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21/04/13 Handling End-of-File: the READ Statement Revisited 1/2
Handling End-of-File: the READ Statement
In many situations, you really do not know the number of items in the input. It could be so large to be counted
accurately. Consequently, we need a method to handle this type of input. In fact, you have encountered such a
technique in Programming Assignment 1 in which a keyword IOSTAT= was used in a READ statement. The
following is its syntax:
INTEGER :: IOstatus
READ(*,*,IOSTAT=IOstatus) var1, var2, ..., varn
The third component of the above READ is IOSTAT= followed by an INTEGER variable. The meaning of this
new form of READ is simple:
After executing the above READ statement, the Fortran compiler will put an integer value into the integer variable
following IOSTAT=, IOstatus above. Based on the value of IOstatus, we have three different situations:
1. If the value of IOstatus is zero, the previous READ was executed flawlessly and all variables have received
their input values. This is the normal case.
2. If the value of IOstatus is positive, the previous READ has encountered some problem. In general, without
knowing the system dependent information, it is impossible to determine what the problem was. However, if
hardware and I/O devices are working, a commonly seen problem would be illegal data. For example,
supplying a real number to an integer variable. If IOstatus is positive, you cannot trust the values of the
variables in the READ statement; they could all contain garbage values, or some of them are fine while the
others are garbage.
3. If the value of IOstatus is negative, it means the end of the input has reached. Under this circumstance,
some or all of the variables in the READ may not receive input values.
What is the end of file? How do we generate it? If you prepare your input using a file, when you save it, the
system will generate a special mark, called end-of-file mark, at the end of that file. Therefore, when you read the
file and encounter that special end-of-file mark, the system would know there is no input data after this mark. If you
try to read passing this mark, it is considered as an error.
If you prepare the input using keyboard, hiting the Ctrl-D key would generate the end-of-mark under UNIX. Once
you hit Ctrl-D, the system would consider your input stop at there. If your program tries to read passing this point,
this is an error.
However, with IOSTAT=, you can catch this end-of-file mark and do something about it. A commonly seen
application is that let the program to count the number of data items as will be shown in examples below.
In the following code, the DO-loop keeps reading in three integer values into variables a, b and c. After
executing a READ, if Reason is greater than zero, something was wrong in the input; if Reason is less than
zero, end-of-file has reached. Only if Reason is zero, one can start normal processing.
INTEGER :: Reason
INTEGER :: a, b, c
21/04/13 Handling End-of-File: the READ Statement Revisited 2/2
READ(*,*,IOSTAT=Reason) a, b, c
IF (Reason > 0) THEN
... something wrong ...
ELSE IF (Reason < 0) THEN
... end of file reached ...
... do normal stuff ...
The following code keeps reading an integer at a time and adds them to a variable sum. If io is greater than
zero, it displays 'Check input. Something was wrong'; if io is less than zero, it displays the value of sum.
Note that both cases EXIT the DO-loop since continuing the loop execution makes no sense. Otherwise,
the value of x is meaningful and is added to sum.
INTEGER :: io, x, sum
sum = 0
READ(*,*,IOSTAT=io) x
IF (io > 0) THEN
WRITE(*,*) 'Check input. Something was wrong'
ELSE IF (io < 0) THEN
WRITE(*,*) 'The total is ', sum
sum = sum + x
Now if the input is
the above code should display 8 (=1+3+4). If the input is
since @ is not a legal integer, the second time the READ is executed, io would receive a positive number
and the above program exits the DO-loop.

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