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lrom Lhe Larly ?ears 1eam
uear arenLs,

We look forward Lo you [olnlng us ln Lhe 2014-2013 School ?ear!

All of us from Lhe Larly ?ears 1eam know LhaL we wlll have a very
exclLlng year wlLh your chlld/chlldren. We look forward Lo waLchlng
Lhem grow and develop as we provlde Lhem love and care away from

Warm regards,
kerrl McClade and Lhe Larly ?ears 1eam
uaycare CoordlnaLor
lnfanL and 1oddler Care servlces AlS-8 sLaff chlldren from blrLh-3yrs. kld
Care ls avallable aL 12:30 dally for Leachers who have chlldren ln Lhe
half-day rek & kg1 programs. SLaff chlldren ln kg2-Cr1 may [oln kld
Care afLer Lhelr regular school day whlch ends aL 2:43pm. MosL of our
careglvers have been wlLh Lhe program for 4-7 years. 1hey are
experlenced and knowledgeable careglvers who provlde greaL supporL
for each chlld. 1he ladles are creaLlve ln Lhelr search for age approprlaLe
acLlvlLles and games LhaL are lnLegraLed lnLo Lhelr dally rouLlnes maklng
Lhe program unlque and exclLlng! 1hey are young aL hearL, energeLlc,
hardworklng, happy women. 1hey are eager Lo esLabllsh a sLrong
parLnershlp wlLh parenLs and always lnvlLe open communlcaLlon. ?our
concerns are ours as well and we lnvlLe you Lo always share Lhem wlLh

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Ms. Clrlle, Ms. 8ose, Ms.
Ann, Ms. Mlchelle

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Ms. !oan, Ms. lrene, Ms.
Lanle, Ms. ChrlsLlne

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Ms. Annabel, Ms. !esslca

We are ready Lo provlde
your llLLle ones Lhe love
Lhey need and deserve
whlle you are aL work here
aL AlS-8.

We look forward Lo
meeLlng you ln AugusL!

Warm regards,
1he Larly ?ears 1eam

AlS-8's Larly
?ears 1eam
Cur uaycare rogram
So Much lun aL AlS-8

Words cannot express our gratitude and
admiration for Macys caregivers in the
nursery. They understand the
developmental needs of the little ones they
care for, and provide a stimulating
environment that cater to these needs.
Besides taking care of her basic needs,
Macys teachers are always interacting with
her; singing, dancing, talking and teaching
her throughout the day. They show an
incredible amount of kindness, patience,
and love for their profession and for the
little ones they care for.

Kristy & Chris Vande Voort
HS & ES Teachers

1eacher 1esLlmonlals
Our daughter attends the afterschool program at
AISR. Kidcare is one of her favorite times of the
day! The ladies that run Kidcare are amazing,
loving, fun, and take wonderful care of the kids.
We couldn't be happier to know that our daughter
is in excellent care while we are at work.

Amy & Chad Magnin
Grade Teacher & STEM Specialist
The child care at AIS-R is incomparable. My
daughter is loved and looked after by the
wonderful teachers in the infant program. Her
shrills of excitement when arriving in the morning
are priceless!

Shauna Thorton

The care for the babies here is the best I have ever
known. The ladies are wonderful and meet the needs
and more of each baby!

Jonalee Shappley
Grade 5 Teacher
I dropped my son off at Infant Care (The
Trailer) when he was only eight weeks old. As
I handed him over to Ms. Girlie that first day, I
shed my first tears and she reassured me with,
Itll be okay, Ms. Lindsay! That was the only
day I cried, because she was right: it was okay!
Even more than that, Infant Care was my
saving grace that first year with a new country,
new job, and new baby. We call the daycare
ladies the Trailer Mommies for a reason: they
hold our babies, sing, rock, and dance for
them, feed them things we can never get them
to eat, and more than anything, they truly love
our babies.
Both my daughter and son have now
experienced Toddler Care, and the ladies there
are equally as amazing as the Trailer
Mommies. Again, they do more than just
watch or take care of our kidsthey teach
them wonderful lessons every day, and they
love them. My son is still in Toddler Care, and
is excited to come to "school" every day. Both
Infant Care and Toddler Care have made me so
grateful of our decision to come to AIS-R.
Lindsay Lyon
HS English

Our Kidcare Kids

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