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Abortion: The Unethical Birth Control

54,406,766. This is just a number, right? Wrong. According to the Guttmacher Institute this is
the number of abortions that have been performed since Roe v. Wade legalized abortion in the United
States in 1973. (National Right to Life) This is a drastically high number for such a crude practice. We
are talking about forty-one years. In that amount of time it is hard to understand why so many children
were terminated prematurely simply because that is our right or our choice to carry a pregnancy to
term. As a nation we have begun to drift away from our founded beliefs and adopt a policy of anything
goes because it is your choice. Abortion has become routine birth control as shown in the data put
forth by the following reporting agencies. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the
Guttmacher Institute have reported that between 8.5% and 50% of the abortions that were performed
in the year 2010 were performed on women that had already had at least one other abortion (Abortion
Pros 1). A womens right to choose should not allow for the undue killing of innocent children merely
because they can.
With that being said, please allow me to clarify my standpoint as a Christian woman that fully
believes that God doesnt make mistakes. Humans make mistakes but He does not. I am aware that not
everyone has the same beliefs that I do and some of those that do still support a right to choose
because we have come to expect that right under all circumstances. The Bible even references forcing a
woman to miscarry with that of a property crime and not murder (Abortion Pros 1). The Bible states in
Jeremiah that God knew us before we were even conceived (King James Version Bible, Jeremiah 1:5).
This means that He has a plan for each and every one of us. God knows if we are going to play baseball
in little league or play basketball in the NBA. As a believer my faith allows me to know that God already
knows what I am going to do in a given situation and he has already planned what needs to happen
I have contemplated many times, what would I do if I were raped and became pregnant. As a
teenager I often felt conflicted about what the right thing to do would be. My mother and I had this
conversation over and over again. I would ask my mom what she would do in that situation and she said
without hesitation that she would have the baby. Once I entered into adulthood and began to faithfully
pray and study Gods word, I knew I could not ever make the decision to abort a baby. My answer
became my mothers answer. Abortion could not ever be the right choice for me.
During those conversations, we would take it a step farther. What if your daughter was raped
and became pregnant? For each of us, this became a question that rolled around in our minds. It is a
much harder question to answer if you are answering it for someone other than yourself. This question
allowed me the ability to ponder the right to choose an abortion. Looking at abortion from the angle of
a mother, or a woman that has been raped, it becomes much harder to argue with the logical thought
process behind the right to choose. Another argument for the pro-choice movement is that
personhood does not begin until a fetus is viable and able to survive on its own outside the mothers
womb (Abortion Pros 1). This side of the argument plays an important role for those that fight for first
trimester abortions. Abortions must be justifiable in some way and it does not matter if it is due to
rape, poverty, risk of death, or any other problem. These are all possible arguments for the overall
cause of abortion.
In conclusion, I both understand and accept certain arguments for the pro-choice stand on
abortion. As a Christian, however, I cannot justify the decision to have an abortion under any
circumstances for myself and the uncensored use of abortions as birth control is just plain wrong. In
reference to abortion being used as birth control, I feel very strongly against this so called right. My
father was married to someone before he met my mother. I recently found out that his first wife had
multiple abortions during their marriage simply because she didnt want children. My father still doesnt
know thirty some years later. I realize that there are situations that we feel we have no control over. In
these instances, our freedom to choose becomes a lifeline that we cling to, but to abort a child simply
because we dont want them is not acceptable. My hope is that anyone that is thinking about having an
abortion, consider giving their child to someone that cannot have one for themselves. Adoption could
save more than the life an abortion would take, but the lives of those that want so badly to have
children and cannot.

Works Cited
"Abortion Pros and Cons" 27 June 2014. Web. 10 Jul. 2014.

Global Web Properties, LLC, 26 Sept. 2006. (Last updated 25 Apr. 2014) Web. 16 July 2014.

"National Right to Life | The nation's oldest & largest pro-life organization." National Right to
Life. Network Solutions, 29 Dec. 2011. Web. 11 July 2014. <>.

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