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Exercise 1
2. Its four in the evening.
3. Its a quarter after nine.
4. Its eight in the evening.
5. Its a quarter to eleven.
6. Its three thirty in the evening.
7. Its six in the evening.
8. Its noon.

Exercise 2
2. Its11 a.m. in Denver.
It eleven in the morning in Denver.
3. Its 12 a.m. in Mexico.
Its noon in Mexico.
4. Its 1 p.m. in Lima.
Its one in the afternoon.
5. Its 2 p.m. in Santiago.
Its two in the evening in Santiago.
6. Its 3 p.m. in Rio.
Its three in the evening in Rio.

Exercise 3
2. Its ten to eight.
3. Its a quarter after one.
4. Its five-oh-five.
5. Its a quarter to three.
6. Its eight after six.

Exercise 4
1. am
4. after
7. midnight
8. evening
9. noon
2. morning
3. thirty
4. afternoon
5. fifteen
6. quarter
7. night

Exercise 5
2. Hes swimming.
3. Theyre playing a video game.
4. Shes riding a bike.
5. Theyre shopping.
6. Hes walking.
7. Hes driving.
8. Shes reading a book.
9. Hes dancing.

Exercise 6
3. No, theyre dancing.
4. No, shes riding a bike.
5. No, hes running.
6. No, shes watching TV.
7. No, hes reading a book.
8. No, Im doing my homework.

Exercise 7
2. A: Is Tai-lin wearing a raincoat.
B: No, hes not. Hes wearing a shirt.
3. A: Is Maria talking on the phone?
B: No, shes not. Shes sleeping.
4. A: Are Terry and Helen eating?
B: No, theyre not. Theyre dancing.
5. A: Are Pedro and Sonia watching TV?
B: No, theyre not. Theyre talking.
6. A: Are Tai-lin and Brandon eating pizza?
B: Yes, they are.
7. A: Is Carlos chatting online?
B: No, hes reading.
8. Is Maria wearing boots?
B: No, shes not. Shes wear high heels.

Exercise 8
3. A: What are Ron and Lucy doing?
B: Theyre taking a walk.
4. A: Whats Julie doing?
B: Shes getting up.
5. A: Whats Mary doing?
B: Shes shopping.

6. A: What are Belle and Hank doing?
B: Theyre watching TV.
7. A: Whats Steven doing?
B: Hes studying math.
8. A: What are you doing?
B: Im studying English.
9. A: What are you and Emma doing?
B: Were having lunch.
10. A: What am I doing?
B: Im finishing this exercise.

Exercise 9
*Your own idea*
*Leave comments to help other if you have the

Exercise 1
1. Helen and Jack are my parents. Helen is my father, and Jack
is my father.
2. Pedro is my husband. Im his wife.
3. Kate, Joan, and Brad are our children. Kate and Joan are our
daughters, and Brad is our son. Kate is Joans sister, and Brad
is her brother.
*Your own idea*
*Leave comments to help other if you have the idea*

Exercise 2
Marta: ?
David: .livehas
Marta: walk
David: donttakewalk
Marta: havedrivedoesntworksgoes.

Exercise 3
3. goes (irregular)
4. has (irregular)
5. lives /z/
6. rides /z/
7. sleeps /s/
8. studies /z/
9. takes /s/
10. uses /iz/
11. walks /s/
12. watches /iz/

Exercise 4
*Your own idea*
*Leave comments to help other if you have the idea*

Exercise 5
2. He goes to work at 9:00 every day.
3. He has lunch at noon every day.
4. He drinks coffee at three in the evening every day.
5. He finishes work at five in the evening every day.
6. He goes to school at 6:00 on Mondays and Wednesdays.
7. He plays tennis at 6:00 on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
8. He has dinner with friends at 6:00 on Fridays.

Exercise 6
*Your own idea*
*Leave comments to help other if you have the idea*

Exercise 7
1. A: Do you go to bed late on weekends?
B: Yes, I do. I go to bed at 1:00 A.M.
But I go to bed early on weekdays.
2. A: Do you study in the afternoon?
B: No, I study in the morning on weekends, and I study in the
evening on Mondays and Wednesdays.
3. A: What time do you get up in the morning on weekdays?
B: I get up at 8:00 every day.
4. A: Do you have English class in the morning?
B: No, I have English at 1:30 in the afternoon on Tuesdays.
On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, our class is at 3:00.

Exercise 8
1. A: Do you live alone?
B: No, I dont live alone. I live with my family.
2. A: Do you and your family watch television in the
B: .
3. A: Do you get up late on Sundays?
B: .
A: What time do you get up?
B: .
4. A: Does your sister drive to work?
B: .
A: Does she take the subway?
B: .
5. A: Does your father work on weekends?
B: .
A: When does he work?
B: .
6. A: Does your mother have a job?
B: .
A: Does she use public transportation?
B: .
7. A: Do you have a big lunch on Sundays?
B: .
A: What time do you have lunch?
B: .

Exercise 9
1. Sarah is Sams wife.
2. We dont live in the suburbs.
3. We take the bus, the train, or the subway.
4. He goes to work before noon.
5. I dont work far from here.
6. She doesnt get up early on Sundays.

Exercise 10
*Your own idea*
*Leave comments to help other if you have the idea*
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