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CulckCrld ls an offllne analysls Lool for your SCS.4u!. WlLh CulckCrld, users can qulckly and easlly creaLe waveform/beaL grld
flles for Lhelr SCS.4u!'s muslc, as well as prepare a uS8 devlce for use wlLh Lhelr SCS.4u!. Cne advanLage of CulckCrld ls LhaL
your waveform flles are sLored on your hosL compuLer, so, lf you need Lo prepare mulLlple drlves for your SCS.4u! or change
Lhe conLenL ofLen, you only need Lo analyze a song once slnce CulckCrld wlll Lransfer Lhe muslc Lo your drlve wlLhouL havlng
Lo re-analyze your songs..

2(#3'**'3-4(5 8efer Lo Lhe followlng flgures for lnsLalllng CulckCrld for SCS.4u! on your compuLer.
uownload avallable aL www.sLanLond[.com

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!ava MuS1 be lnsLalled on your compuLer for CulckCrld Lo funcLlon. As well, >4% '(? 9#-'( *'(@)'@$ #)AA4%3, !ava 1.71 musL
be lnsLalled on your compuLer. !ava 1.71 ls avallable from Lhe followlng address:[ava/[avase/downloads/[re-7u1-download-313632.hLml

<(.$ ?4) B'C$ -(#3'**$1 D'C'5

S1L 1: Cllck nexL > S1L 2: 8ead and cllck 'l Agree' >

S1L 3: Cllck flnlsh

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1he flrsL sLep ln CulckCrld ls Lo analyze your muslc collecLlon on your hard drlve. Whlle you can analyze Lhe conLenL
conLalned on an exLernal drlve, analyzlng on your C wlll be fasLer, due Lo Lhe lack of llmlLaLlons ln drlve l/C speed LhaL
comes from uS8.

9('*?E$ ?4)% .4**$.3-4(5 8efer Lo Lhe followlng flgures Lo selecL songs Lo be analyzed and sLarL analysls.

S1L 1: selecL Analyze 1racks and sLore resulLs Lo
local llbrary" and hlL sLarL".
S1L2: selecL Add ulrecLorles" or Add llles", and
locaLe your muslc on your hard drlve.

S1L3: selecL Analyze 1racks", and walL for Lhe process
Lo compleLe. ?ou wlll see a popup wlndow lnformlng
you when Lhls ls flnlshed.

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reparlng your uS8 uevlce: 8efer Lo Lhe followlng flgures Lo process your muslc on your uS8 devlce. SLarL by copylng all of
Lhe songs LhaL you wanL Lo use on SCS.4u! on Lo your uS8 devlce uslng any browser you choose. ?ou may
organlze your songs ln any folder sLrucLure LhaL you deslre anywhere on Lhe uS8 devlce.

S1L 1: SelecL repare uS8 uevlce for use wlLh SCS.4u!" and
selecL Lhe drlve uslng Lhe drop down box. Cnly uS8 connecLed
removable drlves wlll be llsLed ln Lhe drop down box. PlL "SLarL"
S1L2: PlL repare uS8 uevlce 1racks" and
walL for Lhe process Lo compleLe.

S1L3: A popup wlndow wlll lnform you when Lhe
process ls compleLe. Safely e[ecL your drlve and
plug lL ln Lo your SCS.4u!.

"#-(@ 3B$ F'./ H)334(5 lf you wlsh Lo change Lhe conLenLs of your llsL LhaL ls belng analyzed afLer you have sLarLed analysls,
use Lhe 8ack buLLon Lo LermlnaLe analysls. 8earrange Lhe conLenL uslng a brower or Lhe Add and 8emove buLLons ln Lhe
Llbrary case Lhen sLarL analysls agaln.

:I:=8& J8,"2J8&8;=:5

! Cu: lnLel enLlum 4, 1.7 CPz processor or above
! 8AM: 1gb M8
! ulSk Space: 13 of local drlve musL be free for analysls
! CS: MlcrosofL Wlndows 7, Wlndows x x3, vlsLa S2


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1hls ls normal. 1he drlve has Lo assoclaLe each analysls flle creaLed on Lhe C wlLh Lhe daLabase creaLed on SCS.4u!. Cn large
collecLlons Lhls can Lake anywhere from a few mlnuLes Lo a half hour.

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ln rare lnsLances, SCS.4u! may noL assoclaLe Lhe flles creaLed on Lhe C wlLh Lhe songs on Lhe drlve. 1urn off your unlL and
Lurn lL back on, and lL should correcL Lhe lssue.

,)-./0%-1 #'?# L? >-*$ -# (43 #)AA4%3$1N

lf your flle ls noL supporLed by SCS.4u! (lLAC, CCC, Apple Lossless flles) lL won'L be analyzed by CulckCrld elLher.

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CerLaln M3 players and smarL phones have proLecLed areas of Lhelr flle sysLem LhaL are noL readable by a C, and requlre
Lhlrd parLy appllcaLlons Lo read Lhe flles when connecLed Lo a C. uue Lo Lhe low-level naLure of SCS.4u!'s Llnux operaLlng
sysLem, SCS.4u! can ofLen read Lhese flles when you connecL Lhe M3 player Lo your unlL. Powever, when connecLed Lo a C,
CulckCrld has Lo follow Lhe same proLocol LhaL every oLher appllcaLlon has Lo for readlng drlves, and may noL be able Lo
qulckly analyze Lhese flles. lf Lhls ls Lhe case, elLher Lransfer your muslc Lo an unproLecLed Pard urlve or 1humb urlve and
analyze, or analyze your M3 player on your SCS.4u! lLself.

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CulckCrld wlll sLop analyzlng your drlve when less Lhan 13 or 40 mb of free space ls avallable whlchever ls greaLer. use a
browser Lo free up some room on Lhe urlve Lhen use Lhe "8efresh Screen" buLLon Lhen "repare uS8 uevlce Lracks" Lo
resume analysls. 1hls requlremenL ls puL lnLo place so as noL Lo cause corrupLlon ln your hard drlve and flle sysLem.

CopyrlghL 2011 SLanLon MagneLlcs, lnc.
CulckCrld and SCS.4u! are Lrademarks or reglsLered Lrademarks of Lhe SLanLon Croup.
All oLher Lrademarks are properLy of Lhelr respecLlve owners, who are ln no way amllaLed wlLh SLanLon u! or
SC SysLem producLs. All lnformaLlon lncluded ln Lhe user Manual ls sub[ecL Lo change wlLhouL noLlce.

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