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9th January, 2010
Recorded Delivery
Tracking Number: ___________________
Protagonist Name
Protagonist Address 2
Protagonist Address 3
Protagonist PostCode
Dear Sirs,
Notice of Default
Notice to !rinci"al i# Notice to $gent% Notice to $gent i# Notice to !rinci"al&
Regarding Reference: Reference or $ccount' your corre#"ondence dated ()t*
+anuary' ,--.&
Please read the folloing Noti!e thoroughly and !arefully "efore res#onding$ %t is a
noti!e$ %t informs you$ %t means hat it says$
Re: Notice of /ault of (-t* +anuary' ,--.&
&n 12th January, 2009 you re!ei'ed my a"o'e(referen!ed Noti!e of )ault$ Said
!orres#onden!e !ontained Noti!e re*uiring you to #resent s#e!ifi!ally demanded
e'iden!e as detailed in my original Noti!e and Demand$ Said e'iden!e as reasona"ly
demanded in order to 'erify any !laims you may ha'e against me$ +ou ere gi'en thirty
,30- additional days to #resent su!h e'iden!e, or to a"andon your !laims$ .his as in
addition to the thirty ,30- days granted "y my original Noti!e and Demand$
As you ha'e failed to #ro'ide the aforementioned do!umentation to 'alidate the !laim
ithin the thirty ,30- days re*uested in my last !orres#onden!e, you ha'e a"andoned
your !laim and e are no in agreement to, and ha'e a lafully "inding ta!it !ontra!t,
1$ .hat the de"t did not e/ist in the first #la!e0
2$ %t has already "een #aid in full0
3$ Any !ontra!t as 'oida"le from the start$
3$ .hat you a!!e#t lia"ility for any damages % suffer as a result of your a!tions0
4$ .hat any negati'e remar5s made to a !redit referen!e agen!y ha'e "een remo'ed
and that you ill so inform me ithin thirty ,30- days from the date you re!ei'e this
6$ +ou a"andon your !laim and ill #ursue this matter no further$
%n 5ee#ing ith !ourt rules and my a"undant sho of good faith in this matter, you are
here"y gi'en ten ,10- days ithin hi!h to dis#ute this Default "y #resenting any
reasona"le o"7e!tions you may ha'e$ %f su!h time ela#ses ithout res#onsi'e anser
from you, then all your rights to any !laim in this matter shall hereafter fore'er "e
e/tinguished0 any and all o"ligations % may ha'e had in this matter shall "e fore'er
dis!harged0 and this Default shall stand, ( res judicata$
% here"y demand that you mo'e to immediately !orre!t any li"el or slander hi!h you,
your agents or assigns may ha'e !ommitted against me and that you !ease and desist
from dis!losing false information a"out this a!!ount in future$ Alleging to anyone
hatsoe'er that this matter is !onne!ted ith a 'alid de"t hi!h might "e su"7e!t to
laful !olle!tion is false information$ +ou ha'e "een gi'en noti!e$ )ailure to !om#ly ill
"e e'iden!e of mali!ious a!tions against me and done ith full 5noledge$ )urther you
5no, or should 5no, that any attem#t on the #art of yoursel'es, or your agents and
assigns, to !reate a negati'e !redit re#ort in my name, or assign an alleged de"t in my
name ould and ill !onstitute li"el$
+our intention to !reate a negati'e !redit re#ort as indi!ated in your letter of 1st
January, 2009$ %f su!h a!tion as ta5en, in light of the a"o'e my name and re#utation has
"een damaged during the inter'ening #eriod and % ill !onsider my o#tions a!!ordingly$
% ill #resume silen!e to mean a!*uies!en!e in all these matters$
+ours sin!erely ithout ill(ill, 'e/ation or fri'olity,
User8 of the Signature family
Without any admission of any liability whatsoever, and with all Natural, Inalienable
Human Rights reserved.

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