br'("(ld 10 Il"YI ....-t tM counlY,
delb'.' rY town C\'t fY ,b y.
P. ANDIIWGETTI. Proprietor
Wllb that In 'flew ... CiN'n' UI. b .t __ II! ..
Gr Clllm_, Fruit, ViTI!t8bl .... aDd Bat..., ....
n.. "Iro,...,. &a4 I .. t. R that _
JlJ'ka . rll the i.",.L
SIERRA IJTJIIIET Coffin & Larcoll\be
'---" .. ----
_____ ..... aa
__ .... a .....

200 Vir.inia Street
Everything for M'en
l _______ . __ . _ __ _______ _ _____________ ._ ... _ ... _. _______________ __ _._ . ____ ._ ......... ..

, . ......
NEws!'A J:'liRRRI::H IVE
.. - ---

l:olning' Fortune flul of Ih. High sohool Hos Gam. With '
Goldfteld Gold Exollo- Virginia &nd Univ."ily .
mont With Mills College
lie olotnl lho: ,,'f""!dU!'ft bwlptl<tl In It<!
bll tory at un. wi'!)! JUIII "I)"', 1l'W1'
.... of I",,, .. O'l h ... nrtl cll"ll toot In-
'<1I.M.. IJl)' r,('I.rrl.<J I)y fuAl'll1 unol<l!r
dre'II,IfItt,nct. IU... to
j,..,tN"<.!ay All IIxt1"ll. tar
..,JIlI .. L If ' Ajj:tm'l Ourk!:'
' rhot 111"111. llfI&ILe\ ball ,!UTle ..n tlw I
wilt bto playW l<"r!aY :!.t, t ile \lui_
vt"mll l)' "nnnaCum. tn\!' lIIl'Ivendty
helnj{ m:."I.I(,'hl.. t 1\0" I he
Doth. <)1.:1IJl.lZO-UoM hII-\"" iX.'1!11 t"nI.lnlr.g
months lind j\ 1)I.ell)' C(J n
L'I look'!<l will bo
pII'b1l1. (1.1\\\ lI. .l<lmlSllon w11l
.Ko.tJ<Bug Ull the .. Ill. tnuol<. to 301\ e:o:<.ept tho;",e I luGont:.
aDolllrr cur 1'1(1.11 rl ll" ,J, p.n7tll!f1 ]\ 1\1\I .... tl' ....ho WI.I AB
.,bII.rt<r\lu lr It l<>r tb-G 1iUf'p0*! (0( UCk<ltll 'MIl! coont!!"'t witt 1/&.>1i I.., ttl..... po..U\t foQ out llt 10.' M 4 uclo ....
roomln MU.". IllI .. t IVO'ItJ Duketbn.ll ",""WIll<! quill:! , .. L1. !
b;V .. 111 t h e ooI.le&etI of Ike oountry and
I\.\w. "PIIII",, ) hI tt." lumlJUlY fur toom III aah.1 ttl bt or:. or
an e"(tnl to b.. k&pt I1N" to I..,., WlO<l Tbe
tn of >:14 1ft A4r1:nt Il1J)Oi tMm, t',"hile Ilibt er. III olI;o
to 1.1 (JIUI'tt9 ma.... kOnt! CIL:r .. "e ll orgnn!zed \x>(ly "'ml r..Hh. r bu
Georgle HorlKr
Who is pla.yiug at McKissick 's tJH!t w(:(;: k
will nQt la\lllin to tl!. l.; e of I IJUUU\l.IlI u.dvIu!tao oyer I b, eUler.
.- U!o.l llj Q(fl'rod UII o.t thl Urno : On Ma.l'Cll Ull tbe high aqhQcll team.
:an4 f rom now on thlll b1l8in!!frIIJ wlU ... " to Vlrrlnln Oily, wb<."l'e 11
Gun ..... o( b0Pr, UlE' Comllb:u:.k IhOOI te&nl alIId
\0:1:1, OIl ,b<!A.,'y tl'lP\ tnll; Jl'I.Q.Ch IMr7, boutM. lat .. r III the li<'<Uoon It e:xpecillll 1<0 moMl
1tOlG (;'OOWl ':11"\ hundnldll of QHM'!' ;u". ottler ..:11001 l eanu. In this pUrl oC t he
f".ca. Ibnt UfO! Wlunlly gl) lppo>o1 by"ll\\<.' Thill bu OC town trRlTlOt
W1> pOllrlns I nlo till!! expretllt I he unh'cn llty Kl rl.t wlU be pJaJ"ed at INTERfERE IN IDEATH CLAIMS
. ..... " '""" . "'_" <om' "" """ "'" w'" ,un, ""''''. T .. .... "
1>7 ! I onl SAn Fmr..c1!1o;; u,. SM. 11'111 ta ke pl ilC:'e ITt about twO'> wedol ,
... ,n' "h" "''''''' Roo. Un" ',"", ",,.-", ,,' c,'" n"'" CHINESE FIGHT! M ANDERSON
ftrm IK'J\l UI! Ill1. omr .... I\"", ' a. rollolYl! t1
I Joo.d Dr mlo.\b ll! Ii'l"Y, m .. caft!,
'-"'1 milt .!.lid oU\.c1' "' luJpmt'M toOr II.
Gokltlelll l\ Anotho;:r ottllrlk1 WI II.
Jot ot uulldln.v. Iloor.. win.
doww. Cr:W1hI ot 1\lIllber,
w.e fLl: L'II (>C 11.11. In tad we baVIl' not
J !.1il"h.eU.
):lIdo ... -,ooo:rlln.-
r;nl .., ltaek.
'''''Krlbel'l tOIl u.. "MO
IiIM.U ,.. MrMll' notiMd th.t
,.,. with 11',11-., 1'" Il.UM*-
....... nw 1M II\Mot f., the ,.,.r by
, ..... ).,. .. , . 1I,1i,,", the
All of tM OAr,; .... will bto In
.tM " f rHeil,h whleh tnt)'
....... " 1'" IlIbMriJIIllo .... rl paid.
SOME DISTURBER LY A IlONTH F\:llward. .... Illuld , Io;.cllla
SOUdlll r.!'IU'. ENzabo'!l h 1.'oo}W.
ClUrWl-MlUle HUl\lwt'll Edlin "oJ.
Young Man Thre6tens Life l of Promlnont i
Chin& Tom, Pea.aeable Cattle Man Suooumbs to
Old Laundrym311 Brights Dis. os.
United States Branch oj the:
Svea Insurance Co.
...... Ulln
United SI1!Lle!! ,... . , .
E1ectriCllI Contractors
fros1<:d SUJK:r1IdaIlv
Colored Limps
PIHNM .... 2:98
Cravenette Coats
lust. rewwro by a h. rgt: \alie"y
.... r Cra.1f4;lnette Rai n Coats. in all t be la&eRt
tl.ud wL\ena.l8, one ot' ' he moISt. a.lld popu!al" for spring weo.l'. Come :;.:ao try tncm
O'tl. 0 Wtl will be pleased t.o sbow thE\fTl.
$12.50 to '$25 . each.
See (Our' Window Display
H. Fraley
Til< Only Exclusive Cloak and Su House in Reno.
2.5 per cent Off
---=-=ON ALQU
Clothing. Gents Furnish.ings
Hats and Shoes
-rn.11I \I< "'hilt ClIl . aU", )'(l1l Il:u.t ",('(Ok, 11.1 -1 wb<::11 "'@ It to Ule
... -e IIa.ol. 110 :Idea tha.t it s\..IIolt our Wgo Moek movinll; to-
1'>'1\.1.,) 11.0 door Itko! H !lila. til really a. dull montb, _ d!'t
c'Ape<::! to do IlJI m u" h bmoln.e!18 & .. IkI J ul"lug bUIJY but
our big t".OMidtoild-h4JI .;r .. .a.tM 1\ IlUrry for \,111 a.l Utnfl our COJ.)" Uttl tor e Iooil . aJI bua::r' M thctugb In 1Vere
Ctr;1"1.1' ;' ''11 Evil ,."..., 'JI'en! the o nly "",od! II't(lrt'! In HMO.
ll" U\o'O')I did we woUld not l1Ia.)r;e mud\ nlOne) too amalol
- ! IA t:twr. I1D pnttLt. bI It U!l-'Wj\ It :l.U lo yuy. Our
I'QUUI Is Ih.nltOO, we mUlIt tell out one Ill.v()lc.e. to m&ke
Il"IOlU Mottl'", '10 In 11.1'\<1 fl.... up .... hlle
l'Cllf ..-in, ond .e're 1k'1Iv:l t<J to> r o.., .
J. Marymont Co.
friend Store. 211 Cenjcr Street
Ad V_ CNditooN Itt -f')i"V
..... 1"\,. In ... IO_.
A. L.ittle c..I ........
... ),111' lnlW'ln.. ml,..
VOf")' C .. tt)'. If
you" f"IRI!.
in This
Why CeG.UIIOo at th", San
:ltId Chap H,o\!se y"" ",Ii!. tID..
... clad)' 1U"1' [VW or iUl4 Callfot'-
1 O),fiars {In Mell. ull kind. (Ie
I!, k1brlers and All,
of Uw e'!4l.>On.
order r"r rU.IlIUlllii and. p(I.r
... 1.11 about ,t at Dne W .... pr_nl lI el> Lnodles' !,riva.te :room3.
first dau .. ",pan, ... nd ""IIPMU"Ur E'el ,y t b1ng IICVeI.\ ll.lI In the beS(
loliort ),our bUll_e. lIIl u!lo;>Oj ot Ihe east and
The IS'Rn Jl'ral:u:bco Oyner &11<1 Cll.cI P
A. Boaha1D til. SOD timme, l!G Ewrt SeeDed _NOI'. n .. o,
Ne.... Proprietor. S. Comla. OIMfl d,,.
R .. I li.etabt, Inluranc:. Inll Fmanci.1 1 . n ight. Moderate prku
Reno lind !Spark., Ncvllda 1 I 1905
Th. p.p.' h ... th. '.,",111
and h_fte!" .. eh \IAIrrl.,.
'-ok .ft.r loll, _ ... Hut ..
I'lxdwdvlI of ea'PHal .. r.a l'lH ." ,.
Income In United Stotes
110 ... 00. 00
. '6' ,6' ''.t 4


IIq1aI .nb 1M .,-m.l<JaIJ of
.... coW; u.e,." u..,"".,
... hot '*10, .uI.I:Jr.. P'l1M.
.... __ , MId hllpeilH """110110
QJ". rr.qumt --.11 .f 1ir&l1AN"
lIonbo"n4 8J'N1) (Ute eblJa
ftR II) and .t tbt " ... , I':',; ..
COUlh apply troqaJllltl)' Jl
LInImel1t t o
lin. A.
wrtI ... X,rolt. it, ]101:
lari,'1II l8)'111p
NV'ItlCIy wt4 lID ,'-r!t to fa .
..,. Ru.., .. 1)nUft.

"'111 V.II A_I ..... NIgttl
Alld barr,,"" a b.u1 i!\Ju,b1
DaUar4'1I Uon,iaIulld lB,rup. It will
0UfiJ tll)ul\ll IllUID QlId eJfe<:ot II "''''','IB
IIon4 tUN!. Rotd ..,. :RHIe
0tb0Jr W1U"JOII " ... ".... ... . ...... .. .... , ,"
Toto.! illc<Jrnf. ltOi , . .. . ' ... .. ..... ,., ...... , , , . ,
rXpuCU"ra In United Stoics
.. .... ........ ...... " .. ............ ..... ........ .
e:rr:..-wJlt..- _ .... ,' . . . .. " .... .. . .. . . .. , . .
"rotAl t:.:pen4tt\itM, JI04 .... .... ... ... .. "... . . . .. . .....
lI .... ne... 1 tI04,,,n UnHcd S ... tes
"' ...
""""ttm .......... , .. , ....... : ... ..... , .... / .. " ..
161," 78
tiU,IH' . 61i
tlMrwDa : ....... " :. . ,.... ... . .. . 861.1'5.81,'
, ..................... .... . . 91i&,UUr
Jttalu wrlLl.n
...... .. .. ....... ...... ..... .. , ...
Prevtlwnl reelve4 , , ...... ... .. . ... . .. . .
ns.6] ('.-tO
u n."
Lo.-. p&ld . , . ... . .... .
T..-. .... I IIII'\IN'Olod . , _... ...
Edward Brown Sons, General


Washoe COunty DORII, Loc:el Agc:nl, Ren", Nev,
lB _______________________ _________ ____________ _=
A."Sure eure::for all Kidney ant(Stomadl
Troubll!& The QnIy Cure for PilEs.
A Purely Herb Remedy. It contains
either : Alcohol nor Drug& For sale
by all Druggists; aloo by A.
or alidMa
Reno Medical Company
r. c. McDiarmid, Monager
P_' o. .... 1 107 RENO, NEVADA




That WiIJ Help Y CJta
in Your Xmas Shopping
We malee tIIese apeeial Reduced Prices now,
you may enloy the laving In your Xmas shopping.
Speelal SaJe
r",r, .. . f:!,'
h ,;; 11 " n, L ' H .
. ;. .. f' urw . **-1.1 ....
. . "'lo."
'I ' ! DD I<'LI ." " . ".:10
'for (oats
1111), Otber
Not Priced
,.'". ."' ".30
.. . ....
fl aG t'll\" ("'.1 .. .. . ' ..\0
.til Qlldren'. Goes at 14 00
Sale Prices on Millinery
$5.00 Hats fO"- .,$2.5O 518,00 Hats for : $9.95
S6.00 Hals fo[ ... $3.5O All PoUern Hats 14 off
SIMO Hots 10r .. S5.95 and 13 off.
Sale Prices on Suits
Un" (" I

:.:','7;; $18 1::0
" " ,I j " ) .Cf
Sale Prices on Dresses
19.95 $13.75 116.75
Worth $1 8.00 Worth $22,50 Worlh $30.00
Sale Prices on Corsets
One 101 81.50 Corsels 95c, aile lot S4 Corsets $2.95
One 101 S2 Corsels $1.50
aile lot 53 Cal sets '$1.95 aile lo! S10 Corsels $6.50
Sale Prices on Ladies' Coats
,''' ,I '" ( .. ...
' L:. I,., I"" .. .. .. ,
. . . .\IJ
' ".It. '''r .. , .. ... "'3.7:0;
.1 1) 1'"n N . .... IIj,\.l'oU
u ';.oe I , tu, ..... , ... llU \O
Sale Prlees 011 OIlidren's & Misses' Coats
nQ I 'hl ltl 'o . . . .. .. al .H.\
" .'1 . 'hlM' .. " ,';.0' _ . . . lilt.""
" hit,!, . .. " ... a:I. ,",(J
flll .H ....' Cunt.. . . .. , . 'T,ISO .
"Un ... '" l'oat" .. ... ttI,O()
ll l . .. . t,;'JI,T. " .. .... 110
. .. '".:50
Sale Prices on Sweaters
u ,; 0 1",,11 '1" :-I"' MI' r" , ", 'I ,tl)
"flil,l'. WII!'lLkr" u,:m
... Ii ... ( ... to. .... . , . ... ,:\
" ". ) I, ... .. , _::'Il
[.:1;]1,.,, ' HOI'<:' IlII'r.o". , .:0;.00
Ul fin L,"ll,'''' " . 13
I t I) t.u<1 lt,,, M ... p!\l<:'r... . .. " . :UI
[; 1,1 I.".II,,, )01"" " ("">0 , ' 11.13
Sale Prices on Ribbed Underwear
',1,1, ' , .... 11. ' ". I.., .. .. r . . . .. . a1M .:.,. t: "NIl . ... : . . ... 690
1 . .. / .. _ l wl., ,,,;o r . , . .. 1:1, tJ . O!J , 'nl"n :t ll H .. . ... ," ...
l'n,I.,tw,'a,., . . " .,"', li 'h' , '110 1"1'\\",." I', .. ..
1", 011'''' 1 ",Io ' r\\""r ... D,... , 't.OI)
. Sale Prices on Hosiery
1t" , I"r" , .. !I!I ',:10' ,:, "r.,] .:1
" !I "..j", . . ... II "... . , . . ' ... ... . .. $11.1\11
' :0' I"U" II . . ' . I .II" S.i . ' " ,,", I . Mill, 11.. ,... . . N.6(.I
Sale Prices on Kinionas
. . .. .. . . . . " .
' 1. :: . ... "" .. ", ..... ...... . J"'"
J : ,'0 )': ' 101" 11 ', j . 111 . 1110
""" K' . ... . :kl
, ... " " ... ... ' . 111
I,.", -'!l
Sale Prices on 'Petticoats
I ' "n" " " 11 "' . 11 < .. ..
)01 111\ 1.11., .. ..
" .;,0 ll . : .... n 1,."h"":H .. . .. 0.,..
(}\J , 11.::3
Sale Prices on Skirts
All '1-4 Off :: All 1-4 Off
:C ::
:I. II""'
1:\.' !I" ll

" " ...
UIo. ' , ._",
U' ",tll :: .... ,
x' .. :r
." . " 0"1
:1:;" n""
:-.... I:tO I
'f'lttrr m
2:0;(, .
"",,rlli 111\
Xo. 1t
J*" "'nnl
tl3,' Ho.L

T., ....
"'''fill 7:100
1:: t:", \'11
Sale Prices on Waists
An. 1 , ; , .. r , " . 1110
U ." \\' ,11_,,, t. { . . .. ... . 'I.'S
' ::'11 ,,11,1 1 1 " .. r. r .,. ' .... . "
S', ' Ill r"l'. " . ;a,1I0
lB . ;, \\''' ' ''11< ' " f ..... . :0;0
,11I.GO I,.r .. ,.' . ... 'U.OW
Sale Price8 on Ltttle
Sale Price on Ribbon
Sale of Belts
, ,'" ""]f, r .. r .... .. . . . .. " .,
rll r I",.
., 1.\"
s, :,0 11. ,1,. r"l" '" D",.
: c 11 I Ph .. , .
11,' 1 r ln..
Sale of Handkerchiefs
I : \, U" ntl lt " T<' RIo"" ... . . s ,.So
U .. ' ''l k . ....II I,'r" . .. " . II :l.3u
.. "" " .231!
;,1:1\' " " ' , .. :J:'j('
r.\'tt. ,n. d II,.. ..,.. ..... ..... :t,'\.o
, .. "' " lu....,cll .." . .. . u ...
'I ! .; "-, ,,. r.or
l = l ilt ... r" r
}; " r"
Sale of Leather Bags
.... IJ\IO' U .GO I.",... r", ...... . . ... *,,00
, . . . . ... , 8 . 1')1) 00 f nr .. '
" . . 111"... \ 'S,',ij ro:. " .. , . . . 'I.,\fI
- ,
Of Interest To Women
Police 01 Two Cities Working
on Prot to Make Away
With $5.800
Stc.e ll: (I f an h llnd
Frv..""' ><en
' 'Vf n l!f (I ud 8 1 ..... r .. . P h'] n!!
TI.e " r the Prn.1
bY',erlnn church 'II Ii. h"l oI :I. CIl(l k l' ('j ,
(<>(kl aDd apro:l "aL<> II ' thc char("h' l
HUl 11 1111 l Ullg"
nnl] e\'(' nh; .... D,-<; .. mbl,'r '
Como IIml
I d l lt '
of your kitchen utensils by having the nicest and most
durable-we ave just received a fuM line of
Reno Hardware Co.
Phone 46D 24 W. Commertial Row
Don't forget the range we are going to give away
Announces a startling reduction in
the prices of
HIgh Class Modern Dentistry
1 ... llg Ilt lelWlJ Sn, ... as follows:
A full Set ot Teeth, Regllar $8 00
Prlee sz.... . . .
Fully guaranteed as to lit and workmanship. ALL OTHER DENTAL WDRK RE
DUCED IN SAME PROPORTION, I hive just added several skillful and experi
enced graduates of Dentistry to my corps of office assistants. and am prepar,
ed to pro!l',ptly turn out all classes of Dental work. executed in the most perfect
manner, and guarantee absolute satisfaction in every case,' I employ none but
graduates and can excel any work done in this city. at prices tj1at WIll fill my
parlors to overllowlng. Appointments may be made by Telephone t 1 Bl. lady
Every instrument thoroughly sterili,ed before using.
Reno's Foremost Dentists
150 North Virginia St. Reno, Nevada


,'." . . ' .
- -,.' , , . ; ._.' .
SadneSa'1)n,the De Crttios ' of An Paper$ ' ,' I
: "ililnialion of Ihe Indian' Kindly Words
'.' '" ':'" "t:taCe ' 8eauliflll Singer'
.. .. ) _ I '
relb .Of Peace and rhll lU"rmDlllll COil' ...., III
. ':"ent..-Ahfdng ftedmen in ,t rltle!.
, i . ,'JMa, County, Cal. ...
- ,
. J oh Tl Kl'"Y, ' tor
ami or
peotll!, ..,ome bnk u' Rl'l nD
lOok \\';'," el! the .. lc
tl>\' lr t he
,( "'h!'$II: ':: flu:ttal comb::..!' ond
.':r ' :'(1 or' lhl! w'iI' iT'.' )oulh' . !WI"f' I
nlr.lI' In m use i'if'l sh(oul J c10l<8: .
' " (0n:-c . b:lCk rro m coulll )':' Ihn t In
J b!tnll). In In :I <, \J M. Eliu!" ' .
tlDIl. pNS"' e ", ettlng 011 . ,,' ho
11(l wn 'hcrc. ' '",tu k ln,. In ('Of" .' " .
. no,ml,,!J.Se Q' ,,-UCi> Ill . \f:ond.r
I Ji l t , WII4!k 11.100. .
." " t l:tl1 b;' 11"0(0.1 rr lt'nd ' 1M III,a<l.
\l"U ...."... Vlf'><.t
.- '.
an r ll'
<lat a '" not .0 J:af;iC>
rUt"i .... !'l . .l hEon III .
g!wm thllt ' (1 1' . ' tu; rhor
' .... 'w,"" . the elld<ln., .
Callr,?rni ll:
for ""' " 1'""":
lY)'U,ni lllli: n . . , I" '" ... ., 1) on Ut1J.l Uw faf,
,S. H. 11.. "OPen IIh"p"
A: " ,o.wi prh1clllk. Thl& IICtlo.JI. "' ... .
lIy thO Seattlc Em!)I'lC'el';lt' lullto.,la U'Jn.
; nnnOKH DEAn
'[he (luLled l1etnl Troll"
thO' .no). I .......... orklnJ:
the bIl1l4i'\lf ' (.Ot
iill'tIUlC\ f' ortloM, Tncomn. >'IjwkulM.
[-I",lHIII'h' ..l1n .. nd. othtr, Pucltk: .
MODILI-:, A." .. Xo, .. n I """"',.",in eltlu.,
ii.'Z1)d )"u r;' r/lnn", l)' J.r ",l.
(l . nt the r..'I lIull:. 1 bOar,L .. r trld!), IIlr. 1.' "e1 t;"nIUll1n" tho
1 11 111 Al\J(lII1l.'l \X'ltUe", le"""l1!1 , "Oil luiI'll !eural!d In rorlll('r
I (1IIrln8" n.ul pln",e YQU\' ol' lJer" who:n
n no ,,,,,,, , uk-ol JI(nJ ,"" hl' I;;;' ;"' 111 be .treated "'"lit
l hO! scallOn . of the
PAl-( LUMBER I'honu
tho P , k C.
PhOM . ... "."
m RIl.
" Whl!ky J, klll,nH ()(f illY p,'ol'l<:>
IIftt'. 'l'l1 r..I. ti ll 10",. I
.:-::In' , m)' ' rum
whld:,.. m3b
1111.... ,mt
Th'1 11l"l1'1 "In:<,'\. 'rblt " .
.. r '" untv4- II" ... . ..... , IUlt 10 ...",11 l>n or
v ,..... Dl' ltt 0 ' 1 OCl tl! er 1.
'l'hft}' tell l-K,t h' (O 'n\.., ,,1
l Ull I l't('I' ,d rh1IH;'1l nnd I,ll!
Ml l.of, . Th .. n Itlt rl,II,,,", 11<
IO\leh u
"" W"';"'" ;"d a
en, OO)'S t.,.. , I
J( dltl nqt: ' 11.::>
woold "')(' kill "0 mlln, ' 01 101)0'
:'DQii;li ' ,ii 'l,ar'!) t ho-
tlrCl .all rl.rlil. I.1l
Ilene Ihtr,. Tlu>)" II '''' h:\PPJ" ::\1111
. i "" ur IJ.c met I;y nH' 1( I
nlll\ will bf' h
flot d<t>tl h(ol c,I, Ih&)
... 'sa ' In r.t'r.t>.
fIo tGnfl: nM.:
;'1 . () 1<> Iny<:>
8antl")" . 1 I" ('''me IlJr k
o' ICII In a ,..hll o If! illY p<'opl e"
'" Ililltrt . ntt( r til" .... me I h(>
Ublr.".. \ .....!tInJ: wJH bo t"
A aml I P.rapiJ. Elkn ' l!lUkdt'3l1 mino
to the mG11e . :!. bill' a tcl!r liia ..
Ih ... pUl\Il h utl ; nn m :l rk .
. "keol II '111..,. 1\011. '
r l:lll l y ' I I I II
- ' .. ' . 0'- - -,
: , .;. ,
POliCe,\IlIther; in 'MOlly
, Crowd 01 Drunks iii Last
, Hours
- '
Not B" ' Inclined to
UP P06n"ion of the
. . ',
XElf "\'ORK: ;-\C;,.. Lhl(,
0' l'"m,;;;
...: I .. stm In
........ .or ' llit>"" 'oOrI&.( Of -nnUnuptLil !lINe-ment, -arM' III I II .. p<;>f mlt lu ulfti to
ihMlntd 'tio or 11. tl . . til' rlol>Il . ,l:iOC KeN'1I or
(rom Ihe I II'AI.ene- Indklll
.--'- '
" .
br th4
'o:ul no ""rllll.l f:OOO" on
b",'rd ." ,,f " nd on l.\
alr-u l r 1;0111
h Q lie!.
thl' "CI) nUll
l l)nS. 1': 111011'1)' :9'="!
Ilml he
111 ld'''C or (I
. I ') r
__ , _ _ 0
1 . -
On Hands, f.u:e; Hoso and Mo'utho-
Hard C""t FOIIII.' ond Crat.,d
Open. Blood Ran. Itch,d fr ight-
fully; Mitt, '!" Hand;, No Rest.
. ; .. ' ..
,Got Cuticllf.a, In .3 Days Relief .. In
W .. k Cured Without a Mark.
Special for ' $6 75
Special for
'nlanksgiving Snll or O\'ereoal
, ,
You invariably a tailored-made 'man.
The greater percentage of men will that "of
course tailor-mades fit better and wear . Come
into"ur shop and, inspeot thelOOO
we "are' cisplaylng .t'tlre' present
w!rich you may select your choice. '
which our tailori ng assures. "
Prices lrom, $2&.00 to '50.00
MOSS, The Hatler
Phone 53, Golden Block
Gold Cross Painless DeJdists
Dr. Rebert F. Kane. Mallllef
HI .. ; ,:#O . '"' to II:" p ... I'booM nil
'We I)g W.
.et or"'l'tilll , ... , .. . ...... . , ......... ', .. "., .... ... ... ... ....
Qold Cr(lwn.. SIX , ...... " , .... , , ."., ........ " ,u.ot
Brkl"e Worll , , ..... . ... ,', . . ..... " .. , .. , ... . .... , ....... ...
0014 'I"lruop . _ .. ..... " ,.. ... . .. ... , ,fl'" ..
All Otber P' ",.,. ,-." , .. , " . . .... . ...... ,' ,lie _.fLIt
AI' ' ''H"k ...... nteed Ii ,..rtI .. .. ,,',,";;;;;
,'Work Ou.f 5p1!(1laUf. Opea We4utwd., and ..
and Overcoats
, btoUwr, Orultl
1I" .. uh'flI Qf1
"TlIe ChRnle-f!t
J'l'flpo\Oh"lI:I m r

fl'O!'t: I}' tl ry .
nn Julr ! S: 191(1 ..
aul$t f('om il tailoring knowledgejfl:om,
( $tll't. ability it.; " this style in '
.... ,
,forty years the

und i.the,

' "
" . ' .: .
:" .' , ,

Reiiiiviciiiliiiius-'- mnm'_ 'WINS
TeD to Onll ShoDl. Slll'pt'I_ the KllOW- Double Pltl:f!l Uelped thO'! l!olu{O 'I
Ink and t......l' 011 th" .to,_1 alld!;.w<c nans Up :; tu .2-Error'!l1
I)I)f Uandicap at ifama"'" _-\l'C a Fudor III the Gftme-_I\mcrl- ,
'. BEnLD!, Ap"" ",-T", Cov- !.
Not In )l1'lnl'-)" l'Il.n ancl Nadollftl LeugllP fam .. ", ,
In""o,lua.;d In thl!
: nelo;hslag tooay t\. project tor: NEW YORK, April !lS8.-no"'ltl
\ : a law obllglng to I Ben. the two to r"vWlt." trallhl
pay life to d",- : I home Mfh In the UO,IIf/O Exc<!chIOl"
: Jl"",]clll on PCI""'''''' l<111.,d by : handicap at one mile and /l.
i Inoter can or h) perwWI : at Jamaica today. In trOllt I'f tt.e
Local 'I'l'aJll ."Itlrtl'd Out Lose" But I permanf.'Tlt.ll': Injured by flr.ld of len .. t finish Merry
h ,. : Lark, who ... a III tn 1 SllOt. Or-
Gn1 Tlll'lr ". III amI on by Scof'e : monde's Right was second and
of GO If) 'is-Many .n(l ................................ Burch tlllrd_ TIos .. Ben
beaten bef"l-& "",,v,m had
been ''''''erecl an(J just !)efotE< the turn
LOS C"I., Al'ril n.-:
Tb" loca).. def"",tcd Portland tod,'.}"
eaElly by It", "",ll-" .. to 1_ Doul,ic"
plaYfl the local!. ElTon b:>
Ihe vlsiwr., ,,10 "- factor_ Score:
R'_ H. K'
L"" .... .. , ... i) 3 ]
Portland. ".,.2 7 2
Di.ttel'ie_To:tCT aDd Califlit
"n<l Donuhu,-,. Uml-' lr<,-McD(}L111I<1,
Into .MmT)-' } .,,'It eurn"
from behind and held t',. '! 1M" to l'I111lt.'i,\_\LJ,;:'<II'f JX J.o:'i"nOX'
TIl<" flr<;,t tTllck meet betwe(,n
npno High and the
counly High. Seh .. ol, held on thE' State
Pork )-e!'!lerflay nfl''''I',l}f>l1,
was won neno by a or to
Tb(> boy" rroJII ;>ut up
ll- Jli'ame fight alld tll" "venn
fur ",ore (>onteBed lilan
the final scnre ll1cl1clltes. The .:rowe]
ln was nDt ueuptIonally
large, but lnt"r{l,;t In Ih" ..-nl';nu_"
sfl"rh t<l""IIYS at a flolnl, anel
lrloucb w",,, mU'IlteBted.
"n,l. Delhi, Hon" Phil Flneh,
R'!d Light and or Cra.f:
""ratnhed, :'-',,] n.,.(l at
7 10 going to Ihe post at to
E.'ICutche()n, WOn: Aeron'!.ut, sec<Ill[I;
LlsU""", 1.hi .. o.1, 1;14
Sec<lnd race, selling, tlv" turhmgEf--
Dull', won; F\(I!;.wa'l',
A" third. Tim",
T)",irel roce, fiye all,1 a halt fnrlongR
-Hn'lf'lV, wun; Lady Amella, MoO-
ond: Optleian, th:rcl. Tlmf', 1:,07,
Fourth race, the hamll-
FOIU'-lUlo OUtdOOl' ClulInpiontl\lp [J. mil .. and a slxte"nt'l1-;\r"r-ry
'1'lml\ .... DOWll to 2_:;,
1.0-:-;'00;-;, ehtl"',-!
Non$hip on t1'\(' Clovere",
tennl!! of! at QUe"n'.'
Clu], 10;',"'" Ihl5 Hug-I, L.
lXIh('rt', holder <If fhe
d"r,."llte<:t ,\ 1\'. Gu,". hy '" 1
nlllhing, Dol,e1"I1' rHa:nrd I
mil'. !
:.1i ... D. K. DoUgla,.,s f'11n.l-
l,mger bfoat .\HSIl Lane. til" t,ohlel' ;11:
Ill<' l .. lJY ll'.-o to lluthlng, I
Special Waist Sale I
Beginning Monday April 30th
.. D----
Continuing Balance of This Week
V\"" shall oite,' at Spe<::illl ;;u\c Ull or
son's of white law1\ waists
at $'[.25 3I)(1 $1.50. Spec:ial 10r tl1is week, .,. $1.00
c\l1 3;;::042 in ::t hrj:,'"C variety of styJes.
New Eton and Bolero Tub Suits
'IV.:: kwc just received by express 'l handsome line of
linen 'I'ub made ill the new Bolero ;\11(1 ltoo
Jacket effects. Some of snits an: elaborately
tnnlTlwd with lace and embroidery. Come and
The Ooly Cloal!. Sait and Women'.
Outfitters in Re-DO.
136 Vlrlllnia St N.lII 10 Grand Theater-Phone 17
Two Dr the Acadffilllc L,'aglll' rec-
ord.. brr:lken. 01 H,,,,,,
cllppin!: of a oft
the pro"lou,; 111 tht' low hurflle.
by traviJhnJ!:' th" tn 1_f. 'Iee_
onda. nil"y uf that
he a ph."nomemll sp1'lnll,r br run-
nlnf!; the two twer.ty in :4 !-r>
Ond. nductng Ihe old three_
Lark, HIt; 11J T.D 1, ,,"un; 01'-
Rll!:ht. III (Kr,app), S t() 1.
6eC(}T'Hi; Eugenia Bm'"h, III) (Crlm_
60 1. tt.lrd. Tim!, 1;47 I-r"
Roso Ben, FIrst i\lnHoll, C(lionial
Girl, Race Kin!!:. Bat;"
and HeTlni tilgl' "1'10 I'a.".
A1'HEXS '}""'f! 28.-b:ing Ge<:oT"f;,
and GC!C'rge filld
were in tlle (,,,, ' ......... ,......................... Olympic
The smal1.1
The KIng FJl1g;ed out .Tn""" F" Stll_ l-I"- ..... -
:IIrths of a FHILADELPHIA, April
a M Igan. Dartmouth and PennsY)YII!lia
that ",wept tbe fleI" in the ru"ning wun the tbl'e"l cMe! IndllY at
e-venl,., nnel In lhelr own nne of wDrk tw,'lflt. ([l11llll'l f'01'nlv,,-1 ot Irack
""ero umosl invi"dlJle. Runo haa to and Ctf ULi' tf
content ""'ith winning' ho:m"rell In FrHnkUn F,f"ld In
"aT,l .1..,h, 1'11111 I\/ I winntng Ihe tOllr-rnile relay
only I\J'tar a tenW" ,'nll"erB
The rlnt !iX "'nn hy rhe (}I.Hdo.-,r of
the Calir''''ni'",s, IIlld If "",.1 br 1111'"
that Ihe)- hn(\ 11", flc-hl meH l\y, 0l,,(1 thl' mdool' I"ccoru of 18;20
wl'll III halld. Thf;' and Ulir,1 mll.l1" 1>y Cvl'nell. Summary: .
f'laee!'l by Reno In One-mll" coUPi''' relay champ,(m-
anl\ th() eXlraorfllml.T!' wU!'k done in by Syra_
tb.. fluId "I'ent .. Ilurd, TJllL",
nt'''') 1rom ,he vf'ttom of tilt' 3; Z3 1-5. I
heap """\ ''''ltle h"r vletor in th.p. 'l',,n_rn)l.:> co1lelw relllv champ on_
Firth raC, selling, ldle ,mel
enty yard_Mary won. V"-rle-
lief;, sewn,,; AUI'umaat",r, third. Time,
Bh:th Ira('e, ny('
won: lJrnll....-J]n, ""cond: lI'[e,rrill,
Ih;rj. l:OZ,

- 1,y J:>Hrtmuulh; O::-"llIrnb,,-.,
':r nHlO the or tll(, "Homl: thild. Time,! "
d b k- ] I 1 Jut", A .\"l'"ke UOO
ay, r.a "'If ''''. ''''IIl .. m c. FtJlll'_mile r<:lay \() on an), .1Dhn \\-.
OM !ll"llt '." th,. \\,,,lO 1>... "k:lllle,-: ",,,1 wIll soeak to him again.
11N'.1 hill ,]- now"" Mlehll!"an: Fe-c-
) .. b"""t"H ""lflln<. III the ( 1- thl"u 'j'II'lP by L"rry L1.joie h:l.-''' <',11 on knf'f.
flrly uallb fIllll. 1.1,,' _lIH) t,,-pnty Z-i>, ltl Ihi" ... .,pil'''' 11m. MOIlflt
J'al'd aolll',,<,<>nlln&" Bl'Ua.l jllmp-'\\':I by :\1011\11 (,Cf th" hOAr.}.
fllr R,'no. nlrll m=".l(> Delonchallt ant: Cal'IIHI,' In,I!,,,,, f,,'1 1 I _
anel l;lon"" .'" Rt'no. ,V_ P. 1IIlbhm,l. Aml"'\'1;t, T<lt> alrelluy d.HlfIver.'.1
The :(()l1"wlng YOl'ng on the t"CI Ihlrd, ()'Conn<"lI. VlII:L- B,at lhl'lr nr" not
!'lu",,",wilJ,-, t,,,,,, f,!r "flYn, s to {]",ath b,,!ore r!las
1)<')lnI3 1;(lt nftl-l' Ih,,, 'HlLlY"rn,,"!" Ihrow--Woll by Parry. '.
8: Hall, S; Kelly, 7, all.] Hil- Chic;w, ...... 1:;', f"el 1 inch; second, \\,im" JjOl"P<-'" fntlJl,r thou.:ht
- I Hlleyl.-". 14& L-et 2 inche.: thJrJ., was worlh $::,000 to tiw X"",
'l'he 101l0wl1l1:' the "r Ih<:- 111 (",t fPh Yo;'" bllIlar.1 int:r""Y. Will thv father
. e : inch.,s. kindly t,1k" nnnU,,,, Itwl,y
lh-an, manager ,)! th'" team,
1111 ..1 chll\t!'"(1 with him r<);" ten
in a jovl,,1, em'dlal m"lOnl"',
the II1'Nltest in II>",
n. ,J. u,-\,\"C, I
I:-;-DOOn :;,WJlUn:"lG ][,\HK
CHICAGO. April 2S,-H, J". HanLI)'
"f th., ""nt"nl Y. lIf. C. A, lut mllllt:
lO-W"l"f;'(l It, .. A,nHi,;a" one mU' ;,,,1<,,,,',
"""'1, I" In Ihu I
C('rlrrtl AJr,ntellr Unl'Jn ""1m- ,
minI': cll:l.mJli .. Th..
n"f_'unl Inl" ho"l IJ)' C. M: D,ml",ls ot
X"",, YOrk
'nll kPl'}J UI' 11<:'1' f1mhltl()11 if ><Iw tH
",,,,,k und ,.. ... ...
f'll worry, nn,1 "II,,'
_<;,.. ..,1r1. J.::J,)W
if 1\"11111,1
Dr. R. Dillwyn Evans
Expert and Medical Director of.
Dr. Evans &. Company
Speciallsts 25 Yea I" s-
Offict": Orr Bloc!::, 12 COlli. Row, Rello. Ncvada
,\ quarter of a tl'l1!l1f)' cf my :)r.1rtin' has heen limited to
and C:Jr{)]l:t c;{ antI ),fy trocatlllent miM
and Tlly (;'.1fOC, q:lick and
me f,)r :lo:'rv:,\ls catarrb, deafness
IUJll .H'5J gci:r(;, sWllmch, and !iv,':"' troubles .
Free This Week.
P("'p1c ,"ilh .\cafnc%, em test th"
of n: ... IICW Ylhratnrv"Lt frEC'. th<.lt
"t (}nce. godo l1\:alth, Men's Diseases
will lJ", tel' I'"ward,: Nerve Jcbilit," tinl,<lT habit:", I):ic;;, rHl,tllrl'J hlood Olnd
Fur 53- YrflTS It -hal'" Alrf1nglh'",. "

UDvelD J.A1!S iAST
School Teachen
au 11. General PUIJc
From t::ulll, ItIalw IImlothn
W Missouri St. [,oUiE,
Chicflgo, SI. Paul, amI
inlfmlle<:liate points.
JIIlIe 1st, 3d alld ,8th.
litnit, October 31St.
For funher information apply to
Co p, WAR.a-, Ge-D'l Agt.
4I1 Doo\y Block, Salt Lake City
.... .. tt.allr
.... ac:Wwtt ..........
F... s.h 8alr .,.
.f7H t ...... tl
ftae c:. ... &nacMC. TM
... .,. ....... ..., ...
... rIIl ....... .
"The Ramona"
11 Plaza Dear Vlrilnla
Room! by the day. week (It
month. N"wly ru ..
tric IIghtll and baths. Central
There Is ' a Pleasure
In Driving .
We mak" " .... ot 800d
rig... Onr stablu arc tire-
proM. ll .. can" gi""n to
oouders.. We also
ll3.f1kl!, Bnd funeral

Fifty yord S .. tlrsl;, 'l'wo-mih< by
Folsom, R" ClJl'n"w. n., troll'u: Darimouth; ll'l'Conll, tllir.!,
T1me 6 Time,
Ing weok am] Crllllll>", (l;sc,l';(>s of lIrinary and sexual or.<:"UIS. Consultation iree,
HI... Io:"'h.... H'lntulJ: SpclIs.; or hy leltc r , (jfflfr opcn r.:1l1 c"eIlLlIg, ' SHORT BROS., i'J'oprlelOl'8
lI'i;;llu ""1'llJea lire p",iuliar' peolll.:., 1nclllfC8dolf, or- ." .. II Pllnu .. 1.3 Lake Street
Mile run-Hnlme q, S" Qod- Ion o.1i,l n"t
.1"r<l, R .. "'''''''',]; R" third. ,),'li,'hi"(),, "''''' I;-_C fO"I'_m]:<" l',,]ay
Timo: . an(l broke tOI, ,,'m:l[I'F
81gb s., flr!<t; Dir,l. C>U\,I,:nr r"e' . nl nt 18:253_5, h!)ld by
R" Hoonnd: n"l,mf'l'a.nt, R., thll'u. Mkhiglln, !lIml th.:. ,.""(".,] ,-,I
Hellll'ht feet incheE. B.OZ h"l,l by C\>rncll. Mleh-
Two hunt1red yard :.., Igfln __ _
tim: Fol,..,m, R, Curnow, --o-
n .. thlra. Tlmp H ....
HRmmer th1'fl\\"-TayluL 8.,
Go,lflard, R., &;mil'" R., third.
Dlnanc<e 94 teel 6
l-ar<l -
S .. 11r5t: Hall, S" Iewa.rt, H"
third. Tim" 5&
Half mne "., lil'fII_, Hon_
on, R., Dlr", H .. thud. Time
Pole no, fIe,I;
lonchant, R., V,il>'VI, ;,;, thlnl.
8 feet (:
Broad n.,
Ilin1, R., second; S" third,
1. rf'el 6
'I'wo hundn'd lind tweT!,V yare] hurd- a.tde 1,0; to ('on ... Ufr lI('"rore the In_
I{, tint: C'_lrnow, n.
secon": Ke1lj\ :,:" tllin1,
second ...
Hhot put-l),,:on'hlllLt, R.
Tayt('r, f'" Hiley, i:l.,
Distance tiS teet Z
IILi I'll_
to- Fight

0"': hU1HI"ed ....1 tll1;;h-Fclsom,! ---
R., first; Curnow, _K, 5"",,,'<1; Kelly. NEW YORK -Ycun;or
S., third. Time 11 I roo'nohIlE'. the N'ey,'- EngJ,;,,;l ]I!,"h,:.
One hnrfl-, "'.:>is-hc, hus rnalchcd tQ m,-,et
1!'":'I---l-l" ,I, R, S .. sec_. Young r:orhdl "otr,re the IndlanallOIi!
onllj _IkoI(}IlCh"nt, H., UnO'lL Tim!'". AthlHlc Cll1b On :\IIIY 7th. Till' boy!!
20 . i ,n,' Ie> box len at catch
tu!]owlng bClxed
Chnrks H. l .. G. J:). I IIr;d ma,le n KfHI()
Hottman, R",,,,,],",, FllOwirl; Ihul decided to
.AI PaP'il. J. Den tlm- mat<Jh him ,,-Itll Y""Tlg
R, H_ W. A. 8:nllh, 0

TO Llf[ OF A fAN
JERSEY CITY, N. J .. April 28.--;;
Robert Nonon, 12 o:>lrl, .or 4_
Court Hou"" pla."",,, this City,
f,ut victim of the baaebull se"""n
her"" lie WII-9 one or huml]".e.:!
watchilll' a "ame between
Ideal an] Arcade clubB at ,,'W'l>ln,,-
10m and !lIvenue whIm
ho'! w:w the ey"" by OJ.
fllul bail.
OUT 8f THEfl8[
LO>'! A:-.ICELES, Apr\] U.-The
practical der.ructl.-", or ;;;:an Fraflclsco
wiptcl out 1111' Ilghtlns
I';fl-rne In that city for months at
leaM, and ir if r,c,t Ilk(dy lhut mltllY
ill t'nU]'(> cOllntry will be
"l'ry l'h" and quar_
... ls M lhe IlO:-ht promM"r.' " .... C
e"",'r man :iJ1d
Lig fire eertainlr did Olle goo(l thing
at In P\1t1i:-Ji; out
of c;u;t the
SIHl,I'JW of Ofl ail 'W"" 011(1 1\ wlll
!!,r"tlfy l'n',,-' of clean to
S'!e the"" ont (If I:, at kElgt ternpbr_
Some ct th.p.m are WrjtlnG" 7l'Y a I-!!:Hlp, " Private Address A_ L: BhtouJi!h. Reno. Nevada. Ii
wo",II'ring whet he .. w(>ul<;t _ _ _____ . _ _ ____ _
. I II! -
by !'nee track'!. of the coun_
I . Fetters & Durrett
rry last J; mElI<" Cor- RENO'8 POPULAR FtE80RT I
1'Iga"_Dunne family ff'ftI !'or" to thm](, I Funeral Directors
Ihey don't own all tho tracks. I ,. and. t mbalmers
Mike Schrenk was l"lb1Jl"d or " ,'lu-
lory over G-e(}rge Gardner by the re!-
..rile. There llu uoub: ... it, r"r
has saId so. Complew lJt<lck ot ca$teu and
11 _III" bMn that lhe Am-I
ateur I:"i"" ,1mI' oJJntrel of
bu:dn,l\', The A .. \, D, seems I" [--me
bee" working unc'(>r a that
boxers wouid fight tl)r

At last ".1' n """,' ""I' In
l,all_ It know:') til" !frape juice
pnp, We have "" jro[",.pr",ter ready,
hut grape and pep a r" tWf>
din:",rent jlu;<l" i, :nean a t,,'n_

TI) say tbat l'>Ai:lg look ltke
",i"'-'I' le!l.J:u.!r! nnt only tru;hl011-
able ",jth the 1",",,1>1111 but
the h.elll'ht of ridicule. }I!,j it
p"ev<'",,1 team from looking
huun; later-It !t wIns.
It WI1Il grellt t<J
{he tlKht ot Halt
w!ln_ t.he e\lunty 8herl1't ir
the rltlg and mm,_,Ul"''''] nUll h'" would
nnt the Young Corbell-Dick Hy-
l:1nel ""1,, )"" ",,,,,j on night
:\LI).DTSOK, WI9_, April 28.-The
All_WeMer" r.'."""
1.>y Emmett Dallgel]' Il\"e9laenl or the
Iul<,roolleglate Basketball up .
"'[CK"fl!;', rorwar.l, , n 9
McRae, MI:')np.R(}ta, 5
:o!chomrner. Chical"o, cenler. 11
Brown, Mlflnesota, guan'!., , U
Du!h. Huard .... 11 6
Roger;>. sub. fm',
,,'ar,1 . .. ., .28
!,"uard 5
Genuin. Budweiser
Beer on Dr.ught. .
L.telt MII,ill EVlry Eveninll by
the- Fj,nNt Orcb."r. in Nevad
Fishing Season
When you
see that the

COI"pets taken up cle.1.neel ",.(1 luld the salne day.
0":)1 ....T_ovutlnr,- .n :Ke\aG3.. Mat-
tress mak!ng, :ll1d poliJ'hlllg wCIl.lh_
oa.k n. speniulty.
I:.:::::::::::.::.:.:.::.: .... ::: ... :::.:.:.::.:.:,::::::::::.::.::.:.:.:.::.:.::::::::::::::::;
.A full I1r 1>elow on'>i:, "kws Cl>Untlll'
Harry Davis. Prop.
elc" owing to ot Ihp.M
Yil'gini(\. St. and C'lmmerdal Row.
1"<lbu. Embalming for
i a P:t.riora In New
, Mmllling bulldiol", 27 Plua st.
t PhOlle Ifllta- eav.
, .......... .

t--"., I ,t 11 ..... ...
i! Spring !
a ne,; II])e or
.. Golf Shlrtll that cannot be
l'!1,rIJlIr U'III"rwell-l' and
! f
I ,I lIV _
T1H' accident 0=urre.1.1n the last
halt ot I1w nInth Inning, when a
Jllay.,r num{'<l Joh.n Th(lml'B(l1I WM at
11'\o'! bal with tW(' (I11ls. moen
wer .. on and In the ;)xclteml'nt
.. r til<" moment }'oung N",'lon Wnll
81an(llng in or<ln tD sef!Urt"l a. better
vlew. He was an,] died
",;!thout l"Pgnilling-
At PhilaJelphlll.-Ho9Inn,
rlTlSIMMONS O'8HI[N ' .. go. .... "
r - A<
1; Phlla-
F;L Louis,
Beer Hall ....
l-Ieadqsart"n tor III utD-
en! &IIJ :.linin .. Promotenl.
No SUo!:tao Club-Qal:r
SLr&lght G<rodH.
'rilE It:\CES ILmD '"ow
:->:&w TonK. Al,ril 28.-"1 may be
era,,}'. hut! aint no toe-!,"
Terry 011" IlIilY IfWt year
vll(:l\ 1M to bp. a ,'I<::tlm
of T:",. "-a&- Terry ....W'
liotlll1(f marken, kno1 U.TIlWIT\A" hard
boiled eg.s and lemon pIN at the
just ft:lr fUll. Terry la nt the
track \'v" ry Ibs now, and
playing in luok. He
pl:>Yo'!d South"rn Crou ,,-crol$ tht
'boards in ('.arter hunelkap, lind
Ilot down on Canandra at 30 to- 1,
which III fin" bm;Ir.M;S fur nnyOlle ev'!n
e'"I1""JI"d ha\'ln!;' a nut or two
.. _. __ -"'-" ____

Wasbll1l'ton, 1.-
DOUT IS CAllED Off, AO ", D,',,",
,J'RolJrke has callcd on: the Dob Fiu. ..
O'Brlf,l).- bout that he
hat! lr.ten(l(>ti to I'lll on Nay If
men c,""ld hlWU met (h"y would
proh\Lbly b,,\'e d,......wn cne of tho 1&1'._
est crowel" Ihat eYer witne.-.l a tI,.ht
II" the EDt.
__ _
Sick trom a de_
Ilf the "-ltd til
CURd by Chamberlain's StomaCh and
LIVer Tablets, 1;10111 br all drllflj,l5t.e.
At PUhburg_t'ltl&bllrg, 10; 8,:,
lalu", O. . .
At SOlton-BnillO;UI. I).
At Ncw York. 1: PhUa-
delphi&, 2.-:::::::-::0::::::::
, n
BUFFALO, Y.. April ZS,-Frank
Goteb. the wre611er, won
lnl-rnaUQnal t .. urna
m\lnt, "'--hlch h .. In ')rom'eB3 all
wlnwr in Canada, the finll13 bdn!!,
(lom.eate,a, !wre,
.,"ilo C. McMillan

Ca:llwln.1Dn and. BJlell,t f'o1l'den,
ToIiK 80&"1, fIt.o.
....................... ,
'", "

Get. )Jew Orell.lor
" ....
I OUr Dn, Iwck at ..-
t f1ttlnge II. IWW' here. DPoJ.
,Jack \7el'8 hb new on the Bpafllll I &11<1 tt.
Roo.d, n!!\ar the car pllwer house, E .. ery cOD.vel)lenfe af ..
ru'at_dJ.:!3 re3ort. Music !Lnd refreshme nt" Phone U63. LENT .. IlAJiSEN
to- _ _., I ..; ... __ ". __ "'" __ .-_ _
"! ",'" 1f (!l", I ,.HI, ','j":' /cpr.lI
. ,.,,,,- ,r 0, I. "<JpJ'. ,,, Wi "",Pol,,' r .. :
,,", 'Hr,,,,, l .. ,./C. I
, .",', '
" ,,' ,
" ',' " ,"
, "
,' "
" ,
i.<1"c"JjJi: llIer"'1!! to ".t.

.): f. 1,_ jJu)\!.)r'L , iCil
Judge Moran Reverses Justice Teams From All Over the Stale Judge Pollock 01 Sparks Im-
Notation on Cornerstone of Honeholder Much Distressed I Husband Replies to Complaint Case Where Contents Are'
Courthous,e and Y. M'., C. A .. ' !,l3ecause Boys Were Skat- I Alleging That He Has Scandalous Left Open to to Meet in Tournament poses Long Term on Greek
Court Decision in Ban-
croft Case
at Reno George Bui!ding Puzzling hn the Walk Been Stung Belore Morbid Gaze
Petition of Mrs. Warren in the Afternoon and EV3ning Ses-
Overton Case Is Granted sions Will Be Held and
Public Invited
by the Court

tht' fl [ rOllrt ill
Frank Malay Disarms Man
Who Pulls Long Knile
on the Officers
.Tn,l;,;-'.' nr Spnrlq; n.,1tled to
lliq rqluu,Um, ,11\ " rf>r. to wOr't't"l;
In Future 'Age Will
Be a Mystery 10 the Races
to Come

JlHlgr' ll .. paLtnlC'!lt
.. {l {lown lIn, an{l or
In Imj)ortf1'r.t C<1H' ',],;('h haVe!
bu'n ber"r .. him [rH' limt:'. Or:e
th,1\ r:>1' tlw )1C'tl:mn of Anna
]\1. \\'fl1'l'tm (Hr 1,'IIPI'>' nf admlnistL'a-
X('xl S'H111,ln." f\':tf'l'npon nnc1 ('ven-
ing tI,,'rP' 11111 Ill' ,I li'!.. t(l of
bull a: tile (IntVl.'rslt} wtth bUf<la'lball
fnr luncoll ."lncl ,ll:lnf'r, wh .. n lhe hi:;l"l
" anrl 1I1l,,'<'r.,lty leUIl"; {"Oll, 'Ill
nv('" Ih" "ill \lla) R t'lUI'l1ament
to .. tlw eh>l"'J.""llShlp.
1)1' Imp')BC'd n sentenl-c n r "r lhe ITlilk; nr llumnn' llno
GOr)n>,'C'. for wife befliing
Jet ill Hr'III' Ih" of t",,,
eCllficcs I)oth have meflt;-
in .... Qf their own, H be in
tlon \lllh the 11'111 in thc'''-- \1111 b", UI1(lel' the
tat" nf J. ll. On" ton, which was r1:ndiol) oj' Mis" \--llll'l'i('; Whit",. thD
g .. "ntN1, an,l the' "U",er In,,, the .911it
(If "\\ . n. BlLn.. roJ't against G, s. I'he-
E'kn. 1"1'01,.].. " and tl,,' unlvpr-
sicy high un,;l nr,olhf'r
C,,"")>;e io; l.'llltll' [\ C,'('el" ,.n ,\1'- years t e> ('orne when nO'. a Hone "hall
fir AI'nb".LIl. Inl!. at J'fem(lin uOiln :1, anCl the \1l.l.ll
fl11y lIt> u inc1i-:' C(,!1'er\'! (!'om Zenlt:IHl Unel'
Ing (in t.IH' Of St. :<),"U
C. up)'''/LI"d rrnm
gil'l.< and
1.1l<' ""II('girtl" n",l' hair l,nll lil,0\\'i!le r,aLr ur
will lie tonlr, shiny, blnel, le(ithcr bQfJb, He
pi"" l'd t" ,lptermluf' thilt r'.val1'r.
ul) tUI' II a
Af:m' nn ,l'tenl""''' <..>t IJI"y tile
thp L' ourt nn ,\ tur
l:II(' BHrl ..'rQn, Thi"
l'Ld.,,[ Ln Ill,,,r r:>r th(> phllllllfl.
ill!'. the .lu"tin' ,'OUl'!.
Tht' ()ne '.If .. ,)n-
Iml"'i't,'H'". i","olvlng H
... ebi.1.t ... th<:' "LII J'_}T, ('km-
\I mali;' ancl H re'linu-
an I".,\tf.:'''' arlel' ,le\'icc<; and
finn'" frl1m the ganw<: will be plo;C!(]
nft III the "lid a dn"ee will
CO'at (oyer the pond tl) ;1" .i\LllPl"lP 1
with nn h11mmei, 11 .. w'll
rln!l the:;", and
predicate thoerupon not onry n
Ull the mAn linn of' [Ill' nWn 'time, but
adnr an.-r 10 ).oe Hiq laH ext . n,) thl' to the
,ld of bp,uir.g \,Ire ('rUI!II,.. ,A 'tnci('lLl H(lw". "
folinw at rll<' iil' Yrll.
"["1)" 1" ()glm fm
COI,.;I"I>J" Frank :i\L,IF .. ,
Gl',"d; ');1 F!"i\luy 01],,1' HUIT""'J,,
cscaped willl hlS Intel'i(ll' fut'
t b 1 ( (
'" ,\rcprn<l(]n Splrl-:.I': it s:'.hl, Ilullell fl. 'Iong, sllfirp'
L,oju('sls W,'1'O ,) (> nUl( f,' 01.1 0 .
!'ntire T)l(' wflS 1'Ittt,\tc CU1on nigh: "UlIH' dee:' ).;njf,' from 1:'loot all(l
In X",aflJ. CalJl'nl'nm ,111(1 llni.('nity high; thinl It point nut nt t he n1'lr) '.,f llw Inw
an,l 'm,1 gamt'o \'Ktor<; In g,Llfle 'lg(Lin"t or ,,;;ther an(lthel portlon r1f
For It h..l$ c1me :0 thlit the
of notation "u the corner-
s:one of the u:ln lIwt nr
Ihe")". ::'11. C. .-I.. blllluing (led!
"Et-tecl, ure '(\1la wne_
fully divergent, It.6 lil;:e
in all
Fo:lnwir.g th(' ac:tntini"tratlon here II
,\;,!; tlw: e"rmln of the
I" t:11<, hud he;'n ,1fsC:QvC'l'ocl wh;cil
R"ol) hiJ!"h. The \\ i:1 be plnyed ' LlLut:),f:iI'. howe"O',',
In the gll<n or th ... ih'" 111nn. "ho llttel'1nlr(h pre"ented
hi$h, nnd In tnld;!lt>n ther'''' t.hc wenr0'- tu him Ilill ulltWl'In1" for
he gf1lll,. be t ween the
, -----------
[l,utielpat,. in Ihe an(l uppercll\><l! ur tiLl' ,lHlve""it)" i -,-- ,
Thc LIllI'\" \I'('r .. In Ihe AdmissL"n" III llD t r>'le in t:-te flfter. PR [TTY C H 0 R UI!
.;; I l iJ
.\1,." Anna, ill. '\-,nrrn. ()n li('ltal! of til,' or "ev[l.dn [r"Jr 1911
the th':n fLI'[IUf'<i tor l<?ttEl'S "r "\Vhlte Cll
to ullm,nls["l' nC'w- :'fIis" -"Yhll() Inill;'Ling l,fe into tlH'i
lL-H'tS. Tht- 1.lul mfl.{h, plans ror ,
and in thr<lc 'Sames with Camorn.ln I Dollar Princess Company Will
H'f"Hntp c:)veritlg nlany A ,lntc tnr a gflm.c With I ' .
in""II-ing. Chlco, February 25, ln Renv, U,lId I ExhIbIt Some Gorgeous
r,om tlee l'()a,l,t th<l' mnlt"r \I'D" .. games WL:h tnf' 0 . R
S"flt ..'d )jU",,' ,f"dge ).oL())'an. '\:.nl1ienllty "'! CEttLlo.n.ln anu Ill" ]JnL- resses In enD
Rr Ihe- f>r,]er i.\f"L'B. '\",Il"r<,-n will be 01' the Pao!llc on February ---r'"
"11(H_1t" ndmimdrator 1.Ill0n qll(lltr.llng lind 11. Rpturn Kaln"" will be pla)ell
and givIng b')[1d in the "um of $U.ClQO, in {'nHf()rnla In
'['he ,,'fl."" 01' Bancrl)ft Phe-
n,x and HhwlC')' in i l, ... I ll\\ol""s ur,ly
" lllnltcr c[ [or >1'<1.;;'''''' C'o'<ts
lln.l but III to

I'(;:utlon "';
It 1.-, E:liu I'llat
1':>".ge<1 Bnn"l'nrt
which a., mun}' a3
In \I''
Hancrott "'tooll t ..
Ill" dc("nrl:lllts IO'n-
nlnong nCl1O'rl'l for
work .'111(1 ser\'l"e. lhem ..
a but that
.nft<'r ,,("Tlop,-neILt .HJr[. "fie< on
'nilLing V'O!1<'l't,l onel flLil<:'d 10 be I1ll<:'-
tile de"l.ll'c.d
the men ,YfOre wol'l()n" f!_H' H l'rH'll0rCl-
HDn. the "V!lite Pin!' ::.:ollnlaln
Residence 'at Sparks Entered
and Personal Effeots
Are Taken
aft .. ,'IlQQ!l some time (ho
c'ompany and that tu UI"
Ihe well. tool, for thell' pay ]"""idence ur Eng'jllcel' .I, '\\'. H()yel' at
In tlln ('flur! th" jull g l1l('nt: SPUI l;;:", ww; elll.fl",d who
fn.\f>"L'ing th<l' (lcfendHl'. t 3, the pl'embes and t(lok HW>l)'
but on appeal J'.lllgnll'lll j'el'erlled a bro" n-eheeked (If
and "."rll't in favor or th" ori:;i"'" e,fecu; r.ll o"er
"rh,'. R .. ", Ii'ath,,,, '1', ],f, TLlbmnn of
O: t . Thoma,;' \!JlUrd, W(,"
tenlay made lh" e:<eCltt()r of t\lC
tale of
J,'p'miah K .. nuN!;, l..,t<,lv
a hNll'ln!:: hpi'ore Ju(lgc
ir' til" pro-
J, n O'Sullll'nn. TIil'hnnl K11".
marl lind ,lam<'.!> O':K'@ill appoint-
ed upprUISel'S or the
tho hl'us('.
The house em'l.\' in U.e
[l.ftprnnen. ""II1 .. llll\', anil tIle Imrglal'll
were in nQ hunT rQr, falling to
fIn" mon<::y :hning' .1 "(larch pIllow
."lnn th{'y, out
<l. cul,l in the kItchen un ..1 ',ll,,-
posed of it.

HARRI :-'-,

a SlIblllb oi"
Hdrbin, and
Born,un aml n3J1hno
j u The D .. ll;ll' ]'1'Ill<:L""
Onl" oi the T)l'etUegt choJ'u.,es I.h:H
h,.,,; !'\'('l' bf'(,,, in '\111 I.>e
,n "The Dc,IlLll'
whi('jl pl.1YS. the thcah',',
Monday, J},r.u,uy
On the 00 Ulf' eOn,.t
the cu,o;toM.' the en-
- ...,., -
has (lI'el_,ly '.he
hob. MbCCCCX, which i:. as phdn
u p,ke"ti,H 1910. M for l(j.H;
D-st!u:d:s few 50<0;' tuur <century C'o
make It 1900 and X aCId 10. Q,:E:. D,
But on th" curllel' u( tile Y.
DL C, A. bu,luing the gr-nvel', bein!;
rd: nllolhc-]" ()llcirnt Hmn"ll
It MCMXI, mGllnlng th"nlliY.
1 l<1 L j", lil<ewi,;11 plain &s tbe
"r C'Yfl\nO (k M
1000<; C 1 0'0 trCOrrl
1000 01" anti J.1.
Tn", vltl) is,lhM the
Ij' I:nlnilr.n13til., mal""
...hlJe the Ch1'isti',LIlS mak., it
To tb(l of Ihi'l
dl..-",rg"nee amazing' in ths, <liH!cu)-
Inl"I.,.",1. -Fur III,<lll"<:1", or y
1Il. C. A stollecuttel' lna(le. 'J911' [lC-
cvt'd:ng' t(> ll",t' 'lQUllly" h<'
,,,l !TIllkt' MDCCCIix.r. ulI!ng up
tlLJec mOl'C ... ..J_hlllf an
110u!' In')l',, tLme. It'
chang" ,,"<2re LIW <;tonocut-
tl'r;s' uniQn the eQ,llntl"Y the
oxlIa en.,t nr ,1)11l1illngf'i_ \1lIu,!1 he an
amount t hat 111",1;:e .J. p,
anfl JfOhn n. lqol;: 11k,> tL
I pILl' of dnh',,::,;, on i]. 'fl1e-,lnnr_ Pu:l ..

_WlIrlilCl" IQL. tlHI,,Jl1flILo" ;'1;
[Inu It
fif)es t u ell!; .:LL(J1L\\l1l 10 m ... st I'?"
c<;,nt perl: that .1l1,'; the Ir:nd,
.... "e hel'<::Wlth heart;' tlHlnks
to WI,,> h':lpeLl 10 til<"
contlO'st. \' h!ch wa$ held hy
th", Yello\\' 'l'rnillnrr 8Mmp nomll:tr,y,
ir. our flt""r "'-e }{]u heartIly
ana In retuf:1 to all tlf our
;<;lncl'tl'ef.t W(,II
!llnS, R. NELSO!\,', Sect,',
11.1\XnI'J'.'; n.\ll)
'1'('x,. Jut!,
1'n,dE-d the ,alich of EduRnl(1 Llns$!
fOllr" fl'u:m CllilHWflUIl
efw. JnMcxko, burned. all ilf.l.Y
and "d . mu<!h (Hhei:
I'G\lowlng their'capture 0: ,OUnlf LIn..,,,
,}nrl Ihe r .. ,;1" hb frl:her to) l'rly
l'ausom fOl' the 1'10-
Elder and Dc-I'!- "\V1t11 tha llnU.1Ual statement, Incor
incenzi brOUght' in the dlmlnUllye! pOlated In thc anSlyer and
burQ):,r Of tile lH,ulI .. (j'l tlln I filed In to hl'l eQrn_
3()ulh uml t11", pollcl' heflc1quarl- i pllllnt :hat the suit WlIS filed ])wl'el,,!,
('rs tingang with e!>[cllt-'ment, the ftlr th", Plll"))OSe of f>xtnning
\ellO'phone "Jell PHng nnrl tlll eXl'ltctl fron1 him, al' has b"t'll done, Jl<.l a1.
H1!,'e c:allecl legc!!, twie" b"fol'f' th" in or
D(1,' SEon;;eillll 'J'olfey unable 10 HI'nrr C. 11. mining' man,
rOr\"UTJy uf flU_
!'<1 T)Hi'{'liYt' JOh'l D_ Hili-I to litigation,
bon"", "ut ,;,al' tCl the ::In{l Mr'l. rlttllie Zuon SCHne time "'go
to a "ill! fel' the p,)lic" fllet) her complaint. In thf! dlstl'ict
111 bl' of North I eomt ('hnl'gil1g her hU>Jbnnu wllh
nnd Foutll "ll'cPt, lllUn)' v<lrJetks elf cruelty in addltlon
hun, up the ant] I to mnldng charge'l anu "om-
In. for Ole seen". "f of (les""tton tll1d non-support.
noubloe, hi" tl'usly gUl1l'rhe)' wer .. marrl .. (1 in ;';;1,l)
<IE the w:'Y. In OetcbElr .. 191)9. anrI fl'om the
, a trip n.n,-l grltiOf.f; of both. liJ'e was 31)_
t,on, [he oNeeln(. \\'llh devoltl or telklty.
'uf Oll hi", Thp 11ntUl'e flr th(' pillint.lrfg ..
are c1n.(.')o."d 1:1)., tllOl f>f the
n [ll'vPl{fH',l were hu",\mn,] 011111 aPrea,' grave <'"ough,
with roller on the but J)1 the- f,'roi>S-\.lill the defendlll1t
in i'r,JIlL ,;f I.l {,Ertaln .. 11Usball(1 goel'. Cllc better and give" 11:S
rind thp hOu'!;eholrler. (]hjO'rting to ltlp I wit", a very po;)r )'ccOrnu:lnu.atlun for
hUll ,,(>nt In n. hUrl,),' eat! [utur .... matrimcni:l1 ventt1re.!,
for the> pollc". dHUlJ"" that hi" "'n,, :hns iJC1'1l
Xo .Lr1'e1\I". "unralth!ul anu. ucl'lt!ul
.. thei1 '1l'nt'j'ina-e," and thnt she fre-
A1UWl1g'h the
o( E,
Marie Seeki]}!; nre
1.1 the
to Wan-Hilt tho usual veil of seelC"y,
tile )):lllO'''' ill til". (!';l.P(: W .. le !'Jr
lel\.son llns(',lled when the
was tl.l{'d.
The Ilttrii"" WeJ'e "HI n\(>(1 in H.orh
.. X. Y., in 1 nnll the pl.linUIT
ntl .. gl',", Ilmt hi" ",Ir .. 111m
to ull Illann<::l' or nUf,';gln.r,
aIHl"ln:.;- nn<1 wrongful I" 111m
of. "j'llB
hnw('vel', to show thut
the wife U persistent cu:hoente of

]"JlU;'.' 1\.SGl:ST
EERLL"l', ,Tnn. !!3.-Th ..
Schuc.):arc Illrigible bnllo()ll. Ole brg-
c"t non-dr.-if! t) pre C.ilHhil1 ",ve,' c,m-
struCled mncle its I'il'$t t",lny
>lml mnneu\','\'<?d tor 30
d,I!'lng whiCh 11 a.
of m,'l'e lhat! 27 mile" all hour.
Tila ,;I!'sl'ip boilt under \he
O f the mililurj <\,"'''11
an.1 wtll be tor In the
nl'ln_V- Ir Its trials prnve
, EERLJr-f Jan. 23,-At tllE- secf>nd
qu"'ntly received ,,,hich he be-
li('v'rl en.lenring llles::gcF :from
mule frtelHb, wh'<"h shc "'"'<i,,.,nt'> I
.'efuf'ed to allow 11LI11 to see-, a'1lt
j , 37S (I'('t Inl1g, heW four
<?Heh or 12 ,,_IHll;:;"'])UWr,' "11<1
There ore tlwee
with Cl lnlu\ ... rOll'
trJal toc1.1.1" of men M takIng
fn Uw rlol'J In M{\abitl'
<.]ullrter. thi'! :pr(>Sldlnq judgo took oe-
to flay th,,'; W{,H;
in 1l')liC' 1! offiCErS who
Ceed<l'rl thi!ir nuthl1l'ic: .
contl'un' to the feminille
burned r,ft",, -re",(liI1g. advent In Duslness
flid. gl"t on .. J.. tler that Zallll Il, sI,lng Of 20 pcr cent to
whIch rptel'ren to the S cnnsumer. All In' a
Zaun inQUir(>u wlw the TOXOPAH rtfi her "white-haired man," but rea:.lol1ubJ" prIces
Dtll"itl,;:' the f< l'IllufI.!l of "white-haired' I1n", might be f;he f.::0MPANY. Phone
m(1Ulltcc1 rade tlown anel "flhred him it wall non," or .Jtis 2JH7 tC
a LHl.I'ty oj' newl'lr'urer '11 <luallf>'illg adjtct!\'e to mal,e ..
H.fel'l'lng 10 111" Of .an Innocent sll'on)1', '''11)' ts an All101nohitc 541 ?
2168 f24 pc'ieEtrlnl: whom tile poll"" h.nd Zalln iurthl'l' declare,s that oncl!
fore his wife ,;"It "gainFt him 1__________________ _
the "OU!t d<,l'l"p;d that uny
one who !)h.ol down q. gull!y tJolice.
n;9-n "Ithm hi" nntl c()ul<1
not D@ 'I'hl;' judge who pre
al tt_e first Irlal "Iso c(JllBured
of the Iit", iiTil! vr.he
9utor at tile llrOC'lecllng and
\1e<::lnre(l the gU[ll",jJa.n'l of thp. peaN'
comm'tted In
J,l}.g-. __

1'0 _GUilE t\ COy,n IN' Ol\""E
Tal;:a BROMO
It ,(ntis
DruggtHs rcrun{i money It
to ... "rf'. E, ,v, GROVE'S
--. ----
find. he guve up 5500 in or ,,1,-
mOll>' 'tInu ns n propert) ,,,,till. ''''''til
in P.<hT,IlC(l. 'l"hcn hh wln.. d)ange<l
l1er l1lllHl iilld tl1e
lo hlS Agllin the prom;s
fie >11,<1 lle- gave
olh"r MJO Iron
thi1t suit for a
He naw .
and not instituted in gOQd J'aiL1.

l'OH ;\1F.RI'i..\.GES I
T:nailc>\l r"r r,l 1111'
U"ion 1.;lc'Kr( .!rrice JLLnu,,,'Y
:13. J. C'a])lt,)ni.
.. _""

... m ................................. .


Big Interest
has been taken by us to secure the best line of gas heaters thai can
be had and
ASma11 Investment





Physician Soid Appendicitis
Gall Stones Expelled by lIIe Great
Kidney Preparation
Ihe :Of'O! flf Man-
chul'lt, t() h" lUi th<:! :tirt
't'110 DL'e io
honse of the nullt,_nu!lluJmi,'c h'c[H1
slep tOll'lLrd e:>:l{'rrolrmtinK or tile- Anlf>l'!cnn coal Irust an:! at the
l.lle plague that has gnm n mer" e",hiIJI:iLJlL ill
both or which al',-, cfhct:ve 1HIC11-
rleeldll(] on a par- grDun:!s fOf the gorge(]u 01
tieip!ite,l in. hy lhf.:' 'l'cobd. Ih .. ll\efld tile !1nrll'l'hol\' gIrls. Th" gown.\;
,,1' thll loca! Chlm'se government, and alone in the piece 'HC sai(] t() cusl
in an up-to-date gas heater your comfort oan be greally improved

I thO\lght I would dO' you fa,"Ot' Imd
ld. ),011 J,:.a<..>w what Dr. Kitmer'sSwmnp-
HOQt lms done so far for me_
Ahout one yt:>L.'I" ago I was taken sick
yUh a tern hie llain iUlIIY right side_
prollQunced it
About two weeks ago] :recchu\
your Ai11lanac untl tend ill it ohout weak
lmd Illy txlck hurting Die so
much, 1 th"mght 1 woul,\ tr):" your$walllp-
Root all<llolu)" grt:at after
using Olte bottle, I expelled three san
stones, 'w11;ch 135 ..t
think of it. My are not well
yet, and so I lm'e cO.'.lcludetl to COlltllllle
'with, .Mr. the
druggist, thOllght that it never WIl.i'J al'"
peudicilis aud tllllt the doctor ba,111tule
a mistake .. It llO douht, gall stOllf.'S
that caused tllC trouble, or thcy \\'0111,1
IlOt bnve away so soon after CODl-
'With SWUllLp-Root.
1 ..hall a.lways praise Dr. Kilmer'!I
Swump-Root to all th;)5e wbo suffer Irvlll
kidney, Ih'er aud bladder trouhles awl
.IU ...-ery thun\r:fu\ 1 en,r discovered
&\1':11 a wl)rllly I"cmcLly_ I Icel cOllfidcnt
that it will cure tna If:tlunly of all ki(\.
1,502 St, and 5th ;\ve.
Nebraska Cily, Neh.
Per.lOnally (rpperue(l before lue tbi,
?,lst (lay of .I'\ugust, 1<)09, l'I-Irs_ Mary J,
s..:lmittfl'er, who f,[lh.;"r'he,l t1,,(' nllO"c
stalement Rill] :tlladc oalh tl1at the 5aU1e
ill true in suhstance amI in fnel.
A. P. "\:'OVNG, Counly Clerk.
LouUl STuTT, Deputy. .
fTtn'e Wbat Swamp-Root wm no For Yo.
Dr.,KilmcJ:' &. Co., Dingllatn-
ton, l!l:"V . foJ:' a &ample bottle. It will
COl:Lvinee-anJone. YOl1 will I"eceive-
hookletofvaluableinImmll.tion. tellbg
,.nabouttheldd':lcpfm<J bladder,
Ull[l ChineBe
'['ho movement ls due to thel
SlIlC IJrOll:;h! to b(>,)l' by tile
!>(WNlIrnent, which rea\!ze" the
o t 1\itll"tion.
A RtlSs!lnl Dhys.lclrln, who
cow plf"led LIn in'Jpccti"n at Fud"hld-
ian, dlscover"'d tl1r I! B p1agu", !ou,'C'os
in lin nelghhO)rhood of
persons reside. ar" pllr;ll
high in 1h2 strects "n<1 in the yards
hume",. w(>ek; theft>
were If,DO Pmlzlaillan.
The pn,.u1nI_1[)\e. t) pe nf the pl!lgue

I1.'Uh.(,:X8CI(:\J]UT JJOSES
URIDEGEPORT, Cann" .ran. 23.-
lILlckellschlllhlt, the wr .. "li ...r,
to tJ:.TOW three men III hour
n(>re tOTllght, .. arh b(]UI to be or twenty
du:rntJon, 1-ljalmar Lundin,
the SWIO'dlsh th", nllDt_
te(\ time.
*:15,1)0(1 n.nll lI. l:O- tj1.l1te Ille ex-
tl'aW\,ll;Ilntly ))llO'CC F,ul;-
m<\ll hilS ('yer ",nt [lut.
me!odloll!! .score, ap .. clul
Owing 10 the
h(ls bo!"<.!n
l.n:{ell by Mr. Frohman LIl seCurF!-
v\,lth good yoice(l (II) R<:110 r.ef.:'cl m.l
e"'I,pct I1lnrely a b.e<111ty chnrUH who
:<IeI've in m<Jl}t t
rlll<?I'!<_ l'he Heul ol't'n); on
'-----... _---
('1111flClI E:UU}.:ZZI.JEH.
Sher1ft o( EJlsworth.
... lerL h,.re ins: wllh M. E,
ehUl'cll, wl;o I! Wante<l for ttll!
HolYl'ood Il'ank.
811e1"1[f flllly
Church urresled at 'l'art two
weeks ago by Sherirr T. A, Bnker on
;nforllmti<.m by Sherin Brad-
"haw, Chunh requirf"u no
1-le Ihrew thB Greek, In (iun Impel":ll: una slgnlflell his willlng-
4 minutes Llnll seconds. neM to return t(] ,KunS'a".
Hjalmar Lundin stu>..,d Ill" twenty I Sheriff llrudsh'lIv saW that an U<)-
mlllu.te:;: Hll()ttcd 11im. and l;:l!pt the (:onl}JlIee of Chureh beilevBd to
Russmn on the ucfenslve mueh of the be In Mexico. The; hllter ls lI;.lill t<)
Uml;', .Auvun- lu",t the thitll b,)l1t jn I huve gotten ::lwa" With nbnllt $65.000.
fi 5 (} econds.
l"O{:n J'.('llXF:n 'l'lt
"\\J.:\S :;,o,J.-\'I'Cn
MASON CITY, fa, Jrm, 8.-J". C.
SYRACFSE. "1'\. Y., Jan. 23,-Abe awl tl:l',"C <::hllllren were f,'l'C-
Altc:l, f<:'.alhe1'weight ch!Lmpion or tho
worlf1. outpoint"d Dill)' Allen, feather-
wel6':ht of C<1.IHH1a. In a ten ..
roulld bout here lonli;"ht.
m,lted nlld .1'011'8. J-enson I!g"nped wJth
thrse otl'_el' (Ill b.nUy burn"
ell, n fire ";111,,11 starteu trom
pcmrillg r;'l!ollne kindUll&, con-
lIumed tbelr nome,
By One BO.llOfCutlcura Oiniment and I'
One Cake ,of Cuticura Soap.
Ke.d Perfectly Clear.

"] am pleased to lnfoml you that I
have oocn cured by Soap and
OintlllF!-nt. Since I woo a hoy I havo
Guff()l1Xl with dandruff. not only from
tlie Itching but trom its d:..u.grcetlbla
appearanee in n. s<)a,liVrorm nll aver my
hOOd, 1 had to brru.:b it otT my clothes
.. II day 10TlJ;t. I used C'I''1!I"V klnd'of prep-
urutioD,IiI.!PJlOS'.>d to ell";; dandr1J1f l
aIld but it ,_mea. to
me tbat, im,telld of Improving with
these, the dandrutl' inerel.llOd,
my hair began to full out and tho
re/lliit wUill months ago
dev",loped on my .."alp.
"lliul!:ered so from this that aa .. Jast
ref!ouroe j thought I wO'uld try CuticufF,
Soap and Ointment., They had
the mod grntifylng re!!ulu' for I had
lJ.SOO only vne bolt or CuticUrB Oinknellt
and a singlectU!.a (I[ Cuticura Soap ..,hen
I wru. cured, the em.ema and dandrnl'l'
, ".ere KOone and my head perfectly clear.
"j CIUl assure eo. JODI!: 8!1 I
live 110 ottwr soap 'Cll.ticura wUl be
UH<Jd by me lind aU th060 lleor to me.
I will .ahm ruM thll-t I ",,11 Always we
Cllticul'8. Ointment It,. 'dretl3iDg (or the
l!(llr. 1 tool that you sbould kno .... of my
CUre II-nd if you d"!'Siro you may tl8.e thll
u n. true ter;timonial -which come. [rom
iii Bulferer or thirty ,..ean' (!;anding. 1
ui!l be happy to' k!lIany 11M ot my e.r-
pedenoo in ordet' tn 1WL1!rt tbOMwbo-may
be trom the !lame J,
.Acevedo, General Membant,
!ill PetU'l St., New York, Apr-. 21, HIlO."




Comfort for
Reno Power, Light
en Vi a.ter Co.
130W Second St.
Phone 588
Co!t\tlD'll. RuudlH ."""" inNC _I ...
\rullno!'" !Dr .1I'""UO", IOl. ..,1.... A
e 01 Cutloura Sot.:P (21106.) i'iid"': biootCatlo...
tJPlI"'.1lt '<5110,) .... "rtIII!. Sold Ibrol1dt-
GIll Lb. uorld. FatUI:' Dna: .., Cboom, Corp.. So"
l"rGIMI. 13& CtJIu ... _ A... _, _U, _MIl,
"'- Uo<l r...e. IlOOI<, .n ..
... t;are'"111 Bttar,
] ...... _ 2 .... & ..
................ 2 ..







U-NevaM, Journal-SPORTS
Concha Hamed North 'AAA' Hoopster of Year
carlOl!i tiny Spuks
s.- hool "ue-rd,
W1!J; siect l!d "Pl!1. )!t"t ()f the
Year" on l x.G N"vada Stale
Joumal "AAA"
Confer er.ce
n", 5":> , senJor, who
l('d his nmtcs I't;l the ::.;:me
pbnship and \1<1UleI'-llp ipat i n
1t.e st4t1e toul"l'lo.tnem, r_l'f'w
It'XIX' vot"", thM I n)! ph y-
er In the leagcle m ....eeldy bal
)-)1$ and y@8..r-.'!nd,
1n:o th", .TOItrnJ ).
C:o;; P\y in
lJ.<llbjng wel-'e
<It'd Woost"'r' ! Torn
T .')Qrtlpo;ll";, iwCo othC:
Wlu :I; 5-]0, l'fO.pound
TIJOIlI PIOC. 6-2, 190, fIIll)'tI
The t .....,o ben t. on. the
t :01lOl' Iq:ll.d ' 5 fint 1n!t W('fIt '"
W:x)Ster ' s John Bdn.'
Rel1O', L!oyl! Court::: ii ht. S:Id
r: cy, a stands 6-2 Md
\', r. i,o;hs 185: Courtright 1.1 a Sol,
1?2-!lOOlu:i jmjor.
if [j}(' od y lepea ler
from 0-.. 1."'!li IInlellglle lirst
1iM .... LL. NORTH 'AIV<'
Car lM Sr>a rks
J; Erry P...,no
T,' m
J OI1:. Bodn4:Y, Wooster
U"yd C0U'7iKllt, Rene!
Honcrablo Mc.,tlon Du.v"
Lt- mUJ;. Spar!.""! : J:m Dod"""',
8:>arl.'-l<; J oll r. Zenz, Spa:-ks;
n ick ).:rril. Wooster .
Hawks Edge Bullets, 113-111
9 l. Wr o. rl:nl.
..... .I. Ool<looll ml n.
Does It
BALTIMORE mpl) _ unny
ooeb!nder from tht:
...,jth 19 5eoond. TemEl in
!l ILV" the St. Loul , n.wl"
', ictory 0'>'1<: the Balt:!-
Th\lrsday niiht
&. 1-0 lead in thf ..() v ..
b 1he J\aUOJl6I
, A. uc,.;,.tio:J'. "''!ttern " vi-
1,;111','" pla,ycUl .
JOt who t1nhhed
hsr'J 12 St'
21 point s And thel
42- 29, In the

.. bui ld . l3- I, dd
If Woeful Athletics Climb,
It'll Be Due to Mound Work
- m,.-e
do"co In me! "
AT 3: 45 P. M.
P..rno f'nc hi;>;h
NOTE: 1111, h
I notht .. In .. 8., 1'I ..s on the
mlJC>r I .. t&ams. )
' "In R-' _ .OJ ' Y .. ttJdo\y Jdd\" off fi nd .s top .J , t U , ... "a,,, , _ 'ou "nolY, SOIl".e 1966 N:nthem Kellada " AJ.A" driving layup mane
S;''!ldoR. who came O\-'er M ' ,- ,- " " ,' " 0'"
Conrer-!'r\C' I:uuebto l: Pi ce ",1th e O:"1! V" C'.I . ,
101<: l\cw York la$t )o-<"ar , ....'i:'O'ling statu.. , 1- '''' .- 18
;;,;, . _; " , !l ""iT.e (In :l1e v ;ro . , WI .. ,
and F\"(' j Tulbo..l, led the squad: 01:' more . Lew is .. , . , _ _ ",.!_
R h T
. " l'o[lc1cl'. ' di llmond. 'fh. e df.s!J e L C I) S",c ..ut ! v
Oy WA.LTER L, J OHNS In with 10 t' Mll. ihn oc:o n aro-unc the rninoI'S U. rlump S b "" th ,
. is ::0 be:;!n at as,.,..,. at prove w
Cent r ... l Pren :Spe>rbI Editor The Athletic s' third sl1lrtingIive (UP!) t:.m. Ih. \\.i!lne:-,
will J i.'n Hunter,' "I wl U have to admit," ... " ""-""'--', ,. I"""'"
BRADEN'!'O:N' . DKrk YOlmg r lght.ha.'ldel' s.,s .'tlnucd Dtrk y,t!'m he :alg F.lmer RI.l!;;' l'CtUT'ned Both !QIUl',a ....111 .. ['t('1" wl"lh T5t. Leo..
gen. rally yon .n the dirk lAst ,ear arod "It ..!!:' lib ::tl!n " b, ' . . , 1 lika :rr" " " ) ] -0 t $01
, .. " _ .... , Ih , 'u, "'yOu to At fhe ti m . , lunklor !;) Drlllgn ...,
w,,,,,n ...... t &lf\ ....1ll ha"\.""l! to C01f... fronl a. lii t d- ., 1-',,', .- h' o, . , .,
'-- ... thi h U' varist .. nl net h"orr. t -"'Q .......
, ... s yM\r ! ....h.xh incl ud .. , 1"at!l. Undlb6d good ilt schooi
w!ll tOUlde o:t an ai- g t ';;
!ollo\l;s thl" a.'ld. gooc. , l u_l 1 " i ,h C:l"Jck o:1d and In ... :' "'" ','
:-.. lor he " .nd w,t" (11)..1 with ::..e",iI; ! I1fl), "'. _. ,0,,", K_" Dick ,.,. I
_ " G Atl '->..I . . .... ' U ... .... -I v.TIl<-.. If ; Ie '"
d il ' U, ttI,a....., . Gec'"!l " iD' LJo(.I
;, favor ed to win hI . 1;leClillty
saturday f er Uni v" .... ,t y IOf Nt_
" , 1:1 ", when the Wclf
tut. 1' .. new Mackay Stalt ium
t r ack flell:! f 2l tliltlu for
til . fl r&t tim ... . Chico St ate will
prcvl C. t il. oppc.itiCln. PI,lU,
0' -6" 'nd 240 pOl,lnd . , II a
n"tivi or TcrClntc a rod IIoI dl
Ht hn a l .... ady
the p; hool r tfllfd III
the put. (Journal Pllal o)
"", n r, ane ...."o Ian':!; or an-i Aurelio ?>!on:ell.gudo :11.11) With we 11flV, (I l'Otl"'l! ..
B b t ! J , . ., ! , : '"'111J;-- - - - --_ ___ ___ _ _ _ ____ - --- - -
;a t B.\'e! , manl!ger Vl:.llCQLI,' erJ , (S-15 w h,) ClI.n fUll Green P k N' I d V I nIT U l :l-1I1 :
11l 5tpllt:e K!l.J1lI as CIty '.II:th w ,r.Sll.S CII}, ! ;lll U John "be p". .. "r . ac Ine nva es egas . "11 t.l U_l1J H d st t S ill W' f 'j
"I haven't any 1$ O' DmClf:hl\e. 1h e Jelt-h3mkl' who .'[ think Ollr jr; flel:l is Playoff Standings ! aywar a e PI ers In asl Y
thf! way he gtaru! off an :r,t e;-. i Wi':> last but r (}uld J;!OI:>;\ .... K"1l Bm 'The o;'lOlrl e1" 1<; I
vic"w, " 1 ha\'eJ\ 't .Ioc\f= be 11., brilliant p .l t c he r it he li t' of b a .m. I UTEItIl DI ... ll ' Cfil HAYWARD. Colif, WPt, - ISOUtOerrJ Ol"l'!,'0:"1 ColJ<>i:e. 102-43.
" nO\ll.-.... to IT. !lke a'l;>' d('('1S1OI11. wun t so MT2.tie, aI- shon and Wa)'JlY;;;';-'>"" -;;;-;;; tn tu:rl 1 ... 1-<,'-' 1 .. 1 \II L R;y-v.-ar<j won 15 of the In a dl.el track meet.
1 don' t Il:O fer I hllY!'Jl't I>a.rit has to r.1a\,. club, Ed Ch.ariu a' third fn..1 DtlIll:Mre. tIl'. .. nt5 Wl!dnesdo.y to \:: eat 111t beos; t 1!1div!dua. 1
My <"If ocr ne-... IlO)'Ii piTch !l at all, pltdling, !'or he ' 'Our' In is 111, 'ienl!l u',1! WUTUN D1V"'!)",
&,-,d !'t will be April 1 heron I h2.1 I: t<.l.I a prEtty r ood . !OJ:' the re,-h.tcap. ce t...r.FI ... , ane" wu tmtH!d in by Hay.
hay. an opir.1on or tll t'!!e boy!." inI!dd Rn:llll'iil aX!.idd. rmru:'1r bu:. OWn5 II 3-( 't' i 129 Nominated w3rd', Lm y Cormit!!"' whQ III'()!I
AI says the aOOV1!! , or cOJr se, One Qt the -;:>it ohlllg hopeIuls, 8OIl'\e
1 For Be lmont th a hi !!::. jump with a l CE1P ot
....tth tongllo in tOI"' t.G$ to DIll'k, j5 Lo-w H! rsh I:"I 8r TIIu,wv', 11,""11 '<10k 00& try at
;oni !CTi\ ]VI:'. th{' big 00)' o[ flb ow operation and Nevada Baseball Statistics 1\ I r Nb' W YORK (UPIt A r h!"\ fie ocr wTtr.
IUlu Jgh to know the few ), (,01:';; ;.1';0 who was . ,- 10\.1 . -lil I Ii 'd the .' ;
hlwe J :JGI i: l'l' 1'\)' '''' 11 ,Y!I" wl E.. lind Z--1. ' . ,ahull In r liht . 1 m _: _,"':: (110 R ....... . _ 61 of 1-':'9 headed by'l
u a
fig ) "l) , 1m II qUI, 'YI
. .." -11M BI ll BI: "an ,"die stars 01 winter racing. j avel' l1:- day. "'-

though the l QtT.ler tl .e A'.lole:.ies.. ! l"II Y 01 er ' . ,
?J'.mt: isc:o man!'.g"': will reauy to .s l<l rtr lit fi rH. SEVEN ' ENGTI'IS :becn !JOfniml.\ec! fer the !:Sth {)j ri D.'u.s ane! J ,11n !tAr,

thal "t he."e never SEYS Dark . "a'le! "We a J.;1t of 1-:-lL, ning It.e SI.2:. ..XlQ added t;: (J:h 0: HI}'Il'arrl , double
a!I r.1.\, y r"'no:ly! r. Clr 1<\ :..,., t he }par . He tt1<:l 1:1\(' ' HW(' NEW YOnK (UPIl - Hc'::Jeau Be\l1:on{ Bt .....quedu,,: on; .....ill\\l!l"$. Evall,!; took 100 In
!l:nd wl: ling t .... ,';ork \\,!:1' er OJ: I :h ... o;deH of tl-.emfleldr >:s . - O",ku- over a :une 4, it J:n,l,' WI<:d F"'C"--IIO... ami L'le In 21.9, wNl.
in thi l tamp." ' : don' t g,) by v,t,nt in ae'l i j ll i i"ing 1: a try 1:35 1/5 fl.t AQt: cdUclrC,il Y by 'I'rM1rr. S("o)I"(>- Hle bng jWllp with

, , ,
, , ,
n . hu 17 pit<;: hu!I on hfl r,d . wx,ter b<.ll. jCunp.' 1";;';;; to wb the- $.10,000 tar}, for tA. t\I'W YOl'k Eacing or and Il1pl.
by n vt-n lenJtt; s, Association. jU1ll;l .. 5-2.
Sun Valley
Dominat ed
5t:X VAI..L."CY. n; PIl - by I'>e wne fil'h from I:: e c1'll nf
!>;<re!lenl .i r an CI".,d,. Iany ];\. ,,0 Nindl 01 A'.JSlr1a In 131.105; :
lon,! perl GoilH'hl"l L"", La Qf f"; . .. r:e
, . b l'.nU SId on Kuell n
J)II t ed P'r l nec 5 THrill : . tll em er ;11 :;J1.9E.
I, fI t:omma:lwng Iu d T ' ,. ,
' , . ) ,- Ilrf' J war m" -
oy wmnmg' s}"vm lv in the aiternc>o;') ar.d
.n s,ush or. the ! It\om
fl ll t 'l"IIllJ Ski sLiI
" ranee acaumll iated 88 I tloo with
pcl nl.:l In tlr' lIncff cial tum Diner
I hncl ;" g. to movo \'tell a llllci b p \\ ...
Aus t ria .....i t !'! point s ill pol!1ti , e, 5. ,
the c.oenlng compe!:;tion or Ihe iancl , 22.
threeday at Sun v aloy E1!st t.,: .... ' n ..
In aor;thern erl WM In h;,' Wrndy
l{illy, )""lrnkhiy t he lo Len, I' ocro, C<. ltf.
h r eml)!';: !ll pi;'H. , trn kt>rl (,r, ....", jl l, : ed f-J urth :r,
t h>' f u t j" 125 37 til l":n '\'i:h !1. C]; Ckl:: j; of 110.2
t ht bfn ml'n's corr.binffi li me.
He ....u loJl!:r.V1!d b" Al;:5!rl l n l The cot;1'!;e c:onsi&ted of !iSj
}Carl wiUr 1:,0.12. I tatu lOT bot h mt'n Lnil women ,
MillS "- nednJ win- ar.d bolh rAIl tt .... n -
r.IIT in 11: , .. MDUll tab . HI;w,.e"er, ttle !
h ll!1 the !alte3t e me were lnoved the :
wit h l Ui.U &lXOndS, '.fe! :l'IJT.aH !'!IOO t o the '
I,-'am"!'!': WIl.!I In eouI'U f )!" the men. '
119.58 s('tOllci $. In men', cemptlt ioM Jim
The n.el, as t he H., uya"" Ta hD5 City, C_lI r.j
Seri es 101 Skiing," ..... r' tl t fJird Itl t he lirs! rLl n tHrt
r ..... an cn . pun ,, !II miciw"y In t l}$
e1t a t un .. y dOl ,. with M- .,c". It.
de\l ree l empu .a tunL J "" m a lso a. IDuner
(llher W'loffid!l.l tir:1!'L1 mf'dal[SI, it O at tI:c
Two Vol Gridders Killed
n El'i TON, ':'l>":m., tUM} - Line-l In F ...l):-r.l ary, 19&4, Bill Glbb5,
hat;ker Tom and j", r. kl(> ;an 8ssisl8nt buketbaD celeh '
.Jotln Ihe uoi' l!ni i\.jl was relUl'll ing
mf' mhp.f'l: or :11" Umvrn.lh 0: '
a }<luriCI\. trip
kiUed early w;'fln ......,"'1'1 '.he WIIS on
their t:ll. r slammed hl!arl.-on bIn a.!
iI. on t ' .S. a:1d ct'!'w
411 Rout b of r---------"''11
Gerald 21., Ii gum'tl ,
.... listed 1n hut u l ls
C(lndj-j:lIl" at
III nC<lrby TeM.
ThfJ: tr;'\gk lIt:cide.. , t WlIS tlit! '
Moond 10 hil '.he foothall leaml
in ttve !Lnrl thi N!
for the athletic i n
11. mort! than two- '
Three [r..ot /)all
Rill /ttujors, &t
I"'!lt OClob ..
whMI II Sou!J\em Radway
tr;o'n hi! their I mRJi RAfoICfC .. "" G .... Ol)oI UNIW
l or .. j Pl ear " L a K."Ii))tviUe , .. TI/OI OE. "1.'(, Nt " PII. " . ... 11
gr.,de croslln!r.
:i'!V::r wu ...
take hoikr
Spri-:r g iA when
ib bes t fn t he West,
Eut, througllOut the Lar.d,
"SCOTSMM" i i t he t railer
ooigaed and hllilt for t he
J$U\ "h() .RENTS .. " 10
low, with rorIvitr imcN
li nd (XI1J\{oru. Take tlte Ylbol a
lami1r (up to PI!lSOIU) .
290 Ki. b ke Lon_



In Family Weekly March 27 . . .
We all need l5om9 nortnal, healthy bmsidns to
ttay alive, authorities say, but ",1) must ward oft'
unple&Sanl;, 01' corrosive "jitters" to stay
weD.. How? During the r esearch for his book on
Erecutive Tern:ion.s, author Theodore h win talked
willi leading industricl psychiatrists, and he rePQI'ts
ten of their recommendations. Their special tech-
niques are simple and practical, t hings YOU can do
to ease jittery nerves. Effective " tension breakers"
may include a regular program of physical exercise,
playing with your children, organizi ng your work
to take OIle thing at a time , or many- others, all
in the
Fa.zn:iIy WeekIy
Section Of Next Sundav's
Nevada State Journal
Plymouth announces
a special car
at a special price.
PIYll!outh Fury
SilVer Special.
Lustrous silver outside
rich blue inside ...
and loaded with
extras you want.
The Plym() uth Fur y 5 i!vru Sp_eial 11 & big
fun'lIi Zoe Pury . Enras tha i t:om
!l t a.ndlU'd equipmen t i nclu de: wh[lewaia
specia l whllel IIpociaJ allv er
buffa.ble a orylie . namel . eXJ:lulI!V9, bl u e
a llvi nyl delu" EIL upper door mold inr i,
Plymoulfi ... a great car by Chrysler Corporation,
Combo Wins
T.'M.' comhln/l! lc:'I or l'rt n r /; ()
OatC": antt nrtTln l\ C'M' 1\11('1'- Cir'w Ymil" nlll", Uht
"cort's to I'm f:c'lmi! uld .Tim Be-
the Qflr": 'rour lhi,(' 10 tlI:M;' l ellgue
nllme>nt l()f W(,ffi- in" bale fi t' TiI'>Tr. i!'S telld, 11a .
G01l Cilib [nr rC/15signIT.r.:r:, and
TIlt'" r .. LI lo:l:cllw:r It 12 caltl. Bob '!'aylot to Jacklior.
Mnt ,r' (lnd
Wl\lnrlj.,'h, \\'ern with ;4,
lind til(' Nell Pcl rr. C'\Sf)' monl
' l1l'i oomhD II'U Ihil'd with 75. Jr .. 1nager of th, :t:
A ! .....f>Cp!o .lIkMl ( "'NI l wID be held W::lrJd ginnCl R!I 3'i
next 1,,'(1", ond 26 10.<"
Tobacco Too Good To Smoke
JUlI. "!llndl of CC)p.n'hug:e"
SlllolfJ b.t ...... 1:1 ca 1r; lind
'IIIIU" tl dn .... yo .. Ihl IIttt,,-
lac:tloa If ... oItinQ-withOl.ll
n loku.v. AI a price thai
.......... !rat .. 11
New-ria Slate .TollrlJa!- SP(lHTS
U1.S Vegr.s 6-2
Sparh 5-3
riancho 6-1
Basic fl.O
Eeno 5-10
Wooster 6-2
160 Junior
130 Se!lior
183 Sellior
.168 Seaior
170 Senior
19{) Senior
rr':crll1crdn!!, Ailr!! 6, 1.968-11
NSA Ouints
Resume Play;
Three Ailing
-Second Team AI/Staters-
'T('ke Jol\llS:IJ'I
Chuck FU".dky WelUPrn
Dan Ranl'lm
,l nhn Woo<ter
t :cyd P.c."I('l
C.lud; WC'StC!rn

:;...9 1' 3
<J J:'paI""Jng [0,
ill up l"ilf 1110
(,f ,om,x.:h !iJll
r,II'('r',J ..
71 n 2liil \1)\.11
'. " I:Ln ill
Two Un,
"quel h k . . ., rOH:GIfT, 7,SC P,M.
, . A .0<' "cy Jl{!ll:( Ilil es \IP 6
.... ......
face Dallas

. . and fuel'" IOlk u
if h ' d practiced

gc,ar-J'I'ilera jeans
of 5(% Fortrel
SJ% cotton
de nim that
n3"o'eI' need
even a
wi lli an
Lower the boom on underSized soli lOPS.
Sa! Your S/l1l1/s 011 eNemag
Dodge Palara soa
If yon I tlWlmlihle to be sman
.nd stuil, til bB ODdge
hn 2 hlj:"'" sb:e surpll$f flrj'tII.
500. This !,tHty was 10 mni:h th!
euilc.cnt If onythill g an tb 13d,
ftl lb ;dt t., UtlllS you like. l ike PalMa
5OO 'J; rC'JQl1. el1vinvt iIl ter:Of a.d solt
loucket seats that ral sf :I'f!!1rO'NS
tbe lap. Uk. s:a"d
n t ,tyl ir12 that draws !ightsaers Herr-
wbm. Liko lSl C\: ,
in. \'8 lip 0 SICM white fi de b
the lhe rTlilre :kn't
baft 11)90 small Illg\llp:.: ly, Bnd PO;;UB
serm (f. its big spread wit hout
your TIis lop gel with
Dodge SilO.
Jeall r it soil, in a Rleal The
DCldge lVAnlS yllll.
700 Kielzke Lone J6j:9 Hi ljh 39S SO:Jth 1B9 W, Wil li oml 601 63 1 Sierr:l Woy
Vegas, Elk 0,
Stewart, V. C.
Top Poll Again-
Changes were few and far between \'esterdav in
the weekly Ne\'ada State Journal high schOOt basketball
Las Yegas. Stewart and \ ?j rginia City Wf:'re ranked
nWlli>er-<Jfle respe(:th'ely in the "A ..A .... -\, .. -.,\A" and "B"
divisions for the stmight \\eek and Elko topped'
the .. AA" classification for the second week in a row.
The ratings are established from votes cast by the
.--_______ -,Istalte's prep cage <'OOches.
Most cd the shuffling ted:
.in the "AAA" section.
XerlliUJ State Journal-SPORTS Fridny, January 20, 1967-15
'Unheard-of' Leads Crosby
Joe Carr's
4under 68
e 5 ace I:: "' rtw 1iI ,n.; tlt'l
'" ,",<>-Am GoII l.,.,t.....,..,." S t P

:;A.." It' ?!) -I YOkmi'Lt: Badr;"" Pas!!:, 18
1"1(' \\catnt'nnan J"i"poru a ' Hu"hl's, good 'Sk.llng- on a hard
:) hkrJy to hnng b<tdlY
P'BBLE BEACH, Caf. r , .... , , .
Carr, a 23.-yrar-old
from Worcester. . "'''''i'j .:.:::::.::::::. nt'w mDW to :'I."e"ada. an-!i
j log b
........... ' '" h C 1,1.- M1Chl ...... State and lnd!ana
been ust scrap ].' ::::::.:::: _,uM em .-f uOITlla s,... resorts., fQ()tbaU fie14 10t
on the tour sho:: II. .............. .. : .. ft')J"t'cast ram I unu.o:ual tropiIy. the "014
Cy',:::O; ':;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ldst __ _____ ;;j
Jead ar.;er ,:;.;., :::::::.:":::::. rain CI!r" snow today. II
the first ......... -. .... . . .... ca th': wlll tum colder
Bine .... .... ..... .. .. .. and tht- SJ1C7oI,' level will fall !1"'tC,f
::Tbere was 110 contest for II slot. Las Vegas, the
... _____
_ Am Gol! teet.

in \\" II S pre<hcled. in the Si- I carr, whose offielal .am_

Inp in 1961 amounted to $60,
six bU'chcs just
two bogey_ in his sparkling
round at the 6,l33-yard Cy.
loIyout Which ia the
.horteU of the three In use
for the Cl"OIby tournament.
.:.::'.::'.:::::'.::: Nt\' ada last RIght north of
again J"WlSler-up.
Reno, third Plit week, had
to atare the i10t thll time with
Rancho, up from sixth. Cl.iril.
last time out, took BOLOGNA. )taly
fifth. Sparkl fell from f"rt\h to !...,,,.n middJl!""..
1..",,',+1 si,dh .,d W::KJSter tumbled BenveouU of 11
from fourth to tieventh. GermanY'$ Marlfred.
Elko and Fallon again the set:!ond round of
third all to
I th.,
last week.
was :ranked
iii was again
" - I The top four spots in th.
A" di ... ision I"Imainf:!d un-
changed with Lovelock, Ye ....
.. ington and Winnemucca fol.
Iy ctraight. easy s ir." lowing Stewart in order_ Doug
IlUI moved illto the "'top fi .... , ..
7,000 spectators in
Sports Pal.". w."cIHd
DlIlke quick W'OI"k
to 161 lor tht
itli::;l Nlck1aU$. playint his
""""periti.. """ .moe 'ast
a. thrte-tmder---par
.r: Pebble Be-ach about
hour after Carr was in with
68 to stay within a stToke
lead. Nickl!lus' round .
four b1rd.les and a
as he hit
"''''''lion but failed ..
1_. -... birdie putt on the
8i11)' Casper. thtI leading
money WIMU Gn the tour 11' .. ,;;;'-,
l.1$t year, and Arnold Palmer, 1 ... '0 ... 0;::;
.iligh\\'"aY 50. becoming
n un In Yosemite wday. 1be
level will lower to fi ...e
it \"U be colder in
Associlll.lOn reports
no change in conditions
rrud-\\'m report-fair to
on II. hard pack ""th ;,y II
three resorts
yesterday. $2950
88: Peddler
. II
101: Dodge
paeked, \\oith 101
the afternoons.
r.placlng Whitttll, w h i c h
NIW' Roundup
dropped to aeventh.
Reno, Carson, Whittell,
Gerlach Scorers Set Pace
who won t"e. most monty ''''':....: .. ::::: ::::::::::: .
counting unofficial mings,
. ' Wa rriors ...
and til. strokes aff " C',=. . .. ............ .
the pace, ruped:ively.
RMdIo ,. 41 II 1111
I: their re5pcetlVI!'
',p. Bou nee ':"'"J,.PllI, ",des,
... JIJ 'XI
1 C:iOn4

.50 Z1?O
9-" "11 119
957 lZ 1J6
3 :u J3 101
t 4"1 22 10l>
1:10 1.'"
, .:I 11 fa
per had a Icrambling even-
par at Cyprus white
Palmer took two-a ... erpar
at S9ygtua: Hill, the
toughen of the three courses
where the gre.,. aNt bumpy
and the fairway. nillrt"OW.
In it is CaTSOn'S ' ..
BA!.nMORE (OPt) -
Meschery scored 2S points
Nate Ir:bUrnlQnd dominllted
boards .,
San Francaco
Gary Bu.sbman with a. 1.6.3. n :I
Ai of Whittell , 4? l'I111
",".1"" "A" trOOI)S wiut a 19.4. i n
' .'VQIU-$l)Irkl, WI
I.., BUK. Best in the stB.te : II :: I
th8 NEW York ,
in the.'. first game of 8
181 &WretbaU MMCiatiOn
111"'"'.... 1121) Chle.,.
(1.2 Hi KGIt-l-
, 1-2 11 BOOlW
11 .$- 7 nMllv
1., ;.D lRoogn
.. U 13 SLOoil II
1 ,.1 ..
2 5-4> , rdtllt
7 N 14WWd
1 22
o! SdlLH
JO 11-36 12)" Totals
ChkJ.- J711
PHILLY , 127
P!TI'SBURGH (un) ..... The
Philad.elphia 76ers rolled to
their seventh straight vietory
Thur.sday ni2ht by I!!asliy out-
8coring the Chicago Bulls,
Chico Stale,

....., y,,* 11ft) fl t lllci5co
. G F T G
r. 6 !I. r ry 10
RHO! l 0.1 Ie
IJ.Umv 1 $.I 7 Thrmlld
IkTwtt 7 701 21 Attl., I
'i Ringmen Tie
I(mlY@S " " 3-. 11 Nwmn
#.)"In " :1 I-l SKeUllI 1
" , Dtvtctt 1(11'9 I
; -"-" G 0.0 (I Le. 2
IifIof1s t 1-2 S".Al IiM 2
RssII 5 '2 1101$(11\ 1
..... 8 1t.-rtn , 3-] "It
To!61S 38 264( leI flnl$
.... Tor. Zf,.
_ . ... va
It looks like another well-baJ.
llm_-ed season 10r the ::'::;"1
was amazingly
Nevada. California,
and Stanford.
BALnMORE 122 An ind"._ of what it
be- like for the 1967 season
CINCINNATI 11 when Univ,";ly
and ClJ.ioo State
.BALTIMORE (UP-I) - Don in II 13...bout I
Jed a tourth..per iod Thu"' 1 "mI - and came out E
day night that carried the 6% to 6%.
funore tn a (UniversIty of Nevada
: tory OVf'!r the Cincinnati Ouco Jan. 2S and hosts
:: els .in the nightcap of a in Reno Feb. J).
;! 1ional Basketball . ChIco had a general edge
doubJe-header. Ughtt't' divisions, and
from I
the hca.VJer

Herrera Finishes
: "' O"shty 7th
-'< .... ama In _ Dou,It" Jolmson (0) and
: .. (UPD-South An"';.I');'k \Veinbrn.ndt (UC)
.an champion Simmons (CS) TKO'd
Noyes (UC), 3.
tanio Herrero of Colombia 156 _ J im Hoobler (Ge) aee.
night knooked out Joc MadrIgal (a; Terry
!rig Japa.nese junIor mC) dec. Jim Is.hida (Q;).
'!. R.okuro Ishlyama In thr 165 _ Greg 110nahan (UC)
" seventh round of their sched. Tim Fll1:gerald (CS).
uled non-title IG-round buout. 112 - Tom Gallagher (CS)
1 '' "'It wall Herrera'S first victor:. Troy OIx tOC).
; tri Japan after he was dcteated 18O--Jerome Circo (CS) TK.Ydl
by world bAntAmweight cham .. loyd \Vt'bb (UC) 2.
t pion Fighting Harada in a non Ron Ocl'1m-1
tftle bout last Octobei 19ine (UUC) dec. Rich Per,"'u'l
i: iii Oslla.. In (0;).


TPacco Too Good To Smoke


.. r .. "pIoch olCopetlllaon:
40- Sa.dll.t .... llc"k .. k aa.
;:. _ Jrdap '1ft tU ..u..
;\' ..... oI ..
, . .,. .... ;r. At ... crt
, ......... ...

"iEWSPAl'F.uARCHIVE .... _
to GcT'lach'ij John 36 12 U
is bombtne with It 24.6 clip. ; II
'll"te l00.dera (as provided.
states preop coaihe3}:
" "
., v
.. "
MEN'S JACKETS ..... . 20.00 NOW
40 .. .c, Col.,. - T_c., .. ..-1MIy .. d Mon,
GLOVES ....... ...... ... 10.95 NOW
RENO 10tSt. V ...... It. CARSON 1I1I ... ea. ... S.. INCLINE ... _111.."..
No. 1 Plymouth, Chrysler, Imperia' \\ea\et
Reg. 2, 479.00
Red Tag OllcOunf ""SO 00
YO. Poy Only 1,999.00
4 DR, SEDAN #4505
Reg. 3.816.00
Red Tog Disc:uunt 8 11.00
Y .. 'oy Onl, 2,999,00
RI;. 3,39900
Red Tag Discount 422.00
YO. Poy Only 2,977.00
Red Tog 1,500.00
Yo. Poy Only 6,467.00
.... >,95'-00
Red Tcg Cistount 835.00
Yo. Poy Only 3,122.00
4 DR, TN, SEDAN #4517
Reg. 4,1 60.00
R!d Tog Discount 902.00
Yo. Poy Only 3,258.00
All N.w Chm1er Productl tarry, 50,000 Mile Wonont,
'63 THUNDERBIRD Loaded .......... .. Reg.
Tired of high gas bills?
Red Tog Di:scount
You Poy Only 1.797.00
.... . Reg. 1,895.00
Red Tog Discount 196.00
Yo. 'oy Only 1,099.00
'66 RAMBLER CLASSIC Uk< New .. . .. Reg. 2,495.00
Red Tag D;scounl 556.00
Yo. ro, Onl, '1,939.00
'65 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER .. . ...... Reg ... 3.495.00
Factory Air Red Tog Discount 666.00
Yo. Poy Only 2,829.00
'6S FORD PICK-UP .......... ..... Reg. 2,095.00
Four Speed Red Tag Discount 596.00
You roy Onl, .. 1,499.00
'64 CHRYSLER 300 K ................ Reg. 2.695.00
Power Windows, Bucket Seats Red Tog Discount 946.00
You Poy Only 1,749,00
'59 FORD - 2 Dr Hardtop ... , . ..... Reg. 695.00
v-a, Auto, Pwr. Str. Red Tag Discount 436.00
Yo. Poy Ooly 259.00
DODGE V-So Automat;c .. ' ... Reg, 1.495.00
Power Steering Reo Tag Discount 596.00
Vo. roy Only 899.00

NBA Bess
State ,,,,,NUJ1-SPORTS
Friday, ltJflt/(U?j ZT, 1967-15
Coleville Quint ; Answers Sparks Five Invades
Takes Top Entertains
Away from v.e_
Colevill. yesterday added more fu.1 to tOlLigl,fs I. dem;mil of th']'i
crucial Western NevAda "B" Conference clash w"ml." ; %.
Manogue Travels
To Fallon Tonight Virginia City by slipping abec " of the Comstockers in strike.
the weekly Nevada State JOUrnal high school Reno an.,) Spa.rks high !ehools!will on ruck 'T'bomas lind
ball ratings. the Ixltb be looking tOT RPynt)1ds It
The powerful \Volves, the only undefeated team 15 as a Northem NI!\-ada.
in the stale. gathered 104 points to edge of certain balutbalJ Win to- center. J:leoT>.nlng has misud $tv.
L_n_u_ d ed the OWMn 'l'bty .. 't)eu they in thf! fta} pt"3ctlef'S thls due to
sing vote in I.MUVUl1g OOD uct among acticm u."U taten by g)"IIl. oclock. a SatI.\e l6St
cage coaches. WE'l'e 10 0-1 m play. l , tI) Lassen, in a. )'n'e'W1cq:
Time Out!
wastbathte rust time ........... lnout.
form \lioc-llT (2..() mf'Pting wi! )'fI'3r.
....... .... .... Q.;.J\o to Lassen in a
Sparks High School (Oath Or.

the Kennedy replied.: NOvUla l...d.gue cmt.est. Graves is to start

ueIU "About a week ago tIme a.t Woc:steT Is also George :Maldooado and Ed
slot letter lrom NOI"the "AA" Harms at forwards with Dick
Comstock auoeiation 0 mea I Allen anI Joe Hardy covering
Coleville this- requests that !hI!)' gllmH, Hawthorne tbl! KUard spotll_ Paul 'Iball will
Ipl< ... up more .fIn;t ed the owners to act upon at & will be at C!.rson Ci!YlgO at center.
than the meelinz to be held. by Feb. 15 and Manogue- (2-0) will An injury.ridd1ed ManNe
!"''''c.nti,,", were namf'd. I respondtd immediately to to (2-0) to team will haw Bll1 LeA..... at
I' the Wave ill a -J
more ballots. letter!ng 1'4 make tiMt center. Wayne LueJcac:loo and:
v. Vegas, jts 'tiort to have a meeting p. Pat CUnning at fOl'W8l'ds an<!
the season Tuesday Feb. 15 because nom""yl NDrthl!rn Ne .... d.a Jobn Brodeur and Mike Heal.
Co..... ". Qame will pit
39-311 :in overtime, hold a mid-February mtetini:" Winnemucca (3-1) ag,llnst at, guards. Thf'Minen may be
10 snare all th' Id;,=-a" playoff plam. SUW1Irt (4-0) at Stawart In- the or MIke
ty .in letting 10 owners COMPETES TODAY - SophomDre Matt Mc- at: 1 p.m. In the Reno liIymna!liul'll:, .. of separated nbs .and. MIke- Law.
''B1lt because of the dl.n .. ___ --rt hu won Mouhan who. 1$ suffertnc ttorn
in the m.lddlr- Of thl! Cl'eary will be on.,. of several High 'eatu... athleus, boys and l lri., 'rem Soutbtml pI!I,J"" "AAA" lead_ !lon who sustained .. ahculder
"because of. 6everal School lIymnub In Ktlon today I" the SPirka aM WOOster, In addition to tIIs host Vegas (If)..l') will bast the injlll'Y ap1nst Reno llst
problerm HuskJu.' annuallnvibltianal gym"lIItiu mNt. sctJDOI. Tho publlo .. Invltlld to the 1nHt. Rams (1--4). Lu Ve- Moulian 11 coach Jim. Phillips'
expa.Mkln pmgnm. The' prcp competition, schedul.d to kilin ttl .... wtll be no ""' .... Ioft ch.,... . ol victories leading scorer and. LAwson fa
::lOt be possible- lor me "'1---------------.. ------------------ at by the Oark the Jeadinr rebounder tor the
everyone by ob an DVl'rtime con- Manogue ieam.
the "MA", am tftrt the OPEN Carson City will ttart Fr'ant"
tiflh to "",rod be held within LOS ANGELES "All" Kerr .t cen",. Gary _ ..
'--='-" from. therealter." V&11ey (3-8)-;;' and Paul Borda at auards, and
'" -dia aawa- make. luch . WOOSter -was RanUP he "could C -t' F. d (g..,'t) , and Werlem (7-4) Paul. Jacobsen and Bob Smith
,. seventh and ....1\1, that NBA pi S Ive un er entertain Basic (G-ll). or Rick Van 2ce at forwards,
foDi 01 20 011 strike it U - Clark'a defeat tlf L.a, Vegas The Sen a tor s have been
J.".., .:: was; delayed a left Colevill. with th' only plagued by eoltb. durbw" the
was. rated past Feb. 15 p perfect ncord In the state. last week 8.ccordin,: to coaCh
Gerlach High
Ace's 24.2
Elko in .. The oommJs8Joner sRId he S t F- t d ce The Wolv" pl,lt: thel,. 10-0 rec- John Borda.
Bould"" City, .. en a oopy of the e sirs -ro una ... on tho Uno ..... the, Stewart will be playing witho
fourth to the runner questa but be face Vlrg'nl. City (8-2) at out the services ot starting ccn-
Fallon. down from meat on them. home tonight. Both teams .r. ter Alvin MIauel who is mOw
up from. LOS ANGELES (UPtl-Jaeky wtth &I on "I"H of I4oe6. 4..0 In WMtem Nnada ... " lined with the filL bou
Cs.rMt:I Oty', down Ex-Canadian, getting off to lin unusu- ArnDld Palmer oould dD Conference i_mo. Bud Burin will open Ronalll

good start on the pro golf bstter than a 70. Saturday night., Manngue will Edwards and BiIly Belknap or
again nailed h 1 d Cu t 29 ho' to reverse .. 62-54 'U" __ WeIli .. -..... at forwards,
"A" runO', "film.. Campion Dies took "'" P1 , . W won
.. the $100,000 Lo$lat!t year but did not 1055 :in overtime to Wilbur Maho and Tommy
boosted iise-If to by shootin&" a dimt in his tint RVcn 18.5t WPAA. Game time at SmUh. at guards and CorneU
' trading places KRARNY. N.J . C\1Pl) - 66. had birdies and two ....ill be 8 oclock. Eddtty at center aga..l.ns\ Win-
.. ,and Douglas .sarviees were held CUpit 1he way for 38 oth- geys on his card or 3l33. othl!r non-(:onfel"'ellce Sat nemueea.

for Romand Jo cut of a field of 142 Most of colters Aid imne5 Wlnnemucca will
A. trio of IT-pllm avera.ges a Hudson broke par on .. SUJl.!hiny greens were rather slow at Spexb. and Fallon win Gosha
%-. ....
.. lead this one-time at Rancho Park course. eal'e of rains this a t Wooster. Boti1 games II
Individual Nevada higb his is 36-35-71. HoWever, it dl4 U')t at 8:15. Yerington will &no G.
Jack Nicklaus, the pre-tour bother !lib! of the Clu'son aty- Ie IPSon
basiketball aearinI: avenge "t the age 0( 61.. nament favorite becautf: of m:oke
Gerlaeh's talmUd lob!!. under the Mme hie victory In last .eekencrt et&h1 U>cl'ldi1'!1'. Ken Fbjil hal an- LAS VEGAS (UP[) _ ltic:t&I
'Ver, out at act1cm last tiU. Cl'ftb), clambake, finilhed Zullo. to ltart ll.o:fd Gosha, 175, Sq Ftanelsoo. Hnt
w11h anoId fooI;ball mee and Preston Davis Ende Gipson, 174, Los AEtcele&.
2 ill 11 .. 101'OWUl JOBe]lh at forwards dQIWD. for th!: eount In the
jury, OWDI the:u, \\ e .,.Uton. OI1tarlo in 1931. T W II P k R Mlke and Jay 'Po- thb:d roun4 of .. schedUled 1.1).
four 2O-p1,,* ..."b In the wao re_cd WO 0 ae Ingmen 0' W_t at gUBrds. rounder .t ",. .......... t RotoL
division. .. .,...,igbt oham!",. Del_champs will-, at Gipoon .... b!eedlng _
Lawver' is expected to DemPie)". Fujii pronounced his before he went down J:D 2:]0 of
baok in unlform this weekend. title 'or four years. Debut. at/Chico Saturday heal...,. lor the gam. with = .. ;:
lloyd Courtrliht i, ... Jayceos Slclin.. _ga=-. W"",'- ooaeh. ing the first _ rounds.
m&ll in the "AAA". ........
The Reno star II> bombing Qualifications Tvm mOl'e new ..Nevada box- Neva4a entries,
17.4 per contel'!t. jlln Slated 7omorrow \lIill. make their debut! in curtailed workouts b",.w"
In the "AA". two. . Due to the canceUation .. S turd of illness this week.
City Eagles hl!ad the skiing at a ay "lb& regular card: 128 _
land Sullivan And OW: tomOl'l"OW' ! jWli.or when "the Wolf Pack en- Andenon an va Mickey
are the leaders. They have in a dual meet at OIico well (e) i 13Z-Gus . . _" ..
fii pective averages of 17.' evl!nts V$ Gary Ambrosini lC);
li.:' J aycees will be the lint bout fOl'DennIs Humphny (N) vs
Two Ste tor the 156, whee M faCeS Tava1ero (C); 147-Joe.i'nm
Scl}ool cagel'S rank one.t.v.'O night. Jim Amida, and for jett1 (N) ,'$ Sammy '"
the " A". ()Jmell Ed.dtty (8-11) and .McCrorey 156 in .. (C); 156-Mike an
Tommy Smith lead the -.,"-- Ja.ycee competition with Rick Joe Madrlpl (e); 164 -
with 17.5 and 16.8. held at Mammoth, the dl"ico WDdeat5. Scbeuller (N) VI> Tlm.
The as will be extra bouts 1D Ie);
the prep
coaches: contact Reno Jo.ycet>5 ski aJaCh Jimmie Olivas Silvp.rman (N)vs Ste'"e
'AM' TOP 1/1 rector RlJSty Crook He added that the effects (C);
-.. - ,to R-- at telephone number flue hamper sOme ol w:lck (N) v.s Gerome Ciroo (C).
UIVT,r , .. '" 10."
s, ... '" ",,:4 1U
W..... r ' "
, - -
R.lf,y, RlInd"IcJ- lj) - 96 I
Splrks. ,g = = 11' .
Hun!, ll.nctIIJ 9 _ _ 106
R.lnG , "
Ad./lr!l5, RHO - -
.",""Ti);. I,
klliwa .... : cDonald Honored
, 5J "I H I
'St)ULder 1: UI, led both teams wltfl 40 an audience of about 2.000
Moroen, ,. " 31 m his --.-b 11 _ . _,,_ ...... ___ N-u-",
BreWltsr, HliWlItorI'l 10 .w 16 ItA " . :; .... outran point&. his sellOn ""'"""'" a
Dow;. H.wtllOr.M , J7 34\08.1... of 32.8 those be had of MeDon- 60-46; TAB
Kerf. C'nlII'I \0 4& ti ll. I SoUUlCl'n 'b ....... _-..I Su , .. 66.aG an<!
El ur1lf"l', "'1k0- .".. .._ "'-'''h ....... --' __ - - r ppy, :
66ers Bop NSU;
......_- ISlirb. J.U H I ll" ...-.. . ....:., ""U.IoI.e "", __ ,j _ I
-,-- b" ball .tar. paced MoDoMld, IIbft mlmber UOCB;.1 ....... I\:V "A';- II a. 171...fD ..__ 57
" 1 1'I")l' 19'3 ",.' ro. u_ _ -'- of the San Franc:llclt CaIJ. ....... ,.. ...-.
&lsltty, ,', " 41 US the '-A.1<'lvention ...enter, UI.lo;:I uac& .... : .. _ 0" '23 --'_to
!iml'tl. $tt!'WW" 10 41 'Ibe .&AU eager'S from points. Kendall Rhine, BuUetift and then the com. .llUM! '>.Ivas ...... '
Le..... nl2 __ 11 .. 14 160 __ RJo WI> cl",. blned Examiner, "'at a pgilrt: Jeny's while carl Bossieux
,.ill"", l. 5,-;-_, 10 M "D 131 Okl .... raced to a UUU1 ......... -..! IS
10 n l i05 d" t h-'"'- on wi" 23. . of the .ports wrtttng world hish for .. on
Znk .. LoveljlClt " " H'16 a van ge 8. tw.Ul.l1e UI S N B
w_ u ... lodI ....... , It "1. :1\; ........... th> tlere .Inee 1928. . ' , was
'"'--'-nk:I. Yt1"i""Io)n 1,,,0Ii per cent conve .,lOn ave age ..... ..---,W4o'.... 0<0 ..... " . J 26 Jhn
11 G ii 101 the field. The ... this season. NeV1!.da lie wrote his last COlwnn ::. ; d ' .&.I'oIUSQn
PlttInDfI. WII\Wl'ICC _' _ ranked college _ suffered fa third l W!! and plans to retirt","l ' the Slrymcn.
.... TO," .sIOSO 21121 never recovered. 13 wins. in ME-xico. .. .. '
t.Wftt. GoullJdI I. 1011 d 241 M'! ..... ...... .nA:
"1lII"!On.l. evrek, ,Q 211 NSU', talented Elburt I - . .......:0 M
MIner. y 7 56 3114 ! thl' amen. SCRIBE HAIL.ED RENO C1TY LEACUE ont LOMle Moore pa".... ur
MtKlinZ Lund 10 " 31 \" er, num cr- ell In Reno dty League baskeL. dock'$ on 14; game honors in
L()eI)Pky. ". 14 NCAA colll!ge-divilion aoor SAN FRANCISCO (UPIl ....____
Gooier, Lu(Wil. 10 ;; U 1501 - action Wednp l3day night, that one went to Su.;.w.mcl.'ji
Steus, v.c. vc la 41 U ISO ot the- nation' s spol't$ stars Car Wash defeated. N .. Len Edsoll who hit 2l.
G. 011 CAm, ,.' 9" n 12'l A R Jack
Horn, MtPerrt\ln 11 to 1.1 IU ufo aeers
"Y. Gob" night on hi,
N8A Roundup
Bing Paces
Piston Win
41 yean of sports
IN"".,!. Auto Ra.cing Palace Hotel
non meeting WElS postponed Gomei: :1M Joe 00 ...
cause of weallier conditions, Ihe powerfUl New ...
to Il spokesman tor of :lS yean ago,
01 Stanford Rolle
CLEVELAND (UPD - the meeting has manager Hennan
Dave Bina; poured in 27 for Feb. at the San I
to a tarrld seeond halt Buggie Lounge, 1n and such other
Pi ._"" The session loS 6cheduled Ernie Nevers, Y. A.
s .... kcd dll! Detrolt s......... ........ ,
reneral meeting ot. en'I_'" Lefty OJ..I<NI.
a US-110 yl.cto!,), over association 8M all Gom.e:r. .. atar pitcher
'l1mrsday night in a. will "b!! llotilied of Yankefl when
Baaketblll Association alme. 1d. tries
mail, he added. mr. .
Too Good To
, ... aplach
I b.t a elr... k n4
gua hriJtp .,.., Ill .....
.. c:ti_ 01 .. .. UJwnd . At 0:1 ,ric. III.,
RW "PPlN'wumv

PEIBOARB lIT w .. , ...... Yo 00."
s 99
SAVE 76'. REG. 4.75
3 SHADES REG. 4.16
s 85

II-NeoMa Sial. Journal-SPORTS Saturdoy, Uarch II, lOOT
All South Rancho, Vegas Bop Reno, Wooster
'Morning Games Are Tough'
Virginia City's Moore
For 8:30
Rancho and Las Vl'gas
completed ill "hat tri,k" I
by Tespeeth:ely
It ... ;",.,.,""" , ..... , and,,:;':; I
in 1:h@ 'A..U"
Nevada State
I';:::;:, Touroament ilt the
I' ColIseum in Reno.
Eartier in the day.
ard "rgln Valley
all-south "A" ftnale
I,,?,LlcIer ely
soothern ....
same- in
little AJamo of
1: gaJned a "B"
against Vill!,i.nia
North's looe title ,,",0;"",,,,1
notes from yesterday' s scmi- the toughest "A" tum we oUidally count-'
FoUO'o\in.g .an- quotes and I Tom Hughe. - "Stewart i,
Hna! State High School played and o.'e of the tDugh- last n11j>t" 1
Basketball Tour:naznent games est team, WI:' faced all year." gamp.s.
at the Centennial Coli&eum in Bud Burin. Stewart coach- of the Nevada
Reno; "We beat by I' cage crown for the
Virginia City coach. Lonnie lack of hustle 1
"'Gere - "Our ball.handling beat our press more In the Coli6eum..
Wat er(;1lltln We had a lot Jy tha:n. Virgin Valley
of turnover-. Wf: not usuO\I- &tIel (Alvin! played the
ry have Morning gilmes game fol' WI Rnd Tommy _O"'U"' I
are laugh tl) play We looked good . . We
Huskies $4
put an a better display have any tall boys e..nd
tumwl"'OW, but I atTI happy could not control the reI""""'_1 By VIC LANDELL
Two Nevada
Score Wins
CHIOO. Calif., (Spe.c:ial to
Elko Tangles
With Boulder
In Final
IJ"''''':'"'-u.n1 .... lv .. '''''tinalIsts:ty 01 N;;''''':'o: Elko and Boulder City Friday followed the patteni'
championship bouts of earlier in the day by their "A" counterparts -'
oon/.....,. 00","< touma-IMoapa Valley and Virgin Valley _ by nailing verdicts
, __ WilllalnSOn, to "AA"-section semifinals of the Nevada High
1"'-':alD' the l2S-pound ;;;: he Basketball Toumament at the Centennial Coli.
three ago before en-1'etlJll.
1be N.vy, ones Southern cballlp Elk, landed its berth [n tonight'.
""'mbl;n 01 california. o'clock title clash by bouncing Manogue of -Reno, '
Mike Schellin. unbeaten in 77-68. _'4'
yean 0{ boxing. will de--
hi> 156-_ title .. ainst Egg/es 77 Boulder City !allied ex.'.
Marlar of Stanford. Green Wave . 6 J actly the same number of
And 185 ...pcnmder Gary Sil ver. powts as Elko, against FaJ,;"
face'S .veantic Dave OJOoo By DWIGHT CONNELY lon, holding the Green
of Stanford for the heavy- Journal sportswriter", \Vave to 61. in
rught oUt- Fallon High School mea , of th .
Ron ot lut-quarttl" &tte.mpt e
of Ca1if,nn4 for a the BouJd@'r City fOI..In:'
The fast I' in lemi..fin.als of the-
the firi,t division of the Slate Bas-
the Dear O""'"" Touma.ment at the Cen-
Indigns 0 ' , ' ; 77 :
Ntiners '. <S8
. -
mo High School reached'!be with 1J1is as fim.gatTIt: t:f. mg." P.obert Riley !icored five
fort." Alamo coacb Bob points mid\\.' ay in
'Tom Andreasen, Virginia City ..... e plAY like we did today we'll Friday ni&ht.
assistant coach - "We a beat them (VIrginia City) . . High School
little weak The lame was the kim: use-d excellent team . as he and his
Coli.s(!lml Friday night
fouls. and cold shoOtin& cost
Green Wave II. Tl-61 loss
eliminatiOn. [wah of the Nevada State
v."d](" I--Faliono pulled to within ketblill Toum3mcnt " AAi> play..
S"""' - I three 66-57. with 4:36 offs by defeatinJt Manogue,
r.mainl,,; in the final period . 68, in a pme.-:';
but Cliff Frlctay toDk cl)fltrol Friday afternoon at Centermial,
of the uame fDr Boulder City Coliseum.
ton emy in the moroini,: ." work .lIpinst Battle teammates went
ClifT MUler. V:irgicia. Ci'W ball we might man-for-man a 70-54 defeat 011 the
- was a lot agli..in1il V.C." in the &emifinals ot
toughu." Alamo Bruce Shwnway state "AAA" ba sketball to,,,",' y
coach Ted Burner- -"We' re ready for them." bein/{ played at CerltennIaI
"We shot 12 101.' 63 - that ex- Battle Mountain coach Bill
plainJ the- loss. We j ust could Stewart-"rd like to them Rena had crept to wfthln
nat hit V.c. was 11 little a,::ain . , , they're.a fOUl' points of thi .southern
tougher on the bOllrd., than I .ing team V.c. i "AAA" z:""' champ5, when
expeeted We suffered by huve any trouble with Alamo." Riley, a polished, 5-2 forward (A'
ine;l,:perienCQ ... we will be- E:lko coach fCeed Braith- made a thre .. pcint play with 'MA'
back." waite - "Boulder is good on the clack. He dropped 1 70 ..
Paul Loveioc::k against a pre.1 and fastet. . a jumpcr with 3:27 re",alnll1g. ' A.A' Snnifi .wb
CClach - "We expected .....hat the oHicial1 had to &tart call to 5end the Rams ahead, 51- M"!JIj1lt' III
we got .. We should have inS! them, they were coMist- 48. Jim Tener and Terry Hunt ' c'o" ':. ';;; Clli' 11 "
ben them Our f Ield goal ent, It was a game... continued tl) hit as the Ram. _ .. ==
J ani though . ' my reserves .aved us." throw, with 1 :39- on the clook, 'B' Srmlfl."h
percentage 1'C<llly hurt us . Men ague hustled ual good pulled aw .. y Olnd Tener'. tree
-my 'kIds did. good job." l\tanogueo coach Jim iCed the game far '" !oo.tlIe )j
' Moapa Va11ey coach. Gary "EJ1co had better baD coottol Rancho took 3-2 lead 1A.ith Cit.., OwYh.. :u.
RatchclOl'" - "Love1O(k bustled . WEI had too many remaillill& in the (
\vell and in fact thpy outhustled . . we played them even, lutet racing to 1 C' ly "$. AJ_ (2 p.m.)
US _ My kids wpre nat. T foJ.' the b:ce-tllrow at the 'verioo's 'At "11IIlI,
If_1n$ our defense E tko player Bucky !!Iowed the VIII.,. VI. V,IIIY
hi the last quanel' tN.t rfOaJly "The Officiating was .&.11 m.utll ...... ,., '-d
Elko ...... .... 'U'
llPIet them. an iQt. w, uoe Vlc- pl;:tyer Tom scored mtil 2 :30 "' SeUIdrr 0,," 0' . . m.l
tory." Is the best in the quarter. Reno's ' ....... ---;-;;....Is
:Wes Hughell, \rlriin Valley teem we plRyed an year: Jo!Oeph thP.n popped VI. lei 'o'f'lII(I: . m.)
eOQcb - "We won just like we Boulder City cooch David 01 hiI five tirst-half field
have been winning all year - other one of the
a good, baJanced attack did II. lot of mill'i:in. to four points .
... We have :plaYed against a ClIme through by Riley was aubtandinll on
press almost e.very so it plays. Bob Loux tnl!; board J along with Hunt,
wu nothina: new _ I do not Cormick played and ttM two of them pacld
tfiink we had .. hei!hth I!I:dVallt rOT Also. I'd like to the North Lac Vegas quintet
4&e." great big plug to lnu with 21 and 20 pointa re.peo-
. Vir;l .. Valll!;y'. high searer, who I brought up from the tively.
tbb week, he also played I.Joyd Cot.tttrjght Jed the
great game. at ;Uard. In attack ....i th. 19 and
N8A Roundup tion. I'd like to laud big ollt.<:tandin& alI.around
after my allstater, a losing cause. - -----,.
Frida.y. ;ot three fouls in
firliit halt. It's great: to get
shot at Elko this
You knw', thP. last time
played. in. 8. stale tiM) It
Chicago Bulls
Keep Alive
Playoff Hopes
21 years .l..1k()."
FallDn cOOleh Wint I(ing _
''We dIdn't play ball like we
are capable Of p!.lIying. The
n:pn - 1l1e ad three fouls on Earl (Doege)
.,neM 11') R.... (541
11i 1 21 0 .... u
10 II
3 10 Cnright
1 1 _J_FlfI
"l S tMyTQ
II 0 Q Swecker
1 II , P<:oltsh
o II
o ,
,. ,
'l9 12 70
tw _ r l.. "
ago Bulls bli sterlni third uri)' in the fir.t half I
aad sprees hurt U5. And enarlTe (Hall) II
to score a 132-lli vi ctory wu far' from 1ull strength.
til.... Clworlu
the Baltimore Bullets Friday We weren't the ball
night 'fA) keep alive their belated like we were lut week. We
drive for a berJl in the NBA just weren't doing
CoIfs .....

, ,
. ,
. ,

, .
after Jim Winam and Earl A total of 62 fouls were crured .."':
Doege. F.llon's two I dlng and aeven st(l,.rters
Icorcn, faulccl alit. bencbed on the penalties. art ;
Friday :1J) points. tops elliy In. the third period.
the 1he- game. Most of those Afthaugh the Miners Jumped
toe-to-to.. iD tame in the last moments of 1:Qe off ta a quick 5-0 IfI;d,
, and him , . .
thr.: third. Fallon soared first in 'the came back behind the. ahaot. : ;..
A contruvenlial ending tl free tttrocv bat 1"9 TCIM Clmun and Harald . :
the 1SO-poW1d clAAs, wben reel E'd Otf nine straigbt Burer to take the lead.
Nevada veteran . and Jed 91 as bOl:h teams Late 1" the ftrs\ ..
stOPPed by Steve Byars makin:c good use of full- fastbreaking: attack pulled th.,
Byars s lJl1;Icised prHses .rod zone IndilWll nine :points ahead.
a first.round knockdown, went .!thead. 12-11. with Not Lmtil the last quartl>r:
dmp(N!d him agi:!Jv., but th e to go in the aperUnl( period cook1 }.!anogue- dose the gap.
finalist from wellt on to take a 21-18 llle Miners began edting closr- "
was up and la.rin' to lead. in !;hots alter Burner teuIed .!An:
Up ....nen the- rderee In thc seeond quarte,., three early in the fourth. .
bout. quick bukets put !laoulder 1n Mano2Ue used .. "fuUcomt.s
Sc.hP.llnpr of frant. The lead changed pn!:S"S thl'QQgbout, but the
1, ___ .- out With .. hand. several tim" In the moving IDdians by and. .
loss to em period but thl hoHhooting of scored on easy laytns.

Scheuller. aoulde,. City gav. It 4O-U ']'be Mmerstniled. 46 ..3t at:"

lut lead .rthe mldwJly mark -of the halr, :md a bja' E1ko 'fhird,.,'t
blow thc game.' Q.uarter spurt the. scar.;,
brawl. In the secoad half FIll100 was to 65-46 at Ute end 01.
tlOld all jt eould O,mun and Ji", Moren
only 25 poinb to 3T tor paged the Indi&n attack. wttt\
City. Most of 'lbe scor- O1ImUII accounting for 2D
punch was gone trom the Moren game
lineup when Doege. 19 with 24. "anag.ue', "at CUI100
out with 7:33 re- ning had 1';. . "
'!'- and Winant. 13 points, Although the .
down with 3:40 well on the boards. they
trouble working the b!llJ. in. f.Qi ..
F .... W'" n t, ..... r Cflyle{l tp good shots. E.1ko', tulJ-eourt
, g : PE'ei1 aho accounted IIlalU'
Holm.. , 0 2 8,"*', 2 3 7 turnovers. . :
J 1 Col&-shooting MillIOgUa WU
J IIt.m I e 2 I'rilla" 1" 2D held 10 oo1y 10 1ieJd .oala in tile
, It._If 2. e
W'-'- .. j Il 1 10 fint 1'..3lf an.rl 19 0YI!I't'-eIl.. n.
C H.ll I a 1 l:oWalu had tl 11
To.. " l1li21.1 TCII'llh !t I' T1 ... -Dln 1e oar.
:::'':r CIt)' I' : :: ;; but made 37 charity toislSes. "
Offi,,]al.. Jim brdl.... ,tid Jim 'llle fourth-qllarter Miner ral'
GI.lbbmin.. ly saw Bill Leary put the Wn ..
en within eight POir)t:s. 73-65 .
Trona Nine withl"'-r.m .......
1h am.. :
MIMtII_ (III) 1.. en) ,
3 1 'hi it 111 ,. "... '
Ins, ., lil...".... 3. UOsmul'l -:til
In .,. 2 " 10 Ma,.... 'Yo 2.
From BI
'shop Lgchdoo j 1 11 .... nr 2 2 ,
J . ...\otJUto 0 1 I Dw!h!i' "I , .
lIrcdc1n' I 0 2 Grllfln 0 j I
Unh-',ty 01 N-''''' M. MIlloN ] 2 ""M' I 1 .1 '
.... 0..,... "W_ (I' e
fourn.m 1f>.Ad dwlndJe am 0 .. " ;.... " It 7 r '

cas.. 0.",..... I> a 1 t r : in the final hurled __ High ... .,1.01 1 I "'''/IIr,1I<I ell
non-cCll1fer8nce baseball u....... TobIS":!o 1M TofIl XI:l7 n
_ cond,tion.. to a. s-.1 vic
'''-' o ..'er sc. ...... by tjl.lilrttn:
playotf5. right."
(Ittl IIIITim_ 1115) Rancho toach IJarTY
G .. T G F T "SU'Orli deferue won
! mighty
night prOVided NorUlUll IS
5 2-3 12Eg.n J H' H t
RodlCl 1....c 16 1-1 lJ or Ul! Riley
fans with a big eYiM
famed de!enaive
bounced Wooster
....., wiUt the Univenity of ""OJ M.a , .... '" ...
"The fore east showed a 60 II> oll in .. Del;erl-Inyo LeaKUe .... lei .. .s: T1
.t e W Pack'l: Clark .am . _. victor. _OfItc"IU Sf! "re."", ......
chancf> for rain and look the U'
conditions on Dormer _ pme by & all their runs JA the
expedat to be m;,,,r-I :iDniD1. 511
,.hI' ." he "ald. on the Cateher Tom Tobin of Bishop Trek
Wa.d '" 22 lIOJOIVl...... 13 ..... (Jim) were
'i =rv : t; 3 but
1 : real well. . In the "AM"
'11 ',', just but Nevad .... StA-t.e High '1
1>0='.- 7:2... l' tense w-as Tounrunent at
W5i19tn 2 0-1 -4 reboonds and Controlling Coliseum.
$c;hIH 1 .
ToIll. 5116-22132 '011" 151S.3,j T1! boards all:holij:b they were i Woowtcr stayed with de
g:l;.:"l:m gel' .. Terry Hunt also did fending ehamp. fo,. the f irat
greaC job l or US on the ""'ords l two quarte"" .lIt,. with "bout
-' . . . \Vc can fast break if 6:47 remalnlno in the third
Harolds Cub extended ils
:5T .. LOUIS .... 111 . C.isary but it is a situation period, the Veg .. defense and
'WARRIORS 105 break such as dC\' e1oped oHense got together to break
thP. "re not the cloil-Sh wide open. O .. ndy ;:
SAN FRANCISCO (UPl) - of leam that c<ln run all all ... bte forward Jim Miller. IJ.
The St. lAuis Hawks defealed Reno eoach Ken paced the sur .. Illy b-nklng
NBA -welte-m division champion wer. in the for ."...,hill, three .tnlght field
Sa.n Frattcisco. Ill-lOS. Friday but they bQt 0' IOn the board. Wildcat
night de$pite a frantic raUy by . Lloyd Courtright played the m()!Jt I)
the WalTiorI in 1h1l! tinal pe- his heart aut--one of hi. but for Ule winben:;
rIod. tames of the ..... on. _.. work on both
.. ancho is a rugged, lIanJ. took gmne SOOlinr with
T wol1cing teilm, their defcnu ts Miller was next OIl 17.
H especially .t.rcng. but what \...V. jumped to 13-' first-
in the Reno YMCA
League to a perteet
II. sweep of thi!'; w k',1

Dean Witter 15-0. 1$-3. 15-5.

Realty, only
behind narolds
, ....
11 hurt us is the 1act that quarter Iud behind balaneacl
we GOuld not get our offense point making. Robertson car- 1 I
3 going all evening .. ' ried the laa' in the .econd had 11 = m
21 .canto, Millu In the t.hird and Ba.nk: MapI.- L PoMM.
Utry LiMy took ovet" in tho swcpt three, 18-16, III
Laguna VI1S
fourth. lS-lO. Standings in tM Min..... Sol....
FIon:t 010"'. Glan\brl. :I'
Jim P..ocJrlqut'Z loop fo]1ow:
oD 14 with Rick Club l5-D, Holiday '2
J.A,KERS I 111 NEW YORK <UPll -. on 12. Bureau of :Mines 12.J. U.N. 1
DnlOlT 1 03
m"" ... Isma.' La""a v .... Bell 1'<1"'-'" ,
: Iy aaoCber chance c., WI OJ', NatiOaal Ban.k Sooth
.LOS ANGELES (l>"PI'J-Jerry the world li&htweisht title J 11...... I
"est 'A."'U sidelined 'A-ith only i 'Ibc ..... t artist NatimaI Bank UL
'FY and EIIbt Bay10r was held u- round : i : Thr.w r: in lie IoIt
"fO!"'e1rss: tor tw() and a helf pe.. Fnnkie Narvaez :. : 5 : ill 1656 aa4 AU. MASONIC MlII S AND THaI
bllt the Los An3eoles night be to rr.: ._ C---'''Y __ TO IN-
.,.. mIl l..ct from the senamin&: (am Ilt Ma.diso ,... 7 ,.. _""All'
tt.Rur 1,.0. defnt the Detroit Square GAl"deon .. " THE NI'W MASONIC MEMOItAl IUI.DING
l!i'tons Friddy night. I, ___ ' ___ "0'" I::::
.. .......... DIfNIt ":1" TI o..rt.t 1I_.. IN MOUNTAIN VtIW CEMETaY.
t:v:n& ; Easter Mass OUR IftfSENTAnVEr MI. K. M. LOHGlAUA
.. ! S ti VA11CAN CITY UNm., INSTALl WIl II AT YOU. SEMCE,.OM 2 .. 4 P.M,
'* , Hl . :u HCI'It-. :...., Paw VI will celebrate .n early MO.r MAlC" 11 I 12, 17 .... I' TO ANSWIR
,. 'I' 1\ H'r.... &-t I .-"_. " "
-..r- 3'&...n, "6-11 U Su.. ........y " . at the 5u-1 & QUlSnOHS.
I'" 2 '01... 111\ 1""1 burb.n Jtoman .",.rilh of Barga- ft.I!IIII!:-T "" 'SS "'" ....
... ONowr., H r- ""'"
.... .... -" "".,. '" .. Facaeel&. ! ...... announcod T I._.f I. l......... f & ... No 13
T...... 4S - II. .... II. Trtd.." 11. No ,liM .rr. Nt. ...... rus no """""1
i:,......... I"
tho onlY player with more To Vegg. Ivenf
one hit; he collected ..
o[ ainalel. Nine Western Nevad. trap-'
shooters are competing
0) .. rhbl T..- U) .'IIr,. ... week in Las Vegas a( Nr- '
d ) 0 II" Si9Q d ,',' ,", vada ATA state event . -l
r1 c.
, a 1 II bl!VU A 2 1 II II Entered In the meet which
lO'ICulllkl .. 3111
If 3 II II Kltin lb 2 I i a begun Thw'sday And ends Slln-'
l? t: f. g i i day, arc Dan Odich. Jack ShJ,lt-
l II , lQ1Ill rf I' 1 II er. Beverly Woolley. Mary HU' ..
e HU ..... tf .. 0 peT, Bob Harper Ud Joan
TottlS.3 13 Dr.cke:rt. all of Reno; Bob s.n..
.1 _ 2 ford. CarSon City; and Shirley
- - -.-a a I UIshill.a and Joo 0Jahin1' oJ Fal ...':
t 100.
, ... '2---l1SID!NCI. l4 .... 1$'00.")
I... J--.ftM:1NG ...... ".
....... : 1st "iI' ...... , ...... , ..... -
... IISIIIMC.I, ....... W .... C$..... ,
... J ''PA'', ___ 14 .. '"
.... , .......... ...,4.
L--. ., ....... 7" ......... , ..... "". -
.... '".1
... '-"'" "-- .1 ..... ...... '1'Jtft" ,,, ... ,
........ ., .... t 711 ...... Jt ... _
.... MI.'
__ ..... 1 ........... , 11" .... I .........
................ , ...........
...... ", ...... ,., .. , .. al. ,. It., ..........
,... 141.1 .
, .... '........ut ltI ...... -. 11'.".. ,......, .......
1$'11 . 1
1'- 11-.... ....... , t.-, _', 1.'.M'
""" IJ-fIIC ......... ...
"- ", ..... , .... .....
...... )tMS
.... MUM .... _ .a..-, Il10 .... '" ' .........
1 ..... dllIIII ..,. IN ... ___ U "'" '''. '''' ....... .
.. .... , ............ ,. p ... - .... ... - ....... ..
.... MIl", __ ... e1 " ......

'2121212.2I2'I2".222222121212 ........ as .. as .......... , .............. I2I2 .... 2'.. as ........... asa ..... , ...... .. .. .................. """""""" ............................. _ .. , ....... -"- .. = .... = .... ----..... , --.-.-----------
Nevada State laumal-SPORTS
Sunday, January 30, 1966 19
Princeton Cager Bill Bradley Wins Sullivan Award
NEW YORK (UPl) -Bill
Bradley, who personifies the
imagE' of an all American boy
both nn and off till! bMketball
eCJurt. was named Saturds).' to
rel;:eive the SUlliVM Award as
the nation's outstanding
amateur athlete> 01' 1!l65.
Budley, led the Princ(>too
basketball team to unknown
helghtl; during his three varsity
!leascms IiJld was chooen the
of the yellr in
He spocned !l 1abulous
off(>r to turn profusional with
the New York Knickerbockers
to purSl:e his studies as
Rhodes Scholar at OxCl'lrd.
Even for an athlete M
proficient at his sport, Bradk'y,
despite his quiet, Wl:lSsurr-ing
mllnner, has had a remarkably
strong influence basketbBlI.
DLU'ing his stay at Princeton
the game became known
Bradleyball and in
where he is alsD a celebrity,
Bradley is !mown as Mr.
A groUp of 4SE
sports I'.Tilers, sporuca.sters
and former trophy winner!; took:
part in the SUllivan Award
\"otins: lind the were
announClOd by Clifford H, Buck,
president ot the Amateur
Athletic Union, in tb.e February
issue or Amai('ur
The SuUivan Award, to be
pre,t;ented for 36th time,
traditiomllly goes to "the
amateur athlete who by perfOI'-
mance, example and good
influence did the mosl to
auvRllce the nuse of good
sportsmanship d uri n It the
year." The award was {':S11l-
hliJ:hed in 1930 In memory ot
James E. Sullivan, a founder,
one-time president and. long-
time of the
BraGley nomed on
ballots and he also
picked up 67 seconds and 31
votes for third place. SeoTed on
a 5-3-1 pOint h\> amassed
II !"tal (lof 852 points.
Nevada Wins Seventh Straight
N8A Roundup
Clutch Charities
Win for Royals
CINCINNATI (UPI) - Oscar Robertson sank
free throws with two seconds remrunina to <1ive
Cincinnati Royals a 116-115 win night
the St. Louis Hawks,
The Royals trailed with seven
the Hawks' Zelmo Beatty hit a 'piinning
from the lane to the score 115-114
lion'S two free throws, the Big 0 stole the ]1
Stewart 94
Mineral 5;8
STEWART (Special to the
Joornall - Red - hot Stewart
Higll School grabbed a 39-7
first Il,llartcr lead and went on
to blast Hawthorne off
tile court, 94-55. in II 1100HonfH-
ence bm;kctball game Saturday
Stewart cleared the i).'nch In
1he second quarter, wh'n its
lull-court press and hot_shoot.
ing had Hawthorne hao:;inl:" on
tIw ropes, Al\'in Mlgud - and
Q)rnell Edsitty scored 15 points
for the winners.
pass to seal the win for
The win
Royals u few 1
ahead of the
It the
for Cincinnati over
and Its 20th win at Mme In
Boston 119
New York 107
Stewart won the junior varsi- l\EW YORK (UPI) - prelimina.ry by II halley mar- Jones scored 32 points and
1m. ry Siegfried nt-ttro to
H... lh." ... no O-'lg -II III the CelticG to tl
tI 0 D victory over the Ne-w
S 2 1Z l n 6
pryor 6 1. e 2 2 in a ".';oc,wl:
3' 1l Er;l.sllty "3 15
6' 18 llelK"IIP 1 I) 2 Basketball Asrociation
2 g g g SallU'dui" night
c 2 An.llgal 1.1 1.1
F"'........ a I) EdW.1S 5 J 13 NfW YI1I'K (lV1 8alton (lit)
Daw .O! Gf'T 0"
Joh<lll 0 0 0 Monuel 0 0 _ 7:!-1 16 Sl/ldtory 1
0 0 0 V.....r$dl. S,7 11 l N
6 lG s.,".my 1:; He 32 RVSWlI 0-0
'3 1 u,l Jo.... 3 H
KI.l. 2 0 iWmlv" 7 l'tQunlo I H
TglMI Ie" n TC>lall 'J1lO 61'l'''M 1 1)00 2 5 ,-7
by Quarter.: (:"me"l 0 (1.3 D I 1ll-l1
HawI_ , l' 13 n--n 1 2-l
lI.wert It 14 111_ $1,lwrIh 3 H 10
______ 0 T(I\.I, 'J il-1J 101
Carson City
N.... Yort.
San Francisco
Baltimore 95
P t L
as Y0l11 "'"

CARSON ern' (Special to the erratic San
quarter 10
much as ('ight pOints,
Until tile last of the fourth
quarter, it looked as If WCIOS-
ter had the game wrapped
up. However, Fallon sudden
Iy switched from its man-to-
ml'lll clefcllie to I fullcourt
,:Ire" III the final two mlll-
Ind th Colli began
makillg mistakes,
Fallon then l'aced
I !I3-fll, Itnd with
remllining, Dick
made the one-anr;l-one
the conlest
(11') ",.llDn (JI)
fg tt I'lL
12 1 'II 5
o 0 DJ, 1I<!80!1 1
2 1.1
10 2
l6 17 II' T01"11 Y 17

Trounced, MANOGUE
ShowclGWIl time cornu up
next weekcrld wl1ell Nevada
plays at San Francisco Satur-
day, after ll. Friday tilt at
a dlsaslrlJus weekelld Rampaging Lloyd Cou-rtright
Cal Aggles, who \vere poured 32 through th,
I,po'ling (l 93 r!!coro and a dl" hoop to lead Reno to a (;5-55
rated 13th ns- non-CO:Jlcrencl.' basketball win
Rut WH- over Manogue High School In
Sacramento Stale FrJ-
then WE'l'e riddled h>' the Husky gym Satunjay nit::ht.
nif:lll. The Reno win revened n pre-
A,:mill;" II. Wolf Pack might 61-.'i6 handed Reno
over tile century by the Miners,
","o'<ach Ja<:k Spern:er Reno jumped into lin early
pour it on. But he Iud and k<1Pt It the entire regulars wllh'g:Ullc, s.;:ored the
lead and reserves fin- hrst SIX pomts for Reno. Cen_
out tIl' flnB.1 10 minutes ler Dan AbbeU helped the- Hus-
farmer. wltl1 paliE'
1n'it ilncl IIIhootlnll which r;ln
up a 1ti-2 lead In first five
.. MQre than six min-
,:Iaued bef(lre tI1e Aggie,
sallk their first field goal,
, ky cause with 5even points in
tile first Abbett was
<;Qon jn foul trouble and ut out
the r"{'St of the g-ame,
Although M:lllOgue used I
fl.lllcourt press all the way.
the of AI Mj':3n,
and Jim Kemp kept Reno out
+ __________ <.. of trouble. The Reno ddense
Friday's 85-76 win over was eli u a II y stNng, and
' t' 1 forced Manogue to .hootfrcm
an [Ie !'lump lOW'.!' the outside.
Clara a few prevl- Liltle Jon Anns:rong kept
when Spencer went \.he gume close 'by scoring on
with, oulsidE' jump;.>rs for llianogue.
to fimsh, the \\oll ,:,uck,He 2U point:;. Teammate

substitute:Yrank Torrell hit 15 for tlte l<ls, even beforE the linal'ers
Bob Gilliam 3 :38 left to play in thl
three-pel'sonal game, the closed to ",'lib.
early moments, in six poinb;'. But key field goBls
Shoenoorger was by lanky P::eslon Davis kept
for cOIll'li,derablf ac- the Huskies in the lead, Davit
.. ----" speedy litUe George WIlS the high fol'
made an impact In the Reno. scQ!'ing 10 points.
when Nevada The Miner defenle could
to a fast-breaking of find no an5Wr to Courtright.
He seared all driving lay-11l1
Nlohelson get the pack .. nd 10llg jumpers, Ht put In
eff 1cI III Nusing lead with a 14 fielel goals fer RenQ, ... 11
variety of buckets, Frallk but two of them hI the first
Bruno took the pace with three quarters.
.. mixture of .hots looked like it WOUld have
and fad breaks, and urly In an night of it whim the first
tho second half Larry Mooro h:llf er.t:M, The JM by
,:Iierced the defellu for 11 p:lints, 36-25. nut :i\f<1llogtl!!!
.. series of layups. caught fire in the fulrd
Nicholson, the &-5 sentor cen_ and could grab
tlU'lled In one ot his better mOre than a 10-polnt It
sinking close-up jump ;l))[I('Hrl'd PlOUgh the Ma-
a variety of pivots and no"u(> rally catCh Reno,
and even a couple ot:bur D Il. V 15. and Courtrlgl1t
NAP MONTGOMERY (40) C1f tI1e University of Ne1lada goCl jumpers. thE" .:lU.:lck.
.kywal'll to tank I Jump Ihot durlll; Int night's Wolf Pack , 5-10 senior guard, was rn the the
" .. Jl1ll1Ol' \'anlly broke
rout af vi.itlllg COli A!l!lies. The helples.s defern:lers w...." I' 'th
marksmamhlp, and OP!!Il nil' J g:3me n I"
are AumOln (10) and 0011 Moore (22). (Jourlla.l Phota) :;;;".],;;1;, b k h otKI hnlf IUld wl'nt on to his . "" .... ."m
;,,,,li,, Tb b d' 22 r-olnts f()r Journal) - Carson City High to a 108-95 National
School took of a cold- Association victory over
Fhtlotlng Yer1llgtcm team Baltimore Bullets.
!l:o.y night to roll past the Lions,
63-30, In II bas- Sin 1l.ltIm(oft
ketbalJ game. Bo"y
The vIsiting Lions W(,l'e held:

1'0 I" 1 I' the pu"" .....

Elko W.
ns Ago."n lI'inOl'1'5, with tf'ammat&

alld ocre Mlke sr.oring- 17.

IIccurate feeder M.rIOtu. 1m Rtl10
From Wh.
"te Gilliam and NichDlson "'m'IOIJ f; repon,
0. shambles of tile A.ggie-
It fr f1I
, , ,
, , ,
I' :n
., ,
t: defense held them
John Gamble- lind Mal'k Car-
ttl' paced carson with 15 and
]2 points, respectiwly.
Carter and Tom were
busy pulling dO\\'Jl renoul1ds.
In the pl.'ellminary game, Yer-
ington's junior dumped
Cur:;on. 56 to 3.7,
NSA Standings
34 ,.IQ
Xl ,.Il
l3 II ,1M
Vert: 16 ,321
J Lo, AIIY" I.. 3Q 2!' .56
hlllm ... 2> ..oI('.J
3 :; frl'IClseo XI .w
D $1. Loul, :2:2 II
i 0",,,,11 16 .
1! SIIIurd.,' A.. ull.
,; 116 SI. LOlli; 115
II S",lon N.... 111l'
6 !.n 108 BMllIMrt 'IS
to (OIIIy oamts lChed\lk'd)

"o ..
... n.


IaHlo 1/10",,111.
defense. Low,en 0 0 0 WI""
ELKO to the ' In the i If
Ellro High School led EI:':Ot1ns outdId the eu, ,,' the vlsito". ."'_, Abl>!tI
5 D
. , .
, , ,
" ,
1" 11 &I

' ... Tolll, 1'211 II Tal,r. , tor three- tjuintet, 2.').,'1. The forced to 0 II t Ii I d !II ,1I0otlllg S:ort t'/
lI'I.nol;llN! II :tI 41 U
White Pine, much more JOpJ;ided over Nevilda's defense for Reno ______ S1 0
a nOrH:Onferc-nce "'"k,"-I'-""'" Elko most of their goals, Con
",."Iw Moor= _nd Jl)im Fro,t, tall
conte-!;t hr!r! Saturday r

Vlnl" forwarcls, la.llicd 14 and 15

Imlhlns Utlll7.M a points,

compiled a 26-13 lent! 1h !i t 10 't d h 'I 12. e rs mmu es, an a

Pine (.'tCnler, 41-22 halftime bulge. Early,
.- .',"""', ..... , with 20. the Wolr'
Sparks JV
Over Gerfach
ro oCKey junior wo.s in Il'1)nt by much: The Sparks High School jun--
tile EIkc:1 ,;3 \Xlints. . ;Or va r sit y buskctoall team
Bay Area Scribes c.1 16Jl I" 11
To Honor Sfengel II thc otller, i ti ? ftiJen hung on in tIl!' final tram"
Iit',h"",hl SAN FRANCISCO (UPD 15 5 1\' Pint W) em t5 [001st a 71-61 "'ictary Oller
Casey StI!!ngel v,-ill receive 10 24 11' f!I II If J 0-1 6 0 33 3 .er ficll SaUm:lay night in the
Banquet Ff'!b. 13, It 2 : f I 1:; a last-break in the third quar_
OCEANPORT, N.J, (UP! announced yesterday, 0 0 0 0 Eo,H, 2 11-0 4 2,J 10 tE'r 10 takE' a S2-47 lead at the
HBrd_ ; 0 2Hh.lo:)r!>iii' C 0 TNIls
The Sapling Stakes, won The award, named Gubbl"" 0 J OW.I.y 0 u"
in 19fi5, lind of the late Waltl"r Hu,; 2 t 4 Sto"",n D e (UJ. "",,,,,,., Forw:1rd Dan Smith of Sparks
ority Stakes, won by a vl!ter1ln 'I D 0 took game honon with 21
Street that year, are Ole "otm-Iwlth Ille San ' I 1 ' points, while teammatE' Paul
1.15 <I lC>l.I, '115 Tholl follOll:ro Wilh 18. Pat
major 2-year-old races in is pre-sented for '0;.;,>1 = !:M!I 41 Owrn t: ...... v.r_ Molt the Gerlach ",.c,
SAN FRANCISCO torE:':':''-C'':':b:....:':':c'M::::_____ '-C:::::::o:..:c.:.-=:::.: _____ -'c::.=-c'_m:c.:"='''':,c"'=-b
':"":..::':":.'_ __ "''-'"'''''' __ ______ _''C';'OO''CC'_'''::...___________ with
'fh" JDurna\) _ More thnn 1,201) The Sparks reserves dol'>'JIed.
cOllegl" and high school footbnll the Sparks jUllior high ninth
cooclles from California, Oregon B II L R d 7' 211 L "grad(>, 50-34, in a preliminary
. urre eaps ecor - 72
Robin"", 3 eK ... ct,- "1.,
:man Kodak CO. in cDllal.oration VI,II 2 a "LI.btlcvt 5 1 11
with the American Pootball t';I-W:r 1; 1 !r
Coaches Asscciation, offers POR'l'LA.I\'O, Ore. (UP!) _ bar en his third and final at- WasbillglMl State's Gerlj' Lind- will n e r P _ r r y O'Brien cleared 16 feet but Sn\";1gf! g('lt freshman R(l,l;OOI! Divine was Q 0 B"'man (I> 1 1
"Igil 0 0 OS,",wart 0 Q Q
werstem football coaehes an op- Univ(>rsity of Nevada's Otis to!mpt at the 11:a.lldard, edging greo on the final lap to capture avellged a loS!; III Int year'. the win on the b<lsis ewer third in the Mme time. Bob!le- l T!IOlI e 1 1.
porlunity to learn what, is new BlIl'!'(>U Saturday night ncord- th bar off with hil trail leg, featured two-mile run, meet to Oregon'. Steln- misses. laney 01 Brigham Young, who Tgt."
and In coachmg and ed the b(>st high jump ill the Burrell also placed fourth in Day's tlme was !U3,O, Lind- hauer in tile shot put, The trIple lumP wmrK'r f8st early tv.".,,: II 3' " ,I
hDW to apply it to thrir own world for 19Qi 7'-216"-and the SO-yard high hurdles, gren was cloo:::ked in 8:24.(1. winlling throw WI! Samuel,> of Soutr1ern set a SPlrk. ,"_'-____ n 11
. d th ,. Ih Th '" d 'k I f' C,I ,'n f""t. sixth.
,ituatlons. was name e Ill;: II - I" _,eva an 00 on)' we Day, setting an American col- 62-9Y2 fe et to break his own
Two Rose BOVo'J O:laches Dur lC'te in the Annual Orc-gDn In. jumps beforl" 7'-5}i", cleal'!l1g legiatl" indoor recDrd, ran be.! meet record of 61-11%. Grelle, who Kenya's AI of Brigham
ty Daugherty or Michi>:"on Slate door Track and Fjeld :!\feet I}n first attempts at 6'6", 6'-lJ", hind tht! tiny Lind1':l'en until thl! StdnJutuer was I" 0 n d ill Kipchoge KeUlo at L:ts YOlltlg captured the 50-yard New Commissioner
and Tommy Prothro O[ UCLA, he-re, ,7'-1,4.1", 7'-lW alld 7-:2'h. final lap of lhe 22-lap race, 61-4%. ia,t \\eek 1ll :'.00.9, high in a meet ree ,
.end Bud Wilklnson, unlversity The mark Burrell's eareer Mal{ Lowe and Gene Johnson Then hoc burst ahead <11 his rival sophomore Je-ri Van tbe mE'et he '"''QuId run only to ordequulling 7.2 BIR..1\U.I'I:GHAlI1. Alil. (UPI) -
of Oklahomil, will M,m thf'! was a 'meet record, took second and third behind and Won going away, Dyke beat Southern Cal's win and he to his word. LenT1O:- Miller of Southern The Conference
faculty. After winning, the lanky Burrell; bOth cleared 7-1*,', The old American wllegiate l1is Carr in the 500-yl!.rd dlUlh in He ran just off the pace ,,?-ost Californl(1 w:on ,tM 6(J..yard dash >'esterday named A, M.
Quciition _ and _ il1IS\\e1' ses- Wolf Pack aellior took three The old meet was illdoor mark was 8:37.9, set by 58.6. Carr's time was 59.0, 10f the way and sprinted mto in 6,1 ,seeo.!'1&; m an upsel over Coleman, athletic
iOllS and conferences with the .hob at r--&Y-i," In an effort 6'-11", let by Joe Faust of Lindgren here last year. First place in the pole vault thE' lead with two laps to go In canadLan Hurry .for. rector at T!ch, 1:-
clinic staH ....ill assist to orac:k RUlllall Valeri the Seuthrn California Strld- Veteran Jim Grelle v.<rul the went \JJ Savage of VCLA.It.he lllap merly of Oregon. Jerome s time new commlSSiOnc-r and ga .. !!!
COl!.cheJI iD solving speclnl prob- world Illdoor mark of ers In 1963. mile in e. disappointing 4:08,8. in 16 feet. Jeff of th(>1 Oregon's tall!! Wilborn was was &.2, San 'WU'fll'l
a six-YEar worth
lCJrll.. Burrell WH over thl Bob Day oj UCLA outran Four--tlm. Olympia medal Santa Clara Youth Villl!.ge also second In oi:12,4 and Oregon Hennen WM third In 6,3, it Iluarter of a million d,oIlan,
N FW "I'A P ERflllGH IVE _._ .. _ .. NEWSPAl'F.RflRGH!VE
lO-N ..M Sf4e.lourMl-SI'ORTS Saturday, Febru""} 2,

Wolf Pack Drubs Chico State, 90-70
Reno Rally Halted;
Wooster - - 67 - 65
81 MI KE PARMAN I on Mike Adame' 25' oot HI
CallTJy " "0 (rl!le- .. hot wit h 13 len.
with four aerondJ; WI Sparking the Col t a ttaclt the
on the ciock, John BOOne)' a:2ve f't\t!re ' v"Y ... Tom Thomp!>un,
\1iOOf;If! r lIigh School R. 61-G.'i , :n SC!Ol'in,
wi n ()\"I! r the in a. 1.. ... on 5hort j UIUJ'oIlN;.
Northern Ne",'ada "AAJ" Con- ran lJ'I'er the Rffio n!'>fense lUI-
'erence bashThall ga me in the; ttl 111. 11' in t he gump. . HlI.l'fl' Wilie
CaIt Ci}' m Friday night . '7"nei l>( ;)r<:d 21 for the Hu.kle .....
win g a"e Wl'lOsler il t ' oeMl a tie! Jumr. iD):: (Iff to a BlI lust.
[or til l 1961i cr ov.' n. ! (j U!lI1pr lead over
Down by plI\nb .... 1)' In !;/lO()ting Huskies, Woos1er ap-
t"'" flnt Plano rtUlred ;uo; 100uJil h it ....ould l't1.1d
back In the lilt few mln.,t home, Rl!'rto tI"i3.i11!'d nIl the way"
If P"1 to tie the ..... ----------.
Stewart 83
Douglas 52
MO!t or the ".i mc hy C!'!ghl to
1[1 Wltil fh, ' 13.!tqU!lrter

L.loyd CO\lrtrlgt\t and Har ry
, WIll! Deg,. n hitting with Ibout
fi ve ml nules left 11'1 tn Cl me,
Wit h iii minute and a hall' lett,
I Reno wa, behind,
Botb teams were equal 00 the
STEWART ISpl'C:al to the rnl ckb:J<l rn.s. "'-l lh ( oll cet
JoumRl) - Stf,lJ,"ar t lIIgh School jng for Rpna and 30dney fa:
l'!lfI\P"!d to a oommanding Gn; t. the Colt ... ,
N1f !Md, Ihe:- re.; l In IDe prelm:j' lIl r,;- JWlwr \ 01 1'_
of tilt! way !.o ,.asily sit}' game, Wooster stopr.o.i
DoltIw , 83-&, III d I'Crtl..' tlJl Reno, 5s-14, behind the 25-!XJi nt '
def'e. "f(t in :-forth'.!'l l1 Nc\' oo:l illJlpul ot !he <.:oI t'. Mjke
"A" Conference b:1sko!tball play, nini
The Draves [ired l rom Ill ._ I'IIl .. .......... w,
ans:1M and iii pressing de- '" " ,. ,.
feme hf>atl ed by Wilbur Mahn , 0 0 ,....,,, ..
" ""mp 1 0 4
10 w1tl ni nt h and R'>dr;ql!f!
IItraight L. bilK' play. : l fj
Ste-wIU't Is 12-1 ' :::,\!,', j 1 IJ
The .....inners we!'!! led by Dan .ltbbtH 1 ;
II)' k-e a nd Corne!.i. E&iUy, "ho! ,. t U
hoth meshed U pornlS. Dollglas , 1 Sa" _ rl.,,,
lIIFhieb on frce
- ,., I' )I " .7
ror ne. rly Italt of its POi nt. _ _ _ _ __ .::
were topped by Jim tJh.2.r l'lS 14 L
m.amf'l. has lost alii assen 69
of III lames sol
""'" tho J",'" vru-.itYI Loyalton 65
preliminary, n5&. LOYALrol'O, CaUl . IV
......... It::!} !PI tbI!' J<:JUmaJ) - Lcvalton Hi,,,
'g : battled !p.a:o:ue-Jeadi l'l$:; RENO HIGI-I HlIlrrl' Wiu (14) t an ka t ....o) pointa on
UIII" , '14I'!1,11I11 l La$len on even IIrrw; 011
:::;-.,.,. , : I: t h. WIY ber(]fI! ft'lllIDi: beililltl a jump Ihot durll' 1I last nIght'. wild los, to
Chulf! 1 0 1 !le1. n.D I . ! in t h I ! In t em t he CQIt . ...t lett" W,,"u t er. J ohn B:tdney (SOH
knell l 1 I ; I,n_drop No. 13 1, R&no's LlOyd (Journal Pl'lotc )
t , n '1 '; .f'. r lVo:r .... _ _ , __ _ _
2 I 5 decl." )On FTId;'!y
"'I'lln I 1 I.". t n,p fum i ng pnint i n thoe gam!'>
urne midway throllgh ' he third
; paTio;%, when Lo>I Itm. ', nar
Tnl. l>I n TI)I I II J t z-r:, Mount, fouled out
r!: ,:l" QUI :"!' '' ' II, n ...f1 Il l ler 15 llOjnts , Mike
11' 1 . .. loili ttinl iJ.nbhcd high lor Lnya!.
--- - :Ion with 2(1 but wa5
Big Fallon Fourlh Period
Ruins (arson (ily, 6041
L -Idt by David Fl'emh,
DO \\Ina U nkAtl JO (or tI.
tlehound 1..\1o&en.
CARSON CITY rSpecial :0 the wit h n ol 15 poinh.
- Del'i! :J!y hOI:! a I:h:
IUJ Lal l't<' (i!') Hig h SChool 1n for W"" ,(! .'1 1'1<:1
"4 ", '" " c<PnlCnhon fer Nl'rilil'1'tl t'e \ <ll'l ll Il g;l :11C-hte;'1 Illt!!! (If 21
, 4 2lI lIoII "' m " AA" Utnl ercr. r e b t sk('I t'i1'l 1' J . ,]tll Cambl!' of th, , ,,' ''' ''
Ii i l i bOnoI'fl oy dro]mir.<: Cl'Il ' !';(\(j ()ty, hi s 5f' ('{Jnr.
4 ! ; 6(1.47, :1IC11.' F' r ltl ay nl/:ht_ with of 17
wn.'NEM1JCC.\ (Spec( .. l kI Ad_", I , 2 I O . 1:1(:' &>nRlo!"); H\.o.. ycd wit " Ill!! Onn:o;ny Ct)Wl Ty t ililel'S
l0urm0l ) - Wlnnt'mucca Hlr:h rlll. ,. ZJ " '? favored Green W,I.\'(> thrCQ !l.Wlly t on much II I
8cboQ) unleashed a '.,t-brealt- u..... ,t II n _ quarter. bu" II. Sh ...... last thrill'.' 21ne.
-g - -' . '. , ... ' ........ . . - '. .... . F '
" .... ' .. n"f! ... II. prellllft g <Ie- \tlr I.>y LIte st'Ilt 1h"m: a.Jon. now 94 o\er"fIJl .
In t he str.()l"ld MU to open S lhomt:' wllh Ih!.'lr tl1 ird vi ctory also llcJpr-d out by Il h t a l ight JtIU1le M1d 1'.1!IIt on. pencer ,in llJUI: leagUe by
10 dM.'l\ \isltlng Whlttell Ul,h , carson led t hrol<i! boul mOi l 01 Earl Doeg.. .
Scho$!. &6....i3 , in a )lorthem Ne- the first half b"t _ .'"" , Tht jUJ'llcr var"lty
v.cla "A" "'k. J- D "I , ... "' j , ' " . , ,.:
a n Ie h1ll ftJ r.l 1! by two points. Fallon Wil S a.: so V" ,
bell game ph yed m3 lu i ! 5 1M t N-nllglKlllt the er Ut"!> e ll:\, ' <>(I m
aight . "
_ . l1 alf, Senltol: S ".11 0" c,,.,,
f, n I.
tv evt!'!"! le: r.u t1r :ougllout the. .. ...
.,.., 1\'."'0 Hams playe<i on [" ir_ To F I"Sh t " ,n:e:me(' t'mn" ....ilil.- "-
fi rst half, bttt the Buc.karno:! ' pourt
Ji m and J ohn Me !jAN F RANCISCO (UP}) _ Decn ,Skbnct" win., e .mly
Nlnrb look charge of Ihe M i ll k M j S . at wck m the {!IIal fr a!7\(' =
. a c rna er j . 1r;]

3 ! l I K. "
l I !
1 I
Cl 0 0
'lJ bound the. t llt d of Itt.. Bri nj1; a ub :1n. !-- J .....,I'1.
quartt:r and th'" compkXl oo 01 this WCCJ that he
the gam. r.J.uid: ly cben: ("(I , loca.!. hN,\')"\\f!ill' ht cO:J-
("I ",
More Sport.
Palle.9, 11, 14
In the 11n,u fhl! ct'- Thad to light :
urvt' s got to play ,,",I the two BIlly Danli"lls of Brooklyn. N.Y. i
t.eM'lft traded Pe- in .I l a-round bout Feb. 21. 1 __ _ ____ _ _ _
PIlce? winner: Bcorlng Thill iii UIC S[I:1l e night on
WIth 15 pomtl! while Jim Salatn which :nuh Elcrde of Manila.
cf WbIt1eU look Jehednl ed 10 ..
v arsity ligh!welgllt
h a.1lle \Vin.r!emucca ramped agatos\ RIUron MorellD
Aggies Drub

11 11.0
$< . .... bv <l CI , ,", ,
f alle'
Proam Golfers
Move to Fallon
U'f !n.25 i . of But t he Filipino box. DAVIS .. Cali f. {UPli - 'I"lle
to a l'. n, ,et' t"Ih: cml y by Cal Sllc:-amf!!)- F,\ LLOX (SpeC!.:!] \0 1he
(p) ... jtht Califcrnla State It) 81-71 fri ct ay night in tI, ' nail .. The we6 :1y
u .,. ': , G>mmissivrl on grauIXiJ o( 10'3. . to\Jl'!1)men' which rcvoh
nth;n Row
Racked Up
Sy Nevada
Booth Hits 32
In Lyon Win
Over Lovelock

,. ............1nl
! ; : f )t his oor.l r:l ci. !)aU bJi' ht Ilc:I by 1"'''('0 Rf'r. f; , Carson a ',r,
I s..... I a Spencer , r 1 n k e d pcr j\.) rl1lance ('If , FalJu!l is s(,hfaul cd !:It
founh amon" cOll tenders by Don I Pil .-..Q VJn
" mIc 4 0 the Wat1d Boxi,,!: AfJ()I;hpr Aggie, sophomore AI. a re
l 11 Of.mels II bout b lan Budde had :n l-eaoundi, Hldtkn
l'Il lonl ,,!!
o G
1 I
1 i "F,,,,,,",,,
f ar..:
). 11 oW r Ql tI'

.. ,
1. It
, , ,

.. .

,...,.. tl II J Rp,:D. TIle latler OOx('r hnlcl s which was a \l:r.hool r et ord, Cal-son e ll.l' atKI I
_ ... "" .. tit, : wlns OHT Doug Junes, 1'orl)l l Slt ::Tamfnto SlII IC.'\ . J'lQtshol. Ion C:)<lfSe1'. A
a ;\ Al ongi an..t Mike DeJohn. 3o!! lT.. Yrm Livk got 21 poir.t.> . Silir, <60 are e
wu ,.lDppe(l in lhe seventh lett the all i l.C
rntmd by Cassi lls Clay four way, hy rcOl'e ttan 2Ii poin:S
C:r.n[Je!l Uon will
Coleville ago. 10:3(1 a.rr, _____ _ _ I,
Nips Gabbs
Nordic Juniors Go Tomorrow
lafter h,.. U9-9464)
I: U "
\I n 4J '"
- -----
TH[ lAST D .... y THAT
ItUAIt' 15, 1966". rrnc-
TTVE FilRUARY 115, 196'.
't"Hl1 WILL 8E It PEN
.... L.rY' ASS(S$lD IN THE
LARS 1$1,001 .011. lACH
City '" It,no, H.vd.
I, I, GIll, Cltr C"'''
I First Home-court Defeat
In 10 Years Dished Out
HiSh $chool
To Virginia (ity by Fernley
Virgin Valley
Bops T OIIopah
Manogue Bounces Mineral
You Con Drive It for Pennies
The lIConomy king Df ""It im1I61ts gl", .. vP
to 45 "'P9. opP!'Oling ecanomy.
Unibody construction, 2 .. Jr. , Iwck.t sltats.
Mturl!' padted .. , Te!-t driv. ,Iat'. mo.t
popular ItHMMI foeb,..
$1267 port of I ntr, ,rice
Grit' rTf ' /'(1 jmpo,1 (.111" dtC!U6 in &"(l
9100 S. VIRGINI" )2'0671
,. , 11 m, \Ti"" I. iidit;onal .hirl_
lIe nt, hICk
.' 4"1:" loop. 100% mlttn wIHt J_
;11 pll" ds. ' hu h , iutht n:ic
tart.l n .
910 Si., .""
nIl ' .... KINCiI

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