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A motley crue of poised characters parade around the pageant stage, smiling
eagerly. They all wear price tags that say Gregory Tyler.

The audience roars with adoration.

ALFRED (50) collapses, and others stop. Their eyes dart amongst each other and
backstage in fear.

Elenor (86) drops her robe and speaks up.

You can go my sweet Alfredo sauce…take my robe; you can take
the lizard suit and remove the panty-hose from your head.

Alfred obliges, revealing a tragic face that begs for mercy. The others look
backstage in fear, and begin to dance awkwardly a la Ashley simpson on SNL

Cut to COPYWRITERS REVIEW: Gregory Tyler smashes with such hot, hip, NOW,

Please! We’ve been working non stop, I’m
hungry and tired, Vaseline is not a meal…

Thunderous Voice
Silence! Or else the great and powerful
Gregory Tyler will Grind you up and bake
you into hot cakes, you’re already selling like

The curtains open and there is a large glass tank in the center of the stage, blue
stage lights color the tank. NESSILINA is inside the tank, and dressed in a
serpentine green costume. A visible zipper seam runs along her back, and her tail
has a large meat hook in it that connects to the tank wall by chain. She is wearing a
feather boa and holding roses.

She presses her flipper to a large red button labeled INTERCOM on the tank wall.

I am delighted to introduce my film debut in…

She takes her flipper off the intercom to gesture emphatically

Blub, Blub, Blub, Blub!

WALN MONOXOLUS enters from stage right, and is holding a giant green helium
balloon with a “G” on it as he shuffles on . He is tripping over himself, with sizzors
in his hands as he struggles to curl the ribbons on his balloon.

Walen Monoxolus
Pardon me, my little starlit. But you forgot
To press the intercom. Audince, we give you
“Walen Monoxolus and the Lonely Circus”

Thunderous Voice
A Gregory Tyler Productions, Production!

The rest of the characters prance onstage holding their lettered balloons, and
arrange to spell Gregory Tyler.

They pop their ballons in celebration and a blizzard of green confetti flies.



Character sketches:

WALEN MONOXOLUS is a very small man with long, stringy, black hair that thins to
reveal a collection of glistening infected boils on the bald patches. He wears a
black and red ringmasters suit, with knee high black boots and a long black whip.
He is covered in crawling rats.

HATWOMAN is a mild mannered janitor by day, and crime fighter…also by day. She
wears a large sunhat adorned with a red ribbon and large corsage. The nametag on
her coveralls says “Patty H. Custodial staff. She wears a flora utility belt with a
large sunhat shaped belt buckle and dustpan attatched. Two broom sticks stick up
crisscrossed off her back , and she is known to sever the heads of evil doers with
her razor sharp hat-rim, and then sweep the decapitated heads into her dustpan,
muttering her irresistibly catch phrase : “taking out the trash…”.

NESSILINA was once the world greatest synchronized swimmer, until WALEN
MONOXOLUS kidnapped her and hypnotized her into thinking that she is the loch
ness monster – and that he created her with his magical powers. While longing to
be free, she begins to develop a sort of stock holms syndrome with her captor as
Hatwoman plan her rescue.

Nessilina is inside a glass tank,

For my next trick - talent portion : confetti inside balloon?

• Ability to work with graphic designers, account executives and possibly even the client to move the
projects from concept to completion

reveals panicked face

Alfred warns
Something happens to reveal me more – wizard of oz
Others dance awkwardly , a la Ashley simpson on SNL


Such hot, hip, now references! This is the guy to

That just leaves us then

-make it seem like elenor is a sexy young lady, self reflecxivly funny when finding
out what she really is

-walen monoxolous

Use hatwoman/ walen monoxolous clip to demonstrate two character could be

taken out of narratives and used in short commercial length

12-8 half hour massage 519 476 9439

New Work – ad copy

Exciting Scene incorporating all the characters

-me in the middle – selling you.

I can bring to life anything that is asked of me.

-eleonor from Bathos

Alfedo sauce
First scene – meet characters.

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