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Anatomy of a murder (1959)

in light of the fact that I am mexican: a la luz del hecho que soy mexicano
There are no electives in this program; all courses are required. (electives: an optional course of study. Optativas
Course Descriptions
Fall Semester Courses
Legal English I: This course will assist students in developing the English language communication skills
necessary to succeed in BU Laws LL.M. programs and international legal practice. Part II of this course
continues in the Spring Semester. Learning outcomes will be to acquire effective reading strategies, to
enhance vocabulary skills, to practice listening, to write persuasively using appropriate grammar and
revise work based on instructor feedback, and to develop oral fluency and accuracy and hone
pronunciation. Students will work on expanding general English skills using course materials that
incorporate legal content and deal with law-related issues, but are not legal sources per se Legal English
I (LE I) will be offered 15 hours per week, for 7 credits, and offered by CELOP. Sample Syllabus
Academic Skills for Successful Graduate Studies: As a complement to Legal English 1, this course will
cover basic academic listening and speaking skills and strategies needed to succeed in an English-
language graduate program in the United States. The focus will be on strengthening study skills and
listening and speaking effectively. Students will work on listening strategies that will help them to handle
conversations, interviews, and lectures from various disciplines, including taking coherent notes and
writing summaries of and responses to complex questions about the listenings. Students will also work on
speaking strategies that will allow them to participate fully in academic life at the graduate level, including
interacting with classmates and professors, participating in class discussions, and giving effective oral
presentations. Academic Skills is offered 5 hours per week, for 3 credits, by CELOP. Sample Syllabus
Introduction to U.S. Legal Culture: As the students' initial exposure to legal courses and BU Law, this
course will provide a foundational understanding of general American legal concepts, history, culture, and
profession, including professional responsibility. Students will engage in reading and classroom discussion
of assigned materials (consisting of fiction, non-fiction, movies, articles, excerpts, etc) that will be
supplemented by field trips to state and federal courts and other relevant venues. These field trips will
generally occur outside of regular classroom time. This course is offered 3 hours per week, for 2 credits, by

Spring Semester Courses
Legal English II: Building upon Legal English I, this course further enhances student Legal English
communication skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Students continue to sharpen these skills
with greater emphasis on legal materials and related substantive vocabulary. Legal English II (LE I) will be
offered 15 hours per week, for 7 credits, and offered by CELOP.
Legal Writing: Modeled after the BU Law Summer Legal Institute's writing curriculum, Legal Writing will
build student competencies in structuring and writing commonly-used legal communications. Students will
receive instruction and practical experience in drafting contracts, as well as a range of non-contract legal
communications, including case briefs, client opinion letters, office memos, emails, and explanations of the
law. The Instructor will provide students will individualized feedback and support on effective
communication in English. Students will draft a written document each week based on a hypothetical case
assignment. After receiving detailed feedback from the Instructor, students will have the opportunity to
revise assignments in order to improve grammatical, linguistic, and communication proficiency. This
course is offered 2 hours per week and awards 2 credits, offered by LAW.
Persuasive Advocacy: Designed as a complement to the Legal Writing class, the focus of this course is
on developing students oral communication, presentation and effective listening skills in law-related
contexts. In-class work will require active student participation. Through simulations and role plays, this
course will train students in the art of effective oral advocacy in a range of contexts, including the
negotiation of a contract and in-class presentation of the agreement, client counseling and presentation,
and a mock trial. Offered by LAW, it will meet for 2 hours per week and award 2 credits.
Topics in American Law: This module engages students around current legal topics, as presented by BU
faculty and alumni practitioners, to further develop their listening and writing skills. Every other week a
speaker will cover a legal topic, to which students will write a reaction paper on which they will receive
substantive feedback. This LAW course meets for approximately 2 hours per week, and will award 1 credit.
Academic Skills for U.S. Law Studies: Offered as part of the Track One (2 Year LL.M.) program, this
course will teach foreign students skills for success inside and outside the law school classroom. The
course will be divided into modules focusing on preparing for class (reading and note-taking strategies),
participating in class (Socratic method), studying for exams (outlining and IRAC), and taking advantage of
opportunities outside of class (internships, clinics, journals, research, etc.). Structured around a vocabulary
term of the week, a legal case of the week, and a discussion question of the week, each class session will
build on the terms and concepts covered during previous sessions. Briefing cases and summarizing
materials in one's own words will be of central importance to the course. As effective communication is an
essential skill for success in law school, students will be expected to complete frequent, short written
assignments and participate actively in class discussion. Constructive feedback will be provided on every
assessment. Offered by LAW for 1-2 hours per week, this will award 1 credit.
Independent Study: Offered as part of the Certificate-only curriculum in place of the Academic Skills for
U.S. Law Studies, this LAW course will provide students with guided independent study based on papers
that analyze legal topics, from a comparative perspective, between U.S. law and that of the student's home
country. Taught by the Director of the LECP, this course will award 1 credit.
Definiciones de due diligence debida diligencia
reasonable steps taken by a person in order to satisfy a legal requirement, esp. in buying or
selling something.
"If trading is carried on, however, there is a duty to manage with due diligence in doing so."

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