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1 Complete the sentences with the correct word.

1. The girls play after school.

2. My brother rides his to school every day.
3. I send text on my phone.
4. My friends often to music.
. !e "ith friends on the computer.
#. I read a every night.
$. The boys play on the computer.
%. The children "ant to things at the shop.
&. !e go in the ocean every Tuesday.
1'.My sisters play the and I sing.
2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
Use the Present Simple affirmative.
1. (ynn )go* s"imming at four o+cloc, every day.
2. Terry )study* -rench at school.
3. I al"ays )ride* my bi,e in the afternoon.
4. !e often )play* games on the computer.
. .ou )"al,* home every day.
3 Look at the pictures. Then complete the sentences with the correct form
of the Saon !enitive.
baby is happy.
baby is sad.
Christina Irene
girls boys
The dogs are big.
The dogs are small.
car is blac,.
car is "hite.
" #rite the words in the correct order to make sentences.
1. a sho"er / I / in the evening / usually / have
2. bi,es / sometimes / ride / in the afternoon / My friends and I
3. al"ays / to "or, / My father / at eight o+cloc, / goes
4. have / at school / never / My friends and I / dinner
. My teacher / after school / often / students / helps
$ %ead about &se's school on an island near !erman(. Then tick ) * the sentences
T )true* or + )false*.
My name is 0se and I+m 1erman. I live on a small island and I go to a very
small school. 0ur class has got five students. 0ur teacher+s name is Mrs 2rauss.
Mrs 2rauss gives us different school"or, because "e are different ages. 3chool
starts at 4uarter to eight5 but I li,e coming early. 6t 4uarter to t"elve5 "e go home
and have a late brea,fast. !e stay at home for half an hour. In the afternoon5 "e go
to school again. 3chool finishes at t"o o+cloc, and "e go home for lunch.
1. 0se+s class is big.
2. 6ll the students do the same school"or,.
3. 0se usually goes to school before 4uarter to eight.
4. The students have brea,fast at school.
. 0se goes home at t"o o+cloc,.
Edward Jordan

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