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SKILL 2 : Text Comprenhension
In the 1960s Andy Warhol said that in the future everybody would be
famous for fifteen minutes, and with the reality TV programmes we
have now, such as Big Brother, American Idol and Britains Got
Talents, maybe its becoming true. News programmes ask us to
send in events we film with our mobiles, and we can upload videos of
ourselves to Internet sites for anyone around the world to see. But is
being famous always a good thing?
Susan Boyle is an unmarried middle-aged woman from Scotland who
went on a TV talent show in 2009 and became an instant star. She
looked quite fat and ugly and, before she sang, the judges thought
she was going to be useless. Then, her amazing voice made them
all change their minds. She sang a song from the musical Les
Miserables, won the show and went on to come second in the final.
She appeared on many chat shows in America and had 70 million
hits on You Tube.
Newspapers and magazines wanted to find out everything about her.
She had problems with all this attention and became too tired to
finish a concert tour around England. She spent some time in a
hospital. Maybe her life was better with her cats and her friends in
her village before she became famous.
I. Are the sentences TRUE (T) or FALSE (F): (5p)
1. Andy Warhol thought everybody was famous in the 1960s. ( )
2. Big Brother is an example of a chat show. ( )
3. We can send videos to some TV news programmes. ( )
4. Susan Boyle is a young woman. ( )
5. Susan Boyle wasnt a star before 2009. ( )

II. Choose the correct answer: (5p)
1. Susan won because of _______________________
a) her voice. b) the way she looked. c) her mind.
2. The judges ____________________________
a) said she was ugly. b) told her she was useless.
c) were surprised.
3. Susan _________________________________
a) won the final. b) was second in the final.
c) missed the final
4. The media ______________________________
a) got tired of her. b) asked her lots of questions
c) took her to hospital.
5. Susan lived with ___________________________
a) animals. b) her husband. c) a friend.

III. Answer the following questions: (5p)
1. Where is Susans Village?
2. Where was the concert tour?
3. How many times did people watch her on You Tube?
4. Where did she go when she stopped the tour?
5. What was the musical she sang a song from?

IV. Complete the Chart: (5p)
Ser o estar


TEACHER Lic. Milena Murillo Garnica GRADE C2: C3: 45
Good overa all and ahead
SKILL 3 : Text Production
I. Complete with SINCE FOR (2p.)

1. _____________ seven years. 2. _____________ 1987.

3. _____________ I was a baby. 4. _____________ hours.

5. _____________ a week. 6. ___________ yesterday.

7. _____________several weeks. 8. ____________ October.

II. Complete the sentences in Present Perfect: (2p.)

1.Sarah __________________________ in Mexico. (live)

2. I ________________________ a poem. (write)

3. They _______________________ Italian. (not speak)

4. ___________ you _____________ a new computer) (buy)

III. Writesentences in PresentPerfect: (3p.)
1. Rosa drive a car ten days


2. I - not listen to - classical music - yet


3. you - ever ? - eat - spiders


4. Mybestfriend just travel to U.S.A.


5. They - already - speak - Japanese


6. The teacher - fly to Iquitos yesterday


IV. Complete the following adjectives with the correct
Prepositions (3p.)

1. My mum is fed up at / with my problems at school.
2. Emma Watson is famous for / on her role in the Harry Potter
3. Is there any activity that you are good in / at ?
4. They are worried about / for their friends unhealthy lifestyle.
5. My family has been interested on / in volunteer work since the
6. You shouldnt get angry about / with her. You should try and
help her.

V. Match the (2p.)
1. Ive been to America. ________ a) Me too.
2. Ann cant speak German. ________ b) I am.
3. Tom doesnt like sports. ________ c) So have I.
4. Jack plays the violin. ________ d) Neither can I.
5. Matt went to France. ________ e) Me neither.
6. They arent watching TV. ________ f) Neither was I.
7. Dan wasnt al school. ________ g) I didnt.

VI. Write sentences using the linking words: (3p.)

1. It was very cold. Jack and Lauren still played tennis (however)
2. I didnt like the CD much. I decided to buy it. (although)
3. She doesnt do well at school. Shes very clever. (even though)

VII. Write about your father (use all kind of grammar you
lerned): (5p.)










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