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Andrea Kunze
English 1102
Matthew Sansbruy
23 July 2014
Technical Report on Steroid Use Among Bodybuilders

Bodybuilding as a sport itself has grown exponentially in just the past five
years. A common ground bodybuilding and all other sports have is the usage of
steroids because of the need to be bigger, faster, stronger, and overall better at
sports performance. Among the sport of bodybuilding, there are mixed opinions on
whether steroids should be used or not, which is why there are competition
federations (such as NPC) that allow drug use and those that do not (such as NGA).
To determine why there is an opinion difference on using steroids among
bodybuilders, I am interviewing competitors and non-competitors in the sport. I
believe that that with thorough researchusing a documentary on steroids,
interviews, and conducting a surveyI should be able to determine what type of
people use steroids and the reasons why. From there I hope to be able to decide
whether bodybuilders should consider steroids whether they compete or not.

To get firsthand information on the opinion of steroid use among
bodybuilders I watched a documentary for more thorough background information
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and see the opinions of society on steroids. I then interviewed a man who competes
in natural bodybuilding, and interviewed a man who competes in bodybuilding
while using steroids. For another primary source I also did a survey through survey
monkey, asking people to anonymously say whether they do steroids or not, and
why they choose to do so or not.

When interviewing my first man, an all-natural competitor, I found that he
has a reckless past, but has gotten his life straight since bodybuilding. He also stated
I would never compensate my health for looks which means a lot when you are a
competitor. Most competitors go to lengthy extents to look their best, hence them
using steroids to reach their peak. I find that after getting survey results from
natural bodybuilders with similar responses that I can assume that reckless
tendencies/priorities can affect an individuals willingness to try steroids. My first
interviewer would not risk his health to look good, meaning he has priorities more
important that looks, and he is possibly more mature.
After interviewing my second man, my first assumption about priorities
affecting willingness to try steroids was confirmed. My second interview was
younger, meaning he is less mature and does not have the same priorities as an
older man. He is looking for quicker results leading me to believe he only thinks for
the short term, not the long term like physical health effects form steroids down the

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From doing research on steroids among the bodybuilding realm, I am looking
to establish a clearer answer on whether bodybuilders should consider steroid use
or not. After doing thorough research consisting of interviews, a survey, and a
documentary I found a common pattern among all four. The priorities and maturity
of all the people who use steroids are less in line than those who do not use. There is
some kind of insecurity among those who feel they need them. One example I got
from a survey response was Life sucks without them, leading me to conclude that
they only see short-term goals, which is a major problem among competitors.
Competitors need to become aware of their insecurities and stop using steroids as a
crutch. Possibly considering and keeping long-term goals in mind would help. Now
it is legal to use steroids in many competitions, and until the drug using federations
change that people will keep using. I do recommend people becoming more
educated though, past knowing that steroids will just make you bigger, because they
do alter your body forever.

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Work Cited
Bigger, Stronger, Faster. Prod. Chris Bell. Bigger, Stronger, Faster. N.p., 2008. Web. 24
June 2014.
Gano, Brice. "Steroid Using Bodybuilder." Personal interview. 6 July 2014.
Duhon, Kody. "Non-steroid Using Bodybuilder." Personal interview. 2 July 2014.
Kunze, Andrea. "Steroid Usage." Survey. Survey Monkey. Publisher, 6 July 2014. Web.
10 July 2014.

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