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Report for tutorial no 3

Date: 21
July 2014
Report by:
Kennneth Tan Tay Sir, 1205856
o !oon "on#, 12038$6
%&'T()T &" R(*&RT
Thi+ report i+ to ,e+-ribe the +ite .i+it /a,e to the e0i+tin# ,raina#e +y+te/ of Tun2u
3b,ul Rah/an Kuala 4u/pur -a/pu+ at Jalan 5entin# Klan#, Setapa2, Kuala 4u/pur6 Thi+ report
7ill the ob+er.ation+ /a,e on the -o/ponent+ an, layout of the ,raina#e +y+te/6
&8J(%T9:( &" R(*&RT
The ob;e-ti.e+ of thi+ report are:
i6 (0plain the prin-iple of ,raina#e
ii6 De+-ribe the ,raina#e +y+te/ at 1T3R
iii6 9llu+trate the ,raina#e layout at 1T3R
D3T( 3'D 4&%3T9&' &" S9T( :9S9T
Date 2160<62014
Ti/e 5615 *= to 5:45 *=
4o-ation 1T3R Setapa2
16 *rin-iple+ of ,raina#e
The ,raina#e +y+te/ /u+t be entirely ,i+-onne-te, fro/ the ,o/e+ti- 7ater +upply6
1n,er no -ir-u/+tan-e+ +houl, the 7ater +upply be-o/e liable to -onta/ination
either by -onta-t 7ith +e7a#e it+elf, or by the ab+orption of any #a+e+ that /i#ht
ari+e therefro/6
The 7hole of the ,rain+ an, their appurtenan-e+ /u+t, 7here po++ible, be +o
arran#e, a+ to be out+i,e all buil,in#+6 Thi+,, -an only be -o/plie, 7ith in a
/o,ifie, for/, a+ it i+ foun, ne-e++ary for the +a2e of -on.enien-e, to pla-e /any of
the fit/ent+ >a+ 7ater?-lo+et+, +in2+, bath+, @-6A u+e, in -onne-tion 7ith a ,raina#e
+y+te/, 7ithin the buil,in#6 The+e fit/ent+ +houl, be +o arran#e, a+ to be a,;a-ent
to an e0ternal 7all6 ou+e/ai,+B +in2+, 7ater?-lo+et+, @-6, are al+o preferably pla-e,
in an anne0e, 7ith a 7ell? .entilate, lobby +eparatin# the/ fro/ the /ain buil,in#6
!here internal +anitary fit/ent+ are u+e,, they /u+t in e.ery -a+e be -o/pletely
,i+-onne-te, fro/ the ,rain+, either by an of e0ternal air, or by the pa++a#e
of a -ontinuou+ -urrent of fre+h air at it+ ;un-tion 7ith the ,rain6
The ,o/e+ti- ,raina#e +y+te/ /u+t be ,efinitely -ut off fro/ the #eneral ,raina#e of
the ,i+tri-t, +o a+ to pre.ent the pa++a#e of +e7er air or forei#n /atter+ fro/ the lo-al
+e7er+ into the hou+e ,rain+6
(.ery pro.i+ion /u+t be /a,e for the -ir-ulation of a -ontinuou+ -urrent of fre+h air
throu#h all the ,rain+ -o/pri+e, 7ithin the +y+te/6
26 Draina#e +y+te/ at 1T3R
The ,raina#e +y+te/ in 1T3R if fra-tal in -onfi#urationC nu/erou+ lo7 -apa-ity
-hannel+ lo-ate, in hi#her altitu,e+ re-ei.e+ +tor/ 7ater fro/ a lar#e area an, fee,+
it ,o7n7ar, into pro#re++i.ely fe7er in nu/ber but hi#her -apa-ity -hannel+ to itB+
final ,e+tination
Roof #utter+:
i6 3li#n+ alon# the ,o7n7ar, e,#e of the roof+ of blo-2+ S3 to S" a+ 7ell a+
ii6 They -olle-t in-i,ent rain7ater, 7hi-h i+ ,ire-te, throu#h ,o7npipe+
ter/inatin# in #roun, le.el #utter+6
Retainin# 7all ,raina#e:
i6 They are pipe outlet+ that ,rain+ 7ater fro/ in+i,e of retainin# 7all+6
ii6 Stru-turally, they -on+i+t of per/eable ,rain pipe+ en-a+e, in a layer of
#ra.el that run+ alon# the in+i,e retainin# 7all an, outlet pipe+ bran-hin# out
fro/ it perio,i-ally that e/ptie+ it+ -ontent+ into the a,;a-ent #utter+6
iii6 Their purpo+e i+ to pre.ent 7ater fro/ retainin# behin, retainin# 7allC they
-oul, potentially -au+e +oil ero+ion if left unatten,e,6
Street #utter+:
i6 Re-ei.e+ +tor/ 7ater -olle-te, fro/ roof #utter+ an, retainin# 7all ,raina#e6
They, in turn -on.ey +tor/ 7ater into +tor/ ,rain+6
i6 The +tor/ ,rain net7or2 i+ interrupte, in re#ular by -at-hba+in+,
7hi-h lie+ at ;un-tion+ bet7een the #utter+ an, +tor/ ,rain+6
ii6 So/e of the hea.ier +e,i/ent an, +/all ob;e-t+ /ay +ettle in a -at-hba+in, or
+u/p, 7hi-h lie+ i//e,iately belo7 the outlet, 7here 7ater fro/ the top of
the -at-hba+in re+er.oir o.erflo7+ into the +tor/ ,rain proper6 The
-at-hba+in +er.e+ /u-h the +a/e fun-tion a+ the DtrapD in hou+ehol,
7a+te7ater plu/bin# in trappin# ob;e-t+6
iii6 The -at-hba+in+ are re#ularly -leare, of +e,i/ent+ to en+ure that they
-ontnue to fun-tion opti/ally
i6 3 -ul.ert i+ a -lo+e, -on,uit 7ho+e purpo+e i+ to -on.ey +urfa-e 7ater un,er
a roa,7ay, railroa, or other i/pe,i/ent6 9t /ay ha.e one or t7o inlet+
-onne-te, to it to -on.ey ,raina#e to /e,ian area6
ii6 3t +e.eral point the +tor/ ,rain+ are interrupte, by -ul.ert+ 7here it i+
ne-e++ary to pa++ baneath roa,+6
Stor/ -hannel+
i6 The +tor/ ,rain+ ter/inate, in a +in#le lar#e open air -on-rete -hannel that
+tret-h+ fro/ near the par2in# lot in front of 8lo-2 S3 an, e0ite, into a
-ul.ert beneath the /ain roa, near the entry7ay #uar, po+t, 7here it
pro-ee,+ on7ar, to a 7ater treat/ent plant6
ii6 8oth en, of the -hannel are prote-te, by 7in#7all+ that a-te, a+ retainin#
7all for the +lope+ 7here the -hannel ter/inate+C to pre.ent +oil ero+ion6
43E&1T SK(T%
See atta-he, ,o-u/ent+6
State 7hat i+ the learnin# le++on a-hie.e, here6

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