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Emilee Gourley
Kelly Turnbeaugh
English 1010-028
July 29, 2014
Annotated Bibliography: Prolife or Prochoice?
Abortion is and will be an ongoing debate. Both sides have very strong and validating opinions.
Prolife or prochoice comes down to morals, values, personal opinion, family, environment
religion, country. So many different thinks have an influence on the way people think. For my
English 1010 research project I am focusing on the opinion of a religious leader, the father, and a
young teenage girl. As Ive been researching I have found that the different opinions bring out
great point of views. Before researching about abortion I was prolife and still am.
"Abortion." <i>Abortion</i>. N.p., 18 Mar. 2014. Web. 30 July 2014.
Summary: This article is about what the LDS church thinks about abortion. The church believes
we are put on this earth to receive a body and abortion is a sin. They have a commandment that
quotes thou shalt not kill, the church is prolife with exceptions of rape or incest.
Evaluation: This talk is from a leader of the LDS church, it talks about the moral values of
human life and the beliefs the church has about abortion. I like how the church explains their
morals and values about life and abortion; they are not black and white about it.
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Reflection: I think having a religious view on my topic will bring out good views and opinions
that will help my essay bring stronger. I am using religion as one of my perspectives because I
know that they will have a strong opinion about abortion. Even though most of my readers will
know the church is prolife I think they will be interested in hearing why they think that.
Bohannon, Larry. "What About Abortion?." <i>What About Abortion?</i>. N.p., n.d. Web. 31
July 2014. &lt;;.
Summary: This essay is brutal, it gives you detailed explanations on what they do in an
abortions. The essay talks about what drives women to have an abortion. It compares innocent
life of a baby to innocent people who have been killed in 9/11, Holocaust. It brings up a point
about how people are prochoice because of over population. This essay brings up many reasons
on why people are prolife or prochoice, and the other options instead of abortion.
Evaluation: I really liked this essay. It brings up many points about over population and that is
why people are prochoice. I liked how the author compared aborting innocent babies is similar to
killing innocent people like in 9/11. Because this is essay brings up so many points it will have to
narrow down my options and chose something I want to focus on so my essay does not drag on.
Reflection: I am going to use some good points the other brings up in my essay. I probably
wont discuss the details on how they abort babies because that is not my focus. I will bring up
the point of why some people are prochoice because of over population. Or how a mother
natural instinct is to nurture not abort a baby. This essay has brought out many ideas that will
help my essay see different debates about prolife or prochoice.
THEIR VOICES HEARD." . N.p., 11 Oct. 2012. Web. 23 July 2014. <>.
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Summary: Often when the topic of legalized abortion comes up and a discussion ensues,
someone will ask a pro-life person, But what about in cases of rape and incest? Would you
force a woman who went through a violent attack to keep the baby? Giving the answer that the
entirely innocent baby should not be sentenced to death for the crime of its father is generally
not well received.
Evaluation: This essay talks about women who have been raped and their choices to abort the
pregnancy or to keep the baby. I was very surprised to read that a lot of the women wanted to
keep the baby but there were some who had an abortion. Even some of the women who had an
abortion regretted it. Some religions like the LDS church even think it is okay to have an
abortion if the women were raped or incest. What if you are prolife will you make an exception
of abortion if the situation is rape or incest?
Reflection: Being prolife I think that if a women is raped or incest it is the womens choice. I
think this is a hard topic to have an opinion about. To my surprise a lot of women were offended
that people are okay to have an abortion because of some terrible that happened to them. I think
adding to my essay will show a great side of prolife and prochoice when it comes to certain circ
Fisher, Brian. "Abortion and fatherhood -- a man's take." <i>Fox News</i>. FOX News
Network, 13 June 2013. Web. 30 July 2014.
Summary: This story in the news talks about a guy who is married and has four children. Before
he and his wife got married she had four abortions three of which with his consent. In this story
he talks about the guilt and sorrow he feels every day, it started to cause issues in their
relationship and eventually had to go to therapy for it.
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Evaluation: When we think about abortion the first thing that comes to mind are women. What
about the father to the child? Does he have a say? Are men emotionally and mentally affected by
the women who are caring their child and get an abortion?
Reflection: I want my audience to learn about the mens opinion on abortion. When I think about
abortion the first thing I think of is a woman and her choice if she is prolife or prochoice. But
what about the men, I think this will grab my audience attention and they will be interested to
hear what men think about abortion and how it has affected their lives.
"Men's views of abortion depend more on social class and circumstances than on fixed beliefs,
interviews reveal." <i></i>. University of Indianapolis, 9 Oct. 2012. Web. 27 July 2014.
Summary: Interviews of unmarried men living with female partners revealed that their
opinions on whether to terminate an unwanted pregnancy were more dependent on financial and
personal circumstances than on moral views about abortion. The interviews are statics of men
who do or do not choose abortion. It depends on their circumstances of money and relationship.
Evaluation: Not only do men have opinions on abortions but statistics show that their choices on
abortion are based on whether the pregnancy is unwanted or if they are financial stable. The
positive side to this perspective will bring a side no one really thinks about when you hear
abortions. The feedback responses that I have researched were men do not carry the child so they
dont get as much consent as the mother does.
Reflection: I am excited to research more about the male perspective of abortion. I think my
audience will be interested to see what men have to say on their thoughts and feelings of
abortion. Men dont have the same relation as the mother has with her child because men do not
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carry the children. I was surprise to see how emotional the men are about abortion and their
opinions. I think having a male perspective will help my essay be more interesting because it is
not original like religion, teen girl, or rape or incest.
Ralston, Podrebarac, Michelle, and Elizabeth Podrebarac. "Abortion Laws Around the World."
<i>Pew Research Centers Religion Public Life Project RSS</i>. N.p., 30 Sept. 2008. Web. 31
July 2014. &lt;
Summary: The report is about different countries and their laws and opinions on abortion. I
researched on Africa and it brought up multiple countries in Africa. In some countries abortion is
legal and other it is illegal. It brings up different cultures their beliefs, morals, and values about
Evaluation: What I liked about this I was able to see different opinions and points and views
from all over the world. I was able to see different beliefs other cultures have. It helped give me
a better understanding that where you live can play a big part on what your opinions. Different
cultures bring out different views and morals. Something that would be bad about putting this in
my essay is there are a lot of different cultures and countries. I dont want that to be my main
focus so I would have to narrow it down to one specific country.
Reflection: I think by adding another country and talking about their opinions and perspectives
on abortions will be good for my essay. I would like to compare the difference in opinion and
perspectives from their country to ours. I think it will open up my audiences eyes and they can
see how where you live can have a big impact on your beliefs and opinions.
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Reddy, Helen. "Surviving The Memories - A Mother's advice about having and raising a rape-
conceived child." Surviving The Memories - A Mother's advice about having and raising a rape-
conceived child. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Aug. 2014.
Summary: This is a blog of a woman who had been raped and decided to keep her baby girl.
She talks about the struggles the emotional struggles that came with the pregnancy and the life
after. She answers questions for other rape survivors who kept their babies. Helen talks about
why she decided to keep her baby girl and why she is grateful for that decision.
Evaluation: I really liked reading this blog; the author is realistic about rape and abortion, she
lets her readers know that it is not easy but worth it. She is honest about her opinion and shares
that sometimes she did think back and thought maybe abortion would be better. I liked how she
had it in the format of question and answer.
Reflection: I am going to share this story because the author does a good job of explaining her
reasons and is honest that it is scary. I think it brings out a great side that just because something
terrible happened to her doesnt mean something terrible should happen to her child. I will share
her thoughts about the struggles that come with keeping the baby but how the end result is good
and end happy.
Rukeyser, Muriel. My Abortion. My Life..N.p., 2014 Preterm - 12000 Shaker Boulevard,
Cleveland, OH 44120.1922. 22 July 2014. Site designed by Yurich Creative
Summary: This article talks about women of all sorts of ages and in different situations. They
go on to tell their story and why they had an abortion and their thoughts and feelings after the
abortions. The title is called My Abortion. My Life.
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Evaluation: After reading the stories of women who were raped it caught my attention and
wanted to hear about other women experiences. The views of these stories is prochoice women
have the right to make their own decisions. It is their body and life so why should I get to chose
what they should do for them?
Reflection: I think I am going to write my essay on the point of view of women who have
experienced abortion or considered. Another website I looked up talked about women choices to
have an abortion. I dont think women should be punished for a personal decision, but I
personally would never choose that for myself. I think women should have a choice. This
website talks more about women and their different situations and why or why not the chose
"The Overpopulation Myth & Abortion." <i>Over Population & Abortion</i>. N.p., n.d. Web.
31 July 2014. &lt;;.
Summary: This report talks about why abortion should be legal due to the fact of over
population. Although there are areas that are over populated does not mean the entire world is
over populated so we should turn to abortion to decrease that number. It brings up the fact that a
mother wouldnt abort a child because of her concern of over population.
Evaluation: I like that it brings up that people think abortion should be legal because of over
population. I would be surprised if any woman ever had an abortion for the sake of the planet,
or because of her concern for over-population. Many people think there is an over population.
Prochoice say abortion should be legal. They say this because crack mothers or children that will
be poor and homeless their whole life shouldnt have to leave like that so just abort them, we are
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overpopulated. The down side about bring this up is I dont think that is the biggest issue with
abortion. I think I could bring up better suggestions to keep my audience engaged.
Reflection: I wanted to look up other reasons for why people think abortion should be legal.
Over population came up, I dont think I will use this in my essay I may use some facts to back
up why people are prochoice but it will not be my main point. I dont want to get off topic about
over population though.
"Teen Abortion Issues." <i>Teen Abortion Issues</i>. N.p., 28 July 2014. Web. 30 July 2014.
Summary: I For sure knew I was keeping my baby. My parents were pushing me to get the
abortion, but I didnt want to. Also my boyfriend (who Im still with today) wanted me to get it
also. That even made me stronger to say Im keeping it. I didnt care what anyone said I was
keeping it. I fought tooth and nail for about a week, until he said he would leave. So I decided to
go through with it. That day was the worst day of my life.
Evaluation: Teen pregnancy is very common young girls who are pregnant are not financial
stable and most the time the couple does not stay together. In this story it takes about the point of
view from a teen girl whose parents and boyfriend want her to have an abortion but she does not.
In the end she gets the abortion and regrets it.
Reflection: I think a perspective from a young girl who does not want to have an abortion then
goes through with one and regrets it will grab my audience attention. This story will have my
audience thinking twice about what they would do if they are ever in this situation. I think this
will really make my audience think about how big a deal abortion really is and the ways it can
physically, emotionally, and ,mentally effect you.

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