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Name: Alistair Raseri

Rank: No formal title, but he has all that he needs to wield real power and influence over the city.
Age: 56, but rather spry for his age.
Class: Druid
4334214467498[/IMG] Obviously, such clothes are not around, but he is similarly clean cut.
Voice: it sounds much like this guy:
Personality: Outwardly A rather polite and sophisticated old gentlemen, Alistair does quite well hiding
his cold brutality and ruthless ambition. Possessive of great charisma and fatherly manner, he is good at
making friends and influencing enemies, rarely resorting to his magical might as a way to gain victory in
any way. Despite all of his sins, he considers himself a good and honorable man; To those who he really
cares about, his real friends and family, his kindness and dedication is no deception; and as for the rest,
wellthey are fair game in the pursuit of higher evolution.
History: Raised in a small Wilderness village by his parents, Cullen and Adrianna Raseri, druids of some
power both, Alistair was brought up to be kind of a Noble Predator, seeing life as a battle to the top,
holding to as much honor as once could knowing that victory and power by any means necessary was
paramount to ones own success as well as any he cared about; At age 22 with his druid training
complete, Alistairs coming to Bound water was seen by both himself and his proud parents not as
abandoning nature, only as moving on to a different, higher level playing field within it, and Alistair has
come remarkably high in what he sees as the food chain in his adopted field. How did Alistair go from a
slightly Outlandish young man from up north just entering bound water to his current place of power?
By starting from the bottom, of course; the very bottom. For a man who could transform himself into
any number of different creatures and wield the might of nature, the bottom is very temporary. The first
thing he did was Adopt 60 Children no older than 12, handpicked for qualities of loyalty and, as he calls
it talent; for Years, Alistair Rarely slept. Between acquiring the resources to feed and house all of his
children, and developing their talent, he had little time for anything other than the little Orphan house
that he called The House of Raseri. It took him 8 years of such tireless preparation to start his plans,
but when he did, it was a truly masterful work; In what is known as the night of the beast, a huge animal
tore apart many of the citys crime bosses, and, for that matter, most of their right hand men also. With
planned coordination Alistairs crop of adoptees, with great shows of strength and acumen, moved into
the empty positions, killing or bribing anyone who might protest. At the same time, all records of
Alistairs connection to the 60, along with the large house they used to reside at, were utterly destroyed.
The Power and wealth that controlling much of the criminal underbelly of the city began to flow to
Alistair from his loyal children, and he wasted no time in acquiring legitimate businesses to explain his
wealth and influence, at the same time forging alliances within the high society of Bound Water. The last
26 years has been spent in steady rise from that point; only stopping recently due to the old and
haughty elvish families of the city being a very tough road block for a human of an unheard of family
who had risen from almost nothing in less than one human lifetime.
Place in Society: Raised in a small village populated mostly by retired people of some prosperity, whos
warm spirit of loyalty and community contrasted starkly with the harsh regime of training and tests
followed by actual battle which he was subjected to by his parents, Alistairs upbringing into adult hood
mirrored the deadly mixture of sophisticated, charismatic, Gentlemanly, and almost fatherly personality
where possible and cunning, ruthless brutality where necessary that has served Raseri So well. Since
then, he has lived partly in the high society of Bound water, and partly in the society of his own creation,
the House of Raseri (Known by that name only by himself and those within it, not know at all by
almost anyone outside it), the shadowy organization representing many people in places of mostly
criminal power, secretly raised as siblings, trained as comrades in the field of battle and business, and
united by supreme loyalty to each-other and their common adopted father, Alistair Raseri. Part Family,
Part cult, and part Spartan training regime, the house of Raseris basic tenant is that those chosen to
become part of the great house are destined to become great, and noble predators, fated to reach the
top of the food chain. They are absolutely loyal to one another, and never content with letting
themselves or their brothers and sisters stop attaining ever more power; It is expediency and practicality
rather than unwillingness to do the unpleasant work that keeps Alistair from getting his own hands dirty,
All this is almost totally unknown by those outside his family; as far as most people know, Alistair Raseri
is a childless old loner who somehow rose to wealth and power through legitimate business. However, it
is known by many in high power that Raseri, if he wishes, seems to be able to manipulate the fates of
both the high and the low, and do so without ever openly bribing or killing anyone, or being easily
connected to anyone who does.
What he will do with the Knowledge: He will immediately look for any specifics about what might now
happen, employing all his resources in finding it from every source available. He would seek to find the
nature of this coming doom, wither he would be able to benefit from it; on one hand, this could be the
way for him to finally get past the wall of elvish supremacy blocking his way to higher power, and
conflict is quite necessary to expose the best and worst both in himself and allies both firm and
potential.on the other hand, if the coming doom was a complete extermination which, if allowed to
happen, would destroy everything he has built, he could not allow that, and then would immediately
look deeper into available information sources for a way to stop the coming disaster.

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