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CNS depressants slow down, or depress brain activity.

Makes it difcult to access the cognitive part of the

brain. Also acts as a disinhibitor, which may cause you to act socially inappropriate.

Introduction to CNS Depressants
Why are CNS depressants problematic?
Usually prescribed by a physician. !
Narrow margin of safety. !
Not tolerant of misuse and so they must be managed closely. !

Introduction to CNS Depressants (continued)
Why are CNS depressants problematic?
Synergism !
Lack of awareness !

The History of CNS Depressants
Bromides were introduced to treat nervousness and anxiety in the 1800s.
In the early 1900s, bromides were replaced with barbiturates.
Initially heralded as safe and effective. !
Problems with tolerance, dependence, and safety become apparent. !

The History of CNS Depressants (continued)
In the 1950s the rst benzodiazepines were marketed as substitutes for barbiturates.
Relatively safe when used for short periods. !
Long-term use can cause dependence and withdrawal problems. !

The History of CNS Depressants (continued)
Benzodiazepines were routinely prescribed for stress, anxiety, or apprehension.
As medical community became aware of the problem, use of depressants declined.

The Effects of CNS Depressants
CNS depressants reduce CNS activity and diminish the brain's level of awareness.

The Effects of CNS Depressants (continued)
Sedatives cause mild depression and relaxation.
Anxiolytics: drugs that receive anxiety. !
Hypnotics induce drowsiness and encourage sleep.
Amnesiac effects can cause the loss of memory. !

The Effects of CNS Depressants (continued)
The same drug can cause different effects based on dose.
Low dose (sedatives: relieve anxiety and promote relaxation) !
Higher doses (hypnotics: can cause drowsiness and promote sleep) !
Even higher doses (anesthetics: can cause anesthesia and are used for patient management during !

Types of CNS Depressants
Benzodiazepines: Valium-Type Drugs
Prescribed for anxiety and sleep. !

Types of CNS Depressants (continued)
Mechanisms of action for benzodiazepine.
Limbic system !
Motor cortex !

Types of CNS Depressants (continued)
Short-acting; long-acting

Patterns of Abuse with CNS Depressants (continued)
Detoxication: the elimination of a toxic substance, such as a drug, and it's effects.
Those who encounter regular stress are more like to abuse CNS depressants.

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