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UCU FRACTION MEETING, Archway, 21/4/2012

Attendance: Colin, Paul, Matt, Pat, Martin, Mark O.

Ronnie Fraser legal action

Mark O. introduced; RF taking UCU to court, scheduled for October, looking for:
reversal of congress decision on U de!nition of anti"#e$itis$, recognition of %roble$
of anti #e$itis$ and co$$it$ent to education around anti #e$itis$. According to
&ave '. of ngage RF is s%eci!call( not asking for da$ages i.e. $one( as he doesn)t
*ant to be o%en to anti"#e$itic stereot(%ing.
MO has been asked to $ake a *itness state$ent re incident at +ondon Region ,atfhe
$eeting in -../ involving anti"#e$itic abuse of RF b( #0P $e$bers. At ti$e MO
*rote to ,atfhe e1ec $e$bers to raise issue and received ver( %oor res%onses. RF
$ade o2cial co$%laint but %a%ers no* disclosed sho* no serious investigation
carried out and false state$ents $ade. PR is o%%osed to Mark $aking *itness
state$ent. 0as discussed at C and C su%%orts $aking state$ent but referred to
fraction for discussion.

MO: si$ilarit( *ith 3rotsk( and &ies Co$$ittee
Paul: ,othing to lose, need to full( su%%ort and challenge UCU4UCU +eft over this issue
Martin: Make state$ent (es, continue out %rinci%led %osition but can)t su%%ort court
ordering union to change union %olic(.
Matt: 5ive evidence, *hat court does is out of our hands
Pat: &angerous %recedent of court overturning sovereign bod( of conference. &ies
analog( not sa$e
Paul: - %rinci%les 6 courts out of labour $ove$ent and anti"#e$itis$ out of labour
$ove$ent 6 -nd is the ke( %rinci%le
MO: #hould be no brainer, *hat if *o$an or black $e$ber co$%lained7

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