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Universitt Stuttgart

Institute of Industrial Automation and Software Engineering

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h. c. P. Ghner

WS 04/05 1 22 Dec. 2004, Gt
Exercise 9 " System Design "

Answering Machine
You work as a development leader in a telecommunication company which develops among
other products answering machines. Currently, a new model is to be developed, the
requirements are as follows:
The user should be able to record a new announcement on the answering machine.
The caller should hear the announcement as soon as the answering machine picks up the
The answering machine has to record and store the messages left by the callers.
For every message the date (= day, month, year) and the time (= hour, minute) of the call
have to be captured, too. For that purpose the answering machine is equipped with an
internal real-time clock.
The user has to be able to query the recorded messages. At the same time also the date and
the time of the call are to be announced.

You are supposed to carry out the development of the new answering machine using
structured methods, i.e. Structured Analysis (SA) and Modular Design (MD). The context
diagram and an according Data Dictionary (DD) have already been completed.
new message
recorded announcement
recorded message
new announcement
recorded date & time
Answering Machine

Figure 1: Context Diagram

Software Engineering for Real-Time Systems Exercise 9: System Design
WS 04/05 2 22 Dec. 2004, Gt
Table 1: Data Dictionary (DD)
new message = message
recorded message = message
time-stamped message = message + date & time
message = /* spoken text left by the caller */
recorded date & time = date & time
date & time = year + month + day + hour + minute
new announcement = announcement
recorded announcement = announcement
announcement = /* spoken text left by the user */

Question 9.1 Structured Analysis
Create the first refinement level DFD0 of the context diagram depicted above.

Question 9.2 Modular Design
Create a Modular Design (MD) diagram of the answering machine system considering the
results of the Structured Analysis. All modules have to be so-called abstract data objects.

Question 9.3 Implementation
Implement the abstract data object MessageStorage in "C" and "Java". An error handling, i.e.
parameter validation and range checking, needs not to be considered.

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